UPDATED | Sources: General Motors closing Lordstown plant in early 2019 https://t.co/KaGJEp44P9 pic.twitter.com/zLKPSTvlD3
— 21 WFMJ (@21WFMJ) November 26, 2018
Just in time for the holidays CHRISTMAS!
And you know there will be a tweet from the Oval Office Occupant, blaming this on Sherrod Brown’s ‘lack of respect’…
Even worse, the company reaped a massive tax break from last year’s GOP tax bill and failed to invest that money in American jobs, choosing to build its Blazer in Mexico. https://t.co/jh6qSsvRPQ
— Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) November 26, 2018
Tim Ryan’s district. Maybe he should’ve paid more attention to his job, and less time trying to kneecap Nancy Pelosi?
1. Some political background on news of GM plant closures: Lordstown is in Trumbull county, Ohio, just above Youngstown.
Historically Trumbull county is a SOLIDLY Dem area, but surprised many by flipping for Trump in 2016 (see next tweet for maps).
It voted blue in the midterms https://t.co/USuo6R9Ws7
— Jack Jenkins (@jackmjenkins) November 26, 2018
4. The human upshot: it’s going to be a hard road for a lot of workers in that area in the immediate future, and the rust belt will continue its increasingly rough history of economic struggle.
The political upshot: It also doesn’t bode well for Trump in 2020.
— Jack Jenkins (@jackmjenkins) November 26, 2018
Good news for the Thief-in-Chief’s actual base, though…
GM shares extending gains, up more than 5.6%, after announcing job cuts and saying production would stop at several US and Canadian plants next year https://t.co/pfINfe3804 pic.twitter.com/dBfoRXJR8Q
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) November 26, 2018
Been a wild ride from "GM is alive and Osama bin Laden is dead" to “who cares about GM and Bill McRaven is a loser." https://t.co/HsjV5a5bHH
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) November 26, 2018
You knew he was a snake when you took him to your bosom…
wasabi gasp
Hey, ain’t like they Mississippi, no need to lump ’em together.
Anthony Cooper
Not a Tim Ryan fan, but congress critters don’t have much control over individual plant openings / closings.
As traitors deserve.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Since this is an open thread, I blogged about what makes a book rereadable for me.
These Trump voters are always complaining about liberal elites telling them what to do, but any industrial worker who trusted Trump has demonstrated that he needs to be told what to do.
The blizzard has passed. They have had hours to clean the streets.
Out of 21 of us on my side of the floor, 6 made it to work.
Damn. A quick google search:
So, they make money, but have to deal with Trump’s dumb ass tariffs, and screw over their employees for Christmas.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
Nothing about what the steel tariffs have to do with this?
So, finally those
rayguntotus dems are coming home?jl
And, reposted from previous thread. It will be interesting to follow where a lot of the production lands. Thanks to Trump, for several reasons, probably less than would have otherwise. Probably can’t stop of new production from eventually going overseas for GM’s foreign markets, but Trump’s BS probably sped it up.:
Some economists and business analysts pointed out that the Trumpsters messed up their new “winning” NAFTA (USMC or whatever they call it) deal so badly that it gives incentives to auto manufacturers to avoid North American production and assembly entirely. GM is increasing its high profit high-end exports from US to other parts of the world, particularly hybrids and extended range electric vehicles. Would be interesting to know how much of the discontinued production ever comes back to the US.
Yeah, You’d be hard put to find me very empathetic. You hug a snake, you get bit. I hope they all recover quickly, but they abandoned the party that saved them to go for the party that didn’t give a rat’s ass. Tired of rescuing people who will jump in front of the next disaster immediately.
In other news, the fabulous US version of Veterinarians Without Borders is run by personal friends of mine. They educate farmers & governments in several African nations on livestock safety, they aid zoonosis (sicknesses that jump from animals to humans & vice versa) research and nutritional research. Plus if they get enough dough,
I can quit my job and help them and go pet animals in Africathey expand their mission to improve medical & health outcomes in African communities. I’m gonna go home & write up some social media posts to shill for them for tomorrow, but I thought you guys might like first crack at it. They’re currently at work in Liberia so I’ll be posting wildlife shots most of the week on the twitters.different-church-lady
@Hoodie: …and where to go.
‘You could actually put it on your nachos and eat it,’ Fox guest says of gas used at the Mexican border
So the whole tire rims and anthrax thing was apparently literal, not figurative.
I just can’t even.
So far Mexico and Europe are the winners.
I hate Trump voters as much as anyone here does, but this is all on GM. Grab the huge tax breaks and then run for Mexico. This is criminal, and Trump should be popping off all over GM with more than just tweets.
