As it is meant to be a curse, nothing new about the meaning. Fresh validation, perhaps.
The Pale Scot
Need a laugh?, Derry Girls will be on Netflix starting 21/12. I haven’t LOL like this in years, it’s fucking hysterical. The actors are awesome.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
In other news, finals are over and I’m planning on having a good drink tonight ; ).
? on my score. I had a good cushion so I should be alright. should find out tomorrow how well I did.
Jon Lovett asked on the 0’Bros’ podcast today what you call a group of Trumpers, a la a murder of crows or a parliament of owls. The internet responded
Dan Stapleton @ DanStapleton
@ jonlovett A group of Trump idiots is known as a felony.
poljunk @ poljunk
COME ON! Confederacy of Trumpses! Love me!
Rick Wilson @ TheRickWilson
A Shart of Trumps.
We’re done here.
kayottick @ kayottick
A grift of Trumps
A sludge of Trumps
A smocking of Trumps
“A ten mile traffic jam and dozens of chain reaction fender benders brought the interstate to halt today, as a fiasco of Trumps got lost trying to cross the road. The large fiasco of Trumps was supposed to have flown south for the winter by late-November, but they are so engorged with fast food waste, they are too fat to fly anymore. Local authorities are trying to figure out what to do.”
Mr. Kelly, meanwhile, is said to be furious with Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner. One senior administration official said that Mr. Kelly was known to have kept written notes about Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump and the things that they had done or requested, which he conspicuously left on his desk in view of his staff.
I wonder if Kelly will leak on them, and if so, to whom? He doesn’t strike me as the type to get chummy with reporters. Or people.
White House Ficus To Leave For Virginia Arboretum After Declining Trump’s Offer To Be Chief Of Staff
As the Trump administration scrambles to find a replacement for outgoing advisor John Kelly, officials announced Monday that a high-level White House ficus would leave for the State Arboretum of Virginia after declining the president’s offer to be chief of staff. “The ficus has been honored to serve President Trump and the American people these last several months and plans to continue advancing the MAGA cause as a member of the private sector,” read a statement drafted by an aide for the ficus, noting that the potted shrub was one of the longest-tenured and most-trusted members of the Trump administration, spending countless hours working alongside the president from a sunny spot inside the Oval Office.
Adam L Silverman
@karensky: It was too good not to post once I saw it online.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh and I’m also watching old episodes of Hart to Hart while drinking a cold one.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I think we’ll need to contact the Ohio contingent of commentators to stage an intervention. Unless, of course, @??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: is actually a 17 year old young woman from the mid 1990s at spring break on South Padre Island. Then it’s sort of okay.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: god help me, I remember that show. About the intergalactic garbage truck ship, if my odd memory serves
I remember during the “clear drink” fad the original Zima was part of a lot of my co-workers invested in Clearly Canadian, which was also part of the clear drink fad. I assume they didn’t get out in time to lose most of their money as the stock later crashed.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Fair Economist:
You haven’t watched any TV since the late 70s?
@Fair Economist:
Yeah, there was a bunch that was sold over the summer. It’s not that bad, though I like Angry Orchard better. I worked in the State Liquor Store where I work to cover a break and I’ve thought about trying small shots of whiskey etc to see if I like it.
Mike in NC
I will forever be deeply grateful that my framed ‘Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the Armed Forces of the United States of America’ has the facsimile signature of President Obama and not Fat Bastard.
An excrescence of Trumps.
A syphilis of Trumps.
An inflamed carbuncle of Trumps.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Speaking of Hart to Hart…. It’s not a story I follow closely, but I’ve sort of absorbed the idea that Robert Wagner might be in some legal jeopardy wrt Natalie Wood’s death. Do I have that right?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I prefer Angry Orchard over Zima tbh.
It’s a cheesy but fun show. It’s a mood that isn’t really captured in tv shows anymore. The original Magnum PI was the same way. You could legit turn your brain off and just enjoy it for what it was.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You’re about as old as my parents then.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Not really. As best as the investigation figured, they were both plastered, they’d had an argument and stomped off to opposite ends of their boat,and at some point she fell off and drowned. There are the usual conspiracy theories, but nothing whatsoever to implicate anyone but herself, as an accident.
