I’m not sure if DougJ has covered her already, but a commenter shared this with me, so I wanted to front page it because, well HELL YEAH! She petitioned the FEC to allow funds raised to cover child care. I’ll let her tell the story:
She’s taking on Peter King. Daunting, but she sure seems up to the task. Here’s her campaign page.
Please FSM, I’ve been a good girl this year. So has she. Let her take out the despicable Peter King. We so need more like her running. And if the gods agree, winning.
Felanius Kootea
Love this. I hope she has a shot at winning the seat but the FEC ruling on childcare for candidates who are parents is already a win!
TaMara (HFG)
@Felanius Kootea: That’s what I thought, too. Can you imagine what she could do in congress.
Another Scott
Excellent. Thanks for the pointer.
@Another Scott: Thanks for helping her pay for child care. I assume once she’s in Congress, they have paid child care there. Or they will when she gets through with them.
Hellova good campaign video. Here’s wishing Peter King many sleepless nights between now and November.
zhena gogolia
Really good video. I also love this one from Jahana Hayes (CT). The seat has been blue but is vulnerable this year:
Without even being elected she’s already changed the game. Sure hope she wins!
Watch out for the One Nation PAC. It’s running some seriously skeevy, borderline slanderous ads against Joe Donnelly here and I assume other vulnerable Senate Dems elsewhere.
Emptywheel’s explanation is so convoluted , I did not really get it. Writing clearly is hard and I have trouble with it myself, so I feel bad crticizing someone for it, but that post went right over my head.
Mary G
Love a positive ad that also throws shade on the opponent. Really inspiring woman, and Peter King is disgusting as fuck. Sent her a tiny donation, but every little bit helps.
Wow. I’m in.
Wow. Imagining a House where the insurgents look like this, and send the teabagging ratfuck criminals and their grift train to the showers.
OneNation is a Karl Rove-run org. Need to know more?
Lisa in Baja
Here in Alabama, we have received approval from the state Ethics Commission to use state campaign funds for child care. This was the effort of a candidate I’m supporting, Dr. Jenn Gray. She is an Emerge alum and a tireless advocate. Here’s a Vice article that includes her: https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/kzyyea/these-female-candidates-are-fighting-for-the-right-to-use-campaign-funds-for-child-care
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Now that’s a GREAT campaign ad!