No, we can't guarantee everyone gets to vote who should and we can't guarantee every vote will be counted.
But I can promise you: the vote you don't cast *definitely* goes right in the garbage.
And every election we *don't* win, they have more time and more power.
— Alexandraah! Erin (@alexandraerin) October 14, 2018
Uber and Lyft are offering free rides to the polls on Election Day pic.twitter.com/gWD8krzclE
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) October 15, 2018
— lumiere pacific (@Lumiere_Pacific) October 15, 2018
Meanwhile, on the Repub side…
This is a lie. https://t.co/ueuLy9hvTU
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) October 15, 2018
Georgia Voters: Here’s How to Legally Vote Even if You’re on Brian Kemp’s Can’t-Vote List https://t.co/uNZvG3a5fe
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 14, 2018
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Percy gets tutored today. Blech.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?!
Fired up and ready to (early) vote!
@OzarkHillbilly: ?
And yay Percy. Hope he goes through it with minimal discomfort.
LaTosha Brown (@MsLaToshaBrown) Tweeted:
Voter suppression is real, it happened to us today in Louisville, Georgia in Jefferson County. We had a busload of elders ready to vote when the county commisionner shut us down and made our elders get off the bus without having the chance to vote.
LINK https://t.co/JepIaOeADu https://t.co/7CosnhTkxh https://twitter.com/MsLaToshaBrown/status/1052042964225146880?s=17
@satby: Right now he’s wondering why Woof gets food, water, and ham treats (actually his morning meds but Percy gets some ham too) and all Percy got was to lick the wet cat food spoon (’cause I feel a little guilty about him not getting anything except snipped).
@OzarkHillbilly: What subject?
The intense and open racism on display by the GOP these days is as disturbing as it was back in the 1950s and ’60s. This is one rerun we could definitely do without.
But what’s MORE disturbing this time around is the media’s utter refusal to call it what it is: Racism in pursuit of restoring Jim Crow.
@Baud: It ain’t sex education.
Mustang Bobby
If anyone is going to be in the Lakeland, Florida, vicinity this coming Friday and Saturday, make your way to the Lakeland Auto Classic show that is overwhelming downtown and the promenade around Lake Mirror. I’ll be there in the street show in the American Production section with my Pontiac. It’d be fun to meet up with some fellow Juicers, especially since that part of Florida is pretty Trumpish. I feel like an infiltrator when I’m there, although the folks are very friendly.
My absentee ballot arrived yesterday, and I’ve just taken it to the post office. So my vote’s banked in blue Illinois via England, for whatever that’s worth.
@R-Jud: Do they know your true identity?
Good luck to Percy. Hopefully his memories will be short-lived.
Yesterday was the first day of in person early voting in Georgia. Already voted.
Positive thoughts for Percy??
‘All art is political’: behind America’s most ambitious public art project ever
Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) Tweeted:
According to a new lawsuit, of the people whose voter registrations were killed by the first iteration of Brian Kemp’s “exact match” system, 76% were minorities. After he was forced to implement a new version of the system, he got that number to 80.15%. https://t.co/uwbvpeReUp https://twitter.com/MaddowBlog/status/1050930360736014341?s=17
@Baud: @R-Jud:
That was meant for @Mustang Bobby.
@Baud: Does anyone really know anyone?
ETA: Oh! Well, it was an interesting philosophical question, anyway.
Uh huh
Uh huh ? ?
This is a true thing: every morning when I get up and read the news while drinking coffee, my first more or less coherent thought is “these fucking people”….example being Brian Kemp.
Keith P.
Oh, goddammit, Alisyn Camerota is doing yet another interview of a panel of Trump voters. I HATE these….they are so tired and empty.
@kdbart: Cool! The son, dil and I normally vote early on a Saturday.
Two week Countdown for PostCards!
New PostCard designs – all free. Freshly stocked addresses of voters for BJ Candidates.
Personal, hand-written PostCards work. They get read. They don’t get tossed immediately.
They don’t get ignored, or sent to never played voice mail.
PostCards get people to the polls.
Come join the fun. Start with 10. Feel empowered.
This is all the state races in the country. They moved 6 sec of state races in the Democrats direction – not every state has a sec of state but if the state has one that person is the top election official.
All of Ohio’s executive branch positions are toss-ups: guv, sec of state, AG, treasurer, auditor.
