This is like that scene in a movie where the bank robber is pumping gas and he glances at the TV behind the clerk and his mug shot is on it and then a cop comes out of the bathroom. Oh the suspense!
— Schooley (@Rschooley) September 19, 2018
The usual Media Village Idiots witter about the ‘inevitability’ of Justice Kavanaugh, but full marks to our Democrats for standing up.
Mazie Hirono: "I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change." (via CBS)
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 18, 2018
This was a very brave step to come forward. It is more important than ever to hit the pause button on Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote until we can fully investigate these serious and disturbing allegations. We cannot rush to move forward under this cloud.
— Doug Jones (@SenDougJones) September 16, 2018
Fact check: The FBI can investigate Dr. Blasey Ford’s allegations as part of its background investigation – that is their job. To say otherwise is FALSE. It investigated Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas. It should investigate this too.
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) September 18, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh talking about his high school in 2015: “What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep.”
I can't imagine any parent accepting this view. Is this really what America wants in its next Supreme Court Justice?
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) September 18, 2018
I’d give better-than-even odds that some new ugliness falls out of Kavanaugh’s closet before next Monday, and (if he’s got any sense, which seems to be an open question) he withdraws his name with a great display high moral dudgeon, before going on to a long career on the Wingnut Welfare Karnival circuit.
And if his fellow Repubs have any sense, they’ll be looking to pry that bad news out before Kavanaugh’s confirmation, because we know it’ll be worse for all of them when it seeps once he’s, Murphy the Trickster God forbid, seated on the bench wearing the GOP logo on his fine new robe. There are plenty of equally qualified-on-paper Staunch Constitutional Conservatives who could go about the business of turning the clock back a hundred years or so — look at Neal Gorsuch — while doing a more professional job of looking impartial and unbiased.
Of course, none of the Federalist Society’s pre-vetted choices have demonstrated the same tender concern for the feelings of an Oval Office Occupant like the current one, but then, Trump’s probably worn out his usefulness to the Greedy Old Perverts already…
Professor Ford's eagerness to talk to FBI investigators is significant because she knows making a false statement to the bureau would be a felony. Just ask Mike Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Rick Gates. It shows her seriousness & bolsters her credibility.
— James Hohmann (@jameshohmann) September 19, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh isn’t applying for a job at Bank of America. He’s applying for a lifetime appointment to our nation’s most powerful court. He will be responsible for presiding over cases that impact women’s lives. That’s why his behavior over his lifetime matters.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 18, 2018
Bari Weis seems woefully misinformed about what happens to other 17 year olds who get caught doing the same thing, get prosecuted, and end up for life on sex offender lists. They have a hard time getting jobs other than dishwasher.
The GOP is delighted to have 17 year old girls suffer lifetime consequences even of rape if they get pregnant as a result. Lifetime consequences for thee, not me. Not when “me” is a preppy white boy of wealth.
@OzarkHillbilly: right there with you today ?
John S.
FTFNYT sure does find some winners to put on the payroll.
The NYT is garbage (in before Baud).
So is NPR.
Let us say, for the sake of argument, that he did it and that one does not find this disqualifying. Shouldn’t the fact that he is lying about it be disqualifying?
Well said
Hello All. I like Senator Hirono’s take. ?
@satby: And Satby’s??
John S.
Lying is only wrong when it is done to a judge, not by a judge.
GOP logic FTW.
Amir Khalid
My thought exactly.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Chyron HR
“Ha ha, you know, just as a hypothetical. (mops sweat from brow)”
You know if they weren’t worried about losing the Senate (pretty amazing given ’18’s map) they would just pull Kav and replace him with any number of other FedSoc hacks. Any of them would be a secure ‘can’t prosecute the (Rethug) President’ vote. Waiting for female Rethug Senators to do the right thing? Color me skeptical (of course the onus is on the women. The Rethug men? Fuggedaboudit.)
Wait a minute, hasn’t the GOP conclusively (to them anyway) shown that it is impossible to get pregnant thru rape?
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@satby: It’s in their DNA.
TS (the original)
@OzarkHillbilly: Yep – If you get pregnant, you weren’t raped. Like if the accused witch drowned – she wasn’t a witch.
@OzarkHillbilly: Only if they keep an Aspirin between their legs IIRC.
@Baud: An aspirin a day keeps the spermies away.
Or Toad.
@OzarkHillbilly: nope, that doofus (Todd Akin) lost his election.
Unless you’re thinking about Richard Mourdock, who said something equally stupid and also lost.
@satby: NPR: Nice Polite Republicans
I teach sexual assault in my criminal law class later in the semester. Yesterday I handed out some basic statistics that can be found at RAIIN, a national sexual violence clearinghouse. I told them not to say stupid things. We’ll see if they listen to me.
Just ask the 17 year old undocumented immigrant that Kavanaugh wanted to force to carry a rape pregnancy to term. This wasn’t 5 years ago. This was THIS YEAR ??
Chyron HR
You know, I’m pretty sure I never tried to rape anybody when I was 17 or at any other point in my life, and I still haven’t gotten nominated for the Supreme Court. How is it fair that I have been “disqualified” for no reason from something that is–to hear Kavanomeansyes’s defenders tell it–the inalienable right of every red-blooded American?
Absolutely on point, satby ??
Senator Mazie H from Hawaii has been righteous during this entire process ??
So… Inquiring minds want to know… Do lawyers actually need instruction on how to sexually assault someone? Or is it just they need to learn the lawyerly way to do it? Because I’ve been fucked by several lawyers.
Betty Cracker
I don’t see how the GOP can ditch Kavanaugh when their party is headed by a leering pig like Trump. They’ll brazen it out and continue to pretend that this (absurd and unfair) offer to allow Dr. Blasey to testify Monday ticks the “due process” box.
