When I started writing this post, the biggest shocker so far was in Shaolin, which was lean R but the D, Max Rose, won by 5 points. But, moving from the Wu-Tang Clan to the world of musical comedy, my wife just spotted a bigger one brewing in Oklahoma 5 (this was mentioned in the comments), where the Dem is up by 1.4 with 98% reporting. That Dem’s name, Kendra Horn, may sound familiar — she was one of the ten candidates in the final round of fundraising we did here!
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Less than half the precincts counted, but Delgado is leading Faso (R-inc) in NY whatever. It would be so awesome if one of the candidates I sent postcards for pulled out a victory!
What a night.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Cheryl Rofer
Fred Upton has been in Congress for 32 years in MI-06. He’s been my wife’s Congressmen her entire voting life, entering the House in her first election.
Currently, with about 50% reporting, the challenger is ahead 3.4%!
Jerzy Russian
On the plus side, I don’t think I will wake up tonight screaming. I literally did that two years ago.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
We won 31 seats in 2006 (in the middle of the Iraq nightmare and after Katrina) and it looks like we’ll win more that that tonight.
That’s not supposed to happen when unemployment is at 3.7%
Cheryl Rofer
wasabi gasp
Makes me think money is power, but that’s something wacky that Bernie might say.
Cheryl Rofer
People will be arguing about the exact word to describe the election, but what actually happened is the important point. Big swing to Dems. And more control in the states means we can start cleaning up the Republican gerrymandering and other garbage. Others have provided some numbers – I think it’s something like Dems +9?
Democrats were 2.3 seats off pace (a +39 pace) really early on when they had a gain of only +2 seats.
Now at +13 they are off a +39 pace by only 1.5 seats. In other words, almost all the bad news was in the first 90 minutes after poll closing.
@Cheryl Rofer: Good. I imagine that Trunp will invent whole new legal theories to explain why he should be exempt from the law explicitly allowing the House to do so, but they need to push that fight anyway.
Cheryl Rofer
The American Experiment continues.
The American Social Safety Net is safe…..thank goodness…
@Jerzy Russian:
You were able to sleep??
Only 11% of the precincts reporting, but JD Scholten is leading Pig-Muck King by 2%
@Cheryl Rofer: Add NY-19 and NY-22!!!
Brindisi and Delgado declared winners!
And yet watch Democrats fuck up the ‘honeymoon’ by turning on Pelosi as their first order of business. Putting Steny Hoyer in the chair is not the answer. If Nancy Smash goes, so does the entire geriatric leadership team.
Gillum concession speech on MSNBC now.
Gillum is conceding.
zhena gogolia
This will have to console me for the fact that CT is probably going to have a Trumpanzee governor, and my horrible Repug state senator seems to be winning.
538 now gives (D) 100% chance for control of the House and (R) 100% in the Senate. I think all of the modelers and so forth are now in agreement; only question left is the margin in the House.
Gin & Tonic
Looking good for Spanberger, and starting to look hopeful for Andy Kim
@guachi: Now aren’t you glad you pulled your head out of the noose?
@PsiFighter37: Now pull yours out.
59% of White women in Texas, voted for Cruz
Mary G
@PsiFighter37: I don’t see Nancy Smash going anywhere, but they do need to get some young blood in membership.
@lamh36: Now my crying for the evening starts. I was holding back when Texas called for Cruz.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@guachi: and almost all in Florida
@Cheryl Rofer: Underwood beat Hultgren in IL-14. 3 House seats in IL flip.
Mary G
Fuck DeSantis
Also, all four flippable NJ races are now being led by Democrats, even if barely.
Jerzy Russian
@MomSense: I did not sleep well that night. Everyone at work the next day was kind of shell-shocked. I don’t generally sleep that well these days anyway, so having stress in the evenings is never good.
Mary G
Polls close here on the Left Coast!
@Cheryl Rofer: That would be a fucking miracle. I have had an un-seat rodney davis magnet on my car for 2 years.
The NYT still has Rodney Davis ahead. ??
2 IA seats have flipped. Let’s make it 3 and get rid of King.
California just closed. Now we get to see about Duncan Hunter and (crosses fingers, hopes for a odds-on victory) Devin Nunes.
Cheryl Rofer
@guachi: Basically all of the bad news we were being harangued about was almost entirely because of Florida.
How we’re going to crack the nut that is the Old Confederacy (minus Virginia) will be an interesting debate.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
He was my big monthly donation! I’m so happy about that, even if my own state looks as if it elected a dumb bozo of a Trumpanzee because he promised never ever to raise taxes ever again, pinky swear.
Gin & Tonic
Andy Kim in NJ-03 up by 395 votes. Every single vote counts, people.
@Quinerly: someone said we should change the Bradley effect to the Gillum effect (it may have been someone here)
@BlueDWarrior: True, although we did seem to get some pickups in the House from southern Florida.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
HER NAME IS ABIGAIL SPANBERGER, Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger
ETA: TX-7, Houston suburban district, goes blue. Lizzie Fletcher beats John Culberson
Now comes the 435 emails from each and every House candidate thanking me for my support, regardless of whether they won or lost. And then my poor inbox can cool off.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Called? That would be a wonderful pick-up.
Cheryl Rofer
This is big –
This is the “rapper” that GOP was dogwhistling about
@lamh36: Nice!
@Cheryl Rofer: According to TPM, the White House just announced that Trump has no public events scheduled for tomorrow.
There. Will. Be. Tweets.
Glad we have the House. Like 2016. I voted early, and then was so busy until early evening, I wasn’t able to hear much. And frankly, didn’t want to since I thought you-know-who’s chances were substantially higher than CW news said.
Whew! I was busy from 7:30 AM until now, and am glad this time the news is much much better.
Now maybe the Senate? I’ll go check.
Antonio Delgado wins!
BJ Candidate. PostCard Candidate.
And, blessedly, my new Rep.
Evil, lying John Faso served one term. One more than he deserved.
