The Democrats, are saying loud and clear that they do not want to build a Concrete Wall – but we are not building a Concrete Wall, we are building artistically designed steel slats, so that you can easily see through it….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018
Have I mentioned you're not getting a wall?
Because you're not getting a wall.#FreedomDitch
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) December 19, 2018
Why suddenly this Syria news?? "One Defense Department official suggested that Mr. Trump also wants to divert attention away from the series of legal challenges confronting him over the recent days…"
— Nahal Toosi (@nahaltoosi) December 19, 2018
christ…I bet Trump thinks abandoning the Kurds will turn unspent operations cash into a slush fund for his dumbass racist wall.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) December 19, 2018
Since other funding sources are not exactly prospering:
This is going to end with a Build the Wall Patreon isn't it
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) December 18, 2018
What's next, Twitter?
— Benji Backer (@BenjiBacker) December 18, 2018
In the voters' defense, they didn't vote for them paying for stuff. They voted for *other people paying for stuff*
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) December 19, 2018
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) December 19, 2018
Star Trek only had transparent aluminum; under the Glorious Leadership of President Dealmaker, not only will the US steel industry be revived, but they will start making transparent steel! Truly, this is an age of wonders.
FFS, “artistically designed”? Like that cheap gilded crap in your homes?
Cheryl Rofer
@dmsilev: They will use F-35 stealth technology.
That’s it! Let’s build a wall out of Crystalline Entity!
Also, perhaps Trump should consider that even if the Democrats don’t want a concrete wall, they might perhaps be open to the idea of an abstract wall.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
This fucking guy…
Corner Stone
Ken Starr earns the “Big Click” of the day!
@Cheryl Rofer: The Emperor’s New Wall.
I could be talked into a conceptual wall.
@debbie: The Wall is a state of mind, see. You have to visualize The Wall. You have to make The Wall part of you. You have to _become_ The Wall.
Corner Stone
The Cuban infiltration force would only employ their sonic weapon and resonate the Entity into smithereens.
Corner Stone
Is…that anything like what the Spartans did to the Persians in the movie 300?
so…steel slats, so you can easily see through it. but people can’t pass drugs through it. nosiree, not at all.
That’s the ticket laddie. Also, can you direct me to the nuclear wessels in Alameda?
@Corner Stone: Ugh…I saw that too…smh…I was like WTF Melber…who da fuq wants to hear from Ken fuq’n Starr…
@Corner Stone: Nobody, and I repeat nobody, wants to see Donald Trump shirtless and oiled up.
@Corner Stone: Do you mean the former president of Baylor who hid the sex abuse that was occurring under his leadership? That one? Who now is allowed to bloviate about the innocence of trump.
Things I did not know: Read today that Stonewall Jackson, Walt Whitman and John Wilkes Booth all attended John Brown’s execution.
thanks for that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: Melber’s stunt guesting is tiresome.
Corner Stone
@JPL: He’s got a book to sell about Bill Clinton. That alone qualifies him as an expert and talk show catnip.
“Henceforth, all Border Patrol agents shall be trained as mimes and in unison, lean, palms-out in a southerly direction.”
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I am tired of Melber’s style to begin with, but those bad bookings don’t make it any easier.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: really, you have to be f..king kidding me… Why would Melber give him the time of day is beyond me. Starr has always been a right wing hack.
Mike J
If Trump were more clever I’d guess that the concrete/steel wall thing came from some child care book where you give the kid options, but only options that are acceptable to you. “Do you want brussels sprouts or lima beans?” Do the books tell you what to do if the kid laughs in your face and tells you to fuck off? And does Trump know you can’t spank the country?
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: And a good time was had by all. Other than John Brown!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I realize it’s like stopping at the unfolded card table outside the Piggly-Wiggly to argue with a LaRouchie, but why would anyone want to look through The Wall?
Rapture was built from Rearden metal and transparent aluminum. True story.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Grand Master Shayna Punim’s schtick is upsetting you?
@Adam L Silverman: lol Trump has no idea that his policies have driven up the cost of his beautiful steel slat see through wall.