I like their style anyway. Oh, and this:
Almost enough to get me to head for my local tire store just to watch it.
Maddow has been on this story
NowThis (@nowthisnews) Tweeted:
Republicans split a Black college in half to win elections in this state — but this isn’t anything new for the GOP https://t.co/I9YQM3ukUF https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1052145376726315008?s=17
I hope one of those witches decides to run for president.
@OzarkHillbilly: My Tucker gets his teeth cleaned today. At my house, if somebody doesn’t get to eat, nobody gets to eat.
So I just keep saying “too early” and doing something else. :-)
Everybody else can eat after I drop Tucker at the vet. It’s so hard to sign those forms and leave them, even for standard stuff like teeth cleaning and being “tutored”.
@danielx: I hear you. I think there was an entire year when my first words were typically “What the fuck is wrong with these people?”
David Evans
@OzarkHillbilly: There are some excellent things there. I love the “Hurt people” one. Based on that sample, though, I don’t think you could call it anti-partisan. (I know – these days, telling the truth is partisan)
low-tech cyclist
@Mustang Bobby: I’m down in Plant City periodically because the in-laws live there. But alas, this weekend is not one of those times. Hope you have fun!
I guess I’m the only one who thought Percy was going to dog training.
Another Scott
@MazeDancer: Let me second this. I was able to start with 15 names and addresses and easily get them done working off an on in an evening. It’s not hard, and it is something concrete to help ensure a decent turnout in important races.
I have 40 more names to do in the next day or so, and will probably request more after that.
Click on PostcardPatriots.com and join us!
Only 20 days to go!!
@JPL: I did too.
Good morning folks.
Along these lines, just around midnight yesterday I sent out an email telling all my friends not to wait for election day but to get out & vote now. Good to see we are all thinking along the same lines. And now I need to go drink some coffee & write some GotV postcards.
low-tech cyclist
As this TPM piece amply demonstrates, Brian Kemp is functionally a white supremacist. If you liked Jim Crow, you’ll love Kemp.
‘Mi casa es su casa’: the American welcoming migrants into her home
Huh. A real live honest to God Christian.
Ah… that’s more like it.
Good luck with that.
Actually, she is getting a lot of help from people in the area so she is not alone in her Christian ways.
low-tech cyclist
@Kay: Wow, we desperately need to up our game at the state legislature level, don’t we?
@cliosfanboy: Nice!
@David Evans: It’s anti partisan in that there are no pro DEM or GOP messages, just inconvenient truths.
Kraux Pas
And back when Obama was President, I had a prospective employer tell me they didn’t want to hire people who opposed torture and another trying to seed right-wing views in me because I was trying to keep mine private by claiming not to have any. These things happen. People find ways to have their views acknowledged.
I’ll leave it to the audience to decide which applications of this are more problematic.
@Another Scott:
Yay, Scott!
Genuine testimonial to how simple and fun writing PostCards can be,.
Easily 80% of the people who start with “Okay, I’l do a few PostCards”, come back for more.
It’s easy, it feels great, you can do it in spare moments, sitting in a comfy chair. Not much else you can do to actually boost GOTV for 35 cents a pop. (While not having to talk to anyone.)
Get your addresses now: PostCardPatriots.com
@JPL: Heh. It comes from a Far Side comic.
In a normally functioning society, these people would be far more secret, and less successful.
Sadly, they lurk among us in such prominence now because the GOP mined the depths of human nature for their willing cooperation. It’s a criminal enterprise and it uses criminals.
@Kraux Pas: I liked the cognitive dissonance of this:
Oh well then, you really don’t care one way or another, right? Right???
@low-tech cyclist:
We do. It’s particularly bad for Democrats because so many of our main issues are primarily state law- crim justice, voting, education, infrastructure. I wonder sometimes if it’s ideological- Democrats are not “weak central government” people so they were inclined to ignore state law. Obviously it’s more than than that- civil rights were primarily federal for obvious reasons, but I wonder if we sort of stopped exercising that muscle so it weakened.
I love the postcard idea. Ohio Dems did it in ’06- it had something to do with “women”- it was like “woman to woman” or something- but I remember thinking it was a good idea then and forgetting about it after the election.
It might be really effective for down-ballot state races- races below “governor”- because when do you ever hear about those people? You’d be like “I got a postcard about the AUDITOR?” :)
A Ghost To Most
Fuck christian fascists.