I would also like to say that not everyone who worked at that plant voted for Trump. Please don’t rejoice for the older workers who will never find another job or for the families who now have to rethink their financial futures.
Never fear! Shitgibbon was very tough on GM’s President!
That should be inscribed in granite and displayed across the industrial Midwest
@TenguPhule: Yes. I forgot to thanks AL for info in post and links. China will eventually get more than they would have otherwise too.
@TenguPhule: Because everyone eats nachos by shoving them into their eyes.
Oh goodie we’re back to the pre-2007 days when job cuts were always greeted by the stock market as good news.
Trumpsters’ threat to turn back US federal policy, and strip states rights, on automobile environmental standards also might play a role.
Besides the bigotry and dishonesty, there is always the ignorance and incompetence with Trump.
Of course. He finds it very easy to be tough on women.
Miss Bianca
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Guess I’m gonna have to read “The Thief” now, because I’m right with you on your other two examples!
No rejoicing just that voting matters. Remember how President Obama saved GM and the thanks? The mid-terms were a disaster for him and the Dems. Ditto healthcare. These voters who support the party of the elite deserve what they get – that Dem voters suffer too is a feature for the elite, not a bug; the real enemy is the elite who wholly back the thug party and the orange fart cloud.
Wilful bigot voting will beget awful results. Always.
nobody is rejoicing. this is sad beyond belief but it was not unexpected or unpredictable. I refuse to feel sympathy for assholes who get burned playing with matches
these assholes stabbed Obama in the back after he saved them
and now I see @Cermet: got there first
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I started a project of rereading books I remembered meaning a lot to me. Hated or was disappointed in the first two I reread, so I thought it better to can the project.
Major Major Major Major
Leopards, faces…
In personal news, I joined a gym! Such a big city gay nowadays.
The Indiana Carrier factory says Hey! Winning!
Gelfling 545
“It’s natural, you could actually put it on your nachos and eat it,”
You first, Mr. Colburn.
As the year comes to a close, let us join together in harmony to remember the universal condemnation of certain lifestyle choices….I’m just kidding.
@different-church-lady: I always start off a dish of nachos by smearing some hot sauce, lime juice and salt into my eyes. Gets the palate ready.
I also always snort some water down into my lungs before I take a drink. Few people know this, but it’s a great taste test. It also means that water boarding is not that bad. I tell my bleeding heart liberal friends all the time “Hey, you drink that stuff every day, you know?”
Not True. Trump’s NAFTA fuckup means its less economically viable to produce cars in the USA compared to Canada or Mexico. Between that and the tariffs kicking in, of course GM is going to do what’s best for the shareholders.
Who am I to judge? There are good people on both sides of the nachos shoved into the eyes debate. //
@Major Major Major Major:
A what now?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Again, why do union members vote Repug? They know the Repugs hate them.
@TenguPhule: Worse than that. For exports out of North America, best to avoid North America at all, for anything. So means not only less export production, but fewer parts production and assembly for export. And most of GM’s export growth is outside North America.
Other than that, yes, it could also mean better to produce outside the US. Problem is that some of the new parts of the new NAFTA are confusing, and some new provisions conflict with provisions that remain from the old NAFTA.
Might be a shock, but Trump’s new NAFTA looks to be sloppily and hastily slapped together.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: this is not the first time I’ve heard “pepper spray is no big deal, you can put it on food!” from fascists before. When was the other one… the Occupy protestors in California?
@TenguPhule: a big-city gay!
His skills in the boardroom rival his skills in the bedroom. Or so I’m told.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
because Republicans hate the coloreds & so do many union members
@Major Major Major Major: Berkeley. That one security officer that blasted the non-violent people who were sitting.
Ohio Mom
Let’s not forget that a majority of my fellow Ohioans also just voted in a slew of Republicans, from Governor on down. That’s not going to help anyone in Lordstown either.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Economic anxiety. //s
Everything Trump touches, dies.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@jl: Speaking as someone who works in manufacturing; the off shore rush was over and things stabilized, what was in the US was going to stay in the US, Then president dumb ass jumped in with his idiotic tariffs and screwed it all up.
Of course he’s worse then expected. Trump approved of him!
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: Davis, wasn’t it?
None of it, Katie.
@Major Major Major Major: Yep. Nov 18, 2011.
And it wasn’t a BLM. It was over the tuition hikes.
@Ohio Mom:
I eagerly await DeWine’s first response. Hope it’s something other than blaming it on Kasich.
