Possum Queen loses it at today’s briefing and stomps off in a huff:
SANDERS defends TRUMP'S hateful attacks on media & Dems: "Doesn't matter if there's a midterm or not, the president's going to defend himself and fight back."
Asked if Trump is even capable of "toning it down," Sanders responds by attacking the media, before storming off. pic.twitter.com/lGDbRhgXB1
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 29, 2018
For those who can’t/won’t watch, Huckabee Sanders responds to a question about Trump’s complicity in creating a tense, divided, violent atmosphere, first by lying (“he was elected by an overwhelming majority”), then by whining about negative coverage, which she claims Trump unfairly receives “dispact the fight” (she mispronounces “despite the fact” this way twice) that he’s the greatest president ever, blah blah blah :::flounce:::.
Meanwhile, her vile boss is back to whipping up hysteria about the Central American “caravan” again today despact the fight that the lies about the caravan directly motivated the terrorist in Pittsburgh to begin his murderous rampage:
Many Gang Members and some very bad people are mixed into the Caravan heading to our Southern Border. Please go back, you will not be admitted into the United States unless you go through the legal process. This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018
If the American people don’t rise up and set brand-new records for Congressional turnover in eight days (plus kick Republicans to the curb in statehouses nationwide), we suck.
Good goddam, I hate the fucking exclamation points in his tweets. Stupid motherfucker. Every time I see one of those, I swear my blood pressure spikes.
And the Possum Queen. Aaarrgghhh. She might be even worse than her hideous father.
I hate all of them so much that sometimes it leaves no room for any other emotion.
“.. go through the legal process”? You mean by working here illegally and then marrying a disgusting pustule masquerading as a real estate developer? Or do you mean by being the parents of someone who marries the pustule?
Butter Emails!!!
1. Lie about threat x
2. Deploy military, rattle saber, issue threats
3. When x doesn’t happen (because it doesn’t fucking exist) claim victory and take credit
4. Repeat with same or different x
To spice things up
1. Create threat x through your own actions/inaction
2. Deploy military, rattle saber, issue threats
3. Walk back/partially correct course to reduce/defuse threat
4. Declare victory, take credit
5 Repeat
It finally happened. She’s so far removed from reality that she can’t even say the word “Fact” anymore.
@jacy: She has indeed exceeded her father, which no doubt gives him great satisfaction.
The Jewish community of Pittsburgh has specifically requested that he stay the hell away from them. Nobody in Pittsburgh wants him here. Nobody.
And random Capitalization. Don’t forget the Capitalization. Important words are Important.
Lady Haw Haw sure is pulling out all the stops trying to deflect any blame coming back on her boss.
The WH pool should have a daily ante in a hat. When a reporter asks a question that makes Possum Queen stomp off, she/he wins the pot while the cameras are still rolling.
Gelfling 545
@wuzzat: Insert bitter laugh emoji here.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m sure Trump will be his usual asshole self and either come anyway or just say he didn’t want to anyway in a huff
So far as I know only dad has managed to get anybody killed, a distinction of some sort.
Trump doesn’t get why it’s taken so long for 2nd Amendment Solutions to start happening. I really do think this is what Trump wants now. With the ensuing chaos, he can do anything.
I feel obligated to ask, has he decided to send Jared to Pittsburg yet?
You know, I’m not a violent person. But if I ever came upon that disgusting NS Frauenschaft pig IRL, I’d have no choice but to punch her repeatedly in the face. Gawd, I despise her so much.
His low quality employees are probably taking the brunt of this, so they’re rattled. Trump’s a screamer and a horrible boss- he’s probably bellowing obscenities at all of them.
@trollhattan: She’s still got plenty of time to, as I said, exceed her father in that category as well.
Apparently, he’s coming himself. When he has been asked specifically not to. There is already a protest being organized by local Jewish organizations, even though I don’t think he’s formally announced exactly when he’s coming.
@kindness: What he (and the whole Republican cabal) are really waiting for is a violent response from the left. That’ll provide the fig leaf for FSM knows what.
@dmsilev: I couldn’t decide if it should be Lady Hee Haw or Lady Haw Haw so she’s Lady Hee Haw Haw to me.
@geg6: Supposedly he’s heading to Pittsburgh tomorrow. I’m already facepalming.
