CAN CONFIRM: Julian Assange has been charged, and prosecutors revealed it inadvertently in a court filing w/ @DevlinBarrett , advancing the incredible sleuthing of @SeamusHughes
— Matt Zapotosky (@mattzap) November 16, 2018
The Justice Department is preparing to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and is optimistic about bringing him to the U.S.
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) November 15, 2018
NYT files a slightly different report from WaPo, saying prosecutors have “prepared an indictment” against Assange but that it isn’t clear whether it’s been filed.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) November 16, 2018
/3 It’s not the ONLY possible explanation, but I think it’s the most probable.
Prosecutors re-use motions and briefs all the time. The more dull/procedural the motion, the more some ancient version of it gets changed and re-used, sometimes for YEARS.
— WhatCouldGoWrongHat (@Popehat) November 16, 2018
Half a dozen people in contact with the W.H. and other Trump officials say a deep anxiety has started to set in that Mueller is about to pounce and that any number of Trump’s allies and family members may soon be staring down the barrel of an indictment.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 16, 2018
… Mueller obsessives, political junkies and Washington insiders have been scrutinizing the president’s every mannerism, such as snapping at a CNN reporter for posing a “stupid question” about whether he wanted the new acting attorney general to stymie the Russia investigation.
“You can see it in Trump’s body language all week long. There’s something troubling him. It’s not just a couple staff screw-ups with Melania,” said a senior Republican official in touch with the White House. “It led me to believe the walls are closing in and they’ve been notified by counsel of some actions about to happen. Folks are preparing for the worst.”
Adding to the unease is a spate of anonymously sourced media reports suggesting Mueller’s self-imposed quiet period that started about two months before 2018 Election Day is about to transition into a Category 5 hurricane.
Mueller, as has been his custom throughout the investigation, hasn’t said a word about what’s next for his probe into the Trump 2016 campaign and whether it conspired with Russian hackers to win the White House. Instead, the special counsel has let his legal filings do the talking. On Wednesday, Mueller stirred the speculation pot yet again, delivering a one-page motion to a federal judge in Washington, D.C., confirming that former Trump campaign deputy Rick Gates “continues to cooperate with respect to several ongoing investigations” and still isn’t ready to be sentenced. Gates pleaded guilty in February to conspiracy against the U.S. and making a false statement in a federal investigation…Also on indictment watch: Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, who has told his friends in recent weeks that he believes he could be facing charges from Mueller, according to one of those people.
Lawyers for the president and Trump Jr. insist they aren’t worried about Mueller.
“I have no reason to be concerned about that. I can’t imagine what they’d indict him for,” Rudy Giuliani, one of the president’s personal attorneys, said in a recent interview when asked about Donald Trump Jr…
Loosely translated, “Heard from Whitaker, and yikes, Mueller figured it out.”
— Orin Kerr (@OrinKerr) November 15, 2018
Haven’t read the (reportedly astonishing) transcript, but the Daily Caller sat down with the Oval Office Occupant, and the usual train wreck ensued…
The only real bit of news in Trump’s @DailyCaller interview is, as usual, unintentional: Trump seems to confirm he appointed Whitaker expressly because of the Mueller probe. He segued seamlessly from the appointment to the investigation, something the reporter hadn’t raised.
— Ned Price (@nedprice) November 15, 2018
On CNN right now:
Sen Kennedy: There is no real threat to the Mueller investigation.
Host reads Trump tweet: “MUELLER MUST DIE ARGLE BARGLE”
Sen Kennedy: “Oh, people like to talk…”— Peter Sagal (@petersagal) November 15, 2018
Kind of dicey to infer anything from Trump being agitated on Twitter when he’s so often agitated on twitter.
But it’s consistent with something big happening.
— WhatCouldGoWrongHat (@Popehat) November 15, 2018
Also, too…
Lawyers for Paul Manafort and Mueller’s office filed a joint request tonight to extend the deadline to update the judge in DC about the status of things — report is currently due tomorrow. They’ve asked to file 11/26, saying they’ll be able to give info “of greater assistance”
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) November 16, 2018
I’ve been holding a post open all week about ‘merry prankster’ Roger Stone, FauxNews lie-ographer Jerome Corsi, hapless shock jock Randy Credico, and their mysterious friend in the Ecuadorian Embassy…
Roger Stone exchanged text messages with friend about WikiLeaks in the days before the site released emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
— NBC Investigations (@NBCInvestigates) November 14, 2018
What’s amazing is that these are the ones Stone put out because he thinks they’re exonerating.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) November 15, 2018
Notably, Credico never mentioned Podesta, who Stone tweeted about on August 21 (six days before he and Credico began discussing WikiLeaks per @NBCNews)
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) November 14, 2018
In summary…
Winter is here.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 15, 2018
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Obviously Rudy suffers from a lack of imagination. NOT a good thing in a defense attorney. Either that or he’s lying through his teeth.
