Christine Blasey Ford and her family have had to move out of their house.
Christine Blasey Ford's letter says that in addition to death threats and moving out of her home, her email was hacked and people have been impersonating her online. via @cnn
— Irin Carmon (@irin) September 19, 2018
The New York Times has a very short article saying that she may not come to the hearing on Monday. It was much longer before, and included this paragraph. It may grow again, or they may do a separate article on the attacks on Blasey. According to the previous version of the article, she prefers using her maiden name professionally. There were lots of problems with the earlier version that I spotted, starting with introducing her as “the woman,” but I lack the patience to go into them now.
The President's and Kavanaugh's supporters.
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) September 19, 2018
Mark Judge, who Blasey has said was in the room when Kavanaugh attacked her and who has written two books about being a teenage alcoholic, has said he will not testify to Congress.
I hope nobody gets trampled or injured in the rush to be first to explain to Dr. Ford that everyone gets threatened on the internet and she just shouldn't take it so seriously.
— NotOutlandishHat (@Popehat) September 19, 2018
This was, of course, entirely predictable. Christine Blasey Ford is a brave woman. I hope the police can bring her harassers to justice.
TaMara (HFG)
[[Looks at B-J]].
[[Looks at FB]]
[[Looks at Twitter]]
[[Turns on Maddow*]]
[[Shuts off everything and walks the dogs]]
ETA: *DVR-ing Clinton, will watch when I’ve decompressed
Cheryl Rofer
Her attorneys’ response to Grassley.
Major Major Major Major
@TaMara (HFG): this is the correct decision.
Kavanaugh wants this, the disgusting sociopathic piece of shit. I bet he remembers everything and his only regret is that he wasn’t amoral enough to do it himself 35 years ago.
…I should lie down.
James E Powell
Harassment, hacking, and death threats are pretty much the reflexive response of RWers to everyone and everything they hate. But it’s also done to deter any other victims from coming forward.
Was it orchestrated by the Republicans? No. Their mob has been trained & rewarded for this kind of behavior for years. The Republicans know they will do it without marching orders.
I vaguely remember when testifying before Congress wasn’t optional. I believe they were called the Clinton years.
Chetan Murthy
I’m a guy, and this is sickening. I’ve called my rep/senators (all women, huzzah!) I’ve called Sens Gillibrand, Hirono (huzzah, again!), McCaskill, to thank them for what they’re doing in this godforsaken shitstorm.
But it doesn’t seem like there’s anything I can do. So I’m asking: is there something else I should be doing, to support Dr. Ford? Yes, donate $$. Yes, get involved in campaigns. But this is a -person- who’s sticking theirself and their family into the buzzsaw, for all of us. I feel like, if there’s something we should be doing, it’d be nice to know.
I’m at the point where I want to start calling GrOPer senators’ offices, to shame the staffers (“What do you think your mother things about the man you work for?”; yeah, there are a few women there, but hey, it’s pretty high-accuracy even as it is).
Anybody have any advice? [I emailed the law firm and offered my support, suggested that if it ever becomes relevant, they should tell us as a people what we could be doing ….]
Amir Khalid
This is horrible. It’s yet another shameful instance of the victim in a sexual assault being stigmatised more than the wrongdoer. The only good I can hope for out of this is that Brett Kavanaugh comes to be widely seen as unfit for the Supreme Court, which he plainly is; and that Dr Ford, who was very brave in coming forward knowing gets as much of her life back as possible.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Its almost as if they want to make her suffer as much as possible.
@Cheryl Rofer: Christ. I knew Grassley wanted them to testify on the same day, but having them sit right next to each other? What’s next, determining truth via trial by combat?
This can’t possibly end well.
@TenguPhule: With Sarah Huckabee Sanders present, I’m sure the truth was strictly held to all the time.
Ted Cruz will use a sandbox and a plastic toy dog to demonstrate that Kavanaugh lacked the necessary turn radius to cover Ford’s mouth.
Major Major Major Major
I find it astonishing that republicans seem to think women seek to benefit personally from making sexual assault allegations.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
So he wasn’t trying to withdraw his nomination apparently.
Cheryl Rofer
@TenguPhule: Of course. That is the standard way to deal with uppity women.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Nope. Looks like it was “Let’s get some practice lying about the sexual assault you’ve changed your story about 3 times.”
