Swell. Try not to suborn any perjury on the way there.https://t.co/s2I8PTVl11
— NeverSaid"Hat" (@Popehat) January 18, 2019
"A senior administration official told @MajorCBS that President Trump will present what the White House believes could be a deal to end the shutdown The deal was largely influenced by talks between VP Pence, Senate Maj. Leader McConnell and Jared Kushner"https://t.co/VHXN9DH6wm
— Natalie Brand (@NatalieABrand) January 19, 2019
In a parallel development, Bill Belachik, Tom Brady, and Rob Gronkowski all agree the Patriots are entitled to win this year’s Superbowl….
Who am I kidding? Belachik, Brady & Gronkowski are hard-working professionals who actually show up and do their damned jobs, unlike the grifters and leeches surrounding the Oval Office Squatter. So I’m guessing we’ll get a Very Serious Totally Not Partisan Emergency Statement tomorrow, assuming his handlers can find the right mix of pharmaceuticals to keep Donny Dollhands awake and more or less on script.
“Federal employees are generally barred from going on strike, even if they aren’t being paid, which has caused many to raid their retirement accounts, accept free food, or sell possessions online as they look for ways to pay bills.” https://t.co/qHsWG5YMIr
— Mark Berman (@markberman) January 18, 2019
Senior law enforcement officials are increasingly concerned that the anger among the rank and file is growing exponentially and could skyrocket next week if a second straight paycheck is skipped. Via ?@DevlinBarrett? ?@markberman? https://t.co/Kz9zM3XcN6
— Lynda Robinson (@WPLyndaRobinson) January 18, 2019
And in a fitting coda, Trump’s 2020 campaign manager has discovered Erick Erickson’s old Red State Trike Farce Strike Force direct-mail con:
Since Chuck and Nancy keep stonewalling the President, we’ll send the wall to them, brick by brick, until they agree to secure the border!https://t.co/s0Ve4Nuxmr
— Brad Parscale (@parscale) January 18, 2019
It’s for a “faux brick”. It says so on its disclaimer. So I’m guessing it’s just a picture of a brick that costs about one cent ????????
— Suzanne Coe (@suzannecoeSC) January 18, 2019
dr. bloor
What’s more porous: Paper brick wall or Patriots linebacking corps? Discuss.
Adam L Silverman
I said this in a comment the other night. I had a conversation about this with my friend who is a SWAT sniper earlier this week.
@Adam L Silverman:
Will they be angry enough to do something to the FBI office in New York?
Since this is a Repubs in Disarray! thread, RWNJs have sent a sternly worded letter to Kevin McCarthy, ordering him to apologize to Steve “Cantaloupes” King, and reinstate him on the committees that ditched him:
The poor sap has had the job for 10 minutes and the religious wackos have already painted a target on his back.
Major Major Major Major
Let’s not be too skeptical, this is the same Kushner who brought peace to the Middle East after all.
@Mandalay: Even Steve King voted against Steve King.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: They include the people who work in the FBI’s New York Field Office. They deserve everything they get.
Although I’ve trimmed sports viewing largely from my life (takes too much damn time), one thing to say about athletics is that they are the closest thing to a meritocratic endeavor in modern society.
If it’s “a deal”, it won’t be an emergency declaration. More likely, it will either be another “give me everything I want and in exchange you get nothing” Trump “deal” or Mitch McConnell has decided that it’s time to weasel out and he’s got some way of convincing Trump of that. My guess is the former.
By the admittedly-low standards of Congressional Republicans, McCarthy isn’t stupid. He knew what he was getting into.
Evening BJ.
How’s everybody doing this Friday night?
I’ve muted the political stuff on twitter…at least until after the weekend if not longer. I’ve been feeling sick since yesterday…and to be quite honest, I just can’t be bothered to care much until some real concrete actions happen…
So I’m rely on my superficial love of movies and stuff to get me through the weekend. No time off at work, so I’ve got no sick days…so I have to try to recuperate by Monday…wish me luck
I am expecting riots if this goes on past the end of the month and people lose their homes in large numbers. I doubt they will target Democrats.
