From the Washington Post:
The year’s final full moon rises Saturday evening. Its nickname, the “Cold Moon,” is apt for the first full moon of winter, and it will be bright in the night sky.
The 13th full moon of 2018, “the cold moon gets its name because December is the month when it really starts to get cold,” according to NASA…
This year’s Cold Moon will also be brighter than normal. This is because the full Cold Moon is coming during perigee. Perigee is when the moon is at or near its closest approach to Earth. When the moon is far off, it is in apogee. Perigee also causes higher-than-usual tides, which are ongoing and anticipated in the days ahead…
Breaking: The government will partially shut down at midnight tonight, the first time in 40 years it have been closed three times in a year.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) December 22, 2018
Schumer is putting this squarely on the president. “The Trump temper tantrum will shut down the govt, but he will not get his wall.”
Schumer is essentially comparing Trump to a child who is mad about not getting his way.
— Ella Nilsen (@ella_nilsen) December 20, 2018
I’ll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 20, 2018
Why is anyone surprised that Trump's willing to shut down our government when it's clearly not the one he works for?
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) December 21, 2018
If Trump shuts down the government, hundreds of thousands of federal employees will work without pay in the days before Christmas, including about:
53,000 TSA workers
42,000 Coast Guard employees
41,000 law enforcement and corrections officers
5,000 Forest Service firefighters— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) December 20, 2018
A friendly reminder, from a guy who used to cover the federal workforce, that 85% of federal employees live well beyond the DC area. Hundreds of thousands of bottom lines nationwide adversely affected by a temporary stop in pay.
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) December 21, 2018
And even outside the buildings, think of the people who work in (or own) sandwich shops and food trucks and stores that people run out to during their lunch hour or on the way home from work. None of them will be getting back pay later.
— Keith Ivey (@kcivey) December 22, 2018
This is the kind of thing you say when you want to deflect from your failures as a politician by flipping the bird to people in public service, which is always a crowd-pleaser among the people who have no idea how government works.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) December 20, 2018
One positive note, for us sane not-Republicans:
In the event of a government shutdown, special counsel Robert Mueller's office would *not* be affected. They're funded through a "permanent indefinite appropriation," per a spokeperson
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) December 21, 2018
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Now they’re attacking each other
Good thing I called yestermorn. Spent better than an hour on the phone with Tony but I got that hash straightened out. Now all I have to do is send money.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
He’s not, never has been, never will be.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Drumpf’s usual endgame is to declare bankruptcy and leave his suckers holding his bad debts.
me likey.
‘Tis the season to be…
Repeat this ad nauseum.
@platonailedit: The gang that can’t shoot straight.
@NotMax: Good morning ?
Both my sisters’ birthdays were in September, one week apart exactly. I never did the math until I was older and my father had said of one that “she’s such a happy person because she’s 2/3 bourbon”. She was about 12 at the time, so I knew he hadn’t meant literally.
Who’da thunk it?????????????
Lame duck session doesn’t quite go far enough. More like spineless duck session.
Everyone have a good day! I’m off to work.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Yup. I hope he does the same to the group of parasites.
This is exhausting……
Test for shorter nym.
Eta: hey, it worked. Fucking tired of typing nym every 5 minutes.
@OzarkHillbilly: Great!
@NotMax: Not surprising. Lots of off time, and not a lot outdoors to do. Even now, with holiday activity in full force, most people have Christmas and NYDay off, with the urge to sleep in-one way or another. Add bourbon…and we have a lot of September and October babies.
@NotMax: Drunk?
@Platonailedit: Life happens.
@raven: Yep. Had it all done 2 weeks ago then Thursday I got an unexpected lump sum disbursement that changed everything. In the process we also spotted a mistake I had made that would have come back to bite us in the ass too.
Mary G
I have never liked Republicans, but these assholes are a whole ‘nother thing. The “fuck the little people” is out loud and proud these days. I want them crushed in 2020.
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Two people have been arrested in connection with a string of drone sightings that brought Gatwick Airport to a standstill.
A 47-year-old man and a 54-year-old woman, from Crawley, were arrested in the town at about 22:00 GMT on Friday.
Flights had been grounded for more than a day, affecting about 140,000 passengers, after drones were seen near the runway.
The airport has since reopened and flights are operating on schedule.
@Plato: my nym almost types itself, so long as I am on iPad instead of phone. It’s the email address that takes some time.
Good morning, everyone.
Is Festivus over already? I still got some grievances to air.
