Me heading into another week.#mondaymotivation
— Paul Bronks (@BoringEnormous) November 19, 2018
Speaking of mocking those who #FallShort, let’s hear it for Repubs in Disarray!…
Interesting that returning House Republican women — of which there are only 12 — were so much more willing to talk for this story than men in the conference.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) December 3, 2018
With a brutal finality, the extent of the Republicans’ collapse in the House came into focus last week as more races slipped away from them and their losses neared 40 seats.
Yet nearly a month after the election, there has been little self-examination among Republicans about why a midterm that had seemed at least competitive became a rout.
President Trump has brushed aside questions about the loss of the chamber entirely, ridiculing losing incumbents by name, while continuing to demand Congress fund a border wall despite his party losing many of their most diverse districts. Unlike their Democratic counterparts, Republicans swiftly elevated their existing slate of leaders with little debate, signaling a continuation of their existing political strategy.
And neither Speaker Paul D. Ryan nor Representative Kevin McCarthy, the incoming minority leader, have stepped forward to confront why the party’s once-loyal base of suburban supporters abandoned it — and what can be done to win them back…
House officials indicate that they will pursue an after-action report, but it is unclear how far it will go in diagnosing why they lost the popular vote by more raw votes than any time in history.Many of the lawmakers who lost their races or did not run again say the party has a profound structural challenge that incumbents are unwilling to fully face: Mr. Trump’s deep toxicity among moderate voters, especially women.
With most of the Republicans who lost hailing from suburban seats, those who remain represent red-hued districts where the president is still well liked.
“Now the party is Trump,” said Representative Tom Rooney of Florida, who at 48 decided to retire, “so we follow his lead.”…
Hard to course correct between the top of the cliff and the ground.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 3, 2018
Special note from the guy who lost to Sharice Davids –
Interesting story on the GOP (lack of) response to their House losses. The lawmaker quoted here is wrong to think it was all about Trump & that issues/policy didn't matter. Healthcare was a huge issue everywhere, and the tax bill was huge in CA/IL/NY/NJ.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 2, 2018
Democrats should always remember to say, "Donald Trump and the Republicans" there is enough credit to go around.
— Jon Smyth (@JonSmyth01) December 3, 2018
Maybe the Repubs can borrow some WWG1WGAll caps from their QAnon brethren — Where we go one, we go all. Because, yes, they are Trump and Trump is them.
Get some rest today.
This coming week is going to be crazier than last week.
The following week will be even crazier.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 2, 2018
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Mary G
@rikyrah: Good Morning! I’m not having any luck getting to sleep.
I hope the Republicans continue to believe it was all about Trump and not their abominable policies, right into 2020. They. Must. Go. Every last one of them.
@rikyrah: Good morning to you!
Good morning.
@arrieve: This.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
So Wilmer held a big conference this weekend.
He led an “International Roundtable” on policy. The panel didn’t have one person of color. Not one. And instead of focusing on the world it centered on ….. wait for it… rural Whites.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Thanks for paying attention so I don’t have to.
Betty Cracker
Remember the recount controversy in South Florida? Republicans (most notably Rick Scott and Trump) ginned up baseless hysteria about fraud, prompting local wingnuts and perhaps paid crisis actors (it would be irresponsible not to speculate!) to demonstrate outside the offices where recounts were ongoing. No evidence of fraud was found, but the Broward County elections office did miss deadlines, misplace ballots, etc., and the election supervisor, Brenda Snipes, resigned under a cloud shortly after the recount was wrapped up.
This weekend, Rick Scott, current governor and future senator (puke) suspended Snipes even though she would have left office in early January anyway. He installed a long-time crony who is a Republican operative, has zero experience running elections and is not a Broward resident. Snipes then rescinded her resignation and is suing.
Scott is a malicious prick, but I suspect this move is about more than screwing Snipes out of her pension. I think Scott and the state GOP saw an opportunity to influence the 2020 election in a heavily Democratic county to prop up Trump’s reelection campaign (assuming the orange shit-stain is on the ballot in 2020). We’re going to have to watch this one closely.
Mustang Bobby
Hey, didn’t the GOP go through all of this self-examination and shit in 2013 with their “autopsy” and promised to reach out to women, minorities, and stop being, to quote the immortal Bobby Jindal, “the stupid party”? How’d that work out for them?
Why can’t it be both?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Then Wilmer’s spent his time attacking…. wait for it…
RepublciansDemocrats — saying the Blue Wave was a failure.On October 22, he gave an interview with “The Hill” were he joined Drumpf in saying there would be NO Blue Wave
So he was on record saying there would be no Blue Wave, that Dems would fail, at best, they would only win 20 seats. Instead they win 40 seats, they won by 9 million votes, the largest vote spread in history, bigger than any of the gop waves and he has to tear that down because the only way he can promote himself is by tearing everyone else down.
