I love these heartwarming holiday stories. https://t.co/DkvAD5OHtc
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 1, 2018
Rudy wanted his people to throw him one last big party at somebody else’s expense, but his grab for attention via the Oval Office Occupant has taken a bad turn:
Plans for a party celebrating the 25-year anniversary of Rudy Giuliani becoming the mayor of New York City are “fizzling out” because the 74-year-old politico is “too toxic,” according to a source who was invited.
Ideally, the fete was to have taken place at the New York Hilton hotel where Giuliani celebrated his election win in November 1993. Organizers were aiming for early January…
“Rudy wanted it to appear to come together organically,” according to that source, who said the mayor left party-planning responsibilities to associates who struggled to find supporters willing to pay for tickets.
According to that insider, Giuliani’s position as the embattled President’s personal lawyer has made him “too toxic” to be around right now.
“It’d be like a mafia wedding,” that source joked, referring to mob gatherings where investigators and media members show up to take an inventory of party-goers with close ties to the dubious guests of honor…
According to Giuliani, he’s heard nothing about an anniversary bash in early 2019.
“If there was a party for me, it was a surprise party,” he said. “I don’t know anything about a party. If you find something out, let me know.”…
Former Giuliani communications director Cristyne Nicholas was involved in talks about coordinating a party, the source said. Nicholas did not return requests for comment.
In 2001, Giuliani was christened “America’s Mayor” for his resolute response to the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Time magazine named him its Person of the Year for his efforts.
The former mayor’s popularity has waned since he took over as Trump’s attorney in April…
Christyne Nicholas was alleged, by Giuliani’s second wife, to have auditioned for a position as Giuliani’s third wife (before losing out to Judith Nathan, who has since joined the ranks of his exes). Ya don’t lightly discard old ‘friendships’ like that…
The difference between Rudy and Donald Trump is that Rudy’s old man couldn’t leave him a few hundred million to play with — just the, ahem, subterrean contacts that would power his rise in the Republican party.
Rudy shoulda remembered: Everything Trump Touches, Dies.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
“America’s Mayor”. How fucking insipid and corny. I’d love to meet the media moron who probably unilaterally bestowed Ghouliani that title so I could give them the middle finger.
Good night, and good morning.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I know we’ve talked about this here before. That “resolute response” was him wandering the city looking for a command center. But, whoops, he built his at the site of the previous attack.
(Those are not lookalikes.)
@RedDirtGirl: I remember the speech through the bullhorn on the wreckage. I can’t recall at all what he did after that. I think gave a few more Noo Yahk pep talks.
@Yutsano: he set up his “shag shack” with his last mistress, now ex-wife, in what was supposed to be a rest / recovery point for the folks doing cleanup.
@Yutsano: He wanted the city to put off the election and let him serve as mayor until things were under control, IIRC Rudy would make determination.
M. Bouffant
Living in the past: Who the hell celebrates the 25th anniv. of their election to anything? I imagine such a thing has been done before, but I’ve never heard of it.
M. Bouffant
@sukabi: Wasn’t that his convict friend Kerik?
Who throws themselves a public anniversary party for an ancient election win?
Only answer I can think of: Someone who actually wants to celebrate the anniversary of his wedding to 9-11, but doesn’t dare.
Who calls for a party for himself and then pretends it was going to be a surprise? Could it be someone who pretends the name America’s Mayor just happened organically?
Who got the NYT to accept a fake FBI story as front page news?
@M. Bouffant: You’re probably right, although guiliani was in the midst of a very public, nasty affair / divorce drama during that period.
How very coy of him to pretend to not know of this event.
I’m with Aleta: who does this? I understand the big party for the empty anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, but a mayor? Maybe when it’s his Diamond Celebration we can do that for Rudy.
Amir Khalid
He was selling tickets. He wanted his people to throw him that party at their expense. I wonder what he had planned fo do with the moey if he made a profit.
I’m reminded of that Arrested Development episode where Lucille Bluth bursts into an empty restaurant room joyously crying “surprise!”.
Amir Khalid
Elizabeth II is popular with the people. She has been successful as a national symbol and is the longest reigning monarch in Britain’s history; so, as mystifying as it might be to outsiders, there is indeed something for the Britons to celebrate at her Jubilees.
@Amir Khalid
Brits celebrate with pomp.
Yanks celebrate with sales.
@Amir Khalid: he’s seen how Jerome Corsi’s legal defense GoFund me has gone and thought he’d make out better if he sold tickets to his party…
Plus he probably thought that he could use the ghost of 9/11 as a talisman against being indicted…you know he’s in this up to his ghoulish eyeballs.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid: To split a hair, I think the Post is alleging Rudy ‘encouraged’ his people to start hitting The Usual Donors up to buy tickets, the cost of which would be used to throw a big honkin’ party during the dull post-New Year, pre-Valentines season. (Minus ‘expenses’, which as Melania’s best girlfriend discovered after the inauguration, don’t always get audited.)