The democrats really need to run ads with trumps quote taking responsibility for the shutdown. This being a day that ends in y means that whatever the president does, it will be unsettling. Stay alert.
@Lapassionara: Festivus is tomorrow so get your list ready.
@Mary G: Newt and his crew did the same thing in 1995, pretty much assuring that Bill Clinton would be re-elected.
Our horrible next door slumlandlord managed to sell the property before full winter blew the waterpipes. Plus he sold to an owner not a landlord. New owner is young. Hopefully she will be okay with the goat clearing project. I love goats.
@JPL: Thanks. adding to it as I type.
I went to school with a girl named “Noel”. In high school someone joke if she had been born in December & was a Christmas gift. She said no, her birthday was in August. You could see the wheels turn for a moment . . . “Well maybe I was”
@Schlemazel: The kid and Madame have b-days in late August and early September.
Love by christmas lights can be romantic
That so many live pay-check to pay check means this will cause large credit card debt (damn fucking banks will be happy.) Still, the fever needs to break one way or another. The low life’s (i.e. average dumb ass white men) will need to see their welfare checks (the SS disability) stop before they howl like the racist piles of stupidity they are and then, the orange fart cloud will see his base support steadily evaporate. Then the real panic will set in and we can watch that as wipe piece of used toilet paper back down and suffer the humiliation that will really erode his base in a manner that will frankly, leave a mark on this 6 -year old’s ego.
This will weaken the grip the repitlian party has on the senate come 2020 when the fart cloud is swept away in another (alas) small blue wave.
Presumably Nancy has a bill ready to be voted on as soon as she takes power, in case this isn’t resolved first. I wonder what it looks like, and whether her caucus has seen it?
It’s unlikely to come to that. Trump has no willpower, and people are going to keep yelling at him and saying in public that he messed this up. I’m wondering if Ryan and McConnell didn’t hand him a clean bill and make him sign because this is the part of dealing with a spoiled asshole where you make them say out loud they can’t always get their way, to reduce further tantrums.
@Schlemazel: In Madame’s case there’s less of a link since she was born in Korea.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: But winter is winter, even when there are no winter holidays. People stay in more and sit by the fire instead of going out, and there is snow in Korea, so perhaps a few snow days there too.
@CarolDuhart2: Snuggles lead to more than just more snuggles
I think his current stuck on the wall mode comes from him wanting to get back to the cheers from his base at those rally’s when he said we will build the wall. He craves adoration like an addiction. Right now, every body is yelling at him. He doesn’t understand those rally’s were just a small percent of the country, even among his supporters.
@OzarkHillbilly: Snuggles are a gateway drug.
You could say the same about anything he gets involved in.
Have a great day.
I am working too today.?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
They Eat Their Own.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Trump has always relied on his mouth to see him through. That may work in some places, but never in the Presidency.
I was one of those, though it was more likely scotch than bourbon. Not at the holidays, though; my parents and their friends absolutely loved to party.
@Obdurodon: I’m addicted.
Gateway hug
I heard yesterday that Amazon collects the tapes from customers’ Ring (a video doorbell thing) and is sending them back to the developers in Ukraine so they can “train” their algorithms to be more accurate.
and, as with all these tech giants we know that our privacy is secure and nothing could go wrong
I really can’t see this heading anywhere but to a war with some “small, piss-ant country” to try to salvage the situation.
S. Johnson: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
Internet wag: “Patriotism is the first refuge of the scoundrel.”
Right. The reporter was implying collecting customer data was very likely their next step.
A Ghost To Most
Mountain goats would be right up your alley. We sometimes drive up high just looking for goats.
Hello all!
A bit more Christmas shopping this weekend. Also, more cookie baking! On Monday, I pick up this fabulous Buche de Noel that a local bakery makes. It is chocolate cake rolled with raspberry jam filling with a mocha frosting. Looks like a log, too, complete with merangue mushrooms. I’m already loosening my belt….
@p.a.: I like Bob Dylan’s version best:
I have made a couple of those but fill with pastry cream. They are a lot of putzy work, I can’t imagine they are cheap. Still delicious and a great way to celebrate – enjoy
@Schlemazel: I got it because the father- and brother-in-law will be decending from Texas for a week with us. They have probably never seen one, so –Treat!
@Schlemazel: Also, I thought about making one myself, but time won’t let me.
A Ghost To Most
As someone who has avoided Facebook, their new Portal device that follows you around the room is creepy.
@Immanentize: What song? I’m a Bobby fan but not a Bobby-file.