@Fair Economist: We had an otherwise useless officer in my Navy Reserve unit in Baltimore in the early 1990’s who worked for Pepsi and would regale people for hours about the work making Pepsi Clear. We got rid of him as soon as we could.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
They were five months ago where I work
@Fair Economist: I don’t think I’ve ever had a ‘clear’ alcoholic cooler. Don’t know whether that should be a source of shame or pride. I remember drinking Bartles and Jaymes coolers, but then I read the label one day and it was some kind of malt beverage (beer) and fermented fruit winey something with a lot of sugar added to it. Never tasted right after that and suddenly it upset my stomach.
But, I think some beer company made Zima. So rather than being a wine/beer, it is a beer/wine.
I was too young to watch StarTrek in its original broadcasts, but I got the full cycle in syndication in the ’70s.
Most current TV is too, um, uninteresting. I’ve tried to watch the various reboots (Hawaii Five-O, MacGuyver, yadda, yadda, yadda), but honestly, I couldn’t care less about any of the characters. I love Doctor Who, but otherwise I”m pretty much catching old crap on deep cable or broadcast sub-channels (CometTV, anyone?).
A conspiracy of trumps
Dumpster fire of trumps
A catastrophe of trumps
A treason of trumps
@Mike in NC: wouldn’t all that work making pepsi clear involve NOT adding the carmel coloring and other dyes?
One of the funniest pieces I ever heard on “This American Life” was a guy who had invested in a company called Fountain Fresh that subsequently went under. He was basically doing the story about himself and what an idiot he was.
The best part was him telling the story to his stockbroker brother, who was HOWLING with laughter as he described the low-rent broker he bought the stock from.
@sukabi: Oh, for fuck’s sake. RJW’s like 88, it happened 27 years ago and everyone on the damn yacht was drunk. I wouldn’t have trusted a single witness statement then, and I don’t now.
Most current TV is too cynical, and frankly, fast paced. Movies too. Older movies and TV shows from as recent as 15-20 years ago took their time with establishing shots and such. Also, absolutely despise the shaky cam.
@FlyingToaster: Bill asked if there was more recent talk about RW involvement and there was a bunch of new speculation / investigation. I linked to a google search pulling that up. No reason to get pissy.
“Deep cable”? Me likey. Posh term for the third-tier microchannels I surf. Comet, Charge, MeTV, etc. I’m all over those.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Tell that to my mother. She always brings that up when the show is on. Whether he killed her or not, I can still separate him from the character and enjoy.
Also, here’s a fun drinking game for Hart to Hart. Every time Jennifer shouts “Jonathan!” during an episode take a shot of whiskey or vodka. You’ll get tanked pretty fast.
By the way, random question, but is your nym inspired by the computer game where you play as a flying toaster that has navigate multiple levels set up as a rooms in a house, called Toaster Run?
Uh, there’s no statute of limitations for murder. And who fucking cares how old he is?
Your reaction strikes me as exceptionally strange.
@sukabi: Wasn’t trying to be pissy at you. I went and read the article, and it was the same damn stuff as before. “Unexplained bruises”, except that she was taking a thyroid replacement and trust me, one bruises easily — or at least I do.
I just hate the whole “conspiracy theory means we reopen the investigation 27 years later” crap, which gives exactly the same results once one reads the new report.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: You have brought this on yourself and your fellow Ohioans. With your foul beverages and Deviant Art lifestyle. You’re just lucky we’re not putting you down for the pillar of salt treatment…//
I’m not sure how plausible I find the “new witness” who co-authored a 2014 book about his claims and then went on the talk show circuit this summer to publicize his podcast about it:
Apparently the case was officially re-opened in 2011 but hasn’t gotten much further.
@eemom: Except that there’s no fucking evidence. Every damn person on that boat, including the captain, were drunk.
The forensic evidence is that she either fell whlie boarding the dinghy (unlikely, since it was unmoored and found nearer her body than the boat), or she fell out of the dinghy and drowned. The bruising on her body was entirely consistent with stumbing about the yacht drunk, then getting on the dinghy, rowing for shore, and passing out.
My reaction is of someone who followed the original investigation (because I liked both of them as actors), and keeps seeing the same BS again and again and again.
Her sister has been flogging this “murder” CT for 27 years. There’s still no there, there.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Nope. The original Broderbund screensaver. I still have a swag t-shirt from one of the early Boston MacWorlds. And I have the japanese knockoff currently running on various Mac laptops.
