Adam was kind enough to post this last week. I’m not going to be able to make it myself, but who else in the Boston area is up for a get together this weekend?
Mostly lurker, occasional commenter, Big R will be in Boston over Labor Day weekend for the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting – doing business as the largest cattle call of polisci geeks in the known universe (trust me, it’s a cattle call!!!) – and would like to meet up with the Balloon Juice greater Boston area cadre. Here’s the details he sent along:
My schedule is fairly light; I have a teaching mini-conference on 8/29, I present on 9/2, and I have a few interviews lined up here and there. If BJ readers wanted to get together for a meal and/or a drink, I would be delighted to join them. If nobody wants to meet my lurker tuchos, then my feelings won’t be hurt.
Anyone from the greater Boston area cadre interested, please sound off in the comments. And I’m sure Big R would be greatly appreciative of recommendations about where to hold the meet up. I personally stopped going to APSA years ago for personal reasons, but the last time they held it in Boston and I was in attendance (early 00s), they held the meeting at the convention center and all the conference hotels were in close proximity. So unless Big R says otherwise in the comments, that’s where he’ll be most of the time.
So the story to date is that Big R prefers Saturday night around 7:30 ( I’d vote for earlier myself) near Hynes Convention center. Let the restaurant recommending commence!
Oh, and please speak up if you’re coming.
I would like to come. But all my recommendations would be Beacon Hill to North Station…. For example, Kinsale at Government center has the space and big tables for a gathering …
But I am sure there are places closer to Hynes in the Berklee and Northeastern areas….
Lucky’s Lounge, corner of A Street and Congress. Trust me.
Im so craving a chickpea fritter from Clover Food Lab right now. Wicked Pissah Craving.
Take the redline to Davis Square and eat at red bones!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I want my God damned meetup in Washington, damn it! When the hell is somebody going to get on the ball here, anyway? Do I have to do everything myself? Jeez…
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Washington DC? (or NoVA?) IN!
btw folks just waiting for the next open thread…Trumpov Foundation’s request to dismiss is a hoot…
two of us happy to go..we would suggest place near the Hynes if that is the convention center you are using..This sounds very last minute so please settle for someplace soon.
I checked with Summer Shack: they seem affordable, close, and the menu has enough variety in case you hate seafood. We can get a table for 7:15. Are we in?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Hey, I was there for a meetup last year, and it was well attended too. Didn’t you come,?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Some thought of doing a meetup the weekend of September 15-16. Saturday and Sunday. Could probably do something Friday night, September 14, too, if that’s preferable.
MattF and I are both attending the Small Press Expo in North Bethesda (White Flint Metro station). Why don’t we do a meetup in connection with that?
Let’s get this thing organized! And I recommend the expo. Not expensive to attend, and fascinating to see the creativity.
@Jeffro: You save the date for the DC area meetup too. Does September 14, 15, or 16 work for you?
Since we’re talking possible meet-ups, I’ll be in Milwaukee from October 25th through the 29th, although my plane leaves at 9:20 that Monday.
Doubling the recommend for Summer Shack. It’s large, very close to the convention center, the food is good, and you can eat quite reasonably or spend a sh*t-ton of money. Note: if something is on the chalkboard without a price, it is expensive. As long as no one has a seafood allergy bad enough that they can be near it (it’s an open kitchen place).
Damn damn damn. And me with nothing but time on my hands, house- and wheelchair-bound. Never been to a bad meetup.
Wherever you go, order extra appetizers for mrs efg and me.
Have a great time! I am on the Cape for the weekend, so cannot be there.
Tenar Arha
@lahke: I’m in. Summer Shack ?
@efgoldman: Hmmmm. Meetup at efg’s one of these days! We can come to YOU!
@Tenar Arha Summer Shack is ok with me. @ 7:15 on Saturday ( in Boston ).
Okay, we’re on at the Summer Shack at 50 Dalton Stress at 7:15. I’ll start looking for green balloons.
Sorry to miss you and your wife, efg–its always a hoot when you can come.
Tom Levenson
Alas. Can’t make it; already committed to a must-go event.
@Elizabelle: Whew…that is a toughie…I can make it to brunch or lunch on Sunday the 16th, but that is a crazy-busy weekend otherwise. Please keep me posted on how it shakes out. Sooner or later, the stars will align!
You jole, but we have a big back yard BBQ ev3ry summer that started out in…..1995? as daughter’s eighth-grade graduation party. She and her friends now approaching 40 with kids of their own.
Phooey! I won’t make it to Boston until the 16th. I’ll gladly steal restaurant ideas from this thread, though!
Summer shack 715 Saturday x2 it is.
I hope to make it. I have been out of touch due to my father having a stroke a few weeks ago. His recovery was going well but hit some tough patches recently. I hope he is feeling well enough for me to meet some actual Balloon Juice humans.
is it tuchas? or tuchus? or tuchos? assume latter as I am of the irish variety but not in Boston. Have fun!
@hugely: Remember that it’s a transliteration, but I was always taught tuchis.
I have conferred with the powers that be, and it looks like I’ll be there, MBTA willing…