They can’t help themselves:
House Republicans on Monday unveiled a tax package that would fix some technical errors in the tax law they passed last year, reform parts of the Internal Revenue Service, and provide tax relief for victims of the California wildfires and other natural disasters.
The legislation also would extend about 30 tax breaks that are regularly renewed but are at risk of expiring, and the bill aims to make it easier for small employers to provide retirement plans to their workers.
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.), chair of the Ways and Means Committee, released the nearly 300-page bill Monday night during Congress’s lame-duck session. The proposal would require Democratic votes in the Senate to be signed into law, and it faces an uncertain fate given a crunch of other issues facing Congress before it adjourns in December.
“The policy proposals in this package have support of Republicans and Democrats in both chambers,” Brady said in a statement. “I look forward to swift action in the House to send these measures to the Senate.”
They crafted it with no Democratic input, no one has read the bill, so I am sure it is just fixes. Right?
They can fix the Republican mistakes next spring when the adults are back in charge.
Though 300 pages, I have read the bill is sorely lacking in many details that would be necessary to have a true idea of the impact.
Mind you, they don’t agree on which proposals in there deserve support.
I think its safe to assume it stinks and will cause great harm. Like everything else Republicans have been doing for the last 38 years or so.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Not sure how Brady squares this:
with this:
The Senate Dems should tell the goopers to go pound sand.
The epitaph of the Democratic Party.
‘Negotiate’? Hmph. Is that a… a word? What does it mean?
Looks like Republicans threw some shit against the wall hoping some of what they want would stick.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Bipartiasanship is the act of Democrats conceding and doing what Republicans want. //s
TS (the original)
Meanwhile the republican pundit – who I will not name – or link – at the WaPo has just suggested
They have different rules when the democrats are in charge
OT. NYT article about the Lion Air crash.
No Democratic input, but expect Democratic votes???
Thoughtful David
According to FTFWaPo, Bart O’Kavanaugh is back to coaching girl’s basketball. Didn’t those parents listen?
Nancy Pelosi: How about never. Is that good enough?
@Thoughtful David:
Pimping out their teenage daughters in exchange for the criminalization of Abortion and bringing Bibles back into the classroom seems fair enough. //
And there he goes again.
@TenguPhule: No doubt that GM expected this reaction. And will ignore it.
Villago Delenda Est
Kevin Brady is not an honest person. He is a Rethuglican.
I’m sure by “reform the IRS” they mean “hamstring the IRS”…to make high-end tax dodges easier to get away with.
They want to demand that the IRS come up with a “Customer Service Plan” to please people who don’t want to pay their taxes.
No, I’m not making this up.
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: Donald is a paper tiger. Weak, impotent, lame.
Miss Bianca
These fucking people
@Miss Bianca: Come sit by me.
@jonas: But fine if they go after poor people and even some middle class….
Villago Delenda Est
@TS (the original): Said Rethuglican pundit needs to be booked on the rocketship to the Sun.
TS (the original)
@TenguPhule: trump doesn’t know how to “save jobs”. He does know how to send a company bankrupt.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I like how he completely ignores the plant closing in Ontario, Canada.@TenguPhule:
Why the //s? That’s pretty much spot on from the Republican POV.
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: The plan should involve short lengths of rope and sour apple trees.
Well, if Nancy “World’s Most Evilest Speaker-of-The-House-to-Be EVAH” Pelosi were serious, she would already be promising to give the Republicans whatever they want in the next session, because that’s how compromise and bipartisanship work, right?
Or so I’ve been told be the progressives over at
Fifth ColumnThird Way/ProblemCausersSolvers.ruemara
@Thoughtful David: You talk as if the religious right think girls are real people.
Tax cuts for fire victims. Insanity. They need real help, not a tax break. I can’t with these people
@Villago Delenda Est:
And if he complains that the rocket will burn up, tell him it’ll go there at night, after the Sun has set, so no problem.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Proud Boys/Alt Reichists/Trump worshippers and other assorted fascists:
“Just you wait libs! God-Emperor Trump will have that nasty Barra shot and GM will open all of it’s plants back up in fear of the God-Emperor’s wrath, you’ll see!”
zhena gogolia
Nobody’s discussed the death of Bertolucci?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
We’re not Republicans, now are we?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: The Greater Good demands that Republicans be exiled to Venus.
@MattF: Sounds like Boeing is in a world of trouble. Like they did not adequately inform airlines of emergency procedures, and how differently the new system responds. And now they’re dissembling and denying.
What I have not heard (or looked for) is what other airlines’ experience with the 737MAX and its MCAS has been. Believe Norwegian also flies them?
Albeit, a better airline than Lion would have taken that misperforming new jet out of service, and tested it before loading it up with passengers. Whole thing is such a tragedy.
It’s cool, Sqi is assistant coach.
@Villago Delenda Est: No argument here.
@trollhattan: if Donkey Dong is involved, it could get ugly.
