Six of Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar's siblings are denouncing him in a new campaign ad and endorsing his Democratic opponent. pic.twitter.com/rcpk16IRSR
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 22, 2018
Congressman Gosar was last seen regaling the House of Representatives with tales of his ability to read body language.
Apparently this family rift goes back aways and has been broadening and deepening since the neo-NAZI and white supremacist marches and the domestic terrorist killing of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, VA in 2017.
U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., is reopening his Facebook page to critics after facing a constituent lawsuit and national ridicule for an appearance on national TV last week in which he touted conspiracy theories.
That interview also exposed a deep-seated family rift, with Gosar’s brother repulsed by the congressman’s comments and warning that he would not let views aiding racists and anti-Semites go unchallenged.
In the interview with Vice News that aired on HBO, Gosar veered from discussing intemperate language on Facebook to raise far-right conspiracy theories. He suggested the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacist rally was the work of a supporter of former President Barack Obama and that liberal activist George Soros had turned Jews over to the Nazis as a boy.
Gosar’s brother, David Gosar, who is a Wyoming lawyer, was so disgusted by the Soros comments and the effect it has on the family name that he offered to represent Morgaine in her lawsuit. He said in an interview with The Arizona Republic that eight of Gosar’s nine siblings don’t share his far-right views and suggested the family could become more vocal.
“If (Paul Gosar) had any guts or decency, he would apologize to George Soros on Vice News,” David Gosar said. “He never will because his base won’t like it, but he owes that man an apology.”
Be nice to your family!
Open thread!
John Cole
You thought your Thanksgiving dinners were wild.
Well, sibling rivalry and all that. Any chance the Dem could win?
Adam L Silverman
Apparently Beto used up his entire family’s allotment of human growth hormone!
Adam L Silverman
@John Cole: The major problem is when my brother lets his in laws do the cooking. I don’t think they know about seasoning. Like salt for instance…
@Adam L Silverman: No cooking is complete without salt.
Like I said…I have 5 sisters…what kinda person do you gotta be or your siblings to come out against you IN PUBLIC…not even just doing an ad for your opponent…lol
Are we drug testing these welfare bums? Why not?
Beto seems like a truly good soul. It’s heartwarming after 2 years in Dumpster-land.
@Adam L Silverman:
Did they at least manage to discover fire?
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Would your sisters mind taking a short survey and then agreeing to a focus group? If so, I may be able to get you some answers.//
Also, aren’t you in London? If so, why are you hanging out here. Go have fun!!!
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I see that the first full year of the five year plan is going well.
@John Cole:
i think the craziest we’ve ever gotten was deep fried turducken.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: They’ve got that part down. They’re lovely folks.
Gin & Tonic
Thanksgiving at our house is always wonderful – everybody is on the same page politically, so we just eat and drink and relax.
@Adam L Silverman:
Year Five: Soylent
or garlic.
Handsome family.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@oldgold: Maddow read a letter from Ford’s attorney asking for an additional day to decide.
The Rs look really bad to me on this, but I live in a liberal bubble.
I’m trying to follow the line of reasoning that leads McConnell and Grassley to think that they can ram Kavanaugh through the Senate and not pay a price come Election Day. Not seeing it.
Major Major Major Major
@John Cole: I have never thought my family thanksgiving dinners were wild.
The “thanksgiving for strays” meal I used to attend in Marin, though…
Mary G
@oldgold: Chuck, please proceed, or as I wrote then deleted on Twitter – I wish a motherfucker would.
He seems nice.
Mary G
@Mary G:
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I’m founding the Soylent Green Party. We’re going to get Florida’s demographics under control once and for all!
Villago Delenda Est
Gosar’s siblings apparently think he’s looney-toons. They’re right.
The plot sickens. More details about the Dallas shooting.
Looking more like murder all the time.
This makes me wonder…
Where are Steve king’s relatives?
@Adam L Silverman: I presume Dr. Jill Stein will be serves as refreshment.
@TenguPhule: served even.
@lgerard: They must be self-fertilizing.
I assume they have ICE assemble, issue them military grade weapons and occupy DC.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Is anyone watching the O’Rourke-Cruz debate? I’m trying to get a sense of it on twitter, but am finding mostly people who agree with me which makes me suspicious.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m back baby! Where ya been , I been back since Wednesday night!
oh and u kid, but my sisters LOVE surveys and would sell me out in a minute for a good sale…but even they wouldn’t endorse an opponent of mine??
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You make this sound like a bad thing for some reason.
I am watching it now. Cruz is truly loathsome.
I’m sure that if George Clooney ever ran against you they’d desert you in a heartbeat.
