This may be the greatest portion of any political debate ever:
As my grandmother used to say — a hit dog will holler.
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) October 25, 2018
Were I there I would have been butt naked after that having thrown my bra and panties on the stage. This blog is now a Gillum 2020/2024/2028/2032 full service blog.
Sweet mother of mercy I need a cold shower.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I like the cut of that’s man’s jibberish.
Way, way too much information.
Mike in DC
Gillum just did a single samurai pass with the katana, and DeSantis’ entrails just spilled out on stage.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
@Mike in DC: Asshole to earlobe with a dull deer antler!
Mary G
I haven’t watched the debates, but from everything I read Gillum is beating the pants off the Trump lover. That quote is priceless. And Stacey Abrams is also a rock star.
Strange things are happening in all kinds of states:
The Democrat, Billie Sutton, is a former rodeo star paralyzed from the waist down from an accident in a rodeo. He’s pro-gun and pro-life, but also pro healthcare. I sent Doug a tweet and donated $10.
@Mike in DC: Or, as we said in the green machine, the Three Minute Motherfucker!
Interesting, after years and years of running centrists Dems or former GOPers converted to Dems in Florida, the primary voters say the hell with it and run a real progressive and all of a sudden dude is polling strong. Go Andrew!
“I’m not saying you’re racist. I’m just saying the racists think you’re racist”
Moderator and format sucked but Gillum did not disappoint
Looks like Cole didn’t take that cold shower, he’s been yelling on the twitter.
Matt McIrvin
@BG: God damn that is an incredible line.
Until this campaign I had never heard of De Santis.
Has he always looked as though he is just one Gillum Unit from melting down in a flood of tears?
But her emails!!!
@Ocotillo: Umm…Gillum is a mainstream Democrat.
Go Gillum go!
zhena gogolia
He speaks so trenchantly.
My next gov. Love it…
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Mary G
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Fired up Cole is better than Chicken Little Cole.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: Amen
I love the “I’m not saying you’re racists, the racists think you’re racist” line!
Can someone please explain the “a hit dog will holler” line? I have never heard that and there’s no context for what came before that, so I don’t quite get the meaning. Is Gillum the hit dog or is the racist guy the hit dog?
A worthy successor to PBO.
Mary G
I don’t know if I posted it here earlier or not, but a Democrat from Iowa said Kamala Harris brought electricity to the house he hasn’t seen since Obama 2007.
It’s great that so many of these candidates are turning out to be the real deal. it’s nice to be able to turn a great phrase and have a quick comeback. since the apprentice president, I’d forgotten that those things can actually be a sign of competence and gravitas.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: DeSantis starts hollerin’ he’s not a racist even before the moderator can finish the question. Methinks he dost protest too much, in short. Or “damn, that’s gonna leave a mark”.
Adam L Silverman
@Ocotillo: He will/his voters will pull Nelson across the finish line too!
@dick_nixon is impressed:
Adam L Silverman
This was on at the gym when I was working out. That left a huge mark when he delivered it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I said earlier, I think the fact that they included Eric Holder on their list is a tell. I like Holder but I think his name recognition outside of political junkies is probably pretty low, and the fever swamp fixated on him early. Remember Rachel Maddow interviewing the guy in Alaska who said he was protesting Holder because of EH”s record on legislation, and was confused when RM pointed out he’d never been a member of a legislature.
@BG: Cannot love him any more!!
Omnes Omnibus
Ben Cisco
Props for the Eddie Murphy reference.
This Gillum cat is alright.
@Mike in DC:
Gillum slit De Santis from his guggle to his zatch!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That is really interesting. Really stupid, too. I wonder if they left fingerprints or DNA on anything?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You have to wonder what’s in Valerie Jarrett’s mailbox, or Susan Rice’s…they’re often brought up as right-wing boogeymen
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes. He joined the Navy shortly after 911. Requested deployment to Iraq. Came back, started out in Florida GOP politics when it was largely still sane. Then embraced the Tea Party. When the President came along he grabbed on and has been holding on for dear life ever since believing that’s the key to winning higher office. He looks in the mirror and sees one or two terms as Florida’s governor and then a run for the presidency. He looks like he’s going to cry because he knows that’s not going to happen now.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: What about fired up and rotisseried chicken Cole? The other, other, other white meat! Who want’s a drumstick?
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: It’s a southernism. Basically it’s sort of a “the lady doth protest too much”, just served with grits.
You said a mouthful right there.
So many Democratic candidates in Florida in recent years have had the strength and personality of wet cardboard, afraid to say anything that might offend their own shadow. Decent human beings and worthy citizens, but not much fire in their bellies.
That was very uncivil. I need to go find some pearls to clutch.
Mike in DC
@WaterGirl: from Wiktionary: An offended or defensive response to a statement suggests that the statement applies to the person complaining.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Ew.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The 2nd Amendment absolutist crowd, which includes the “patriot” and militia crowd, cannot stand Holder. They have an entire set of conspiracy theories, some overlapping and some exclusive of each other, regarding Holder and the rogue ATF operation Fast and Furious.