Villago Delenda Est
Had Goebbels not killed himself first, he would have been captured and hanged for his role in the Third Reich.
Sanders is his spiritual heir.
@geg6: I’ve been a lot happier since I started to avoid live or recorded instances of SHS speaking. She’s not answering anyone’s questions anyway, so why should I listen?
I read summaries of what went down. That makes it a whole lot easier.
Her sneering condescension affects me the most. Was it Robert Costa she asked whether she should speak to in simple sentences?
Name one accomplishment of your whole miserable life, Sarah. One will be fine.
She’s much worse then her father. He took considerable heat from wingnut bigots because he supported in-state tuition and drivers licenses for immigrants when he was governor, claiming it was his christian duty. She evidently has no such beliefs.
Tough shit for them. They could always quit and end the abuse. But they don’t. Why is that, do you suppose? I mean, I understand that Javanka and Qusay and Uday would have a hard time doing that, but why would anyone else stay and put up with his stupid shit but bitch to the press about it on deep background? I’ve had shit jobs in the past myself. I quit them. Why don’t they?
@AliceBlue: I’m hoping the city of my birth gives him the welcome he so richly deserves.
Villago Delenda Est
@MJS: The “caravans” are following the legal process; approach the border, request asylum.
The problem is that the xenophobes don’t acknowledge this, as those seeking asylum have brown skin, therefore they’re criminal for simply approaching the border.
Villago Delenda Est
@geg6: Staying in the will is important.
Ugh. I understand the Israelis’ Bibi wing are making a hash of this as well.
We knew who he was well before the 2016 election.
We already suck.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Which our newsmedia seem to ignore across the board. I never hear that mentioned.
“We will present ourselves at the border and ask for asylum.”
“Get the fuck away, WE’RE FULL!”
@Spanky: … a ring of people around the several block area around Tree of Life, arms linked.
“You shall not pass.”
That’d be nice.
Heard a clip on NPR ATC. Lady Hee Haw Haw (good one) aka Possum Queen sounded near tears as she spoke of Trump’s Jewish grandchildren, son in law, and Kushner relatives being Holocaust survivors.
It was still not convincing. Drop the “how dare you” ‘tude, PQ.
@geg6: I must have been asleep the day we defeated ISIS. Why didn’t anybody tell me!?!???
Forgot to add, what a lying piece of shit.
@geg6: I have to wonder… If I saw Trump, Kavenaugh and Mr. Bone Saw in a parking lot, I’d like to think I could control myself, if only because it would be hard to decide who to go after first.
Trump also caught OBL, kicked the Soviet Union to death and punched Hitler so hard the moustache flew off.
They should have boycotted these briefings the first time she lied to their face without batting an eyelid.
@Spanky: … I was thinking that it might be problematic to block Shady & Wilkins, but Teh Google Traffic tells me there are still road blocks. Four-six thousand protesters would fit the bill.
Maybe she was having a stroke from the continued effort at alll the lying?
Or maybe whatever Trump has that causes him to constantly covfefe nearly every time he speaks is contagious.
Step 1: buy a really big car.
@geg6: I wonder if several hundred people blockading his fucking motorcade from leaving the airport would get it through his empty head how unwelcome he is?
Mike in NC
Latest report is that the caravan of hungry mothers and their children will be met at the border by 5000 active duty soldiers. What a sickening publicity stunt.
Was there a second election in November 2016 where Trump was elected “by an overwhelming majority”? Because nobody told me about that, either.
Come on Balloon Juice, I come here to be informed!
Wild Cat
@Villago Delenda Est: She’s an asswipe, but she’s not Goebbels.
These asswipes are not undefeatable. They’re mediocre at everything, except being asswipes.
@trollhattan: Damn, I missed that as well, I am going to have to work on better reading comprehension.
@schrodingers_cat: YES YES YES
What is she held a briefing and nobody came?
@Gravenstone: Let’s hope we get to find out.
@Mike in NC: Paper towels for everyone!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@WaterGirl: And went elsewhere to do some real reporting.
I have noticed before that when I get really angry, my use of the word fuck skyrockets. Never realized before this afternoon that, under the same circumstances, my rate of posting goes sky high.