Steeplejack (phone)
When did that year end, exactly?
We got a charming little hand-written thank you note from Tedra Cobb. She appreciates every contribution.
‘Make America Date Again’: Trump Dating App Leaks Users’ Info On 1st Day
Unfortunately, for dirtbags like Kemp there’s no downside to vote suppression. Until we throw a few of these f*ckers jail, they’ll have no incentive to stop. Looking at you, Kobach.
Was it someone on this blog who suggested that we should take seriously the motto “No taxation without representation”? I’d love to see 65 million Americans refuse to pay taxes until voter suppression stops. Georgia’s being hit a with a triple whammy of disenfranchisement now: purges of voters who didn’t vote in 2014 and 2016 (over a million), purges of voters whose ID info is not an exact match (53K), and purges of absentee ballots in largely Democratic areas (impact unknown). This is autocracy at work.
@JPL: Hadn’t you heard the old joke about the dog was really excited to go for the car ride because he was going to get “tutored” today?
@Mustang Bobby:I’m sure people are nice, they’re just insane. I won’t be making a roadtrip to Lakeland this weekend.
I just read the story about the Lakeland city commissioner shooting a shoplifter point blank in the head. Nobody arrested or charged him. I’m also disinclined to believe this guy’s previous shooting was “accidental”, got to love “Stand Your Ground.”
@Steeplejack (phone): I think the shock and near disbelief that people could actually behave that way that kind of wore off. Now I no longer have to ask what the fuck is wrong with these people — it’s hate and bigotry and fear greed and power.
@WaterGirl: No but I’ve heard and I’ve used what the fuck is wrong with these people.
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: @rikyrah: for the record, I was neither born nor raised in Georgia!
Remember the Georgia Republican whose primary campaign featured a so-called Immigration Bus? It seems that his son and my daughter worked together, where the son stalked and sexually harassed my daughter. He left the company before I learned this, but clearly the rotten apple doesn’t fall far the rotten tree.
Steve in the ATL
@OzarkHillbilly: surely it’s handy to have a public list of amoral morons?
@JPL: I see that Ozark posted the far side comic. That was fun. I had forgotten that it was a cartoon before it was kind of a joke.
low-tech cyclist
@Shakti: Good Lord. Hope they send him to prison for the rest of his life. That was nothing but a cold-blooded killing.
Via the local TV news this a.m.early voting (which started yesterday) in a few SW Georgia counties impacted by Hurricane Michael has been suspended because they’ve got more important things to worry about, like getting power restored. This story featured SOS Kemp touring the devastated area.
I’m so angry that this guy is still in charge of our voting and refuses to step down. Relatedly, it seems that Gov. Deal has issued an executive order (praised by Kemp, per the AJC) extending voting registration in 4 SW Georgia counties, including Randolph, the county where Kemp’s voting consultant recommended to county officials that they close 7 of 9 precincts. Interesting!
@OzarkHillbilly: Hopong for the best for Percy and his owner.
Gelfling 545
@OzarkHillbilly: If Kavanaugh is a Christian, I am the pope of Rome. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Kavanaugh fails the test.
J R in WV
Of course, “Justice” Kavanaugh is no more a christian than Adolph Hitler, Eichmann, Himmler, or Mussolini was christian. Not at all, according to the history of what they wish to accomplish, the desires they all have to do non-christian things to others. I’ll stop now, it turns my stomach to think about how not christian Republicans are in reality.
Republicans can only win if they cheat in some way.
Don’t know if this is the best way to bring this to your attention, but for the last several days, I’ve been getting this error message on Balloon Juice:
Unexpected Error
An unexpected error occurred. If you continue to receive this error please contact your Tableau Server Administrator.
Session ID: DCDB766FEC494000818CF009E86873B6-0:0
Script error.
If any commenter who sees this knows how to bring it to the attention of the appropriate administrator please help here. I know it’s not mine because I don’t run a Tableau Server.
@OzarkHillbilly: … strikes fear in the heart of fundamentalists.” Good. They understand that their false claim to be Christians is no protection. I remember reading about Voodoo when I was in high school, about 65 years ago, and one of the widespread beliefs in Haiti was that you have to be Catholic to be subject to the power of voodoo. This caused some Haitians to join Protestant congregations to evade the curses, rather than change their behavior so people wouldn’t curse them.