The last tweet ??
@rikyrah: good morning, and happy indictment Friday????
Nothing wrong with a little optimism every now and then.
Like every one of us I suspect: Terrific: a day spent furiously refreshing Twitter waiting for The Big News to drop.
If anything happens, it will be (with my luck) in between lecture for West. Civ. I and West. Civ. II (haha! Today we’re doing origins of fascism! Funny!), when I will have approximately 2 minutes.
Trump’s bullshit is making it 10x’s harder to make it through the semester. And it’s going to make the History of the Presidents class in the spring a total pain in the ass. Again.
Interesting how the homeless guy is in jail while the 2 young and attractive miscreants are apparently out on their own recognizance.
And the moral of the story is?
eta a dropped sentence
@Mezz: Still doing lectures????
Rudy is trying to set up his own defense, because he was obviously deeply involved in the Russia stuff (he had advance knowledge of the leaks). So here he’s saying he doesn’t know what they’d possibly have on Don Jr. so he can later say “Golly gosh, I had NO idea he was involved in anything nefarious. Because I wasn’t, that’s for sure.”
It won’t work.
Muellermas! Please, oh please! Let it be an indictment Friday!
So now Shitgibbon is a member of the
criminallyeconomically anxious whitegriftingworking class?See, he IS a populist!
We got some snew here, can’t tell how many inches, but the rain has started, so it should all be gone by … April.
Betty Cracker
The Ecuadorians seem eager to kick Assange out. I’m very much hoping he gets extradited to the U.S. and sentenced to a lengthy stretch for working with Russia to subvert elections. But I think it’s more likely that he’ll be jailed for releasing info about U.S. conduct in the Iraq War.
It would be sweet indeed if Stone goes to jail. He’s been a boil on the butt of democracy for decades.
@Betty Cracker:
FSM does not love me that much. Maybe if I make a burnt offering?
Wonder if the Whitaker appointment just sped up the timeline.
And while I don’t think Mueller would let things outside the investigation affect his process, between the House flipping, and the blowback over Trump’s actions in France and comments on California … a pretty good time to hit the Donald with another roundhouse while he’s on the ropes.
Clever, them Chinese, using sargassum to divide us from our Caribbean neighbors.
I’m guessing that prosecutors are taking a collective deep breath before indicting anyone in the Trump family. It’ll be ugly.
@OzarkHillbilly: The question is, what is Rudy telling Donald? A couple of semi-demented old men having a little chat about indictments, one imagines.
I am a patient boy
I’ll wait, I’ll wait, I’ll wait
Tick tock, motherfuckers.
@rikyrah:. Good morning.
Eight-legged bus is caught trying to cross vehicle-only bridge in Russia – video Sometimes, I just love Russians.
‘Tis the treason.
Do we have to choose? Why not both?
I am slightly less confident in the Justice Department this morning. Inadvertent early release of Assange’s charges seems amateurish, if not incompetent.
Not soon enough.
There’s enough crime in Trump’s past that he should have been indicted and thrown in jail months before he ever got near the GOP’s presidential nomination, much less into the White House.
@debbie: Same.
@JGabriel: Even now he will go scotfree, indictment or not. The ‘checks & balances’ system is so corrupt, weak and ineffective.
I wonder which administration filed the charges against Assange, when, and for what? This has been hanging around long enough and there’s enough politics involved, those are interesting questions.
From watching Rudy on TV, if he’s talking to Trump in person, it’s bullshit fantasies about how Trump will easily beat Mueller’s accusations. Rudy will believe his own lies, and so will Trump, until about 30 seconds after Rudy leaves.
The DoJ is hardly a monolith. It has many different teams. There is sure to be incompetents in there somewhere. They sure ain’t working for Mueller.
Mike in DC
I am struggling to come up with a dozen names of potential indictees we have heard of before:
Erik Prince
JD Burton
Nigel Farage
Trump himself is #13.