There’s abundant evidence it’s what 40% of America wants. Because there’s now abundant evidence that 40% of America is rotten at the core.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
Y’know, I’m old enough to remember how the GOP was in high dudgeon at the height of the great Clenis hunt because our kids were all hearing about icky sexy time stuff. Now we got President stumpy toadstool and Judge Rapemaugh (not to mention Governor naked pictures blackmail, Senate candidate jailbait, and probably a dozen more I could mention) and they’re going to the matresses for both. No mewing at all about how awful this all is for the kids.
Thank you!
The man still believes in controlling women.
The Hummingbird ? (@SaysHummingbird) Tweeted:
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao took multiple trips using special government planes rather than on standard commercial flights. It cost taxpayers almost $100,000.
That amount could have fed over 11,000 homeless veterans.
He’s just found a more “hands off” way of doing it.
No less disqualifying than his refusal to apologize.
I hope she doesn’t do it. They just want to use her so they can say she was “heard” and they’re all going to vote for him anyway. They get political cover, he gets his lifetime political patronage job and she gets followed around and harassed by Right wing nuts the rest of her life. I hope she looks out for herself- none of these cynical, conniving douchebags give a shit about her.
Just for the record though- gross sexual imposition is a serious crime for juveniles. While rape and sexual battery require (specific) sexual contact, gross sexual imposition does not. All it requires is a “touching” – it was intended to reach exactly this type of behavior. For a 17 year old it could mean incarceration for a year or up to the time the offender is 21 years old- it’s discretionary with the judge. Here, the offender could end up in a special (locked) treatment facility for sex offender juveniles where they receive intensive counseling and behavior modification- that’s best case- there aren’t a lot of beds. That’s considered a privilege. The other (and more common) route is DYS- Department of Youth Services. It’s a jail.
It’s really nothing like the minor juvenile infractions- underage drinking, petty theft, fighting in school, curfew violations, chronic truancy, those are grouped under an “unruly child” analysis and considered partly due to immaturity.
I didn’t think that the Congressman would be so harsh with little Susie Collins. More of this ??
Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) Tweeted:
Boo hoo hoo. You’re a senator who police will protect. A sexual assault victim can’t sleep in her home tonight because of threats. Where are you sleeping? She’s on her own while you and your @SenateGOP colleagues try to rush her through a hearing.
Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) Tweeted:
Please take five minutes to watch this important and profound statement from @nytimes columnist @CharlesMBlow, who discusses his own experience with child sexual abuse and helps us understand what Professor Ford is going through and how to support her.
Juan Cole (@jricole) Tweeted:
Dear Kavanaugh Defenders: Time Doesn’t Erase Youthful Crimes, Especially for People of Color
@OzarkHillbilly: Some lawyers fuck over people indiscriminately without training or protection. See, e.g. Samuel Alito, etc.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?:
Hell, I’m old enough to remember Robert Chambers, the Preppy Killer (“She liked it. She wanted it. She made me do it.”). This kind of rapey, drunken behavior is just the latest iteration of the Good Ol’ Boy Network.
The sex crime juveniles are prosecuted the most for is “sexting”. Sending photographs of a sexual nature to one another. It’s a lower tier felony. A felony. They can be and are prosecuted for sending a photo of themselves to a (willing) recipient. It just has to be transmitted.
The bullshyt about how a youthful indiscretion shouldn’t be allowed to ‘ruin’ Kavanaugh’s life.
This line of thought has pissed off real victims of assault:
Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) Tweeted:
Yeah I can’t let this false narrative be set without significant pushback. My life was almost ruined but I put the broken pieces of my broken soul back together. My rapist? Literally living his life and pretending he’s a good guy. Life not ruined in any way.
Endangering our National Security with their racism ??
David Philipps (@David_Philipps) Tweeted:
This man works in a high security lab with the world’s deadliest viruses. He needs an iris scan to get in. But the army won’t let him enlist because as an immigrant he’s a security threat.
That’s what bothers me most- how they have set this up as “Senators and the President and the Judge versus this citizen”
It’s disgusting. They no longer know what their role is. They’re not the advocates for Kavanaugh versus an ordinary citizen. Fuck them. She should never take part in this phony show trial. She did her civic duty. Now she needs to take care of herself.
I can’t even imagine how much worse Hillary Clinton’s nominee would be.
The GOP isn’t sending their best. Their sending rapists, pedophiles, pathological liars, and tax cheats.
@Immanentize: They’re naturals, eh?
Tony Jay
“Don’t recall Lying Dems screaming for open ended FBI witchhunt when Al Franken attacked those INNOCENT women! Deep State Dems in Senate kept decision to themselves. Hypocricy? You Decide! GOP Senate offering to hear ALL sides. What’s the problem? Compare and Contrast! #Justice4Kavannagh4Justice.@realdonaldtrump”
You know it’s coming.
@Mark: That IS their best. You should see the rest.
TS (the original)
For once MJ is quite entertaining – talking about trump disowning people he praised as top members of his admin back during the transition.
This is what really bothers me. You see it a lot on Brian Williams’ show (I see you, Phillip Rucker of the WaPost and others).
BriWi is the NBC Conventional Wisdom Establishment Hour. He fawns over his “Pulitzer-winning” guests — literally fawns (I think it signifies he’s even more “elite” in their presence) — and they vomit up the conventional wisdom, whatever the (particularly GOP) CW is at the moment.
IOKIYR. I wish it weren’t true, but you only have to tune into the morning shows to know that it is.
triple blech
@rikyrah: Everyone should take the time to listen to Charles Blow on this.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: Yeah, well at least he served every day of his 15-year sentence for that, and he’s been in prison on unrelated charges since 2008.
*post nap yawn*
Damn, it wasn’t a dream about living through Bartholomew and the New Blech.
You jackals are all the same. Cry me a river, snowflakes.
According to person of note Jennifer Braceras*, writing in even-the-liberal-Boston-Glob, we should not take accusation as truth, solely because they are made by a woman, because the woman might be lying, because there’s so much to gain for her. Or at least, that was the lede that appeared in the e-mail about Today’s Headlines. I did not read the article, because I’m too cheap to give fucking asshole John Henry any more money. His destruction of the Glob is enough to make me hate the Sox.