@Major Major Major Major:
That’s because Republicans think that every victim is looking for a payout.
Also, quoting from her attorneys’ letter, it isn’t just being at the same table as her abuser:
As we all well know, the GOP Senators have already made up their mind about this assault, and they’re clearly trying to just hold a farce of an “investigation”. I’m glad that Prof. Ford’s advocates are saying as much explicitly.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
After accepting a $300K bribe? He’d be tossed out the top window of the tallest building in DC.
Judge can say whatever; he should be called anyway and made to plead the 5th. If there were a hearing, and if witnesses were allowed that is. Which Republicans cannot afford to risk, because Kavanaugh might appear to have lied again. Especially if a witness were to say that he was probably there, or that the description matches his neighbors’ house or something.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Man had debts and he has to pay.
@Omnes Omnibus: Clown sighting?
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: I made a batch of peach jam. And drank a cocktail. In some order.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
The Washington Monument?
@Major Major Major Major:
Given that Republicans lie all the time for their own personal benefit (“the Trump tax cut primarily benefits the middle class!”), I’m astonished that you’re astonished. They assume everyone acts the same way they do.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: You mean he’d slip and fall while attempting to install a bathtub.
@Omnes Omnibus: You missed 3 ‘R’s and 5 ‘H’s.
According to my computer’s spell-check, that is.
Amir Khalid
Murder board is the term of art for this kind of practice session. Its use here is not in itself suggestive of anything untoward. But if the White House needs to coach Kavanaugh on ducking awkward questions about past behaviour, maybe President Stable Genius should have vetted his potential appointee in the first place — you know, to avoid someone with questionable behaviour in their past.
It’s neither there nor here, really….but I wonder how many of the mouth-foaming morons threatening her have the slightest idea what they’re outraged about, or what a Supreme Court confirmation is all about, or who the fuck Kavanaugh even is.
Cheryl Rofer
@dmsilev: Grassley has denied it. I hope the negotiations alone bring about the end of his tenure and leave him permanently stained, thanks to his support for Trump.
Gin & Tonic
@Cheryl Rofer:
Can’t get ’em all. Like my ex-brother-in-law, the architect, always said: “budget, schedule, quality: pick two.”
Here are all the changes for this news story if someone wants to look at them.
@Cheryl Rofer: So they want to lose weight while eating cookies and ice-cream. They deserve to fail at all their goals.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@eemom: I got nothin on this whole thing, beyond outrage. But I’ll take the under on about 150.
Bobby Thomson
@Cheryl Rofer: translation – whitewash this thing and be quick about it.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: it’s more the idea that they also think women *do* benefit.
Each day of every Infracture Week wears me down. It is Friday isn’t it?
@Gin & Tonic:
I thought that joke was downsized to “Pick one. And pray.”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I seriously wonder what McCain would be saying about this farce of a process if he were still alive. As much as a piece of shit he was, he cared a lot about procedure and process and this has been a total shitshow from start to finish.
On Wikipedia’s entry for the 115th Congress, this quoted paragraph perfectly encapsulates the modern GOP over the last 18 months:
This is what you get with minority rule. Absolute chaos and authoritarian dysfunction. The GOP has not only been undermined by their own pathologies but also by their more numerous opponents using every tool at their disposal because they rightly know that their rights and way of life are under threat.
OT: Ah, finally the certificates are fixed!
Bobby Thomson
@Gin & Tonic: it’s actually sequential. They can’t keep their majority if they alienate women. And they can’t avoid alienating women unless they can rehabilitate Kavenaugh without being assholes about it.
So basically they can’t keep their majority.
What does it say about this country that the first reaction is always to issue a death threats? And heaven forfend any conservative speak out against this.
@Quinerly: It’s not even Monday yet.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Only when it suited him. Only when it fucking suited him.
@Gin & Tonic: Except in this case we want them to get only one.
no no no. Monday was the really crazy day.
@Cheryl Rofer: They have already alienated a majority of women, even before K was nominated. Drunk Face K’s reputation has already taken a hit. As for their majority, I hope they lose it come November.
Be grateful the nuts are still giving us advanced warning?
@Bobby Thomson: with Kavanaugh, there’s a majority on the Supreme Court to rule that the 19th amendment is null and void.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: These fucking fucks!
