On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
My desire to document my cross-country trip has not gone as planned, but I wanted to write a bit about my visit to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute today. For MLK’s birthday, admission was free, so I stood in line with hundreds of others waiting to see the exhibits there. It’s a really well-done history of the civil rights movement in general, and Birmingham’s central role in that struggle in particular. If you’re ever in Birmingham, it’s worth a visit.
The Institute is across the street from the 16th Street Baptist Church, where four young girls were killed by a bomb planted by KKK members. I’ve always found that to be one of the most disturbing incidents in US history, and it was surreal to stand in line with kids the same age as those girls, as well as with elderly black men and women who were in their teens, 20’s and 30’s when the bombing happened.
(The picture is one of Bull Connor’s tanks.)
Ben Cisco
I’ve not been to the museum since I moved back home; hoping to rectify that in the near future. One of things that has amazed me since I’ve been back is how much things have changed here. While there is a long way to go and much to be done, this is definitively NOT the Alabama I knew from my childhood. And that’s a good thing.
Gotta give a ‘must read’ to this new Deadspin commentary. Plainly lays out (without saying this framing) how whiteness swings into full gear to defend itself when a momentary breach occurs:
Laura Wagner – Don’t Doubt What You Saw With Your Own Eyes
Also, too, a couple years ago the BF and I visited Selma, including Brown Chapel, saw the spot outside an integrated diner where attackers inflicted deadly wounds on UU minister James Reeb, visited the interpretive centers in Selma and Lowndes, and the Rosa Parks museum in Montgomery (as well as other walking around Montgomery).
We realized too late that there was about 3 or 5X what we had time to see/digest compared to our itinerary that trip. Must return!
Chetan Murthy
@Raoul: Yeah, the Atlantic seems to have a *slew* of columns arguing that everybody who concluded the Covington thugs were just that — thugs — got it wrong. Can’t say I’m surprised, given their editor was ready to hire Kevin Williamson.
Glad I never got around to subscribing to those idiots.
Notwithstanding, James Fallows wrote a decent piece about it: https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2019/01/mayor-covington-kentucky-explains-what-his-city-stands/580876/
Patricia Kayden
@Chetan Murthy: The incident is being turned into “those poor young men were the victims of Black Muslims” or sone such nonsense. Apparently, the smirker’s mother has hired a PR firm and is standing by her son.
I wonder if the school will do a u-turn and stand by the students or if they will actually discipline any student for wrongdoing. That remains to be seen.
Instagram video posted by
hunterhooligan Singer/Songwriter/Storyteller. Queer. Thicc. Indigenous.
(Vid taken from inside the small group who were surrounded with Nathan Phillips trying to move through the large group of adolescent boys.)
Mike in NC
Years ago we were supposed to take a road trip from NoVA to Eufala, AL with a couple my wife knew for quite a long time. Then they got weird and went to work for Amway and pretty much distanced themselves from most everyone. Probably just as well.
@Chetan Murthy: The dude is NOT a Vietnam vet and it’s a shame that keeps being repeated.
Rape School, check.
Racist School, check.
Forced Birther School, check.
MAGA School, check.
Nazi School, check.
White Male Privledge School, check.
Whinging Faux Victim School, check.
Watching Deplorables tout their value system online,
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
According to Wikipedia he was:
What sources have you seen that say he’s not?
Chetan Murthy
I agree that for the purposes of this incident, it doesn’t matter. But I’ve seen nothing disputing that he’s a Vietnam vet, from anyplace I’d trust. Could you provide a pointer? I mean, sure Wash Times, Gateway Pundit. But by that standard I’d have to believe in UFOs.
“Phillips joined the Marine Corps, serving in the Vietnam War as a Recon Ranger and Infantryman.[8][9][10][11][12][13] He served in the U.S. military from 1972 to 1976.[14]”
Looks like a Vet to me.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Raven’s comment caused me to look at wikipedia, too. If you look at the footnotes, none of them appear even remotely dispositive. They sure don’t go towards disproving raven’s thesis. It appears that aside from the Vogue article, all the others are post-incident reporting. Nobody seems to have actually checked his story, that I can find. That doesn’t mean it’s a false story. It just means that we can’t really tell, other than taking him at his word. Which I’m inclined to do, b/c shit, it’s immaterial to the incident and its import.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I don’t have to see any “source”, that is so fucking full of holes it’s not even funny. There is no such thing and a Recon Ranger. Recon is Marine and Rangers are Army. In the CNN interview he says himself as a “Vietnam times vet,” and he says he’s 64. He would have been 18 in 1973 and the last Marine ground units left in 1971.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Also too, everybody knows about Mississippi Goddamn!
And fuck Trump and all his goddamn stupid voters and disgusting enablers
@Chetan Murthy: You can count right? You know what Recon is? Rangers? I in no way support what those fucking punks did I just don’t like all the shit plastered all over using his status as a Nam Vet to somehow make it worse.
I’ve got friends on FB calling him a “war hero”. Just stick to the shit that is real.
@Chetan Murthy:
Claiming False Valour is a big deal, a crime and Nathan Phillips claims of his past first surfaced in the media at Standing Rock.