Thoughtful David
Yes, I’m sorry for the workers who voted for Dems. And yes, closing the plant is (mostly) on GM. But the Trumpanzees? I’ve got no sympathy. Clinton and the Dems in general have had platforms and policies that would help these folks, not just platitudes. Things like retraining, economic support for bringing new business (like alternative energy), infrastructure projects, health care systems. So the fuckers voted for Trump. They got what they wanted–a chance to punch down–so I’m actually happy for them. And they’re getting what they deserve. It’s the rest of the folks they’re dragging down that I reserve my sympathy for.
Mr Stagger Lee
I remember what the papers proclaimed after Trump was elected.
TRUMP-BULL COUNTY Oh well another generation of young people to leave just like I did 36years ago
@TenguPhule: Whitiker was peddling specially designed toilets with room for us, ahem, extra well endowed menfolk. Big johns for big junk! He can’t be all bad. I can’t think of a better prep for US AG.
@Gelfling 545: I’ve got some NATURAL Hemlock here Mr Colburn (and isn’t that a fitting Trumpian name). Have a chug.
You too, Doocy.
Van Buren
@TenguPhule: I find it hard to believe that anyone could possibly prefer smooth guac to chunky.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Mainly to stick it to the Blacks, Browns, Gays, Women.
John Revolta
“We had to do something! Won’t somebody think of the shareholders??!!”
The GM Move (as mentioned above) was lauded by Wall Street. This morning on the business channels the GM spokesperson was talking up how there is no market for automobiles in the US anymore, the customers only want trucks and SUV (bastardized trucks on a truck chassis), so therefore GM does not need auto assembly plants any more.
And I thought, well that’s just bull I see plenty of automobiles around: Tototas, Nissans, Hondas, Lexi, Kias, Acuras, Beemers, and Mercedes…ooh never mind.
Talked to the folks at Mayo. They do not have an explanation for what happened but are really, really sorry. I am almost over wanting to slit my wrists and will probably be ‘normal’ after I cry myself through the night to night. So far we’re still on for next Tuesday
Mary G
@Major Major Major Major: Have you reunited with Samwise yet? If so, is he speaking to you?
Patricia Kayden
@ruemara: That’s so cool! Petting animals in Africa (or pretty much anywhere else) sounds like a really calming job. Good on your friend for starting such a great organization.
sm*t cl*de
“Donald Trump dislikes this policy” might be a “weighty blow” if anyone in the UK gave two tugs on a dead dingo’s dick about the dumbarsed blatherings that fall out of Donald Trump’s facehole.
And in other news, Manafort has unflipped. This sudden outbreak of defiance from people who had flipped or were on the verge of flipping (Manafort, Corsi, Papadopoulos, etc.) is making me wonder what the hell is up…
TS (the original)
@Timurid: trump offering pardons?
And how does Mueller know Manafort is lying – what does he know that is so upsetting to the family trump?
Mike in NC
Trumpazees in Ohio getting chunks of coal in their Christmas stockings? But it’s byoootiful clean coal!
@Schlemazel: I’m really sorry. What did they do? Is there anything we can do?
@Patricia Kayden: They’re also really nice people and generous to me even though I’m sure I killed the sourdough starter the wife gave me. And I bring over fattening desserts to family dinners.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: he won’t live with us again until mid-January ? But I’m visiting him this weekend!
Manafort lying to the FBI and Mueller after getting the plea deal does not strike me as the actions of a rational mind.
They’re spooked.
@TS (the original):
Presumably because he only asks questions he already knows the answers to.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
To be fair Mahoning County did vote for Hillary in 2016, though by thinner margins then it should have. I live here and the Dems are very much R-lite IMO.
Evening peeps…
Finally got me a wireless printer.
It was $19.99 on Walmart.com…i think it was $30 in store, if i was looking at right one. It comes with 1 set of ink cartridges, but i bought a 2 pack Black just in case. I spent more on the ink than the printer!!
I can now print from all my devices!
randy khan
AP is reporting that prosecutors say that Manafort violated his plea agreement by lying to investigators in the Russia probe.
Subtext to the rest of the Trumpers: We know a lot more than you think we do.
FDA expressing high confidence that tainted Romaine is California’s fault.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
It’s the dumbest thing in the world. I love driving sedans and couldn’t imagine owning a truck or SUV. I just don’t want to drive them. I’ll be continuing to buy Kia.
@Major Major Major Major:
They didn’t have gyms in San Francisco Francisco have the food trucks got to you already?
Does not sound good at all.
Major Major Major Major
@HinTN: San Francisco is hilly and has reasonable-ish weather and garbage public transit, so you don’t feel the need for a gym as acutely.
