She called their bluff. Via The Post:
The Senate Judiciary Committee and lawyers for Ford have been in negotiations for days about whether she would appear before the panel. Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in the 1980s when both were teenagers.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, had given Ford until 2:30 p.m. to respond to a revised offer to testify at a Wednesday hearing. Her lawyers asked the committee for a call later Saturday to work out other specifics.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.
From what I’ve read, I get the impression Dr. Blasey and her attorney are sharp. For one thing, they’re insisting that the senators question Dr. Blasey directly rather than bring in counsel to question her. In other words, sanctimonious old farts like Grassley and Hatch will be grilling the professor rather than imported female Republican operatives to soften the optics.
The Post also has an interesting piece on Christine Blasey Ford’s escape from the DC suburbs to California. An excerpt:
When Donald Trump won his upset presidential victory in 2016, Christine Blasey Ford’s thoughts quickly turned to a name most Americans had never heard of but one that had unsettled her for years: Brett M. Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh — a judge on the prestigious U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia — was among those mentioned as a possible replacement for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016. When Trump nominated Neil M. Gorsuch, Ford was relieved but still uneasy.
Then Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced his retirement and Ford, 51, began fretting again.
“Her mind-set was, ‘I’ve got this terrible secret. . . .What am I going to do with this secret?’ ” her husband, Russell Ford, 56, recalled…
“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’ ” her husband said. “She wanted out.”
She came forward instead, which took a ton of courage. I have no idea if her testimony will derail the nomination. I suspect not since the Republicans who control congress are spineless, evil or both. But I’m grateful to Christine Blasey Ford anyway. She’s a patriot.
zhena gogolia
My Mount Rushmore includes Christine Blasey Ford, Khizr Khan, and Stormy Daniels.
West of the Rockies
I wish her every grace, that every word be direct and powerful, and land like a shot.
Also, OT, the LA Rams should sign Colin K as a backup. It would be a good team move and a solid community move (and a poke in the eye to their northstate neighbors).
Smiling Mortician
@zhena gogolia: Excellent. I guess I sorta want to add Adam Schiff.
zhena gogolia
@Smiling Mortician:
Oh, yeah, it’s not an exhaustive list. Let’s throw Bobby Three Sticks in there too.
I hope Dr. Christine Blaey Ford makes these Republican pieces of shit rue the day they nominated this would-be rapist to be on the highest court in the land, and then tried to ram his nomination through.
I hope their hubris bites them in the ass and I truly hope that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is able to live her life in peace without this piece of shit being on the Supreme Court.
You know what I remember most about the Anita Hill hearings? The way it drove my mother, a lifelong Republican from a long line of Republicans, out of the GOP. She got out and never went back, was a Democrat until the day she died. I hope and believe that process is repeating itself right now in households all across the country.
@West of the Rockies:
Stan would never allow it, for those reasons and more.
@WaterGirl: You should add a link to the podcast – when i looked a few weeks ago other things came up as a match when I googled.
That she is.
How many of us would do the same thing in her shoes? She is risking a lot, with little possibility of reward, I’d bet because she’s not looking to be rewarded. She hopes to stop a disaster, and it’s possible that she might. But either way, she is doing the right thing, and that makes her a great patriot.
@JoyceH: Joe decided to move the process forward rather than have more witnesses. If he were the only choice on the democratic side against a republican, I still would vote for him.
@WaterGirl: oops wrong thread and wrong reply to.
ding, ding, ding
Kyle Griffin on twitter
@OzarkHillbilly: Only if she has a flag flying outside her house. lol
Mary G
Her attorneys are turning Chuck Grassley into a whiny little baby. Also, a number of the never-Trump Republicans (Ben Wittes, Tom Nichols) have a ton of egg on the face because they vouched for first Kavanaugh, then Ed Whelan, as upstanding, intellligent, and honorable men who would never ever lie, and it is well-established now that they are bog standard political operative mediocrities who will go as low as they have to to win. They just used to pretend better. I hope Ford’s lawyers can push it to Thursday afternoon, then Kavanaugh on Friday. Then Monday Oct. 1 we will push for Mark Judge to testify under oath. That’s the day the SC starts its term, and why the Republicans are so frantic. I think it’s even odds that Kavanaugh won’t get confirmed, or will be confirmed with a big stain on his character, so if he votes for Trump to have unlimited powers, or to overrule Roe v. Wade, there will be a huge scandal.
Gelfling 545
@Ruckus: Many would not (Who could blame them?) and all this mess being thrown at her is to make sure it stays thst way.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Thank God. I hope she years these assholes some me ones.
hells littlest angel
I have no idea if her testimony will derail the nomination. I suspect not …
I’ve begun to allow myself to hope Kavanaugh goes down in flames. Things are consistently not going according to the Party Of Evil’s plan.
from nycsouthpaw twitter
Mike in DC
I hope she mentions the corroborating witnesses by name, and conveys the impact of the experience upon her life.
I just added a link in the thread below. ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hells littlest angel: tough to make predictions about the future, but Susan Collins went from toeing the bullying party line about Monday or never, to saying she wants to hear from Dr Ford, on Wednesday, or Thursday. The indy gov and lt gov of Alaska made a strong public statement against BK, and I don’t think they even mentioned these charges, and Murkowski has been very quiet and cautious from what I’ve seen. I wouldn’t count on either one of them until the votes are cast, but I’m guessing the blowback from their constituents is getting worse
@Mike in DC: I’m sure the Republicans will do everything they can to keep her from naming any other names AND will find a way to say they only want to talk about the night in question, not the fallout to her. It won’t look good, but they probably think it will look better than getting the information out there.
@Mary G:
Turns out that “bros before hos” is not a great way to live one’s political life.
Also, as a resident of California, Dr. Ford is a constituent of both Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, so they’ll be even more willing to go to the mat for her, if such a thing is possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why Feinstein was the senator that Dr. Ford wrote to.
Chetan Murthy
@Mary G: Re Ben Wittes: (1)I also remember him vouching for KavENOUGH
(2) I saw him on Dr. Maddow’s show last night(? Thursday night?) and he said KavaNONONO should withdraw. B/c we can’t have someone with that kind of question-mark on their history being elevated to SCOTUS.
So while I’m angry that he gave KKKavaNO a pass, at least he came around. At. Least. It’s the least we can ask, and sometimes, these rich men meet the bar.
Soft bigotry of low expectations.
As I said in another thread, she reminds me of the female soldier who accused CSM Gene McKinney of sexual harassment when he was to be put on an Army board investigating sexual harassment. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and protect other; your past is in the past, and this is in the now.
Also, too, it’s now looking REALLY obvious that the Republicans knew these accusations were out there and they were trying to inoculate Kavanaugh against them ahead of time. That’s what all of the “carpool dad” bullshit was about.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Percysowner: I assume the Ds on the committee will be allowed to question Ford too, so there should be some opportunity there. If Grassley tries to rule out some question they ask, I see chaos for the man Wonkette calles Senator Corn Nuts.
@Mnemosyne: Iiirc, she wrote to Rep. Anna Eshoo (who was my rep when I lived in Mountain View) who passed it to Sen. Feinstein.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I thought Murkowski actually stated on Thursday or Friday that she would *not* vote until she heard from Ford.
@Gelfling 545:
It takes one first step to start a trip.
Let’s hope that this is that first step. It’s a doozy in any event.