If his claims were false or misleading the Oil Companies, the local Gestapo and the Oil Companies Mercenaries, would have been all over it.
When you visit the institute, make sure to check out the park across the street…some of the most powerful sculptures illustrating police brutality that I’ve seen. Also, if you can make the drive down to Montgomery, the Rosa Parks museum (may be the best laid out museum in the country) walks you sequentially through life in Montgomery, the boycott, and the heroes in a remarkable immersive experience. Powerful stuff.
Maybe this (the Phillips thing) is instructive as to why it’s important not to weigh in on every inflammatory media thing that pops up, I dunno…
In other news (and I hope this gets front-paged tomorrow), Catherine Rampell points out the obvious, but with a few new twists due to the shutdown: The GOP Has Become The Pro-Russia Party:
…not that they care…
What I like are the constant references to the “would-be autocrat”…hopefully one of the many Dem candidates for 2020 can pick that up and just put it in plain language like we use around here…”Needy Amin”…”banana Republican”…and so on
But yeah, it’s been a LONG two years and it’s past time for everyone to hear more about how the GOP has sold out not just to a corrupt 2nd-tier reality TV star/money launderer, but has also betrayed its country by selling out to Russia. Over and over and over
@Jay: Wrong, he can claim anything he wants and he’s very careful in that CNN interview
Here’s what he said in 2000
“”I’m a veteran,” says Phillips, “a Marine Corps infantryman in the ’70s, and I’m a patriot, and those soldiers need remembering.”
I tried to follow up and the best I found was a link showing what Nathen has been quoted as saying, which is a Vietnam time vet. So far no one has seemingly been able to find any quote by him that he’s a Vietnam combat vet. And seeing as how he joined in 72, it would be possible but improbable that he’s an in country vet. I find it easier when asked to say a Vietnam era vet who did not get sent to Vietnam.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
I agree, but it also makes it worse if he is a vet, because right-wingers love to go on and on about supporting the troops and vets.
It’s the same thing as the American flag issue. Conservatives have altered the American flag by adding a blue line through the center and greying out the rest of the colors. Yet god forbid anybody burn one. To me it’s a textbook case of flag desecration. To them, it’s obviously not. It’s the hypocrisy that I hate.
It’s media reports,
From your MSM stenographers,
Who can’t even manage to properly stenograph the puke funnel of Needy Admin,
Which is why y’all rely on a Canadian at the Toronto Star.
Ohio Mom
I did not know Bull Connor had tanks. Thinking about it, I can’t be surprised.
The one in the picture is so bright and clean. It looks like something put together for a sci fi movie, some sort of moon vehicle.
My god we waste so much money on armaments. A tank to attack citizens, smh.
@Ruckus: I never said he misrepresented anything I said he’s not a Nam vet and people are saying he is to garner sympathy for his situation.
@Ohio Mom: It’s not a tank.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
So, it might be possible he’s a Vietnam era veteran? As Ruckus says, he might have just been here stateside or somewhere else not named Vietnam.
ETA: I think a lot of people saw the dates he served during and assumed he was in combat during Vietnam, myself included.
@Jay: It’s all over my facebook. Tons of cute photos and descriptions touting his Vietnam Vet status and bellowing about him fighting for freedom and shit. I PM folks when I see them post it just to let them know.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
It looks like an APC.
If you get down to Montgomery, I highly recommend The Legacy Museum first and then The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.
The museum itself is really well designed pedagogically and very modern technologically. A couple of displays that really resonated for me were the floor to ceiling bookshelf of jars containing dirt from lynching sites and a prison visiting kiosk where you picked up a phone and listened to a recording of the man you were looking at.
And then the Memorial, with the hanging monuments of victims by county, needs to be experienced by every American.
If you save yourself some time, you can zip over to the capital building to spit at the statues of Jefferson Davis and John Allan Wyeth (the surgeon, not the poet).
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I sat on a plane coming back from the 10th Anniversary of the Wall and this really young looking Navy Officer sat next to me. I was all grody wearing my jungle fatigues and we shot the shit. I saw his Vietnam Service Medal and he noticed. He said he was in his plebe year at the Academy and they did a training cruise that crossed into Dixie Station. He didn’t “get to” he had to wear it. Phillips most likely is an “era” vet and, from what I’ve read in the recent situation, is careful not to say anything different. The CNN transcript doesn’t even say “Vietnam Times” but it’s clear that’s what he said.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: APC’s have tracks, that has wheels. It’s an armored vehicle.
I know you didn’t say he was, if I wrote that wrong, I apologize, I read your first comment and was trying to find a source that might answer the question for others. Your comment that the Marines were pulled in 71 says a lot more than anything else, he couldn’t have been there, as you said he joined in 72.
But the recordings of Nathen don’t show that he ever claimed to be an in combat vet like yourself, as the clip that you linked. The majority of the news business seems to care as much about the truth as the republican party, not one fucking bit.
Ohio Mom
@Raven: @??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I don’t know what it is. Mister Mix labeled it a tank, so that’s what I called it.
I don’t know what a APV is either.
Whatever it is I’m pretty sure you can run a perfectly good and effective local law enforcement outfit without it.