Jerzy Russian
Yes, it is amazing that Hunter will get any votes at all. Here’s hoping that if he wins tonight, he is in jail soon.
Crooked Chris Collins trailing 56-42 in NY 27
@MazeDancer: ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: yup, that Tea Party Cantor-slayer has gone down
Cindy Axne leading David Young in IA-3, but King has pulled ahead with a third of votes in. IA gov too early to call
Evers is still clawing tight to his lead in WI for those interested.
NY voters coming through.
Cheryl Rofer
I love it that so many women are winning.
Jerzy Russian
Well, it was you who put them over the top, and I for one will be forever grateful to you for that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Nice. Tier 1 on my list of who I wanted to lose.
@dmsilev: my money is on the governors races…and Cruz & TN
DiFi wins. Again. (Still haven’t forgiven her for her vote in favor of Bush the Lessers AUMF.)
He’s no progressive, but John Tester’s 53 to 48 win will piss the hell out of Trump, so yay! I believe he had four rallies there.
@lamh36: Such good news.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Guess Dave Brat doesn’t have to worry about women getting in his grill much longer.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Wow! Culberson goes down.
@debbie: That’s good.
@Jerzy Russian: And Mitch McConnell will be furious when he learns about it.
That’s something, I suppose.
Mary G
Andrew Gillum has conceded to DeSantis. Ugh. But I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of him. Maybe he’ll run against Liddle Marco.
Cheryl Rofer
Lizzie Fletcher wins in Texas!
Chalk another one up for Beto.
BJ Candidate. PostCard Candidate.
A great pick-up.
@Cheryl Rofer: No suspense there.
@PsiFighter37: give it a rest, please, at least until this should happen. Things are bad enough, even if a fatal artillery shell was dodged.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Another bright spot for today.
@Baud: No kidding!
As far as I can tell, the Democrats have currently won every called race in New York where they had a positive chance of winning. There are a few low chance districts still out there, but New York is over performing and that’s already accounting for the fact that NY had an expected +2 D pick up.
Matt McIrvin
@Cheryl Rofer: I gave a lot of money through Balloon Juice’s Act Blue aggregators, but there was only one candidate I donated to individually, and that was Spanberger. Because my sister and brother-in-law and niece live there, and they hate Dave Brat with an incandescent loathing.
The Republican won in my parents’ relatively rural district of VA-01, but that was not unexpected.
John Culberson, that unctuous toady, is gone. YAY!
@Mary G: You know this does pose an interesting question: we have a lot of dynamic candidates in the SE as Democrats, but the bulwark that is the white working class simply refuses to vote for them in sufficient number barring some kind of egregious scandal on part of the Republicans.
I wonder how many good Governors and Senators we keep missing out on because of SEC Country’s stubbornness?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Brat not conceding!
The irony of an actual third party libertarian candidate causing the defeat of a faux libertarian candidate is delicious!
Holy shyt!!
Nobody told me that Lauren Underwood WON!!! In IL-14
Healthcare was her issue. Every one of her ads was about healthcare
Cheryl Rofer
@Cheryl Rofer:
I also want them to hold a hearing into the four deaths in Niger.
Omnes Omnibus
@PsiFighter37: Fuck off.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Des Moines Register (who was not invited to Steve King’s party tonight) has Scholten with a 9 point lead, 30% precincts reporting.
J R in WV
Here in WV we elected Carol Miller to Congress in my district… so the time and money invested in Richard Ojeda’s campaign was for naught.
Also elected two Republican monsters to the State Supreme Court, which the newly empowered Republicans have decided they need to use to undo everything ever passed by a progressive Democratic Legislature which held power from 1930 until 3 or 4 years ago. Also passed a constitutional amendment to allow the R lege to ban reproductive health care.
So the local political news is horrible. Unless the legislature turns Democratic which would be as likely as me flying to Hawaii without an airplane.
I watched 5 minutes of the local news, and the only good news was that bigot in KY who wouldn’t issue marriage licenses lost her job. Ohio is fucked, WV is fucked. I turned it off.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I know some people here in deep blue Southern California who will be legitimately sad to see Culberson go. He was deeply interested in and invested in promoting deep-space science (the “Europa Clipper” project was his baby) and a lot of folks at JPL and the related industrial partners will miss him.
I won’t.
@Cheryl Rofer: That’s amazing considering it’s Texas.
@debbie: Good call.
Jerzy Russian
@Yarrow: Can we get a “tick, tock, motherfuckers!” here? It seems like we need one about now.
mad citizen
Too many threads, on the one before this we were talking about how the R’s picked up 54 seats in 1994; tonight, we’ll see, but the plus margin is bigger, yet number of seats is lower:
On another note, I’ve had the ABC nonstop coverage on my tv via YouTube. One of them said something about a poll of Dems (House Dems?), showing they are split on Speaker Pelosi, etc. Depends on the size of the victory. You can never win with these people.
Just tweeted Jon Karl at ABC asking to explain the 1994/2018 number of Seats changing anomaly.
And we won OK-05. Talk about something out of the blue! Anyone know if that was Dan Boren’s old district, or did we do something completely unexpected historically here?
@Cheryl Rofer:
My Name is Abigail Spanberger muthaphucka!!!
Abigail Spanberger wins in VA.
Another BJ Candidate and PostCard Candidate.
And former CIA Operative.
Bye-bye, Dave Brat.
Brat, Faso lose. Great! Gillum? What happened? That’s a heart breaker.
zhena gogolia
I was wrong! My horrible Repug state senator lost to a cool woman! Yay!
Apparently sometimes, names are destiny.
It looks pretty comfortable for Janet Mills D for governor Maine (over R Shawn Moody).
@zhena gogolia: Congrats!
Relieved that we have the house-disappointed in Florida. I have a question-having been a ball of nerves tonight-didn’t get on social media-how are the legislatures doing?
