Next to the East Room ahead of Kavanaugh’s swearing in ceremony: a cocktail reception. The press was not invited.
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) October 8, 2018
#Bubbly4Brett is the #LetThemEatCake of this Backlash Decade. How, after all, could one expect the poor man to go through this farce with no alcoholic lubrication?…
Sens. McConnell & Hatch in the East Room for Kavanaugh swearing-in, as is retiring Justice Kennedy.
McConnell received a standing ovation upon entering.
Many conservative movement figures here, including Laura Ingraham, Matt Schlapp & others.
— Jordan Fabian (@Jordanfabian) October 8, 2018
Donald Trump tells Brett Kavanaugh, incorrectly: “You sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent.”
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) October 8, 2018
This was the shot right after Trump declared “one great American family.”
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) October 8, 2018
Clarence Thomas applauded Trump’s “innocent until proven guilty line” about Kavanaugh allegations. Didn’t see other justices follow suit.
— Jordan Fabian (@Jordanfabian) October 8, 2018
Kavanaugh thanks Mike Pence and then Don McGahn, whom he calls “a warrior for fairness.”
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) October 8, 2018
The face you make when you left your can of Mace in the SUV.
— Covfefe Dammit Susan Collins Jones???????? (@PromoteMyCause) October 8, 2018
Kavanaugh is thanking individual Senators who voted for him?! HE’S THANKING DON MCGAHN??!!
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) October 8, 2018
Coming soon to a 2020 Democratic ad in Maine: President Trump praises Susan Collins for supporting Brett Kavanaugh.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 8, 2018
Trump pointed at WH counsel Don McGahn, with whom he had sparred, and mouthed “good job” as he left the East Room.
— Jordan Fabian (@Jordanfabian) October 8, 2018
Pretty sure submitting to that spectacle tonight is further evidence of not belonging on the Supreme Court.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 9, 2018
Dr. Ford is still receiving death threats and won't be able to return to her home for "quite some time," her lawyers tell @kasie.
— Kasie DC (@KasieDC) October 8, 2018
Congrats to the GOP. That was as ugly a political win as you could possibly eke out. Enjoy the whirlwind.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) October 8, 2018
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
This sure as hell was ugly. It’s up to us now to make it as painful for them as we can.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
what a diverse crowd!
no identity politics there.
I say we also make it as painful as possible for their supporters. I’m tired of comity and kindness, trying to work things out just so these assholes can come back through and wreck it all again.
I hope they bathe in white phosphorous.
What a bundle of fasciis
M. Bouffant
Good thing Trump is scared of non-human animals; he’d probably try to appoint his favorite dog or horse to some commission, Roman Emperor-stylee.
John Revolta
@M. Bouffant: We’d be better off with the dog or the horse!
M. Bouffant
As Drezner sez: Enjoy the whirlwind. You low-rent fascist pseudo aristocrats* have about 28 days left in which to pretend you’re hot shit. Tik Tok.
*”conservative movement figures here, including Laura Ingraham, Matt Schlapp”
Amir Khalid
@M. Bouffant:
Trump is not the equal of either a horse or a dog in decency, dignity, compassion, or indeed any positive quality you can think of.
This is the kind of shit we are up against.
In a Mississippi Restaurant, Two Americas Coexist Side by Side
It’s the Times so if you don’t like it don’t read it.
@M. Bouffant:
He just did.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I see, a strictly party line vote a “win”? This the crazies celebrating “we finally crushed the last vestiges of sanity in our party”.
@Raven: Jesus, another Cletus safari? No thank you.
@Raven: the NYT really digs deep to find these mofos though, because that’s not a normal reaction.
@Raven: Surprised (not really) that the Times couldn’t be bothered to get affirmation from the daughter. Maybe Ms Walls doesn’t hear from her so often anymore.
Roberts looks like a man watching his barn go up in flames.
@satby: I really truly don’t get why anyone in media thinks I’m supposed to care about the stories of the absolute worst people in America. I am not interested in their hopes, dreams, or thought processes. I am not interested in their well-being. I am not interested in their survival. I despise them and want them to be miserable.
Barb 2
The Greedy Old Pervert party has declared war on us. Women seem to be the main target – with Trump leading the mobs. If you aren’t one of the old guys born with a silver spoon like Trump and his real constituents – they really could care less about all of us. But that’s the way Racists & Authoritarians are – they declare war on truth and those of us who tell the truth.
I’m worried about the children and the role models Trump & his kind project. Thankfully Taylor Swift and others have stepped up.
At least some democrats & liberals are waking up and fighting back. This isn’t a time to play nice.
Victims of sexual assaults & harassment seem to be the prime target with all of us being targets. Dr Jones is facing death threats for telling the truth. As soon as she came forward I knew there would be more victims. That’s how the perverts and sexual predators behave. It is a power trip for the creeps.
The only good thing about this renewed war by the TOP is that the victims are talking. Problem is that too many don’t realize that they are under attack by the Trump cultist. What gives me hope and keeps me from being depressed is that a whole lot of women are very angry. And Angry women get things done.
To win the Greedy Old Pervert party* has surrendered to the Russians.
*GOP – Who ever came up with that is brilliant!
randy khan
For a guy who said he’s going to be totally fair and independent, Kavanaugh sure acts like someone who’s planning to do whatever the GOP wants.
Barb 2
How does Mrs Idiot know this about her daughter?
But then Idiots have been around forever talking about stuff they know absolutely nothing about.
The U.S. really is a third world uneducated country in the GOP strongholds of stupids. That kind of stupid can’t be cured. Many/most victim learn quickly to put on a show of getting over an assault – sort of like getting one the flu. God I really hate the ignoramus idiots.
“They learned nothing and forgot nothing”.
Talleyrand (maybe) on the Bourbons
@OzarkHillbilly: For the win in this thread.
Just sent a week sailing a regatta in New Orleans, and it would have been a great time had many of my Southern male friends not been gloating over the Kavanaugh debacle. Had to leave NOLA early to get to southeast Florida on the way home before Michael comes calling, but it made it easier to leave.
Spinoza Is My Co-Pilot
I don’t think they had to dig at all. This is totally normal among Republicans. Conservative women are the kapos of misogyny. .
@Raven: With a mother like that…
I’d venture she has an elastic definition of “fine” or she isn’t quite informed about what “fine” is for her daughter. As if a fucking waitress knows more about PSTD than a psychology professor.
Also, counseling isn’t a fucking wand to make you exactly the same as you were before.
@Shakti: And she did go to a counselor, years ago.
Why would FTMFNYT go all the way to Mississippi to find some ignoramus who wasn’t really paying attention, just formed an opinion based on her party affiliation. They probably could have found someone just as ignorant right there in NY, but they might have had to actually dig a bit.