Lady raxterinok
@Cermet: I know people mostly dependent on SS disability checks. Do NOT want these payments to stop!!
Then find a different ee cummings poem to reference, ya wimp. Because dropping the “nailedit” kills that ref.
Or are you just going through your Shitgibbon-thinks-he’s-the-bestest-most-smartestest-“person”-EVAH phase, and think you really ARE on a par with Plato?
ETA: Of course, if you still want to stick with the cummings ref, picking “WTSherman” or “GenSherman” wouldn’t be bad.
Sounds delicious ??
@A Ghost To Most:
When the time comes to rebel against those monsters they will know before we do & crush the uprising easily
@p.a.: “You Sweetheart You,” from Infidels.
ETA normally I would post the link, but my linker seems broke on my phone this morning….
@Lady raxterinok: In this shut down, SS and Medicare and Medicaid are safe.
@Immanentize: I usually love living in Ohio, but we don’t have those. I want one. Why bother baking when I know those are out in the world.
@SFAW: Heh.
@Immanentize: Even for people in the process of signing up?
@SFAW: Living rent free. Meh for me. Bummer for ya.
I’ve watched Martha Stewart and Mary Berry make them. “A lot of work” is an understatement! I doubt I’d last long enough to sculpt the mushrooms.
Cheryl Rofer
Looks like my (and others’) admonitions about “super moons” being a load of nonsense have been heeded. Or the media just got tired of the meme.
@Immanentize: Ever check out Theme Time Radio Hour, hosted by Dylan? Still available online, file under ‘American musicology 101.’ Don’t know how much he was involved in the programming, but it was a really great production.
@Immanentize: Dawg, my teeth rot just looking at that thing.
@Sab: It is an amazing item…Here is a pic of one like I am getting….
Good morning BJ!
So yesterday was two movie night! Lordt…Felt like my old days where I’d see like 2-3 movies a day in my ar least one of my weekend off days.
Aquaman first, then Bumblebee…thx AMC A-List!
But lordt I’m getting too old for that shit?
Alright Aquaman review: A- ! James Wan and Jason Mamoa may have single-handedly revived DC’s prospects in this comic movie game…if they keep doing stuff like Wonder Woman and Aquaman…they might just have a chance against Marvel, esp since so many of the original Avengers are leaving.
Anyway…things I liked MAMOA!!! He somehow, some way has found a way to make Aquman, Arthur fuq’n Curry….BADAZZZ!!!! No offense to Aquaman before Mamoa, but he was kinda lame, a member of Justice League, but still KINDA lame. No more… there is nothing lame about Jason Mamoa’s Aquaman…hell, he mananged to make that darn green and yellow suit go from lame to HAWT, HAWT, HAWT!!!
If you like DC Comics and you love comic book movies, and you want to see a movies that just fun with STUNNING visuals…go see Aquaman you won’t regre it!
@Sab: I think so, those agencies are funded, but the sign up might be more difficult….
My 2nd movie of the night was Bumblebee. I had no plans to see Bumblebee. I mean, I liked the Transformers cartoons as a child, and the first couple of Micheal Bay movies was ok, but I didn’t see the last 2 and had no interest in this one. But I saw Aquaman with my cuz and he was going to see Bumblebee right after Aquaman in theatre on the other side of town, so with my AMC A-list I was able to add the movie and reserve my seat next to my cuz. I’d heard folks say really good things about Bumblebee, so I figured I’d enjoy it, but I never expected to enjoy it as much as I did. It had heart and a great story, and aside from John Cena hamming it up…I really enjoyed the action sequences and the more emotional moments!
Bumblebe gets a DEFINITE A from me! Best Transformers movie of the bunch!
@Cheryl Rofer: I was tired of the whole “super moon” thing 5 seconds after the first time I heard it.
I’ve never seen them with mocha frosting, only dark chocolate ganache, kind of like a gigantic HoHo.
@Immanentize: My sister sent a photo of one of hers last night. She ordered three for different family Christmas dinners. I thought I might see if I could find one this morning. They are rare in my part of Texas but I have seen some.
I’m not usually this forward, but I have claimed Mamoa as MINE.
@Sab: Check out Cinci and Cleveland local bakeries. Lot of German/Austrian/Polish influence there.
You got me thinking about my October birthday. My dad used to work construction, but wasn’t a skilled (electrician, plumber) one. Construction was slow during December and January-only indoor work was being done. Guys did get some sort of bonus around Xmas time, so plenty of time to hang out as well.