I could see there being two waves of indictments, with the Trump clan being in the second wave. The final stage would then be a report or referral regarding the president.
There is serious legal doubt that the acting president can be charged with anything, except by Congress. People around him are not so lucky. Neither is Trump’s money.
Amir Khalid
A couple of stories that piqued my interest:
1) The Grauniad reports that some year 13 students in New Zealand (the equivalent of high-school seniors) have complained they could not answer an essay question in a history exam because it used the unfamiliar word “trivial”.
2) CNN reports on Michael Douglas getting his Hollywood Walk of Fame star. Story written by a reporter who has apparently never heard of film legend Kirk Douglas.
Whoever that team is, they’ve handed Trump one more weapon to beat them up with for incompetence.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Methinks your onion needs adjustment.
Everyone’s jumping to conclusions. The Assange mentioned in the filings is probably the infamous mattress-tag ripper Bubba Assange of Manassas, Virginia.
@MattF: Why do I suspect Rudy is there to tell little Donny what ever he wants to hear? And that somebody else has to bear the brunt of the 3 yr olds tantrums when they tell Donny that, no he can’t put sugar on his Frosted Flakes because his teeth will rot out.
Not me. I’ve long ago learned that if I want big news to drop fast, the best thing to do is to go grocery shopping, or play a video game, or go out for lunch …
It just seems like nothing cool ever happens unless I’m not there, y’know?
Anyway, I suspect the big news might not drop until Tuesday or Wednesday, right before Thanksgiving weekend. You file everything right before a holiday, then you get to relax and enjoy the festivities while your opponents fret, worry, and work on their response through the weekend – leaving them stressed out and tired when the courts re-open, while you’re all refreshed and ready to get back to work.
@Frankensteinbeck: People around him are betting on his pardon powers, which again is weak against any and all abuses. His money? Does he really have any?
Greetings from the New York Pennsylvania border. 10 to 14 inches on the ground, at least on 31 car pile up just west of me, dozens of accidents, hundreds of impassable side streets. Yet the funeral must go on! At least the graveside service has been curtailed (now in the cemetary chapel). Bearing pall can be rough duty on top of the grief.
I will be too busy to fret
Another Scott
@JGabriel: +1
I think that he already had the individual indictments, but held onto them until after the election
Safe travels to you and Little Imma
Lawyers will say anything, anything, whether it’s to their client’s face or to the public. When I see a defense attorney on the local news proclaiming the innocence of a client who was caught in the act of committing a crime, I can’t help but be impressed by the attorney’s ability to keep a straight face. There must be a special class in law school for learning this trick.
Cheryl Rofer
A few predictions, expanding on Mike in DC.
All the indictments of Trump’s family will come at the same time, and it will be close to the end of Mueller’s investigation. When you strike at the king…
I don’t know what will happen with Trump – depends on what they have on him. Probably not an indictment right now, though.
When the whole story comes out, some of the turning points will be things we’ve heard but seemed unimportant. Just today another name from the past came up.
Be careful! My East Coast FB friends were all freaking out about the snow last night. Schoolbuses delivered children hours late, the NJ roads were backed up, etc.
I always thought that Assange was under sealed indictment, from the Obama years. Just waiting for him to get kicked out of the Embassy.
@Cheryl Rofer:
That certainly puts Lynn Cheney’s new position in an interesting light.
Amir Khalid
Der Müller Gottes mahlt langsam, aber mahlt außerordentlich klein.
That would be nice, but, as I said above, I don’t think it’ll happen until next week.
Think about it this way:
You’ve got indictments ready to file on a Friday. But the next week is short, with a four-five day weekend. Do you file on Friday, or do you use the two-three days of the following week to copy-edit, maybe do some re-writing, make your arguments tighter, and submit right before the holiday, letting the crooks you’ve indicted fret & sweat through the lo-o-ong weekend while you enjoy yourself?
Betty Cracker
Pure speculation, of course, but I think Trump knows Dim Son #1 is going down. Dim Son thinks he’ll be indicted, according to the press. If it were just Stone, Corsi, et al, Trump would have no problem coffee boying them. He can’t exactly coffee boy his namesake. Trump’s almost certainly looking at a set of questions from Mueller that ask straight up if he knew about the Trump Tower meeting, and of course he did, since Dim Son doesn’t take a crap without the old man’s permission. Dim Son lied about it to the FBI and Congress. So, does Trump implicate himself by lying too when proof may very well exist that it’s a lie, or does he admit he knew about the meeting and implicate Dim Son? Neither option is attractive, which is why he’s trying to shut the investigation down.
