May we all open our hearts and reach across tables today. May we all find hopes and values in common. May there be pie. Happy Thanksgiving.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 22, 2018
Hola you can read it here: Thread by @MollyMcKew: "Thanksgiving is a day of survival and rebirth. It is Lincoln's day — and the best American holiday. It’s been my tradit […]"
Talk to you soon. ??— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) November 22, 2018
So remember this year how much we have to be thankful for, and what the price was.
It is not our victories that define us, but the fights we choose to fight. /11
— Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) November 22, 2018
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
“Lock her up!!!!”
I’m thankful we at least have the House.
I’m thankful we can start to at least mitigate the damage happening now.
I’m thankful that liberal policy might be on its way back.
And I’m really thankful for y’all. I started lurking around 2009. Finally broke in around 2010. Have loved this ride ever since.
As a cake person, will never capiche dessert pie love.
There’s a high end bakery here whose pies my friends ooh and ah over. Straight sugar would be less sweet.
@Yutsano: The house is a start, and I’m thankful for that.
What an amazing Twitter thread. it is the best thing that I’ve read that truly captures why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
thanks for sharing it.
A Ghost To Most
I’m thankful that the Sentinelese people had the good sense to kill the outlaw christian book banger before he could infect them with his lies. Hopefully, he did not infect them with disease.
@A Ghost To Most: Amen.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m thankful for all the wonderful jackals I’ve gotten to “meet” here over the last 2 years. I was a lurker for many years and finally decided to dip my toe in the water around May of 2017. I haven’t looked back since. I’m thankful for the conversations I’ve taken part in and the advice that I’ve gotten, even if I regrettably didn’t always take it.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@A Ghost To Most:
I’m surprised, given the official estimates of 40-500 inhabitants, that the Sentinelese haven’t become extremely inbred.
James E Powell
You and me are like Jack Spratt and his wife. When I was a kid, I always had a birthday pie, with candles.
A Ghost To Most
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Maybe they have, and there is nothing obvious to observers out of arrow range. I’ve read they have little resistance to common human diseases.
@A Ghost To Most
Hasa Diga Eebowai.
Major Major Major Major
We doing the thankful thing?
A lot of my dreams came true this year, and I’m thankful for everybody’s help and support along the way. Thankful the election went as predicted, though it could have been better obviously. Thankful that my friends & family are mostly healthy.
Oh and there was a ridiculously attractive gentleman at the thanksgiving dinner we crashed, so that was nice too.
The Thanksgiving song thread has come and gone so I’ll post Bob Franke’s Thanksgiving Eve performed by Sally Rodgers here.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@A Ghost To Most:
That’s true. I was researching this a bit and discovered that after a time, inbreeding wouldn’t be a problem since in such an environment and society those with the genetic defects would die before being able to reproduce. They likely wouldn’t be treated like European royals.
A Ghost To Most
The title said something about The Book of Mormon, of which I am ignorant (musical).
I hope the translation is “Keep that bullshit to yourself”.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’m glad that you delurked. I’ve been reading the site for a decade but only started commenting around the same time as you, and I think the rash of new commenters gave me the courage to finally join the conversation.
And I’m thankful for this entire community, as intelligent, humane, contentious, and kind as it is. Happy holidays, jackals!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Also an apparent aversion to or possibly taboo about green items.
A Ghost To Most
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I assume this numbskull knew this, and went anyway. I hope he suffered before he died.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’m glad that you delurked. I’ve been reading the site for a decade but only started commenting around the same time as you, and I think the rash of new commenters gave me the courage to finally join the conversation.
And I’m thankful for this entire community, as intelligent, humane, contentious, and kind as it is. Happy holidays, jackals!
Mike in NC
Dinner guests all left by around 7:30, and it’s now 10:00, so cleanup of the dining room and kitchen took about 2-1/2 hours. Doing the second load of dishes right now. Utterly exhausted! Popped a couple of Ibuprofen and fixed a cocktail to unwind. Next year somebody else will host Thanksgiving.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Does Mr. Major Major Major Major know about this? //
@A Ghost To Most
Just listen. The musical (by the team responsible for South Park) is pointedly anti-religion. Your guess at the translation is mild in comparison to the actual one in the lyrics.