Fucking pathetic.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
We need to lay waste to him??
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I blame our outreach coordinator.
Good morning, All!
Ok, so we have further confirmation of what we already knew — Sanders is going to troll the Democratic party until the last vote is counted in 2020. Nothing new, but still infuriating. Sarandon? West? Might as well be Limbaugh and Hannity.
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: The words you’re looking for are “alter kocker.”
Quick fact check — are we allowing him to run in the Democratic primary again?
@Immanentize: Yes. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him run as an independent if he does poorly in the primary. It’s his last chance at the presidency and the grift, and he knows it.
@Baud: hmmm. Running as an independent is really hard work. Ballot access and all. He doesn’t seen sufficiently well financed or hard working enough to get that done.
@Immanentize: He can raise money here and abroad, and he has people who can get him in the ballot. Rin Paul always got on the ballot.
I’m not saying it will definitely happen, but it wouldn’t shock me.
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: Sanders is deluded enough to believe that 2016 was a vicious primary. Via a NY Mag piece from last week:
He has no clue what’s coming.
@Mustang Bobby: While “alter kocker.” is a perfect descriptor of me, “Blech” describes my mornings far better.
@Betty Cracker:
Is he talking about Dems or the GOP in the general election?
Here’s an idea, why then don’t you leave Capitol Hill where you have done little more than squat these past few decades and go make these changes you say take place elsewhere?
@Baud: I see what you mean…. But isn’t raising money abroad for a political campaign still illegal? And by abroad, do you mean mostly Russia? I think they would intervene on his behalf, money or not….
@Baud: Democrats. He thinks the Democrats pilloried him in the last primary. He is completely aligned with the GOP talking points.
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: I thought you were talking about Bernie. And if you’re an AK, so am I. Oy.
@Immanentize: Only if he releases his taxes, right?
Sigh. How long until PETA attacks Bronks for that video? :/
Independent is where he should be. Period. Tie it to things like participating in debates and maybe he will agree.
Bobby Thomson
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: resurrecting the 2012 Jim Webb pitch is an interesting choice.
Except there’s no way Wilmer ever killed a guy directly.
Sanders is such a plodding mediocrity who thinks he’s hot shit. And he’s as addicted as Trump to rallies and adulation from a small corps of passionate admirers he understands as, effectively, everyone who matters.
BTW, you know what state has a Republican governor? Ver-fuckin’-Mont.
@rikyrah: @OzarkHillbilly: if I have to read about the odious Mr. Sanders this early in the morning I’m with Ozark. Blech. ?
@satby: Same.
The Sanders Institute looks grifty:
It’s a think tank run by Jane Sanders.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
The grifter is gonna grift. The question is will the kneejerky dem establishment allow this scammer to kneecap them again by letting him into their tent or will they kick him out in 2020?
Betty Cracker
@FlipYrWhig: True. And there’s a related point of similarity: In the NY Mag article referred to above, the Sanders team thinks he can win the Democratic primary the same way Trump won the GOP nomination:
That is my biggest worry for 2020 — that Sanders will win the nomination and lose to Trump or lose the primary ugly again so we have a repeat of the convention disruptions, unfounded cheating accusations, etc.
Okay so according to Wiki Jane Sanders was married to a David Driscoll prior to Bernie. But THIS David Driscoll is too young to be her ex husband so it must be her son?
Hahahaha! Anybody else watching MJ? Peggy caught on hot mic again asking Mika if she made sense after long tongue bath to 41…
@Betty Cracker:
Co-opt his positions and make him irrelevant.
@Betty Cracker:
Yep. After our good showing in the midterms, I put Sanders as the number one risk of a second Trump term.
The “outreach position” is kind of fake. It was “steering and outreach” and it was Amy Klobuchar. They divided it and gave Bernie “outreach” and Klobuchar kept steering. Also, I think Klobuchar might be running for President too.
@Platonailedit: Awesome how you’ve turned this against the Dem “establishment.”. 8/10
@Kay: well, nothing prepares someone for serious policy analysis and formulating like a job in a sporting goods store.
@Betty Cracker: I hope your message gets shared far and wide. A lot of this lame duck misfeasance is happening at the state level.
The answer should be HELL NO??
@Baud: Awesome that’s how you chose to read it.
@Betty Cracker:
We are not Republicans.
