Anyone else feel like nobody wanted to explain all the ramifications of losing the House to to Trump until like 2 days after the election?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 15, 2018
… is life beyond the Thunderdome…
I’ll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 15, 2018
Maybe they could come up with a warning system.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 15, 2018
Jerzy Russian
I take some pleasure at him being pissed at everything. However, I wish the nuclear football and other instruments of presidential power were not within his reach.
@Jerzy Russian: Ditto. Angry Trump is liable to do something rash.
@Jerzy Russian:
I am overjoyed, to be honest. This couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.
On the one hand, I hope he strokes out in an apoplexy of rage, on the other, I hope he holds on until Nancy SMASH gets her gavel back.
Mr Stagger Lee
Maxine Waters is coming after filthy Wall Street, like a grandmother coming after an errant child with leather belt. Give em hell Maxine!!!
Because he doesn’t and doesn’t want to understand. Only now they have clued him in to the reality of “will be in control of the country’s finances” actually means that she will be in charge of the house financial committee and will be able to subpoena his tax returns. He thought it was about the country and was pissed. He now knows it is about HIM and he is apoplectic. If he thinks that Congresswoman Maxine Waters isn’t going to turn around and grab Trump by the Karma he is delusional.
M. Bouffant
I hope he kicks some of that “dumpy” furniture & breaks a toe.
Mary G
I hope he realizes he may not be able to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and suffer no consequences. The country just isn’t that into him anymore.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I hate this fucking movie. I’ve said it before, I know. But I’m sick of it.
I just worry that he’s going to believe that GWBush got an 80% approval rating by being a “war time President”, and decide he wants a piece of that action, too. He’s already shown he’s happy to use US troops as political props.
Keep pressing.
Mary G
This can’t possibly go wrong…
He’ll want to go to Malibu and sympathize with the rich people and his handlers will want him to go to Paradise and meet only old white people who watch Fox and think of Gov. Brown as that crazy kid of Pat’s.
@Mary G: Just how he thinks this is a good idea after he flat out blamed California for the fires and threatened them, as the fires were still raging, is beyond me.
I realize that the headline from the Facebook story that was going around the left blogosphere was the stuff about Chuck Schumer, but it turns out that Facebook is and was FAR more deferential to Republicans and the right wing and basically rolled over for them at every point.
It’s not a “both sides” story. It’s Schumer as a feather on one end of a see-saw with the Republicans and right wing’s elephant sitting on the other.
A Twitter thread with the highlights:
Mary G
Case closed:
@Mary G: Either way, it will be a 8 hour-long trip to get to either place, Trump will be tired and getting increasingly tetchy, and in the end won’t venture out of whatever hotel he is in. They’ll have to bring in some fire survivors (carefully vetted*) to where he is.
* Carefully vetted is not something this administration does.
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
I hope he has a more constructive response than throwing paper towels at them.
ETA: I wonder how many rounds he’ll play at his golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes.
I already see the flaw.
There arn’t any troops. The US had 15,000 “spare” troops in two light Divisions.
Only 1:4 US Combat Aircraft are airworthy and only 1:9 is Combat ready.
The USN is tapped out.
The US won’t be able to start any new wars until the War of Terror has been “over” for at least 5 years.
Mary G
@PenAndKey: He’s used to coming out here when he had a hit TV show and NBC showered him with compliments and bullshit and sent him back to New York as soon as possible because all he did was bitch that the Emmy voters were losers.
@Mary G:
Not a single existing member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus has come out against Pelosi as far as I can tell. A couple of the incoming freshman (including Tlaib and AOC) said some harsh things on the campaign trail but made no actual commitment when it came to voting for or against her.
This is an attempted coup by conservative Democrats with the aid of Russian bots and a tiny rump of disgruntled online Sanders dead-enders. Period.
@Mary G:
He wouldn’t find a cheeseburger in Paradise. Or any live old folks either.
@Roger Moore:
And oh man when it fail whales hard I’mma gonna laugh. You idiots seriously thought you were gonna take down Nonna Pelosi?
Mary G
@Wapiti: I am making book that Ted Lieu will crash the party.
@Mary G:
He wouldn’t find a cheeseburger in Paradise. Or any live old folks either. ETA repeated for bad nym. Oh give me a nym, just like the nym that stuck with dear old …
@Mary G: The whole letter is worth the read. I love John Lewis. He is a true statesman and a national treasure.