That’s why I dropped the shoemangler.
@p.a.: no, but I will. Thanks.
One of my favorite Dylan things is this odd televised? Version of The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol which is one of my favorite songs.
But what’s great is the setting — it’s supposed to be in a lumber camp bunkhouse? What? Men smoking pipes, writing letters, reading, pin ups on the walls. It’s friggin brilliant.
@Immanentize: I had my sign up interview day before yesterday, six weeks after I went to the office to sign up in person. Hopefully the paperwork procesed before the shut down.
This sucks for all the routine federal workers just doing their jobs.
Justice League was a crappy movie, but Mamoa was great. There’s a scene where he accidentally sits on Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth, and starts getting in touch with his feelings about their mission, shit talks each other member, to their amusement and his embarrassment (when he realizes what’s happened).
@lamh36: Thanks, Lamh! Mamoa is interesting generally and I think DC finally figured out their dark avenger crap was getting old. Glad to hear they are learning! I will probably see it next week.
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: Good morning! Your buche de noel sounds yummy. I’m late to the game, but wanted to congratulate Immp on his acceptance to Rice. My elder son went there too (mid aughts) and it’s a great school and beautiful campus. Helping him move into his dorm in August freshman year was an experience: I never had to breathe liquid air before. Houston gives HUMID a whole new meaning. But back to the point, well done to both of you!
@debbie: oh Debbie, you are making me relive my past! Hoho’s or Ring Dings daily.
Also, your comment about your parents liking to throw a party? I used to say that Julie and I wanted to raise the Immp like I was raised — by well dressed parents with cocktails in their hands. “Go run outside and play.”
@debbie: I keep my claim on Idris! But I reserve the right to challenge for Mamoa if a time comes when I’m done wit Idris (i.e. never??)
I presume that the Texas/New York differential is due to people using birth control.
@Sab: I just had my in-person interview for Global Travel pass at DHS. The agent told me that I should get the card in 10 days, unless the Government shuts down. They have to work without pay…. I felt very bad for them.
Corner Stone
“When they go apogee we go perigee.”
Amir Khalid
I remember reading William Zantzinger’s obit about a fortnight before Obama’s inauguration in 2009. Zantzinger remained a nasty piece of work all his life.
@O. Felix Culpa: Thank you. He is really excited and so am I. The other schools he applied to are all R-1 research universities. I think he wisely chose the school with the best undergraduate focus and programming. He can go to an R-1 for his master’s, etc. Or he can go start up some new business and make huge buckets of cash so he can take care of me in my dotage.
My parents and their friends once threw a party where they rented a bunch of horses and rode, drinks in hand, throughout the neighborhood. City Hall was unamused by the “materials” they left behind them.
I remember many stories of hangovers. Later, when I had my own, I couldn’t figure out how they dealt with them and with kids.
ETA: My youngest brother was my mother’s favorite. She would buy 12-packs of HoHos just for him. He would hide the box; we other kids of course found them and “borrowed” from the box. One of the most piteous sounds in our house was the wail of my youngest brother when he opened the box and found only crumpled-up wrappers.
@debbie: @germy: @Immanentize:
Forgetting Mamoa’s hotness…the movie was visually stunning. I mean it’s 90% underwater yet it was effortless. I saw it in Dolby Digital…and there was time like you felt like you were underwater (in a good way). There were literally so many scenes where my cuz and I were in awe of the visual effects. I mean there is no need to even try to “get past the VFX”. it’s an underwater kingdom…ain’t no way you couldn’t do it without special effect!
Much as i live Mamoa … he no “actour” (say it with a haughty british accent ?) and neither is Amber Heard, but James Wan obviously knew the limits and range of his stars and made a movie to fit their skills!
The VFX battle sequences and ALL the underwater stuff was EPIC!
Well done Wan and company!
Here’s the scene where Mamoa accidentally sits on the lasso of truth:
@Amir Khalid: Yes he did. The perfect combo of generational wealth and witless privilege.
Corner Stone
Jason Mamoa is smoking hot. Just typing his name makes me throw my panties at the computer screen.
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: There is huge benefit in going to a school that actually likes and cares about undergraduates. He chose well. I lucked into such a university and was shocked when I attended grad school at a certain institution in Cambridge (not the tech school, the other one) at how much contempt the faculty had for all students, especially undergrads. Maybe just my benighted department, but still…. I also remind my sons that their future joy will be to take care of me in my dotage.