Interesting that the very first comment on Hillary Clinton’s Twitter post is some nimrod saying “I’m very thankful you’ll never be president.” There are a lot of negative comments, of course, but I wonder at the level of obsession or whatever to camp out on her feed so that you can be sure to get in a negative comment right away.
I know it takes no effort to “follow” someone’s feed, but if you really, really hate someone, why would you want to be peppered with every comment they post? Rhetorical question.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: yes, we are making evil plans.
It was just us and a neighbor for dinner and we watched “The Russian Are Coming” after. Seeing all the panic about the Russkie’s made me realize we’ve been a chickenshit nation for a while. Anyway I started the day on BJ with this link about my buddy who was KIA 50 years ago today and I’ll end it the same way.
PFC Andy Stein
E 2/7
@Major Major Major Major: ohhhh myyyyy //Takei voice
The Dangerman
Other than Pumpkin for today (tradition), nothing better than a fine Ollalieberry pie (i forget what Ollalieberry is a cross of but I’m sure the curious can google it … best place, Linn’s of Cambria for those that visit the area).
ETA: More fruit, less sugar:
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major: you socialize with Corner Stone?
@A Ghost To Most: I am ashamed of myself for feeling like the missionary just might have deserved it.
Chetan Murthy
I’m thankful to live in a city and state surrounded by people of color and LGBTQ folks. And by white people who are thankful for those folks, too. I’m especially thankful for all the grandmas and aunts who made this election win happen. And especially so for my niece and nephews.
And now a bleg: I listen to Youtube for music (like the youngs, so I hear; I’m young and heart, I swear! haha, no, I’m ollld). And recently I find myself listening to Bonnie Raitt. She’s supposed to be a country singer, but honestly, I can’t see much difference in a lot of her music, from many modern blues singers. So, two questions:
(1) is this a reasonable characterization of her work? [well, maybe I shouldn’t care — I like it]
(2) are there other singers like her, that I oughta know of? I listen to Beth Hart already.
(re: the movie)
Emergency! Everyone to get from the street!
Fair Economist
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
It takes a while, generally centuries to millennia even in a population that size. I suspect they weren’t quite so hostile to outsiders before the Europeans came, and even 1 migrant per generation is enough to largely keep inbreeding in check.
Besides, they might be rather inbred. It’s not like we would know if their infant mortality rate was 3x what it should be.
A Ghost To Most
@Boussinesque: It’s good to get some folks in to counter us old cranks. I’m so old here, I remember when Raven was stuckInRed, and I was fupDuck. Lots of right wingers who faded away after JC’s “conversion”. This was a much wilder place then. Times change, but JC did a good thing, although he might not admit it. Besides, how many full-service blogs do you know of?
Steve in the ATL
@Suzanne: nah, they just saved themselves from herpes and genocide.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@A Ghost To Most: @Suzanne:
Missionary organizations are calling him a “martyr” and the family even called upon the Indian government to release the fishermen who took him to the island, saying he was “acting under his own free will”. Sorry, that doesn’t excuse culpable homicide.
@Chetan Murthy:
Always considered Bonnie Rait more blues than country. You might enjoy Tedeschi-Trucks….Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks…bluesy with a touch of Allmans.
A Ghost To Most
@Suzanne: Why would you feel shame? He broke the law and endangered the population by his mere presence, because he was convinced his BS was more important than their lives.
The asshole asked for it.
@A Ghost To Most: I’ve never been at any blog quite like this. Back in the day, I started at Pharyngula and Pandagon, but even they weren’t as wide-ranging as here, I think. I consider this place my home on the Internet, and I feel indebted to all the diversity of experience I get a window into from the commenters here. I remember some of the older names, but they’ve kind of faded over the years, although I do recall Omnes’ stalker’s ‘nym, for whatever reason (strange the things the brain will latch onto).
Major Major Major Major
@Steve in the ATL: dear god I hope not.
@Chetan Murthy: Bonnie Raitt is a blues singer and one of my five or so favorite slide players. Full stop. Country? No.
Not to be a downer, but what transpired 55 years ago today also needs to be acknowledged
For us olds, seems more like 55 minutes ago.