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: The big problem I have here is the beginning one: Just don’t try to rape people. It is not complicated. All the rest piled on top. GAHHHH!
New U.S.-China tariffs raise fears of an economic Cold War
Omnes Omnibus
@B.B.A.: No. Not how it works.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Another stray observation:
McConnell said many years ago of the Dems that they overreached when they passed the ACA. However, they the Democrats had a broader popular mandate than the GOP could ever claim, considering all of the structural advantages they enjoy that make it easier for them to command a majority without winning a majority of votes. Would McConnell ever admit that he has overreached?
It’s their version of, “America, Fuck Yeah!”
@Omnes Omnibus:
These are the same people that think Donald Trump is very smart.
God Fucking DAMN! This upsets me so much, I can hardly focus. I hate these god damned fucking excuses for protoplasm. What a fucking waste of oxygen they are.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Donald Trump insists you hold his Mario Kart.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I probably should have asked, “Would he ever think, should his party lose the midterm elections, that the Republican party has overreached and that is why they lost?
Man who ate 100 plates of sushi banned from all-you-can-eat buffet
Chetan Murthy
And what’s even more crazy-making, is that there doesn’t seem to be *anything* we can do, to help this woman, who’s being nailed to the goddamn cross for our sins. I mean, yes, it’s already crazy-making that she’s being nailed up there, but dammit, can’t we -do- something to help her? She’s doing it for all of *us*. All. Of. Us.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Holy fuck, that ship sailed 2 years ago. My daughter is 17 and is now in a 1-on-1 private school, because among other things, the harassment by the boys in her middle and high school was so bad it was a major contributing factor to her attempted suicide. She’s watching everything from Trump to Kavanaugh and everything in between and all she wants is to be treated with respect. I’d put her odds of ever voting for a Republican in her entire life at about 0%. She views the GOP the same way my black friends view the GOP – as an existential threat.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: not to be rude, but who cares?
@eemom: They’re outraged because they heard that if they don’t stop this, they could all end up in jail themselves.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Boy, Xi, that red-carpet treatment for Trump really paid off didn’t it? /s
These fools are no different than R officials claiming they could control or manipulate him. They’ve been played too and Trump can’t be trusted because he’s not a good faith rational actor.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: No. Not how it works.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
It pisses me off that Mitch is a hypocrite who tries to act like his shit doesn’t stink. He holds Dems to standards he never holds himself too.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Uh, I wouldn’t assume that Xi is a chump. Did you read about China, Russia, Iran and (ding ding ding ding) Europe (not just “Europe”,but the EU) setting up a non-dollar payment system, not run by the US, thru which payments could be routed?
None of that matters, unless some of Europe, JP, SK, Australia are in it. And guess what? Europe is onboard.
Someday we’re going to have to learn what it means to live in a world without our “exhorbitant privilege”. It’ll be a rude awakening for us all. Dammit. Dammit.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hold his Mario Kart, Omnes. Mr. Trump insists. If ya know what’s good fer ya. //
@B.B.A.: then we destroy them all. Disband the Supreme Court and beat the snot out of these last gasp douchebags.
Chetan Murthy
Florida Jackals, I have another bleg.
I tried to find a mailing address for Bill Nelson’s campaign, so I could send him a check. And failed. Do any of you have any idea what the address would be?
Yeah: I really procrastinated here. But I’m lining up to send out, like 19 checks tomorrow, and would really like to send one of them to Sen. Nelson. So if any of you know somebody who knows somebody ….
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: one can spend a pittance and a bit of dignity on pageantry and flattery, and still win other, bigger gambits. Xi is doing fine.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: again… so? He doesn’t care. He is amoral. He understands only losing.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Nah, they’re much smarter than Trump, they tried the honey first, now come the vinegar. Trump’s used to having folk(organized crime either Italian or Russian) pull his ass out of the fire when things get hot. There’s no one there to do it this time. Vlad? Nope,he’s back in Moscow laughing his ass off.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
Why the fuck is the EU working with Russia on anything? This is the same country that’s trying to destroy Europe by forcing mass migrations and exacerbating ethnic and poltical divisions. The same country that is a neo-fascist regime that is a global threat. Trump is in power in part due to Russia.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
He’s a Republican.