@Roger Moore: Zippo lighters?
So the same Dead End conservative ratfuckers that teamed up with the “I want a Pony!” never-Clinton crowd that fell for last generation’s ratfucking, basically. That’s about what I expected.
@Mary G: It’s going to go really really wrong. Really hilariously wrong, most likely. He’ll probably make some offensive “joke” about, I dunno, building a golf course over the rubble, except that I’m sure the reality will be worse than anything I can dream up.
As somebody who spent the last week living right next to the fires (we were upwind) I don’t think trump is going to get a warm welcome on Saturday unless he stands in a hot spot.. He really pissed people off with his tweets, especially the firefighters. I don’t think any politicians want to be seen with him either. I hope nobody shows up and if they do, they turn there backs on him. He’s not going to have a good day in California this weekend. Fuckem.
A democrat pol (Schumer) played in big on the New York Times. Almost like he was helping them because his daughter was working there. (as a marketing manager after college?) You get one or two other Republicans, but Schumer kept coming up.
What Facebook did was appalling. It seems mostly driven by the COO (who claims was a democrat) but seemed to play the field. But the story will really drive you to quit Facebook. The company I work for is all focused about being part of ethical computing so I’m glad I get to be part of the solution.
If he thought rain was going to make his hair look bad wait till he gets ash and other shit in it.
Mary G
Also, like Pittsburgh, peole here are dealing with mourning, investigating, and lots of other consequences and don’t want to stop just so the president can put on a show:
That’s the point, though — Schumer is a very minor part of the story, and pretty much the only Democrat who was on board with Facebook.
Facebook was protecting Trump and allowing his racist posts to stay up in 2015. They were all in on the Republicans and helped Trump win.
Schumer’s actions are a drop in the ocean compared to how far Facebook went to assist the Republicans in the 2016 election. Don’t let Russian bots distract you from the actual meat of the story by pointing out a grain of salt you should be mad at.
I’m not really mad at Schumer. I’m more focusing on the bias in the article against the Democrat. What the article really communicated to me was how powerful the right wing backlash is perceived to be. There is a great fear of it. I think it is bullshit, and as a partisan, I believe FB will be a lot better without those assholes in the platform.
@Mary G:
G is getting his degree online from San Jose State, and he got an email notice that the campus will be closed for the next two days because of the air quality. ?
A Ghost To Most
The only way to make Fascistbook better is to stay the hell away from it.
Ah, okay — we’re on the same page, then. ? As usual, the MSM was desperate for a way to insert some “bothsides!” into their story and tried to make Schumer’s bad actions the equivalent of Facebook deliberately courting Republicans and doing their bidding.
@Mnemosyne: Southern California replies, “Wimps”.
frosty fred
@PenAndKey: In the vets’ this morning waiting for a prescription, the three people who came in after me got to talking about how terrible the fires were. One of them commented on “people from out of state who can only blame them on us”–to which one of the others said “People? It’s very kind of you to call him people.”
More from Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” book tour. Today she was on Ellen
I love when Ellen and Michelle O do these segments…LOL
Mary G
And the Florida fuckery continues:
@Mary G:
@Mary G:
Uh.. what the fuck? Anything can cause that.. like slow network. What a bunch of crap. People need to get it that any slight misstep will be used against them.
@Mary G:
Yup. I get to cycle home now and the AQI four blocks away is 331, probably the worst I’ve ever seen. And you literally see it. gets her wish, school is cancelled tomorrow. So much for Harvard.
Mary G
And if you think Twitler is mad and sad now, just wait until he sees this:
Part of me expects him to go full “Jews want to take over the world” now.
@lamh36: I was at that Costco on Tuesday night, I must have missed Ms. Obama.
ETA: That’s Costco Burbank.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
She is standing on the porch, with her belt. After curfew
The air quality in Thousand Oaks is currently 35.
In San Jose, it’s 181.
In San Francisco, it’s 235.
In Sacramento, it’s 311. And they’re not even the worst off in the state. That honor goes to Lincoln, CA, at 333. They’re just northeast of Sacramento.
Yeah. They’re way worse off than we are right now.
