My grandpa got Michelle Obama’s book for Christmas, started crying, and then said, “I can take myself off of the waitlist at the library, I was 353rd in line to read it.” ??
— olivia (@olivia_rayy) December 26, 2018
Readership capture (literally).
More snippets to cheer us through the last day of 2018…
The News & Observer's 2018 Tar Heel of the Year is …
Rev. William J. Barber II.He led NC's Moral Monday rallies as leader of the NC NAACP. The MacArthur Fellow has launched a rebirth of the Poor People’s Campaign. @RevDrBarber
— The News & Observer (@newsobserver) December 29, 2018
Very interesting that @msnbc just named @sharicedavids as the face of the incoming Democratic wave class in the House. I agree: red state winner, incredibly formidable American. Was a privilege to be on #TeamSharice this year. She'll be a national figure.
— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) December 30, 2018
House Dems will move expeditiously on Day 1 to end the reckless #TrumpShutdown. But we will not pay a $5 billion ransom note to build a medieval border wall. That’s a 5th century solution in connection with a 21st century problem. We need #ComprehensiveImmigrationReform
— Hakeem Jeffries (@RepJeffries) December 30, 2018
I’m reminded of something a Republican said to me during the attempted Moulton revolt: “Nancy Pelosi is as good as Mitch McConnell thinks he is.” Anyway, Trump v. Pelosi in 2019 will be lit.
— Kimberly Atkins (@KimberlyEAtkins) December 28, 2018
As the year winds down and we look toward 2019, I’m asking you to make a commitment: find something you want to change in your community and take the first step toward changing it. If you need some inspiration, take a look at some of the young leaders who inspired me this year.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2018
I hope someone brings that first tweet to Mrs.Obama’s attention and she gives grandpa a call. How sweet is that man’s happiness?
Betty Cracker
I got Michelle Obama’s book as a Christmas gift too! Looking forward to reading it.
We’re having some friends over for a low-key New Year’s Eve sleepover at the Swamp Compound. I was hoping for a clear night so we could do some star-gazing, but it looks like it’ll be a bit cloudy with early morning fog.
When the sun comes up, I’ll sweep and mop this dump, then run into town for supplies. I’m hoping the grocery store won’t be a madhouse like it was around Christmas…
The only thing in my community I want to change is me.
Glad I don’t have to go anywhere, the rain predicted for this morning is arriving as an ice storm in five minutes. Going to be wet all day, but will warm up enough to convert to rain before it all freezes again tonight.
@Baud: all your Baudies like you just the way you are.
Annual hill climb at the off road park across the way. The lines going in will be a half mile long in both directions. I’m not going anywhere. Some chickenshit asshole who doesn’t know how to drive with a tandem trailer took out my mailbox 2 days ago while attempting to turn into there. Was gonna put up a new one today but now it’s supposed to rain all day. Rain and concrete are not a good mix. Don’t think temps will be warm enough later this week to do it then
I’d like to reduce the percentage of assholes around here but mass murder is frowned upon.
John Kelly: judge me on what Trump didn’t do while I was chief of staff
He didn’t spontaneously combust, asshole.
Shorter Kelly: Be thankful you’re not all dead.
@satby: No. We can rebuild me. We have the technology.
@OzarkHillbilly: This should be a thread all it’s own. Name all the things trump didn’t do w/ JK as COS:
He didn’t implement a humane immigration policy.
He didn’t send the necessary resources to save lives in Puerto Rico after Maria.
He didn’t hold Saudi Arabia to account after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
He didn’t….
I wonder how many tbogg units we’d hit.
Chyron HR
Sharice Davids??? Why isn’t BERNIE the face of the incoming Democratic wave class in the House, you neoliberal shills? HUH??
Genuinely baffled by this claim. If they only took the work to limit the damage Trump does don’t they have to stay for his whole term? What’s the difference between leaving now and 2017? Trump is actually worse now than he was in 2017.
Mattis supposedly left because Trump is leaving Syria. But Trump isn’t leaving Syria. That was a flat-out lie, exclusively for media consumption and dissemination. Mattis must know Trump’s a liar. Why would the Syria claim be any more credible than any of the other bullshit he spews?
A stew of New Year’s-ish background music. More homages than you can shake a baton at.