Nothing like building something huge and both light and heat reflective in a sun-drenched desert. Howard Roark on the bad acid.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: He thinks he knows the price of everything, but he really knows the value of nothing. He also doesn’t actually know the price of anything either.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That came up a long time ago! If people are throwing bags of drugs over the wall, you want to be able to see that they’re doing that so you don’t get hit by the bags.
Nothing like building something huge and both blindingly light and heat reflective in a sun-drenched desert. Howard Roark on the bad acid.
What do you want to bet the contractors will leave excavations or shortcut the fill in places, inviting spots suited to the start of a tunnel.
WallCoin? WTF? How would that even work? These people are nuts.
@NotMax: That will be very hard on insects and birds. And then hard on pollinating plants too.
Evening BJ.
It’s the Holiday season, so slacking off politics for a bit, so how’s about some fun.
Check it out: Google LEGIT got Macaulay Culkin to do this in a commercial for them!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Pierce and his reply-era indicate Melber did a good job. Okay. I figure if the old crotch-sniffer was Destroyed, Eviscerated, Leveled, Pummeled or what have you, somebody will put the good parts on the tubes
I built a wooden wall
but it wooden wall.
So I built a steel wall,
but it steel wooden wall.
So I built a lead wall,
but it steel wooden lead me wall.
So I built a copper wall,
but the copper steel wooden lead me wall.
So I built a tin wall,
now I tin wall.
@Corner Stone:
I couldn’t take it. I was feeling too fragile today. Switched over to Property Brothers when Ken Starr was announced for the next block. I was praying that Ari would tear him a new one, but I guess that didn’t happen?
Ohio Mom
@trollhattan: What are you reading that contains such interesting trivia?
Viva BrisVegas
Or bullets.
Quaker in a Basement
@Mike J: Or if Trump had ever practiced childcare for as much as a minute.
So I saw Spider-man:Into the Spiderverse! My goodness, it was SOOOOO good. The animation was awesome the story was cool and the animated action sequences were better than some live action set pieces. And the soundtrack was DOPE was WOW!
I cannot recommend it enough!
Go check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
Just to prepare everyone, this is exactly what the border wall reveal will be like when it’s completed.
2h2 hours ago
Breaking — Buzzfeed wins defamation suit brought over publishing of the Steele dossier
@Cheryl Rofer: Oh, you mean these invisible jet fighters?
(Flying with the invisible jet bomber.)
ETA: They’re currently my desktop wallpaper.
Has anybody seen the new Mary, Queen of Scots movie? I’m thinking of treating myself tomorrow afternoon, but would love to hear ahead of time from any jackals who have seen it.
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t know, I hear John Brown was well hung. BTW, there’s Brown Mountain here in the San Gabriel frontrange that’s named after John Brown.
I can row a boat. Canoe?
I suspect you and I are of approximately the same vintage.
The Dangerman
Will we make people buy the acetylene torch equipment or will we have rentals along the border?
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: Tom and Lorenzo, who I trust above all others about movies, were disappointed except for the costumes. They just mentioned that they had problems with it, but no formal post yet. They loved, loved, loved “The Favourite,” so I plan to see that instead.
@Mary G: I was just gonna post the same sentiment about T-Lo. I haven’t seen it, but I do trust their review judgements, and they were not a fan.
MY PRESIDENT visited the kids and staff at Children’s National Hospital!
Can u imagine Chump or Melanoma doing the same w/their dour faces and stuff
Wild Cat
In the end, all that sick fuck will build is a wall of demented sound.
Apparently Trump hasn’t paid attention to what HIS economy & tariffs have done to the steel market! “Steel increased 19 Yuan/MT or 0.51% to 3,740 on Friday December 14 from 3,721 in the previous trading session. Historically, Steel reached an all time high of 4780 in September of 2018 and a record low of 1750 in February of 2016.”
Teacher: Can you describe Napoleon’s place of birth?
Student: Corsican.