Doug R
@West of the Rockies: Ooh, I like that-same divisions that’s at least two guaranteed matchups and at least one visit to San Jose.
@Percysowner: If the republicans agree to the hearing. They are behind close doors trying to figure out if Whelan should release another name. I jest about Whelan, but they don’t want this hearing.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chetan Murthy: I thought I’d seen a tweet from his wife (Tamara Coffman Wittes) that indicated support for Ford, but looking through her feed I don’t see anything explicit, but to the extent that retweets are endorsements, it looks like there was some discussion of this matter in the Wittes household. Someone said Tom Nichols admitted that his wife changed his mind on this, but I didn’t see that.
Gelfling 545
@Mnemosyne: That puzzled me as well. I mean, who cares about the Supreme Cpurt Justice carpooling? Now it becomes clear that they were trying to show him as trustworthy around females. Oops.
Uncle Cosmo
@Mike in DC: I would love to see is her lawyers, on the Capitol steps just prior t entering the hearing room, brandishing a sheaf of papers & saying
Major Major Major Major
This is why you don’t nominate a DKE to the Supreme Court. ETA or elect them president, wasn’t W a member?
@Gelfling 545:
One does wonder if the parents of the other players on his daughter’s basketball team have a few questions now that they know his past history.
@Major Major Major Major: W and his dad, I believe. Because Skull & Bones just isn’t enough. (puke)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: There’s also the issue of rampant sexual assault in AK which was mentioned by both the Gov and Lt Gov. And this is in the air in AK:
I know Murkowski is not up for reelection until 2022 and has nothing to do with those prosecutions, but…
I get that this is the hill the GOP is prepared to die on. But holy fuck what a stupid hill it is. Assuming the Dems win the House, they’d be wise to open up an impeachment hearing on Kavanaugh on day one, and subpoena the shit out of everything going back to 2006. The Kavanaugh confirmation will still be in people’s memories. Drag that process out into the 2020 runup and force the GOP to defend the guy against even more damning evidence that he lied to congress repeatedly. Even if he can’t get formally impeached, it compromises him so badly on the court that everything they vote on becomes suspect. And if he’s not impeached, that opens the door to the Dems passing a new law that sets the number of justices with a pretty good justification for the need to do so.
Do they really want to be dragged through this sewer for at least 2 more years?
“I suspect not since the Republicans who control congress are spineless, evil or both.” Evil or both? There’s a question about this?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I saw it. He apologized when his wife said his tweets did not look like they came from the man she married.
“Ed, we think it will be more believable if you confess to being the rapist in your suicide note. At the very least it will muddy the waters, since Kavanaugh can claim Hillary Clinton killed you just like she did Vince Foster.”
zhena gogolia
Sadly believable.
PAM Dirac
If I were Supreme Dictator of the entire Universe (I think the paperwork needs only one more signature in HR) I would grant her the love and support she need to tell HER story in way that best brings HER peace. I know a lot of us want her to be a super hero and dragon slayer and it would be great if that were to happen, but she has her truth and her life and I think it is a terrible mistake to make her responsible for what happens beyond that.
Chetan Murthy
And I believe that this should happen regardless of whether the Dems think they have the votes in the Senate. B/c if this fucker is what he appears to be (from what I’ve seen here-and-there, there are other victims, too afraid to come forward) then he needs to be *outed*.
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: Oops — I see you wrote that down lower in your (short) comment. Man, I got so excited, I had to post before finishing reading your comment! O^ for an edit function!
@Mary G:
Nichols also let the mask slip with comments that the Democrats always lie about the Republican nominees. Most the never Trumps let loose a comment about foolish, dishonest liberals every now and then.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gozer: my god that story is staggering. I was just listening to the new season of Serial, they’re doing a deep dive into the Cleveland criminal courts and episode two features a profoundly racist judge who survives in no small part because judges in Cuyahoga County are elected. Makes me wonder if that judge and DA got, and keep, their positions.
@Starfish: Ouch
@Major Major Major Major: Bones. I think
Rand Careaga
I like the way your mind works.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I swear I’m waiting for Jennifer Rubin go full-metal Cole as she drifts away from the GOP
I do believe that gas station references is a swipe at Salena Zito
zhena gogolia
Deke too.
Not to mention that it’s beginning to look more than a little creepy that he brought his girls soccer team to sit behind him.
I watched quite a bit of the Hill hearings/testimony in 1991. I recently re-watched some clips. The senators were even more offensive than I remembered (Heflin should have been…well, in the interests of not inciting violence…) and Hill was even more credible. It was so obvious she was telling the truth, I would have been astounded if anything she said had been shown to be even a slight exaggeration.
If Dr. Blasey does as well as Hill did, she will be formidable. And she will almost certainly be ignored by all the Republicans.
Dr. Ford is a true American Heroine
@zhena gogolia: : )
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: @pat: also, that weird moment when John Kennedy was chuckling with BK about his wild oats and youthful hijinks. Somebody should go back and check the transcripts of the Gorsuch and other judicial hearings (yes, I could probably do it on my laptop, but I’m lazy)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Rubin has her order mixed up a bit. I think it would be better if Blasey Ford pulled into the gas station before getting out of her car.
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia: wiki says he was the frat president even.
Chetan Murthy
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I for one would be curious to read John’s (and Charles Johnson [the LGF guy]’s) thoughts on Rubin, Frum, Schmidt, Wilson, maybe a few others. B/c from where I sit, it’s refreshing to see Rubin [for example] defending women, defending American democracy, arguing that these immigrant families shouldn’t be tortured. But when it comes to foreign policy, she reverts to form. I expected it, so it’s not jarring. But she’s softened not-at-all on foreign policy: she’s a hard-core neocon *still*.
I’m not complaining: I’d say more than a few nice words about her in the House of Commons.
Dr. Blasey Ford contacted her representative Anna Eshoo initially. They agreed to contact Feinstein. As a California senator and the senior Democrat on the judiciary committee, Feinstein would be the obvious senator for them to go to.
zhena gogolia
I didn’t have a television at the time, so I heard the whole thing on the radio. I was in a state of constant rage that approximates how I’ve felt since Nov. 2016.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chetan Murthy: I think of those you mention, Schmidt is the one most likely to undergo a real ideological transformation. Nichols is a paleo-con, and From is a conservative, but on some issues his Canadian-ness shines through– health care, if I’m remembering some tweets correctly, and the environment.
I listened to Wilson’s book and as much fun as his trump bashing is, he presents a picture of Obama that only makes sense if you’re a hardcore Fox viewer. I think it was Pierce who said his views on HRC would piss off her fans, but as I recall his only real critique of her was pretty much that she’s a poor candidate for the television age. I don’t think he mentioned emails or Benghazi at all
@Mnemosyne: Well, I’ll take you a step further & say (with the obligatory comment I am not a conspiracy theorist) that I wouldn’t be surprised that the entire wooing Kennedy to retire w/ the idea of putting exactly one BK (due to his particularly specific views on interpreting the Constitution) on SCOTUS has been fomenting from about the time Trump was elected. If that was the case then of course the would know about & be prepared for the skellies in BK’s closet.