@lamh36: somebody here might be on to something. I’m assuming Nelson will lose. I’m thrilled over the House…don’t get me wrong… But this is a bloodbath in the Senate. Did we pick up anywhere in the Senate? I zoned out after Indiana and Tennessee. Claire speaking on MSNBC a couple of hrs ago made me think she had some internals that gave her bad news.
Porky Pine
@zhena gogolia: I’m in CT too, and I share your misgivings. But the state results have been slow to come in — I’m refreshing the Courant’s website like crazy — and only partial results in from Hartford, New Haven, and very little from Fairfield County. Still clinging to hope that Lamont pulls it out. But damn that Oz Griebel for a spoiler!
@Aleta: That’s good. There were potential third-party spoilers there.
There’s one fat pig who’s all tired out.
@jl: Democratic Candidates keep smashing their head on that ceiling in the Southeast. It’s one of the conundrums I can’t really explain other than “White Voters just cannot allow themselves to vote en masse for Democrats”.
And MJ Hegar is still up – that would be great if she wins. I thought she was marginal based on the projections.
zhena gogolia
@Porky Pine:
We always have to have some idiot spoiler. Remember Eunice?
From Sherrod’s victory statement:
Cheryl Rofer
zhena gogolia
And Matt Lesser, who had the anti-Semitic flyer distributed against him, also won.
Jerzy Russian
@debbie: That does not make any sense, even for him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the Bradley Effect got old and retired to Florida
@MazeDancer: Beto may not have won, but he DEF helped Dems in Texas down ballot
The next Attorney General OF NEW YORK will be a Black woman named Letitia James.
wow Sholten still ahead of Steve King (40% reporting)
Hope this puts the fear in the Proud Boys.
Jerzy Russian
Excellent! Maybe she can start prosecuting white collar crime in New York City, starting with certain residents of Trump Tower.
Cordray lost. I must have missed that earlier. WTF Ohio?
hedgehog mobile
@Cheryl Rofer: Yeah! Glad to see my postcard candidate won!
hedgehog +2
@PsiFighter37: How could they turn against Pelosi when all Bernie-aligned candidates outside of urban areas (e.g., Liz Watson in Indiana, Jess King in PA) went down in defeat tonight? I don’t get it. Pelosi and Tom Perez did a great job recruiting candidates that fit their district.
Over 100 women have been elected to the House tonight.
Elizabeth Warren is giving her victory speech. The race was called for her hours ago but she timed her speech to be carried live on the local news…
I will no longer underestimate how bigoted non-college educated whites can be.
patrick II
@Cheryl Rofer:
Melber also said that Trump’s IRS would likely refuse to turn the tax returns over and it would probably end up in court. Which makes me wonder, after watching Nunes getting documents from Mueller via Rosenstein, is there a chance that would be an alternate path for the new Ways and Means chairman to get Trump’s returns?
@rikyrah: In NYS results, very surprised to see Cuomo getting creamed in Westchester County, at least according to CNN. It might be a legacy GOP area (talking 20+ years ago), but I have to think that’s got to be a mistake.
The NYC results, as I thought, were an absolute massacre. I think it was even worse than usual for the GOP here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Angie Craig in MN is the Dems’ 23rd pick up. Any pick-ups in CA, or even Mia Love’s seat in UT, are gravy.
@Quinerly: All of them dems?
@Quinerly: Democrats up and down the line underperformed expectations in Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina.
I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Other than those three states are states that went to Obama in 2008 and have slowly slipped away since then.
@BlueDWarrior: I just read about a non-stop final Hail Mary smear campaign on all fronts against Gillum. And, it makes me want to vomit, but given the polls, I have to wonder about the so-called ‘Bradley Effect’. which I’ve always hated to admit exists. Wonder of a lot of FL Whites said, or thought, they would vote for Gillum, but some soft bigotry just kept them home or they couldn’t not vote the white guy.
But OTOH, Obama one Florida twice.
It may just be that Trump and the Trumpsters are just very very good marketers and PR front people for fascism and it will take a lot of hard work to beat back the evil they’ve sparked.
Bot, for God’s sake. Look at those two. The A-hole toxic nincompoop, and Gillum. What choice was their for a sane person? I’m gonna go kick a wall a few times.
@guachi: As opposed to educated whites?
Mary G
Another good trend for the future:
@guachi: Wait, I though we did well in NC.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I was thinking…maybe instead of all the old racist dying off, it’s just that more ot them are retiring to Florida. I mean ain’t that POS LePage moving to Florida
@Yarrow: That district has been in Republican hands since it was created. Its first congressman was George H. W. Bush.
Cheryl Rofer
@patrick II: Let’s figure that out later. There will be many investigations, which will set the Republicans on their ears. I imagine Nancy Pelosi and others are having a lot of fun thinking about them tonight.
joel hanes
How we’re going to crack the nut that is the Old Confederacy
We start by tearing down Fox and Sinclair.
The government can’t do it for us, because of the 1st Amendment.
We have to find a way to take them down.
@jl: won, not one.
Matt McIrvin
@guachi: The land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten.
Cheryl Rofer
Nobody ever runs on constituent services, but his failings there probably cost him the race.
DMR is a leftist rag? They endorsed mittbot against Obama, ffs.
Dems retake NH House and Senate.
Didn’t the dems win the NC lege?
@GregB: Great news!
@GregB: The number of seats that the NH state leg has, as well as its propensity for wild swings, is mind-boggling.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
How does Cong Schiff feel about public, televised hearings?
@mdblanche: It sure has. It is hard to explain was a big fucking deal it is for Lizzie Fletcher to defeat John Culberson. His absence during all the Harvey flooding and aftermath hurt him with well-off white people who were his base in the district. They were pissed off at him for that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Adam Schiff is going to show us the skid marks and make Don Jr. sniff them for confirmation. It’s going to be real good.
@guachi: Florida is a giant dick and it fucked us again. I might have said that already on the 10,000 election upstairs front page posts on Balloon Juice tonight.