@FlyingToaster: ok, not pissy.?. I guess everyone reacts differently, I don’t have any increased bruising on thyroid replacement. I remember the reports from when she died, seemed hinky to me at the time, especially since they had been having a volatile on again off again relationship.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: We have clocks. We can launch when the offending businesses are closed. I’m only trying to eradicate basic threats to humankind, like anti-human architecture and alcopops.
@eemom: The one is doing much better, thanks, and is home after two nights at the vet. She’s eating well and recovered enough to be unhappy about being given medicine.
The other has her appointment on Wednesday, so we’ll see.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@FlyingToaster: coming back to me now, I seem to recall the news reports at the time kind of tip-toeing around the fact that there were all drunk.
So glad to hear that about bunny one, and hoping the best for bunny two. Keep us posted.
@sukabi: I think at the time I was well acquainted with a couple of stupid, angry drunks, who would do shit like storm off after a fight and get in their cars and end up in traction after the inevitable car wreck. So it seemed all too plausible to me that she was angry enough not to pay attention to how impaired she was. And unlucky enough to have it go catastrophically wrong.
Christopher Walken was the other non-crew member on board that night, so the rumor mill usually claims that Wagner and Wood’s argument was over one of them having an affair with Walken, but differs on which one of them it was.
IIRC, Wood’s sister claims that Natalie Wood was terrified of the water and therefore wouldn’t have set off on a lifeboat in the middle of the night while drunk, but if that was the case, why the fuck was she on a yacht in the first place?
The only two shows I have watch recently are “Elementary”, currently going, and “Person of Interest”
Person of Interest has an interesting concept, excellent acting, and great dialog especially with the female leads. It is out of production so you will have to catch it in reruns.
@cwmoss: Sorry, math failure after midnight. It’s probably time to go sleep, since it’s up early to take WG to school and then sit and wait for the oilchange on the minivan.
@Millard Filmore: I actually watched PoI during its original broadcast. I really got into the characters, as well as the weird shit they were dealing with. And it ended in a way that was not fucked up.
I was watching “Lucifer” first season, and then couldn’t figure out when it was on. I’ll occasionally catch “The Flash” on CW, if I’m home.
I see a lot of PBS retreads: Midsomer Murders, Vera, Luther. I love Shetland.
I get a lot of Science Channel in passing. How it’s Made is a staple at ChezToaster.
Should be stapled to his big fat frighteningly white ass.
Not that President Obama would ever say it (without Luther standing in for him, that is), but that photo left out “,motherfucker.”
I want a copy stapled to the wall of Trumpolini’s prison cell as a reminder that Trump should have just let the issue go after the WHCD.
A Ghost To Most
Thanks for that, JC.
Things are definitely looking promising, if dangerous.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You just know he disinfected his hands afterwards. Obama, I mean. Trump is literally animate garbage.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Lordy, we can only hope. Things do seem to be speeding up, though.
I will not accept if nominated for WHCoS and will not serve if chosen.
Everybody sing.
Ebony and orange-y
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@A Ghost To Most:
What a time to be alive. Gives a whole new meaning to “may you live in interesting times”.
Adam L Silverman
I’ll just leave this here:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
As it is meant to be a curse, nothing new about the meaning. Fresh validation, perhaps.
The Pale Scot
Need a laugh?, Derry Girls will be on Netflix starting 21/12. I haven’t LOL like this in years, it’s fucking hysterical. The actors are awesome.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
In other news, finals are over and I’m planning on having a good drink tonight ; ).
? on my score. I had a good cushion so I should be alright. should find out tomorrow how well I did.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Trump is also probably one of those white people who wash their hands after they interact with a black person.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: enjoy, good luck!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Jon Lovett asked on the 0’Bros’ podcast today what you call a group of Trumpers, a la a murder of crows or a parliament of owls. The internet responded
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Victory gin perhaps?
@Major Major Major Major
Or one of those who rub black men’s heads ‘for luck.’
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’ll go with the obvious: a covfefe of Trumps.
I think you are looking for “Say, Say, Say” where the white dude is a yuge grifter in the video.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
(carefully dusts off a 50¢ word)
An effluent of Trumps.