Besides, I heard that Dr. Brasey Ford has granite counter tops in her kitchen. Or HAD them, since she’s had to flee her house. But, still.
Fuck the Boston Glob, by the way.
*I did not recall her “cred,” so I done Googled her. Apparently she’s another Federalist Society fascist.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: I’m going to need a nap later, probably. Had the shingrix vaccine (first dose) yesterday. Fever, chills, aches, up half the night. Plus I feel like I got punched in the arm
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: The Glob is the only on-line newspaper I’ve encountered that detects if you’re trying to load their page in incognito mode, and refuses.
randy khan
I’m kind of wondering if Trump would pull this nomination, or if he’s expecting the GOP to vote on it regardless. If that’s the case, then it really would be up to Kavanaugh to withdraw if things continue to deteriorate.
That is their best.
I didn’t “take it as truth”. I had problems with the judge’s credibility prior to the allegation. He lied to Congress on several occasions. Since I;ve had some opportunity to evaluate his credibility (lacking) and none hers, along with the fact that she revealed this well prior to his nomination I lean “her”.
Also- it’s a show trial. He’s not charged with anything. There’s no “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard here. In fact, it is a privilege to serve on the Supreme Court, not his “right”. The standard for that job is higher.
@Betty Cracker:
This is exactly the problem. The president is the mushroom head of the GOP and they have decided to provide cover for him. I think we all know that this is much more widespread in the Republican Party. The freaking chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee made a comment about hoping he wouldn’t wouldn’t have to deal with things from 35 years ago. Wasn’t Grassley about 50 and a Senator then? Wealthy white guys have “youthful indiscretions”. Black kids get summarily executed for not walking on the sidewalk.
My husband went to a fancy private school – the same school Justice Roberts attended, in fact, so he always takes this opportunity to tell me how decadent and spoiled they were. The worse thing he did is take a motorcycle without permission- which is theft, of course. It would definitely come up if he were up as a judge, depending on what he was mandated to reveal.
@Mark: Maybe that is their best?
Hill Dweller
WaPo has a good fact check of Kavanaugh’s claim he unwittingly received stolen documents when working in Dubya’s White house. He obviously lied(repeatedly) under oath, and should be disqualified for that alone.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: I hope she doesn’t do it either. It’s a set up.
Just One More Canuck
@SFAW: jumping German Jesus Christ- what does any woman have to gain from coming forward? Sm goddamn head
I guess it would never occur to Braceras that Kavanaugh might be lying because he’s a man and that there’s a lot to gain for him
Hill Dweller
@MomSense: Grassley was in the Senate voting against a MLK holiday 35 years ago.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I just tried to post and thought I killed the site. Let me try again.
A woman from Ford’s HS says the assault was talked about at the time. I hope a bunch of reporters are on that. Maybe Ronan Farrow.
Who are these people who think of course 17 year old boys assault girls? Boys will be boys etc. Do they know any 17 year old boys? Would their sons do this?
And another question. Senator, have you ever been sexually assaulted? If you were assaulted in HS, would you have come forward right away?
@Hill Dweller: And the FBI should take a microscope to his finances. The credit card bill and the $200,000 payoff. None of it sounds normal, or explained, to date.
Let’s all burn up the phone lines. Call our Senators, whether from our state or not. They don’t always ask, and it would be evidence this isn’t going to go away nicely for them.
I liked the suggestion of publishing Dr. Blasey’s statement in the WaPost, including requesting a full FBI investigation, and demanding that other witnesses be called. Otherwise, it’s just GOP Senate Judiciary trying to intimidate her.
Dr. Blasey is more powerful than she knows, and the GOP is nervous.
Couple of things which caught the eye.
1) It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.
This Canadian company will pay you up to $1,000 a month to smoke weed
2) The world turned upside-down.
Yes. I commented more to drag the Glob than anything else. We used to subscribe to it, but about 2 or 3 years ago I came to the conclusion that they were trying to be “Herald-lite,” and so we cancelled our sub. [The Boston Herald has been a right-wing rag since I came to this area, lo these 45 years (shit! How’d I get so old so fast?) ago.] The Glob no longer has any dyed-in-the-wool liberal columnists (such as David Nyhan was, may he RIP), and Jeff “I never met a fact I couldn’t ignore or pervert” Jacoby is getting to be “centrist,” relative to the rest of the rag.
@Just One More Canuck:
Well, she’s a Federalist shill, he’s a Federalist shill, why would he lie, right?
@Hill Dweller
Grassley has decided his job is to run an Untruth and Obfuscation Commission.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I realize I’m a godless heathen who lacks the right kind of family values but FFS I have much higher standards for my sons.
The hurry is so obscene. These are the same people who had NO problem leaving the Supreme Court with only eight justices for almost a year after Scalia’s death, because Obama was President and they wouldn’t show him the respect of even CONSIDERING his nominee. Now, Kennedy retires suddenly and it’s this disgusting rush as if the whole Supreme Court will collapse if Kavanaugh isn’t appointed and confirmed before the midterms.
Absolutely. I’m appalled that this issue has not gained any type of momentum/notoriety. Perhaps it’s because the Rethugs all believe that Shitgibbon was/is mobbed up, and they’re worried someone will start looking into that? [No, I don’t really believe that’s why — I think the MSM is just lazy/willfully ignorant, and the Rethugs are also working the refs — but it would be irresponsible NOT to speculate about Shitgibbon’s and Kavanaugh’s ties to organized crime.]
Amir Khalid
Trump will not withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination, let Kavanaugh stand down, or let the Republican Senate leadership give up on Kavanaugh. Quite aside from his need for Kavanaugh to shield him from prosecution, he is determined not to lose face by yielding on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Trump understands nothing about fitness for office, but he understands plenty about, and fears, losing face.
@Betty Cracker:
I just don’t think it’s fair. Not any specific process or protections, no real rules, the jerk-off President calling her “the woman” and all of them fawning over the judge. No. I don’t want her in that. I always feel sorry for normal people when they enter this insanity alone and since the Senators and the President have decided they are advocates for the judge and not the citizen, well, if you can’t win don’t play.
