For those of you who asked in the comments and/or emailed me concerned that Yarrow was absent, I did reach out to Yarrow. And, as I said I’d do once I heard back, I am now reporting back that I’ve heard from Yarrow. Yarrow is fine. Just very busy. As you may recall he related he was dealing with/helping out with some health issues pertaining to his dad. That is taking up a lot of his time and energy. So he’s out there, doing what he has to do, and doing right by his dad. So send some good thoughts his and his dad’s way.
Open thread!
Amir Khalid
Good thoughts sent. Come back when you can, Yarrow.
Ohio Mom
Good thoughts from Ohio as well. It helps to not miss Yarrow to know he is busy doing the important work of taking care of Dad.
We’ll keep time until Yarrow returns.
Tick tock.
Thank you, Adam. I was thinking about Yarrow today, and wondering what was up.
Hope all is going well with YarrowDad.
Ohio Mom
It’s late here and time to turn in. Even if this thread attracts few comments, the post will be reassuring and heartening to all the regulars who have wondered about what was going on with Yarrow — thanks for the legwork, Adam, and the report.
So happy to hear that Yarrow is ok. Sending good thoughts to Yarrow and Yarrow’s dad.
Adam L Silverman
@Ohio Mom: And it got bigfooted too! Which is a sign the Balloon Juice deities look kindly upon it,
Yarrow, you are a mensch! Best wishes to you and your dad. We’ll keep the tick tock going for you ’til you get back.
Oh, phew! Glad to hear the patron saint of Tick Tock is okay.
Good thoughts wending their way from central MA. Best wishes to you and your father.
“Tick tock, motherfucker(s)” hasn’t been the same in Yarrow’s absence.
Sister Golden Bear
Sending good thoughts to both Yarrow and YarrowDad.
I’ll say a “Tick tock, motherfucker” on your behalf.
Phew! Because we jackals do worry when someone steps off stage for a while.
Glad to hear you are ok, strength to you and your dad.
Adam L Silverman
I’m racking out. You all keep the good vibes heading Yarrow’s way.
West of the Rockies
Adam, I don’t know you and will likely never meet you, but you are an awesome person: professional, keenly intelligent, funny, and fair. Your posts are edifying, focused, and almost always comforting because you don’t go in for overly dramatic speculation.
Keep up the fantastic work. I think John should double your salary!
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies: 2 X $0 is still $0, but thanks for the kind words.
And now I’m really going to bed.
Tenar Arha
Hey Yarrow. Best wishes to you & your father.
Adam Silverman @ Top:
Thanks for checking, Adam.
Best wishes, Yarrow, to both you and your dad.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m glad TickTock Yarrow is ok. I’ve missed him and his patented closing line.
J R in WV
I think the new election results will be very uplifting for lots of us. I think the Senate is within reach, and this is the first time I’ve said that out loud on the innertubes. We have done far more donating for house candidates… there are so many of those folks, and we have so many interesting and well qualified candidates in the running.
But I have kicked in for a few Senate candidates, in AZ, where we look to be a win, and in Nevada. So hoping hard!
Tick Tock, motherfuckers!! Read those tea leaves and weep!!!
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Glad to hear you’re OK and hope YarrowPère is as well.
Thanks, Adam.
Hang in there, Yarrow. Tick tock.
Miss Bianca
Yea for Yarrow! Thanks for checking up on him, Adam!