Re: Rubin, Schmidt, Frum, Rick Wilson et al, I think they finally saw what the party had become. Until the election of the moron-in-chief, it was easy to pretend that it was just a normal party with some different views than the other party. Not sure what happens when (if?) it ever goes back to being “normal.” I certainly hope that would not include Pence.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia:
So sort of a giant bust carved out of a mountain…//
@JPL: They said he immediately resigned from his law firm in order to do so, as there were concerns within the firm about him taking her on as a client.
This man sounds like someone with scruples.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: thank you!
Adam L Silverman
@Uncle Cosmo: That’s why they brought in Bromwich.
@Adam L Silverman:
to be referred to as “the other Grand Tetons”
I nominate Christine Blasey Ford as person of the year.
I have been in a constant state of rage since the obviously spoiled brat, self entitled Frat Boy has been nominated to the highest court in the land.
Since these alegations of sexual assault have arisen and Dr. Ford’s experience has been told, I am even more enraged.
This afternoon, I was in a nice, little waterfront Tiki Bar, in Cortez Fla. I got to talking to one of the locals about fishing and diving in Mexico. After about 10 minutes, I mwntioned that I was moving to California. Of course, his immediate response was that her hated California politics and “Governor Moonbeam”.
I changed the subject, back to fishing, but the Genie was out of the bottle. Redneck’s Girlfriend opined with her take on Kavanaugh being railroaded by some “liberal See you en Tea” . I was shocked by her acceptance of attempted rape as just part of being a woman.
Jezuse F’n Christ on a F’n bicycle, I hate Rednecks. They are nasty, ignorant morons and damn proud of it!
Less than 2 weeks until Fla. is in my rearview mirror. I can’t wait!
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: And it’s his law firm. It’s named for him.
Adam L Silverman
@M31: Jokes aside, she’s a sharp cookie.
@Anotherlurker: “mentioned”, not “mwntioned” . I miss edit button. ;-(
Betty Cracker
Josh Marshall has additional info about the Special Ed – Kavanaugh team connection. Bottom line: there’s no way they all weren’t all privvy to Whelan’s absurd scheme to smear a classmate to clear Kavanaugh.
@Adam L Silverman: Somehow that doesn’t sound like the CV of someone who’s just being brought in to sit next to someone for a couple of hours of testimony.
@Adam L Silverman:
@Adam L Silverman: I just saw that in your comment. I’m gonna guess this one is personal for him. Even if it’s just because it’s his country the republicans are destroying.
@zhena gogolia: I am so tired of going to bed angry and waking to discover nothing has happened to change my mood. Books have been a nice escape though.
This whole thing definitely makes Anthony Kennedy look like more and more of an asshole as it develops. Kennedy stepped down so a drunken frat boy (attempted) rapist could take his seat and ensure Republican rule forever. This guy that Kennedy mentored and championed is a vicious political hack who would do anything to keep Republicans in power, so what does that say about Kennedy’s own ethics and morals?
@Major Major Major Major: Rutherford Hayes, Gerald Ford, Teddy Roosevelt and both Bushes were members of DKE.
@Ken: That is a most excellent point. I should have thought of that, but I did not. Well done.
@JPL: I was just washing my dishes – dishwasher is broken — and I was amazed at just how often my thoughts came back to Christine Blasey Ford. I was muttering out loud. I am beyond furious.
I want to see someone take a fucking poll about how women feel about this, but I really don’t because I’m sure I would have to downgrade my opinion on some women.
I’ve spent the last two weeks sickened beyond words about Kavanaugh-Republican opposition to women’s equality. They have also tried to make opposition to him seem like opposition to men’s rights.
So, OT, I’d to add a word about Kavanaugh and immigration, and Kavanaugh and labor rights. (Not to mention that abortion rights and laws against sexual harassment and rape (and support for those victims) affect men too.)
(From July, Andrew Hanna at Politico)
There’s more in other places about the harm a SC-confirmed Kavanaugh can do to the rights of immigrants to be treated equally under US law.
I’m going to look for the story behind the Agri Processor Case; if I remember correctly what I read, the back story describes a pattern of corporate abuse of working people (some who’ve immigrated, some brought as temp workers) structured to take advantage of and harm them for profit.
There’s a very disturbing meme going around twitter that’s just the capital letters GOP in white against a black background. The “O” is not a letter but the oval image of a young girl’s terrified face looking straight into the camera with a man’s hand completely covering her mouth.
It could hardly be more chilling, and it captures what I’m guessing will be the most awful part of Blasey’s testimony, assuming she gives it.
That jerk covered her mouth.
That’s what makes this not drunk kids groping, or sexual horseplay, or anything remotely innocent. He was a big, muscled football player. She was definitely smaller and weaker. He pinned her to the bed and covered her mouth. No wonder she never forgot it.
@Mnemosyne: One wonders if the parents of students at Atlanta Academy where Chris Garrett teaches have concerns.
mad citizen
Dekes! I’m sure it varies across colleges but it’s funny because at mine the DKE frat was the lowest on the totem pole, where you would go if you couldn’t get into any of the others. My college had an extemely high rate of greek participation (another thing that needs to be dissolved in our country), but I was never a part of it, only an outside observer.
I watched a clip of Anita Hill testimony today and it’s pretty shocking viewed now. I can only hope Dr. Ford will be pushing back hard, kind of like Hillary’s multi-hour Benghazi testimony. Take no prisoners.
A side benefit to all of this is the Orange Fart will be jealous of the high ratings!
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you. It appears that Dr. Ford is preparing for the lions den.
Would it surprise anyone if Fox and Friends on Monday stated that a source mentioned she was drunk and drugged at the party. That’s the same party that didn’t occur last week, btw.
Matt McIrvin
@Chetan Murthy: Similarly, it’s great whenever Garry Kasparov bashes Trump and Putin, but occasionally the guy reminds us that he is himself a belligerent conservative at heart, particularly over military policy.
@hitchhiker: And she was afraid she might die because he was going to accidentally suffocate her as he tried to rape her. But it’s worse than that, because at that point she did not know she would be able to get away.
@WaterGirl: This tweet went viral
My friend noted that a mutual friend seemed really upset the other day in response to Kavanaugh. I cautioned him, most of the women you know are about one conversation away from crying or screaming. I’m putting that out there as a PSA.
@hitchhiker: I googled GOP meme and that did not come up. Chilling as it sounds, i would still be interested in seeing it.
@WaterGirl: I’m going with in his extensive work in government he has had occasionally run into some of Kavanaugh’s “work” and has taken exception to it and him.
@WaterGirl: Thanks, I hope – or my apologizes, if I missed where you already made that point, and I accidentally did some mansplaining…
I’d bet that’s Adam’s point.
@sukabi: Interesting thought.
Asshole Culture is good description of the problem
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: Agreed.
There’s a best-seller somewhere in the exploration of the ties between Kennedy and Trump and Kavanaugh and all the rest of them. Something doesn’t smell right.
Uncle Cosmo
@Adam L Silverman: From your lips to FSM’s semolina sensorium, boychik! :D
That particular detail is very powerful. It is intensely believable that she would remember that thought — including the “accidentally” — going through her mind.
Catherine D.
Assumes facts not in evidence!
@Aleta: Mistake: ” the story behind the Agri Processor Case.” It may be a different case I’m thinking of.
@eemom: The whole thing is chilling, and these fuckers want to dismiss it and destroy her because she is messing with their plan. I hope Kavanaugh’s life as he knows it is destroyed.
zhena gogolia
Sadly, women will sometimes adopt the political positions of their significant others even when the latter are disgusting. I’m seeing it happen to two women of my acquaintance right now.