@Hill Dweller: In the olden days, lying under oath would automatically disqualify you.
I hope that the hearing occurs, if only to see Kamala Harris ask Kavanuagh why we should believe him when he’s already lied under oath? Grassley can shit in his pants for all I care.
Don’t know (and don’t care to know) who the woman is appearing in those “Kavanaugh is the best thing since sliced bread” ads, but would be willing to lay out some serious folding money that the bulk of her calls to female friends are suddenly going to voice mail
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m heading to rehab where I will sweat off some of my frustration. Rant on, Jackals.
Not just that. Saw a tweet yesterday about the numerous questions about Kavanaugh’s finances. They don’t make sense.
The conservative brain trust have adopted Trump’s idea that the president charges people with crimes. They’re just sledding down that hill to the bottom and picking up speed with each passing day. It’s horrible how they are so vulnerable to peer pressure- how they immediately adopted and internalized Trump’s rock bottom standards.
We better win in November or they’ll happily go along with the president charging people with crimes. There’s no bottom.
@MomSense: I know every parent wants to think their kid is a good kid, but the Immp (17) really seems to be a good kid. And the world he grew up in would never tolerate drunk teenage boy assaults. The kids would tell these days. Parents and friends are more trusted? And if the kid didn’t report being assaulted, their friends would. I really do think things are better for many (not all) girls these days.
Does it bother her that this moral leader just cavalierly lies to Congress when it benefits his career goals?
Maybe she admires that. He has a problem with telling the truth. That’s apart from the alleged assault.
What happens if your character witnesses are all very poor judges of character? Should we take their word for it? They show poor judgment. They admire bad people. What am I relying on here? Her judgment? Why would I do that?
Here’s a thought, further on the the James Hohmann tweet: IANAL, but possibly more than anything, the GOP doesn’t want the FBI involved and investigating because they don’t want Kavanaugh getting the third degree. What happens if he’s caught lying to the feds?
@NotMax: That is kind of his job for the GOP.
I do too. All the “political correctness” conservatives make fun of has raised the bar for kids. They’re kinder to one another. They’re better. It really wasn’t better when you could beat the shit out of a classmate with no consequences. It was worse. That’s bad behavior. It shouldn’t have been accepted. At the root of all these school initiatives is the idea that they have to treat people decently. That’s not too high a bar. They can do it and they are doing it and they’re all better for it.
Opposing this is insane. What are they opposing? That people have to treat one another decently? WTF? Why do they have such low standards?
When the bullying programs started at our public school about a decade ago they were inspired by an incident where a kid with special needs got his nose broken by thugs on the bus. We can demand they don’t hurt each other. No. None. In fact, when we do, they stop hurting each other. We should have demanded it decades ago. They rose to the higher standard. I knew they would :)
Oh those ditzy women, amirite Erick? Never should have given them the vote. //
I repeat, //.
Republicans’ outrageous bullying is a message to anyone else who might come forward with a story of their own about Kavanaugh, or in support of Dr. Blasey. — Don’t do it. This is a well-practiced familiar technique.
Dr. Donna #IBelieveChristine Noble (@DonnaNoble10th) Tweeted:
So the mighty #GeorgetownPrep knew a priest was molesting students
And Kavanaugh’s lack of character witness, Mark Judge, attacked the victims who came forward as lying and being possessed by liberalism
This just gets uglier
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Of course, his “logic” falls apart immediately when you consider that Dr. Blasey wants an FBI investigation knowing that lying to the FBI is a crime. Erickson reminds me of the dumb, pious hypocrites who ran the Southern Baptist churches I was compelled to attend in my youth. It’s always a race to the bottom with those smug, sanctimonious shit-stains.
Another Scott
@SFAW: We dropped the WaPo in the W years. We don’t miss it.
Vote with your dollars. That’s the only way business will listen.
@SFAW: A google search of Kavanaugh’s finances shows the MSM reporting on this. The first page the WaPo, Mother Jones, Vanity Fair, Yahoo, CBS, CNN, CBN, Market Watch, USA Today, and Vox. His finances are being reported on but getting beyond the very superficial financial disclosure forms with out subpoena power is very difficult to say the least. Even then they have made some progress.
The Mother Jones piece is a good bit of reporting.
@Kay: Yup – she has done her duty. Imho she should take her story to the press, just as they are doing. If they want her to testify, they can subpoena her. They won’t because that would show that they could also subpoena Kavenaugh’s prep freinds who were at the party – if they wanted the truth.
1 thing I clearly remember from Anita Hill hearing. The senators seemed to be suddenly thinking ‘OMG maybe those comments/those jokes I made–maybe the women present didn’t really think they were OK!’
You could just see them re-examing their past interactions with women and worrying that there might be some women in their past who did not think they were so wonderful.
Why did these lyrics (from when I was less than 17) just jump into my mind?
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott:
I’m actually finding the WaPo better than the NYT these days, and I do sort of rely on it.
Today there’s a front-page story in the NYT about Russian meddling in the election. A couple of years too late.
Orrin Hatch saying “Long Dong Silver” and trying desperately to stifle a snicker.
@Immanentize: lol My vision is of the howling old owl, biting off the toad.
Words fail.
@Immanentize: Do NOT ruin that song for me. One of my favorites.
Bingo. So. Why do so many fancy and prestigious people admire him? Is it despite his lying so much?
@Elizabelle: uhoh Then skip my reply to Imm cuz I come across a little vengeful
Grassley is just braying like an ass.
I think we can delay this. He’s lying and dissembling in real time, and when the GOP wouldn’t even give Merrick Garland a hearing ….
Hit the phones. They’re vulnerable. Blood in the water.
@JPL: I am OK with that.
But you leave Sir Elton and the YBRoad alone, hear? Still turn up the radio for that one. (It was a good album.)
O. Felix Culpa
@Gin & Tonic:
That was my experience too. Both times. But I’m told the alternative is worse. Hope you feel better soon!