@SiubhanDuinne: I kinda want everyone to see Into the Spiderverse, it’s a “comic book” movie, but the animation style is so good that you don’t even think about it being animation, it’s done so beautifully
I don’t know if you like heist films, but my sisters loved Widows
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: There’s one or two things here in RI named after him.
Listen, much as I wanted an 3rd Hellboy film, I’m not really into a Hellboy film without Guillermo del Toro! I mean…the main reason I saw Shape of Water in theatres was because of how much I love del Toro’s aesthehic. Sorry…not sorry.
@Mary G
Trailer is a gas.
@Wild Cat: How about a wall of voodoo?
I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana…
Mary G
@lamh36: Speaking as someone who spent months in hospitals as a child, it is a good, good, thing that Twitler and Melania don’t visit. Barack and Michelle are the best medicine.
@trollhattan: …and John Brown was there, too!
Rylan Futch
Dems could cut a serious deal here. Reinstate EVERY part of Obamacare that has been dismantled in exchange for a wall. It would be a huge win for them because we already have parts of a wall……..who the hell cares if we build some more?
Once a big molicepan
Saw a bittle lum,
Sitting on a sturb-cone,
Chewing gubber rum.
Said the big molicepan,
“Won’t you simme gum?”
“Tinny on your ninpype!”
Said the bittle lum.
@lamh36: That’s really cute. I hope Macaulay Culkin is doing okay. He seems to have had his ups and downs.
Crystal meth might be more appropriate.
Dine and fandy entry from the jarachute pumper.
@SiubhanDuinne: Quite possibly!
If you’re American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
Mary G
I just hate the people who voted for the president, and things like this:
They throw away all the refugees’ possessions, including blankets and spare warm clothing, and keep them in detention centers with air conditioning that is turned way down, with only those foil emergency “blankets” for warmth. The refugees think of it as being put in a refrigerator, something else they have no experience with.
For people who are accustomed to more southern latitudes and have never even been in an air-conditioned building, it is torture. Literal torture. We can’t let the fire hose of other news take our eyes off this disgrace.
A Ghost To Most
If I want to watch a superhero, I’ll watch Adam Schiff in January.
Old Servers?
@lamh36: Ugh… yeah…THIS –>…is gonna be a no from me!
Hellboy (2019 Movie) Official Trailer “Smash Things” – David Harbour, Mi… via @YouTube
We have lots of illegal immigrants because it suits the people who employ them. It is painfully obvious that a solution is to start putting said employers in jail. It won’t cost billions. I don’t advocate for this, mind you. Quite happy to have folks come. But the painful stupidity of a wall is really, really special, and not in a good way.
Roger Moore
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t know about looking through the wall, but it would be less ecologically disruptive if small animals could easily pass through.
patrick II
Of it’s made with slats it’s a fence.
@Adam L SilvermanAt least he gave us the song that should be our national anthem.
I saw build the wall out of Drumpf supporters.
Another day done at the corporate murderhole, of which we learned is arterially bleeding cash and unable to borrow. At least I understand the guard outside better. This is when Upper Management gets all doe eyed and discussed “hard decisions” and they pick who they want to get rid of from those that survived the last mass casualty accident my company caused. I’m sure the lessons will stick this time that perhaps falsifying records (allegedly!) is not the brightest of ideas.
Disenfranchise fucking wwc folks stat. That’s the only fucking way to stop the spreading stupidity.
I’m sitting in a warehouse craft beer bar watching my kid’s band play. It’s a patchouli and flannel kind of crowd. Not many eading glasses.
@SiubhanDuinne: Is that Bloody Mary?
@Sam: But that would mean putting white people who benefit from illegal immigration in jail! That’s against the rules!
@Yarrow: IKR…I was just saying he looks healthier than I’ve ever seen him before!
@MomSense: granolas
@lamh36: You can keep the change, you filthy animal. Ok, cool. LOL.
@PJ: that is exactly why we don’t do the obvious thing. Follow the money..l
Ugh…from the top to bottom (Moonves, Charlie Rose, Weatherly, etc) CBS had been a cesspool! As someone who liked NCIS and liked Weatherly on the show, this is just ugh.