@raven: I watched that movie last year and it still held up pretty well. Alan Arkin was great and Jonathan Winters was, well, Jonathan Winters. Also great.
I need to go visit the wall. My Uncle Dean is on there (KIA in ’64). Died just short of his 32nd birthday. I went to the site you linked this morning, and seeing his picture really hit me.
RIP to your buddy.
Chetan Murthy
@A Ghost To Most:
Damn straight he did. Damn straight. Fucking godbotherer.
Chetan Murthy
Interesting. Growing up in Texas, she was always known as a country singer. But hey, it’s all good. I can listen to her *now*. Ha!
That’s exactly how I feel too. Thanks for everything, JGC and jackals!
Also the go-to guy for portraying pompous + befuddled, the always delightful Paul Ford.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’ve seen you around every once in awhile. You should comment more often. It’s good to belong to a community like this.
@Fair Economist:
That’s what I found when I was looking that up. Reddit is good for some things. I even found out that the Amish were suffering from genetic disorders.
@A Ghost To Most: I feel bad because somebody died, and it didn’t have to be that way, and the missionary probably did think he was doing something good and now he will never learn that he was wrong. I’m not losing sleep over it, because he did undoubtedly bring it on himself.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Dare I ask what?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I assume you’re aware of the celebrated Goku balloon from today’s parade?
@Chetan Murthy: She started out learning from Mississippi Fred McDowell.
Steve in the ATL
@frosty: Winters was an incredible talent. And he totally didn’t stain his legacy with his role on “Mork and Mindy”.
Na-Nu Na-Nu!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
That’s sort of how I feel about people convicted of murder. I feel bad in the sense that a lot human potential was wasted; their lives were thrown away in such a senseless act, as well as those of their victims.
Steve in the ATL
@Suzanne: I’ll bet that that’s the first thing he learned when he met his maker!
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Why befriending him, of course. He’ll be back for dinner tomorrow.
@Steve in the ATL: I saw that It’s A Mad^4 World was on last week and watched the beginning. Now I have to find 2 1/2 hours to see it all. Winters again, and what a cast!
The Baileys of Balboa was a good series. I barely remember it, but I do remember that it was great.
@NotMax: “The Russians are Coming!, The Russians are Coming!” In trump’s case they are already here. Very funny movie, a great cast of actors.
@Major Major Major Major
Made it back from Brooklyn without succumbing to the temptation to pick up a cheesecake at Junior’s?
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: I do not know this place. Should I?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Steve in the ATL:
Or maybe he never learned anything again
It’s not uncommon for religious people who have suicidal feelings to seek out dangerous situations that are likely to lead to their deaths so they won’t have the sin of deliberate suicide on their souls. Given the very nasty reputation of this particular island and native people, I strongly suspect that’s what was going on with this guy.
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major: nah, the best restaurant in NYC is the Olive Garden in Times Square
@frosty: Some of it hasn’t aged well, but a lot of it is still just as jaw-dropping as when I was a kid.
There’s this moment where Phil Silvers does a simple double take, and I watched it like 37 times trying to figure out why it was so funny, and still couldn’t.
Well, at the moment I’m listening to Gillian Welch singing ‘The way that it goes’. Gives me Chills.
@Major Major Major Major
Google tells me they also have a Times Square location. Dunno if it’s on a par with the old original.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I don’t comment as frequently just because I’m usually late to threads, and it’s hard to get long enough breaks during work to comment. That, and I often feel like others have already said everything I’d want to say, and I’m reluctant to comment if all I have to add is “right on!”.
But thank you for the sentiments, and I’ll try to comment more frequently. =3
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
I actually was not. Didn’t watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. That’s super cool though! I tried watching some of Super but it has a different tone then what I remember of Dragon Ball. That includes the DB and Z. I suppose, in the case of Z, that has a lot to do with the soundtrack and scrip. DBS is more obviously aimed at small children, imo, then DB or Z were.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Where you’ll poison him of course!