I go blunt on Deplorables.
Yesterday I told a pair of God Botherer’s ” the fact you want a serial gang rapist on the Supreme Court tell’s me everything I need to know about you”, and then walked away.
This is the same guy who wanted the details from Bill and Monica’s. This is the guy who harassed Vince Foster’s family
Adam You might consider putting a post about the wimp later.
@Jay: Value Voters. lol
zhena gogolia
I saw that on Cole’s twitter — really good.
Dan B
Ford said she doesn’t want to live in a country with Kavanaugh on the SC. Why not?
If she kept quiet would he remember her and retaliate? I doubt it. So, and this gets to my concern about the focus on his sexual assaults as a teenager, what is she afraid he’d do on the court?
I want a relentless focus on the damage he would inglict on every minority in this country (and some abroad). His record on the DC Circuit has been noted but not repeated in the MSM. Would black and brown people be stripped of rights? Probsbly not but state laws that did so would probably not be challenged. Would non christians be second class citizens? Would state sodomy laws return to Arkansas and Mississippi? Would Title 9 be revoked? Would Creationism be the new “science”?
The sexual assault(s?) are horrifying signs but the probable harm to tens of millions should be trumpted. These deserve a robust discussion. This is a time to chiise what path this country takes.
That is a damn powerful tweet stream.
Makes me wonder if there are very many women who haven’t been sexually assaulted. Many here have said they have, I read that stream for a while and I saw one who said she hadn’t been.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t think he resigned from the one he is named for from your comment:
He resigned from Robbins, Russell…
zhena gogolia
I think it’s highly unlikely there are very many. I have experienced unwanted sexual touching:
in high school
(strangely enough, not in college, although the college therapist suggested I take off my clothes and look in a mirror and I’d feel better about myself)
grad school dorm
Moscow subway (multiple times)
If we expand it to the verbal, my list would be tl;dr. And I consider myself to have mostly lived in reasonably privileged environments (well, maybe not my high school).
Millard Filmore
The image is here:
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia:
I just have to say, I tend to avoid overly personal posts here, but I’m feeling such solidarity with all the women who are feeling PTSD over this — especially those of us old enough to have lived through Anita Hill.
@Dan B:
She’s afraid that he would strike down Roe v Wade so that rape victims would be forced to carry their rapist’s child to term.
I realize that you’re a gay man so the repeal of RvW is not on your radar as an ever-present fear, but many, many women (myself included) are terrified of that possibility.
Millard Filmore
@WaterGirl: I googled “GOP” and “Kavanaugh”, then hit the IMAGES link. You may need to hit the scroll page button a few times but it will not take long.
zhena gogolia
@Dan B:
You’re kidding, right?
@zhena gogolia:
It’s interesting that you listened to it on the radio. Most people think that watching is better, but when the distraction of visual images is removed, you sometimes hear more and better than if you were watching. In the case of the Hill testimony, even Morse code would have done the job.
The outrageous thing about the vote was that 11 Democrats voted to confirm Thomas. Eleven. With the final tally at 52-48, Thomas should have been easily defeated. Now, we’ve had some 27 years of that bitter, crazy man on the SCOTUS.
Steve in the ATL
@Brachiator: in defense of the American people, we didn’t elect Gerald Ford or Bush the Lesser.
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): Good catch. Either way, he obviously feels strongly enough about this to quit the legal firm
That really points out the significance of the comment above — you don’t quit your law firm because you work with someone for less than a week to prepare for a senate interview. Do you?
@Dan B:
You are right but what will that do for Ms Ford? She’s the one in the spotlight now. She’s the one with the best path to defeat him. Everything else that you put in your comment are conservative goals that they all want. There is no time or path to bring up how shitty this asshole is over all, he needs to be defeated in whatever way he can be.
This. A thousand times this.
zhena gogolia
I will never forget “Long Dong Silver.”
And man, watching that scene in The Exorcist with the Coke can is also a trauma now.
@Jay: I don’t trust myself to remain cool.
I am a survivor of an attack by a Priest, in 8th grade. He cornered me in the lockerroom and told me to come to the rectory, after school. I didn’t show. From then until I graduated, the “Man of God” belittled me, tried to scare me shitless over the fate of my “Immortal Soul” etc., etc., Since I had been in catholic school since the 1st grade, this constant passive/agressive verbage really left a mark. To this day I feel violent thoughts when thrown together with clergy, either catholic or any other charlatan denomination.
This has triggered resentment and rage over all those in power exceriseing authority over those who are powerless.
What further pisses me off is that when I mentioned to friends and family what had happened, I was told “Oh! All guys act like that in the locker room”, “You’re exagerating. He is a “Man of God” etc. “Well, you must have done something…”
Rape is an excersise of power. Sex has little to do with it.
I really had to bite my tongue over the arrogance of this truly asshole couple.
My heart is with all victims of sexual abuse.
BTW, thanks for letting me rage a bit.
Betty Cracker
Here’s the image referred to above for folks who don’t want to get out of the boat.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
Powerful, sickening, and all too apt in a number of senses.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@WaterGirl: I don’t know. His letter to the firm indicated that the partners were unhappy with his taking on the case and being part of the public face for Ford. That would have stirred up some concerns about continuing to work with the partners.
The latest article from the Post that I linked to at 110 says that McGahn didn’t want Kavanaugh to testify in an open hearing.
They know he is guilty, and unfortunately don’t care.
@Ruckus: I wonder if there are very many men who have never committed sexual assault. I doubt it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d like to think this is the end of Cramer’s campaign, but I’d also like to think that Ted Cruz’s naked racism will bite him on the ass.
zhena gogolia
Now there I strongly disagree with you.
@Betty Cracker:
The version I’ve seen has the caption: “We don’t mind if a man tries to rape you. We only mind if you don’t carry his baby to term. Vote GOP 2018, Little Ladies!” It’s from Betty Bowers.
Oh, man, I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope that one day soon you will hae the satisfaction of seeing that asshole priest’s name on a list of indictees like the one they just released in Pennsylvania.
@zhena gogolia:
I understand that it is quite common on Japanese subway trains. They are often very, very crowded, more like packed in like sardines, and some touching is almost unavoidable. I’ve ridden the LA metro trains a lot at rush hours and that’s standing room only and I’ve seen nothing, other than people trying real hard not to do any unwanted touching. And that was almost 2 hrs a day of train ridding. I’m actually impressed that people were trying that much. Of course the system is very active about sexual assault or unwanted touching and that may help.
zhena gogolia
OMG, thanks for that reference. Bookmarked. Favorite tweet so far:
Gotta give the rapist parental visitation rights, too. After all, he is “Daddy.”
zhena gogolia
Uh, yeah, the Moscow metro is like sardines at rush hour, but there’s no mistaking the difference here between just being pressed up against somebody and what I experienced. I’m not going to go into detail for you.
Most US statistics seem to show that it’s a relatively small number, but that most offenders are able to abuse multiple victims before they’re caught, so the victim count is much higher than the number of offenders.
Much higher is the number of enablers and protectors, as we’re seeing right now. Men are usually happy to circle the wagons around one of their own.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: @Ruckus: I know, and friends have confirmed, that public transportation in Rome is a nightmare for women. I wonder if that’s changed at all in recent years.