Haven’t watched NCIS a number of seasons ago and I never did get into “Bull”, which after reading this, I’m glad I didnt’…
@trollhattan: Brown was convicted of treason against the State of Virginia
Top rated bbc comment in that piece.
And people are stupid enough to think that the EU is the enemy!
Look at all the tax-evading, data manipulating, business destroying companies out there and the common factor is?………they’re American!
Amir Khalid
In the end the Wall will be a series of giant billboards along the border, saying, Imagínate, aquí hay una pared.
Roger Moore
No. Bloody Mary was Mary I of England, who was called that because she had a bunch of protestants executed while trying to reinstate Catholicism as the English state religion. Mary, Queen of Scots was Bloody Mary’s first cousin once removed; her maternal grandmother, Margaret Tudor, was Bloody Mary’s aunt.
Bad days at Black Rock.
Are you calling for a wall of 40′-high, elbow to elbow, shirtless and oiled up Donald Trump statues (all facing south) along the Mexico border?
Yup but really cute. I think our music scene up heah is starting to rival yours.
If you want to come up north to go fishing this summer I’ll hook you up with some good music. I know some good fishing spots, too.
@lamh36: Yeah, I was thinking he looked really good too.
Not only that, but Melber didn’t lay a glove on Starr in the entire interview. Starr is on a book tour, and he was answering the usual “gotcha!” questions that he has surely been asked a dozen times before. He was smiling, grinning and smirking at Melber, and to make matters worse Melber gave Starr a tongue bath at the end.
YMMV of course, but I can’t understand why anyone would think Melber did a good job:
@SiubhanDuinne: if you’ve only got time to see one speculative movie about a queen of England this holiday season, you’d be better off watching the Favorite than Mary Queen of Scots. Both are fine, but I thought Queen Anne needs some love and a movie. Unfortunately the Favorite shows Anne in decline, near the end of her reign. She was a more effective monarch than the movie gives her credit for. MSQ, though, just seemed kind of dull. Odds stacked against her, Elizabeth did out queen her in the end. Elizabeth I thought stole the film, just like in real life, she was able to keep her crown even though others had a much better claim on it.
Every fvcking body who interviews Starr has to begin by asking him why he protected the rape culture at Baylor. Every fvcking body.
Do not book Ken Starr unless it’s to mock him.
Amir Khalid
Der Müller Gottes mahlt langsam, usw.
Villago Delenda Est
The sooner Donald is behind a steel slatted fence, forever, the better.
That goes for his vile criminal Ivana spawn as well.
@trollhattan: But they won’t. They treat him as a respected prosecutor.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Monica Lewinsky parked him in the cheap seats!
@lamh36: Can you imagine even a single child who would want to hug Trump or Melanie?
I like to call her by the name Trump used in his tweet.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: It is on my list. Along with Aquaman.
Adam L Silverman
I see what you did there.
@khead: That is my favorite Star Trek movie.
Roger Moore
I’ve been thinking about watching The Favourite. I recently read Winston’s Churchill’s biography of Marlborough, which covers the story behind the movie in some detail, so it would be interesting to see a completely different take on it.
Doug R
@lamh36: I loved spider verse too. Like a comic book come to life, in a good way.
Stay for the post credit scene. Fantastic.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: not for the first time
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and more one point, from the same piece
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: My understanding is that Mignola was far more involved in this than he was with del Toro on his pair of Hellboy movies. And that they’ve adapted an actual arc from Mignola’s comic for the movie plot and script.
Interview with Ben Taub on NPR, about his piece in the NYer called Iraq’s Post-ISIS Campaign of Revenge. Mostly about Mosul, Iraqui trials against accused associates of ISIS. [There were around 8,000 ISIS fighters in Mosul. But more than 100,000 people are on wanted lists because of false accusations or cases where same name.]