Adam L Silverman
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @burnspbesq: @Mary G: @Mary G: McConnell’s assuming strategic risk. He is willing to lock in Kavanaugh as a fifth, partisan conservative justice on the Court, and a doctrinaire and extremist one at that, even if it means he loses the Senate majority this year rather than in 2020 when based on the cohort up for reelection it is much more likely to happen. He knows what the internal polling looks like and he knows a lot of the seats he either needs to take and hold on to are within the margin of error. So his gamble, his assumption of risk, is better to take the profits now because he might lose his investment in just under two months. Remember, McConnell is both a revolutionary insurgent and a natural fascist in the truest sense of fascism that might makes right. What he’s doing fits his behavioral profile to a T.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Of course it was.
@lgerard: They all changed their names.
Yass! Call the fuq’ers out
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: What if I have the Elders get Soros to cut them each a check?//
@Adam L Silverman: only cold hard cash for the LAMH siblings no checks??
Soledad O’Brien pwned Ann Coulter on Twitter with juat two words: ?
Chetan Murthy
Adam did you see this? http://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2018/09/now-dont-tell-work-one-edward-whelan
Damn, Whelan is one idiot. And Dr. Blasey, well, she’s one smart cookie. I sure wouldn’t be taking those kinds of precautions, being that kind of aware.
@WaterGirl: I think he thought that artificial smile would make him likeable.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Just put up a new thread with the video embedded so people can watch and comment as they please.
“In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court found for the defendants in Schumer vs. McConnell. The ruling, authored by Justice Kavanaugh, held that the power granted in Article I Section 5 (‘Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members’) can be exercised by the outgoing membership to disqualify any or all incoming members. McConnell’s refusal to seat any of the newly-elected Democrats leaves the Republicans with a 48-32 majority in the reduced chamber…”
O Brother,
WhereWhat Art Thou?Tim C.
@burnspbesq: Here’s the choices the GOP has.
A) Kavanaugh withdraws after some kind of near-proof of his assault. This is both the least likely and I think best possible outcome for the GOP. They get to look sage and statesman like and the VSP in the media sagely say the GOP is acting independently of Trump. The proof gives them cover.
B) Ford’s testimony pretty much convinces everyone but the base that he’s a sack of shit. This is their worst and most likely outcome. They cant withdraw him without losing the base crazies; there’s no time before the election. They go from a better than even chance of holding the Senate to a likely loss of both houses. On the other hand, the damage from pushing him through will probably be just as bad, but then they end up with a 5-4 majority on the court. Alito, Thomas, Gorsch and now Kavanaugh will be totally loyal to Trump. Roberts, the only Republican on the court who knows to say the quiet part quietly will have to try and wrangle that mess into not letting the GOP eat it’s own poop in public. (Yes, Roberts is a sack of crap too, but the ACA decision in 2012 was all about trying to prevent the GOP from looking like assholes less than 6 months before an election. The man is evil, but canny and tries not to overplay his hand)
Mai Naem mobile
Paul Gosar is a big chickenshit. He was supposed to hold a ‘town hall ‘ last year at a hotel facility that Is owned by a family friend. Chickenshit intentionally asked for a too small room and then bailed completely when he found out a bunch of resist folks were going to show up. He was supposed to be joined by the odious Dave Brat.
The sad part is that he will probably still win the district because quite a bit of it is rural and old white retirement area folks.
Gelfling 545
@WaterGirl: I have contended that they merely had to stand side by side on the stage to make people abandon Cruz in shoals.
Adam L Silverman
@Chetan Murthy: I had. The reporting makes it clear that Whelan was in touch with at least one GOP senator on the Judiciary Committee. My guess is either Grassley or Hatch. And most likely Hatch to try to keep Grassley’s hands looking clean. But it goes beyond it, Whelan mapped out the address of the female friend that Dr. Blasey was with at the party. How’d he know where she lived? How’d he know who she is? Moreover, the Senate Judiciary Committee majority staff have tweeted out that they’ve conducted interviews with four people at the party under oath and subject to penalty of perjury. How’d the Senate Judiciary Committee majority staff identify anyone other than Blasey, Kavanaugh, and Judge? And if the party never happened, which, as a result, means Kavanaugh was never there, how are there four people to be interviewed about a party that didn’t happen in regard to a sexual assault who the accused said never occurred because the party never happened?
None of these stories are being kept straight by anyone involved in them. They may ram Kavanaugh through, but as soon as the Democrats get the majority in one or both chambers, they’re going to hold hearing after hearing on this. I fully expect that staffers for Grassley and Hatch, if not Grassley and Hatch, will get subpoenaed. Whelan and Leonard Leo will get subpoenaed. Kavanaugh will get subpoenaed. As will Judge. As will McGahn. I fully expect that they’ll subpoena the records and tax documents and financial disclosures, etc of the Federalist Society and Leo’s other related endeavors like the Judicial Crisis Network. They may win this battle, but they are going to absolutely rue the fact that they started the war.