ETA: Some of my son’s classmates have done very well indeed, so buckets of cash even with just an undergrad degree are possible. :)
@Corner Stone: I personally would rather spend a long weekend with the Amazons from the Wonder Woman movie.
Uh huh ? ?
Ananke Group (@AnankeGroup) Tweeted:
The potential privatization of the #Afghanistan war was previously dismissed and roundly criticized by Mattis. But now Mattis is out
@O. Felix Culpa: It was not just your department (and I have no idea which that was). Rather, it is the crimson ethos. Perhaps required at the moment of hiring, perhaps once hired there is a huge contempt machine that you must pass through to get a star on your belly or something.
ETA but that attitude is also already present in a number of students who hold other students in contempt — See Rafael (Ted) Cruz.
Congratulations to him???
Thanks for the notes on Aquaman. It’s on my holiday list. I am especially glad to see that the director is a person of color, James Wan.
That said, the best comic book movie of the season, and one of the best movies of the year, is the new animated Spider Man movie. It is inventive, dazzlingly creative visually, and has more heart than most mainstream films. It also deserves to be seen on a big screen.
ETA. All in all, this has been a great year for movies.
I can’t wait to see Aquaman ???
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: I’ll just say it was in the GSAS and I fled. The ethos and I were not a good fit.
@rikyrah: Yes Congrats!
But after what O.Felix and I were chatting about — stay true to yourself, Mr. Hogg.
So happy for you and Little Imma ???
He can totally enjoy his Christmas break.
@Immanentize: I’m glad to see you here and catch up on the Immp’s great news! I wondered if he was applying ED anywhere. So he is off to Rice? Many congrats!!
Thing 1 got good news as well…he applied early action to two places. MIT deferred him to RD, and he was accepted at UChicago! He still plans to apply to Harvey Mudd. Those 3 were his loved schools. But I’m rooting for UChicago, where my friends Michelle and Barack will be. ?
Hey, we survived the app process, Immantize! Yay!
@rikyrah: I won’t hold my breath waiting for Laura Ingraham to comment. How about you?
@rikyrah: That’s fantastic news.
@rikyrah: so true. But the first signs of senioritis are appearing. Next semester I will be working hard just to get him to attend…
Just on a side note, it’s been really helpful to the Immp that he found smart friends. His buddies are also landing really well. Which is I am sure a product of shared knowledge which leads to self-improvement.
Which is why I live you all here at BJ (even the trollish)
@rikyrah: Laura Ingraham’s mocking to begin in 3…2…1… Never.
Thread from Krugman
U of C…
Hyde Park!
Congratulations ???
Ceci n est pas mon nym
It’s not just the loss of the paycheck. The legal paperwork created by a furlough and the disruption caused by having to plan around furloughs and budget uncertainty means that every single agency loses days. Across the government I’d guess that the cost of each shutdown is in the billions, that is never recovered.
For nothing. No purpose.
@Immanentize: I am not a troll. I am an ogre.
Corner Stone
I just came across this on the twits and I am loving it. Click through if you get a minute.
!!!WARNING: Horrific photo of Trump!!!
It’s from the DPRK_News twit feed.
I, along with most here, do not prefer to see Trump’s grisly visage. But I stumbled into it and here we are. The picture is perfect – challenge coins on one side and a pic of mom and dad on the other. With a chuffed up disgusting orange toad in the middle.
O. Felix Culpa
@Mandarama: U of C – great school. Younger son went there for undergrad, as did I for a grad degree. It’s a nerdly place with smart and quirky students. Requires some toughness vis-a-vis weather. Hyde Park is wonderful, although not well-connected to the rest of the city. Congrats on your son’s acceptance! Any of the schools on his list would be great.
@Corner Stone: Any man who would allow himself to be photographed in a pose like that can’t be right in his head.
The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) Tweeted:
Nike announced it had crushed earnings expectations, leading to a market surge today that found the company’s stock as the sole gainer in the entire Dow
@p.a.: If not already answered, I think it’s “Sweetheart Like You,” from the early 80s. I have the CD somewhere.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Oh, it’s not that disconnected. Just get on a bus, and you can be downtown in a short time. The lake is right there. The Obama Library won’t be far. My favorite museum is there. I love Hyde Park ?
@A Ghost To Most: We rented some goats last summer to clear our tiny yard that we had neglected due to poison ivy. They were amazing and also adorable. Ate everything two days ahead of owners projection. Also attracted every toddler (with parent) in the neighborhood (pettibg zoo)%. Just stood and chewed, with occassional bahs to humans who might have food.