Outside of New Hampshire, which of the first four, does he win?
Reminder… California is early in 2020.
@debbie: he’s already pretty irrelevant, and his age is working against him now with younger voters. Insist anyone running on a Democratic ticket release five years or more of tax returns and we can bid a not fond at all farewell to the left-wing Drumpf.
Jane Sanders screams “progressive grifter” to me and always has. This isn’t a pass through – it isn’t “pass funding to progressive orgs for on the ground projects”- it’s an “institute”- a think tank and they have a donate button. So what are they paying for? To send Cornell West to Vermont for the weekend?
I apologize. I didn’t realize you meant “kneejerky dem establishment” in a good way.
@Betty: are you Betty from Dominica? How have things been going?
@Betty Cracker:
The road to the nomination goes through Black folk…
And, we ain’t studding that muthaphucka.
His Black apologists are quite tiresome
Worst thing to happen to Bernie is November 2018.
We won without him.
@rikyrah: Iowa is flaky, very white, and the field will be large.
All a phucking scam.
@Kay: oh, whatever that family scams they aren’t going to share with anyone else.
Real Democrats just seriously flipped Iowa in 2018.
@Betty Cracker:
He was interviewed on MSNBC in early 2017 by one of their hosts (can’t temember which) who asked him if he knew the Russians were helping him. After avoiding the answer for awhile he finally said that of course they knew. I’d like to know if that fucker did anything about it. He knew a hostile foreign power was interfering in the election to help him. Did he call the FBI?
@rikyrah: I don’t know how relevant that is. Most people aren’t tuned in to our internecine fights.
@Baud: Yeah, facts can be cruel. #2016
@Baud: Kasich could also peel off votes, and possibly lure some republican females back into the fold.
I love how the Dem establishment simultaneously tried to give Hillary a coronation and didn’t even
try to prevent Sanders from participating in the primary.
Perfectly encapsulates modern politics.
That is the thing about a caucus- this is the involved. These are the people that would know what happened in November 2018
Who in the fuck attacked His Whininess? Harvard media study concluded his coverage was most favorable.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Fuck that guy. Democrats should run someone against him next time in VT, just to send a message. I also hope there’s been plenty of oppo research done this time around.
@JPL: Who knows? All we can do is go through the process and hope things work out.
Protip: Be on the lookout for faithless electors.
Ari Berman (@AriBerman) Tweeted:
In 2016 lame duck NC GOP legislature brazenly stripped power from newly elected Dem governor before he took office
Now GOP doing same thing in WI & MI
This is straight out of banana republic & should be huge national story
@rikyrah: I hope so. A poor showing in Iowa would go a long way of helping us move forward.
@Kathleen: because the media saw Wilmer as another way to cut Hillary down to size, secure (they thought) that she would win anyway.
@Baud: The second part is a fact which made dem establishment knee-jerky. The fucker wasn’t even a dem and the establishment let him piss inside the tent… from inside.
Thinking about those “yellow vest” riots in France. NPR was telling me they were “leaderless.”
I am not so sure. Look for Vlad and his helpers. Macron and Merkel are among his biggest opponents. More destabilization underfoot.
Here’s hoping that we find out the full extent of what the Russians did to help Sanders’ campaign, as soon as possible after January 3rd, 2019.
Speaking of which, Charles Blow is asking the question, since we’re about to ask it as a country: What Happens If…?
Otherwise known to Dems as, “Since They” and known to Republicans as “So What“?
Not much point in arguing about Sanders2020 when the whole landscape of our politics, the whole direction we go as a country, is about to change in just a few short weeks.
@MomSense: He blamed Hillary. If I weren’t using phone I’d find link.
We had to apologize to the privileged left because Hillary was far and away the best candidate we had in 2016. Let’s not pretend that Dems were in a political position to say no given the attitude people had going into 2016.
Remember how Garland wasn’t good enough for us? Those were heady days.
@Platonailedit: yeah, totally their bad to attempt more inclusion. Though after putting up with his shouty ass all those years in Congress they probably should have been able to predict what a backstabber he turned out to be.
Let’s not obsess over Sanders, but he is topical today because of his recent conference.
@satby: I loathe both Slanders and the mainslime media equally. I think he and many in media are compromised.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Wilmer benefitted in Iowa last time by not having had much national exposure yet. A friend of mine was precinct captain for Wilmer in 2016. She would not make that mistake again.
@JPL: although not zero, Kasich’s chances of winning the Republican primary are edging toward the outerbound zero.
@Jeffro: Sanders is a participant in this dynamic. We need to realize how dangerous and compromised he is.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: She told you that? That’s heartening.