White House Ficus To Leave For Virginia Arboretum After Declining …
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
LOL! I remember that! Drink your victory gin. It was like, “Drink your ovaltine”, from A Christmas Story.
No, it’ll be an Angry Orchard or a leftover Zima.
West of the Rockies
Along those lines, a pox of Trumps, a boil of Trumps, a blister of Trumps…
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Probably. I was playing off the fact that Trump is a germaphobe too. Thanks, will do!
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Delete your existence!
The caption I want to put on that photo is:
“It’s ‘Hail Hydra’, dumbass, and you’re not supposed to say it to people who aren’t part of your pathetic conspiracy.”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I like to sound smart sometimes ?.
Flash from the past: Richard Kelton as Ficus.
@West of the Rockies: A fiasco of Trumps.
“A ten mile traffic jam and dozens of chain reaction fender benders brought the interstate to halt today, as a fiasco of Trumps got lost trying to cross the road. The large fiasco of Trumps was supposed to have flown south for the winter by late-November, but they are so engorged with fast food waste, they are too fat to fly anymore. Local authorities are trying to figure out what to do.”
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Oh honey.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if Kelly will leak on them, and if so, to whom? He doesn’t strike me as the type to get chummy with reporters. Or people.
@Adam L Silverman: omfg. How perfect. Thanks
@Adam L Silverman: Well, one promising candidate has already turned down the job:
Adam L Silverman
@karensky: It was too good not to post once I saw it online.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh and I’m also watching old episodes of Hart to Hart while drinking a cold one.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I think we’ll need to contact the Ohio contingent of commentators to stage an intervention. Unless, of course, @??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: is actually a 17 year old young woman from the mid 1990s at spring break on South Padre Island. Then it’s sort of okay.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: god help me, I remember that show. About the intergalactic garbage truck ship, if my odd memory serves
West of the Rockies
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: you go ahead, I’m off to bed.
The Dangerman
A Penitentiary Of Trumps
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Zima! The Bartles & Jaymes of its generation!
Coming up at the top of the hour on TCM. W. C. Fields’ best (IMHO) picture, It’s a Gift.
Flash from the past: Richard Kelton as Ficus.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
That Stefanie Powers was the hotness!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
@Major Major Major Major:
What’s wrong with Angry Orchard? It’s pretty good! Dude, I was born in the mid 1990s.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I saw them film a scene for Hart to Hart outside the restaurant I worked in during college.
Do you know Carl LaFong? Capital L, small a . . .
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Yup : )
@NotMax: wow. It looks great.
i would suggest a “Covfefe of Trumps”
@Adam L Silverman: Well, I don’t see any problem with the Angry Orchard. But Zima????
I don’t know if intervention by jackals is sufficient. I’m thinking particle beams from orbit*.
*My preferred solution for the Stata Center.
Fair Economist
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Is there any Hart to Hart episode that isn’t old?
Hart to Hart was the kind of show I’d have really liked as a kid, but I pretty much quit watching TV about when it came out.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Angry Orchard was rated the best hard apple cider by Cook’s Country. Zima, eh, you’re on your own.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Child.
I was born in the Eisenhower administration. Well, the lame-duck end of it.
Fair Economist
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: OMG, they brought Zima back? It’s like a zombie; it won’t stay dead.
I remember during the “clear drink” fad the original Zima was part of a lot of my co-workers invested in Clearly Canadian, which was also part of the clear drink fad. I assume they didn’t get out in time to lose most of their money as the stock later crashed.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Fair Economist:
You haven’t watched any TV since the late 70s?
Fair Economist
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Not much. Somehow the conventions of TV shows just started to grate on me. I don’t maintain interest in shows anymore, with very rare exceptions.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I love Hart to Hart
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Fair Economist:
Yeah, there was a bunch that was sold over the summer. It’s not that bad, though I like Angry Orchard better. I worked in the State Liquor Store where I work to cover a break and I’ve thought about trying small shots of whiskey etc to see if I like it.
Mike in NC
I will forever be deeply grateful that my framed ‘Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the Armed Forces of the United States of America’ has the facsimile signature of President Obama and not Fat Bastard.
An excrescence of Trumps.
A syphilis of Trumps.