Mitch is smart enough to know what kind of offer is dead in the water. Of course, what he wants is hard to identify, but his senators are feeling pressure, which means Mitch is feeling pressure.
Consider who was at the White House just now—Kim Jong Un’s right hand guy.
I think we need to be prepared that tomorrow at his presentation Trump will tell us the North Koreans are paying for wall.
I mean that would solve his problem.
Of course, in return he’d have made a deal with them that we’ll stop nagging them about developing nukes.
But that seems a small price to pay.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Aren’t most of senior leos trumpian magats? Blue lives matter and all that crap. What are they gonna to do about it now?
Hmm. I wonder if civil forfeitures will start rising…
@Frankensteinbeck: McConnell is smarter than Pence and Kushner put together (which, granted, is a low bar to clear), so any “deal” negotiated by the three of them is really going to be steered by what McConnell wants. As you say, the problem is figuring out what that is.
I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. It could be a feint. It could be real. It could be intended to be real, and then Trump blows the whole thing up because of something a Fox newstwit says. Who knows?
@Adam L Silverman: They deserve more than they’ll get.
@lamh36: Sending you luck and good wishes. Oh, and also sending you virtual Idris who will be bringing you virtual chicken soup and TLC.
Ohio Mom
@lamh36: If what you have is a head cold, I suggest those zinc cough drops. They really do shorten an upper respiratory infection by a few days.
That’s my experience, backed up by my pharmacist neighbor, who says that’s what the research shows.
The zinc makes everything taste funny but I think it’s a fair trade off.
@dmsilev: Ann Coulter has trumps testicles in a jar on her desk at home so it will be up to Ann to decide if the shutdown is over.
If he has a deal in mind, why isn’t he sending it to Schumer and Pelosi so action can get started on it? Even if it was legitimate and something the Dems could accept, he is still keeping the shutdown going longer than necessary.
Been rolling around the Buzzfeed scoop in my mind, wondering what it reminds me of. (As many have cited, it becomes increasingly problematic if one or more sources cannot confirm the story, more so yet when Mueller’s office takes the unprecedented step of saying it was not accurate.) And then I remembered:
This story smells a lot like Dan Rather and kerning. ‘Member that choice lil bit from the BushJr. era?
Don’t ‘member alla particulars of the hit-job (on the truth), but recollect some Gooper rat-fuckers fed Dan Rather some false insignificant docs (kerning!) that in no way invalidated the larger (wholly true) story about how GeeDubtheShrub was AWOL and couldn’t be bothered to show up for the Nat.Guard duty that go him outta Vietnam.
But: Voila. The press shifts emphasis from how George “Rather-Join-the-Guard-than-Blow-Out-Muh-Eardrum-witha-Shotgun!” W. Bush was a useless fratboy chickenhawk and over to how the press! is out to unfairly get BushJr.
The old Gooper playbook for muddying the waters: invalidate any aspect of a story/investigation, then alluvit (if yer a Republican!) gets invalidated.
@dmsilev: McConnell wants very badly to ‘declare victory and go home ‘…he (just like the rest of us) can’t figure out how to do that while simultaneously pleasing Dems in Congress and the RWNJ Coulter/Miller base
The Midnight Lurker
Ten bucks says Trump cries, “National emergency!”
The Dangerman
+1 questions:
A circle jerk or a circle of jerks?
How is this not DOA?
I asked earlier if anyone had an Apple Watch 4? I was poking around reviews and saw that it had ecg and irregular heart rhythm monitor as well as a fall alert function. Given some of my health issues I went ahead and ordered one even though it was pricey.
I’m excited that they’re having fruitful negotiations between hardcore nationalists and the slightly more moderate nationalists. If they’re all on board, that should suffice right?