This past August, Trump unilaterally cancelled the planned 1.9% (effectively cost of living) pay raise for federal civilian employees ( but did not cancel it for military). I am still watching to see if some end of year bill restores that. I think it is possible, but not a heavy favorite.
@zhena gogolia: I hope he is in hell and that Marlon Brando is ass fucking him with butter as lubricant. Probably not what you were looking for, sorry.
@Elizabelle: I was surprised this did not affect Boeing the day after it went down. It was a brand new plane.
Unexplained crashes of those are not good.
Narrator: It won’t.
@debit: I was amused when NPR either said it ‘was a scene that included butter’
or ‘a sex scene that included butter’ Not very helpful to those who do not know what the scene entailed ( pun intended!).
@zhena gogolia:
Or for that matter, Nic Roeg.
The Moar You Know
@Elizabelle: And the FAA, and especially Lion Air (this airliner had the same problem on the previous four flights and no one took it out of service). But Boeing fucked up big time on this. The system handles the MCAS cutout differently and they didn’t see fit to tell anyone.
My dad was a commercial pilot for most of his entire career (military in Vietnam of course). He’s still training pilots. A failure to inform pilots of a major control change like this is very, very, very rare, for which I’m glad, because something like this could have killed him.
They may end up with some kind of compromise.
The extenders and some of the technical corrections need to be dealt with now. There is some crap in the original tax bill that was passed that really makes no sense, or which was so poorly crafted that it invites exploitation by crafty taxpayers and their tax lawyers.
In the past, Democrats and Republicans would work on or at least come to some rough agreement on extenders and other loose ends. But the GOP can’t help themselves. They really believe that they are the only legitimate government and that “bipartisan” means going along with what the Republicans want.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Make it so, Number One!
@Elizabelle: Yeah, the information in that article was not a good look for them. Dissembling is right.
Or Stephen Hillenburg, The Creator Of “SpongeBob SquarePants,” Passed away at age 57.
@debit: Sounds like you meant without butter.
@Elizabelle: It usually takes several simultaneous failures to produce a fatal crash. In this case, a bad sensor in an airline that doesn’t really ‘do’ maintenance, a manufacturer that changed a specific aircraft’s response to bad information, an inadequately documented change in the required response by the pilot. You have to unwind all this before assigning responsibility. But Boeing’s overengineering of the aircraft’s response looks to have played a role.
Miss Bianca
@TenguPhule: Uh, hello, dipstick judge…other celebrities are NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES.
@catclub: Well, one doesn’t want to sound like a sadist. Also, too, think of Brando’s dick.
@MattF: Yeah. This one’s gonna have multiple causes, but neither LionAir nor Boeing come off looking well.
Brand new plane in perfect weather, though. Come on, guys.
ETA: And I don’t think they have found the cockpit voice recorder yet. That one’s going to be heartbreaking, when it comes up. Those pilots tried so hard. (And possibly through a veil of exhaustion. Have heard Lion works its pilots way too hard.)
Roger Moore
@The Moar You Know:
They claim, at least, that they did tell people; the new procedure is in the manual for the new plane. Maybe they didn’t make a big enough deal out of it, but it is the pilots’ responsibility to know their plane. That said, I’m glad that air accident investigations are based on trying to figure out how to prevent future accidents rather than laying blame. There were obviously multiple failures at the root of this accident- the airline keeping the plane in service when it had repeated problems, Boeing not making a big enough deal out of changes from one model to the next, and pilots not knowing the correct procedure- and they all should be addressed as part of the response to the accident.
Roger Moore
That’s another issue that needs to be taken up as part of the response to the accident. If pilot fatigue was a contributing factor in the crash, they need to look at work schedules.
I would not fly on upstart or budget airlines in Asia. Just not the margin of safety the classic carriers have. (Singapore, Cathay, Thai, etc.) But I suspect some places have no alternative. The budget jet, or the ferry and they have disasters of their own.
Sometimes the good guys win against all odds. The first Democratic flip for the Ohio Senate had literally everything going against her. The party didn’t endorse her because there were well known skeletons in her closet (a hit and run when she was 16, a bankruptcy following a divorce, acknowledge PTSD after the death of her mother and brother in a car accident and she sold alcohol to a minor in her early twenties. She is also an immigrant from Laos. the Republican spent a Million Dollar Campaign against her. It looked like the Republican candidate had won on election night, but after they counted provisional and absentee ballots, she won and by more than the percentage to qualify for a recount, so unless the Repubs decide to pony up more money, she’s in. Congratulations Tina Maharath
Dan B
@The Moar You Know: It will be interesting to see if any of the Lion Air crash story ends up in the Seattle Times.
Boeing has a turbulent history here with some dramatic ups and downs.
(sorry, sorta – long day of battling opaque bureaucracies and specialists in Catch 22)
Uncle Cosmo
@Villago Delenda Est: Tell him fame & fortune awaits him as the first man on the Sun – and to ensure his safety, he’ll be landing at night. Appeals to ego, greed, & a creationist-level (mis)understanding of science – what’s not to like? :D