Mary G
@trollhattan: That is not healthy, hope you don’t have too far to go. Could you leave the bike at work and call a Uber? Someone else put up a picture of I-5 in Sacramento showing all the cars with headlights on, because the smoke has made it too dark to see. I got so paranoid I’m looking at ordering the N95 or P100 masks the NWS recommends for my emergency kits.
Ok…Ellen…what’s this dust doing in my eyes!
Who’s crying…you’re crying…lol
Michelle Obama on the Ellen Show
A Look Back at Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Impact on America via @YouTube
That’s my local Costco in Burbank. ? My friend at work is going to have a fit that she missed it.
Yeah, I second the thought that you should get a Lyft instead. Otherwise, you’ll basically be smoking a full pack of cigarettes on your ride home.
@Mnemosyne: Remember, I grew up here. The air quality was much, much better after the mid-80’s.
ETA: The winds are now blowing the smoke out to sea, a more apt comparison would be Malibu, not TO.
Chris T.
@Mary G: It went briefly over 500 near my house (Oakland / Berkeley area) around 8 AM today, according to sensors on Currently a mere 250ish…
And with that, you’ve won the Internet tonight!
@Mary G: That would be “LGBTQ Jews want to take over the world” now.
@lamh36: All 3 links were awesome, but Ellen and Michelle at Costco had me in stitches. Too funny.
Malibu’s only 31 according to, which is where I got the rest of the numbers from. Tomorrow it’s predicted to go up to 61, which is Moderate. Trollhattan’s in the middle of a Hazardous zone.
I have no idea what John Lewis and Partners is exactly (a department store in England..right?), but this commercial is SOOOOO GOOD!
John Lewis & Partners Christmas Ad 2018 – #EltonJohnLewis ? via @YouTube
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard should expect to be greeted by a party of one in California: Devin Nunes
Totally OT, but need some help. My Chrome browser suddenly is showing all video whether streamed or otherwise in super large format. IOW. I am getting a very blurry look at maybe the middle 5% filling up the whole screen. I am anything but computer savvy, so any thoughts on what I can do would be helpful. This problem does not exist on Firefox.
My asthma has been acting up, probably because the PM2.5 particles around here are at Moderate, twice as high as any other potential air pollutants. If I were in Sacto, I would probably be wearing a filter mask indoors. ?
Just a while ago it occurred to me that I am today 2 years in Ireland. The time flew. I remember sitting in the lounge at JFK talking to you all. I could not believe that I was doing it. And you all, to a person, cheered me on. Thank you all. Moving here was one of the best decisions of my life.
@Mary G:
Alas, Our Progressive Betters would rather burn down the party than have experienced, proven leadership. Them, horse, farrier, etc.
@Mnemosyne: I saw that Oakland in in the 300s, at the highest level Hazardous.
@lamh36: Awww…that’s a great ad. Yes, John Lewis is a department store in England.
Mary G
@lamh36: Between your links with Michelle Obama and Ellen, and that John Lewis ad with Elton John, I’ve been laughing and crying alternatively. Elton is the only artist I’ve paid to see live three times, he’s not really my musical taste, and I usually didn’t have money for things like that, but I saw him in 1972 and he is such a great performer I went back twice over the years.
: Oakland was 307 an hour ago.
That you think any of those things would be relevant to Trump’s decision-making is compelling evidence of your utter detachment from reality.
Are you sure you’re not Corner Stone in drag?
zhena gogolia
And they sell pianos!
@japa21: Is it only the videos and the rest of the pages are fine? You can click the three dots in the upper right corner a page and go down to Zoom and make the whole page larger or smaller. That might help you figure out what’s going on.
Mary G
@Burnspbesq: Fuck that shit. We old, middle aged, and young women and men didn’t work our asses off to put them in power to run their mouths. Tim Ryan said there are plenty of females in Congress who could do Nancy SMASH’s job, and I and tweeted to him that there are plenty of WOMEN in Ohio who can take his seat in two years if he doesn’t STFU.
@HeleninEire: It cannot be 2 years already!!!
I’m looking at and they had Oakland at 248 as of 4 pm PST. San Francisco is slightly lower at 244.
If you saw Oakland at 307, I hate to think where Sacramento was at.
@HeleninEire: My youngest sister is literally in Dublin rght now for a work thing. She’s on her way home soon, but she’s loving it.
