McConnell going deep on his strategy of “Don’t Blame Mitch McConnell if this Kavanaugh Thing Doesn’t Happen”
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) September 24, 2018
The entire Republican party has devolved into an authoritarian cult where aging white men vow to destroy the world to protect the purity of their essence. And now everybody within earshot of the national news knows it!
Mr. Charles P. Pierce, “I am living in the middle of a pornographic Allen Drury novel—Advise And Lack Of Consent“:
…Anybody who tells you that they know what happens next is lying. So far, El Caudillo Del Mar-A-Lago is making brave noises. Senator Dianne Feinstein wants all hearings into the nomination postponed until an FBI investigation into this mess is concluded but, at the moment, there’s no stomach for what an FBI investigation might reveal. Senator Mitch McConnell, who warned the White House that Kavanaugh would be a tough sell, knew about the Ramirez allegations a week ago, so it is fair to assume that, whatever else may be out there, he already knows it, and yet he told the Values Voters Summit last week that he was going to “plow on through” with the nomination, which is a very unfortunate metaphor in this context. In addition, McConnell’s response to the news that the latest allegations were going to come up was to try and put the nomination into hyperdrive. However, McConnell is also pragmatist enough to know when to cut bait. If the Republicans decide to pull this nomination, it has to happen early in the week. Waiting until Wednesday—or, worse, until Thursday, when Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee—is completely untenable…
Fox News reporter:
Kavanaugh nomination is in trouble. That's why McConnell made blistering speech today. Baseball teams mail it in once they are out of pennant race. McConnell trying to get GOPers to run out out every ground ball in effort to salvage nomination. Kavanaugh lacks the votes right now
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 24, 2018
And so it was – a classmate who heard about it at the time told me he has thought of it every time he's heard Kavanaugh's name – for the last 35 years!
— Jane Mayer (@JaneMayerNYer) September 24, 2018
The answer, amazingly enough, was "really, really poorly."
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 25, 2018
The fun thing about tonight is that Republicans know now that Kavanaugh will not hold up under questioning in a hearing. He almost crumbled under THAT.
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) September 24, 2018
LOL, Kavanaugh denying underage drinking, claiming only the seniors were drinking, and only after they were 18.
That’s easily my new favorite lie in this whole thing.
— Matt Glassman (@MattGlassman312) September 25, 2018
That said, I'm sad they didn't place this interview with the obvious choice:
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 24, 2018
Seriously — the Greedy Old Perverts Defense League are crawling out from under every rock…
No he did it so he could run the Reagan NSC’s effort to secretly sell arms to Iran for hostages to fund an illegal war in Latin America while his POTUS proudly boasted that “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) September 25, 2018
Democrats have concluded Kavanaugh is guilty because of a Washington Post article and a New Yorker article. That's it. They've done it because they serve Moloch, not the American people.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) September 24, 2018
Erick Erickson has clearly picked his hill to die on and I hope you will all join me in wishing him nothing but success in this venture.
— Marc Channick (@Sorry_What_Now) September 24, 2018
That scores of disenfranchised Wisconsin voters holding ropes don't guide a shit-stuffed Macy's Parade-sized float of Merrick Garland to the air space above you & your lie-spewing keyboard, then puncture it with an anti-aircraft missiile? Proof that God is dead & karma, a lie.
— David Simon (@AoDespair) September 24, 2018
And then there were four. Women coming forward.
And of course, THEY KNEW.
Tony Jay
You know, watching this shitshow happen it strikes me that the Republicans would have been better served if McConnell had just invoked the Garland Rule. No Supreme Court hearings when there’s an Election anywhere in the future.
But he didn’t, so salty tears, etc.
Cornyn wants the committee to vote on Kavanaugh on Friday. They must me scared, but not sure what good it will do. Mitch is going to allow a vote on the floor, no matter the outcome of the committee vote.
Chyron HR
Wow, I thought John McCain didn’t like to talk about his service, but Brett Kavanaugh’s time in the marines isn’t even mentioned on Wikipedia! What a humble man.