@Immanentize: Ever since I rolled my tool filled van at 50 mph when I hit a patch of black ice while returning from work during an ice storm, I’ve had a rule: No driving in winter storms. Period.
Deepwater Horizon exploded April, 2010. I wonder the increased Sargassum might be related to the oil release, or a consequence of its aftermath?
Kirk Spencer
@Frankensteinbeck: I think the magic phrase is “unindicted co-conspirator.” That creates the basis for impeachment (House – likely) and removal from office (Senate – less so). It also sets up the casework for prosecution after the president leaves office – yet another legal morass.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@SFAW: When we lived in the DC area, there was a joke that [corrupt DC mayor] Marion Barry’s snow removal plan was called “spring”. We still tell that joke even though nobody but us gets it.
Used it this morning in fact as I didn’t end up having to shovel my walk.
@debbie: I never had a lawyer tell me the bad news until the very end. Always before that it was “We have a really good case.” or “We got him by the balls now.” or “I really believe in you as a client.” That last one is the death knell.
@Cheryl Rofer: Mueller said that Gates wasn’t ready for sentencing because he is still providing information for several investigations. It does seem like the process is going to take awhile, but I hoped that Corsi, Stone and Don Jr. would be indicted at the same time.
Cheryl Rofer
@JPL: I think it’s possible that Corsi and Stone will be indicted in the near future, but that depends on how closely they’re tied to The Family.
@Betty Cracker:
Also, didn’t Trump admit writing Jr’s official response to news of that Trump Tower meeting?
And you paid him/her for that!!!
Good morning from Poco and his tribe! Was late to the Roy Clark thread last night. Totally enjoyed it. The Hee Haw clips brought back lots of memories. My dad loved Roy Clark, and the composer of “The Orange Blossom Special” was from Craven County, NC. Know the farm where Ervin Rouse was from. He left as an eight year old, played in Vaudeville, and ended up in Florida where he wrote the song in the 1930’s. My dad said it was always a big deal when Mr. Rouse came back to the area to visit. He was a celebrity.
I haven’t done the math, but a very good and industrious friend posted on the Book of Faces this AM that today is the 666th day of Trump’s presidency. I’m doing the evil chuckle thang. Indictment Friday?
Oh, the irony of that!
@JGabriel: While that may play a part, I suspect it is mostly as they stated in the article:
Most especially the changes in currents.
Is there a genuine connection between Credico and Bernie Sanders, or is that just nonsense?
@debbie: If any indictments come down today, I’m not doing the math. It’s just too delicious. Going to just stick with my friend’s counting and not look for an error. ?
@OzarkHillbilly: You’re most likely right. I just thought the timing was intriguing.
@Another Scott: Danke.
@debbie: Of course I did. Not paying one’s lawyer is just not an option.
@Princess: unrelated to Credico… I guess everyone saw this week the announcement that no charges will be filed in the Burlington College investigation. Case closed
Trump has hundreds of millions of dollars at least. He could possibly be a multi-billionaire. There is heavy speculation he has even more debt than assets, but that just means he’s even more screwed if his liquid assets are frozen or seized for money laundering. As for pardons, he has eloquently demonstrated he doesn’t think that way. He’s a mean asshole who throws people who could save him to the wolves, both because it feeds his cruelty and because he thinks helping others hurts him. The more stressed and afraid he is, the more he will act on what makes him feel safe at an instinctive, emotional level. I’m not entirely sure he would pardon Ivanka. It’s hard to tell where he starts defining people as his personal property, and thus attacking them is attacking him/taking away his toys.
@Quinerly: I didn’t hear that. But then again, no charges were filed against Hillary and the Bros still put Hillary for Prison stickers on their cars, so I don’t know that it matters.
I hope there are no indictments today. Let Trump stew over his written responses some more.
Also too, Racist Uncle Thanksgiving will be so much more Schadenfreudelicious if the feast occurs within a news cycle or two of the hammer being dropped.
Let’s enjoy the anticipation. I know of someone who is not enjoying it.
Bobby Thomson
The form motion doesn’t necessarily mean Assange has been charged. Could mean there’s a motion in the can, or at least that someone was working on one.
Except for Trump.
@Betty Cracker:
Which is sort of ironic, since out of that crew, Lying Littledick Junior is probably the one whose Peter Principle “terminal state” is coffee boy
Ben Cisco
It’s a balmy 28° here this morning. The move has been completed, and now I’m just tightening things up around (read: inside) the house.
