From peripatetic traveller & frequent commentor Elizabelle:
I think Matt and I (and maybe other jackals?) will attend the Small Press Expo this weekend in North Bethesda (aka Rockville, MD)… We might put in a meetup announcement for other jackals once we draft it up, although I have not noticed anyone but Matt expressing any interest in the SPX.
I have booked at the Sheraton Rockville, about 8 miles from White Flint Metro. Will arrive Friday night; probably head back down to Richmond (RVA) after the program Sunday. Let’s figure out how to meet up!
Matt F, if you contact me (‘Contact A Front-Pager’ under Quick Links at the top right, or annelaurie dot bj at gmail) I will pass on Elizabelle’s email addy…
Smedley Darlington Mingobat (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Oh, good. I was thinking about agitating for some kind of get-together soon in the neighborhood. I’d sooner see it in Alexandria or maybe Arlington, but I guess I could make a trip up yonder.
@Smedley Darlington Mingobat (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): hey….it’s not like Rockville is in the wilds of, say, West Virginia.
Thank you Anne. Appreciate it!
@Smedley Darlington Mingobat (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Be lovely to see you again! Hope you do cross that Potomac.
I think Uncle Cosmo also expressed interest; hoped for a quietish place to hang out.
Jackals: any ideas? Got to be kinda near the White Flint Metro, or just a few stops either way. I know the SPX goes to 7:00 p or so Saturday; ends earlier Sunday.
Rockville’s a bit of a haul from South PA but depending on time and location I’d be interested. I mght have to mow the lawn since it will be the only dry weekend all summer. And canvass And go into work,but we’ll see.
@frostys: Would be lovely to see you! Buy you a drink if you make it. That is a haul.
@Elizabelle: Keep me posted (on this post)?
Uncle Cosmo
@Elizabelle: I do have some interest. If the SPX ends at 19:00 on Saturday it would make sense to schedule the insurrection to start somewhere in the 19:30-20:00 interval. Earlier is better for me – I might want to head down to Glen Echo for dancing later.
@frostys: Where are you canvassing in southern PA? MD elections are all either cakewalks or hopeless (MD-GOV) this year & I’d like to get involved in a race where the good guys have a fighting chance.
J R in WV
HEY! Watch it there, Peej01 we saw what you did there — your web attachment could go back to what it was early Yesterday, and you wouldn’t want to cause abuse to the Hamster on the cage wheel, noq would you?
Wild West Virginia indeed…..
Cheryl from Maryland
Bother. That’s really close to my stomping grounds. But I’m not available this weekend. If you are looking for a place to meet — I suggest somewhere in the Rockville Town Center. The Center has an Irish pub, a Gordon Biersch, a high class Peruvian restaurant with to die for pisco sours (La Canela), a nice fusion restaurant focusing on South and South East Asian flavors, a Tapas restaurant, and a free concert Friday night (it’s Ska). Even better, one can get to it via Metro (Rockville Stop).
@Cheryl from Maryland: Thank you for the suggestions. Bummed that it’s not a good weekend for you. That Peruvian restaurant sounds promising. How is the noise level?
I’ll try to make it, though Sunday would be my preference. I live, and am scheduled to canvass, in Maryland’s northern eastern shore, so a BJ meetup in Rockville is a bit of a hike but well worth the effort!
@Uncle Cosmo: Jesse Colvin, the Democratic congressional candidate for Maryland’s one and only Republican district (MD-1) is putting up a real fight. Yes, defeating the horrible Andy Harris is a longshot but the campaign’s trying. Colvin fits the district: he’s a former Army Ranger, who is from the Eastern Shore. He’s got the backing of Wayne Gilchrest, an environmentally-minded Republican booted in the tea party wave. This should help. Colvin has a headquarters in White Marsh / Perry Hall, if you’re interested in doing something local.
DC Meetup folks: we have a venue: two of them, actually. Saturday, September 15: 7:00ish (or earlier) to …? Drinks, and then trouping further up Rockville Pike to a tasty Chinese dinner.
Meeting for drinks at 7:00 at City Perch Kitchen and Bar in the Pike and Rose complex (11830 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, phone: 301-231-2310), near the White Flint Metro.
Daily happy hour from 4:00 to 7:00, if you want to arrive earlier. Has its own menu. Matt F and I will probably get there around 7:30. (We are walking over from the SPX comics expo at the Bethesda North Marriott, 2 blocks away. City Perch might be a little yuppified and pricey, but it got good reviews and is rated for “average” noise level. Selling point is location and validated parking.
City Perch offers 3.5 hours free parking (under the complex), with validated ticket. The garages are at:
11580 Old Georgetown Rd, North Bethesda, MD 20852
11860 Trade Street, North Bethesda, MD 20852
I’ve reserved a table for six people from 7:00 to 9:00 or later, for drinks and appetizers. Please give me a head count; we can revise that up or down.
Wondering if we can get this menu (early birds and night owls, aka bar food.)
[And I have to say: the appetizers menu at City Perch is kinda pricey and limited. If anyone would rather try our luck at the Marriott hotel bar — called On the Rocks — let me know. It might be quieter and have more bar snacks. Will definitely have more tattooed and artistic looking folks flocking around, if the comics/graphic novel crowd is in there.]
Following: we can head to Xi’an Gourmet in main Rockville, maybe around 8:30 to 9:00-ish, for Northern Chinese/Sichuan dinner. Plenty of free parking, it seems. About half a mile from the Rockville Metro Station. Beer and wine available; no bitcoin (LOL). Yelp review:
316 N Washington St
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone number(301) 875-5144
Tyler Cowen gave Xi’an Gourmet a good review on his blog.
Will get Anne Laurie to put up a dedicated thread a little later. I hope you can join us!