Porky Pine
@zhena gogolia: Oh, yes. Poor Bill Curry deserved to win. Griebel is particularly infuriating. He’s essentially a Republican, but was too arrogant to contest in the R primary.
I don’t know yet who will be my state senator (may it be Norm Needleman!), but I have a wonderful new state rep in Christine Palm. So some bright news in the state at the local level, as you have had.
@guachi: Wealthy whites also.
@Baud: As far as I can tell, the Democrats will pick up zero seats in NC (and OH). The odds were for Democrats to pick up 1-2 seats. Though, to be fair, the Democrats were not 50%+ in any Republican seat and tonight showed that if you weren’t favored, you likely didn’t win.
@GregB: wow that’s big.
@PsiFighter37: OK-5 is Oklahoma City. Boren’s district was a rural dixiecrat district.
Oh, I’ll admit I was only looking at federal races, not state races. Sorry for not being clear.
Claire is a goner, BTW. Looking at the MO map, all of KC is in, and there’s only half of STL County out. She did good during her 2 terms, but luck runs out. Josh Hawley is as young and even dumber than Tim Cotton. It’s great seeing idiotic white dudes a few years younger than me fail upwards.
Matt McIrvin
@PsiFighter37: The NH state leg is the nation’s foremost source of Politician Does Something Ridiculous stories, because they’re essentially unpaid and are for the most part political amateurs elected from small pools of people–many are retirees doing it to stay occupied. It’s like a legislature of Florida Men.
Nancy Pelosi speaking.
@Platonailedit: Yes, but they also endorsed Roosevelt over Hitler.
@GregB: Any word on the governor’s race?
@lamh36: You had the incumbent running against Chris McDaniels, i.e. the guy who would probably campaign in a KKK costume if he could – that’s why she didn’t break 50%. Since the race won’t determine control of the Senate (similar to Landrieu’s race in 2014), I expect it to go the same – we’ll get drubbed by a 60-40 margin, or thereabouts.
In other words, don’t get too excited about that one…
@GregB: Finally!
Cheryl Rofer
I’m in a New York state of mind!
Strong results in the House and now they control the state Senate, too!
Ugh, Jeff Flake is waxing sanctimonious on my TV screen.
You couldn’t open a refrigerator or flush a toilet in most of Maine the last 2 weeks without getting blasted with a dark money ad lying about Rs protecting health care and Medicare. The first ballot prop, a tax on the wealthy to support home care for seniors, went down. I so hope Poliquin is defeated tonight, though he hasn’t committed to a ranked choice outcome.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
AP: Democrat Colin Allred knocks off Pete Sessions.
@joel hanes: Unfortunately, I think they just dredge up the latent racism has been present since this country was founded. Listened to an interesting interview on Fresh Air. Racism in this country seems to ebb and flow, but doesn’t go completely away.
@Cheryl Rofer: Well, Davis (R) looks like he will win over Londrigan-Dirksen (D)….CNN called that one too early. Very disappointing.
Matt McIrvin
Many of the high-profile ballot measures that passed were strikingly liberal, even in states where Democrats didn’t do well.
Florida is a generation behind – old people go there to die, but until they do, they continue to vote like it was twenty years ago.
joel hanes
I’m not quite sure what to make of it
Magic 8-ball says “racism amplified by shenanigans can be effective”
NC is gerrymandered all to hell and back. Husted (R) is Ohio SoS. Florida SoS Detzner pursued a vote-suppression purge of the rolls until ordered to stop by the US Justice Department. All three states still use Direct-recording electronic voting machines in many precints, although they use the ones that are supposed to have a ‘paper trail’.
And anyone who thinks that Georgia just concluded a free and fair election for Governor …
Wait.. Steve King losing?
@dm: that would be….Too much to ask.
@PsiFighter37: I was hopeful today when I voted in St. Louis City early. Big crowds, young… Pot is on our ballot and lots of people who didn’t vote in 2016 were out voting. My heart sank when I saw her speaking on MSNBC 3 hrs ago. She knew she was gonna lose.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Matt McIrvin:
Except in Ohio with Issue 1. Oh well.
Well well well, it appears we have an actual Democratic majority in the NYS Senate for once.
Now if only we had an actual Democrat in the governor’s office.
To those wondering about the southern whites still voting overwhelmingly Republican. The tax cut helped those in the southern states immensely. They are much lower income with lower value homes, so the cap on deductions didn’t affect many of them. Contrast that with northeast and Cal/parts of pacific northwest like Seattle and Portland, where they are higher incomes with high taxes. Those people got screwed by the tax cuts and are taking it out on Republicans.
Mai Naem mobile
Funny how New Yawk New Yawk the state that knows him best is voting against Trumpov. Remember he said he was on the ballot.
Did Londrigan really best Davis in IL? That would be fantastic.
@lamh36: Oh, if that is true, you get a big internet kiss (OK, it’s a family blog, make that a safe hug) from me! Scholten was in the last batch of contributions I made. I’ll go check the race.
@rikyrah: I liked her a lot. I’m in Jan’s district just south of there but every time I saw one of Underwood’s ads I was like “That’s how it’s done! I want her to win.” She just seems like good people.
Matt McIrvin
\@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: There were some other awful ones, particularly in the South. Blatant abortion bans and Ten Commandments and voter ID, the usual stuff.
But independent redistricting commissions, Medicaid expansion, pot, and restoration of felon voting rights all seem to be pretty popular.
Mary G
A LOT of women succeeding for Dems. Good.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I’d like to see a committee sue Trump administration officials and make them repay all the money they grifted.
2m2 minutes ago
Meanwhile at the @SteveKingIA reelection party.
@Mai Naem mobile: To me, that would be the best argument for whoever ends up being the nominee in 2020. What would you say about someone who lost the vote 90%-9% in the town they’d lived in their entire life?
joel hanes
latent racism
A fire can smoulder for a long time without going out, but without doing much damage,
but when you intentionally fan the flames and add fuel …
Fox and Sinclair are social arsonists.
