Sanders holding a 2020 rally for himself 18 days before #Midterms is definitely peak Sanders 2016 obliviousness, so you got that right.
— Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) October 20, 2018
This was the role Donald Trump was supposed to assume in December 2016 — the grifter travelling first-class on ‘campaign donations’, riling up the rubes in his base to shiv Democrats and prop up Republicans. Sanders is no Trump, showman-wise, but then the Cosplay Socialists in his particular camp are even more pathetically eager to be pleased than the MAGAts.
And of course the NYTimes is there for him!
… Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has not yet announced he is running. But for several blocks in this college town on Sunday afternoon, he was certainly marching.
From the front of a group of Iowa State College Democrats, Mr. Sanders, widely assumed to be preparing another presidential candidacy, inspired cheers and chants, his mere presence whipping up the kind of political excitement this early-voting state knows so well.
But if Democratic euphoria was the theme of the day, Mr. Sanders also sounded a cautionary note about the party’s prospects in the midterm elections on Nov. 6.
“I happen not to believe that there’s going to be this great blue wave,” he said earlier on Sunday at an event in Fort Dodge, in north central Iowa. “I happen to believe that on election night, which party controls the U.S. House will come down to a very few seats.”…
Somewhere Dean Baquet felt a thrill run up his leg, without quite knowing why.
This grifting a**hole alleges he’s supporting a midterm candidate by pointing people to his own fundraising page.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 21, 2018
Kudos to @davidsiders who calls the Sanders "midterm tour" what it actually is: a 2020 campaign. Even gets Jeff Weaver to admit it. Two weeks to go.
— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) October 21, 2018
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Bernie Sanders can still draw a crowd.
Touching off a nine-state midterm election blitz here Friday, rally-goers clad in T-shirts from Sanders’ 2016 campaign cheered as the independent senator from Vermont reprised his progressive credentials on student debt, health care and the minimum wage. And they jeered along with Sanders as he mocked Trump — a prelude to a potential 2020 campaign.
No longer the curiosity that he was when he entered the 2016 presidential primary — with his then-meager fundraising base and Hillary Clinton’s near-inevitability staring him down — Sanders now wields one of the most coveted email lists of progressive voters and donors in the country. He owns a national profile that most of his potential rivals have yet to develop…
Sanders has demurred when asked about his 2020 plans, telling CNN recently that “we will see what happens.” But the effort to distinguish Sanders from the rest of the burgeoning Democratic field has been ongoing since the 2016 election, with Sanders’ supporters casting his economic populism as a 2020-ready alternative to Trump’s…
Bernie Sanders is back this morning in SC, where some Democrats have questioned his presence as “selfish” and harmful for the state ticket.
— Ruby Cramer (@rubycramer) October 20, 2018
Like a Trump rally, only with fewer ballcaps and more designer goatees. But still very, very whi… I mean, economically anxious! Or should that be ‘economically woke‘?
Sanders’ @OurRevolution speech in SC: lots of talk about 2016, Trump, how the Democratic policy debate has evolved on health care, criminal justice.
But no mention by name of James Smith, the Dem gubernatorial candidate here, or any other SC Dem candidate.
— Ruby Cramer (@rubycramer) October 20, 2018
Seriously? It took "courage" for white people to show up at a white rally with a free band on a Saturday? And was it reeeally important? More important than the people (I guess cowards?) who are out knocking on doors and making calls 17 days before a critical election? GFY
— Old Lady Dem (@oldladydem) October 20, 2018
Ugh. Can he just get over his fucking ego and go away now plz?
Mike in DC
I favor a pre-emptive partial oppo dump taking place before he even declares; shortly after he declares; and again just before the first primary debate. Still don’t see a path forward for him, but letting him get on stage and trash Democrats for months without hard pushback is just unacceptable to me.
Honing irrelevance to a mirror-like finish.
Any Sanders appearance needs to be prefaced with a Caution: Spoiler Warning, in flashing neon.
I thought he was at Iowa State in Ames to support the democrat who is trying to beat Steve King!! Doesn’t sound like it!!
Major Major Major Major
Oh for fuck’s sake.
New DEM rule: “No person shall be allowed to run as a Democrat without disclosing their last 5 years tax returns.” Oughta do the trick.