I remember reading an article about it, an American correspondent asking Italian men why they do it, and the responses were what you’d expect– it’s flirting, it’s a compliment to women, etc– and one guy gave the game away, saying in so many words that if he didn’t “flirt”, his friends might think he was gay.
Dan B
@Aleta: Thanks for your comment about Kavanaugh’s rulings on immigrants and unions. These seem oart of a pattern that he would rule for elites to have unlimited power over the poor and every group of non whites. Getting this message out might motivate some latinx fence sitters to vote. At the moment all they’re hearing is he’s a macho man.
@Betty Cracker: Can you put up a post later about the concerns of having Kavanaugh testify.
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S):
That makes sense. thanks.
@Betty Cracker: Thanks, Betty. The image is even more powerful than I expected. Good on the person who put that together.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m pretty sure Ruckus is agreeing with you and saying that the crowding of the trains gives perverts cover for their bad actions, not that he thinks the touching was accidental.
And as a sometime fellow rider of the LA subway/light rail system, I can confirm that just about every car has signs saying that if someone is touching or exposing himself to you, you should press the emergency button.
@JPL: I have come to loathe McGahn.
@Dan B: 50% +- if the population is female. His disregard for females played out in his attempted rape of Blasey Ford. Women’s access to reproductive healthcare would be rolled back. Any progress that’s been made wrt sex discrimination, harrassment and pay equity will be set back.
So yeah, women of all ages and colors will be set back, that’s a big deal to us.
That’s not taking into account his blatant political fuckery that helped thwart the 2000 Florida recount, his pushing the Vince foster Hillary nonsense, and on and on. Political Hack like that has NO BUSINESS on the Supreme court.
@WaterGirl: Smart decision.
@Mnemosyne: Mem, happily he died many years ago. His name was Father Alfred P. Soave. My Parish had another perdator priest at the same time and over the years acquired 2 more, including Father Rabbato, a very glib, very good fundraiser. Becuse he was so good, in a rich parish, the Diosese of Rockville Center, NY., went to the mat protecting him.
The only good thing of my move to Florida, is that I was able to find and work with a wonderful therapist who helped me work out a way to cope with the priestly abuse, the damage done to my psyche by religous education and the damage done by the “recovery” process from Superstorm Sandy. Said process caused me to lose a career and nearly end my own life.
I’m optimistic about my move to California. I grew up on LI, NY and I enjoy a diverse society. California is crazy, but much of the craziness is stimulating and delightful.
At 66, I’m re-starting my life. Again.
I am optimistic about my prospects. ;-)
Matt McIrvin
@Marcopolo: This is Trump’s second shot at a Supreme Court seat, though. Why wouldn’t they have nominated him to replace Scalia?
@sukabi: The reopening of the Vince Foster investigation was so sad. It was a deliberate action to torment a good family. It’s what they do though.
Steve in the ATL
@sukabi: it’s a big deal to a lot of white men as well. Though overall we are the worst people in the country by demographic.
I’d bet that list is longer than you might imagine.
I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of men with a background in this.
A lot of sexual assaults and rapes are performed by serial perps. The there is never just one case is a line often heard and given here by lawyers in the last few days.
Several of the regular men on the blog don’t think they’ve ever done any and/or have worked not to have done this. Read that tweet stream that @JPL: posted.
I don’t believe that I’m guilty of sexual assault but you’d have to ask every women I’ve dated, slept with or have known to be sure. It isn’t what I think is assault that’s important. OK that’s not true but the point is that if a woman feels like she’s been assaulted, she has. But the limits are not that difficult to determine, if you are a reasonable person. Just ask yourself, if I was the other person, how would I feel about this? It’s respect, nothing more, nothing less. Some men have no respect for women, some men have no respect for anyone else. A lot of men actually do have that respect. That doesn’t mean they always have.
@JPL: hell, it’s probably the main reason they want him, it’s very good leverage to keep him in line.
@Kelly: Ab-so-lutely. I don’t think I’ll insult anyone here by saying, yah, knew lots of elite boarding school dudes growing up (St.Grottlesex variety), later Bonesmen or Porcellian or whatever. Drink, smash and take.
It’s who they are. Culture of entitlement–these are the guys who grow up to run/own the world; do you think they don’t get trained up in that as sprouts? Of course they do. (Bus from Wellesley to Harvard Club parties used to be “the Fuck Truck”, apparently now it’s “the Sluttle”.) Belch.
What new in this case is that there are non-WASP elites at this level. In my parents’ generation, not so much. Is diversity of asswipes a good thing? (Rhetorical question.)
Dan B
@Mnemosyne: A favorite cousin of mine had an abortion in Mexico. When she got back to college she bled for dsys – couldn’t go to a doctor because she was a “crime scene”. Her biyfriend dropped her. Other friends experienced similar things, fear, major expense, etc. Roe is on my radar. I just want all the other things Kavanaugh coukd do get equal coverage or at least regular coverage.
A friend of ours is latino with white 5 year old kids. He and his husband are terrified he will be picked up on suspicion of kidnapping, in front of his kids. Gay couples have been beaten in the city. Anything that advances the demonization of “sexual immorality” increases the chance of violence.
Also it bears repeating that Kavanaugh believes that birth control is an abortefactant. Women who are on the pill may not be as worried about Roe but knowing his hard line stance on the pill, combined with attempted rape might wake them.
The end of Roe would feel like a return to fuedal society, along with many other aspects of that time.
@Steve in the ATL: I know, all this affects men as well, even though a large percentage can’t or won’t admit it. The 10 – 15 million comment kinda tweaked me… 150 million is a bit more.
Dan B
@zhena gogolia: Rhetorical question.
I don’t believe she was solely concerned that he might go after her. It seems clear to me she’s horrified by the full breadth and horror of his beliefs.
I am also. I keep thinking of the Death Star’s destruction of the planet and the anguish of millions that rippled through the force. That’s probably how I’d feel if he gets a seat on the court. She’d have the additional horrifying memeory of his assault.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also, a screenshot of the report that Kavanaugh is getting angry about overly personal questions in his ‘murder boards’ and the questions he wanted to ask Bill Clinton about his sex life
patrick II
@Anotherlurker: a serial group of abusers at one church makes me wonder who the bishop was and what he knew.
In my own parish growing up our priests were all good guys, except they taught us we were going to hell for just about anything. (I was an altar boy and knew them pretty well.) There was one exception, but he was not bad in a sexual way — he was just mean. He was teaching religion in class one day and saw me talking to my neighbor and threw the book at me (literally). I ducked and it hit the kid next to me in the head. The kid’s father was the head of the local mafia. The priest was transferred away shortly thereafter and I never heard of him again.
I think it is way past time that the church stop forbidding members of the priesthood from being married. A lifelong vow of chastity just doesn’t seem normal or doable and attracts too many people who can’t handle it or don’t intend to from the start.
And finally, I am sorry for the suffering you have gone through. Harm to children usually lasts long past the actual act.
Was born and raised here in LA and have traveled all around the US. I had a job in OH for 11 yrs and when that job got toxic I quit and moved. I sat down with a map and said first where I wouldn’t move. That eliminated a lot of states. Some for weather, some for other reasons, mostly political. So I moved back to CA. I find that the big cities, such as LA where I now live and work to be a bit frantic but still livable. But I’m 69 and only planing to work about another year and a half before retiring and moving to some place a bit quieter. But still in CA.