@Mike in NC: Where the fuck is he gonna drum up 5k military? Wasn’t the original order something like 600?
@Gravenstone: Posse comitatus, motherfuckers.
ETA: Per watergirl, my posting rate skyrockets, too.
Agreed. I cannot understand why CNN still sends anyone to that White House briefing room. I would simply tell the viewers that, since they are attacked every time they try to ask a question, they simply aren’t sending anyone as a safety measure and will keep checking the pool feed if anything important is said. Which is about as likely as me marrying George Clooney.
On the “plus” side (oy!), the stock market continues its march toward pre-Trump levels.
Of course there was. It was the same overwhelming majority which produced record crowds at his inaugural.
He’s gone down by 4 points in the polls. I’m not sure what it’ll take for 40% of the people to stop supporting him. Does he have to personally come to their house to rape their wives, kick their dogs, sell their children, personally perform an abortion.What will it take? I’m at a loss.
@Spanky: I’m sure that’s, somehow, Obama’s fault.
Mary G
This kind of thing is what’s making her so cranky:
@Mike in NC: This is pretty infuriating. I haven’t been keeping up with news that much lately but I saw enough to see him emphasize that these were real troops not weekend warriors and a bunch of talking heads acting like we were under attack by tactical babies.
I would LOVE to see the media stop going to the BS briefings but I sincerely doubt that will happen.
@Spanky: We watched The West Wing, we know about this stuff.
Apropos of nothing, I always think that people who write stories about the political players in this administration should have to put the name of the corresponding West Wing character in parenthesis. It would make it so much easier to keep track of the shifting players.
Or maybe this? “The role of Josh, this week, is being played by X, who, by the way, isn’t fit to clean Josh’s toilet.”
@Mike in NC:
I sure hope the Army commanders are running some extra “How Not To Commit A War Crime” seminars for the next couple of months.
It’s almost too ironic that, if the current estimate holds, the refugees will be arriving and begging for shelter right around Christmas. No room at the inn, indeed.
Chyron HR
He may have lost the grubby peasant vote in November, but he won the huge bigly electoral college vote in December (by the largest margin in history).
She is frighteningly good at her job. By “her job” I don’t mean fulfilling the constitutionally mandated obligation to transparency of the executive branch. I mean defending the autocratic regime and shielding it from any accountability. She seems to know exactly what to say to avoid answering a question. And she can deadpan a lie like no one.
It’s like Satan conjured her up just for this role.
You wouldn’t marry George Clooney?
Perhaps you should have said “Which is about as likely as George Clooney marrying me.”
According to the various veterans and active duty folks we have commenting and lurking here, it’s actually better to have active-duty troops go there. They’re better disciplined and will be more likely to hold their fire even if things get a little chaotic. So I guess that’s a small mercy?
Captain C
@pk: At least 27% would not only still support him, their enthusiasm would increase if he did this to them.
@Villago Delenda Est: Streicher was hanged. Took a while, too.
” This is pretty infuriating. I haven’t been keeping up with news that much lately but I saw enough to see him emphasize that these were real troops not weekend warriors and a bunch of talking heads acting like we were under attack by tactical babies.”
It’s going to be unarmed Military and National Guard filling support roles, because that’s what the law allows,
And it’s going to be up to the Governors, ( who won’t get Federal Funds to cover their National Guard deployments, just like last time), and up to the Pentagon, both with what they can spare and what the Border Patrol can use. Last time it was clerical staff.
The Insane Clown POSus is just gaslighting again.
Rotating tag, please!
A Ghost To Most
I watched with the sound off.
Her face sure turns nasty when she’s having to defend fascism.
Tenar Arha
@Elizabelle: I utterly despise the Kushners for being complicit in endangering American Jewish people. But it’s also terrible to hear ones fellow Jewish people used as tokens & shields for anti-semites.
C Stars
@Mike in NC: I keep wondering what would happen if a ton of activists went down there to minister to them with food, medical aid, etc. Would be an interesting contrast.
@Mnemosyne: That is a good point.
@Jay: Both my guys are military! I’m just wound up by the rhetoric here – this is the kind of talk that gives us pipe bombs in the mail box.
At least we have this. “By their works shall ye know them.”
I admire Charlie Pierce, but…..