@rikyrah: Loved this in the replies.
@Corner Stone: Challenge coins? Is that what those things are? They always looked like coffee pods to me and I wondered why he had those on his desk.
It’s so weird that a guy in his 70’s with five kids and however many grandkids has no pictures of any of them on his desk. Just his parents. Even if I knew nothing else about him, that would tell me the guy has some weird parent issues.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Respectfully disagree. I lived in Hyde Park for many years as a student, university employee and eventual commuter to the South Loop, as did my son after me. It’s a wonderful place. Yes, you can take a bus to the Loop and onward to the north side, but there’s a psychological as well as geographic separation between Hyde Park and the rest of the city. Not insuperable, of course, but it’s there.
ETA: That’s not a reason not to go to school or live there – I agree it’s a lovely community – but I’ve always found it helpful to get reasonably full info on the nuances of a place.
Corner Stone
Oh, thank God! Even in the Trump era, this proves sometimes even a little sunlight may shine.
Link to Yahoo News
The Internet Is Super Stressed That Low-Rise Jeans Are Coming Back
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: Trump spends significantly more time in the Residence. Maybe he has all those pics up there near him? I doubt it.
Corner Stone
Going to be almost 80F today here in the Greater Houston Metro Area, and about 75F on Christmas Day. Yay, Winter time!
@Corner Stone: @Corner Stone: I doubt it too. I think he would see pictures of his kids and grandkids as taking attention away from him or something. The only photos he has displayed are of dead people.
It’s just weird. The “public desk space” is part of how he presents himself to the world. He’s obsessed with image so he knows that. Coffee pods (okay, challenge coins) and pictures of mom and dad. There’s a guy with no issues.
@Corner Stone: Good thing climate change is a Chinese hoax.
At least this time around, there are full-year appropriations in place for some departments. Defense, VA, HHS are not shutting down.
This is cold comfort to employees at the closed departments (State, DOJ, Homeland Security…), but it’s something.
@Immanentize: Rice will work the Immp very hard, but that James Turrell installation on campus is very Zen.
@Sab: They have them in Ohio. Look up ‘La Chatelaine Dublin Ohio’. I’ve bought one for Christmas, and it was okay, not great.
Another Scott
@O. Felix Culpa: Another Maroon here (AB Physics). Although I didn’t get great grades there, I learned a lot there and was able to take courses in things that greatly expanded my world view (FE Civ, Russian Lit, Ecology, etc., etc.) that I fear too many people who get pushed into “get trained for a tech job right now now now!!” schools sorely miss. Tech training is quickly obsolete. Having a liberal arts education, even in STEM, is important. Maybe especially in STEM. Especially these days.
I made a good choice and very frequently look back with fondness.
Best of luck to all the youngsters out there trying to pian their futures!
Ridnik Chrome
I see that Nigel Molesworth is alive and well and posing as someone named Jim Sciutto.
@rikyrah: @O. Felix Culpa: Thank you both! I know he still could end up at one of the other schools— he fell in love with southern California — but Chicago is my hope because it’s easier to get to from TN, its culture seems like a great fit for him, and the Obama connection ❤️.
Based on message boards I’ve been reading, Hyde Park and every other place is now super connected because of ridesharing! Students apparently take Uber everywhere and split the costs, although some of them swear by public transit as well.
zhena gogolia
So on a thread down below, I expressed the opinion that a person who plays loud music at 3:30 AM is still a jerk, no matter what his personal hardships. My comment was removed. This is pretty disturbing to me.
@Ridnik Chrome: Was there a triple shutdown in 1978? Or is that how far back he checked?
(I suppose “40 years” could be used in the Biblical sense, where 40 sometimes just means “a large number”.)
@Mandarama: Congratulations to Thing 1 and YOU! So fine. One of the Immp’s best friends is deferred at U. Chi. until he submits this semester’s grades. Such an excellent place — but watch out for the law and economics butt heads! Happy Days, indeed.
@Another Scott: The core curriculum is actually one of the features Thing 1 was looking for in a school. Chicago’s is great. Both MIT and Mudd have liberal arts requirements, which he wants even though math is his real love. He eliminated some schools based on the fact that they didn’t have those requirements – – Brown, Penn. Not that you couldn’t pursue them, but the disciplines are siloed.
I’m glad there are so many jackals who know these schools and their locations… I may be hitting y’all up for advice. For example, I don’t even know what real outerwear is. (Lifelong Southerner.)
