It is cold and snowy here, so I did what comes naturally to me- I took a nap. I was awoken by a majestic beast:
He has been very loving since I returned, sleeping by my side or on top of me, sitting on me while I am in the chair downstairs.
Now, for fun, guess how much ATTITUDE there is in this picture:
Answer: A metric shitton. They wouldn’t look at the camera no matter what I did. Stubborn damned animals.
Need more work on your can-opener imitation.
Ok, that picture of Steve makes up for any photographic sins you may have committed in the past.The lighting! The focus! The eyes! The floof! All magnificent.
Gorgeous photo of Steve! Love that second picture. Too funny.
I so envy people who can take naps. Hell, I so envy people who can just sleep. But a nap. The best sleep.
Lovely creatures. Steve is the floofiest of benign dictators.
@HeleninEire: I cannot nap unless I am very sick,2(+( takes away the satisfaction of finally being able to nap.
John, it truly is your super power.
John, get down on the damned floor with your camera/phone . I guarantee you will have animals all up in your business.
I took a nap too. Now eating a snack. Crisp rice cereal, with spicy peanuts, potatoes, red onions. A chaat of sorts.
Miss Bianca
The Tao of Steve. : )
@Humdog: I’m the same way. If I nap it means I’m sick.
dr. bloor
The judges would have also accepted, “ALL of the attitude, Katie!”
It’s Steve’s world. You just have the privilege of making his mortgage payments for him.
@HeleninEire: I’m a daily napper and I took one earlier. Now I’m watching the snow and making vegetable soup.
Steve’s grown out nice and furry. Does he like to go out in the snow?
They aren’t narcissists — unlike all those selfie-obsessed humanoids. Steve, being a proud feline who values his privacy, is tired of having his picture plastered all over the Internet without his consent.
Ohio Mom
Cincinnati meet-up update:
I sent an email to Anne Laurie asking for a follow-up post on the Cincinnati meet-up tentatively scheduled for Monday night. I haven’t gotten a response yet so I am am just putting this out here: What place and time?
I can bring the green balloons.
Ohio Mom
I didn’t nap until late middle-age. I consider all the naps I didn’t take in my younger years and shake my head in regret.
Steve in the ATL
@Ohio Mom: I will defer to the Cincinnati locals for location and time, but will be there with bells on!
My cat Ocean has taken to a terrible habit of sleeping in the kitty litter container. I dunno what to do to stop her from doing it.
Steve in the ATL
@PaulWartenberg: clean it and she will lose all interest in it
sm*t cl*de
Michael Bersin
Nine to ten inches of snow in west central Missouri. I took a walk down the street:
It’s still snowing out there
Ohio Mom
@Steve in the ATL: The streets are looking good, snow removal-wise. Or so I hear — I sent Ohio Dad and Son on an errand earlier.
J R in WV
Getting ready to leave for the Symphony concert tonight. Last time it was a piano concerto, tonight a violin concerto. Before that it was Buddy Guy…A great Hall for music
Keith P.
I just had the same experience…had a nice 4 hours nap, and I woke up to a young manx draped over my leg and my little Siamese on the corner of the bed out like a light. The manx goes almost completely limp when I hold her or if she sits on my lap.
Ann Marie
That first picture of Steve should be on the cover of next year’s calendar. What a handsome boy!
Must be nap day at Balloon Juice. I had a long one this afternoon that was very satisfying. The housecat had me up at 4:00 a.m. for a spirited discussion of why she needed to eat right now. I fed her, read in bed for a while and got up. By noon I was ready for a nap.
Very little snow in NoVA so far. A few flakes coming down, sticking to car roofs but not anything else. But we’re still supposed to get 2-4" tonight and tomorrow.
San Diego Seals (expansion team in the pro indoor lacrosse league) play their first home game tonight. Tempted to go, although if field lax is the Creator’s Game, box is the Sociopath’s Game.
Fleeting Expletive
My cranky old cat had been getting on my nerves but I think I’ve got her fixed up now with a cardboard box bed laid across my open desk drawer beside me. I velcro’d the box to the top of the drawer so she doesn’t fall off. we’re good now.
@Burnspbesq: Didn’t know there was a pro league! My Calgary hockey nephews played it in the rinks each summer. Not bad cross training.