The President Refuses to Take a Shred of Responsibility. His Propagandists Are Working Overtime.
He’s never taken responsibility for anything in his entire life, why would he begin now?
The Moar You Know
Someone give me one good reason why any news outlet is still sending people to cover any press events this White House does.
A Ghost To Most
Satan didn’t conjure up the Possom Queen; it took a huge grifter talibangelical to create this evil piece of shit.
@Avalune: lol Glad to see you commenting.
@WaterGirl: In the sick hearts & delusional minds of the Trumpers, that’s about it.
The Insane Clown POSus could say he’s sending Terminator’s to the border, or the Waffen SS Totenkomph Division, or flying rainbow farting Unicorns and the MSM would report:
“The President said,……”
Doesn’t make the bullshit real, and the puke funnel will swew again tomorrow,
We went through all this last April,……..
He’s desperatly replaying his “greatest hits” with the Deplorables.
@Spanky: That is what I was thinking. Why are the press not screaming about this? What he is doing violates Posse Comitatus. Simple.
I think he might be ready for Fox News:
Chuck Todd
Verified account
9h9 hours ago
If you actually believe media is the problem then the last thing one should do is respond with your own hate and anger… Try leading; try setting an example; Try living by the mantra “two wrongs don’t make a right.” But then that would mean cutting back on stoking the division.
@WaterGirl: George Clooney is a bit old, how about Jon Hamm.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Are we cool? Everything okay?
@A Ghost To Most:
Or, to put it another way, her face is always nasty because she’s eagerly defending fascism.
@FlipYrWhig: Bingo
I would suggest not to discount the effect of a falling Stock market. Plenty of people say things like; ‘The stock market’s doing well, so I guess he is ok.”
Sister Golden Bear
In today’s war-on-trans news the Talibaptists efforts at trans erasure continues…. Not all government websites — yet — but two extremely important ones:
It’s happening folks.
It is heartening to see some resistance, such as the huge “Trans people deserve to live” banner unfurled at last night’s World Series game — even if TV didn’t deem to show it.
#WontBeErased #StillFuckingHere
This. Sanders is dim, incredibly dishonest, disingenuous, condescending, nasty and rude, but from Trump’s perspective she is doing a great job. She’s 50% rabid pit bull, 50% honey badger, and 100% loyal.
That’s exactly what Trump wants from her, and nothing more, and anyone expecting anything different needs to adjust their expectations. Ignoring her really isn’t that hard to do.
Is that a thing? Like televised state of the union addresses mandated?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Villago Delenda Est:
Reading about Goebbels is instructive; Goebbels was the intellectual of the group and started out sneering at the idiot racism, but eventually got caught up in the Nazi leadership’s dick wagging contest over who could be biggest Anti-Semite and ended up the king of the Jew bashing jerks. Like I said, the truly disgusting part of this all is they don’t really believe it, it’s just a role playing game to them.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Distinction without a difference.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@maryQ: She is the child of Huckabee and a god botheror herself. Of course she can spew lies and sound like she believes them.
Actually, I have a vague memory of an episode about Bartlet’s son-in-law who was, I think, running for Congress, and Jed either refused to endorse him or gave him the most lukewarm possible support or something.
The scenario is a bit different, but the Bartlet SIL was an exquisite asshole, so they got that casting right.
@Sister Golden Bear: so there was a moment when something happened, the umpire called timeout really emphatically, but they refused to either comment or show it. I guess that was it. scary sign is scary
@Spanky: the blocks will be up for a week.
A Ghost To Most
@Sister Golden Bear:
You are not alone.
Please. I beg of you to sign.
And this need to be post of it’s own.
Add your name to the demands from Pittsburgh Jewish leaders to Trump and the Republican Party after the Tree of Life massacre.
@Mike in NC: 5200 troops in addition to the 2000 national guard personnel. The border isn’t a war zone.Possum Queen stood there and lied about the election results. Doesn’t even flinch. This administration is out of control. We have to get them out of power, and I’m open-minded on how.
I don’t know whether there is any data to show it, but I think that the stock market is one of the most important factors in gaining and losing voters. For those with skin in the game, the balance in their 401k may be far more important than Trump’s policies and personality.
