Apparently the Koch brothers network unleashed a massive denial of service attack on the blog right after I posted this yesterday, which is why the blog was down most of yesterday. They can’t stop us, though — I’m posting it again.
Tony Evers is running against Scott Walker. Fuck Scott Walker. What more can I say?
Top billing. I can run this one as long as you want with whatever goal you want, because giving here might feel a lot like retail therapy. And this one’s super important, since the governor has a say over the new Congressional and state legislature districts.
I’m naive and stupid. Did Koch Bros people really do attack the site?
This title is on point and can’t argue with it.
I gave yesterday and I am glad to see you’re still trying!
Adam L Silverman
@Doug!: OT: Did you get the email I sent you yesterday?
Anonymous At Work
Since we are liberals, we can both understand the possibility but will demand a white paper with proof, footnotes and analytical models to be debated.
Adam L Silverman
@YaBigDummy: No. No, they did not.
Mary G
I’m finally back on Balloon Juice after 24 hours of rejection! I learned some bad things about myself and apologize to Betty and Cheryl for whining to them on Twitter. Donated to make amends.
@Adam L Silverman:
Prove it.
And don’t try to pull that “You can’t prove a negative” BS. Trey Gowdy and Darrell Issa weren’t not able to prove that Hitlary didn’t not coordinate the Moooslim attacks on Benghaziiii!!!!!, which she used to silence Chris Stevens, the only remaining witness of her murder of Vince Foster. Or not. I think.
@Adam L Silverman:
This is just what the Deep Balloon Juice wants you to think. Q-Alain has a video about the CDN debacle that when you play it backwards says “Koch be playin'” in Esperanto. Embrace the truthiness.
Conspiracy theories aside, Walker needs to join Ryan on the Conservative Dole in January. Give!
@Adam L Silverman:
Let me check….
Umm, it’s actually “Paul is dead. Miss him, miss him, miss him.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Just read it. Thanks for catching that!
Ahhh, my lurk addiction is satisfied. My Balloon Juice link finally works!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Adam L Silverman
@Doug!: De nada.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Adam L Silverman: OK, I’m slightly reassured. But now thinking that DOS attacks are potentially a big part of the Russian strategy for Election Day.
Hello, my name is dexwood and I am a Balloon juice junkie… ah, it’s back. Never mind, gimmee another hit.
Amir Khalid
Yesterday without Balloon Juice was hard for me too. Luckily, I have three electric guitars and a cat.
Adam L Silverman
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: My understanding, and please remember I’m not a techie, is that this was a problem in the way the site was set up that is on Alain’s list of things to fix going forward. Apparently it went from something that needed to be proactively fixed to prevent a problem to actually being a problem much faster than expected. It was not a denial of service attack on the blog.
As for election day Russian cyberwarfare concerns. I think we’ll see what we’ve been seeing since 2014 – continued spread of misinformation and disinformation, trolling, attempts to present as on both sides of divisive issues to enflame them further, attempts to use sockpuppets to try to discourage voting, things like that.
@Amir Khalid: Acoustic cat?
The Dangerman
@Adam L Silverman:
It was the Ice Cream State (we’ve been scooped).
If you can trace the IP address of the corksuckers that launched this DDOS attack, why can’t you file a criminal complaint against them? Sorry that I am so ignorant about this…
Cheryl from Maryland
Donated. Thanks, DougJ.
Fuck Scotty Walker, go Tony Evans… From Wauwatosa, remember us “Gov.” Walker?
Major Major Major Major
@Zinsky: it wasn’t an attack, DOS or otherwise. Misconfigured certificate.
@Amir Khalid: Three cats would be more comforting. They’re helpful even when the electricity goes out.
@SFAW: I think Bigfoot picked up Elvis in his UFO and they are hiding out with Andy Kaufman in Loch Ness.
Bruce K
@SFAW: Odd; when I did my analysis, what came out was either “Go to church, say your prayers” or “No matter how thin you slice it, it’s still bologna”, depending on what filter I was using.
@Amir Khalid: Better than three electric cats and a guitar?