Matt McIrvin
…also Missouri and Arkansas both voted to raise their minimum wage.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
That doesn’t belong in the Constitution. It needs to be a law. Hopefully they’ll get to it, along with redistricting.
@lamh36: @jl: It looks like it’s neck and neck with 67% reporting. Any cities or suburbs in this district that historically report late?
@PsiFighter37: I grew up in KC. So let me tell you what I see here:
Most college-educated whites get their degrees and leave Missouri, if not the Midwest altogether. I and all 4 of my siblings did precisely that; only one still lives in the region, but not in MO or KS. I have one adult niece (and yes, also college-educated) in suburban KC.
Suburban whites were (in the ’70s) and likely still are severely racist, Xtianist misogynist fuckwits. Rural residents are tribal republicans. Statewide races are going to go to the white who pees standing up and mouths the correct shibboleths over anyone else. It’s not fair, it’s not right, but that trend isn’t going to change unless they suffer for their mistakes.
I hate the trade wars a-coming (it’s impacting me directly, in the very near future), but the only consolation is that it’ll hurt the rural and suburban Rethuglicans worse.
Steve King pulls even
@MomSense: NTY still saying 95% votes in. CNN apparently called it early and now someone else is calling it for the scumbag instead. I’m not sure we actually know yet.
@Platonailedit: They’ve been fking rw republican for as long as I can remember. Maybe King had bad news about the fix tonight.
Matt McIrvin
@lamh36: It looks like King is gonna pull through, unfortunately.
@mdblanche: About what exactly, how after the election we should all come together as a country now?
@tobie: Possibly Ames the college town. But other than that hard to say.
@Matt McIrvin: No kiss for you, buddy.
Mary G
We may not be doing as well as we hoped, but another of my pet causes, Voters Not Politicians, the entirely volunteer measure to take redistricting away from the legislature in Michigan and give it to an independent commission, is winning big tonight:
Proposal – 18-2 Redistricting Commission – Ballot Issue
55.2 % Precincts Reporting 23:40 ET
Yes, 1,631,607 61.40 %
No 1,025,723 38.60 %
That is good for future elections. Marathon, not a sprint.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Matt McIrvin:
There’s been lots of good results. That’s all so important to ordinary people. I just wish the same could have happened in Ohio. The only candidates that did well here were the state Supreme Court candidates.
Claire giving her concession speech. This one is tough. Lost in a landslide.
@Matt McIrvin: That one doesn’t surprise me. People like Democratic policy – it’s just that too many of them have been completely poisoned against Democrats from 40 years of GOP demonization.
Mahn…I feel like we been following Newsom into this for years!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
The Ohio Legislature is never going to do anything about it. It’s controlled lock, stock, and barrel by the GOP. The ballot issue was a workaround. Issue 1 in May was also a workaround for redistricting reform.
@FlyingToaster: Having visited St. Louis a few times over the past ~5 years or so, it is not surprising to me that people would want to get out of Dodge. It’s a big shame there, too, as every time I fly in, I see the massive airport that is Lambert Field – there’s simply no traffic (or reason) to support that kind of size post-TWA bankruptcy. However, I have no doubt it was a huge economic driver, and American Airlines (who bought TWA) de-hubbing STL had a huge cascading impact with regards to the local economy.
@Tazj: Teasing a maybe I will maybe I won’t primary challenge to Trump. (Spoiler alert: he won’t.)
What’s going on with Scott Walker? Is he going down? He’s currently losing by 13,000 votes with 80% reporting. What are people saying about this one?
@Mary G: Yes. also approved in CO and MO. Not sure about UT.
I’m about to kill my local CBS affiliate. They are pre-empting Colbert to show Josh Hawley. Assholes!!
Cheryl Rofer
@lgerard: That was fast… King is .1 ahead, 69% reporting.
Cheryl Rofer
Okay kids, I’m going to bed. Looking forward to learning that some of those California Rs are out.
Gin & Tonic
@Kent: According to the NYT site, the Dem is up by ~11k votes with 81% of precincts reporting.
What about Medicaid expansion?
Where it was. On the ballot
Mary G
More great results in Michigan:
ETA: Cheryl gets in ahead of me again while I was adjusting the format of the list.
@Cheryl Rofer: So glad. I admire the way they put got this on the ballot to begin with. Grass roots work.
@PsiFighter37: I’m a transplant from the coast of NC.. Law school here in the city 1982. Love my city. Hate my adopted state.
Mike in NC
Steve Shitbird King re-elected in lowa.
Arizona is looking shitty. Fucking Green Party asshole….who happened to be a Republican until recently. HMMMM.
@Mike in NC: dang…it was close their for a minute..
@MCA1: People like some Democratic policies. Ballot measures are a great way to get your minimum wage increase without having to also give rights to Those People.
Mai Naem mobile
Radinowski lost in Minnesota. First GOP pick up. Hope incoming Gov Tim Walz hires him for something. Also saw that Minnesota’s State House flipped to the Dems.
Matt McIrvin
@MCA1: The bad ones that win tend to be religious-right or law’n’order pet issues.
Matt McIrvin
@Mai Naem mobile: 538 was predicting that one.
Spanberger 50.1% / Brat 48.7%. Why don’t they call this race for Spanberger already? I credit this victory to Elizabelle!
Mr Stagger Lee
Louisiana passed an amendment that requires unanimous decisions to convict
H/t to the ACLU and Pod Save The People.
@PsiFighter37: Both of my parents worked for TWA. The hub in STL and the overhaul base and data center in KC were huge employers. McDonnell Douglas in STL and various oil refineries in the east bottoms of KCMO (also on the Kansas side in Fairfax, KCK), plus the railroads, were what kept the state going.
Every time I go back, the place looks poorer and more run down.
Now with China not buying their soybeans, there’s dick-all of a chance of any kind of simple recovery. Everything is going to be more complicated and more expensive to get any progress at all.