He’s getting to “old man yells at
cloudscrowds” level. As a septuagenarian I have no problem saying this old fker is too fking old to be eating up all of this political real estate. Asshole won’t even join the party. Buh-bye now, dude.opiejeanne
@OzarkHillbilly: Isn’t that the new rule? Or am I just remembering proposals for same?
@smike (whose comment disappeared before I could link to it)
I understand he and Ralph Nader qualify for a group discount on belt onions.
Alain, you really think the new spell check is going to help?
It’s a nice touch??✔
@opiejeanne: I’ve heard it bandied about but don’t recall it ever being formally adopted. I may have missed it.
Amir Khalid
Did the page format change yet again? And what happened to the option to embiggen the comment box?
@NotMax: Don’t go casting aspersions on my onions.
@Amir Khalid: Still works here(Chrome, Win10).
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
And now it’s changed back. I’m getting confused.
Would write a modern ditty about them except then might stand accused of being a rapscallion.
@NotMax: shouldn’t that be rap scallion?
Pun-etic license.
joel hanes
White-haired Skexi stalks the provinces, raising and desperately gulping the essence of young Podlings.
Every year, it works less well, and he must increase the dose to get the same effect.
@joel hanes: LOL!
Skexi indeed! He really is like that.
@joel hanes
“Skeksis rule for a thousand years.”
– The Dark Crystal
So when do the pundits berate him for diverting attention from the 2018 election like they did to Elizabeth Warren?
I posted this on Twitter (with apologies to Dobie Gray):
Oh, give me the tweets boys
Unleash my trolls
I want to get lost in my bank rolls
And grift away
Or Hillary, for that matter. I’ve seen at least three columns in the past month (since the p/b of her book with the new epilogue came out) telling her to shut up and go away. Infuriating on so many levels.
Meet Katie Hill, ‘America’s most millennial candidate’
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I was dreading this.
Gawd, I hope another candidate exposes his pro-tariff anti-trade horseshit in farm states.
They can’t let him have another free pass.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….. When she leaves the trump admin she could have quite career in stand-up.
Wilmer is the John McCain of the left, getting way more press attention and Sunday blab-fest slots just for his maverick shtick than he deserves given his results. He’s not actually a threat to the established order of things, that’s why he gets fawning coverage and Hillary didn’t. She would have been effective even in spite of an oppositional Congress.
And I assume some of the Hillary negativity comes from guilt at the role media played in sabotaging her. Ask any divorce lawyer, guilt makes people do horrible things to the party they wronged.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Who said, “aren’t most drug dealers black”
Drumpf or Sanders?
Who said, southern primaries with majority black voters “distort reality'”
Drumpf or Sanders?
WTF are we all doing up so early??*
Existential dread?
* Eastern + CDT zone people… Sell check fail because I don’t use it ?
Really, really early for you. Animals must be discombobulated.
There is absolutely zero evidence that my ex has ever felt guilty about anything she ever did.
Insomnia. Been awake since 11:15.
joel hanes
And “leftist” youth is too often like Podlings.
Tony Jay
FFS, this again?
Have a message that will win a majority in the Democratic Primaries, or fuck off.
Build a political movement that welcomes ALL parts of the Democratic coalition, or fuck off.
Stop repeating and validating the smears of the faux-populist Right, or fuck off.
Find, nurture and support candidates instead of just latching onto them, or fuck off.
Release your taxes and explain your property portfolio, or fuck off.
Or just fuck off. Go back to Vermont and count your roubles.
I’ve come to refer to it as Eldertime.
Just finished up the dinner dishes. Thawed a 5 lb. package of pork rib tips and whipped up a batch of shortcut, stripped down to basics recipe bbq ribs in the Instant Pot, which will easily last for the rest of the week for din.-din.
Insistent early-morning bladder. I might try to go back to sleep for another couple of hours. Or maybe not. For some reason, it feels like a massively important decision.
@NotMax: They were delighted, everyone had to go. My inability to sleep saved at least one piddle pad.
Is that TMI?
@OzarkHillbilly: yeah, your ex sounds like a very special psycho.
Nah, that’s JEI.
Just enough Information.