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: oh, good, glad to hear it, because the theater I work for just booked it for January…and we had to scramble to get it, after the evil distributor of “Green Book” pulled it from us. : (
@zhena gogolia: Are you sure it was removed and not just FYWP? I’ve had some weird things happen comment-wise here. Sometimes I see multiple people replying to a comment by someone that I simply cannot see. The original comment is not visible to me. No, not the pie filter. I just can’t see it but obviously others can. I’ve also seen comments appear and then disappear. Maybe something weird like that happened?
zhena gogolia
I’m pretty sure it was removed.
Don’t flatter yourself. Few things lower on my “priority list” than you, but candy-assed whiners always merit a response. Well, maybe not “merit,” but …
Too bad if I gave you a sad.
@Mandarama: Congratulations to Thing 1 and YOU! So fine. One of the Immp’s best friends is deferred at U. Chi. until he submits this semester’s grades. Such an excellent place — but watch out for the law and economics butt heads! Happy Days, indeed.
@Brachiator: Hell yes. It also deserves Best Animated Feature over dare I say it…ANY of the Disney animated awards contenders. Here hoping SONY pushes its awards PR hard for that film.
I saw it lasts sunday and it was SOOO. And my cuz, my nephew and I also LOVED the soundtrack!!!
@Mandarama: Outerwear — not one thing but layers, my friend. It might be 15 degrees outside with a howling wind off the lake in Chicago, but some classrooms will be cookers while others are chilly. I love Chicago and have lots of great friends there — mostly teaching at Northwestern. If Thing 1 ends up there, at least he will have a few criminal defense attorney contacts. You know, just in case….
Projection too much?
Meh. Keep yelling at the clouds, old man. You are unworthy of my time.
Fair Economist
Looks like Plato, um, nailed it!
Amir Khalid
Oh my. Premier League defending champions Manchester City trail 15th-place visitors Crystal Palace 1-2 at halftime. A Crystal Palace win would leave City four points behind Liverpool without a match in hand.
Fair Economist
@Mandarama: UC is the better school, but I’ll hope for Harvey Mudd because then you’ll probably visit out here and I’ll get a BJ meetup!
Villago Delenda Est
Scott Perry and Mark Meadows should both be flayed alive.
@Amir Khalid: City peaked too soon? Let’s see.
@Fair Economist: LOL.
Now who’s living rent free? Keep pretending on that, child. Nice try with the “projection” thing.
And, since typing seems to stress you, you can just abbreviate your next response to “Waaah!” It’ll have approximately the same content value as whatever half-witty reply you can “think” of, but it won’t stress your little fingies as much.
Glad I could help.
@Schlemazel: I’m way behind on threads but wanted to tell you that I’m glad you’re closer to a resolution that you can live with.
Ya think, corrupt wada assholes?
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Geeze that Kaepernick ad campaign and the subsequent boycott really hurt Nike.
I keep thinking I have lost my ability to be shocked by anything a Republican politician says, but Lindsey Graham went that extra mile:
@Plato: Everyone here has the Dawg-given right to be grumpy, even an Ogre! But please stop being a whiny jackass.
@Villago Delenda Est: Hah! Perfect.
@Immanentize: I have vinyl recording of Judy Collins performing this live in 1964. Her rendition is stunning. If I weren’t on this effing phone I’d provide link.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: Not by me, and probably not by other front-pagers. John is pretty strict about not doing stuff like that.
@Immanentize: I missed news about Immp. Congratilstions to Immp and family.
Amir Khalid
A penalty, and Palace lead City 1-3! It looks like the big upset result of the weekend. It seems Santa is smiling upon Merseyside. ETA: Another potential upset: 12th-place Leicester City lead 0-1 at 4th-place Chelsea.
@Mandarama: base layer underwear—night and day difference when I going outside. Gloves—a few pairs because he will more than likely lose one. They make them with special finger coating so he can use his phone without taking his glove off. Hat that covers ears—super important. Waterproof boots—snow turns to slush, especially around curbs. So easy to step in a slush puddle when you are not paying attention. Scarf—stops the cold going down your neck plus can be used to wrap around your face. Coat—I like a Parker style that comes down at least mid-thigh—covers the parts that men prefer to keep warm :-)
ETA Everything will be on sale in the spring.
@Kathleen: That must be a great version — I will look it up, thanks. And thanks for the congrats.