An inflamed carbuncle of Trumps.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Speaking of Hart to Hart…. It’s not a story I follow closely, but I’ve sort of absorbed the idea that Robert Wagner might be in some legal jeopardy wrt Natalie Wood’s death. Do I have that right?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I prefer Angry Orchard over Zima tbh.
It’s a cheesy but fun show. It’s a mood that isn’t really captured in tv shows anymore. The original Magnum PI was the same way. You could legit turn your brain off and just enjoy it for what it was.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You’re about as old as my parents then.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Not really. As best as the investigation figured, they were both plastered, they’d had an argument and stomped off to opposite ends of their boat,and at some point she fell off and drowned. There are the usual conspiracy theories, but nothing whatsoever to implicate anyone but herself, as an accident.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: yes. I think the case was reopened…more speculation this summer.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
… they still sell Zima?
Mike in NC
@Fair Economist: We had an otherwise useless officer in my Navy Reserve unit in Baltimore in the early 1990’s who worked for Pepsi and would regale people for hours about the work making Pepsi Clear. We got rid of him as soon as we could.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
They were five months ago where I work
@Fair Economist: I don’t think I’ve ever had a ‘clear’ alcoholic cooler. Don’t know whether that should be a source of shame or pride. I remember drinking Bartles and Jaymes coolers, but then I read the label one day and it was some kind of malt beverage (beer) and fermented fruit winey something with a lot of sugar added to it. Never tasted right after that and suddenly it upset my stomach.
But, I think some beer company made Zima. So rather than being a wine/beer, it is a beer/wine.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Not surprising. But I got married ‘way later. Hence my 11-year-old WarriorGirl.
I was too young to watch StarTrek in its original broadcasts, but I got the full cycle in syndication in the ’70s.
Most current TV is too, um, uninteresting. I’ve tried to watch the various reboots (Hawaii Five-O, MacGuyver, yadda, yadda, yadda), but honestly, I couldn’t care less about any of the characters. I love Doctor Who, but otherwise I”m pretty much catching old crap on deep cable or broadcast sub-channels (CometTV, anyone?).
A conspiracy of trumps
Dumpster fire of trumps
A catastrophe of trumps
A treason of trumps
@Mike in NC: wouldn’t all that work making pepsi clear involve NOT adding the carmel coloring and other dyes?
@Fair Economist:
One of the funniest pieces I ever heard on “This American Life” was a guy who had invested in a company called Fountain Fresh that subsequently went under. He was basically doing the story about himself and what an idiot he was.
The best part was him telling the story to his stockbroker brother, who was HOWLING with laughter as he described the low-rent broker he bought the stock from.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Mike in NC:
That sounds kind of mean : (
@sukabi: Oh, for fuck’s sake. RJW’s like 88, it happened 27 years ago and everyone on the damn yacht was drunk. I wouldn’t have trusted a single witness statement then, and I don’t now.
Adam L Silverman
@FlyingToaster: Mass drivers just to be sure.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Most current TV is too cynical, and frankly, fast paced. Movies too. Older movies and TV shows from as recent as 15-20 years ago took their time with establishing shots and such. Also, absolutely despise the shaky cam.
@FlyingToaster: Bill asked if there was more recent talk about RW involvement and there was a bunch of new speculation / investigation. I linked to a google search pulling that up. No reason to get pissy.
“Deep cable”? Me likey. Posh term for the third-tier microchannels I surf. Comet, Charge, MeTV, etc. I’m all over those.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Tell that to my mother. She always brings that up when the show is on. Whether he killed her or not, I can still separate him from the character and enjoy.
Also, here’s a fun drinking game for Hart to Hart. Every time Jennifer shouts “Jonathan!” during an episode take a shot of whiskey or vodka. You’ll get tanked pretty fast.
Yes, as I recall, it’s a “malt beverage.”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
How are the bunnies?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
By the way, random question, but is your nym inspired by the computer game where you play as a flying toaster that has navigate multiple levels set up as a rooms in a house, called Toaster Run?
Uh, there’s no statute of limitations for murder. And who fucking cares how old he is?
Your reaction strikes me as exceptionally strange.
@sukabi: Wasn’t trying to be pissy at you. I went and read the article, and it was the same damn stuff as before. “Unexplained bruises”, except that she was taking a thyroid replacement and trust me, one bruises easily — or at least I do.