Re: indictments – I’ll be happy for them when they get here; I like @JGabriel: ‘s take on the timeline.
Have a great day and stay dry and warm!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Isn’t there a scene in an Austin Powers movie where he’s chasing down the bad guy with a zamboni or other slow-moving vehicle? Watching Mueller approach must be like that for these guys. And even while you’re free and attending your screaming rallies, that thing is sloooowly getting closer and closer and closer.
And that image makes me very, very happy.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: He did — and right after meeting with Putin, who probably came up with the adoption cover story.
@OzarkHillbilly: Did you see this one? Brazil’s new foreign minister believes climate change is a Marxist plot.
We’re doomed.
Betty Cracker
@SFAW: True. None of Ivana’s garbage spawn are qualified to be professional baristas.
@Baud: That’s because she’s guilty. Everyone knows that.
And here I was, thinking that you don’t get to be called a “billionaire” unless your net worth is in excess of $1 Billion.
Not that there would be any consequences* if I’m worng, but I would feel pretty confident to say Lying Littledick is not a billionaire. I’m guessing that he’s (probably) so leveraged and debt-ridden that any assets he may have — “may” because it’s not clear what, if anything, he actually owns — are (almost? totally?) balanced out by what he owes.
*Well, no consequences outside of the slings and arrows of outrageous jackals.
NYTimes reporter who covered the Clinton campaign.
We’re now in Year Thirty of the NYTimes profiting off their horrible, garbage coverage of Hillary Clinton. It’s two generations of employees now who have based entire lucrative careers on Clinton bashing.
When you’re reading what will be garbage coverage of whoever opposes Trump in 2020, read it knowing that it’s ABOUT the reporters book and tv deal.
Cardassian justice? [Convict/execute first, have a trial proving guilt second.]
@Kay: Warner Bros is garbage.
That story is so disgusting. I hope the show fails badly.
I really can’t wait to see how the NYTimes reporter portrays Hillary Clinton in a tv series. Shrieking harpy control freak or scheming criminal?
Isn’t there some statute of limitations on NYTimes pundits making bank on bashing the Clintons? I mean, Jesus. Enough.
Like I said, if his debts are that big, he is REALLY screwed if his assets are taken.
@OzarkHillbilly: That is very good advice. I almost beat the storm last night, but still had to go to the funeral home.
Suburban Mom
@JGabriel: I have no expertise about how the legal community times things, but no communications professional on earth would drop this right before the holiday weekend when major reporters are off eating turkey and the B team is covering fistfights at Walmart.
As for Mueller, indictments might well have been filled weeks ago. Then it’s just a question of arresting people indicted who might be flight risks.
30? I thought the FTFTFNYT didn’t start in on Hillary until 1992. Am I forgetting something? [Note: more than 25 years of that shit is still pretty effing bad. Fucking Pinch and Pinche.
She wrote a “coming of age” book while supposedly “covering” the Clinton campaign. I mean, really. Pick a job. Don’t pretend to do one while actually doing another.
People bash Maggie Haberman but Haberman didn’t provide the garbage coverage of Hillary Clinton- Chozick did- and she’s been richly rewarded for that lousy work. The worse they are the more they make. The incentives are all screwed up in that industry. It’s a failed market.
@SFAW: Trials are for first world countries. We don’t need them here anymore.
Yes, I read and understood that. My point was that he does not appear to be a billionaire, based on his debt level, and based on the idea that a lot of “his” properties appear to be owned by someone else — including some number which have his name is on them.
Disclaimer: I really don’t spend a lot of time delving into his financials, this is just a case of my (possibly flawed) recollection of various stories that have appeared over the last 666 and more days.
Good point. My bad.
The culminating scene will be Chelsea Clinton popping champagne- which Chelsea Clinton says Chozick invented.
It doesn’t even ring true. Is there anyone on the face of the planet more reserved and guarded than Chelsea Clinton?
@Kay: I hope Hillary sues these scums for some royalty payments. After all, it’s her life story they are spinning/lying about. Drag these corrupt mofos to the court just like they do to harass and intimidate others.
@Baud: I didn’t bother to read the piece. Only the headline. Might be something buried in the stories. Info coming from BS’s camp.
