This was some good news tonight:
Candidates for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, Congressman Ken Buck and Dr. Karen McCormick, traded blows over a variety of issues in a debate Saturday just one month from the day their race will be decided.
The 250-person capacity of the Stewart Auditorium at the Longmont Museum wasn’t able to hold all who wanted to attend, and an overflow room with a video feed of the event had to be activated .
After all were settled in both the auditorium and the overflow room, opening statements from both candidates began.
Buck also went after McCormick, saying that “Only 15 percent of my opponents’ money came from the 4th Congressional District,” and that much of her money came from ActBlue, which he called a “Democrat funnel for money.”
“Mr. Buck shows his lack of knowledge in what ActBlue actually is,” McCormick responded.
“The funds that come to help me win this race come from people all over this state, not just in our district and all over this country and I’m proud to say that. If I’m getting money, it’s money of integrity, money of honesty and money that’s sole purpose is to help get us back to a functional democracy.”
“I think we should be much, much more strict about it,” he said. “There’s nothing that bothers me more than seeing a predator like Harvey Weinstein and his liberal Democrat friends take advantage of women in Hollywood and other places.”
This line drew a response from the crowd and prompted one person to yell something about Brett Kavanaugh, confirmed at about the same time the debate was underway on a 50-48 vote in the U.S. Senate. The moderator reminded the audience of the agreement they made to stay quiet during the debate.
After speaking about how underreported sex crimes are, Buck decided to address the Kavanaugh case in particular.
“Someone mentioned the Kavanaugh situation. Had that been reported earlier, we would have had a much more fair — and I’m talking about 25 years, 30 years earlier — we would have had a much more fair situation,” he said.
After another stern reminder from the moderator to stay quiet, McCormick responded. “For too long, since time immemorial, for too long women’s voices have not been heard on an equal level,” she said. “For too long when we do speak up we are discounted. For too long when we try to come forward we are shoved aside.”
(emphasis mine).
I don’t think it went the way Buck thought it would go. It was clear he didn’t think much of her chances and it showed. McCormick is still a long shot, but the comments I’ve seen on FB and Twitter heavily favor her. I’ve been on the phone a couple of time this week with her campaign and will again this next week seeing how best to help them. Friends and I are doing the grassroots postcards, but they also have pre-printed postcards we may put together at the same time.
This is a small district. The fact they had to open up another room, plus it was live streamed, means something.
Thanks for all who have donated via ActBlue (thank you Doug!) – it’s obviously making a difference.
“If only those shrieking harpies, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Senator Feinstein, had brought up the issue EARLIER, then those poor, downtrodden, beleaguered, Republican men would have been able to conduct a proper whitewashing of Justice Beert KavanUGGH’s record, rather than the rush job they put forth. It would also have given fine, upstanding moderate Senator Susan Collins more time to concoct a less/fewer-than-four-Pinocchios excuse for why she was going to do what she promised she wouldn’t. “
Chip Daniels
Heavy turnout almost always favors Democrats. GOP voters already turnout near the top of their capacity, so a surge in interest will favor us, no matter what pundits gas on about.
Jerzy Russian
Damn. I hope she can pull this out.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
* Clearly that is a man prone to unspeakable practices.
* Oh they know a reckoning is coming for their douch bag asses.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I remembered Ken Buck made a stupid comment about “high heels” in a previous campaign, I didn’t know about this till I googled
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Jesus. There aren’t enough “Christ, what an asshole”s in the world.
Ohio Mom
@Chip Daniels: Thank you for reminding me of this. I need something to hold on to right now and that helps a lot.
It makes me giggle that the Republicans are trying to use Weinstein as a boogeyman, because my spidey sense tells me that Kavanaugh has those kinds of skeletons in his closet and they will be coming out over the next few months.
@Mnemosyne: Also, of course, the fact that Dems dropped Weinstein like a hot potato when his abuses came out, while Repugs doubled down on their support for Kavanaugh when his abuses came to light. Unfortunately, this kind of bad-faith argumentation still fools way too many people (one is too many people, for the record).
I hope Buck is defeated. He sounds like an a-hole. Good for McCormick for keeping her cool and sticking in the knife at the right moment.
He sounds like a douchebag ?
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
I’ma call them Replicans from now on. They can have the pub back when we get the tic back. Fuckers.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: I’d suggest calling them Replicants, but honestly, there were several benevolent replicants. The average Republican would not be able to pass a Voight-Kampff test, though.
Villago Delenda Est
@(((CassandraLeo))): Yertle the Turtle makes replicants of all of us.
John Fremont
@(((CassandraLeo))): Same thing with Roy Moore. They even sent forth a woman who claimed that Moore assaulted her that would be proven false just to discredit all of the testimony against Moore