Tragically — for Rudy — seems like even NYC ‘real estate developers’ and high-dollar socialites looking to fix traffic tickets / sexual abuse allegations / domestic violence cases no longer consider his ‘juice’ worth buying in advance. He’s always been a two-bit grifter with a big mouth and a bad temper, but humping Trump’s leg so publicly has reduced Rudy to a joke of a two-bit grifter.
(Frankly, I’m hoping this means his alleged bone-corrupt FBI ‘contacts’ in the NYC branch are being scrutinized by Mr. Mueller in DC, because on some topics I chose to be an optimist.)
@Amir Khalid: That word was supposed to umpty. Umpty-year anniversary.
Yes, I know she’s popular. AND she’s the offing QUEEN. As I said, I understand why they would have a big party for QEII.
Rudy was only a mayor of a city.
Sometimes I really hate autocorrect.
Well, per the video I linked to above, Rudy is also an old queen.
Wonder if the third rate american msm would have endowed the sickeningly corny america’s mayor title to a dem mayor if he/she had been in power on 9/11. The totus thug knows how corrupt and servile is the media to the rethugs.
Meanwhile, actual New Yorkers at the time thought Giuliani handled himself competently at first, then remembered why they were sick of him as he descended to his usual power-grabby schtick by first trying to take advantage of the terror attack to grab a third term for himself despite being term-limited out – and then trying to at least postpone the upcoming election to extend his second term.
Real classy, Rudy.
@Amir Khalid: Did he give the money back? That would be unlike him.
TS (the original)
Each celebration 25/50/60 years has been the celebration of her ascension to the throne – not the coronation – which was a year after she became Queen. She is very popular in most commonwealth countries.
Amir Khalid
@Anne Laurie:
He instigated it, so he dunnit.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
The media moron in question is Oprah.
God, I remember that. NYC’s hearty, “Getdafuckouttahere” to that proposal was when I first really knew the city was going to be okay.
@Amir Khalid:
Also, she’s still Queen, so the Jubilees are celebrations of career longevity. They’re like wedding anniversaries for long-married couples. Giuliani is no longer Mayor of NYC and hasn’t been for 17 years, so there’s no reason for a party. (My own wedding was in 1964, but while I privately noted the 50-year mark in 2014 there was no golden anniversary event because we had divorced in 1978.)
People who haven’t accomplished anything since? If you remember Married: With Children, it’s Al Bundy and that one football play he made in high school.
Ian G.
Lololololol! Trump and Giuliani should just marry each other when their next divorces happen, I think it takes one to really understand the other, given they are pretty much the two biggest assholes, with the most fraudulent “accomplishments” the city has ever produced. Add in the tendency to treat wives like cars to be traded in for newer models, and you know they’ll both be single in no time.
Can I say that this story has brightened my morning immensely? Giuliani may not be in a position to do as much harm with his intrinsic loathsomeness as the Dolt, but as a longtime New Yorker I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to despise him for decades now. Everyone knows the highlights — the press conference announcing that he was divorcing his wife without telling her or their kids first, the botched command center location, the barely concealed affair with his aide, the attempt to remain mayor after his term was up — but there was so much more. He was a petty tyrant through and through. A few years after he left office, he gave the keynote address at a software conference I attended in Florida — because apparently he would do anything for money. And he talked about 9/11! It was so offensive. He really is noun-verb-9/11.
@Nicole: The most satisfying part of that was when they got rid of the term limits so Bloomberg could have a third term as mayor. The difference being that people actually liked Bloomberg for the most part. Anybody who liked Rudy wasn’t anyone you wanted to know.
@arrieve: I actually was really mad about the term limits thing with Bloomberg because it wasn’t a public referendum; it was a City Council decision. I oppose term limits myself, but you have to respect the will of the voters on it. (The Dem opponent basically didn’t campaign and still only lost by a few points so clearly the voters were mad, too. I was.) That whole thing was really shady to me. If Giuliani had had Bloomberg’s money, he might have been able to bribe City Council, too.
@arrieve: “they got rid of term limits” is specious at best. The NYC voters voted TWICE through referendums to impose term limits.
Then in 2008 the New York City council (a more corrupt organization you will never encounter) “voted” to overturn those referendums. They voted 29 – 22 to overturn millions of NY’ers votes.
I know. I was there. I voted against term limits in the referendums. I believe that elections are de facto term limits. But I was LIVID that the council was able to do that.
@Nicole: Are you me? ;)
@Nicole: @HeleninEire: Oh I know. I was pretty livid too. But I have to admit I enjoyed it just because of the slap in the face to Rudy.
There were quite a few Republicans and ex-Republicans who supported Giuliani– his appeal was ‘socially liberal asshole’. And, I guess, crimefighter. Outside NYC this wasn’t effective; history has shown that the ‘socially liberal’ part was unnecessary, and was actually just dissipation.