So all of that to say welcome to CA and enjoy.
@Mary G:
Kavanaugh should testify before Ford. If not, then she should have an opportunity to rebut his certain-to-be bullshit.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Perfect and McGahn would put his head in his lap.
Forgot to add that I’ve had 3 different careers in my life and I’m back working in the first again. People say that starting over is grim, I find that it can be stressful but after the first time not as much an issue as I first thought. And mostly that’s the moving.
@debbie: They won’t let him. There is already concern about his testifying in a public or open hearing.
Adam L Silverman
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): Okay, that makes more sense.
Dan B
@Ruckus: I agree that we shouldn’t try to defeat K on every issue. It’s like trying to defeat thr majority of the GOP, the Koch / Mercer cabal, and more, in one fight. But I’d still like to remind the public about a few aspects of his ideology. Thomas prevailed despite similar allegations and more witnesses. I believe it’s time to start putting rabidly right beliefs in the spotlight. Are these beliefs what the American public wants?
@JPL: concern about his obvious lying, or an epidemic of smarm infecting the proceedings?
You never ever forget that moment you realize you’re powerless to stop any of it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
since the writers of this “2018” show are hopped up on bath beads or huffing paint or whatever, why not?
Cruz, of course, would also knock BK out of the “most unpopular SC nominee in history” spot
@Dan B:
Great, so can you please give women at least a day or two to talk about their experiences without trying to drown us out to talk about your own concerns? Because that’s what your initial post felt like — you telling the little ladies that they’re taking up too much time and space with their petty concerns while you and your friends have important worries that need to be discussed.
Ohio Mom
@Anotherlurker: I find your story inspiring, especially your enthusiasm for starting over, again. It is good to be reminded that positive change, if you work for it, is possible for all of us.
You might want to think about asking for a meet-up once you get settled in California. Depending on which part of California you are heading for, there seem to be a good number of Juicers spread throughout the state.
One good thing is I’m sure the Dems will stand up for Ford in ways they didn’t for Anita Hill.
As you’re probably aware, I have an extraordinarily bleak view of human nature. Recent events have justified it. This is where my blanket statements condemning my entire gender, or my entire race, come from.
I include myself in these statements, by the way. I may not have directly committed any harm but I’ve certainly done far too little to reduce it.
@sukabi: He doesn’t think he needs to answer personal questions about his sex life or drinking. Imagine that.
The White House just released a statement to rebut the article. He always was ready, but since then it was all about delays by the other party.
I can see why Trump picked him. They have so many things in common.
@debbie: I would think the accused should testify after the accuser, but they should both have some way of rebutting the other. I would assume these details were ironed out in negotiations that led to her agreeing to testify.
Dan B
@zhena gogolia: The GOP is putting their hand over Ford’s mouth to smother her cries.
Yea for Mrs. Betty Bowers!
@Betty Cracker:
@Dan B:
That’s what I thought but what you posted didn’t really hit that cord for me.
It’s somewhat the level of the possible not of the desired. Everything other than the Ford matter is or has been swept under the table as being not worthy of attention because that’s the republican ideal, to fuck everyone but the worthy uppercrust. And his goals and bend is to make all those things legal. Again. This is a crime, with no statute of limitations in Maryland. If he’s guilty, and I think he is 100% guilty, then this is how you get everything else as well. In political terms he is hugely unqualified to be on the USSC. I’m far more qualified than he is and no, I’m not qualified. In criminal terms he is unqualified if even half of what happened is true. Mainly he lied to congress. But congress as currently structured would have to give a shit. And the majority doesn’t.
Very common in NYC buses and subways. And not a one of them even average sized.
I am glad you are doing well and looking forward to California.
When I run into shit people, I am all out of fucks to give. I just shame bomb them and walk away.
This is on everything from pipelines, First Nations, through LBGTQ, etc.
As soon as someone reveals they are an asshole, no matter the subject well, fuck their feelings.
As an old, white male, who looks like a conservative Biker/Military hybrid, they expect agreement, or tolerance, or a discussion, or a debate. They don’t expect immediate shaming and shunning.
As far as I am aware, I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone, but when I was younger, due to drugs, alcohol or both, consent was often not “informed”, for often all parties.
Every woman I know, has at one time been sexually assaulted, ranging from unwanted touching, to actual rape.
Because of my upbringing in an abusive home, since Junior High School, I have never tolerated anyone abusing anyone in my presence.
Well, if that isn’t a confirmation of facts, I don’t know what is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: the same Post article that gives that info says that McGahn has kept these interviews to a very tight circle to prevent leaks.
I’m guessing a lot of the trump people hate themselves as much as they, apparently, hate each other.
Dan B
@sukabi: And yet I’m disturbed by the 50+ percent of women (was it just white women?) who voted for Trump. And the majority of Puerto Rican refugees from Maria who support the GOP. I wonder why they don’t connect rape with asserting dominance over the weak / vulnerable. Do they believe that they are mot vulnerable? Do they believe that Trump and minions like Kavanaugh will uphold their dignity and their rights?
I believe it is not clear or obvious to them and it needs to be spelled out to them. Unfortunately a well off white woman may not be able to persuade them or even to get their attention. If Kavanaugh had raoed a Puerto Rican girl that might change their minds.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh my !
That’s a really big gun.
This going to be extra interesting.
Citizen Alan
I feel pretty sure that any Justice who would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade would also vote to overturn Lawrence v Texas and allow the criminalization of homosexuality.
@SenyorDave: It’s not a criminal court or else I would agree. In that case they would put Judge up since he was in the room.
CNN is saying the hearing will be Thursday. Is it rude for me to ask them to have the hearing in the afternoon?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Citizen Alan: I think if BK is confirmed the right wing majority on the court would be all authoritarian Catholics, so there’s a good chance of that.
Checking on the google, Gorsuch was raised Catholic and now attends an Episcopal church. Looks like most of trump’s short list is RC.
@Anotherlurker:Welcome to California. It’s pretty great here.
And add me to the list of people being “triggered” by this Kavanaugh thing. It brings back a variety of unpleasant memories beginning at age 10.
These guys……….
Rand Careaga
I wish I could believe that. We’re hosting my wife’s niece, twenty-eight, and I asked her what she thought about l’affaire Kavanaugh. She had no idea what I was talking about. Not a clue that a SCOTUS nomination is in the news. I’d wager she couldn’t name a single Justice.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Probably “Family” connections.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Or is it the Opus Dei crowd?
Citizen Alan
@Rand Careaga:
Honestly, I don’t know if I could have before law school. I think the Thomas hearings were in the news enough to register, but SCOTUS wasn’t on my radar back in my old teaching days.
I rode the elevated train in Chicago from O’Hare to the convention center and back one business trip in the 90s. On the return it was end of the work day and many different types got on, blue collar, men in suits, casually dressed women, and women in business attire, most with sneakers. One woman got on and sat next to me and opened a technical manual to read. Next stop a drunk gets on with a large half full bottle of cheap wine, smoking, and sits on the other side of her. He starts immediately trying to pick her up, in the most clueless, classless, drunk way possible. I could see that every man in that car was ready to physically throw him off, and possibly not just the train. Except for one. He kept reading his paper. But just before the door closed at the next stop he loudly asked the guy, “Isn’t this your stop?” The guy jumped off the train just before the door closed. Guy never looked up from his paper. He got an ovation.
Best rapid transit story ever.