I hope this ends soon so we can get back to discussing the important issues like replacing Nancy Pelosi.
J R in WV
What a hero of the home front incel battles “Judge” Kavanaugh must have been, exposing himself to, um, enemy gaze in dire situations… deciding to take one more big drink of Hawaian Punch with Everclear before failing to overcome another female enemy.
Clearly this guy should take on a secret lodge like, oh, uh, maybe the Alcoholics Anonymous No Means Yes, Yes Means Anal cult, or maybe Delta Kappa Epsilon Tits and Clits Subjunctives? As a career, I mean. I think the lawyers around the Supremes may be too tough for him.
Tony Jay
Also it occurs that one good thing resulting from Rapey-K’s exposure is that the Democrats now have thick and insulating cover for when they refuse to fast-walk whatever replacement the Republicans try to shovel in should McConnell spike the nomination. There will have to be, at the very least, a long and forensic FBI investigation of every aspect of the candidate’s personal life because, let’s be honest, the assumption now has to be that the Republicans are not sending their best, and that these are not good people.
That should take it to the Mid-Terms, after which it’s in the hands of the voters.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Today’s theme: “He’s not a sex criminal, he’s just a little Kavanaughty.”
Sahil Kapur via Anne Laurie @ Top:
The projection is mighty in this one. Perhaps, Rhymes-With-Bitch McConnell, you should try reining in the GOP’s death threats and smear campaigns against Dr. Ford and Debra Ramirez, instead of whinging about legitimate allegations being made about a man who clearly doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court.
All the sympathy in the world for a would-be rapist, none for his victim. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Anne Laurie
@Chyron HR: That’s not Kavanaugh, that’s NRA Spokescreep Oliver North. Out from under his horrible-excuse-for-a-human-being, ergo-venerated-by-the-GOP rock.
Chyron HR
@Anne Laurie:
Yes, but he’s apparently arguing that not confirming Kavanaugh is disrespecting The Troops somehow.
@Chyron HR: Nah, he’s arguing that this whole shitshow disrespects him, manly man that he is.
@Chyron HR: Actually, that is exactly why Ollie North did that. And of course he never did that in the first place.
@OzarkHillbilly: I love me an after-action meeting.
Great plan, Mitch. Go all in with the Cosby defense the same week he’s sentenced for rape.
She must have been alive during a different ’70s and’80s than I. I don’t remember rape ever being “culturally acceptable”.
Also this from the article, Conservative women uneasy with Kavanaugh in wake of sexual assault claims
They “know him”. Ummm know, they don’t. I don’t recall ever hearing the man’s name before he was nominated and he’s been sitting on the DC court since 2006. Still this woman is trying so hard to sell Kavanaugh to other women who are just beginning to realize the bill of goods they’ve been sold are not as advertised.
@OzarkHillbilly: “Ummm know,” is supposed to be “Ummm NO,”
My kingdom for an edit function, my kingdom for an edit function!
We gnu.
@MagdaInBlack: I figured, but but as mistakes go, that one it is a little embarrassing. It’s not a typo, it’s a brain fart.
@OzarkHillbilly: oh, here you are! Good morning ?
Honestly? In settings like this, I don’t trouble myself too much over folks spelling/usage/brainfart errors. I look at the content of what they’re saying.
In a professional setting ( emails from corp for example) I am apalled/amused, depending.
@MagdaInBlack: I don’t worry about typos unless they are confusing but brainfarts, well if I can’t correct them I have to highlight them, if only so I can laugh at myself.
@MagdaInBlack: Even if you don’t read the article, it’s definitely worth clicking the link to see the look that Kavanaugh is getting from he wife in the accompanying photo.
She looks pretty skeptical to me.
This entire “presidency” has been retraumatizing, but the last week has made me fear for my country and loathe many of my countrymen in a way I hadn’t thought possible. That so many….supposed humans…still support Yeti Pubes and Rapey McShitstain sickens me beyond understanding. Whatever happens, there’s no reconciliation after this. Just waiting for millions of abusive assholes and their protectors to die off. I used to not feel safe in crowded spaces, at school, at home. Now there are millions of people who have made it clear that they aren’t safe and are in fact active threats.