Soup for tonight’s gathering done. Not bad, will be better when diluted with some more chicken broth while it’s being reheated (can’t fill the cooking pot I used any higher if I wanna transport it without spillage). Mock chopped liver prepared and in the fridge. One more dip to prepare – either during insomnia time if that arrives or during daylight.
Among other entrees and party foods, host has promised to make enough king crab legs for 12.
@Chyron HR: I think MSNBC has a rule against giving awards to one of their own co-hosts.
“Told me some things I didn’t know”. Told me the Syria announcement was a bunch of bullshit, like everything else he says.
In an earlier thread, Adam mentioned that Rick Wilson is trying to convince Mattis to run for president. Since Mattis lacked judgment by joining the administration in the first place, it sounds like he’d be a perfect candidate for the never trumpers. Lacking any type of judgment appears to be the major qualification.
The only good side to this would be for trump to openly criticize the general and lose some of his support with the military.
I wonder which boards he’ll sit on and which prestigious and high paying jobs he’ll get now that he succeeded in lying repeatedly to the public for almost three years.
Has he ever apologized for lying about the congresswoman? He was caught in real time on that whopper.
You mean “low I.Q. loser” or “Sad Dog Rattis” wouldn’t go over well?
@Baud: @OzarkHillbilly:
This Kelly thing is driving me nuts.
If there are far worse things that Trump did not do, why didn’t Kelly act to have him removed or, at least, publically exposed. He said it was due to “duty,” but isn’t his first duty (and oath) to the country and Constitution and not to a man?
Also, if there is anyone who should understand “response to superior orders” is no defense to criminal behavior, it should be a military lifer.
I would like to write an article on this called, “Kelly checks into rehab.”
Blech indeed
The totus turd regime once and for all destroyed the msm meme of a myth that murka should be run either by a ‘business man’ or by a veteran. No wonder so many shitty wars were lost by both of these types.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: That’s so weird because just a couple of weeks ago, Trump said, “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.” But now, after talking to his caddie, he’s gonna stick around and finish the job. I’m sure the Kurds will totally understand.
If if it had been up to Mattis this phony blood testing scam would have used military members as guinea pigs. Thank God there were some lower-level professionals in the military who understood something about blood science, did their due diligence and stopped it. Mattis and others were specifically placed on the Theranos board because they had no scientific background and the fraudsters knew the board members were arrogant know it alls who wouldn’t ask anyone who did have a scientific background to explain blood science to them. They swallowed the whole con. It should be disqualifying.
Assuming facts not in evidence.
@Betty Cracker
Memory hole big enough to swallow the Great Pyramid, a feature of the base.
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: So if we’re supposed to judge Kelly on what Trump didn’t do, shouldn’t we be panicking because Kelly is no longer there to stop Trump from doing all of those things?
Kelly refuses to acknowledge that Trump’s administration is a dumpster fire and that he was a huge part of that. Remember his role in the Fredricka Wilson incident? And he initiated the child separation policy at the Southern border.
Kelly’s reputation has been destroyed and he can thank Trump for that.
If Kelly wants us to think kindly of him because of how he saved the country from terrible things, he better be willing to tell us what those terrible things are so we can judge him accurately. His rehab is just more “trust me.”
@Betty Cracker:
Kelly told us yesterday in the LA Times there is no “wall plan”, either. But you knew that. They lied.
It’s fucked up with these generals. Their defense seems to be “it was all bullshit anyway- didn’t mean a word of it”
That’s a defense?
Got an email this morn. Bad news, as in really bad news:
This is deep in a cave from which we have always said, there is no rescue. I have no idea how they are gonna get her out. There are passages thru which she has to crawl with her belly on the floor and the ceiling on her back, making ‘S’ turns in the process. She has to do them on her own. I am trying to envision rigging that can help her get thru them but it’s been so long since I’ve been to that cave I hardly remember it clearly. And even then, back injuries?
They’ve put the call out for cavers, and I’ve forwarded it, but I’m too old, arthritic and cranky for this cave. If they need it I can do surface support but that’s about it.
*cough* Rick Scott. Medicare fraud. *cough*
Something is too long absent in R-land. Come back, shame, come back.
Anne Laurie
Would it be gauche to ask for the recipe? I love the stuff, but it’s hard to get in this neighborhood — and I’m not a good enough cook to prepare my own using bird guts.