Dan B
@Mnemosyne: Apologies that it came across that way. I’d like to connect the rape mentality to abuse of all minorities. The rape needs to be the centerpiece for that to work. I believe it can add to the full depth of the horror.
I still believe that his assault isn’t the only thing on her mind even though it’s the catslyst for her horror at his nomination. I believe she’s doubly heroic becsuse her concerns go to the fate of the entire country.
I’m also hoping that other people come forward. Perhaps that’s the goal of this new attorney.
Rand Careaga
During a transit strike in the Bay Area a few years back, all of us who ordinarily commuted from SF to the East Bay by rail (BART) were obliged to crowd onto buses. At one point, from behind me, there came a plaintive request: “Can you please move farther back?” “I’m sorry,” I replied, “but if I get any closer to this woman we’re going to have to start dating.”
@Rand Careaga:
Same at work. No clue.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: OTOH, Flake and Corker appear to have promptly folded. So Collins and Murkowski.
Rand Careaga
@Citizen Alan:
Geez, honestly? I’m pretty sure that at sixteen, half a century ago, I could have named at least Warren, Douglas and Marshall.
@Ruckus: honestly, every woman that I know of has been in one way or another. If you’re an older woman you were taught very clearly that keeping boys in line was up to you, hence you were to blame if somehow a male was “provoked” into assaulting you (or worse). So most women never tell anyone else.
@JPL: @JPL: I understand this isn’t a court of law, and I do think Judge should be forced to testify if she formally names him as a witness. But I still don’t understand how someone could appear at a hearing where he/she is accused of something and go first, not knowing the exact details of what he/she is accused of (obviously the general details are known). To me basic fairness is if I am accused of something I should be able to know exactly what I am accused of, and what the details of the accusation are. I believe Blasey-Ford (I am surprised the Bart O’Kavanaugh character in Mark Judge’s memoirs doesn’t get more traction, its pretty obvious he is based on BK) but it still is an accusation.
Love it!
@Dan B: I find it extremely difficult to believe that a majority of Puerto Rican Maria survivors support the GOP. Most, if not all, of them likely still have family on the island which is still struggling to rebuild their lives without the federal government giving 2 fucks. The folks that left the island and came to the mainland have had their assistance with housing cut off far earlier than other hurricane survivors. Pretty sure they know they’re being treated like 2nd class citizens.
As to the 50% of white women who voted for trump, it’s not 50% of all white women, it’s maybe 50% of the ones that voted. The GOP & Trump have spent the last 2 years whittling that number down, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s just at the magic 27%.
@Rand Careaga:
I was once asked by a young man sitting in the senior citizens/disabled seating on the LA metro train to get my butt out of his face. There was a low steel wall and railing between us. I asked him what he’d like me to do with my butt to get it out of his face, seeing as how we were rather tightly packed in. The other passengers were almost laughing, really there wasn’t anyplace to move to. And I’m a somewhat obvious senior citizen and the irony wasn’t lost on most.
On the other hand on another day on the metro, I waited for 2 trains at Union Station because of the crowding. I got on the second to have the driver tell us that some had to get off before the train could move. I was standing in the middle of the car so I couldn’t easily get off. But nobody moved. Driver asked again, pleading. No movement. Again. Being me I loudly proclaimed “Fuck it, if no one else will I’m getting off,” and pushed my way off the train. Finally a few more got the idea and the train was able to move. What is it with people that they can’t even see to do something that doesn’t hurt them but will make things go better for everyone?
@SenyorDave: Since there are no witnesses allowed the only purpose of allowing her to go first is his chance to discredit her. She will have no recourse, and he will have the chance to be a life long appointment on the Supreme Court. That is what they want.
@Citizen Alan:
Along with birth control and abortion, homosexuality used to be the exclusive privilege of rich white people (and a few assholes like Peter Thiel would love to return to those days). Oscar Wilde’s mistake was in thinking that an Anglo-Irish commoner would be granted the privileges of the English aristocracy just because he socialized with them.
@Dan B:
Okay, we’re cool then. ?
@Ruckus: In 1983 a man tried to force himself on me sexually. I blamed myself partly for putting myself in that position alone with him when I hardly knew him (I know that’s foolish, but I was young), so I told no one. That right there is the first time I’ve ever acknowledged it to anyone, 35 years after the event.
And I’m male. I’m more than able to fend off physical attacks. There was no real fear involved, just disgust.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Rand Careaga: I was thirteen or so when Sandra Day O’Connor was nominated, and that was huge news, then Bork, poor old Ginsberg– hard to imagine now that he lost the job because of a joint– all of that put the Court on my radar. I have no idea at what point I knew all of them.
There was a time in the Bush years when I could name the Senators from every state, that’s faded a bit. Quite a bit, now that I sit here trying to think of the R Senators from Indiana or Montana. I can name a few ex-IN Senators– Lugar, Bayh, Coats, Daniels– can not think of Donnelly’s opposite number.
@MagdaInBlack: if they’re not full-on members, I’m sure they’d feel right at home at the meetings. I haven’t heard much about either group in quite a while
I believe you.
I was raised by a woman who went from a somewhat prosperous bringing up, with a dad who obviously had at least a good job and some money. He died when she was 18, playing tennis with her in the middle of the day. In the middle of the depression. His five kids had to find jobs to support their mother, none of them had ever worked, her mom was a housewife and had never had a job as far as I know. She had planned to be a pro tennis player. She was not much intimidated by bullshit but she did raise her kids to be thoughtful of others and to worry about the bigger picture. She was though a product of her time and the girls in the family didn’t get the same opportunities as I did. Of course I didn’t get the ones they did either. They got college paid for. I got a job at 13 and then the GI bill. It wasn’t the same. But she was a lifelong democrat and that upbringing was very valuable.
It obviously happens, it happened to you. I have been propositioned by gay men and declined. I’ve never been assaulted. I also have several gay friends so I’ve heard stories. Some men think that they are always in charge, no matter what. Some think that they are in charge in sexual situations because they just are and it doesn’t make a difference if the other party is male or female. In either case those can be/are dangerous men. I’m not sure it’s a cultural thing, it happens in a lot of societies. I don’t know if it’s upbringing but I’d bet that has a lot to do with it.
@Ruckus: I’m far from convinced that it’s most males who think that they can just use force on anyone they wish. I used to believe (and maybe still do to some extent) that I can spot the type, partly from observing the range of goons who brag in locker rooms. But I certainly didn’t pick this guy as somebody who had the potential to suddenly get all aggressive, so there must be men, maybe a lot of men, hiding that mentality behind a mild-mannered facade.
This is what women mean when we talk about “Nice Guys” (quotes intentional). It’s guys who maintain a façade of being “nice” in order to get aex, and who get very angry if the sex doesn’t arrive on their expected schedule. They’re dangerous because they don’t send off the same signals that a more obvious assaulter does,
@Ruckus: Thanks so much for the welcome to California. As a New Yorker, I always thought of L.A. as Queens with Palm Trees. BTW, I love L.A. and Queens is an exciting, very cool Borough. It is diverse. In fact, the very same kind of debates that you commonly hear about “The best Pizza in NY”, you will hear about the best places to get Asian Food. Flushing or “Flu-Shing” is always at the top of the list.
I thought I could enjoy Florida. After 3 years of living here, sadly, I don’t, in spite of its good fishing and amazing wildlife.