He’s a Republican.
Jim Parish
@Gin & Tonic: I’ve heard it as an engineering maxim: “Fast, cheap, good: pick two.”
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I have a very long history of not knowing that.
@Ksmiami: The god-damned Supreme Court cannot overrule a Constitutional Amendment. They can chip away it, but B.B.A. is being apocalyptic in a completely silly way.
randy khan
The idea that they’d have them testify at the same time can only be intended to intimidate her. That, plus the earlier report that the Republicans were considering having female staff question her, really shows a talent for terrible optics.
I seriously wonder if they’ve figured out that, at this point, confirming him easily could cost them the Senate. They’re sure acting like they haven’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Gas and oil.
@Omnes Omnibus:
There’s a shock.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I know but I sometimes have a hard time comprehending someone as depraved and amoral as McConnell. People have to have principles that they hold themselves to and his massive hypocrisy and indifference to standards in pursuit of power throws me
randy khan
If he isn’t called, the Dems should scream bloody murder – mostly to point out that the person who supposedly can corroborate Kavanaugh’s account is scared of being questioned under oath, but also to demand that he be called to see if he really will take the Fifth.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: They’re not “working with Russia”. They’re trying to keep their economies running and (by-the-by) keep Iran in the JCPOA.
B/c they understand that Iran with nukes means Saudi, Egypt with nukes. And (yeah) the Wahhabis with nukes would be bad for human life.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: the alternative being?
ETA also what Chet says right above
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Omnes Omnibus:
Is that worth their freedom and sovereignty?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Bailing us out because we were attacked and they’re our allies by using active measures agianst the Russians and the GOP/Trump?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Taiwan trades with the PRC.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: they’re doing that too.
Chetan Murthy
Here’s a way to think of it: “respect the work”. [metaphorical aside] I have a friend who’s looking for a job. He got offers from two firms, and one of them was prima facie better. So he accepts it, tells the other firm. They “improve” the offer, try to convince him to break his other acceptance. Except, uh, their “improvement” wasn’t really an improvement: they misrepresented things *wildly*. Both the recruiter and the hiring VP misrepresented. And I mean *wildly*. When I asked him a few questions and then explained the subterfuge, he was REALLY PISSED. Spitting mad. So I said the same thing: “respect the work”.
Yeah, they’re evil fucking bastards. But Mitch is a *virtuoso* at this shit. I mean, his stature is nearly to that of Nancy Pelosi (and she’s one of the most consequential pols of our era, FFS). Mitch is that, just …. in negative.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I have a brand to maintain, dammit!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
You’ve never met someone who will do ANYTHING for money have you? McConnell gets paid to be exactly the shitheel that he’s being. Not by us of course but by those who can easily afford buying someone with no morals, scruples, or principles.
People wonder why I have posted many times about term limits. McConnell is the reason. There are over 300 million of us and McConnell was elected by less than 300,000 votes. If he were officially in the mob, he’d be the enforcer, but with a different kind of power than a gun/poison/rope/car/5th floor window….
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: @?BillinGlendaleCA:
(1) whups, I meant to reply to Goku, not you, Bill.
(2) Goku, have you read _On Bullshit_ by Harry Frankfurt? He explains that a great way for somebody to convince you that “proposition X” is true, is to be seen by you as “sincerely believing that X is true”. He explains how that basically means that you cannot derive any truth-value from Mitch McConnell’s sincere belief in “proposition X”.
Here’s the thing: you’re expecting evil people to be either *imbeciles* or *transparent liars*, I think. But it turns out, there are really talented people who are also evil.
Like Yertle.
@TenguPhule: Pretty sure Grassley’s “cluelessness” is by design. If the conditions for her testimony are as uncomfortable as they can make them and she opts out they can dismiss her as a crank. Grassley was all “she’s not responding to our emails” on the same day they were sent. Think I saw somewhere yesterday he was trying to set up a conference call between them (Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh) so they could “work it out”.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Goku, have you watched _Glengarry Glenross_? I think it’s worth watching. I spent 10+ years working with I/T salesfolk in Ye Olde Gynormous IT Company. And the best of them are like Al Pacino in that movie. It was …. amazing watching them work. Also, I learned a healthy respect and disdain for the entire process. But really, you should watch it. And remember that those techniques can be used to sell *anything* from vacuum cleaners, to computers, to software, to traitorous pussy-grabbing Putinfelchers.