@germy: You can’t credibly oppose Trump if you’re hobnobbing with one of his most prominent enablers.
I hope AOC doesn’t make that mistake again.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: It’s not that she dislikes Sanders now. She’s just moved on.
@Baud: And those ‘heady’ days are gone given the 2018 results.
@satby: What inclusion? White supremacy/entitlement? In the end, that’s what he was all about and still is about.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s fine. All I care about is election results.
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: You’re optimistic to think clear evidence of wrongdoing will change the direction of the country. Maybe you’re right. But as Blow points out, there’s no reason to believe proof of malfeasance will derail Trump. I hope it does, but we have to move forward as if our votes are the only force that can dislodge the treasonous shithead, so it matters a great deal whom the Dems choose as standard-bearer for 2020. Someone who hasn’t received campaign assistance from Russia (wittingly or not) would be ideal.
Weird denials.
And we thought our politics were strange.
Well, those who were still in Congress.
Actually, anyone have numbers on how many leaders weren’t re-elected? Ryan obviously.
We need more cowbells. Or not.
A question. Do the Republican women cited fully support Trump? Does he still grab them as much as he did when he was first elected?
Despite losses, the GOP seems happy to be the party of white power and voter suppression while pretending that they are only about the free market and conservative values.
Kasich says he’ll run as an independent, which probably would help the D nominee.
@Betty Cracker: You stated it better than I did. Thank you!
@Betty Cracker: Beto deciding to run might possibly peel off a large amount of Sanders votes in New Hampshire’s primary.
Major Major Major Major
This slobbering article about Bernie 2020! is very unbecoming, AP
(Apologies if it’s been linked in the thread and I missed it)
He loved her because he knew she was on his team, which is apparently now a point of pride with the NYTimes, their private, warm relationships with certain candidates and not other candidates. I’d love Maureen Dowd too if my opponent was Bill Clinton. She may as well have been on the payroll.
But then, you repeat yourself. (re today’s GOP)
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve concluded that any political figure mainslime media fawn over should be viewed with suspicion
@Major Major Major Major:
This is gross:
“All of the sudden, what was once fringe politics is now mainstream. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that (Texas congressman) Beto O’Rourke and all these young candidates are running on the People’s Summit and progressive movement platform, but let’s not forget who broke us through.”
For Sanders to claim credit for O’Rourke and the rest of the interesting, groundbreaking candidates in 2018 (Gillum, Abrams) is incredibly fucking patronizing and insulting to them.
@rikyrah: Yes. South Carolina has an early primary and this is where HRC’s expectations started to die in 2008. SC has an open primary, so depending on what is going on in the Republican side, the R’s may be able to affect the outcome of the SC primary. That is worrisome, but I don’t see Sanders getting a lot of traction there.
What I don’t get is why his age is not a bigger issue. I am close to his age and don’t think I am slowing down much, but I am realistic that in 4 years, I could be a very different person in terms of physical stamina and mental acuity.
And in no case should he get to run as a Dem if he doesn’t release tax returns. I think 10 years is the minimum, so he has to show things he should have showed in the last election.
And good morning, everyone.
Here is the ‘world renowned’ bbc fawning over shrub sr in a canine way. Poor dog. Sullying his image.
You really believe that?
All of whom lost by the way. I don’t blame them for the loss, but I also don’t blame blue dogs when they lose in tough districts and states.
So there was complaining about open enrollment in one of AOC’s twitter feeds yesterday where she said this will be another reason people will love M4all. So I asked about Medicare supplemental and co pays. Well Medicare for all will cover everything – prescriptions, vision, dental, and no co pays so we won’t have to buy supplemental plans. I asked how we will pay for this. Let’s see what kind of answers I get.
Yep. Like all three of them hadn’t been in politics for at least a decade ??
Nevada too.
They do not have answers for you.??
SSDD. In Wilmer’s world, it’s always about him. Has he ever even set foot in Texas?
@Kay: Kasich/Sanders Unity ticket?
Nah, neither would allow the other the top spot.
I decided if you can’t beat ’em you should join ’em. I want the D nominee in 2020 to kiss their ass- luxe accomodations on travel, the whole works. It’s worth every fucking penny.
That’s my advice- kiss their ass and you’ll get better coverage. Assign an aide JUST to the NYTimes reporter, since the rest of them seem to slavishly follow the NYTimes narrative lead. Write them love notes, whatever.
You have no idea how gross it all was. I saw it up close and personal.
Nope. And I’m not against it. I just think it has to be done well and that is not easy with such a complicated system. I want the best universal health care we can manage.