@Elizabelle: These things enter ones mind unbidden.
That song was my year book’s theme
Gelfling 545
@Mark: Apparently, that’s as good as it gets.
“For whatever reason, a very large majority of people with top-notch LSAT scores are Democrats.”
@OzarkHillbilly: It is possible that he could be lying about T, to avoid trouble
was that the book where bart’s wife was all “this blech is way better than the last one, the tsimmes doesn’t burn any more!”
I lost a comment…. What really pisses me off about Grassley is the requirement that the good Doctor provide her written testimony by tomorrow
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Someone needs to ask Kavanaugh if he knows who she is. If he knew her or remembers her in any capacity. I imagine one of the Dems will ask- it’s a central question. If he lies about that there are probably many people who can say it’s not true.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Schooled tweet:
I’ve been thinking that Kavenaugh’s denial of ever being at “that party” is like the scene where the suspect says “I don’t even own a 22” and the police say “who said the victim was shot, let alone with a 22?”
I think we need all Kavanaugh related news to include a silhouette of a guy and two puppets snarking.
Kraux Pas
@Gelfling 545:
Is this possibly because after decades of decrying intellectual pursuits, Republican ideas can no longer stand up to a rigorous thought process and application of facts?
@Immanentize: Could they forbid her from appearing if she does not submit the written testimony tomorrow?
Actually, I am starting to get really angry about this. They could not give Merrick Garland a hearing, and now it’s rush, rush, rush through for the nominee of a person who lost the popular vote by millions of votes.
We can see them. This is desperation. The “American People” are not in a rush over this, as Grassley tells us.
Amir Khalid
The fancy and prestigious of whom you speak are partisans. They may or may not like Kavanaugh the man, about whom much is known that is reprehensible, but they do appreciate that he tells his lies for the benefit of their side.
Aaah ah aah, aaaah ah ah ah aaaha. I’m totally singing that song now.
Chyron HR
“Some people think that the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes and deplorable folks. I don’t agree, because I’ve been there.” – Bernie Sanders
It’s infuriating. And McConnell knows how the media operate, so he banked on them letting him get away with it. Either the “news” shows should have banned the Republicans from spinning this or they should let them do it and then laugh at them and call them out on it in real time.
This is why I am of the opinion that we have to deal with the media if we ever hope to make political progress.
The Republicans would never have gotten even this far without a complicit and/or idiotic news media.
Bravo to Swalwell!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@MomSense: We were recently discussing how many of our favorite songs are actually “I failed” songs and we never thought about it.
Midnight Train to Georgia (LA proved too much for the man)
It never Rains in California (tell the folks back home I nearly made it)
On Broadway (all you got is one thin dime)
And I added Yellow Brick Road. But I guess that’s kind of stretching the point, since that narrator did make it, he’s just walking away.
Another Scott
@Immanentize: Zevon’s “Excitable Boy” has been stuck in my head this morning.
Posting this here again because it’s relevant: Twelve years ago, Amber Wyatt reported her rape. Few believed her. Her hometown turned against her. The authorities failed her.
@OzarkHillbilly: I checked out your link, the dark blue turban and the flowing beard signifies an orthodox sect of Sikhism.
Maybe, but Sikhs for Trump is an improbable but real thing.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Madman Across the Water is WAY better as is the entire Tumbleweed Connection album.
@MomSense: Yes to all you said. Is a problem.
@chris: Punjab the ancestral Sikh land was partitioned into two in 1947 and the bigger half along with its capital, Lahore went to Pakistan. The grudge against Muslims is real. The death toll along the Punjab border (compared to Bengal and Sindh) was the highest during partition.
James E Powell
Not that I have any clue how to do it, but a spontaneous women’s march would be pretty sweet about now. Say, Sunday afternoon in DC? Or maybe 51 tea party style angry shouting office visits in the respective home offices of Republican senators. Cable shows might like to cover that, no?
Amir Khalid
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I thought oof another song about failure: Springsteen’s Downbound Train
patrick II
@Kay: If the republicans do not relent on their on and done hearing, I hope she goes on 60 minutes along with her husband and shrink and they extend an open invitation to Mark Judge (which he would refuse).
Amir Khalid
This is a socially very conservative minority community. As I understand, it’s not uncommon for such communities in America to be Republican. The gradual, only recently overt takeover of that party by white supremacists might reverse that tendency, but it will take time to happen.
@Amir Khalid: One of my favorites. My fave from that album.
Chetan Murthy
@OzarkHillbilly: Geez. Words fail. He’ll be clapping as they load him into the fucking gas chamber. Imbecile.
@Amir Khalid: Kavanaugh is not going to withdraw. Not this close to the goal the Federalist Society has been grooming him for since law school. His ego itself is telling him that seat is HIS. He’s almost acting entitled to it at this point.
Chetan Murthy
@Elizabelle: Any suggestions on what to say? My Sens are both stalwart, so I’d be calling GrOPer Sens’ offices. And I’m down for that, just to be clear. But I’d want a script, b/c otherwise I might start screeching at the fuckers.
And it is shit like this that made me decide to never enter the USA ever again, not even to visit my last surviving family once my parents pass in the next year or two. I simply do not trust your legal system any more. The kicker? I am a white male of near pure Celtic descent and look it. Yet I still fear your lack of the rule of law reality, and will not trust my safety nor that of my wife to it. I have watched as the far right took over the GOP in the last few decades, and I have watched as things like facts, rule of law, no religious test, all be undermined, subverted , and in the end turned into at most a shell mockery of what it once was.
America has clearly lost the right to call itself the leader of the free world, and it is watching things like this so called vetting of a USSC lifetime appointment that shows why. America was held up as the gold standard for things like rule of law, freedom of speech, and lack of religious tests for office. Not so much anymore.