Chip Daniels
More than a few Roman emperors were killed by their disgruntled security guards.
Just sayin’.
@poleaxedbyboatwork: both parts of this story could be true, though. Buzzfeed could have seen documentary evidence of Trump ordering Cohen to lie, but not coming from Special Counsel’s office.
There are a dozen potential permutations, which is why all the statements by Democratic officeholders had pretty oblivious caveats.
Fake Bricks? If these were real men they would be shipping slats to Chuck and Nancy.
@raven: Nice.
The Midnight Lurker
@raven: A good friend has one. He bought it for the same reason you did. He used it to replace some other heart monitor thing (looked like a pager with little electrodes) that he had to wear. He swears by it.
I think he said it calls for help when you’re having an ‘event’.
Hope that helps.
Good luck.
I bought my apple watch 3 for run tracking purposes but I find that I love it.
¡Hola jackals! I already feel like I need to apologize to every Mexican I meet for the embarrassment of the traitor-in-chief, so I hope whatever bullshit he spews tomorrow doesn’t make me have to hide for the rest of my trip*.
*Which has been wonderful! I highly recommend a trip to Mexico City to anyone even remotely interested. And I’m a happy co-incidence, one of the women from my Thailand elephant project trip is also here, and we’re doing a meet up tomorrow. Double reunions: Mi familia y mi amiga!
@The Midnight Lurker: And if you fall!
@lollipopguild: Good point. I’ll believe that Trump’s deal (if that is what the announcement is) is real if Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are standing behind him, smiling, and if they applaud after Trump’s done.
Oh now the Wall is a brick wall? This is beginning to sound like the Three Little Pigs.
@zzyzx: Yea, I was actually looking for something for swimming laps.
@Raven: sounds like a good investment.
Trump will be ignored by a quarter of the country while we’re dealing with the fucking snow.
Cantore’s in town, so New England is doomed.
Furthermore, HerrDoktor’s flight home was cancelled, and he gets to take Amtrak through the snow (honestly, I think he’ll be fine). I’ll pick him up at SouthStation, drive him to Logan Central Parking, and we’ll follow the plows down the Pike back home. He has no choice; he’s speaking at a conference at noon tomorrow, then at a different conference in downtown Boston at 11 am and 3pm(?) Sunday, and another talk Monday.
Lotsa shovelling coming up, folks.
@poleaxedbyboatwork: I think everyone has gotten to the point that they realize the gist of the story is true enough, even if some of the details are not, that there is no point in making a big deal about it. It’s a waste of energy. The front in the continuing political and legal trench warfare, will have already shifted anyway.
@Raven: it’s nice to be able to run and not have my phone with me, but still be able to contact my wife in case I got hit by a car or something.
For those who were cynical and/or undecided about Gillette taking the moral high ground with their recent infomercial, there’s this.
To be fair, that image is from 2011, but I think Gillette could have knocked it out of the park in their ad if they’d explicitly included a repudiation of the “old” Gillette way of advertising, rather than just preaching from a safe place.
@zzyzx: I thought the watch had to be connected to the phone by Bluetooth.
Adam L Silverman
@poleaxedbyboatwork: I think it is more likely that the leaks came out of the SDNY or the non-FBI portions of the counterintelligence community and what Mueller is doing is distancing his office, investigators, and investigation.
Oh, agreed. No question. I take your point. I’d just very much like to see a corroborating press source or thirty come forth (cuz it sounds exactly like something Trump would say and do).
The other incident this reminds me of (at least now, while nothing is confirmed as yet) is the danger of coming forth and being either wrong or unable to show paper or evidence onna claim. Thinking specifically of the grievous disservice attention-whore Michael Avenatti did during the Kavanaugh hearings. ‘Member when he stuck his oar in the water just before CBF’s testimony and then couldn’t produce? And the damaging effect that had, cuz then alla sudden Susan “Maundering-Conceeeeerned-Troll” Collins and similar flakes hadda opportunity to get all in high dudgeon about the “ridiculous rape charges” rather than addressing the concrete and credible attempted rape charges.