Speaking of grifters:
Consider my freude thoroughly schadened.
My sense of O’Rourke was he was much more of an Obama policy person than a Bernie policy person.
I thought the most interesting and really BOLD races were the AA candidates in the state races in the south. That’s pretty exciting if you follow politics- something really new. Coming up slightly short in GA is big news. It’s great that Bernie got a liberal house member – and I like her- but it’s New York City. “The Democrat” was going to win there.
@Immanentize: But with Russian ‘help’ again???
@Betty Cracker: @Kathleen: I’m not sure where the ‘optimistic’ take came from (I’m not) nor why I’m being advised that Sanders is dangerous and compromised (I know/have known). I’m just using my 2 cents to say that getting wound up about Sanders seems like a waste of time at this point. I detest the guy as much as anyone, but I’m not going to expend much mental energy on him.
Cartier are the only people who will get paid, and only then if the debt is secured by something they can repo.
Milo’s a crook and a grifter but anyone who lent him 400k, unsecured, is a fool.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
He is pathetic and I’m seriously regretting my vote for him in the 2016 primary.
@Baud: don’t forget Ben Jealous’s trouncing in Maryland. Sticker shock at the cost of his Medicare 4 All plan was one of the reasons.
@Major Major Major Major: Weigel had a slobbering article about Sanders in the Post yesterday. Let’s just say the comments were not kind.
@rikyrah: IA getting back to where it was when we moved there August 68. State went crazy when Religious Right took over GOP late 70s, early 80s.
They took over the IA GOP as well. I remember my neighbor, who was a GOP precinct chair. He simply didn’t know how to deal with the Fundagelical fanatics who overwhelmed the party.
I grew up in OK in 40s and 50s, where–as my brother used to say ‘You know it’s election time when the politicians start showing up at all the churches.’
A Ghost To Most
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: I must have misunderstood when you said “the whole landscape of our politics, the whole direction we go as a country, is about to change in just a few short weeks.” I took that to mean the shift in control of the House would change US politics drastically, whereas I don’t think things will change much at all because no matter what the Democrats uncover with their investigations, Republicans will stick with Trump. That means our only shot at getting Trump out of the White House is through the 2020 vote.
@Platonailedit: in the early days of the 2016 primaries, this
wasn’t as obvious, it became more obvious as the primaries went on. And has become a klaxon alarm in the two years since.
Citizen Alan
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I am so embarrassed that I ever found that man credible. That I hesitated for even one second before voting for Hillary over him in the primary (let alone the genuine agonizing I did at the time before finally reaching the right conclusion).
@Jeffro: I see your point. I think I need to stop feeding him any kind of energy.
@MomSense: What if we lowered the age for signing onto Medicare, by steps. Fund the expansion by raising income cap for FICA taxes to 150 at first, then to higher amounts. Don’t change Medicare itself. While doing this over some period of time, still have the ACA, hopefully improved.
AHA! So you’re to blame!! ;-)
eta wrong you’re
@Baud: From 68 to today IA went from 6 to 4 House districts.
Just saying.
@Baud: My fear in that case is that he draws off enough votes for the R to win. He wouldn’t care. It’s all about him. With more Russian money, he would evolve into what Tr*mp hoped he’d be after the election, a very well-financed professional PITA.
@satby: Agreed. The troll (yup, I said it)
hijackedstole the standard dem platform early on and then it was too late to stop it in later stages. Hence, my FU to him right now.Kraux Pas
I’d like to see legislation to compel states with voter ID laws to make sure they can get those IDs, and all supplemental documentation, for free and with minimal hassle.
We need to get start moving toward free and fair elections again.
@Immanentize: That’s my hope. But all he needs is one pet billionaire.
Et tu, Kay?
Fuck the 3rd rate 4th estate of 5th columnists. They are the public enemy no. 1.
I definitely think there are ways to do it successfully but I don’t think the supporters of Medicare for all have a clue about what is involved.
@Betty Cracker:
I agree with you generally that Trump will still be the party and the Senate will be Trump. But O think if the House is careful, they will be able to peel off some corrupt Cabinet membres. Zinke and Carson are the most likely with DeVos a possible third. And I think we will see LOTS of retirements, “spend more time with family,” I can’t afford the lawyer costs in the next short term (6 months).
If the Dems can hold their enthusiasm at strili g Trump directly, exposing the corruption I’m his administration over the next year plus will do lots of permanent damage to the Republican machine.
Gin & Tonic
I’ve never understood the rationale for capping at any amount.