@Martin: I’m sorry for what your daughter went through. I have great respect for her.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Quoi?
@Cheryl Rofer: It’s like the old joke, ‘on time, on spec, on cost – choose any two of the three’. Only thing is, the Republicans are really going to struggle to pull off even one of their troika.
Amir Khalid
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Existing treaty commitments, maybe? Those would not have been voided simply because of Russia’s recent conduct in unrelated matters.
@Chetan Murthy:
Chetan Murthy
Bill, maybe you’re right. But nobody ever lost an existential fight, for overestimating their opponent. And this is an existential fight.
Also, I think the way he stymied the Dems and Our President, was brilliant. He held together his caucus like a champ. It’s ok (even, *healthy*) for us to disagree on this point.
@Chetan Murthy: This appears to be the link to click.
Chetan Murthy
@OldDave: I went thru to the last page, wherein it asks for a credit card. 3% fees. Over 18 Governors and Senators, that’s about half a Senator. Over 70 Reps, that’s a lot more.
The version I’ve heard is “Good/Fast/Cheap — pick two”. Things that are good and fast won’t be cheap, things that are good and cheap won’t be fast, things that are fast and cheap won’t be good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chetan Murthy: I am better than they are.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: And I jump put of airplanes.
Chetan Murthy
@Omnes Omnibus: Wha? OO, I love your comments, man. Just wanna understand what you meant, is all.
Omnes Omnibus
They are wrong. And they don’t jump. Respect SD.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
They are doing it for their freedom and soverignity.
In the past decade the US has gone from using financial sanctions as a scapel, to a club, beating Allies and Enemies alike, and not careing.
Now that the US has proven itself to be governed by Madmen, and will always remain one election away from another bout of insanity,
The World now sees a need for a financial system for international trade that the US is not part of and cannot sanction.
I know Obama kept exhorting us “Don’t get mad, vote,” but I’m fucking doing both at the same time. I’m just hoping I don’t dig the pen right through my ballot and wreck the voting booth.
Chetan Murthy
@Jay: Jay is right. And [IIRC} he’s a Canadian, so he’s even being patriotic. As an American, I must grieve. I sure don’t ask the citizens of other countries, no matter how stalwart ally they are, to do so: that’d be STUPID.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I dispute how long this will last. The GOP will be destroyed.
What do you mean, “not part of”?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: scroll up a ways. This whole conversation got started by news about Russia and the EU et al setting up a new way to pay for things, that doesn’t involve dollars or American banks.
“I dispute how long this will last. The GOP will be destroyed.”
Nope. While by 2040, the majority in the US population will be “blended”, 15 States will have 70% of the population. The “empty” States will have 70 Senator and the Electoral College majority.
“What do you mean, not part of?”
Not part of. Not a member, no US Dollars involved, no US Banks involved, no US Data networks involved.
As an example, Chinese trade with Canada is getting hit big time by the US Trade War with China. That’s because as a low volume importer on most items, it used to be cheaper for Chinese goods to enter US Ports, then head north to Canada. Until we set up different shipping routes to avoid the US, Canadian imports of Chinese goods will be affected by the US Tariffs. It takes a few years to set up new Supply Chains, but the Insane Clown POSus has shown us that the extra cost is worth it, as the US is no longer a rational actor.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Just to add some detail to what Jay said: For many companies in many countries, even if they don’t want to trade with a company in the US, they need to convert -thru- dollars to convert the currency in which they’re paid into their home-country currency (or some currency in which they can pay their creditors). This is a big deal, and is part of why American can run massvie trade deficits year-after-year: b/c everybody needs dollars at some point in their trading workflow.
Here’s a real-life example (
Y’see, the market in rial->Euro is pretty thin, so you can’t get a good rate. But the market in rial->$$ and $$->Euro? Those are much, much deeper. So the spreads are much, much thinner.
S. K. Fay
@Chetan Murthy: Hi, delurking to give you the address–since this is a dead thread, will try again in a more recent thread:
Bill Nelson for U.S. Senate
Attn: Greg Goddard
2655 S. Bayshore Drive, #101
Miami, FL 33133
Took me a while, and two emails, to get this address.