Too bad King pulled through. The good news is, he’ll be seeing a lot of WOC in the House chamber. Might drive him insane; maybe he’ll have an aneurysm on the House floor. Wouldn’t that be nice.
@lamh36: Kemp is worse even than Kobach. I think he’s going to end up in the clink someday. He thinks he can get away with anything now.
@Matt McIrvin: Yeah…that one was expected. I think the only realistic GOP pickups in the House were in Minnesota, strangely enough.
My only remaining wishes for the night are, in order: 1) GOP wipeout in the OC, CA; 2) Scott Walker loses; and 3) Don Young, that odious dirtbag from Alaska, finally loses. I’m the least bullish about that one, as there have been many other chances, and it hasn’t happened yet. Given how tonight has played out, I expect Begich to get his political career slammed shut, and for the GOP to control everything in the Great White North.
patrick II
Carl Ichan will never be forgiven for bankrupting TWA with high leverage loans to take control and selling off its assets at a discount to make himself richer and destroying jobs in St. Louis. TWA was the largest international airline in the mid 80’s and he tore it down, sold off the routes, bankrupted the company while personally profiting.
@lamh36: Kemp has cheated every step of the way. Purging voters from the rolls, demanding exact matchup, making sure that only rural precincts had sufficient voting machinery and God knows what else.
@CaseyL: Sheepishly confessing that I had the same thought about King.
Love the Brat result. Love it.
Mary G
CA! Prop 8 – gas tax repeal, Republican’s big issue – going down 55/45 with 16% counted.
CA 50 Duncan Hunter ahead 54-46 with 36% in. Racism and anti-Muslim rhetoric working. Disappointing.
CA 49 – my district! Darrell Issa’s old seat – Mike Levin ahead 53-47 with 29% counted. Whoo hoo, another flip.
CA 48 – no results yet for Russian Rohrabacher.
CA 22- Nunes up 57-43 with 12% counted.
@CaseyL: News report said Iowa is on its way to going almost all blue after polls looked down for the Dems I hope that is the case and King is the only racist jerk left in their delegation.
I don’t know if coincidence, but seems like a lot of the last minute racist smears backfired in mid-Atlantic states and around Great Lakes, and a number of upsets there. But they worked OK in South and Southwest. We’ll see.
I may have let my expectations get too high, but I confess to feeling let down. Looking good on many fronts, yes, but doubts persist as to the likelihood of this being a completely honest* election. I really didn’t expect Cordray to lose, for example, nor did I expect Abrams to lose by that large a margin. Not to mention in my own fair state, where the voting machines, alas, do not provide a paper record. I asked one of the supervisors if the state was ever going to move to such a thing and she looked amazed that 1) such things existed and 2) someone asked her about it. Just feeling…almost numb.
*Okay, reasonably honest anyway. Perfection doesn’t exist in politics. Other than among Republican officeholders, many of whom are indeed perfect anal orifices.
Matt McIrvin
@lamh36: In a country of crooked elections, Georgia’s has to be the single crookedest right now.
Matt McIrvin
@jl: Yeah, but what a racist jerk! The guy is a straight-up Nazi, about a millimeter short of ending all his tweets with 14/88.
First the first time our history as a nation we now have TWO Native American women, AND two Muslim women elected to Congress….yet nary a mention…
@Suzanne: That said, Sinema ran the prototypical DLC playbook for her campaign (and possibly embellished some life details along the way). That’s not going to help you much.
It seems like there is still a chance she pulls it out, but unlike Beto, she didn’t be herself. And her transformation from a Naderite to a super-centrist, TBH, always reeked a bit of opportunism more than any genuinely-held beliefs.
I’ll be happy if she wins, but not that sad if she loses, since we aren’t taking the Senate back anyways.
And also, Ocasio-Ortiz!!!!
LOL. Beto just used the F word. AWESOME.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Heh, O’Rourke drops an F-bomb on MSNBC. Brian Williams will no doubt pretend to be offended
ETA: Dammit dammit dammit, really wanted the Dem to take the Iowa gov’s race.
But another flip in IL, and in GA-7 that might well be attributed to Stacey Abrams coattails.
…and we somehow managed to lose the Iowa gubernatorial race. JFC. When it comes to redistricting, we are fucking ourselves over royally this election. Goddammit. We can’t have another 10+ years of specifically drawn maps meant to give power to non-college educated white dudes.
Matt McIrvin
@danielx: A lot of crooked stuff went down, and it wasn’t the Democratic blowout we might have dreamed of, but after a hairy early evening, this was ultimately well within the range of most reasonable expectations. The House gains are actually right in the middle of a lot of models. Worse than we’d have liked for senators and governorships, but Republicans won’t have complete control of as many states as they used to, either.
Yup. Me too. I hoped for a much better outcome than just a house flip after two of the traitorous thug’s corrupt regime.
@PsiFighter37: The margin we lose the senate by matters a lot. It’s been a very bad night on that front, and that’s going to make 2020 much harder unless scandal completely changes the math on everything.
Dan B
@debbie: I heard Jon Tester speak at a smallish power broker / influencer gathering in Seattle. The featured speaker was Mr. $400 dollar haircut, help the poor guy. Tester blew away the crowd. Afterwards me, the gay agitator and progressive communication junkie, congratulated him on his communication skills which were primarily telling people who he honestly was and what he wanted to achieve. I also told him I was gay and wondered how my issues might fit into his view of Montana. He didn’t bat an eyelash when he could have reacted like he was cornered. He said, in so many words, that it fit into Montana’s belief in letting people be who they want to be. Fit right into the mythos of the state. And he knew it and knew how that fit into a vision I would gladly sign on to. The guy was of one piece. He didn’t have to be liked. He didn’t try to please. He did want us to know each other. That’s a solid foundation for politics.
Matt McIrvin
@PsiFighter37: Michigan just voted for an independent districting commission (as well as a couple of states that aren’t aching for one quite as badly), and I think NC is going to have new court-ordered districts next time.