@Jeffro: Nixon didn’t have the cohesive, disciplined white Evangelicals (80+% for T in 16) being told 24/7 that he was God’s annointed. See youtube videos of guests on Jim Bakker shows.
They are constantly told that opposition to T is demonic, from Satan. That no prez has ever been so attacked. And quoting scripture to ‘prove’ that the ‘world’ (democrats, secularists, ‘liberal media’, etc, etc –all parf of the ‘deep state’ ) is attacking them (the ‘true followers of Christ’) just like it/they attacked Christ. So this means tbey are God’s people following God’s annointed.
I don’t know how we deal with tbeir ‘divine, holy anger’ when T goes down.
Gin & Tonic
@Kay: I’d rather jab sharp sticks into my eyeballs than read that crap.
Tim C.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: anectodotal, but my personal friends who loved wilmer last time are moving on. I think a lot of his votes weren’t so much about him as much as Democrats who, shamefully, bought into the idea that at least some of the lies about Hillary had some truth to them. Not to mention the kinds of stuff that happened in the WV primary. Wilmer is old news IMO.
It’s interesting that the FTF NY Times op ed page has woken up to the danger of Fox News World and alternative facts. In addition to Charles Blow’s column (see jeffro’s comment 73 above), this got a lot of attention this weekend:
Mary G
WaPo is reporting that Hungary has expelled George Soros’ university there:
Echoes of the bad old days.
@Gin & Tonic: The rationale is that since benefits are capped, so should the contribution. If you are going to sell the program as a federal pension that you have contributed to throughout your working life, then you have to have it look like and continue to look like a pension program. Hence the contribution cap for FICA. I’m not saying I agree…
@Elizabelle: Seems to me that the Times is jealous of Fox News’ influence.
If they were concerned about the dangers posed by Fox News, they would have done better investigation into Trump.
Chyron HR
Yeah, but are you sure the NYT isn’t gloating when they say that?
Speaking of H.W…..
Corner Stone
@germy: That HW…he was no angel…
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: Jeffro Mensch, what do your crystal balls have to prognosticate for us this coming week?
lurker dean
good morning, all.
holy crap, missed this the other day:
“Has the message of anti-racism become as harmful a force in American life as racism itself?”
all libertarians need to be sent to north sentinel island to preach their gospel.
Problem is the Medicare for All folks are selling a dream. You pay taxes and the rest of your healthcare is 100% free.
I know Bernie doesn’t know crap about how other countries work, but nowhere is medical care 100% free and all you do is pay taxes.
Current Medicare isn’t free. It is just not going to fuck around with you regarding claims processing and won’t raise premiums based on usage, unlike employer plans.
And they have no clue how to go from here to their dream of “free” healthcare.
@Elizabelle: Vichy Times wants to be Faux when they grow up.
@satby: Hi. Yes, that’s me.Thanks for asking. Things are improving. We were able to get electricity in July and wi-fi a few weeks ago. Some on the island are still waiting for both, and some homes remain uncovered. We had three near misses with hurricanes this year, but thank goodness not anything bad. Most folks are still getting over PTSD and couldn’t have handled a big one again so soon.
@Chyron HR, and Brachiator and Ms. S Cat:
Indeed. Barn door, meet horse …. over there.
It does seem the FTF NY Times has improved its, um, stable of opinion writers lately. Michele Goldberg is excellent, David Leonhardt has been writing some really strong pieces. Of course, it’s still home to Bobo and all the other GOP apologists, and a crack [whore] political staff straight outta Politico.
Illustrated with photo of Elizabeth Warren, who has a lot more to say than one Senator from Vermont ever will.
Kraux Pas
(Un)reason is auditioning to be subsumed by Fox News.
Maureen Dowd’s recent column (Curtins for the Clintons) is an especially egregious piece of bullshit. She revisits the old standards (the Clintons are greedy and corrupt, Hillary should go away), but also honks some new howlers, suggesting that Hillary’s supposed corruption made Trump possible.
But a couple of points really pissed me off.
Really? There is the vile implication here that the Clintons personally benefited from this activity, and that their efforts to raise money for their Foundation must be fraudulent. Bullshit.
Meanwhile, Trump has normalized the idea that a sitting president can enrich himself and his family during his or her time in office.
Here we have to jump to a Forbes article.
Hmmm. The Clintons have not amassed a “fortune” overnight, and the sources of their wealth are transparent. And they are not owned by Putin.
Where are Trump’s tax returns? Or Bernie’s?
Dowd tries to throw in some liberal asswipe to support her dreary accusations.
I reject the bullshit argument that Democratic Party leaders must take a vow of poverty in order to demonstrate their political virtue.