@Major Major Major Major: Oh sorry, I didn’t read enough of the comments.
Yea I wondered where the DOS attack came from. Couldn’t log in most yesterday afternoon & evening.
Karma needs to be swift with these assholes.
Fuck Dick and Liz Uihlein and their 26 million dollar donations to Walker, Roy Moore, and bigoted anti-trans Jeanne Ives.
@Mary G: Patience: it is not natural, and requires constant practice.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m a bit out of touch: which font are we using for the “Not intended to be a factual statement” indicator nowadays?
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: It was posted on FaceBook.
Don’t make the font a thing. Just put sarcasm tags at the end of your real or attempted humor. //
@Omnes Omnibus: Well no wonder I didn’t see it.
@Steeplejack: I INSIST THE FONT BE “A THING”!!
Stick with the caps. That’s your signature move.
Bill Arnold
@Major Major Major Major:
That is what is called a “fat finger attack”.
Do we have edit back yet? I’m really missing it; the number of links (spider food!) has gone way down as a consequence.
Wiki: “a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet. Denial of service is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled”.
Never heard of such a thing until this morning. That definiteion also serves as a perfectly apt description of the modus operandi of the republican party when in political control of government. And any government agency, too, state or federal. Republicans twist the John Lennon lyric inside out, and sing it backwards: “I tell them there’s no solutions, only problems”.
Okay, that’s too much.
A fan of Captain Beefheart, are ya know? (I hope so – too few of us for my liking.)
Errr, ‘now’ not ‘know’
P.S. Fuck Scott Walker, indeed. Motherfucker and his paymasters and his minions have done a very good job of wrecking the state of my wonder years (and my family’s current environs).
I’ma just have a salad, thanks.
@Amir Khalid: Way OT: I got to see a Malaysia visa today at work. All the pretty colours! And a cool black light design. Thought of you as I was working with it.
@Steeplejack: CROUTONS?!!??@!???
Maybe just some nitrite-laden bacon bits?
Okay, I’ll leave peacefully. [Backs away slowly, avoiding eye contact.]
But I ordered an ice cream sundae.
On a more serious note, Dems need to push absentee voting like rabid dogs. Russian can and will do something bad to us. Paper ballots made before the day they target us can only be a good thing. And if I’m being paranoid and everything is fine? (Narrator: Everything is not fine), then it frees people us to drive excuse-mongers to the polls.
Why are you bleeding motor oil then?
oops. Sorry about the typos
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Are we doing anything in kind?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Yes, we’re screwing with the Russian elections so Putin wins by only 90% instead of 95%. Take that, Russkie bastards!
I’m kidding about the Koch brothers network.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I was being serious. I think we should absolutely fuck with them like they’ve been fucking with us.
@Amir Khalid: wait, three? The Girl, Lady and ?
J R in WV
@Goku(aka Amerikan Baka):
They don’t have real election, Goku, so how exactly could we fuck with them like they’ve been fucking with us? Really?!?!
And if we shut down their power grid, well, that’s pretty much obvious compared to the Twitter/Faceblock shit they’ve been doing. Warlike, obvious. Now, I think they (Russo-Republicans) declared war (on the USA to be specific) last November General Election period, but most people don’t.
@J R in WV:
In Russia? how could they tell the difference?
The Other Chuck
@Zinsky: DDOS stands for “Distributed Denial Of Service”. It comes from tens of thousands of IP addresses. You already have the IPs of the attackers, but not the command and control nodes. Even then there’s no knowing who owns those without extensive analysis of the malware that created the attacking network. And it’s not like you can send a couple cop cars to pick them up.
Terry chay
@YaBigDummy: I always suspected Alain was Koch funded!
Captain C
@J R in WV:
(And it’s only a slight exaggeration)
Jane Austin
Fuck Dick and Liz Uihlein and their 26 million dollar donations to Walker, Moore, and bigoted anti-trans Jeanne Ives.
And beware if your business gets it’s supplies and shipping materials from ULINE. That’s who owns it. They got a lot of my money before I realized that.