I just hate the whole “conspiracy theory means we reopen the investigation 27 years later” crap, which gives exactly the same results once one reads the new report.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: You have brought this on yourself and your fellow Ohioans. With your foul beverages and Deviant Art lifestyle. You’re just lucky we’re not putting you down for the pillar of salt treatment…//
I’m not sure how plausible I find the “new witness” who co-authored a 2014 book about his claims and then went on the talk show circuit this summer to publicize his podcast about it:
Apparently the case was officially re-opened in 2011 but hasn’t gotten much further.
@eemom: Except that there’s no fucking evidence. Every damn person on that boat, including the captain, were drunk.
The forensic evidence is that she either fell whlie boarding the dinghy (unlikely, since it was unmoored and found nearer her body than the boat), or she fell out of the dinghy and drowned. The bruising on her body was entirely consistent with stumbing about the yacht drunk, then getting on the dinghy, rowing for shore, and passing out.
My reaction is of someone who followed the original investigation (because I liked both of them as actors), and keeps seeing the same BS again and again and again.
Her sister has been flogging this “murder” CT for 27 years. There’s still no there, there.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Nope. The original Broderbund screensaver. I still have a swag t-shirt from one of the early Boston MacWorlds. And I have the japanese knockoff currently running on various Mac laptops.
@FlyingToaster: ok, not pissy.?. I guess everyone reacts differently, I don’t have any increased bruising on thyroid replacement. I remember the reports from when she died, seemed hinky to me at the time, especially since they had been having a volatile on again off again relationship.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: We have clocks. We can launch when the offending businesses are closed. I’m only trying to eradicate basic threats to humankind, like anti-human architecture and alcopops.
@eemom: The one is doing much better, thanks, and is home after two nights at the vet. She’s eating well and recovered enough to be unhappy about being given medicine.
The other has her appointment on Wednesday, so we’ll see.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@FlyingToaster: coming back to me now, I seem to recall the news reports at the time kind of tip-toeing around the fact that there were all drunk.
@FlyingToaster: 1981. 37 years ago!
So glad to hear that about bunny one, and hoping the best for bunny two. Keep us posted.
@sukabi: I think at the time I was well acquainted with a couple of stupid, angry drunks, who would do shit like storm off after a fight and get in their cars and end up in traction after the inevitable car wreck. So it seemed all too plausible to me that she was angry enough not to pay attention to how impaired she was. And unlucky enough to have it go catastrophically wrong.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Christopher Walken was the other non-crew member on board that night, so the rumor mill usually claims that Wagner and Wood’s argument was over one of them having an affair with Walken, but differs on which one of them it was.
IIRC, Wood’s sister claims that Natalie Wood was terrified of the water and therefore wouldn’t have set off on a lifeboat in the middle of the night while drunk, but if that was the case, why the fuck was she on a yacht in the first place?
Millard Filmore
The only two shows I have watch recently are “Elementary”, currently going, and “Person of Interest”
Person of Interest has an interesting concept, excellent acting, and great dialog especially with the female leads. It is out of production so you will have to catch it in reruns.
@cwmoss: Sorry, math failure after midnight. It’s probably time to go sleep, since it’s up early to take WG to school and then sit and wait for the oilchange on the minivan.
@Millard Filmore: I actually watched PoI during its original broadcast. I really got into the characters, as well as the weird shit they were dealing with. And it ended in a way that was not fucked up.
I was watching “Lucifer” first season, and then couldn’t figure out when it was on. I’ll occasionally catch “The Flash” on CW, if I’m home.
I see a lot of PBS retreads: Midsomer Murders, Vera, Luther. I love Shetland.
I get a lot of Science Channel in passing. How it’s Made is a staple at ChezToaster.
Millard Filmore
I bought a DVD of the shows at a bookstore and really love the dialogue of the two psycho female operatives.
joel hanes
What’s wrong with Angry Orchard?
I opened my mouth to reply, and then remembered that my cohort drank Boone’s Farm. Cases of it.
It’s a very slippery slope from Zima to T-bird and Olde English 800.
Show some self-respect.
J R in WV
@Goku :
Oh, man, you MISSED the whole 20th Century! There’s an album and a movie. “Woodstock” Look that up!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Best of luck man! Was missing you around here. How much more school you got left anyways?
@Millard Filmore:
They rebooted that, it’s now “Individual 1”.