ETA. Sorry. No links provided. A quirk of my mobile browser which I don’t know how to fix.
@lurker dean:
McWhorter has NEVER seen a day when racism was an actual issue.
@Brachiator: Republican propagandist says what?
Go away Maureen Dowd, you suck.
@rikyrah: I have no idea who this person is, should I care?
I’ll say it again..
IF HE WAS SERIOUS….he would find a group to research the financials of Medicare for All.
Do you know that the only overarching financial study for Medicare for All…
Uh huh
Uh huh
A Black slave catcher only a hair above Shelby Steele…..they trot him out to spout this bullshyt…Black face and all…
@rikyrah: Thanks! When I saw the picture of two people participating in this inane and insulting debate, I thought McWhorter was the white looking dude and the Nikhil Singh was the darker dude.
Ohio Mom
@Kay: If Kasich does run as an independent, and that helps the Democratic candidate, I’ll have to revise my policy of never thinking a nice thought about him.
But I’m flexible, I could do it.
Not all Sanders supporters are racists. My parents still think he would have won or Biden or several others. They are white privileged I would say, but IMO, a lot of it is a defensive crouch. Liberals have lost a lot of elections in their lifetime, especially people of color and women. They knew Hillary was hated, and wanted to win so, they wanted someone else. I can’t get them to admit his socialism past would have been a problem too but they definitely think Hillary being a woman was a problem. When Gillum won the Florida primary, my dad said, well I agree with his positions more, but I wanted the other one to win because I thought she was more likely to win (the general). I have made the same calculation many times in elections. Sometimes it was probably true but you don’t get to go back in time or view multiple universes so you never really know. When Hillary ran against Obama, that was one of the knocks against her, that she was too defensive because she had already been attacked so much. Voters are affected by their life’s experience too.
My parents have been retired nearly 20 years. I think that they have not been encountering as many new people as before, and it’s leaving them behind. Mom at least is bothered by trans people and puts down the bathroom issues. I don’t think she has met one, to see the human side and the dangerous situations they encounter. I don’t know if I can convey that. not sure how much Bernie support was older. I have noticed they are still very tied to conventional media. they watch network news every night and get the local paper and the NYT. They spend a lot of time on the computer, but still mainly get news the old way.
@germy: I’ve seen this tweet on several blogs. I don’t get why it’s clever. Members of Congress don’t get Medicare. They get a gold-level Obamacare policy with a 72% subsidy. This is close to classic employer-provided healthcare, which is what 55% of all Americans receive. America’s complex healthcare system comes closest to the German system which has universal coverage but is based on employer-provided insurance. Yes, they have a public option and private insurance companies; yes, the latter are for profit but they’re also highly regulated. We could do the same instead of revamping the entire system and risk chaos. I’ll never understand why the left is opposed to low-hanging fruit when it comes to healthcare policy. The Bismarck system works. Moving towards it would be fairly simple.
ETA: There are other cost drivers for healthcare I’d like to see addressed like the cost of medical school and the surfeit of specialists as opposed to GPs that result; the cost of drug testing–maybe the FDA should do it; the patenting of chemical formulas produced thanks to NIH funding. Those formulas should be in the public domain. No one owns them but Americans themselves. They were invented with public funds.
@lurker dean: What a dumbass “debate.” Message of anti-racism vs what, actual racism?
Jesus H Cripes.
What a bunch of dopes. Future Fox News conttibutors, no doubt.
@tobie: It bears repeating that most people on the “Medicare for All” bandwagon don’t have Medicare and don’t know how it works — how siloed the benefits are (as an artifact of the way Blue Cross/Blue Shield organizations were structured when Medicare was established) or that drugs are totally separate, or that most Medicare beneficiaries either also have retiree subsidies of some kind or pay a separate premium for a Medicare Supplement plan. That’s in the fee for service or original benefit. Other beneficiaries can get a more seamless experience by enrolling in Medicare Advantage. Integration of benefits and maximum out of pocket expenses are the main advantages of MA plans. Yes, there is a network, but CMS actually has pretty robust network adequacy standards.
@tobie: You can place the responsibility for a surfeit of specialists versus primary care physicians right at Medicare’s doorstep, in the crazy way it reimburses physicians, which, basically way overpays for procedures and diagnostic tests and way underpays evaluation and management. That’s why, in some places, your PCP’s main role is deciding which specialist to refer you to.
@gvg: I can agree with your parents on this point: No one should have informally cleared the decks so Clinton was all but ordained as the nominee. She should have had to fight just as she did in 2008. All presidential primaries should be contested, except, possibly, where the nominee is the incumbent. At which point, I think different dynamics come into play. Sanders wanted to primary Obama in 2012.