Trigger: mentions people who were tortured, but not description
The Midnight Lurker
Wall coin? Is he talking about those ‘challenge coins’ or whatever that the Trump administration has had minted by the thousands? Friends of mine in Washington keep sending theirs to me. I have quite the collection. Perhaps I will build the wall.
Can I have my five billion now?
@The Midnight Lurker: It’s even dumber than that. Think about how stupid bitcoin is for anything useful, and then imagine a variant of bitcoin designed explicitly to fund The Wall.
I’m sure 2019 will, somehow, gift us an idea that’s even dumber yet, but it’s a high bar to clear.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ken Starr, like Mike Pence, is the guy you call the cops on if you saw them by themselves near an elementary school or a park where children were playing.
@Mary G:
My brother, a noted Anglophile, did not like The Favourite. Too “jokey” in a non-period, modern way (paraphrasing).
Will the get their steel from China? You know the country you started a tariff war with and will be paying a shit ton more money for it?
Which of these kids has a future on stage?
The Midnight Lurker
@Adam L Silverman: Why wait?
zhena gogolia
God, that makes my heart hurt.
Adam L Silverman
@The Midnight Lurker: Probable cause.
This is a bummer. I thought the premise for Bull sounded really stupid, but it turned out to be a good show. And Eliza Dushku was good on it. I wondered why her promising story arc seemed to die out unexpectedly.
One of my FAVORITE movies and one of my FAV Dolly Parton song. Talk about a timeless message! The film and the song!
i fuqn love this song still!!
9 to 5 came out 38 years ago!!! It was #MeToo before #MeToo it’s sad to see some of the things in it hasn’t changed as much as it should have.
I'll be Frank
Could it be, the debt ceiling could actually be brought back into meaning. It was created by Congress to keep a Pres. from funding programs without Congressional approval. FDR and his bonds.
A grown-ass man pretending to be President tweeted this. WTF?
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I like this version:
He’s not a grown ass man. He’s a petulant 4 yr old in a 72 yr old body that has seen a lot of self abuse. A lot of self abuse. In ways that none of us want to think about. But in most every way that one could imagine.
Anyone want to discuss his Alzheimers?
I remember a science fiction story based on the idea that tearing off a sheet of toilet paper frequently results in tearing through the sheet, not the perforation. The premise of the story was that the perforated area was actually stronger than the sheet itself, since the perforation was harder to rip. It seems that the conclusion was making an indestructible material composed entirely of perforation. Or something like that. Maybe that’s the idea behind the wall.
Apparently it was Theodore Sturgeon, ““It Was Nothing, Really”
@Adam L. SIlverman
Oh my. Is your top secret code name The Malignant Amoeba? (see: Adventure Comics 135. pic)
That poor fish.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: No, no it is not.
I want a low, stone wall with climbing roses tumbling over it. It’ll be low enough to sit on so it should have a broad top, so people can sit for photographs or just to rest. Ivanka should pay for it.
(1) Set up the blockchain software for trading the coins, (2) keep 1000 in reserve, (3) wait for the price to hit one million per coin, (4) cash in and you’ve got your billion for the wall.
There might be a hitch at step 3, so here’s an alternate plan. (1) Set up etc., (2) keep 1000 in reserve, (3) wait another two months at which time – assuming the trend line holds – Trump will be asking for $19.99 for the wall, (4) visit an ATM.
James E Powell
Democrats have to say no deals on any wall. No deals on anything. Democrats have to say that there will be no talk of any deals until they’re done with the investigations which are due to start next month.
@Kay: If we can make it picturesque, it can be a tourist attraction. No need to wait 5 or 6 hundred years like they did in China. This Wall will pay for itself!
@Corner Stone: Please explain. I heard a bit of his interview by Ari Melber on MSNBC. I was not impressed.
I think Corner Stone meant that he turned off the TV (or turned the channel) rather than watch Ken Starr.
@trollhattan: “Things I did not know: Read today that Stonewall Jackson, Walt Whitman and John Wilkes Booth all attended John Brown’s execution.”
Interesting – John Brown was put to death for treason; Jackson died in the act of treason, Booth dies fleeing from an act of murder.