The next time a reporter stops Graham to comment on something, he should be questioned closely and fearlessly about what has caused him to “flip” toward Trump.
— Jonathan Alter (@jonathanalter) August 25, 2018
Sen. Lindsay Graham: “I cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump.” May 6, 2016
What happened to Lindsay Graham’s conscience?
— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) August 25, 2018
There’s been speculation on Political Twitter all week: Why has Senator Graham suddenly reversed himself regarding the Oval Office Occupant? Is it just that Graham knows he’s losing his Senatorial soulmate and foreign-policy twin? Has he lost heart at the realization that Trump is going to treat McCain’s death as one more self-dealing opportunity?
Or — since we know Graham’s emails were hacked months ago — did the GRU decide it was a propitious time to remind him what they knew?
Every reporter must now ask @LindseyGrahamSC if he still believes in the standard he set for removing a president in the impeachment of Bill Clinton
— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) August 22, 2018
GRAHAM: "I don't know how much you can expect President Trump to know about his business practices before he signed on. But I do believe that if the government knew Manafort was a shady character they should have told the Trump campaign…"
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) August 21, 2018
Lindsey Graham, 2017: "If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."
Lindsey Graham, 2018: “The president’s entitled to an attorney general he has faith in … and I think there will come a time sooner rather than later where it will be time to have a new face…"
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) August 24, 2018
@TheRickWilson Poor Lindsey.
— Mitchell Ivers (@MitchellIvers) August 22, 2018
Every appearance has the affect of a hostage video now.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 24, 2018
One thing I've found interesting about Lindsey Graham:
While he appears to be a Trump sycophant, he has frequently checked Trump's worst impulses quite cleverly by playing Trump like a fiddle in the media.
He seems to get how Trump's narcissism works.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 23, 2018
Both are smart ways to steer a narc without appearing to have your hands on the wheel.
The latter of the two "I expect he will…but he shouldn't." also draws media attention to a topic which then prompts backlash from other corners without Graham being a harsh scold himself.
3/— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 23, 2018
There are a few elected officials who seem to get Trump's profoundly dysfunctional way of thinking.
Graham is one of them.
Ironically, people only see the words and then jump on Graham's back thinking he's a total Trump ally… and that helps Graham pull it off.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 23, 2018
Goodness this post posted at the most interesting time..
Mike in NC
News reports McCain died.
The Russians hacked and gave the information to the DON. Now that McCain has died, maybe he’ll rethink his ways. Nah..
Won’t happen.
He was a POW.
He saved the ACA.
That’s about it from me.
Bet Trump promised Graham could be the next AG.
Need new OT: McCain died.
@Baud: He sold his soul in pursuit of power when he didn’t repeatedly smash Karl Rove’s face into a concrete wall for the slanders Rove promulgated against McCain’s adopted daughter.
The two moments that were so McCain was when he corrected the supporter in the audience about President Obama, and the second was pacing behind Obama during a debate looking for Mr. Puddles.
May he r.i.p.
@Gravenstone: There’s a reason I stopped where I did.
@Baud: Condolences to his family, and as always I thank him for his service.
That’s all I’ve got. No more, no less
Graham lives in a big fucking closet. Who knows what’s in there…
Oh and on topic…after hearing McCain was ending treatment and entereing hospice, my first thought was def sadness for his family, but the other was…thinking to myself if the iminent death of his “good friend” would give Lindsey back him spine, or at least get him to sack up and stop kissing that jackass Trump’s azz…but ….
Chet Murthy
Re John McCain: It’s a pity that in 2017 and 2018, when he knew his day of judgement was coming, that he couldn’t take the few minutes it would have required, to ensure that the five years of honorable sacrifice, courage, and bravery in the face of torture, that he endured for his Republic, weren’t to be in vain. I feel pity for him.
@lamh36: Tire swing journalists are going to has a big sad now.
May he RIP.
@Baud: Yup. Can’t forgive him for cynically mainstreaming white supremacy & xenophobia into presidential politics.
From previous thread.
John McCain, rest in peace. He could have been a greater political figure, but is a giant compared to Trump.
Earlier, I watched a video of the point in the 2008 campaign where he refused to indulge the fear and bigotry of a couple of supporters who insisted that Obama was not American.