While yes your media has its own responsibility, frankly I blame your centrists most of all for disengaging and figuring there was no point to politics, or nothing to worry about so long as nothing directly hurt them. It allowed the crazies of the right to have an unopposed field, since one of the core differences between the two main parties is one acts like the Borg, the other acts like a band of cats, and we all know the saying about herding cats. It was the middle that was needed to prevent this insanity from happening, but instead they disengaged, and in a society where the power to make real change really does rest with voting (as the GOP has been proving even if by augmenting it with dishonest means) in the end one has to hold citizens responsible for what your reality now is.
The Movement Conservative Borg run the USA government and are now about to dominate the judicial branch federally across the board, thanks to McConnell, Trump, and the rest of the GOP leadership. Blaming the dems for not stopping it is dishonest, since they keep trying, they keep having to deal with massive gerrymandered districts against them, and so on and so on, etc. They ARE trying, and always have been. In 2016 HRC clearly laid out policies, she also laid out the machine the GOP were using to win with, AND she called out the Russian involvement strongly. But instead everything was EMAILZ all the fucking TIME! With her there were optics issues, with Trump there were ACTUAL issues, and yet we all saw how 2016 played out, and I include the Sandernistas as much as the right wingers for this happening, as I was saying i real time to little avail.
What we are seeing right now could well be a tipping point of horror where your Courts are concerned, far worse than just getting Trump as President in itself can be. The way your Senate, the last supposedly sane body within the American federal elected system, has shown itself to be no better than another example of the tyranny of the majority. So much for the faith and trust in the rights and dignity of the individual which is what I thought American society itself was based on, and its judicial system was set up to protect as one of the core reasons for being.
Yet the defence for the Federalist Society is about how they are “strict constructionists” where the US Constitution is concerned. The irony goes beyond mere tragedy to tragic and epic farce in my view.
I remember watching the Anita Hill affair in my early 20s, in some ways though watching this has been even uglier.
Not a shining moment for America or Americans, not really. Pity yet again it will only be after the appointment goes through that the true horror will reveal itself in rulings, as it did with Thomas, except worse I fear with this one given his history, given the level of obscuring that has gone on on his behalf by Trump and the GOP Senate. Which is why I will not trust your legal system to protect me even as a tourist visitor and a born Canadian.
Doug R
@Scotian: So what do you think of what Ford’s trying to do to Ontario?
@James E Powell: There are many activists showing up Monday, planning civil disobedienace.
@Amir Khalid: Atlantic City, too
@Amir Khalid: Actually, the GOP’s overt racism has been pretty obvious for some decades and most minorities had sense enough to stay well away. From time to time when the GOP tamped down those tendencies for awhile, a few minority groups would give them a chance. It was more common for republican strategists to make pitches about how there were natural commonalities that meant say conservative (real conservatives, not the radicals we are currently not preventing from misusing the term) Hispanics were going to flock to the GOP any day now. The the bigots would get restless and do enough to torpedo the effort again. The Cuban small section of Hispanics got seduced by the GOP because of Castro hatred. that’s where Cruz comes from. Now that Castro is dead, even that is disappearing.
Bush wanted immigration reform in a good way and his own party killed it. He hasn’t been the only one.
They aren’t really conservatives, they are reactionaries. That’s why they end up driving away old fashioned immigrants. Calling themselves the same thing, doesn’t actually change what they really are.
@Amir Khalid:
Agreed. Canada has a large and diverse Sikh community that comes in all shapes and sizes. There are hardline conservatives, social democrats like the leader of the New Democratic Party and Liberals like this guy. It’s taken generations to get to this point and there’s still a long way to go.
@James E Powell:
@Chetan Murthy: Tell them you want a full FBI investigation, and that you want other witnesses at the eventual Senate hearing.
Tell them that a lot of voters have not forgotten Merrick Garland’s treatment, and there is no rush to confirm the nominee of a POTUS under criminal investigation who lost the popular vote by millions.
Tell them we can see them, and that they have no idea how many women and those who respect women are fired up to turn out for the midterms and upcoming Senate elections (over the next few years).
Personally, I will say that Trump should not get any more USSC appointments until the Mueller investigation has played out and his case is through all the courts, including the nation’s highest. We can be patient. No rush to confirm a bad nominee. We are safer with eight.
“Vow Now To Impeach”.
Next shoe
Gross. Another horrible person in a position of power:
Maybe it’s good. We’re finding out how absolutely disgusting the elite legal world is.
@Scotian: I go twice a year to visit the very last of the old generation. Figure it’s only a matter of time before they refuse me entry. Border guards have become generally nasty.
Well OT, but here’s something familiar, and yet not familiar:
It’s so Trumpian, the “look like models” thing. They’re a good fit, those two. Soul mates.
Chetan Murthy
It’s nice to see that Jennifer Rubin doesn’t buy this GrOPer BS about KavENOUGH.
@Spanky: Aberdeen Maryland, btw. Just NE of Baltimore. And the report is from WBAL-TV.
@Calouste: Whoa. Tiger Mom’s got a whale of a problem on her hands. Self-created, apparently.
@Kay: Image over substance. It’s what the GOP does. What fakers.
That tweet has apparently been deleted. Too bad. Uncomfortable truths need to be thrown in Republicans’s faces whenever possible.
Who knew that clerkships were like a beauty pageant. We’re finding out all kinds of stuff, and it’s only been 2 days!
It actually gets better, that story. The law professor in question is married to another professor who is under investigation for mettoo behavior himself. Layers on layers…
@Elizabelle: Not surprised Tiger Mom did this. Enthusiastically creating the parts for the weapons that could be used against her and her compatriots.
@Kay: I just discovered that too and was headed over for a general shudder and morning bletch.
A caution: This story caught my eye, and in other versions I read, a woman who reported her conversation with Chua explicitly noted that Chua never specified what that special “look,” should be. Others noted that Kavanaugh made an effort to include women, and to include diversity.
I am not defending the nominee, but just want to note that some stories are veering out of control, and seem to be designed to emphasize what might be damaging, or salacious.
And of course, this is mild compared to the shit storm of hate and fury that has been unleashed on Ms Ford for coming forward.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Spanky: I just heard about this via text. My former employer is very close to there and I’m still on their emergency alert system.
