*JEFF SESSIONS HAS RESIGNED AS ATTORNEY GENERAL— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) November 7, 2018
And just to drive the point home, as Acting Attorney General, Whitaker presumably _will_ take over supervision of Special Counsel Mueller under 28 C.F.R. part 600. https://t.co/EaGPZVaKaE
— Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) November 7, 2018
The cascade continues.
I’ll defer analysis to Adam or Cheryl.
Is this because of the new Senate so they hope they’ll get a new AG confirmed?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has decided to spend more time with his family.
Was just coming here to pass that along.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sebastian: probably, also to avoid headlines and tough questions for R candidates on the campaign
David Anderson
@Sebastian: Confirmation gets a whole lot easier with 54 GOP votes rather than 50 or 51 but Sessions had been on the shit list since March 2017 when he did the one ethical thing and recused himself from Russia. After the midterms is the natural churn point.
Good. Mueller can subpoena the fucker now.
What vile fuck will Trump plug in now? That Kansas guy who just lost comes to mind.
Corner Stone
Finally! Let’s get this party started.
Mary G
The resignation letter is a marvel of passive aggression. Hope a front pager can post it, or you can see it in this tweet:
Sessions was named after his father, who was named after his grandfather, who was named after Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America, and P. G. T. Beauregard, the Confederate general who oversaw the bombardment of Fort Sumter, starting the American Civil War.
Can we have a new law that no one named after any confederate can be allowed to represent the U.S. government?
I mean, does Germany frown on someone named Adolph Josef Mengele Schickelgruber III or Henry Himler Martin Bormann holding office nowadays?
This just made it all the more important for Nelson and Sinema to litigate their races as long as possible just like the GOP did with Franken to keep him from being seated. Scorched earth, baby. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
I wouldn’t want to see Sessions become an object of sympathy. Sessions desperately wanted to be a Trump lickspittle, but Trump said ‘No thanks, my spittle is only for the truly loyal’.
Corner Stone
The DoJ refused to step in and do any god damned thing about all the widespread voter suppression efforts so maybe Sessions got his final happy place answered before he got canned.
@Mary G:
Jesus. “Glorious tradition.” If that doesn’t smack of Confederacy worship then nothing does.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Matt Miller says on MSNBC that one of those articles laid out the road map for shutting down the Mueller probe by just denying funding
So many horrors, so little bandwidth.
A Ghost To Most
The takeover has begun, right on schedule.
Are you ready for some tackle football?
tell that truth
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And now that the House is in Dem control, can I presume they will keep the pursestrings strung?
Not surprising that trump will try to get things in place before dems take over. I’m guessing repubs planned on dems winning back the house, so now we will start see what their strategy is going to be.
The vile orange fart cloud knows that once Session leaves of his own accord, then all pressure is off. Being one of the boy’s in the senate club, the pile of human waste couldn’t force him out without a major backlash from the senate. Now the insane clown gets to install a ass licker that will do everything possible to remove and/or shut Mueller down. This is not good.
September piece on new Acting AG.https://www.newsweek.com/matt-whitaker-rod-rosenstein-trump-fire-sessions-1140816
Taking Out Just Enough To Win
Well, the cynic in me sees him running to recapture his Senate seat in 2020. Doug Jones was always going to face an uphill battle for reelection, but Sessions being on the ticket would make his climb even steeper.
The traditional family planting of burning crosses will bring them closer together, I’m sure.
The timing is not accidental. Wonder what is going on.
Betty Cracker
The acting AG, Matthew Whitaker, is the dude who wrote a memo about starving the Mueller investigation. Can we crowdfund a special prosecutor?
The Moar You Know
@Mary G: Ain’t much passive about that, he is fucking pissed.
I guess we’ve got us a Saturday Night Massacre coming up in January, yes? Just gotta confirm his replacement, shouldn’t be a problem now with the new majority.
Paul W.
Whoever come next, once confirmed by the Senate in this session or the next, is going to disassemble the Mueller investigation.
One of the downsides of not doing better in the Senate is the remaining defense for Trump in the Senare and cabinet will be even more extreme.
While I still think impeachment is justified, it’s going to be impossible to get the 25th amendment triggered or a conviction in the Senate. Mueller better get his shit public FAST!
That depends on whether Nancy Pelosi’s speech about working together with the GOP Nazis was just required fluff or actually serious.
Trump asked for his resignation. Presumably Rosenstein stays. Let’s see who takes over and what s/he’ll do with Rosenstein and, presumably, Mueller.
@Betty Cracker: Maybe Mueller can self fund from Manafort’s plea deal. Wouldn’t that be ironic.
@Betty Cracker:
Or a plumber. Ideally from the CIA.
@David Anderson: He didn’t do that as an ethical stance. He did it because he was protecting himself. Sessions is up to his eyeballs in Russian treason and they had him on that early.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Paul W.:
That was always going to be impossible. You need 67 votes to convict and remove a sitting president.
@The Moar You Know:
I’m afraid things are moving a bit faster then that.
Gin & Tonic
@Paul W.: There was never a chance of getting a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict, in any conceivable electoral map.
We all know the answer to that. Nancy SMASH still has that ginormous gavel and she’s all out of chewing gum.
@Sebastian: Trump said several times that he won’t act against Sessions ahead of the midterms. Not terribly surprising that he acted immediately thereafter, though. Buckle up folks, we’re in for a bumpy ride.
Roger Moore
Gin & Tonic
Wall Street sure seems to be OK with a split Congress. All major indices up about 2% on the day.
Amir Khalid
In the 1970s Manfred Rommel, son of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, was working for the city of Stuttgart, where Major General George Patton IV, son of the legendary WWII general, was Deputy Comander of VII Corps. Son of Rommel and son of Patton had a famous friendship.
J R in WV
@Amir Khalid:
That is fascinating~!~ thanks for the tidbit of history. Of course, Erwin Rommel was a patriotic and strategically gifted German military leader, and thus supported that horrible regime. But he was not personally involved with the worst offenses of the regime against humanity.
No telling what the judges would have convicted him of had he lived through the war from our perspective three quarters of a century later on…