My dad was a Korean war era veteran. He served in the Pacific and the Atlantic onboard Naval ships. He never claimed any combat status, but he was a veteran.
I can understand being frustrated if folks are saying Philips is a Viet Nam vet as that suggests facing combat when (one has to suppose given the current murkiness) he didn’t.
He still stepped up and served this country in uniform, and that in itself is more than most of those Covington kids will likely ever do.
I don’t do the book of faces, that’s being part of the problem, not being part of the solution.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
If he could weigh in from Heaven, I think Capt. Humayun Khan would disagree on this; certainly his parents do. Secretary John Kerry does, too. GrOPers only support the troops when it lines up with their priorities. Which is to say, they don’t give a damn about the troops. Now it’s true that if he claimed something falsely, that’s troubling, and will vitiate the moral power of the causes he supports. Why? B/c the GrOPers will use it as ammo, b/c that’s what they do.
But really, I can’t be bothered by it: GrOPers can always find something to bang on about.
ETA: Max Cleland would also dispute, I bet, that GrOPers care about troops and veterans.
@Ohio Mom:
It’s a WWII era Greyhound Armoured Car, with the turret removed, 37mm gun and machine guns removed, and a bulletproof glass windscreen for the driver.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Really? On Wikipedia, it says they can be either wheeled or tracked.
The OT-64 SKOT was a Polish/Czech APC produced in the 1960s until the early 70s that was 8×8 and amphibious.
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: I long for the day when a Dem will respond to a GrOPer’s professions of supporting the troops with something like
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I think I remember that story. Weird that they would make him wear such an award for nothing just because of where he physically was.
So Phillips is probably just a vet from around that time. I would think he would have mentioned by now if he saw any combat during his service if he had.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
I never said they were all sincere about it. I guarantee you many right-wingers would thank a service member for their service and condemn them in the same breath if they had political positions different from them.
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: are you aware of what was done to John Kerry? Or to Max Cleland? It was despicable. They weren’t thanked for their service. They were vilified and smeared. Just like the parents of Humayun Khan were.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
I know Kerry was swiftboated. I meant it more in the sense of a Joe Schmoe. For R’s with high-level, high stakes elections, they go the “inspecting the counter tops” route.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
BTW, not an armoured personell carrier, a retasked Armoured Car. With the turret and weapons removed it carried 5 (driver, commander, 3 cops) in a limited fashion.
Basically a version of a Canadian Kangaroo.
@Patricia Kayden:
I can see one circumstance where the students will be punished in a meaningful way: if the groundswell of where the hell were the chaperones? continues to build. If it does, the adults who were there and supposed to be keeping the kids under control will throw a few of the kids under the bus to protect themselves.
And the kids will know full well that they’re being punished not for their bad behavior towards Mr. Phillips or for getting into arguments with random street preachers, but for letting themselves get caught on tape doing it.
The kids are going to be punished because for the next decade, any resume listing Covington Catholic High School, no matter the year of the Alumni, is going straight into the round file.
They now call anyone who was in the armed services anytime between 1960 and 1975 a “Vietnam era veteran.” They called my dad one and he never left Fort Sheridan in Highland Park.
(He was drafted in the late 1950s when we were between wars, did the absolute minimum, and got the hell out because he absolutely hated it.)
You’d think so, but sadly, no. Any of those kids who wanted to go to Georgetown, Loyola, or any Jesuit university are shit out of luck, but they’ll do just fine as long as they stay in northern Kentucky/southern Ohio and keep throwing up their Nazi salutes.
@Patricia Kayden: Covington Catholic HS apparently has an awful racist and sexist history going back a long time.But this is KY so…
Maybe, but a lot of employers search social media and are lawsuit adverse. The kids who’s parents can hire them will do okay, but for anybody else it’s not worth it.
It costs Corp’s $130k on average in time and money per hire.
Not worth the risk, and an easy out.
It isn’t that the timing of his service is in or out of the range of what people are calling the Vietnam era. As raven pointed out he could not have gone to Vietnam as a Marine, they were all pulled out in or before 71. And it looks like all the evidence that I could find that Nathen actually said he was in Vietnam as a combatant were misquotes, people leaving out his use of the word time when most of us use era.
@Ruckus: I do not consider myself to be a “combat vet”.
Birmingham was my home town. In my teens in the middle of the bombing and Civil Rights Movement. The museum is a must visit. It does one of the best jobs I have ever seen of combining sound, film, and objects, to immerse visitors in the Black experience. I assume it still has the cab of the fire bombed bus from Anniston. A grim reminder of reality. But east of the museum, across the street, is Kelly Ingram Park, which was the staging area for the chidren’s protest marches. Today you can walk along the sidewalks crisscrossing the park, and walk between two statues on either side of one walk, with police dogs lunging out of the slabs of stone on either side, towards you as you walk through. Google it, there are pictures on the Web.
If you are ever in Birmingham, do not fail to visit this museum. It is a must see.
Well, now I’ve got ‘Mississippi Goddam’ stuck in my head all day. Which is a GOOD THING.
‘…and I mean every word of it!’