J R in WV
I read that story last night, and had trouble getting to sleep after. That whole town must be eaten up with the evil, worse than I can imagine. Drugs and rape for fun, and that’s OK because those are our sons, don’t you dare accuse them of being violent rapists!!
Must be a Republican town top to bottom… ya think?
@Chetan Murthy:
It is nice but it’s such a huge thing to ask of a “regular” person. She’d really be handing her life over. Celebrity is terrifying.
Need to vent.
So angry at so many people. Friend of a friend put up a stupid meme about the Ford accusations, so I’ve spent the last hour trying to explain to them basic fucking empathy, which one of them literally explained to me was a dirty word associated with Muslims and Democrats. Then had another friend, an annoying “I’m a centrist but I only vote Republican” explain to me how, prior to the sexual abuse allegations, the Democrats really had nothing to complain about with Kavanaugh other than nitpicks. At least he didn’t say the Ford stuff was bad though! So, you know, silver linings.
Just so fucking angry with terrible people right now.
@Kay: Its that horrible Tiger Mom woman, Amy Chua. Chua also was big promoter of the author of Hillbilly Elegy, J. D. Vance.
It is completely trapped in the 1980s and dependent on the gender norms of that time. I should know. I mean, that is when judges and law professors generally came of age, if not earlier.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
You do know these GOP senators are betting Ford will retreat to a safe spot? These same clowns even have admitted that bunch of white ghouls trying to shame a rape victim is really bad optics.
Chetan Murthy
@Kay: I think the point Rubin was trying to make was: if you want to move forward (and not just hide), then you don’t have to go to this kangaroo court. Go to a friendly venue. I agree with you, that it’s a hell of a thing to ask her to do anything other than hide. If I were advising her, I’d counsel to stay underground until and unless 3 other accusers come forward. But if she’s gonna testify, she should pick the venue, is what Rubin’s saying. And I buy that. Pick the venue, the interrogators, the other witnesses, etc.
Sure, specificity is fine, but what could the special look possibly be? He prefers ..studious looking people? Did the special look apply to male applicants too, then? I get that she didn’t say “look THIS way” but there’s really no other interpretation of that remark other than “sexist”. Then her husband weighs in and specifies “model-like”? WTF is wrong with these people? This wouldn’t fly in an ordinary professional setting. Why are they behaving this way?
@Kay: Stepford Wives law clerks.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Mildly ironic that the more salacious aspects about the Clenis Hunt were publicized due to the actions and writings of one … Brett Kavanaugh.
@Doug R:
The same. I have been well aware of the Americanization of conservative politics in this nation too, Harper represented it, and Ford does too, although his is more the Trumpian type whereas Harper I would equate more with McConnell. In either case I find these people and their political goals to be inherently anti-democratic, anti-rule-of-law, and especially anti-equality under that same rule of law. What kills me is that by Canadian standards politically speaking in many respects I am more conservative than not. Socially as in social policy I am quite liberal, but when it comes to many aspects of process issues, I am quite conservative. It confuses people a lot when they meet me, because it is assumed I must be a far leftie because of my social beliefs and my open orientation and gender identity.
Ford is very dangerous, but I was not surprised to see him win, the Libs had held power too long, and the NDP kept Horvath who yet again found a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, a skill she passed onto Mulcair in 2015 and replicated this year yet again. Thankfully Ford does not have a judiciary that he can manipulate and mold as easily as was done to the American one, it is one of the advantages of using appointment instead of election for judges. I mean Harper tried with our Supreme Court and his own picks ended up being more about professionalism than about ideology, which I submit is something you should want to see in judges.
Now, I’m in Nova Scotia so I do not pay a lot of attention to the political dynamics within other Provinces, but because Ontario is so powerful within our Confederation it is hard not to, for much the same reason I pay attention to American politics, to see the ripples coming and have a chance to prepare for them, to figure out which ripples to stand and fight against, and which ripples to bodysurf (I live next to the ocean, so water metaphors are very common with me). We shall see how this ripples out from there, I suspect though it will not take as root as it did in Alberta, but I assume nothing is a given until it has passed the threshold of probability into actuality.
@Chetan Murthy:
It is good and I don’t think she should go to the GOP kangaroo court, so I’m with you there. I just cannot imagine how this feels to the person. She’s not a senator or a SCOTUS nominee. This isn’t her thing. 3 days ago she was just a regular person with a private life. I would find it so difficult, the firestorm. I see her as so much less powerful than all these douchebags. My impulse is to protect her.
Dunno. Could be racist, could be social-class obsessed, could involve a kink or fetish, could be a lot of things.
People are invited to fill in the blanks with whatever they think is bad.
Hillary’s nominee would still be waiting for a hearing.
@Brachiator: There is at least the little detail that she didn’t reccomend the head-shot for other judges — so it’s not exactly judicial SOP. Were males instructed to send outgoing photos to demonstrate their diversity? There’s caution, legal caution and being an eleborately credentialed ostrich.
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: Back in the day when I was in a Chicago band called The Bitter Pills, we did two sets that we called “The Incredibly Sad Music Show”. Downbound Train was one of the highlights – or would it be “lowlights”? – of that show.
And for our Christmas version, John Prine’s
@NotMax: “What do you mean our candidate didn’t win?!? Cancel the election!!”
Excuse me, I came of age before – in the 70s – and I evolved. They’re responsible for keeping up on gender norms or not. It’s their failure, not the whole ’80s cohort.
A new thread would be nice.
Miss Bianca
@Miss Bianca: Sigh. I miss the edit function.
@Amir Khalid: Add Atlantic City to the Springsteen failure song list. Although it’s more like imminent failure, isn’tcit?
I agree wholeheartedly with Anne; this scumbag is not the guy for whom the GOP should be going to the mattresses. A vote for this miserable waste of protoplasm is a vote to be turned out of office next election, probably by a woman. Trump’s approval rating with women is in the crapper, and any dimwit senator who votes to confirm will be seen by women as no better than Trump. The GOP should toss him aside, because the Federalist Society will find somebody ideologically similar, just not as obviously horrible. (Keep in mind, the seat that’s open is the one for which Bork was nominated.)