McCain’s mother is still with us and is 106 years old.
ETA. Fuck Trump for the inevitable lame comment on McCain.
Fuck Lindsey Graham, too
Chet Murthy
@Chet Murthy: “few minutes” b/c “I’m caucusing with the Dems for the good of the country” is …. 15 secs. Followed by a few minutes’ time for consequential votes. Maybe an hour total, tops. B/c when you know what your vote is, you don’t need to participate in *any* debates.
@Baud: @Baud:
Yep…it’s why I’ma take a brief break from twitter cause the fakers are out already…and the reporters so far look like they personally lost their grandfather.
If you weren’t a complete fan of the man, it’s gonna be pretty eye roll inducing.
Dedicated McCain thread up.
What happens to McCain’s seat now?
Roger Moore
John McCain spent his entire adult live in public service. I can disagree with the quality of that service while still recognizing it as something to be emulated.
Obviously, Graham is deeply upset about losing his Senate pal. I didn’t much agree with McCain on policy but he was a much more honorable man than Lindsay Graham has ever been and willing to work across policy lines.
There is no longer any Republican Senator left who has anything like the stature of McCain. They are all ideological drones.
In that Hoarse Whisperer thread, there’s a comment that “[. . .] Lindsey is still in closet. Russia knows this. He had to jump onto the Trump Train To Nowhere or risk being outed.”
Question: Can you really be said to be “in the closet” if some huge percentage of the country is openly talking about your being gay? (Whether or not you are in fact gay.) Or is this discussed only on obscure, almost top 10,000 blogs?
@Roger Moore:
Funny. If McCain were a Democrat, this would be a big negative. He never ran a business, etc.
randal m sexton
He was a pow,
He did save a bit of the ACA,
He took that mike away from the crazy lady that one time and said obama was a patriot.
James E Powell
I don’t get it. Cf. Kevin Spacey.
I don’t think I can tell because I don’t travel in the circles where a person being gay is of any consequence. Does he have career aspirations that he believes would be harmed? What could those be? I can see him getting a cabinet post, but the White House and supreme court are out of reach for him.
hells littlest angel
He seems to get how Trump’s narcissism works.
Oh, Lindsey just knows how to please a man.
hells littlest angel
@Steeplejack: Well, there’s something he wants to keep secret. Maybe his boyfriend is of a dusky hue.
Mike in DC
I don’t know what they have on Sen
Graham. He might be gay, or he might be trying to stave off primary challenges. Whatever the case, he has damaged a carefully cultivated image as a fair and independent minded politician who tells it like it is, however fictional that image might have been, its gone now.
Jay Noble
Don’t really pay attention to Graham, but a couple of recent pics of him seemed – off. His faced looked puffy or just not quite healthy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
This, I do wonder how much is the GoP just playing Trump. I mean heck the Democrats did that once already. Being a skilled liar is a cornerstone of democracy and, well congress critters are successful politicians in a democracy and Trump really isn’t.
@Platonailedit: Two words: Sarah Palin.
GWB used racism to win a primary by attacking McCain and his daughter, suggesting she was illegitimate and secret. Bush will show up at the funeral like the sociopathic hypocritical cynic he is, and the press will lie about his dignified presence and how much better and more popular than Trump, as though that makes him any good.
Bill Arnold
Could also be something, or multiple somethings, that was/were in David Pecker’s Safe:
What Other Dirt Is in David Pecker’s Safe?
Do people trying to shut down the Mueller investigation understand the scale of the leaks that would result as a last resort? I’m talking The Last Wave [0] vs the Republican Party. With potentially very severe collateral damage.
[0] (Peter Weir’s classic.)
That counterpoint just seems like more point to me. If Lindsey Graham really is trying to sneakily manipulate Trump into not doing horrible things in the way described, it would mean that 1) his apparent support of Trump is insincere, and 2) he doesn’t, for some reason, express that lack of support openly, even though he absolutely could. Both points that are cornerstones of the “he’s being blackmailed” hypothesis.
Also, it hadn’t occurred to me he might be worried about blackmail for being gay; that would be poignant if true, but given his job surely some financial/criminal shenanigans are as likely, no?