Mary G
@Eolirin: Ds lost senate votes in Tx and where else?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Patton’s darker younger brother
@Aleta: ND (looks like) and TN
If nothing else Feinstein got her ass kicked in Humboldt County. That war-voting wire-tapping ass is going to be 90 fucking years old when she leaves office, that’s fucking absurd and needs to be addressed.
@Aleta: It’s losing the Red State Democrats that’s the problem with trying to unfuck this situation. But it speaks to a greater problem and something that could be a critical failure of the Republic if it keeps bearing out. You are having rural and urban areas desync so much when it comes to politics that you could see a hardened Republican majority in the Senate while the Democrats gain control of the House more years than not.
And why I say dangerous – you know what happens when you have a majority of the population that feels like they are being opressed by a minority and what that does to cultural norms, at the very least? Nothing good, I can tell you that.
@PsiFighter37: Sinema is terrible. Just wretched. McSally is worse, though.
Arizona doesn’t elect Dems statewide. It just does not. The Dem plan to expand the blue map better plan on that shit.
Mary G
@danielx: @Platonailedit: I hear you, but still I see signs of life. The economy is still roaring along on paper, and that gives incumbents a lot of help. But the structural gains we made in redistricting several states, and allowing 1.4 million more people to vote in Florida going forward will pay off in the future.
J R in WV
Well, some good news, some bad news.
WV local races, except for Unca Joe Manchin, all the news is bad. Ojeda lost big to a wealthy Republican invested in big pharma, yes, that pharma. The State Supreme court had two dirtbag republicans elected to the bench, so our courts are now politically corrupt. The big Oil and Gas companies will be able to drill and frack in your front yard, nothing you can do about that.
At least many of the women we contributed to will be moving to DC soon. Several Native Americans that we supported won. Lots of new Dem women gonna give Steve King a hard time, if he’s still in the House. Can’t wait to see Trump’s tax returns….heh, heh. Like he will comply with that subpoena.
Did not crack open the bottle of grand cru champagne. If just a few more Dems had won… things are OK, really, except for the local races and the racists winning.
Very tempted to move somewhere where Democrats rule… Colorado, California, wish I had an Irish grandparent. Any suggestions for a better place to live?
@PsiFighter37: ” Sinema ran the prototypical DLC playbook for her campaign ”
Sinema has been moving right in her politics, so maybe points for honesty?
I don’t see a pattern that will allow conservaDems, DLC types, centrists or lefty progressives to claim they have the magic keys to electoral victory tonight. Results are just too mixed. Maybe not all politics is local, but a big chunk of it is.
looks like King will likely win in IA. I hope he gets indicted for something soon.
@Aleta: Indiana, Missouri, North Dakota, and possibly Florida, but that one’s looking like recount territory. We’ve gotten no pick ups so far.
It’s hard to find 25 states that can reliably send two Democrats to the Senate.
Mary G
Another Balloon Juice candidate ekes one out in Minnesota:
Matt McIrvin
@Mary G: At some point, there’s going to be another recession. Maybe soon, maybe later. If it happens after the Democrats manage to beat Trump, that’s a problem (but one we’ll tackle when we come to it, I guess). But if it happens under Trump, that gives the Democrats a lot of ammo. It’s not rational behavior, really, since the President’s party’s control over these things is limited, but it’s the way it is.
@humboldtblue: People talk about age limit, but never seem to suggest a number.
It seems like Democrats almost never win the razor close Senate races.
@J R in WV: ” Any suggestions for a better place to live? ”
Things will be looking up in the United States starting in 2021, if you can’t find something in the meantime.
@Mary G: Slotkin’s a candidate in Michigan, not Minnesota, I believe. Glad to hear she won.
What’s going on in SC-01? CNN shows the Democratic(!) candidate winning Sanford’s old district by ~2% with 90% of the vote in.
Looks like Keith Ellison eked out a victory
@guachi: it would be a good game to play. Over the years, I’m not sure we have ever had that, though. Maybe there has been 20 at some point.
Talking Points Memo
Trump called Pelosi to congratulate her on taking House, her office says.
House will look more like the people walking down the avenue in my neighborhood, rather than a rich white man’s country club, where more than half of the the members are crazy stingy crooked and mean.
That will be nice.
@Mary G: Gas tax is Prop 6, kill folk on dialysis is Prop 8*.
*At least that’s what the “No on 8” commercials said.
ETA: Got Madame’s new TV setup.
Here in Washington State, good to see Dino Rossi (hopefully) going down to defeat yet again. Maybe this is the last we’ll hear of that pile of garbage. Sadly, one of the people Balloon Juicers threw money to, Carolyn Long, got stomped by the GOP incumbent, Coca Cola got their Initiative passed, and an attempt at a carbon fee was squashed as well. We did get a gun control initiative through, and it looks like my local parks and transit funding passed.
@Quinerly: That’s one of the things that actually makes the urbanization of the Democratic Party problematic – it means it becomes so damn difficult to win Senate control because you are always fighting on your back foot in ‘rural’ states.
Crooked Chris Collins takes a narrow 1 point lead with 76% in
@Eolirin: looking like only possibility for a Dem pickup is Arizona.
@oldgold: I don’t know if Pelosi needs someone to draft a response for her, but if she does, I nominate Yarrow.
Mary G
Mike in NC
@J R in WV: I lived in CA in 1980-81 (San Francisco & San Diego) and would move back there in a heartbeat but for financial issues.
@PsiFighter37: only votes left to be counted are from Charleston. Woohoo!
Fucking indicted Chris Collins in upstate NY wins.
West of the Rockies
Fuck him.
Mai Naem mobile
@Suzanne: I don’t know if this matters but I believe there is about 650K Maricopa County votes left and 150K in the rest of the state including Pima. A lot of the rural vote has already been counted.
Duncan Hunter wins.
@Quinerly: No results in from Nevada yet. We really need to win AZ and NV though, or it’s going to be very difficult to take the Senate back in 2020 unless the entire Republican party is breaking apart due to scandals coming to light and people actually caring about it.