And if the Democrats don’t do any of this if they get the majority in one or both chambers, then shame on them.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: The pressure from the Native Alaskans and from Alaska’s governor and lieutenant governor is working.
@Adam L Silverman:
I think there’s one big miscalculation the Republicans are making here. They’ve forgotten that, as a current resident of California, Dr. Blasey is a constituent of both Feinstein and Harris. This is not something they’re going to let slide when it involves one of their actual constituents. ?
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I do not disagree.
OT, but a few days ago in a thread that was in its death throes, you asked me for my opinion about the effectiveness of ibuprofen vs naproxen. Some people respond better to on than the other. I recommend trying both. Whichever works better for you is the right med for you.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m not completely up-to-date on Federalist Society theory, but isn’t that what they want? The state governments should appoint the Senators and tell them how to vote, repeal the 17th amendment, etc. Obviously they expected the state’s instructions would always favor their side, but that’s often a blind spot with sociopaths.
@lamh36: Color me surprised!
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: I do not know the Federalist Society’s official position on the 17th Amendment.
J R in WV
I can’t see twitter most of the time, so seldom try. So what two words did Ms Soledad O’Brian use to whip up on the idiot??
@J R in WV:
Coulter asked on Twitter if people could name anyone dumber than Senator Maisie Hirono and O’Brien’s reply was, “You, babe.” ?
Paul Gosar is odious AF. He reps northern Arizona, which, except for Flagstaff, is the shitty part. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
@Mnemosyne: I suppose “You, bitch” might have been considered too hostile.
Oh, thanks for remembering! I keep seeing scary things about ibuprofen and kidney failure, so I wasn’t sure if there was a specific reason to prefer naproxen.
In general, my ortho seems to prefer long-acting meds (the opiate he prescribed was a slow-release version), so I suspect that’s why he prefers naproxen to ibuprofen.
I am heading to bed now and I hate the thought that when I get up in the morning there might be news that the arrogant pricks who are running the Judiciary committee have done something really stupid and awful.
I LOVE how smart Dr. Blasey and her attorney are. And they write damn fine letters. Not a single unnecessary word, and every word seems carefully thought out. Smart and brave.
I like the little dose of condescension. Like, Even I can’t believe you were dumb enough to walk into that one.
@Mnemosyne: They would NOT let me take ibuprofen until the break in my ankle was healed. They were adamant. They said the research showed that ibuprofen interferes with healing of the bone. I hated the tylenol, but I did what they told me.
But if they are giving you a choice, definitely go with the one that works best for your body.
@Mnemosyne: Yes, it was quite well done! And even if “bitch” might have felt better in the moment, babe was a much better choice. Condescension, with a helping of sugar.
Any NSAID can cause kidney issues if taken at a high enough dose for long enough. I don’t see much difference in risk between the two meds.
J R in WV
Sweet!!!! Thanks, that’s great. I wish I had that kind of wit, quick and fatal!
J R in WV
My surgeon (that did my two shouder replacements a couple of years ago) had me stop my Naproxen (two a day 375mg IIRC, prescription level) like a month before the surgery, and stay off it for quite some time after, just to promote bone healing.
But after that period, and he looked carefully at the x-rays, I went back on Naproxen.
My physical therapist was also cautionary about Naproxen and kidney health, but I see my family doctor every 3 or 4 months, have blood work, and pee well, although a little often now that I’m an old. He’s a board cert family practice doc, and a board cert geriatrician as well. He realized that if he did a good job all his patients would become older with the passage of time; and here I am…
Fair Economist
@Mnemosyne: Naproxen is also linked to kidney failure. I think all NSAIDs are. It’s associated with chronic use so IMO not a reason to avoid in medium-term rehabilitation. I also think you should pick the one that works best for you. I know people that have strong preferences for each of the three major OTC pain relievers other than aspirin.
Mary G
i took ibuprofen from the day Motrin came on the market for RA. At one point I was taking 800 mg four times a day. So far no damage/hope that continues to be true. I was on monthly blood tests for decades.
Sister Golden Bear
All NSAID run the risk of kidney problems with long-term, as I discovered the hard way after using ibuprofen to deal with my breakthrough pain from a pinched nerve.
But shouldn’t be a problem for short-to medium-term usage. That said, naproxen is longer-acting, so you need to take less of it, which is probably why your surgeon prefers it.
I had a similar discussion with my doctor about using Celebrax over ibuprofen (in my case, it’s more about reducing swelling).
Sister Golden Bear
@Adam L Silverman: Some friends of ours related the story of going to a Thanksgiving dinner where the cook took the turkey out of the oven, poured out all the juices from roasting the turkey and opened a couple of jars of “turkey gravy” to heat up.