I am so sorry for your comrade caver, O.H. this truly is a moment for prayers even if they only mean I wish some miracle might happen.
That zombie will arise from the dead. “We meant a competent business man.”
Another deflection/denial of an addict. I have heard this a hundred times at least from my clients about some vicious threat theyade, or dug conspiracy agreement, or….
The Mattis thing is really bad. He wanted to put mobile units for the fake blood tests into the field to “diagnose” soldiers. The testing had like a 40% error rate. It was slightly better than drawing someone’s blood, looking at it, and guessing.
He did it for the money. They were greed-crazed and Theranos had this bullshit libertarian ethos that they loved- the argument was “incumbent” blood testing companies wouldn’t allow this scrappy start up to take market share. They LOVED this argument, because it fits their ideology. Pesky regulations were strangling innovation in the crib. Blood tests want to be free!
Theranos knew exactly how to play these particular marks.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’ll work out today, then try to revise this short story that was just rejected. Our building is having a New Year’s Eve party tonight. Music, champagne, and (best of all) it ends at 9pm. LOLOL
@NotMax: I love the Spanish phrase for it’s sound when spat in someone like Kelly’s or Mattis’ direction:
sin vergüenza!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
There ain’t no party like my Nanna’s tea party! — Flight of the Concords
So we had my middle son’s gf’s 3 year old for Christmas Day. They arrived and my husband came in from wherever he was – chopping wood or something- and the 3 year old runs up to him and says “I’m here!”
I’m going to say that wherever I go, when someone new arrives- “I’m here!”
We did my family’s traditional cookie decorating, which involves making a pretty good rolled sugar cookie, opening two cans of white icing, distributing icing into many coffee cups, and allowing small children to put a ton of food coloring combos into each cup and stirring. He loves food dye as much as I do, I’m happy to report. Likes a good, strong blue :)
For my wonderful high school Spanish teacher, lo these 40-plus years ago, “sin verguenza” was about the worst thing you could call someone.
@Kay: It should be disqualifying. This is a reminder that never trumpers are conservative republicans who really don’t care about unifying the country.
@Anne Laurie
Ridiculously easy. forgiving of non-exact proportions and, miraculously, tastes darn close to the real thing, even moreso the next day.
At least ½ an onion, diced. Fry in a little bit of oil or schmalz, stirring periodically, until start to brown and some are getting crispy ’round the edges..
French cut green beans (frozen and cooked or canned, very well drained)
Hard boiled egg
Small pouch of walnut pieces (or equivalent amount)
Kosher salt to taste
Pinch or two of parsley (optional)
Let onion cool, then put well-drained beans, onion and egg (and parsley, if using) into food processor or blender. Pulse until well mixed together, then add the walnut pieces, a few at a time, and process/blend the heck out of everything, stopping to scrape down bowl if necessary. Check for salt and process/blend that in if needed. Covered tightly with plastic wrap in refrigerator, will last for as much as a week.
Only French cut green beans work for this. Don’t know why, but that’s the way it is.
@OzarkHillbilly: Keep us updated, and I hope for a positive outcome.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: I hope they play that song tonight but somehow I doubt it. I’ll have to hum it.
@Kay: One time when my kid was about that age, I burst into tears over a frustrating day, and he patted me and said, “Don’t worry. You still have me.” What a nice visit you had.
Altered for clarity;
French cut green beans (1 can, very well drained or equivalent amount frozen and cooked, also well drained and cooled)
Every time I read someone telling us things such as “Shitgibbon’s behavior has finally shown the Rethugs for what they are, and that’s the end of their party,” I just shake my figurative head. It’s kinda like the “demographics will give us a Dem President forever” comments that were popular in mid-2016.
@SFAW: Trust me, there are far worse things you can say, things that in Mexico will get your throat slit on the spot.
@Kay: Mattis is the second general fired by Obama who ended up in the T orbit, coincidence? I think not. And good on McChrystal for telling it like it is about this R President.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Awww, what a fun Christmas! I love decorating cookies with kids. We do it every year. The youngest in our bunch are eight-years-olds now, which is also a good age for it, but I miss the really little kids like you had the pleasure of entertaining. We’re going to have to borrow some if the younger millennials in the family don’t start reproducing!