Never Forget. Never Forgive. Never Trust.
@OzarkHillbilly: These testimonials aren’t necessarily as reassuring as the Republicans seem to think. Often the tone is “Oh, that doesn’t sound like him at all. He was always so polite and quiet. Human heads in the freezer, you say? I just can’t believe it.”
@OzarkHillbilly: I had never heard of him before, either. And it turns out his claim to wingnut fame is all the Vince Foster and blowjob-details work he did for Ken Starr? He strikes me as a muck-slurping creep and self-righteous pervert from that record alone.
That’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve read in a while.
If they’re so familiar with the culture of harassment than they know goddamn well that the shitty boss or neighbor who creeps on you doesn’t do it to every woman he meets, and may play a “great guy” around coworkers and friends. Did they think all those priests got away with it for years by wearing “Proud Pedo” t-shirts and grab-assing during communion? They know full well that “upstanding leaders” can be the vilest predators. They are choosing to throw “those women” under the bus in hopes of getting the legislation they want, or praise from douchebros for being “one of the good ones”.
Women who enable and protect men like this LIKE having a bully to “protect” them. As long as he doesn’t turn on them, and keeps hurting other people they want to see hurt, it’s fine. They’re all Stella in Streetcar. “Well, my sister says he raped her, but she’s really annoying, and if he did do it she probably made him and it wasn’t as bad as she says, and besides, he’s never done that to ME, and he’s so hot when he gets primal!.”
If they were capable of decency and empathy they’d demand to hear the victims out and then decide. But that would damage their standing with their own pet bullies, and maybe make them reconsider the behavior of the assholes in their own lives. Self-centered, willing accomplices, every one of them.
@OzarkHillbilly: Kavanaugh’s been a big deal in conservative DC circles for a long time, so it’s not surprising that a number of Republican women activists would know him or be acquaintances. But shit, they voted for Trump! I don’t really understand how the allegations against Kavanaugh could disturb their peaceful little world at this point.
@jonas: Conservative women in DC? Sure. But I wonder how many of Sen Blunts STL office staffers can name even a single case Kavanaugh was in the majority on.
@Baud: I know, it’s such a distraction.
@OzarkHillbilly: @22
I’d never heard of him either, but the 2006 confirmation for US Court Of Appeals, DC, was his second stab at it, in a Republican Senate no less. He got called out then on much of the same non-sexual-predator stuff as today, with period flavor (e.g., torture). None of it troubled the GOP Senate, which was then merely a sack of bastards and not the shithouse rats they are today (though many of them *were* in that aforementioned sack). He’s putrefied further in the past 12 years, but he still would have sailed through if not for this.
Argh! Linky
Who is the fourth? I can’t find anything about this.
If thats the best “stand by your man face” she can muster………he’s toast.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Self service much do you Mr Davis? I suppose it’s obvious why this was in with the crowd that produced. Kavanaugh.
@MagdaInBlack: I’d like to see Michael Avenatti post that picture on his twitter feed, with this caption: “Posted without comment.”
No One of Consequence
@MagdaInBlack: Well played.
– NOoC
J R in WV
No, no it isn’t. The russo-Republicans have been serving Moloch for a long time now,, not trying to help people at all. They dn’t build bridges, clinics, schools, they build giant useless weapons systems.
This is just Moloch worshippers projecting their misery on everyone else. They can’t imagine NOT worshiping Moloch, or someone like Moloch. And they prove they son’t want to help people every day, even trying to take away health care and pensions!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@J R in WV: Shorter version of what JR here is saying – substitute the words “these Republicans I disagree with” for “the Democrats” when a conservative writes like this. Bit like Communists calling each other “proto-petite bourgeoisie” before the NKVD hauls them in for some hammer time.
Gotta say this whole mess has been an fascinating window into the life of privileged. Kinda reinforced my thoughts about Yale and Yale Law.