Steve in the ATL
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: nah, turns out it wasn’t Corner Stone
@Chetan Murthy: You ask about Bonnie Raitt. She is a blues singer and guitar player and was very much a part of the blues revival, which reintroduced Sippie Wallace and Alberta Hunter to new audiences in the early 70s, as a denizen of the Boston folk/blues scene (where I first saw her). The inflection point album for her was Give It Up, same era. I saw her in London in the summer of 1977 at Hammersmith Odeon in mid-August (you could smoke and drink in those old palaces then), surprise guest one Elton John. What a night that was. Her father was John Raitt, who originated the role of Billy Bigelow in Carousel. Not a country singer, altho’ you’ll find cross-over among the session musicians on some of her albums.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Steve in the ATL:
I get the feeling that CS isn’t the most popular guy around these parts…
I am thankful for the virtual company of you fellow jackals.
Sad, isn’t it?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: That’s no way to treat somebody so cute!
@NotMax: I’ve noted it on my Google Map.
@Steve in the ATL:
Guy Fieri has a sad.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: CS is an inconsistently valued commenter.
Major Major Major Major
[deleted – life is short]
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I like CS. I like most of the commenters here a lot. Y’all are good people, and I’m thankful for you and this forum.
A quick google search would have informed the ignorant that he was a direct threat to the continued existence of the Islanders, than they were to him.
Chetan Murthy
@Suzanne: Yeah, I agree. You read someone’s work for long enough and value it, and, well, sure they occasionally fly off the handle. Who amongst us does not?
Steve in the ATL
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: he has good days and bad days. He can be really funny, but sometimes gets bitter and jumps on posters inappropriately. Overall, he’s a net plus to B-J.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I wish he’d like me again, but he thinks I’m a troll apparently. Can’t do anything to change that, unfortunately. Maybe he’ll change his mind with time.
wasabi gasp
I’m thankful that I’m really good looking.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
What were you going to say?
Chetan Murthy
@wasabi gasp: ROFL *snort*
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Something mean.
@wasabi gasp: me too!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I guarantee he doesn’t think you’re a troll. He just trolls you about that because it gets a rise out of you.
Jerzy Russian
One would assume God would see through this trick, given that he is supposedly omnipresent and omniscient.
As he’s a homophobic putz, good.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Oh. Anyway, I remembered the Pathfork website you created a year or so ago. I was looking through it and discovered some of my ideas I had written up. It never got past the basic descriptions for settings/characters and plot summaries, but it I feel like I could use some of the material for a short story.
Here’s a description for a setting:
I was thinking of the short story involving an interrogation scene of a supposed rebel. I’m not sure what the rest of the plot would be, but I know I want to do that type of scene.
The perception that Bonnie Raitt is a country artist might be due to her making John Prine’s “Angel from Montgomery” hers.
zhena gogolia
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Trying to get CS’s approval is a mug’s game.
@Steeplejack: What Steeplejack said.
@A Ghost To Most: I heartily concur. As soon as someone uses the word “Satan” in an unironic manner,
I’m forced to assume that the speaker is either an idiot or a conman.
@Chetan Murthy:
Here’s a nice cover of Summertime by Joanne Shaw Taylor. I think she’s worth a listen. Also this: Blackest Day
Hope you did not blow the other aspects of the trip
J R in WV
@Chetan Murthy:
NO, no. I don’t know where you could have gotten the idea she’s a country singer. She’s pure blues, slide guitar, the works. Have seen her several times, wonderful performer in the blues styles.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Our chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise….
Our two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency….
Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Imperator….
Our *four*…
I’m thankfull Gavin McInnes is disavowing the Proud Boys now that they are a “extremist” organization,
So who’s going to tell the Proud Boys when it’s okay to masturbate, now?
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: It’s not the very worst idea, you should try writing it.
@Chetan Murthy:
Where did you get the idea that Bonnie Raitt is or ever was a country singer? She comes from a musical background (her father was a huge musical-theater star in the 1950s), but she discovered the blues as a teen and that’s where she first came to notoriety. FWIW, my personal view is that Sweet Forgiveness (1977) is her best record.
If you like Beth Hart, Susan Tedeschi should be right up your alley.
@Chetan Murthy:
Joan Osborne, “What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted.”