Just wear your “Estoy Con Ella!” t-shirt.
What more moderate nationalists?
Ronan Farrow on the BuzzFeed story: “I can’t speak to Buzzfeed’s sourcing, but, for what it’s worth, I declined to run with parts of the narrative they conveyed based on a source central to the story repeatedly disputing the idea that Trump directly issued orders of that kind.”
Adam L Silverman
@The Dangerman: Depending on what’s in it, it likely will be. Remember this isn’t negotiate with McConnell and Paul Ryan will go along. This is negotiate with McConnell knowing full well what you’re trying to do is politically put this back on Nancy Pelosi. She’s smarter, and a far better strategist and strategic thinker, than McConnell is. Neither Kushner nor Pence have demonstrated any competence with strategy, thinking, and/or strategic thinking.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
LOL. “Innocent until proven guilty” is only a legal standard in criminal trials in courts of law. Steve King doesn’t have an inalienable right to be on committees and removing him when he has a documented history of saying shit like this doesn’t make us like North Korea. King himself even voted for the measure! These people are so fucking stupid it’s not even funny.
Chris Hayes tweeted that he is still furious about Iraq and all the people who pushed us into that war and Glenn Greenwald slammed him for working for someone who was one of the biggest propagandists for that war.
I remember Greenwald wanted to give W the benefit of the doubt and that he supported Bush and the war.
What is with that guy?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Heh. That rhymed.
@Plato: They are concerned about the tone of the ethnic cleansing.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Chronic contrarianism secondary to arrogant assholism.
@MomSense: Who does Chris Hayes work for?
Adam L Silverman
@Chip Daniels: E No. tu Brute?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s a wonder somebody didn’t think of it sooner.
The Midnight Lurker
@Adam L Silverman: (Squeals in delight) Must… resist… clicking… to… Amazon.
Which guy you mean? Both are look at me, look at me, dancing monkeys.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Yet more evidence that Trump’s stupid wall wouldn’t actually solve anything
Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border wall: CBP
How would his “big, beautiful wall” stop that?
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
That tweet would be perfect if he hadn’t misspelled “Caesar”.
@Adam L Silverman:
@Baud: they’re having their own problems here. They elected a Wilmer-like Presidente in the last election, and he shut down some portion of the state petroleum industry, resulting in gas shortages and rationing and multiple hours long lines at gas stations. He seems to be working off Drumpf’s playbook.
The Midnight Lurker
@Raven: One additional thought… could you deduct this purchase as a ‘medical device’ expense?
@Adam L Silverman:
Why would Mueller do that? More specifically, if the leaks came from somewhere like SDNY, why would Mueller feel compelled to issue a statement, i.e. Mueller’s not saying the info isn’t from his investigation, more germanely, he’s saying that it ain’t accurate? Don’t understand the reasoning as to why Mueller would do that (unless, following your appraisal as best I’m able, Mueller is openly disagreeing with SDNY).
Prolly missing your point, but happy to be enlightened.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Stuff happens.
Adam L Silverman
@poleaxedbyboatwork: To reinforce that his office is scrupulously following the regs and doesn’t leak.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Amir Khalid:
What’s even worse is that’s spelled correctly in the image he tweeted.
The Midnight Lurker
@Adam L Silverman: How do you think a bust of Trump with “pencil” holes drilled in the back would sell?
Maybe that stupid ceramics class Mrs. Lurker dragged me to will finally pay off.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@The Midnight Lurker:
I’m sure at least 63 million would sell.
Pence, McConnell, Kushner. Can you say troika?
Even at this time of the year, a ride through the canals of of floating gardens of Xochimilco ought to be worth the time.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
I do have to ask; why didn’t the office come out say that directly?