@SiubhanDuinne: I would go back to sleep if I could, but it’s cold out and it wakes me up when we take our am bathroom break.
And I would drop off just as soon as I have to get up anyway so FIDO as raven would say.
@NotMax: ?
@Tony Jay: rubles, but I otherwise completely endorse this comment.
Hm. AL’s morning thread must be stuck in traffic.
And now it has suddenly shown up, time stamped a half hour ago.
In all fairness the link Bernie had wasn’t for his own fundraising.
Tony Jay
I actually spellchecked that and it’s telling me both are right, but only one came up red-underlined.
I blame Obama.
Chris Johnson
This is some bullshit. The left has moved beyond this guy and NOW the primary use for him is for RUSSIANS to feed people with hysteria about how he’s one of them serving their interests, and that is also some bullshit. I am even seeing the mocking of economic problems in this thread and I thought that had died off: the mocking and shaming of people who’ve seen economic damage is Russian-grade trolling and supremely damaging, which is why Putin’s people are feeding you with it.
They want to make you look like shit-libs to young people so they (the young people) will write you off as assholes and give up.
Stop this nonsense. You’re being played. Bernie’s not the vanguard of the Left anymore, and every righteous rage you get up to in the cause of cursing his name is driving an unnecessary wedge and often herding you in the direction of talking complete nonsense that makes you yourselves look like shit-lib asshole clueless morons barely better than Trumpkins.
STOP it. Shut up. Go register somebody to vote without yelling at them about the evils of the left.
Steeplejack (phone)
The link goes to a page that invites you to split a donation 50/50 between Bernie and the candidate for governor. That’s not solely for Bernie, but it definitely is “for his own fundraising.”
Steeplejack (phone)
@Chris Johnson:
Bullshit. Please point to one comment that is doing this.
@Chris Johnson: You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry that I made Bernie hold a fucking rally in South Carolina that was all about himself, two weeks before the midterms.
@Chris Johnson: Your contempt for us all is noted. We are so sorry that we are making young people give up. Shit-lib yourself. Is that some special purity pony slang?
Maybe Sanders did take Russian money? He sure is acting like it. How is what he is doing any different than what Trump did? It isn’t. Bernie just wants to stir the pot thinking he might get lucky. Didn’t work out so well for Democrats in 2016. Won’t in 2020 either. Follow the $$$$.
I wonder how much the Russians are paying him.
You are unhinged… yeesh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Please someone keep her away from Bernie Sanders posts….
Chyron HR
@Steeplejack (phone):
When you sarcastically repeat Bernie’s claim that Nazis with trust funds are motivated by “economic insecurity”, it’s actually an attack on poor people.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mike in DC: It’s pretty clear Sanders is running for President, not running to be President like the Republicans do, It’s about the donor money.
@Chyron HR:
Are you being sarcastic? Otherwise I’m not following the logic there.
Bloomington rally ended with a march to early voting site. Several hundred ballots cast for Liz Watson, a democratic candidate for IN-9.
So there’s some incidental help for changing the house.
@Mikeindublin: he’s splitting the donations between him and whitmer. It’s his fundraising.
@Chris Johnson: Fuck off.
Raven Onthill
Could we please save the fighting among ourselves until after the election? Please? If we win they’ll be plenty of time to do it and if we lose it just won’t matter.
@Mike in DC: If Sanders doesn’t like Democrats, then he has choices. 1) He can grow the Socialist party, and make “soshulist” something other than a moranic insult. 2) He could JOIN the Democratic Party and make change from the inside. He doesn’t seem particularly interested in either appreach. Until he does, he’s just another distraction.
Barb 2
I HATE Sanders. The fool isn’t even a democrat. Plus he has links to the Kremlin through his campaign manager.
His ego is as big as Trumps. Then there are the cult like followers. They are creepy. The dumb ass Sanders delegates acted like the class bullies and jerks at the Democratic Convention. Sanders may not be crooked – but his wife sure seems to be. She managed to kill a college – now how many people can get away with that sort of has behavior?
Another stupid white male who doesn’t have a clue – for example his “out reach” to minorities during the Democratic primary season in ’16.
What has he really accomplished as Senator? There are Democratic freshmen senators who have accomplished far more then the wind bag Sanders