After the first, unsuccessful attack on the World Trade Center (car bomb in the underground parking garage in 1993) New York City recognized the need for a central command post to coordinate responses to terrorist attacks. After a lot of effort went into identifying an appropriate location, Giuliani overruled it and forced them to put the command center in…wait for it…the World Trade Center. The reason? It was a convenient location for boinking his various paramours. Giuliani’s dick was the reason the central command post was useless on 9/11. America’s mayor, my ass.
I’m pretty sure that was GWB. Rudi couldn’t scramble up a stair step, let alone a pile of rubble.
Well, on the plus side, at least Rudy’s not a racist.
[Insert appropriate sarc/snark tag here]
Well, I don’t (yet) hate Rudy more than I hate Shitgibbon, but that bit of info moves him to within spittin’ distance of That Fat Fuck.
@Nicole: Agreed! That pissed me off, as well.
Well if people don’t want to celebrate him, how about we hold a ferret party to celebrate Giuliani? Rudy loooooooovvvvveeeess ferrets!
Villago Delenda Est
Small man in search of a “surprise” party, to paraphrase Jimmy Breslin.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh this story warms my heart! I’m hoping and praying the Rudi winds up in jail, or at least gets a massive financial hurt put on him, as Mueller and or the NY-AG turn up Russian mob activity in New York. I’m hoping he can’t scrape up enough cash to get Judi to sign an NDA and she spills some beans. I’m hoping, I’m hoping, I’m hoping for extreme humiliation for this awful little man.
I see some discussion of old Betty Battenberg upthread, and I have a question for those who pay more attention than I do: Do you think that, if it didn’t actually save the monarchy, the Helen Mirren movie was a huge PR boost for Herself?
Rudy is claiming he doesn’t know nothin’ about no party for him, but if you hear of something, you should let him know. Anyone else get the idea of telling Rudy that there’s a big party planned for him, feed him all the details little by little, then on the Big Day, nobody but Rudy and his sycophants show up. Oh, and a few folks with cameras to capture the merriment.
Shame on you! That’s cruel! Something only a libtard would consider doing!
Where do I sign up?
Gin & Tonic
@arrieve: Bloomberg’s manipulating the City Council to overturn the clear will of the voters was as sleazy as anything Giuliani has ever done. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on. And don’t try telling me he wasn’t behind that.
Gin & Tonic
Can’t edit, but see I’m late to the party.
Ella in New Mexico
Wouldn’t it be awesome to post giant contributions to Corsi’s Go Fund Me that when he tried to accept them somehow turned out to be completely fake? Seeing the excitement on his puffy turd face turn to despair would be frigging gold.
If it wasn’t Federal felony bank fraud, that is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: I like a lot of his stances on the environment and gun safety, but on economics he’s a Wall St Republican, and IIRC he switched parties pretty much to support the Bush war, and while I think Bloomberg is by magnitudes a better and smarter person than Rudi, Breslin’s line about a small man in search of a balcony could apply to MB as well. IIRC he showed some pretty authoritarian impulses with regard to “law and order”
Al Bundy far more earned a party with that one play in HS football than Rudy did with his response to 9/11. He was pathetic that day. He’s only gotten more pathetic as the days have gone on.
Wild Cat
Giuliani emptied the soul of NYC.
He’s a thug mafioso.
He’s a racist, fascist goon.
He loathes the First Amendment.
He has the same self-identity issues Wm. F. Buckley dealt with.
In NYC, only his fellow fascists thought he was worth a bowl of his lisped spittle.
My goal in life is to live long enough to piss on his grave.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think that helped redeem her reputation a bit, but IMO it also seemed to convince QEII to lighten up a bit with her public image. I’m thinking of stuff like the short film she did for the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in London where they pretended to have her parachute in with James Bond. She also participated in some of the Invictus Games videos where Harry and the Obamas mock-insulted each other.
Jay C
Yeah, I’d like to play a sad song for Rudy! and his gave-a-party-and-no-one-came blues, but my little violin slipped off my pinky-nail and fell on the floor: I’ll have to go retrieve it sometime…..
Rudy Giuliani’s “national” rep was always a crock: that “America’s Mayor” garbage way pre-dated 9/11. IIRC: I think a lot of the criticism re his inane decisions re Emergency Management arrangements were (and, to a large part, still are) muted by the “MSM” because 1) (first and foremost) he’s a Republican, and 2) there was a vague sense of victim-blaming inherent in too-pointed criticism of official responses to the 9/11/01 attacks (as former President Bush might attest, if he hadn’t exploited self-righteous victimization to the max) – which penumbra kinda/sorta shaded Mayor Rudy as well.
Giuliani is 74? No way. He looks like a wreck. He looks an old and broken down unhealthy and unsound 84.
He walks like a 90 year old. I head to the wiki, in hope of reading the truth.