@Mary G:
Go Mary G!
@japa21: Also, I found this in a cursory search:
I had this same issue and took me weeks to figure it out.. I finally came across a post that said to
From this thread.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The air quality in the SF bay area has been terrible.
HR sent out a mass mail ‘you can work from home friday’ message, which they NEVER do.
It’s bad. From the office window, watched it get worse every 10 minutes.
@WaterGirl: It is!!
@lamh36: Thank you so much for linking to that.
@OzarkHillbilly: Rachel isn’t Jewish.
TaMara just put all of lamh36’s links into a single post above.
@lamh36: It really is a great city. If you want to put her in touch with me. So glad she loves it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mnemosyne: We’re actually having a nuclear winter in the bay area it’s so bad.
He can’t create nonexistent troops to send. Still, I think it’s moot. Trump has demonstrated himself too cowardly to start a war. He’s not going to get more brave, he’s going to retreat into what makes him feel safe – screaming angry lies at whatever gets his attention.
Adam’s walked us through the process many times here.
Aside from Nuking the World or a limited missile and bombing strike, the US Military is tapped out.
Every “option” for military action big enough for The Insane Clown POSus’s ego, returned by the Pentagon will contain a variation on the statement, in the conclusions section,
“and then the ( insert enemy forces here) break out of ( insert States names here), rapidly sweep across the US plains, while we attempt to hold them at the Rocky Mountains and beg our Allies for help.”
The US Military can do a limited, short term strike somewhere like against Boko Haram in Nigeria, or ISIS in Syria, but those won’t feed the Ignorant Ego.
So, a limited strike against China, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, France, Germany, Mexico,…….. ain’t gonna end well,
and back to the Conclusions section:
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I know. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much purple (“hazardous”) on the air quality map before.
Every African-American I know who’s gone to Ireland has absolutely loved it, because they felt they were treated as Americans just as much as any of the white American tourists were. Not to say that Ireland has no homegrown racial problems (every place on Earth does) but Americans are Americans as far as they’re concerned so tourists are exempt from those problems.
You should definitely consider adding Ireland to your travel “to do” list.
frosty fred
@Mnemosyne: Alex Haley spoke at my college when I was an undergrad. Absolutely compelling speaker as I’m sure everyone knows–but one anecdote that stuck with me was tracing the Irish line of his ancestry. He visited the local parish and could find nothing in the records, and the priest said I believe you want the other parish. Haley found the names he was looking for there, and was invited to [I forget, a gathering, not a service I think] where he was introduced with “I’d like you to meet a protestant from America.”
@Yarrow: Thanks. I’ll give it a try at halftime.
What made you decide to move there, assuming it wasn’t the shitpile in the Oval Office?
I am always envious when I see your FB posts. In addition to the fact that it’s not HERE, Dublin looks like such a cool place.
My neck of the woods is at 260. Huzzah! We’ll be sleeping with the air purifier tonight.
And Trump neither knows nor gives a shit about any of that. As you know perfectly well, unless you haven’t been paying attention for the last 3-½ years.
Just because he won’t find any cheeseburgers or old folks, doesn’t mean his handlers won’t want to take him there. A lot less likely to see protesters in Paradise over the next couple of days. Seeing as how it’s still under mandatory evacuation.
Be fun to hear him told he can’t go to Paradise.
Another reason to hope for rain.
Got 2 yrs till retirement. Then I hope to do a bit of traveling to places I’ve never been. Ireland is one of those. I’d hoped to get to the UK, I have a friend there who is getting up in years and I haven’t seen him and his wife for a number of years.
@Mary G:
I do like it when you get rilled up……
@Ruckus: Evacuation or not, you wouldn’t be likely to find anything at all in Paradise now. The last estimate I saw was 90% of residential buildings destroyed.
There is a map of the damaged structures on the Cal Fire website. Destroyed structures are in red. Almost the entire area is red. Basically looks like the town and quite a bit of the surrounding area is almost completely gone.
Paradise, CA was probably 70% retired, white, Trump voters but I’m not confident they would welcome his orangeness.
If you click through via one of the symbols you see a photograph of that property. Amazing use of tech but devastating to view.
Sister Golden Bear
@Mnemosyne: Sacramento is at 400-450 tonight.