I don’t get it. I don’t get the media obsession with humiliating Hillary Clinton. A lot of people run for President and lose. Some of them more than once. How do they justify their treatment of Hillary Clinton as compared to their treatment of Mitt Romney?
Just on basic human fairness grounds. Compare/contrast. Find a benchmark. A compass. “Is this sort of like Mitt Romney? If it is why do we kiss his ass and savage her?”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: I admire how gracious Chelsea manages to be on twitter.
There’s a pro-Trump video showing in the sideband, paid for by ’45committee’. You can’t tell it’s pro-T until the last shot and the credits– otherwise it’s just scenes of smiling, multi-racial happiness. Maybe the ratfu**ers are aware of something.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: God, that’s revolting. I didn’t buy Chozick’s stupid book, of course, but it was clear from the free excerpts published online that the protagonist was Chozick, abdicating her responsibility as a reporter to follow Clinton around and whine about her (Clinton’s) refusal to give Chozick the mommy approval Chozick craves.
And Chozick & Co are this country’s elite reporters! Their peers would kill for a perch at the NYT! But they use their lofty positions to publicly act out their puerile Oedipal dramas. Like you said, a failed market. Burn it down and start over.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Maybe it’s her temperament – I don’t know- but it makes me a little sad how careful she is, has to be. Trump’s awful grown children are out there every day just expressing themselves all over the place and Chelsea Clinton has to be diplomatic.
It doesn’t work anyway. They’re going to savage her and her family no matter how many good works she racks up, so I find myself hoping she’d just tell them to fuck off and find a profitable venture that doesn’t involve caricaturing her. But, again, maybe she’s just a really disciplined person.
@Kay: Back in the days of ‘Mad dog’ Michael Kelley, I knew a couple of journalists. I used to ask them what their ‘Clinton’ problem was, and would just get a shrug in response.
We’re expecting Rosanne Barr to cast as Hillary…
Tenar Arha
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I think it might have been Deadpool ?
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, it’s a book about the author’s feelings about the candidate, with some half-assed social science thrown in.
I genuinely believe this- in your job you have to periodically remind yourself what that job is. As a manager I have learned that 90% of people’s problems at work is when they are NOT doing their job, but instead doing some other job. They can be good people! They just got completely and utterly off track, to the point where they invented a job description and are doing that one instead of their work. It was Comey’s problem too. He was doing an entirely different job- one he invented. He was bad at the position he invented. He might have been good at his actual job- I don’t know- he wasn’t doing it.
IMO, it comes from arrogance. A sense that the actual job isn’t worthy of ones extraordinary creative skills.
Amir Khalid
When I try to think of actresses who resemble Hillary Clinton closely enough to play her in a movie, for some reason the only one I come up with is Nina Hartley. I feel so ashamed of myself.
Snowed in! And for once, I didn’t stock up, and we are down to our last few rolls of TP. While I had a bagel with roast beef and bacon for breakfast. Expecting more odd food combinations today: haven’t even heard the plows yet.
Still, we have cat food and that is the one thing that can’t be substituted. Offering tuna results in plaintive faces: yes that’s nice, but where’s our FOOD?
Look at the sexual harassment scandals that have come out. National journalism is filled to the brim with misogyny, and as you know, there are plenty of women as bad as men in this regard. They hated Bill as white trash who dared take the throne from Reagan’s successor. They will never forgive Hillary for all of that, plus being a successful woman who unashamedly sought power, used it to help others, bested men (especially Republican men they admire) repeatedly, was smarter than them, and ran for president. She is the example of everything that must be put down before it can take away the privilege of men to do what they like to women. Now, add to that once the leaders set this tone and other people who didn’t have an issue based on Hillary’s gender became involved, that generated a personal hate. It’s like a high school clique. Costing her the presidency isn’t nearly enough, she has to be made an example. Oh, and she’s a woman, which triggers the misogynist’s ‘a vulnerable target who is safe and fun to attack’ instinct as well.
@Kay: The NYT didn’t help the Russians take down Romney. They are probably still crowing over there.
@Betty Cracker:
@Frankensteinbeck: Also, some professional factors: it was what their editors wanted and it was what their peers in the media were saying and doing. And, of course, conventional wisdom.
When is the Mueller advent calendar with a sealed indictment behind every door coming out?
Opening sentence from this at Daily Beast.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Tenar Arha: I’m familiar with the Deadpool one.
This is the one from Austin Powers.