Adam L Silverman
@The Midnight Lurker: You’ll have to ask Laura Loomer.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
The real one will be three parallel walls each fifty feet thick, with moats on both sides and minefields in between, and sentries with dogs posted every ten yards.
This will require seizing a mile-wide strip all along the Texas side of the Rio Grande, but what the heck, Texas was trending blue anyway.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I don’t know.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Menage a Trois? ; )
I remember listening to an episode of a podcast called Haunted Places and it was about the island of dolls, which I believe is one of the floating islands. It was pretty creepy. Ever heard of that?
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: @Ken: Flood tunnels. Just like on Oak Island!
That’s one of those sleds where you throw someone to the wolves, right?
The Midnight Lurker
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Midnight Lurker sits at pottery wheel jabbing a pencil in a soft clay bust of Trump humming ‘Unchained Melody’.
@Baud: not the newer ones. You can call or text or even do things like facebook message.
Adam L Silverman
There’s a Casablanca joke in here somewhere.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
anyone know if Hurd voted with Pelosi or McCarthy on the bill to reopen the gov’t? Seems to me it would be big news if he had jumped the aisle
@Adam L Silverman:
Maybe I’m just thick, but my understanding is that Mueller is saying the Buzzfeed story is inaccurate, correct? If, as you are suggesting, the sourcing leak comes from somewhere separate and apart from the Mueller team (for the sake of argument, we’ll say it’s SDNY), I don’t understand how this reinforces your point? The Mueller team *is* scrupulously following regs and not leaking. Not disputing that. Don’t see how contradicting the Buzzfeed story’s veracity makes those points, tho.
If this Buzzfeed story comes from, say, SDNY as you suggest, then Mueller’s team is saying they disagree with SDNY. They’re saying, in your formulation, that SDNY is wrong.
What am I missing here? (You’re a lot smarter than I am, so my first inclination is to doubt myself here, but I truly don’t understand your reasoning on this.)
Damn, musta been those pesky prayer rugs that finally pushed him over the edge.
With sharks with fricking lasers in the moats.
Jeffrey Goldberg New Yorker.
The Midnight Lurker
Right with you. Welcome to BJ. Now excuse me, I’ve got orders to fill. Goes back to repeatedly stabbing Trump bust in the back with pencil.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I don’t know about that particular Rep, but each of the votes Pelosi has held on reopen-the-government spending bills has gotten a handful of R votes.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Amateur. You forgot the 100 ft machine gun towers every 100 feet.
Adam L Silverman
@poleaxedbyboatwork: No, it isn’t quite clear what the Special Counsel’s spokesman actually is disputing.
@Ohio Mom:
I can’t taste much of anything when I have a cold so it’s hardly a tradeoff at all.
@The Midnight Lurker:
Am hoping there’s no overt or subliminal connection betwixt the receiving of my very first Juicer welcome and your abrupt exit to murderously impale a voodoo doll!
Thanks! (I think?)
J R in WV
@Major Major Major Major:
OMG, man, that is so funny!!!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Have you heard of that Oak Island reality show on “History” Channel? I’ve never watched it but knew it was bullshit based on the conspiracy angle they go for in promos.
I liked the HC better when it was the Hitler Channel and it aired Wild West Tech as well as Modern Marvels.
Question for ruemara and Puget Sound folks: Is there a meetup this Saturday evening? If so, where? Thanks!
The Mueller statement doesn’t actually say the gist of the story is wrong. It says “specific statements” and the “characterization” of supporting evidence are inaccurate. That’s not exactly saying the whole thing is off base. It pretty much says to me that he wouldn’t go so far as to state the case with the confidence stated by the sources in the article. But he needs to get evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Which tells me a congressional inquiry, possibly leading to impeachment, should start ASAP. Mueller is concerned with the legal issues. But there are matters here beyond just the legal issues. The American people need some kind of transparent process so that the political part of this matter can commence. Whether he is finally convicted in the Senate isn’t important at this moment. As during Watergate, a House inquiry can and must happen and there is no reason that and the Mueller investigation shouldn’t happen in tandem. Since impeachment only requires the preponderance of the evidence, they have more flexibility to dig into blind alleys to see where they lead. With the added bonus of the public being privy to the true extent of the betrayal of this president.