@tobie: RE: health insurance.
Some lefties are committed to the proposition that all private business is evil, especially for profit insurance companies, and that government as a bottomless source of money for benefits is the only solution.
And frauds like Bernie love to point to Europe as the answer, but ignore the actual solutions that they have designed to deal with health insurance. Lets throw in Japan, Australia and New Zealand, as well.
Reminder: the Special Counsel’s memorandum re Manafort’s breach of his cooperation agreement is due to the court on Friday.
In the meantime, Cohen’s sentencing memorandum is a good read.
In the event of a popcorn shortage, blue corn tortilla chips are a good substitute.
J R in WV
And how is Baud supposed to read something other than what you typed, ass:
For the rest of your tour of duty here pushing falsehoods on the AMerican public, I’m gonna see platitudes about desserts, specifically pie. If the context seems amusing I’ll unpack your cheap Russian propaganda for the cheap laughs you can’t help but express.
“…Kneejerky dem establishment…” indeed, bro~!!~????
@Barbara: I’m not looking forward to the day when I have to figure out how Medicare works. It’s incredibly complex and if you don’t have good supplemental coverage, you’re kind of screwed. I gather progressives talk about new and improved medicare that would cover everything 100% but the only way I see that working is if we nationalized the entire healthcare system a la the VA. What’s frustrating with self-proclaimed True Progressives is that they never offer more than catchy phrases–Medicare4All, Abolish ICE, Free College, a Green New Deal. Yes, slogans are important but there’s got to be some heft behind the. I’m yet to see any.
@Barbara: Interesting…wouldn’t it be great if we could have a national discussion about the drivers of healthcare costs and how to address them? Obama tried but the opposition in 2009/2010 to the Affordable Care Act was so strong the discussion never got off the ground.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Over the next year, a number of Democrats are going to be on TV running or commenting on hearings into the Trump crime cartel. Sanders will not be one of them, and that will matter when the time comes for people to start thinking about the D candidates. Is Sanders doing something to end our nightmare on TV? No. But this other person is. I want that person to have more power!
Amir Khalid
Would Sanders, as Democratic nominee, have won in the sparsely populated, mostly white, heavily Republican states that tipped the electoral-college vote Trump’s way? That doesn’t seem likely to me.
J R in WV
Say whut??? ;-) ass….
@Mustang Bobby:
They kept being the stupid party.
J R in WV
Maureen Dowd IS ON the Payroll for Republicans, laundered via the FTFNYT — don’t you think?!!!?
That BBC article on the cowbell controversy in Holzkirchen, Germany, is clearly biased. I mean, seriously, how can anyone expect to get an unbiased view on cowbells from a journalist named … Bethany Bell!?
Matt McIrvin
@gvg: Nearly all of the white liberals I know IRL were Bernie supporters. Not all of them are thrilled with where he’s gone.
Kraux Pas
@Matt McIrvin: I voted for him in the primary in 2016, but was kinda meh at that point. There are a lot of names being mentioned for 2020 that I have way more excitement for.
@Betty Cracker:
He has no clue
what’s coming.FIXIT
@Kay: I never read Maureen Dowd anymore. Of course she is jumping up and down at the opportunity to talk about “Poppy” Bush, but that just shows how increasingly irrelevant she is to the world going on around her. She used to be important. She isn’t anymore.
@gvg: I have some BernieBro friends who definitely aren’t racist. What they ARE is conspiracy nuts who attack and tear down Democrats because they’re convinced all Democrats are corrupt and have bought into “The race was stolen from Bernie!” theories that are completely unmoored in reality but fit their own personal prejudices. Several of them are women who just couldn’t stand Hillary for some reason.
Also the people who want Medicare for All don’t seem to know how it actually works at all. They seem to think it’s totally free from cost healthcare for seniors and that extending it to all will solve all problems/issues. It isn’t and it won’t.
The people who want “free” healthcare must also have no idea what taxes are for. Sure there are things we pay taxes for that we don’t care about or even want, but that of course is the cost of having a working government. And the cost of not having a working government is a lot higher than the cost of having one.
They have never learned that nothing is free.
Someone help.
That last comment was not supposed to be in all italics, only the last 3 words. And that’s what the commands were around. And of course FYWP will not let me edit.
So sorry about that.
Gelfling 545
@Gin & Tonic: I don’t either. Why should some pay on 100% and others not?
@rikyrah: it looks like he’s laying waste to himself. He’s using that rope that’s been extended and is demonstrating “how to hang yourself”.