Does the closeness of the GA results mean a mandatory runoff?
@Quinerly: From what I’ve seen of him, his liver will give out soon.He acts and talks like he is permanently pickled. Or maybe he’s spent so much time drunk, his speech sounds slurred even when he’s sober. What a toxic ass.
Maybe his wife can get the seat in the divorce proceedings. I’m not a lawyer, so I dunno.
Off to bed, but this is where I’m at right now. Though I’d love to wake up to a surprise Abrams win.
@Quinerly: I’m amazed that objectively criminal candidates can win re-election. I don’t see how a Dem can ever win such a district.
Mai Naem mobile
@SenyorDave: ummm Al Franken and I don’t think Cortez Masto was pretty close too.
@Quinerly: has Nevada been called already?
By my count, Democrats have picked up 32 seats so far. I have assumed in this total:
-They win SC-01 (looking highly likely)
-Undecided on MN-01 (knife’s edge)
-Giving the GOP Fred Upton’s district (which is tenuous ATM)
-No determination on any of the Orange County-area LA districts
-No assumptions around Alaska
Methinks Democrats head into Jan. 3, 2019 with the Speaker’s Gavel and at least a 25-seat majority. Assuming Dear Leader continues to be his winsome self, 2020 should (hopefully) look a lot like 2008, assuming we are still here to enjoy it.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Midterm losses after 2 years (under GOP president)
1954 -18
1970 -12
1982 -26
1990 -08
2002 +08
2018 -36 (according to NYT)
When you look at historical results, this is a big loss.
When Reagan lost 26 seats, the country was in a major recession with a 10.8% unemployment rate and 6.2% inflation.
Today’s unemployment rate is 3.7%.
I don’t see the Beto for president thing quite yet. But he would make one hell of a VP candidate.
@PsiFighter37: Iowa redistricting is handled by a non-partisan commission.
Though it would have been nice for a Democrat to be governor of Iowa again.
(Is Fred Hubble related to the Hubbles who donated the governor’s mansion to the state?)
@Hitlesswonder: Collins and Hunter both win. And their indictments looked really bad, as in they are stone cold crooks who were very fairly nabbed for outright crookery. And they win. Disappointing. Disillusioning. Sickening, actually.
Mary G
This will be a squeaker:
Harley Rouda (D) 53,731 50%
Dana Rohrabacher* (R) 53,482 50
28% precincts reporting
I’m off to bed soon, but I’ll be very interested in the youth numbers for FL, TX and GA tomorrow
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Looks like Walker is toast.
Mike in NC
New Democratic governor in Maine, where I was stationed at NAS Brunswick for two years in 1981-82. Such a gorgeous state.
Mary G
I thought GA-07 was called for the Democrats but looking at Washington Post tracker the Republican is now ahead by 6,000 votes and 2.4%.
Anyone know what’s up with that?
@Mai Naem mobile: you are right. Hasn’t been called. Some hope.
Looks like Katie Porter is about to lose her race against Mimi Walters.
Also, we’re at 311 comments, where’s a new Left Coast friendly thread?
ETA: This is CA 45th district.
I live in Camas and was disappointed by the WA-3 result. Had hopes for Carolyn Long. But one forgets that the WA-3 is basically Vancouver surrounded by a whole bunch of West Virginia or Kentucky. Love seeing Rossi go down again.
Matt McIrvin
@Mai Naem mobile: Nevada isn’t reporting numbers because people are still voting there.
Matt McIrvin
@Mike in NC: It sounds like Paul LePage chose the right state to retire to, though.
@Eolirin: and I’m worried about federal judges.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: a lot of real compensation data is flat. There is no Trump economy. I think no matter how much millionaire news actor frauds spout over the stock market, we need to get back to pre-2000 economy for the median household, or whoever is the majority party perceived to be holding most of the power will get dinged. Thankfully, that will be the GOP through 2020.
I don’t believe the median person in the US thinks the economy is great, other than the unemployment statistics. But even there, the employment population ratio for age 25-54 is stalling out and starting a substantial fall far below 1999 levels, and if slide continues, is a leading indicator that we are nearing business cycle peak.
I don’t agree the economy is great for the average person. And Trump is doing whatever he can to end the expansion before 2020, and end it ugly.
@guachi: Fivethirtyeight.com said something about a data transcription error.
Handel win in Georgia looks like a recount.
Matt McIrvin
@Kent: I remember when Obama gave the Democratic convention keynote in 2004 and people were talking about him maybe being a VP candidate in ’08 or ’12 and moving on to the Presidency after that.
Nunes wins in landslide.
Mike in NC
Scumbag Nunes reelected in CA.
MSNBC said it was a tabulation error at the state level that was corrected rather than a reporting error by the news agencies. But who knows…it’s Georgia so grounds to be suspicious.
@Matt McIrvin: Not arguing with you. But Obama was a sitting Senator.
Please if there is a God, let Scott Walker lose.
MA voters reject a ballot initiative to repeal the 2016 law protecting transgender rights by a 2 to 1 margin.
Matt McIrvin
@lgerard: That’s right in line with the polling on the question.
(Technically they voted “yes” to not throw out the transgender protection law. Just so people don’t get confused.)
Matt McIrvin
@lgerard: The most contentious ballot question here was not 3 but 1, which would limit ratios of nurses to patients in hospitals. Looks like it lost by a surprisingly big margin. I voted Yes but have certainly heard cogent arguments for the other side–one of my main reasons was that the No campaign’s advertising seemed willfully misleading.
Question 2 was a nice-sounding but toothless resolution to start some process of study in support of a federal constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. It passed. (I remember signing the petition to get it on there. Sure, whatever.)
@Kent: There is no god or Florida wouldn’t have batboy as a senator and DeSantis who I can’t even find words for as the new governor. Florida is so screwed.
I’d rather have Incitatus in either office tbh