I can honestly say that cannot tell you if I’ve ever heard a Meek Mill rap album (I place a bet that not many here at BJ know who Meek Mill is, but anyone who listens to rap, or follow rappers will)…so I can’t say I am even a fan…but this…this…I commend this brotha for using he circumstances to fight for the rights of others!
Alright now young man!
Meek Mill with a video Op-Ed in the NYT
The canceled my appointments for today but didn’t bother to tell me.
Its not just the round trip or the hotel & meal expense (this time of year it is a good idea to go the day ahead in case of weather for a 7Am appt. It is that I thought today would be the day I would start getting good answers
@debbie: they are in fact a (conservative) D district.
Blame the evangelicals and the country club set for the republicans. Same assholes as always
The base (of rubes) gotta suck it and still support me – totus thug
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You are correct. Mostly thanks to Columbiana County, we elected two goopers to the state assembly. One of which closely tied himself to Trump.
@Major Major Major Major: I do admit I like the metro. And yes, once upon a time I “trained” for my assault on Half Dome by walking all over those hills one Labor Day weekend. Didn’t help one damn bit with the altitude, though. ?
@misterpuff: What GM is really saying is that they no longer wish to sell any vehicles for less than 30k.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
How much of that 12 billion for emergency farm aid has been used by now?
@HinTN: I didn’t do anything before I climbed Half Dome, then again, I was 18 and we went up the back side.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Make no mistake, I used the cables. Glad I was to use arms instead of tuckered out legs to go up those last few hundred feet.
ETA: I was double your age when I went in ’89. Great experience!!! Was sad recently to learn you now have to win the lottery to be allowed to go.
@Major Major Major Major: ” San Francisco is hilly and has reasonable-ish weather and garbage public transit, ”
You got a 7 mile by 7 mile semi-island, plunk enough semi-functioning buses and light rail, operated by poorly trained people, half of whom cannot seem to communicate with the riders (which seems unrelated to whether their or riders’ first language is English or not, seems like if you want to act rude and weird, in SF Muni, the motto is ‘let your freak flag fly’), and a management that sets records, for bizarre behavior, it sort of works.
A lot of San Francisco should be considered a ‘never drive there’ zone. And public transit works there, since trying to drive is equally disastrous.
Edit: in fairness to SF Muni, I think it one of a very few major metro transportation systems that has no dedicated budget source. Has to fight for funding every year out of general fund. Though, I have not checked on how that may have changed last couple of years.
@lamh36: COOL
File it under too little, too late.
@HinTN: Yup, view is amazing up there; sad it’s so hard to be able to go up.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’m with you on that. I drive a Kia Rio, and next time, I’ll get something even smaller.
@Schlemazel: I’m so sorry they screwed up your appointment. I’m still optimistic that Mayo will help you feel so much better!
@TenguPhule: I believe it was UC Davis not Berkeley.
Ohio Mom
@Schlemazel: Growling in the direction of the doctor’s office on your behalf.
Last year, my bone endo moved away — hooray, she was a jerk — and I called the other bone specialist in “the system.” She didn’t have an opening for something like four months. Then, two weeks before the appointment, her office called and moved the appointment to three months later.
When I was finally face-to-face with the doctor, she scolded me for waiting so long to see her! The subtext being, What a noncompliant patient I was.
Everyone always tells me, “You have to be your own medical advocate.” But it is impossible to do so when you can’t get in the door. It is very frustrating and infuriating.
Here’s hoping next week’s appointment occurs without a hitch, and that the doctor you see has good answers and great tricks up his sleeve.
Please keep us posted.
joel hanes
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
why do union members vote Repug?
To own the libs who they feel look down on them.
Mike G
Trump complaining about someone’s lack of respect is like Jeffrey Dahmer complaining about the food in prison.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I drive a Forte and love it. Rio’s are pretty small already imo. What were you thinking of getting?
@TenguPhule: Actually UC Davis.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Miss Bianca: I love that whole Attolia series that starts with The Thief.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@debbie: Good choice. Life’s too short to read things you don’t enjoy.
Viva BrisVegas
That’s what happens when you take on Putin as your life coach.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Probably a Fiat 500. Before the Rio, I was driving a Mini Cooper, but although I loved driving it, it was terribly unreliable, even before a design flaw led to my needing the engine replaced. (I was like 3K over the limit for the class-action suit over the defect. And yes, I’m still bitter.)
Stuart Frasier
It appears that Cox has taken the lead in CA-21, which would be the 40th House pickup of the midterms!
…and I missed the new front page post.
Amir Khalid
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
You’re a college student with a retail-sector job who has owned a number of cars over the years? Hmm.
With the sc now packed with the trumpturds, may be the other trumplings are emboldened? I’ll believe in much touted Mueller power when it actually happens.