But what I find amazing is the lack of foresight and courage of EVERY Republican senator. Can’t any of them see John McCain’s political ploy? Vote against a Republican president every now and then and have the news media laud you as a maverick. Any Republican senator who votes against confirmation will become the odds-on choice to head the ticket once Trump is sent packing (and hopefully to a federal penitentiary). But they’re all as gutless and clueless as Ted “Rhymes With Lose” Cruz, who not only didn’t have the character to put his family before his fealty to career, he thinks pointing out that Beto O’Rourke was once in a punk band will negatively resonate with voters.
If this asshole joins the Supreme Court, he will be the first justice impeached and removed. He’s lying now, he’ll lie under oath in his denial of having ever laid eyes or hands upon Dr. Ford, and he has lied repeatedly under oath. (You think those docs that the Trump White House refused to release, citing somebody else’s lawyer-client privilege, won’t see the light of day once the place is fumigated of all GOP parasites?) I believe Dr. Ford, and highly doubt the veracity of Trump’s nominee. Seriously, does truth-telling gain you rank in the GOP hierarchy? Recent events would seem to indicate precisely the opposite. But my main thought is that if one believes that women don’t have the sovereignty to have control of their bodies (the belief upon which all anti-abortion court decisions are based), it’s a small step indeed to figuring that they only exist for the amusement and sexual gratification of privileged white boys.
Of course he did it. It’s who he is and always wanted to be.
@Chyron HR:
wasn’t there something about a Yale secret society nicknamed ‘tit and clit’ ?
Fresh thread. Tiger Mom, etc.
Hillbilly Elegy wasn’t that bad. JD Vance is sort of awful but the book itself was a fairly accurate depiction of that time and place. I read it. It’s one of those books where I’m convinced the people who “extoll” it never read it. They kept telling me here it was some kind of validation of their whole world view and it just isn’t that. It’s a sort of disorganized, rambly reminiscence that over-reaches and that honestly could have used an editor :)
I would get annoyed while reading it. Does this have chapters? Where ARE we? It has like..nuggets of true things buried under a lot of mushy angst. It would have been a better article- a short piece.
Miss Bianca
I hope you all don’t mind that I’ve been mining your excellent comments for my latest email to Senator Cory Gardner. Not that I expect it to do a damn thing, but only because I want the record to show the Republicans that there is a LOT of opposition to this nomination.
@Kay: I only saw the interviews where MSM pundits gave Vance a tongue bath while he both-sided all issues economic.
Trying to get to all the issues that disqualify Kavanaugh is like peeling a very large, and rotting onion.
I saw a news item that the assault was widely known in his social circle at the time.
In a sane and less ruthless environment, we don’t even have to get into issues of how long ago it was, and he was a minor when it happened.
He lied about it. Like he has lied about many other things.
We need a prioritized list of all the reasons this thug is unfit to hold any office in any kind of court of law.
Honest question for BJ legal flying wedge: if there really is strong evidence he perjured himself repeatedly over the stolen Senate documents from the famous hack, why hasn’t someone filed a criminal complaint, or whatever a person does to get the law on the case. Sure, Sessions DOJ won’t do squat, but it would make the right public statement about how unfit this ruthless little operator is.
@schrodingers_cat: it goes way back before Partition. The 8th through 10th gurus were martyred by Muslim rulers and the Sikhs were major fighters against Mughal and Persian armies.
Materiality is an element of the offense of perjury, which the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Think for a minute about what it takes for a false statement in a confirmation hearing to be material.
@Mayur: Yes I know about Guru Govind Singh and Aurangzeb and Guru Teg Bahadur’s martyrdom as well.
Citizen Alan
@Gelfling 545:
I almost backed out of going to law school because I didn’t want to incur a massive student loan debt at the age of 27. And then I got a call saying that my LSAT scores had earned me a 75% scholarship. And I was by far one of the most liberal people in my class.
@Gin & Tonic: Much better than actually having shingles. Hubby’s had shingles and it was absolute agony.
@Kay: that is excellent, timely information, Kay. I wish you’d write it up in an op-ed which could be distributed widely. I am so furious about this, the idea that men are so easily forgiven for ruining young women’s lives in this way. I know that my experiences as sexual prey have deeply affected the way I live my life. Let’s bring them all down, every last one. GRRRRRRR!
@different-church-lady: last poll on Kavanaugh has his “popularity” lower than drumpf’s, so I’m going with it’s decidedly NOT what people want.
Dan B
@Thursday: We’ve got the same thing going on in ‘the family’. My partner’s side are FOX people (zombies?). The siater in law is an attorney so all discussions are legal-eezed. The rest of the family go vacant eyes and spout FOX memes. The wall of talking points force field is strong. Anything that hints at empathy is deeply terrifying. Strength or the illusion of it, is the only thing protcting them from a terrifying world. They live in a very pretty small city that’s 97 percent white with a poverty rate of 10 percent. Yet they are afraid. They’ve never visited us. Our neighborhood is less than 10 percent white. The poverty rate is 15 percent but nearby it’s 25 percent. There are black churches and nightclubs, Buddhist temples, a Hmong monastery, a couple Chinese churches, a couple small Mosques and a madrassa, a big Filipino center, Vietnamese restaurants and shops by the hundreds, and more. Yet our “family” in whitesville is afraid. Our neighbors equals “empathy” to them.
We steer conversations with them to themes of “order” and “liberal tyranny”. We don’t talk about our neighbors or our trans friends’ troubles. We wince silently when they decry eco-nazies. We do talk about our solar panels, electric car, and super insulated house. We talk about the successful PV manufacturer in their town, but, not about the state policy that’s made their success possible.
Until FOX is brought to heel with a Fairness Doctrine with teeth any other discussions are useless. You might as well tell the fish that the water in their tank is toxic.