Some of those who love Trump will drop him like a hot potato if the market tanks, and Democrats who profess to loathe Trump will still vote for him if the market does well. Money talks.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@schrodingers_cat: Look at this way – the next time one of them claims “but I am black friends! I can’t be racists” then the reply is “I see so you only pretend to be one because because you are getting your rocks off abusing others. I will keep that in mind you hold hurting other people is good if the person doing it enjoys it”
“despact the fight” should be in the rotation on the front page…
“Rotating tag, please!”
I would take that as the highest compliment.
My younger sister came up with some memorable Spoonerisms when she was a little girl. A few examples:
“I’ve got an i-good-ea!”
“You can sayfte it with a pinny-pin!”
“My Aunt Elinor dyed her head rare!”
I shall have to share “despact the fight” with her.
@Mandalay: also the unemployment rate. I would expect Trump popularity to crater if unemployment started going up and the stock market going down. Given his popularity under the opposite conditions is modest at best.
Obama getting re-elected with high unemployment was kind of amazing.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
We’re cool.
Yes, there was a second election. It took place in the brain of Donald Trump where he won 99.99999% of the vote (once all the illegal votes were discounted). Following that historic victory he won the Nobel Peace Prize for identifying the real threat to the planet — brown people, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for demonstrating that climate change is a hoax, The Nobel Prize in Medicine for repealing Obamacare, and the Noble Prize in Economics for providing the largest tax cut in history which resulted in an economic boom unprecedented in the annals of the modern world. As if that weren’t enough, he then won the Nobel Prize in Literature for a body of Tweets that surpasses the work of Tolstoy, Mann, Steinbeck, and Hemingway — combined. And the winning just keeps on keeping on.
@catclub: If Democrats take Congress the tRumpers will blame it all on them, and the media will go along with it without blinking.
Ivankush are leaking important news: they are the heroes who convinced the prez to say anti-semitism is bad. Somehow they forgot to mention hostility to immigrants is bad too. Strange, since immigration is part of both familes’ histories. So easy to add those two or three words to the Trumps’ anti-semitism statements. Instead they’re using ‘anti-semitism’ to deflect responsibility. Unbelievably corrupt.
J R in WV
@Sister Golden Bear:
I think and hope that all the jackals are with you and your sisters and brothers. No one should be surprised that Fox sports didn’t show your banner, it is Faux, after all. Full of hate.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes! Thank you for the reminder. This is the legal way to request asylum. That Trump misleads us on this is no reason for us to be mislead.
I read today that the number of people is probably around 3500, and that Mexico will likely grant most of them asylum before they reach the US.
Bill Arnold
Did anyone else notice this surreal realDonaldTrump tweet sequence today, that looks like it was composed in an alien mind and translated into human? (It reminds me stylistically of a tweet sequence from July 2018. [0])
(1, 2, 3)
Upset that you’re losing control of the narrative threads(/news cycles)?
(The blatant lie over the weekend about the NY Stock Exchanges reopening on 2001/09/12 was particulary offensive, and stupid; I see some people in the press making space to complain about it.)
@Oklahomo: See: Lord Haw Haw.
@jharp: done.
Those shit jobs – two things.
First, they might actually be the first real, actual jobs they’ve had.
Second, how do you expect them to have a second civil war if they aren’t willing to put up with some shit.
That’s heroism? A US President really shouldn’t need convincing to say anti-Semitism is bad.
Better WH press pool. Names in a hat, who ever gets picked is the only person to have to show up. That person’s name doesn’t go in the hat again till every one has had their day. All the bullshit that’s not fit to cover. One person ought to do.
They fucking should fucking disgust you.
Hey what do you know, my language benefits from the use of the word fuck as well.
And then there’s this:
@mozzerb: So true. I won’t be surprised if they are now seeking producers for a TV movie about themselves.
Posse Comitatus means that the military can not be used for domestic law enforcement. Protecting against people outside the country is what the military is for. The real question isn’t posse comiatus, but why in the hell would anyone think that a couple thousand people with no weapons asking for asylum is a military threat to the country.
@Bill Arnold: His bottom line: his urine soaked bed back plus publishing rights to the photos.