@Betty Cracker:
I have to do it myself. “Did I just spend half a day exchanging passive aggressive off-topic emails with the mediator?” While enjoyable and something I am good at it’s not what anyone is paying me to do. It’s shocking how quickly you can find yourself acting in a complete different capacity! :)
“While it is TRUE that I know how Job and Family Services should be run it is also true that I am not their boss and can’t appoint myself and I’m off track”
I think everyone should have a basic job description in front of them at all times. Who you work FOR, what is is you DO, that sort of thing.
Morning to Poco and the tribe ??
@Kay: An astute observation, Kay. Sometimes it may be arrogance, but I think most times it’s that either they were never really informed of what their job is to begin with, or that they were never reminded/guided by their managers, Shepherded, if you will.
Journalism! How the fuck does it work?
@Kay: OMG.
I thought that you were joking.
That’s REAL???
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Gracious, but will cut you while smiling.
She has it down to a science.
Don’t come for Chelsea Clinton unless she sends for you.
Who the hell do they think will watch this garbage?
@Suburban Mom:
Yep. That’s why I think today would be perfect. Gives an entire weekend and a couple days before the holiday to really stir things up. Wouldn’t want to be eating Thanksgiving dinner with the Fake First Couple, would you?
@Kay: is there any collective action we can take to stop this? I dunno ..identify every last company that buys advertising time on TimeWarner channels and pester them to death about advertising there until TimeWarner pulls this project. Who in their right mind would want to see a TV series on Chozick’s journey to adulthood while on the campaign trail?
Betty Cracker
@Kay: That’s so true! I am lousy at managing people and only did it briefly a couple of times when pressured into it, but you’re right — the task is to keep people focused on doing their actual jobs. I didn’t understand that, which was why I sucked at management. And when I’ve fucked up in non-management jobs, it was invariably because I lost sight of the task. I’m guessing the insight you shared isn’t covered in MBA programs. It should be! :)
Miss Bianca
@SFAW: burnt pasta? The FSM is aggressively tolerant, from what I can glean, but surely even the FSM has limits.
@OzarkHillbilly: So much shade.
Miss Bianca
@Immanentize: Imm, I seem to have missed something in the last few days. Are you due at a funeral,indeed? My condolences. : (
@Kay: Men. Hate. Women.
Same as it ever was…..
Another Scott
@Kay: Maggie was slagging Hillary at Politico long before she joined FTFNYT.
Gelfling 545
@Mezz: Granddaughter is a sophmore in college. She says that between her American Media class, her gender studies classes and her American Foundations class it’s like the 24/7 news cycle replaying in her classes
James E Powell
I’m guessing it’s because there is a market for it. Maybe the same people who buy Coulter’s books?
@Miss Bianca:
No, I would never offend the FSM. I mean, I partake of the body (linguine) and the blood (marinara), so I’m a devout Pastafarian.
I was thinking more along the lines of some fat Rethug, give him (or her) an idea of what’s waiting for him in Hell.
@Mike in DC: Don’t forget about Felix Sater. He’s been very quiet, but has cooperated. I think he was instrumental in helping to catch George Nader, the trump-affiliated child molester.
Gelfling 545
@Amir Khalid: How had they not heard of trivial? There’s even a game!
@Amir Khalid: Doesn’t seem like a large number of complaints:
@rikyrah: Tail wags, meows, and waves right back at you!
It’s true!
Uncle Ebeneezer
Max Blumental has a great long article about US White-Nationalist groups training in Ukraine. Pretty fascinating and disturbing. Might be worthy of a post by Cheryl/Adam. Cheers.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: Great. The grandchildren of the Greatest Generation (Tom Brokaw) are getting the gang back together and bringing the war home. Because freedom?
Uncle Ebeneezer
@laura: I’ve seen some of these RAM people at LA City and Board of Supervisors meetings. They are always wearing MAGA hats and creating chaos by yelling shit during the meetings. But remember,
there's no connection between Trump and Nazi's and you'd be a fool and a Communist to think there is...
Captain C
A) Hillary Clinton is obviously History’s Worst Monster. Mitt Romney is a vulture capitalist, which is noble, or something. (Totally nothing to do with him being a man.) Just read their paper and their stories, which will tell you all about it..
B) If they admit the truth that she’s not, they’d also be admitting that while a true fascist was running for power with the throaty backing of a nontrivial portion of the population, that not only did they stand aside and do nothing, but they abetted the fascist with their crappy, biased, incompetent rumor-mongering-disguised-as-reporting, so see A.