Oh no. Now every BJ’er is gonna move to Florida to vote for Gillum.
I have NO ROOM TO HOUSE ALL OF YOU! And I will not have the time to drive y’all up and down I-4 to Mickeytown or the beaches.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I would like to subscribe to his newsletter.
@SiubhanDuinne: @Adam L Silverman:
DeSantis thinks that ’cause he’s been on Fox a few times he’s governing material. Which makes sense: spouting old-man rants at the teevee seems to be what they feel is the main qualification for higher office these days.
And to think this is the knucklehead who pretended to read Trumpov’s ghost-written books to his toddler in one of his own campaign ads. I wonder if the media will connect THOSE dots on Nov 7th?
Right now the only thing they got on Gillum is questionably accepting Hamilton tickets from undercover FBI agents back in 2016.
Adam L Silverman
That’s offensive to wet cardboard!
Omnes Omnibus
@PaulWartenberg: I am staying in WI to vote against Walker and for Baldwin; I hope that helps. I try to do what I can.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
@Mike in DC:
From Georgia Avenue, I have to say, I like that.
End rant.
@Adam L Silverman:
Happy to read this. I’ll sleep well tonight.
Mary G
Well Al Roker seems to have chased Megyn Kelly off the Today Show. Hope NBC just pays her yuge contract and keeps her off the air. And bring back Joy Reid back to prime time.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s cage free… Somewhat free range…
Really enjoyed Gillum’s quick wit. The way he responds to a charge and then lands a zinger.
@Adam L Silverman: Am I good or what? =P
Still kind of shocked that the press are talking about how this *could* lead to violence/casualties. Um, Heather Heyer and the 5 journalists killed in Annapolis would like a brief word, MSM.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: I honestly have come to the conclusion that all these current GOP members of the House and, in the case of Cotton, in the Senate, all joined the military so that they could use it to run for office after their contracts were up. I don’t think any of this crop of former O3s have any real idea of what public service is. Everything is a means to an end for them.
@Brachiator: He had a field day with DeSantis’ response to the question, “Is president* Trumpov a good role model?” DeSantis meandered his way into “Trumpov kept his word about moving our embassy to Jerusalem.” Gillium was like, “what?…moderator what was the question again?”, shaking his head in disbelief, then answers “no”.
Just keep pounding, Dems. Keep ignoring idiots like Brooksie who think we’re dumb to talk about health care (instead of pushing for a blessed ‘realignment’) Keep ignoring The. Caravan. (boo!!) Keep ignoring all these “NECKANDNECK!” races…the real story is that so many of these GOP seats ever got to ‘neck and neck’ to begin with.
Gin & Tonic
Hell will freeze before I move to Florida.
Mai Naem mobile
I saw a tweet that linked to the Miami Herald that Gillum has accepted ticket(s?) to Hamilton from an undercover FBI agent. Just wondering why this shit is coming out this close to the election. I thought this stuff wasn’t supposed to come out 30 days or whatever before the election. BTW I don’t give a shit about Hamilton tix and I don’t think most people will either.
@Adam L Silverman:
Looks like the pitiful ad he made sucking up to Trump is gonna come back to haunt him. I could not be happier about that.
@Adam L Silverman: That’s an awesome description! thank you.
Gillum is sharp as a razor and quick. He handles hot button issues perfectly. Never walks into the trap the reactionaries lay for him.
And, I didn’t know Cole walks around in just bra and panties (and heels?)
@WaterGirl: When marginalized people start talking in general about their oppressors, hitting those dogs, and cis het white people immediately get all defensive, hollering, they are telling on themselves. They are saying that they actually are one of those folks.
Mary G
DOJ gets up off their gay hating couch and arrests some white nationalists (LA Times). They read their texts! Their emails! How dare they? I think this is the genius who thought dressing like Twitler playing golf would make them seem innocuous. Doesn’t seem to have worked at Charlottesville.
Also, only the best people:
@Adam L Silverman: Seriously?
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, that’s quite possible…or worse, they joined in the hopes of taking part in causing some mass casualties amongst “those” people. Who knows? I’m just glad to see so many former service and IC members in the ranks of our candidates this go-round.
(raises hand)
Would rather gargle with Drano and floss with barbed wire than listen to rap “music.”
(heads off to adjust the onions)
Adam L Silverman
@Mai Naem mobile: The FBI didn’t leak this. There’s been a known, well reported on FBI public corruption investigation into some people in Tallahassee city government. Gillum has stated he has been informed, via his personal attorney, that he is not a target of the investigation. DeSantis and the Florida GOP have tried to hang the investigation around his neck anyway. The only concrete thing they have are the Hamilton tickets.
Thanks to everyone for the explanations of that phrase. I learned something new today; I guess I can go to bed now.
@Mary G: “reimagine the nationalist look” – WTF?
