Trump asked for his current social media follower total and then bemoaned when platforms kick off bots: "I can tell you when things are different all of a sudden you lose people. And you say where do they go? They've taken off."
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) August 29, 2018
And, to be clear, often trying to make claims on background about himself with tenuous factual basis
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) August 29, 2018
That story about China hacking Clinton's emails was based on … wait for it … anonymous sources:
— Blake Hounshell (powered by blockchain) (@blakehounshell) August 29, 2018
Putin isn’t shirtless in any of his new vacation photos and it’s like everything is changing so fast these days
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) August 28, 2018
Possibly of use to those with Twitter accounts:
“Celebrate your independence by unfollowing ? and following @UnfollowTrump instead (@UnfollowVP too!) See all tweets, even deleted ones, even if you're blocked, without giving him the benefit of another follower. Spread the word!”
— bethj (@bethjudge316) August 29, 2018
Playing wingman for Putin? I hope China tweets a withering response.
Huh. Checking that @UnfollowTrump (which I will be following), I see he’s been setting up China for more than just the server? How long until China is blamed for the cold Big Mac he had for breakfast?
China can probably legitimately claim, “Well, we made Hillary’s server, we just didn’t hack it.”
Trump’s “Much classified information!” seems odd, even for him.
Ted Cruz is the LAST person who should be trying to shame someone w/uncoolness
U.S. is denying passports to Americans along the border, throwing their citizenship into question
They’re coming for everyone.
Why exactly would I want to follow Trump’s tweets, either directly or via some repeater account? I mean, if he says something particularly stupid/evil, it’ll get widely reported and I’ll see it, and I don’t have to expose myself to the daily deluge of self-aggrandizing crap.
I like how Haberman is pretending Trump doesn’t pretend to be a background or anonymous source on himself to her, which she then directly copies out via twitter or an article in the NYT.
I want to see the ones that are deleted. I’m not on Twitter enough to be able to see them.
So Haberman gave up twitter a few weeks ago, but has sent out 22 tweets in the past 24 hours?
I’m deeply concerned that this might lead to a credibility problem for our stenographer.
if by like you mean “I want to see Haberman burned alive at the stake still screaming “what about her emails!” then I’m right there with you.
Thoughts and prayers.
FYI: This was another Chuckles segment
@TenguPhule: Not burned at the stake, but I’d take tarred and feathered.
Jesus Christ, MAGA Haberman, get something right–it’s HAMILL, not ‘Hammill’, PETE HAMILL, and he’s five times the reporter right now in his 80s, than you’ll ever be in your best dreams.
It must be after five somewhere.
Major Major Major Major
This feels like a bug instead of a feature.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Two clicks this side of “Why is Gillum playing the race card against DeStantis?”
Do I really have to say good for Michael Steele? I guess I do
@Major Major Major Major:
The traditional reward for a job well done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
“Gonna need a bigger enema!”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also, there’s an audioclip being played on MSNBC of “John Barron” telling People magazine that that Madonna person is desperate to get a date with Donald trump.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, well played (literally, but anyway).
Roger Moore
I appreciate the Haberman tweets about Trump trying to place anonymous quotes, but they’d be a lot better coming from a reporter who didn’t spend quite so much time repeating what she heard from anonymous sources within the administration.
At least he didn’t launch into an explanation about how there is water all around Puerto Rico.
That’s a lot of stenographerin’ Maggie did there. “Tenuous factual basis” is sure a fine way to say lie.
Mary G
@TenguPhule: The avocation of violence in this comment is disturbing as fuck. I like you and don’t want to pie you, but
is way, way, way over the line. We aren’t white supremacists.
A Ghost To Most
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Don John Barron and the Shit Hitlers could be a band name.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
there was some angst last week that showed that trump’s approval had shot up to a juggernautical 46%. This was two days after a national poll (Gallup, IIRC) was at 38%. Anyway:
USA Today/Suffolk U.
BTW, who or what is Brawndo? Other than Queen Liz II’s pronunciation of Marlon’s surname.
C. Isaac
@NotMax: Reference to the movie Idiocracy.
It’s a product that is used to replace water due to a marketing campaign, causing crop failures, because everyone in a dystopian future is an idiot because the smart people stop having kids.
@NotMax: The movie equivalent of Gaterade with more salt.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There’s that number again.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
I read this article about True Pundit Thomas Paine being revealed as a ex-journo with a grudge. It looks to me like he may have been ground zero for the China hacked Hillary’s Server nonsense.
@Leto: Yes, this is DOJ and DHS putting the squeeze on State to enforce the Trump political appointees racist policies.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, that number will always be there nationally. Much higher in some areas and almost absent in other areas but persistent for the last 10 years anyway
@dmsilev: Late though it is, do you have a newsletter?
@C. Isaac: And, its worth pointing out, even in that movie the President cared more about his people than the Orange One could possibly fathom. Seriously, I’d take President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho over Trump any day.