Major Major Major Major
This twitter-poll choose-your-own-adventure thanksgiving horror(?) story is fun:
Mary G
Just got back from dinner with old friends, where we had a lovely talk about how much we hate the president, and ate turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and all the usual stuff, came in the house and there is a big party with ham, beef and a million other things here. I’ll finally have some leftovers tomorrow!
If you want to hear something completely-out-of-left-field amazing on YouTube, check out sacred-steel band The Campbell Brothers’ take on “A Love Supreme.”
@Chetan Murthy:
Bonnie Raitt, “Everybody’s Cryin’ Mercy.”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Geez, talk about damning with faint praise. That’s ok if wasn’t your intention. I do plan on it.
Odie Hugh Manatee
From the last thread:
@raven: Maintaining altitude here, in a holding pattern waiting to discuss lower back surgery with the neuro. It seems that my lower half doesn’t want to keep supporting the upper half. Other than that, doing well and working my ass off.
I caught your post earlier about your brother. One of too many lost, every one of them forever missed by their loved ones.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I was going for ‘british understatement’ but I guess I missed.
West of the Rockies
@Chetan Murthy:
Maybe the Indigo Girls? Blame Molly is good, too.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Also, from the same setting from the same “story” I was working on at the time:
I also like to worldbuild, and designing societies/governments is something I enjoy. I remember writing this during the span of an 20 minutes or something, so there’s probably lots of flaws.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s ok. I can see now what you were going for.
@Major Major Major Major
Triggered the memory of a comedy sketch from back when.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Just googled that. Monty Python! There’s actually really cool slot machines based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
That is what happens to most tweets. Twitter has been overtaken by trolls. I’m not sure why people use that platform anymore.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
The “best” interrogations of the Nazi War Criminals were conducted by a Canadian Army Major.
He would feed them tea or coffee, cigs and biscuits.
He would start off with “conversations” about tactics, strategy and other aspects of their “professional roles”,
Converstation after conversation moving on more and more to more controversial subjects, day after day, never judging,
Letting them hang themselves by being an active listener.
It would also be a good time to see Dr. Strangelove again. In light of current events, ‘m thinking George C. Scott was underacting.
So was Stirling Hayden.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Eh, I was just thinking about doing it along these lines, ala the Dead Kennedys:
@J R in WV:
Her slide guitar playing is awesome. She also got a new generation interested in bluesmen like Buddy Guy (and I’m drawing a blank on the others, dammit).
Yes, definitely. Peter Sellers and Chill Wills, too. The lot of them.
The scariest part of Dr. Strangelove is that the CT in the movie, sounds like your Facebook Rage Uncle back in 2003, arguing about Saddam’s nukes.
Now it’s QAnon, 19 different flavours of MGTOW CT, Nazi CT, vaginal eggs, Antivax and 3 different kinds of Flat Earthers, all jumbled together with Climate Change Deniers.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Sudden onset brutality plays well in movies.
Intractible, grinding, uniform and relentless bureaucracy is scaryier in books.
Yeah, getting worse instead of better. The world has lost its mind. Even this.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Chetan Murthy: I agree that Bonnie Raitt is more a blues singer than a country singer, although the blues creeps into country music more than some of country’s fans care to admit.
You might look into Emmy Lou Harris and Gillian Welch as well.
@debbie: Yes indeed. I’ve been thinking over movies the kids at work (and my kids) need to see, starting with Casablanca. I forgot about Strangelove, but it’s on the list now.
*cough* Fritz Lang’s Metropolis *cough*
Out of touch, delusional, reactionary.
Bad Cold?
But yup.
@NotMax: And some of its many, many descendants, Brazil most obviously. Metropolis came out in the late 20s. I’ve wondered whether George Orwell saw it.
@Suzanne: Don’t feel too bad….the common theological thread for them is that when all the world’s people have “heard the word” then the world will end and Judgement Day is at hand. So. The reason they want to spread the Gospel is essentially to bring an end to everything. I don’t feel bad at all when these idiots get theirs.
@Jerzy Russian: LOL – one would think, wouldn’t one – always puzzled me about Pascal’s Wager, too …
@Major Major Major Major: “Try to go back to sleep” is always my choice, no matter what bed I wake up in.