Por ejemplo, “¡amo Donald Trump!”
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Where did all this dust come from????
I hate ice. Terrifies me ???
I tried that with my mom. It did not have the intended effect.
@Baud: I was thinking more along the lines of “Pinche joto” or “Chinga su Madre.”
Toads hitchhiking on monty python’s back
John Kelly ain’t shyt ? ?
@rikyrah: Funny, I hate ICE. They terrify me.
Yes ?? ?
Call his racist azz OUT ??
@rikyrah: me too. Had some coulda been near death experiences driving on it, as has everyone who lives in the frozen north. But old bones don’t recover like younger bones do, and now if I don’t have to go anywhere during the really bad weather, I just won’t.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: That was my reaction too. :-)
@schrodingers_cat: It’s surprising that trump hasn’t tweeted nonsense about the generals yet. Maybe today is the day he is becoming presidential.
He likes blue…love this kid..
Spending Christmas holiday time with you…. things are progressing between your son and his fellow co-worker ?
@JPL: The totus thug had already tweeted that he was the one who saved Mattis’s ass after Obama fired him.
Happy New Year, Aussie Juicers.
Play nice, All — off to have some blood drawn for lab work. Then I’m cooking some stuffed shells (spinach and ricotta) for a pot luck New Year’s Eve party tonight which will not end at 9!
Ocasio-Cortez campaigned AGAINST Sharice Davids
said just last week she wants to see Hakeem Jefferies primaried next cycle.
And sexual harassment rumors are rumbling around the 2016 Sanders Campaign
The stupid is gonna be so strong with “the left” in about another month or so, once everyone announces their 2020 plans.
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you…
@Baud: I think we may have one Kiwi too here, don’t forget them.
The kid wants to go back to the South Island and hike next time, as in multiple day hikes.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Your loss!
We’re jackals, we don’t do that.
They are. She already bought a used car from a family member so she’s on the inside now :)
I thought the relationship moved too fast and I was worried that the little one and my son would get attached and the romantic relationship would end.. just my endless stream of worries about my kids. BUT- that hasn’t happened and they’re all fine so far
He’s a great little kid- he’s not silly. Sort of serious, smart and observant. He really likes my husband and I think it’s mutual. I usually buy all the Christmas gifts- I always have. My husband got a small gift for just this boy. A kid pair of binoculars, which he really liked. I was surprised. He just doesn’t buy toys.
“Me llamo SFAW” for one.
Which is related to why I call the current publisher of the FTFTFNYT Pinche Sulzberger.
ETA: Folklore from my past had it that doing the shave-and-a-haircut thing with your car’s horn was generally interpreted as “Ching-ga-tu-mad-re!”
WaPost headline:
I like her a lot. She connects and can speak on issues facing the (beleagured) middle class, who are the majority of voters.
@SFAW: I have been wondering about “Pinche.” What exactly does it translate out to, in SFAW parlance?
O. Felix Culpa
@Betty Cracker: Good luck! The. grocery stores by us were a madhouse yesterday, perhaps compounded by predictions of snow today. Maybe everyone will have shopped themselves out already?
@OzarkHillbilly: I just got off the phone with the incident commander who is a long time caving buddy (who bruised a few egos by coming in and taking over) (he is THE person in that area you want heading this thing up).
There’s the medic with her, they have a doc on call (getting him into her would be a major undertaking all by itself) and a med pack has been sent in with drugs. Right now he’s waiting for a thorough assessment of her inuries. Doesn’t know if she has broken ribs, or what kind of head injuries she may have sustained.
In C’s words, “She can either self rescue or she’s not getting out.”
chucha madre is a bad one in Ecuador
@Elizabelle: In polite conversation it means “to fork” as in a piece of meat on a plate. In “pinche joto” it means “fucking faggot”
@OzarkHillbilly: Wow. Please keep us posted. I hope she is rescued or can rescue herself.
@Elizabelle: I like her well enough. I’ll support whomever the Dems’ 2020 nominee is, provided that
– they are an actual member of the Democratic Party
– they have fully disclosed their tax returns for at least the past 10 years
– they run on the policies that they, and all Democrats, are for (and not just run as the anti-Trumpov)…staying out of Twitter spats would be a plus here
Other than that, while I would prefer the ticket be as young, female, and of color as possible, that’s all I got.