I have been feeling tres crappy, so I was trying to nap. Damn neighbor kids rang the bell like six times looking to play with Spawn the Younger, even though I repeatedly told them that she was at a Scouts activity. Every time they rang the bell, the damn dogs freaked out. I have told them all that when Spawn wants to play outside, she will come outside. Oi.
Eleven teams now, and two more supposed to start up in the 2019-20 season. Saskatchewan (formerly Edmonton) are the two-time defending champions). Ironically enough, the best American player (and arguably the best field lax player in the world), Tom Schreiber, plays for Toronto.
A Ghost To Most
Our fat cat Maple is a short haired doppelganger to Steve. Still a hair machine, though.
Hey! Who says Cole can’t take good pictures?!? That should be the cover of next year’s BJ pet calendar!
Also: that face sez: “I’m using you temporarily for your body heat and convenience. Don’t get cocky.”
Steve seems to be saying, “As much as I love you, you should never leave me again…or else.”
Magnificent photo of a magnificent cat.
Steve turning his back on you? I call that “the kitty paw”, which is the closest they can come to giving you the finger. I am a mitten girl — cannot stand gloves — so if a driver makes some asshole move while I’m crossing the street, I give them “the mitten”. At first glance it might look like a wave, but it’s not.
That picture of Steve is so beautiful ?, and yet, not scary.?
We seem to have thrown away the directions for the cat harness. The Hyperthyroid cat wants out, and I can’t remember how to put the harness on.
My granddaughter took our toy cat. I don’t dare practice on a live cat with claws.
I think we have a stuffed Pooh around somewhere.
@schrodingers_cat: Recipe? Please.
I’m another “nap when I’m sick” person and I’m still getting over a cold, so I had a late morning/early afternoon nap. It helped.
Also, I really need to get a photo of Charlotte’s face when she’s trying to emotionally manipulate me into napping with her. It really is the most pathetic expression you’ll ever see this side of Oliver Twist, complete with big eyes and sad, turned-down whiskers.
@Shana: Chaat or bhel is a mix. You can adjust the proportions to your taste.
I made the spicy peanuts first, I get raw peanuts with their red skins still on from the Indian grocery store, take about a cup of peanuts, sprinkle rock salt (or any other salt you like) and some cayenne. Spray some cooking spray on the peanuts. Roast in the toaster oven for about 8 to 10 min.
2 cups cereal ( crisp rice or puffed rice, both work)
6 tbsp spicy peanuts
1/4 cup cubed boiled red potato
1/4 to 1/2 lime or lemon
2 tbsp finely diced onions (sprinkle some salt and lime juice on them)
2 tbsp cilantro to garnish
If you have sev you can add it or Madras mix or any other farsan (1/2 cup)
You can also add tamarind chutney and/or mint chutney ( this is according to your taste, couple of table spoons should be more than enough)
Mix everything and eat.
These proportions make about 2 generous servings.
@Shana: Chaat or bhel is a mix. You can adjust the proportions to your taste.
I made the spicy peanuts first, I get raw peanuts with their red skins still on from the Indian grocery store, take about a cup of peanuts, sprinkle rock salt (or any other salt you like) and some cayenne. Spray some cooking spray on the peanuts. Roast in the toaster oven for about 8 to 10 min.
2 cups cereal ( crisp rice or puffed rice, both work)
6 tbsp spicy peanuts
1/4 cup cubed boiled red potato
1/4 to 1/2 lime or lemon
2 tbsp finely diced onions (sprinkle some salt and lime juice on them)
2 tbsp cilantro to garnish
If you have sev you can add it or Madras mix or any other farsan (1/2 cup)
You can also add tamarind chutney and/or mint chutney ( this is according to your taste, couple of table spoons should be more than enough)
Mix everything and eat.
These proportions make about 2 generous servings.
ETA: I tried putting in links for some of the ingredients and that sends this comment into moderation. Google the unfamiliar ingredients. And ask me questions if you have any.
What a beautiful, awesome cat!
@schrodingers_cat: That receipe seems so good.
Snow’s started here in the Northern Neck. Supposed to snow all day tomorrow. I plan to stay inside, except for when I’m standing on the porch getting video of my dog frolicking in the snow, and knit socks and write books. Well into the second half of book 2 in my new series