There are niche markets, and there are niche markets, but a Nazi ‘Elle’ or white nationalist ‘GQ’ just doesn’t seem like a good bet. I dunno…
I lived in that toilet with palm trees and 4 years was more than enough thanks.
Why is the FBI scalping Hamilton tickets?
OK, I get maybe trying to get an official to bite on buying a bunch of illegal drugs, but Hamilton tickets?
I wonder what the next great FBI sting is? Offer the mayor of a town Super Bowl tickets, ‘cause their team is going?
Waste of my tax dollars
@NotMax: Something like five or six of the 40+ songs are straight-up rap songs. If that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
To many RWNJs, Holder = Fast and Furious, a major and outrageous crime against America. ?
Gillum – Hamilton tickets.
Kavanaugh – A decade of Washington Nationals tickets.
Debates may not move the needle much if at all BUT they can make the difference of voting for someone and proudly voting for someone.
@Jeffro:Just saw a clip of the “role model” question. Very droll.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Apparently not. I sincerely apologize. Shortly after the Obama’s moved into their new home in DC it was reported that Jarrett would be moving in to an apartment there as she’d be basically working with the Obamas on their post presidency initiatives and sort of functioning as a de facto, post presidency chief of staff and, initially, the Obamas were going to work from a home office. While she is working with them on their post presidency initiatives, apparently that initial reporting about her moving in on the property was refuted/debunked. I will go back and delete that comment.
“No Calvin Klein, guys. Too Jewish.”
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Hugo Boss?
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: I really don’t like to have come to that conclusion, but these guys, and they’re almost all guys, are really self serving, and in the case of some like Duncan Hunter Jr, self dealing.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: Printed on the finest white stock paper.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for following up!
@gene108: Besides, the Roberts Court has ruled that practically nothing is illegal bribery if you’re “friends” with the briber, so I don’t know why the FBI is bothering with nonsense like Hamilton tickets.
See McDonnell, Bob.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: The point of this place should not be to make people dumber.
Gillum’s zinger out-zinged Beto’s “true to form” crack about Cruz’ final statement in the first debate. That was USDA Prime.
TS (the original)
@Mai Naem mobile:
Only in relation to republican candidates or party members (e.g. trump). For democrats it is compulsory that it be told – the closer to the election the better.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
So I guess I should take back that Dan Rather’s story about GWB was absolutely true.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: My understanding is that the overall story was, itself, accurate. Newsweek or one of the other big news publications had run a story on it, without the paper documentation, but with interviews of people involved in the Texas Air National Guard, several months before. The problem was that the evidence that had been supplied to Rather’s team was doctored. Or, at least based on Charles Johnson’s (of LGF) analysis, could not conclusively be determined not to be doctored. My semi-professional assessment has always been that this was a Karl Rove special. It fits his modus operandi perfectly. Rove bugged his own office, called in the FBI, and hung it on a political appointment. And Governor Siegelman is still in prison because Rove decided the best way to take over Alabama was to use the DOJ to abuse the justice system to overturn an election won by a Democrat by getting that Democrat convicted of a Federal felony. I think Rove got wind that Rather’s team was sniffing around this story again within a month or so of the election and since he knew it couldn’t be factually refuted, he could just destroy the reporting. So he dangled something too good to be true and Rather’s producer bit on it.
karen marie
@Adam L Silverman: “Hamilton tickets,” you say?
Adam L Silverman
@karen marie: I don’t like musicals.
@Adam L. Silverman
Unless they’re set in Dogpatch.
Cole posted a video of Gillum’s zinger. For those who are interested this video shows what preceded the zinger, with DeSantis acting like a complete jackass.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: True.
karen marie
@Mandalay: I had to lay back and have a cigarette after watching that.
karen marie
@Adam L Silverman: Trump doesn’t much care for them either, on Mike Pence’s behalf, of course.
Roger Moore
I’m perfectly happy to stay in California, TYVM.
[Edit] deleting because question was answered upthread. Didn’t scroll down far enough before posting.
I think it’s neat-o that they decided to wait until two weeks before the election to put that front-and-center.
Have the agents from the FBI’s NYC office been reassigned to the Tallahassee office?
@Mary G: Kelly’s ‘talent’ agency dumped her today as well.
Pro tip for you John. Carry a spare set of underwear with you and throw those instead. Saves you a bit of dignity and everyone else’s eyes.
I’m betting the bomber licked the stamps.
Any takers?
Ben Cisco
@sukabi: Lack may be putting on the righteous indignation act, but he deserves some brickbats for hiring her in the first place. Are they ever going to learn that pandering to the right will always blow up in their faces?
@JGabriel: I thought all stamps were self sticking these days, which is unfortunate in this instance.
Paula Apynys
That moment was electric! Andrew Gillum is exactly what we need – someone who knows how to conduct a fight EFFECTIVELY. We need people willing to go on the offensive, but they need to be good at it and he is!