California will be a challenge, especially finding an affordable apartment in San Diego. In that case, it is a lot like NY.
@Mnemosyne: I see what you mean. It’s sinister in a way that the shit-grinning blatant assholes don’t prepare you for.
@Mnemosyne: Oscar Wilde made a LOT of mistakes – the foremost was bringing that libel suit and opening himself up to discovery and cross-examination and the other was having anything to do with Bosie, who was a notorious self-serving liar. But generally, I agree that he also made the mistake of thinking that the aristocracy would continue to protect him as they did at first.
Uh, I’m not as optimistic as most here seem to be that the lying Republican apparatchik who thinks raping women is okay is toast. I can easily see McConnell ramming him through and Collins and Flake going all wobbly. I think we’ve got Murkowski, but that’s about it (so far) for the Republicans. A lot depends on how she answers the obvious question about why she waited 35 years to bring this up. Sure, I understand why, but I don’t think the Republicans do (or will).
@Ruckus: Well, I’m going to dust off my Union Card (IATSE) and get on the S.D. Local’s list. I’m not looking to resurrect my career, doing the big shows. I’ll be looking to work a few convention or TV jobs/month. I’ll leave the Big Shows to the young guys.
@Ohio Mom: Thanks for you kind words, O.M.
For all my life, I was exposed to negativity. I was told what I can or cannot do. I was told not to bother with fighting for myself. I always trusted “professionals” to do what they do.
Eg. is Superstorm Sandy. I trusted FEMA, Flood Insurance Companies, Insurance Adjusters, Recovery Grant Specialists and many others to help me rebuild. None of these professionals, absolutely none, were working for me or the thousands of other people whose homes suffered severe damage. As a result, I was talked into an SBA loan I didn’t need.
When my untreated PTSD became a crisis, I dropped into severe depression. I had a longtime working associate trash me publicly. The irony here is that my work performance slowed down. I was not fast enough. My quality of work was still high, just not fast enough for this person.
I fell into severe depression and was presented with a horrible choice: either remove myself from a 35 year career in TV, as a technician, that has become hostile or, stay working in it and eventually take my own life. I also defaulted on my mortgage. I lost everything.
The TV business is primarily a freelance gig. With the person I mentioned turning against me and trashing me to other techs, my career was toast.
I decided to get out and start over.
I have tried pessimism and it hasen’t worked.
I am standing up for myself.
I would love to meet-up with other Juicers. You are an amazingly diverse group of Jackels. I see a lot of big hearts and endless empathy on display here, everyday!
@Jay: Hey Jay, Thanks for your kind words.
As someone with a shaved head and a scruffy beard, I’m often mistaken for a redneck. The worst experiences I have encountered in this regard has been her in Fla. I am an avid offshore fisherman and I enjoy fishing party boats. Here in Fla., I have done several trips and on each trip I was exposed to out and proud racism and misogyny. The worst was having to listen to 4 hours of speculation and jokes about Hilliary, sex and Black Men/Women/Groups. On another trip I had a guy ask if he could fish next to me because ther were too many N-Words fishing the stern. I used to fish Montauk, NY. The crowds were rough and crude at times, but no where near the assholery that I have experienced here in FLA.
BTW, my Brother, a Vietnam Vet. (1st of the 7th, Echo Co. ??) is puzzled about the Biker look among Vets of that era. Where did it originate?
Your thoughts.
@JPL: Incredible how ironic, and how sick his mind seems to be.
Ohio Mom
@Anotherlurker: Ohio Dad’s office is all Trumpers, except him of course. He is in the closet so to speak but it really wears on him. And they are loud about it, which makes it even more grating. Why that type thinks their vitriol is acceptable small talk…(eye roll)
When you get settled in SD, you’ll need to find Anne Laurie’s contact info on the masthead and email her — she seems to be the front pager who gets the ball rolling on meet-ups. I don’t know who is in San Diego but there are several frequent commentators living in LA.
And now it’s bedtime. Night all!
Going to talk a bit about both your last comments.
I left my last job after my boss got absolutely hosed by upper management – he was one step down from the CEO and I was only one below that. My boss turned from a drinker to a drunk, a nasty drunk. One day I walked out of his office, got in my car and beat on the steering wheel for about 5 minutes to avoid doing that to him. But I was in the second half of my 50s and finding a job was not going well so I decided to go back into business for myself. I didn’t make that decision easily and of course I decided to do something other than what I was doing. My job existed mostly of saying NO in professional sports. So I was real popular. I went the opposite, a business where I got to say sure we can do that. It was good until the not so great recession at the end of my second year. The reason I took the job in pro sports was that my previous business was totaled by the 94 major earthquake. So that’s three strikes. Oh well this isn’t baseball so….
You asked about Vets dressing up as outlaw motorcycle riders. I think it’s for the same reasons as anyone else, to show how tough they are. But it’s mostly show, like any other group, they want to belong and either be the macho men they never were or relive what they see as the military ideal, a tough guy who takes shit from no one. But they forget that they took a lot of shit from the military power structure, no matter how high up they got. Or it could just be that they like to make noise and offend people.
@Anotherlurker: Congrats and many good wishes. I can totally relate to trauma, some more trauma, and moving start over in the 600th decade. You’re very brave, and I wish you great success, many new friends and all you need.
@Anotherlurker: Glad you survived and are going to Ca. There were two abuser priests in the town I partly grew up in. My brother was on the margins.
I flyfish, alone, no assholes.
Decades ago, I bought a 1960’s era fiberglass speedboat with a trailer for $150. I gutted the interior, cut off the bow deck, filled it with foam, and turned it into a center consol. Got a good 40hp outboard, ( new) for it. Being on a trailer, I could keep it on land storage for cheap.
Used to run out to Texada Island for coho, Vancouver Island beaches for pinks, Active Pass for chinooks, ling cod and rockfish. On long weekends in ElNino years, Victoria harbour overnight, ( slept on deck), then out to the Banks for Bonito Tuna. Drop a crab trap and a prawn trap on the way out, pick them up on the way back.
Flyfishing for everything, from flounder, ocean perch, halibut, sea run cutthroat, salmon, rock fish, cazebon, tuna, mostly alone, sometimes with my Dad, Steve or Mark, decent people.
It allowed me to escape the “zoo’s” that staged up on the rivers in the fall when the salmon were in.
mad citizen
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: slight correction, mitch Daniels was a govenor, not a senator. Current IN R senator is Todd Young. Very low profile, has passed things with Ds.
@Jay: Sweet! I had a 22′ Chawk Cutty Cabin with Volvo V-6. I kept it in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. I punded the Sound for Stripers and Blues anf Fluke. A couple times/season I run her to Montauk for Shark/Tuna. A bit of Offshore. ahhhhhhh…..what fun!
“There is nothing, absolutely nothing, like messing around in boats”.
I’ve written here about some of my exploits in “boats” decades ago. A bit bigger than yours, it still qualifies as a boat as it can be put on a much larger boat and hauled away. But 450 ft and 4400 tons was a bit bigger than yours. Also had a bit more power, 75,000 shaft HP. Not really suited for a river, OK maybe the Saint Lawrence. But it was interesting to “mess around in” in places like the North Atlantic in winter or crossing the Atlantic, in winter……
John Fremont
@Anotherlurker: Good luck to you sir! From another lurker, sorry for all of the things that happened to you.