2020!!! Let’s win this thing! ?
Donald Trump’s worst weeks of 2018 – the definitive list
The administration’s base-level awfulness has made this a competitive category but some weeks stood out as truly dire
I’m not up to reliving it at the moment, but if you have a stronger stomach…
@Betty Cracker:
I have to run to the store, too. Dreading it. But we need our fancy NYE dinner and someone has to do it. Thankfully, we have our pork and sauerkraut for tomorrow already. So so just need to pick up the lobster tails and wild rice and a dessert for tonight. Hopefully, just a quick run.
What could I have possibly said to put me in moderation? WTH?!?!?!
@Jeffro: Yup. No white guy yelling sage from the North.
I am happy when we get candidates that can discuss real issues, and set the table, as it were.
How far would she need to go before someone can get to her?
@Elizabelle: I am hopeful that Warren is the anti-Bernie the party needs.
Viva BrisVegas
As the link says the toads are trying to mate with the python.
If you remember the Simpsons episode about Australia where the entire continent was overrun by toads. That is pretty much true.
They mate with anything. They eat everything. They are poisonous to eat so they have no predators.
Anyway, 2019 has just arrived and so to all jackals a happy and prosperous 2019 and may all conservatives everywhere continue to be confounded.
@Immanentize: I think she’s a lot more authentic. She has done her homework, too.
Maybe we should look at the Democratic contenders as a team, as it were.
Which leaves shouty old guy right out.
Ahhh, figured it out. Typed email wrong. Jesus, I can’t wait for that shit to be fixed.
So is the GOP.
@Immanentize: The Sanders people are going to poison the well as much as they can no matter who, what or where. It’s just a reality now that any candidate who wins the primary is going to have deal with. She will have to fight on two fronts, it’s just the way it’s going to be going forward.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
We just started it, and it is wonderful. The very first story about her piano lessons is priceless.
From Chait: Why the Bernie Movement Must Crush Beto O’Rourke
The whole thing seems a pretty fair assessment of what is going on.
@Betty Cracker:
@zhena gogolia:
Finally got my own copy of Michelle’s “Becoming” this weekend. Costco in the former capitol of the confederacy cannot keep it in stock. Spied a small pile of her book, still first editions.
Michelle draws you right in. She is a marvelous writer. I read an excerpt of when her family was making her father’s funeral arrangements.
I don’t doubt that far worse could have taken place, but that has squat to do with what did take place.
I am reminded that candidate Trump said he had a double secret plan to defeat ISIS on Day 1 of his presidency (in between repealing Obamacare and giving everyone better, cheaper health insurance). That seems like about a hundred years ago.
And Trump wins, in a sense, because he constantly piles on so many new lies that no one calls him out on the old lies.
We had so much fun with our grands over Christmas. Two and three year olds are a hoot.
The world would be a far better place if it was filled with three-year-olds.
@Immanentize: Cavers can get to her, the problem is her getting out. There is no way anybody can assist her thru some of the passages she has to come thru. They are too small, too tight, with turns and ups and downs that have to be negotiated (not to mention chert filled). They might be able to splint her arm in such a way that she can move it as needed to navigate the passages. If she has fractured vertebrate or ribs…
She’s fucked.
She could never wear a KED thru them and not even a SKED could help. She literally has to get out under her own power while dealing with the intense pain of her injuries.
Horrible to read this and wish your friend and her rescuers all success. Hope her rescue will turn out to be one of 2018’s few real miracles.
@debbie: For the record, I doubt I know this woman, She and her folks are out of Texas and I only know a few Texas cavers. I know most if not all of those presently working the rescue. I offered to help with surface support but C says he has plenty of agency people to help with that. They all want to go in and be the “hero” but they have no idea what this cave is like. There are cavers I would never send into it, people who aren’t cavers? Just another victim waiting to happen.
Just One More Canuck
@OzarkHillbilly: best of luck to her and all those helping her
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: In recent years I’ve mentally created several lists of “things I’ve never done that I might still want to try” and crawling on my belly into a cave hasn’t ever made it onto one. Different strokes, I guess.
We will lay waste to Bernie.
Sending prayers to her.
Got it. Apologies.
@rikyrah: I’m all about that. I want to burn the fucker. He needs to pay for the damage he has done.