That said, IANAL so I could be completely off base here.
J R in WV
Holey Cow, Satby, what are the odds of that meeting in a random national capitol somewhere in the world??/
congrats, glad you’re having a good time visiting!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@poleaxedbyboatwork: I dunno, Mueller’s statement seemed very carefully and narrowly phrased to me. The description of specific statements and tge characterization of documents and testimony were not accurate.
It doesn’t read to me as a denial of the conclusions of Trump’s involvement, just of who said what about it. Just that the story is not totally accurate in all the details. What I’m wondering is why a denial of anything was necessary. Maybe, as Adam says, just to make it clear “this is not a leak from our office”.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’ve watched every episode. I love that type of show. That, Finding Bigfoot, Mountain Monsters, those sorts of things. I love watching them.
@Ohio Mom:
You have to start sucking zinc at the first hint of a cold for it to really work. Don’t take it on an empty stomach either.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Why? I mean, American Pickers is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I’d never give Oak Island the time of day. Do you watch it to laugh at it?
I know this goes against trust Mueller, he got this bj cw, but still..
Remember if Mueller can’t, then sdny surely will theory? Well, he himself punched holes in that theory.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: When I was about 7 or 8, I read the same Readers’ Digest article about Oak Island that the Lagina brothers had read over a decade before. It is a great legend/story. So I watch the show just to see what, if anything, they come up with.
Don’t go against my grain. Things’d be different, imo, if Muelller’s report were actually, you know, necessary to proceed with impeachment hearings. But think there’s a purty hefty bill of particulars already extant, and if Dems don’t get started on performing their civic duty, they will never do so (some excuse like an upcoming election will always take precedence).
Have been concerned that if impeachment hearings do not begin before May or June, they prolly never would (short of some thunderbolt from Mueller later and even then maybe not).
The dick stepping on his own dick might only be the saving grace in this sordid saga.
@Plato: “trust Mueller, he got this bj cw”
I’m not part of that, for several reasons. One reason is that, even if I did trust Mueller 100 percent, he is not in charge of what happens after the report is issued.
There is just so much we do not know, it is pointless to try to figure out with high probability what some of these events mean. Hard to tell what the SCO statement today meant. I think the consensus among knowledgeable analysts is that ONE reason is to signal they had nothing to do with the BF story.
Bertrand’s idea, or information, might be the reason for FDNY, or NY State or IC people to give BF the story. They hear the way the wind’s blowing and they don’t think Barr can be trusted to not try to bury the report. I think an explosive report would be leaked anyway, by someone, but sitting on leaks for two years might not be good. So, the story, even if somewhat inaccurate, may have been a signal to the House that they need to get into gear on this, and the subtext was reassurance that there is plenty of really dirty Trump dirt for good hearings to uncover, and they are assured of at least one really slam dunk item on the bill of impeachment.
So, if that is what the BF story does, get the House in high gear quick smart on investigations, that is a good thing.
@Adam L Silverman:
There’s a mystery there.
Nobody knows what it is, other than a mystery.
@Baud: There are versions(very expensive) with LTE, Galaxy Watch also has an LTE version.
@zzyzx: It depends on the model.
@jl: it’s obviously time for Lester Holt to interview drumpf again.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
” The deal was largely influenced by talks between VP Pence, Senate Maj. Leader McConnell and Jared Kushner”
Well my thinking is McConnell is forcing Trump to do the dealing and not just sit on on his south end and grandstand, so this makes sense.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hurd did indeed vote with Pelosi. He has always been good on immigration and border issues, since he lives there and understands them.