Tom MacArthur is a real piece of shit and you can watch his constituents yell at him here. His Democratic opponent, Andy Kim looks great.
Andy Kim is looking to unseat independently wealthy former insurance company CEO and two term Congressman Tom MacArthur in NJ-3. They are currently tied in recent polling.
Did I mention Tom’s rich? He spent $5 mil of his own money to win this seat in 2014. Republican PACs are already airing attack ads on Andy.
We are in the Philadelphia media market, which is expensive.
You know what to do.
McArthur’s likely voter numbers are melting, in the rain,
the sweet green icing flowing down….
You’re an evil man, DougJ, and we love you for it.
Weird song, but I like Donna Summer’s version.
Mary G
Kicked in $5/month. Started to watch the town hall, where he had them start by reciting the pledge of allegiance, then saw it was two hours long and gave up. Do all politicians do that? Feels like he’s treating them as children.
Thanks Doug!
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Skip to about 29 minutes in. You won’t regret it.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, cause it took so long to bake it, and I’ll never get that damn song out of my head all da-a-a-ay!
These folks taping one another
Dylan Howard, the company’s chief content officer, who is also said to be cooperating, was known to have a recording device in his office,
— Adam Goldman (@adamgoldmanNYT) August 23, 2018
@Mary G: The Pledge of A is Patriotic Theater, IMHO. It impresses the ones who are GOP/Curious/Fox “news”/occasionally.
I find it insulting. I prove my patriotism by being a good citizen, not by repeating a jingoistic oath.
@Mary G:
The guy who wrote it is a genius but it’s one of this stranger efforts.
I have come to the conclusion that I have either one very large screw loose, or many small ones, because …
When I read the post title, my word association football “mind” jumped to Richard Harris as “The Singing Wizard,” and thinking it was a good thing Michael Gambon was able to step into that role so smoothly, no skin disease required.
I only wish I had the excuse of having ingested too many hallucinogens or other mind-altering substances. Alas, ’tis not the case.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Dave Barry rated that the worst song ever written. What the hell does it mean?
Amir Khalid
My own favourite version will always be Weird Al’s.
Amir Khalid
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
If the music ,moves you, the words don’t actually have to mean anything.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Dave is apparently not familiar with “I’ve Never Been To Me” by Melanie.
@Amir Khalid: Hence, the Bee Gee’s!
The Heebeegeebee’s Meaningless Songs
The golden rays of golden sun
Fall on your golden hair
And I brush aside the golden sheet
And see you golden there
And I wonder what you and I
Are going to do all day
But I can’t think of anything
I want to do or say
And so I’ll have to do what I did yesterday
And sing you
Meaningless songs in very high voices
With a thousand violins
Meaningless songs in very high voices
In a pair of tight gold jeans
Meaningless songs in very high voices
And Ah!… whatever that mean
My dad worked for an insurer that in his view shifted from edgy to criminal with regard to IRS/tax compliance while he was working there. Once he was pretty sure they were breaking the law, he recorded everything. He spent years documenting everything. Recorded conversations with company officers, kept hardcopies of everything, contemporaneous notes, etc. When he had enough, he called up the IRS, handed it over, and retired.
Always look out for #1.
The world is very very large
And butter is better than marge
And love is better than hate
The world is very very big
And bacon comes from a pig
But it’s you I really want on my plate
So I’ll sing you
Meaningless songs in very high voices
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Dave Barry rated that the worst song ever written. What the hell does it mean?
I’m a big fan, I like Summer’s version but the original can’t be duplicated, its so corny with Richard Harris hamming it up. Here’s a link to Jimmy Webb (songwriter) commenting on the meanings of the song.
When we were planning our wedding, I jokingly said to my wife that I wanted Macarthur Park as our last song (she selected the first song, I got last). She told me without a hint of humor that there would be no wedding if that were the case, she hates that song so much.
@rikyrah: Duh, chief content officer for a tabloid has a recording device in his office. He’s basically the guy who determines how much they are going to pay for the stories people bring in, of course he wants everything on tape.
@Mary G:
Thank you
@Amir Khalid: David Byrne approves of this opinion.