BC in Illinois
What I want in 2019-2020 is a stage filled with Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Beto O’Rourke, (and 10 other players to be named later) — all talking about how to replace and repeal Donald Trump. All talking about the environment, medical care, our allies, our adversaries, voting rights, human rights — all the things that make us proud to be Democrats.
And then, when the Democratic Party has selected the Democratic Party nominees out of all the fine Democratic Party candidates, then the Democratic Party at large steps up as a team to take the message to the nation. Barrack and Michelle, Bill and Hillary, Joe, John Kerry, John Lewis, Elizabeth/Kamala/Beto/Sherrod–all there to introduce the candidates at rallies, lead rallies for the candidates. Fill the airwaves with the Democratic Party — as a team.
(Now imagine what kind of team the Republican Party can put together to salvage a Trump campaign.)
Sharice Davids’ election in Kansas is more evidence that pandering to the prejudices of rural “white working class” voters is not the ideal strategy for winning that Claire McCaskill thought it was.
Apparently a lesbian, Native American running on a platform of universal health care, diversity, and abolishing ICE is a better fit for the Midwest than an incumbent Senator running on a platform of deregulating banks, building a border fence and not being “one of those crazy Democrats”.
@BC in Illinois: well, Warren just announced and threw her hat in the ring.
I’ll lay down my bet now…she’s on the ropes after NV, sputtering on fumes after SC and pulls the plug after Super Tuesday…then she’ll miscalculate and withhold any sort of endorsement until it doesn’t matter.
@Jinchi: I voted for McCaskill even though she didn’t give me much reason to; living in Missouri precludes a lot of choices. But I’m really surprised at what appears to be her recent behavior. I thought she had better judgement – that’s what being a blue dog is all about. She’s not helping her elder stateswoman status.
J R in WV
That’s why I gave up caving. The first time my back acted up I lost feeling in both legs in a kayak on New River, if I put into a sandbar and got out and walked around, it came back, and I never lost control, but it scared the crap out of me and we were dark-30 getting to the take out.
Then I imagined losing control of my legs after squeezing into the depths of a cave, climbing across a whirlpool and up a cliff to reach the squeeze. No way to get a stokes through most of that. Putting other cavers into the position of trying to rescue me from my own irresponsibility? Nope. Have taken walking tours at Mammoth since but nothing that involved a crawl, much less a squeeze.
It turned out to be a muscle spasm pinching my nerves, which is much worse than that sounds. I still get them from time to time, but knowing what it is and having exercises and meds to deal with it helps a lot. Still not going to do adventure and require rescue helicopter or team to carry me out.
I think that proves the point. Most of us commenting here vote in every election, even if we’re not thrilled with our options. But lots of people don’t, 60% is considered a high-turnout election, and most voters need a reason to get motivated.
So if she didn’t give you much reason to vote, she probably lost a lot of potential voters who didn’t think she was worth the trouble. Campaigning on Republican issues and taking pot-shots at “crazy” Democrats is never a good strategy, and was a terrible gamble in 2018.
I think that proves the point. Most of us commenting here vote in every election, even if we’re not thrilled with our options. But lots of people don’t. 60% is considered a high-turnout election, and most voters need an active reason.
So if she didn’t give you much reason to vote, she undoubtedly lost a lot of potential voters who didn’t think she was worth the trouble and turned off others who were offended by her comments.
Campaigning on Republican issues and taking pot-shots at “crazy” Democrats is never a good strategy, and was a terrible gamble in 2018.
J R in WV
Oh, to be young again! Now I long for cruises to beautiful and exciting foreign places! Nice bed every night! Ice cubes for the Gin and Tonic before dinner!!!
My dad never wanted to go camping, no ice cubes for his vodka and tonic… now I understand!
In most of the Spanish-speaking world, “pinche” means “scullion.” However, in Mexico, it loosely translates as the modifier “fucking” [as contrasted with its use as a verb].
As you probably recall, the former FTFTFNYT publisher was “Pinch” Sulzberger. I had hoped that the current publisher, Pinch’s son, would be more like his grandfather (“Punch” Sulzberger) than like his father. Unfortunately, that was not to be, so I decided Pinche Sulzberger might be appropriate (and better than “Pinch Junior.”)