Trump will never be the nation’s moral unifier or healer, he’s too busy disrupting and breaking things. External events are either an obstruction to his acquisitiveness or a smokescreen to conceal it.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ruckus: They.Are.Brown
@Villago Delenda Est: Your point is excellent, but I wish more people would point out that the “caravan” is still more than 900 miles away and moving at less than 20 miles a day and that people are leaving it because it’s really, really hard. Most Americans have no conception of how hard it is to walk 20 miles in a day, day after day. That used to be an annual test requirement for the Marines. A company had to march 50 miles in two days. Lots of those healthy, young men who were in top physical condition, dropped out. I still don’t know how Stonewall Jackson’s armies managed it. The point I’m trying to make is that treating the “caravan” as a threat is ludicrous, and should be treated with scorn and jeers, not responded to with reason, as if it was an argument in good faith.
Sandia Blanca
@Oklahomo: LOL! Three good choices, you can’t go wrong.
@Gravenstone: It’s gonna take the “caravan” a couple more months to get close to the border, so he’s got time to redeploy troops from Chad and Niger and Djibouti and Somalia and Liberia and Congo (or whatever it’s called now) and Central African Republic. Plenty of other countries we could pull troops from to make the 5,000.
It’s no effort for her to lie, none at all. That’s what she was raised to do. Lying is the family business.
And if it was true that she’s having a stroke from all the effort, she’d have been dead for some time.
Really? Look at what he’d accomplished by then. Look at his opposition. Look at who was in power when the recession started. Now if you look at 2004 and people thinking Jr wouldn’t win another term…… We were in a war. Sure it was a bullshit war, started by a drunk bullshitter but it’s very rare when a leader loses in the middle of a war. Which is partially why I think it was started in the first place.
If Dolt45 really thinks that Mexico will be A-OK with the US massing armed troops on the border, he’s going to have another think coming up real fast.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sorry. I’ve not long ago gotten off of 6 trains and 2 buses, which takes about 4-4 1/2 hrs. On said buses and trains, I’m a rather pale, small minority, surrounded by a bunch of brown and black people just going about their day, being normal human beings. IOW scary as all fuck to racist assholes. Me on the other had a couple of good conversations with some of the aforementioned humans of the not so pale skin. All in all, not a bad day.
You of all people should know, he doesn’t think, he just reacts. And he’s always wrong so this should go really, really swell.
And Mexico isn’t going to start a war, they are far smarter than that. shitgibbon on the other hand, is exactly that stupid.
My half day long train/bus trip today was to the VA hospital for an appointment. On one of the bus rides I talked to a young gentleman who had joined the Marines but had some health issues and was telling me of all the jogging, running, marching they had to do. I had to laugh because I went to navy boot camp in San Diego, next to the Marine Corp Recruit Depot. We’d get up in the morning and walk out the back door and there were the Marines, double timing over broken ground, carrying an M1 Garand rife (weighs 9 1/2 lb) at the ready, with a full pack. We were 2 maybe 2 1/2 miles from their barracks, just getting up, they had dressed, eaten, straightened up their barracks, and double timed that distance well before we’d brushed our teeth.
@Emerald: Yes. That’s why Mitch McConnel said that cutting (“reforming”) Social Security and Medicare was impossible when a single party had control of both Houses, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. Only if the Democrats had control of the House could they succeed, because otherwise they would be blamed. If the Democrats had a majority in the House of Representatives then they could be blamed and the Republicans would proceed. I was amazed that he explained it so brazenly. Of course the press is complicit and the Democrats will be, too. That’s what the Red to Blue Program is about.
Terry chay
@pk: economic crash. He has historically low numbers given the economy, so the reason his support hasn’t collapsed is because obama’s Economy hasn’t collapsed (yet)
Terry chay
@Emerald: they would blame the democrats even if they don’t win or the crash occurs before. These fuckers blame Obama for the crash that occurred a full year before he took office. They blame him for 9/11 which occurred before he was even in politics.
Who cares what these losers say?
Harry Hamid
I have a temper at times, and I know what “I need to get out of here because I’m about to lose my temper” looks and sounds like.
It looks and sounds like that.
@Harry Hamid:
Yep. She lost it when Acosta publicly baited her to have the guts to name names as to who is the Enemy of the People. Only her boss is permitted to be that rude!