Gelfling 545
@Immanentize: I make a bûche de Noël every year on New Year’s day. It’s my sister’s birthday cake. I play around with the fillings & frostings from year to year. The apricot filled one was nice last year. I added a dribble of apricot liqueur to the frosting.
You are welcome!
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
It’s Tamara’s thread. I’ve seen her get upset by people expressing dissenting opinions, but I’ve never had a comment removed before.
@Mandalay: Lindsey Graham is up for reelection in 2020. I hope the national and state Democratic parties start doing everything they can to get people involved now. It should be a multi-pronged campaign: Fight for $15/hr wage in urban areas; protect streams in rural areas; job fairs in all areas; and of course making sure everyone who is eligible is registered to vote. Graham is particular kind of nasty, rancid Republican. I first became aware of him as one of the meanest Rep congressmen during the Clinton impeachment hearings, and he’s only gotten worse since then. I’d love to see him voted out of office. He’s played a huge role in whipping up hate and making the country ungovernable.
Gelfling 545
@debbie: Ganache is hard to make look like bark. Spreadable frostings are easier.
Amir Khalid
Doesn’t seem to be on YouTube, alas.
@Immannetize: Not interested in bj cliquish petty grudges either. Life is too short.
Amir Khalid
Cty have eight minutes plus injury time to find three goals if they want to stay within a point of Liverpool at the top of the table.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
City pull one goal back, but Palace come away with a scalp and give Liverpool a nice Christmas present: a four-point lead over City.
@zhena gogolia:
Having had more than a few neighbors just like that one, I share your opinion. I also share others’ opinions that it wasn’t intentional or deliberate. But, I’m often wrong. Send an email.
It’s sort of amazing that they also can’t find their own asses, seeing as how their heads are firmly inserted in them.
Kayla Rudbek
@Immanentize: they’re funded so everyone at those agencies should be working.
@Amir Khalid: Hi, Amir. I’m home now and I found it!
If Thing1 winds up going to U of C…
will need a Winter Coat and an Eskimo Coat.
A winter coat is good for weather 20 degrees to 50
An Eskimo Coat, well…..
@rikyrah: I’m frantically taking notes from these posts! Thank you.
J R in WV
@zhena gogolia:
You seem to make everything about YOU, when most likely WordPress, which you have complained about bitterly before, just dropped it into the bit bucket, as it has done to other comments in the recent past. In other words, not about you and your comment, but a routine burp in the digital world.
Your attitude is deeply disturbing to some…
zhena gogolia
@J R in WV:
Happy holidays to you too.
O. Felix Culpa
Ah, the kids these days. They don’t know how good they have it and…how hard we had it. ;) This is useful updated information. Thank you. (Dead thread, but old dog who was busy in a meeting wants to acknowledge newfangled tricks.)
@zhena gogolia: What makes you think so? I can’t think of a single front-pager who would delete a comment like that. Now, if you have email from a front-pager explaining that they deleted it, that’s a different story.
For your comment not to post, a front-pager would have to have seen your comment and delete it before it even posted. There’s no “pending” unless it’s caught by the spam filter or just some sort of FYWP glitch.
@WaterGirl: Oddly enough, I saw his comment before it disappeared. Usually a wordpress glitch will prevent a comment from appearing at all.
@germy: Interesting. I agree that usually a wordpress glitch will prevent a comment from appearing at all.
zhena gogolia
It posted and was up for a while and then disappeared. That’s never happened to me before. But let me not make it “all about ME,” as I’m so well known for doing.
@zhena gogolia: A few weeks ago there was another commenter who found her comment with random bold and italic that she said she hadn’t added.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Truth. A brilliant idea on college campuses that I wish I had access to 30 years ago is Zipcar. Little compact cars with their own dedicated parking spaces in the student lot, and the kids use their ID cards to rent them and drive to Target, grocery stores, etc. Like a two hour rental. We have the same thing on my campus with bikes and scooters for shorter distances.
Come to think of it, rather than having access to Zipcar, I wish I had INVENTED Zipcar!
The Cold Moon won’t be bright around here; we’ve been fogged in for 4 days, right after an unusually sunny spell.
@zhena gogolia: That is strange — not the usual way comments disappear.
zhena gogolia
Tamara just posted — she doesn’t know what happened either. So I’m glad it wasn’t removed for cause.
Yes, I am touchy and crabby. Blame it on the disintegration of Western civilization happening before our eyes as Christmas approaches.
@zhena gogolia: I’m glad to see that confirmed!
@zhena gogolia:
I’m glad to read this.
@J R in WV:
Overreact much?