I’ve just been in contact with a young woman named Laura, who is the niece of valued longtime commenter Schlemazel. Apparently he went to the doctor last week for what he thought was a UTI, and it turns out that it was not a UTI:
He has end stage bladder cancer. It was unexpected and completely botched. He went in to the ER last week for what we thought was a UTI and they admitted him right away. They did a bunch of tests and we found out this afternoon that he won’t be coming home. He is a brilliant misanthrope and I am so grateful that he was able to find a lovable bunch of jackels that have like minds.
Apparently his calcium is out of whack and he is confused and will not be able to respond to this post, but I wanted everyone to know and to lift a glass to the cantankerous bastard, say prayers, do whatever you do, and maybe a miracle will occur. I’ve got him in my thoughts.
Fight, Schlemazel.
Oh, no! Fight, hang in there, fuck cancer! Schlemazel, we are all with you. Blessings on the niece for communicating, and I hope she’ll keep us informed, and let us know if there’s anything we can do.
Fuck. That’s just fucked all the way around.
Sympathies for his family.
So sorry to hear this – my best wishes and hopes
Oh no Schlemazel, I’m mortified at this news. Fight the good fight, I’m thinking of you!
Whoa. That sucks. Will do.
Rrg. I just went and asked the doctor in the family. ‘End stage’ means it’s beyond curing, although temporary mediation may be possible. That sucks. Schlemazel, we will indeed think of you and hope for a miracle.
Damn, that’s bad news.
Fuck cancer.
Oh, no!!
Pouring out a glass, right now. Raising it high. And beaming healing thoughts to Schlemazel.
oh jesus, that’s sucks. fuck cancer.
West of the Rockies
Cyber hugs beaming your way.
TaMara (HFG)
Fuck. That’s awful news. Hugs to him and his family. We are so grateful he is part of our community of jackals.
Cheryl from Maryland
How awful! Wishes for peace and strength.
Arrg – terrible news.
Schemazel – one of the good ones :lifts glass:
So so sorry. Wishing Schlemazel the best.
That’s awful. Keeping Schlemazel in our thoughts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Damn. Wishing Schlemazel peace and comfort.
GAH!!! Will pour out a small glass… of my favorite cold remedy, but all strength to you, Schlemazel, and your family too!
Oh, no. I am so sorry. Thanks for letting us know, JC, and thanks to Laura, too. Golden thoughts of healing heading their way.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
Damn. That’s terrible. My sympathies to Schlemazel and family. Hoping for a miracle.
Oh no! I’m so sorry.
Horrible news…comfort to Schlemazel and his loved ones as they work though it.
My limited family experience suggests that this confusion MIGHT get better once they figure out what else not working; anything messing up water filtration can have wacked side effects that are even so easier to fix that the rest…
Goddamn. Hoping for comfort for Schlemazel and his family — some really effective palliative drugs. I hope (selfishly) he improves enough to pop back in for a hello.
Grateful to the niece for keeping us informed. But goddamn. One of my faves, eeyore-ish as he can be.
So sorry to hear this. Sending healing thoughts.
I’m so sorry to hear the news. I’m tearing up for someone I’ve never met, but whose caring and passion for justice I could feel by reading his comments.
*salute*, Schlemazel.
What terrible news, and what a terrible way to find out. I {{heart}} the old curmudgeon and will wish for him a miracle remission with all my heart.
Oh, no. That is just terrible. Thinking of him. He has been through so much in the last several months, what with messed up trips to Mayo clinic and seeing various doctors. Wishing him and his family much comfort as they deal with this latest development.
That’s awful. Sending him good thoughts.
Fucking fuck fuck FUCK! This hits rather close to home as my stepfather neglected his bladder cancer until the anemia from the resulting bleeds forced his hand. He was fortunate that it was still treatable and he’ll simply die with it, rather than from it (whenever that time might come). I fervently hope that his doctors can help Schlemazel in easing his pain. And my thoughts will be with him and his loved ones in this most difficult time.
zhena gogolia
Oh, this is terrible news. He has been so valiant. I am in tears.
Oh, no. Devastating news. Schlemazel, I hope you know you are loved by your fellow jackals. Just sobbing.
zhena gogolia
I also thought that when he finally got to Mayo they told him it wasn’t cancer.
Mary G
“Best healthcare system in the world” – NOT. His doctors blew this big time, and it hurts to think that he has gone through so much more shit than he had to, because they couldn’t find it. He is part of the backbone of this blog, and I will miss him so much. His niece is spot on with “brilliant misanthrope.” I’m gutted.
Prayers and light to him and his family. Hope he has good pain management. Fuck cancer.
@zhena gogolia: I thought the same thing. Or maybe it was the other way around–Mayo thought it was cancer but his previous doctors (U of Minnesota?) said it wasn’t. I can’t remember now. There was definitely disagreement about it by the medical professionals, which just had to be so awful.
Fuck cancer??
Mike in NC
So sorry to be reading this…
Oh no! As MaryG said, the whole process of him trying to get diagnosed was totally botched. He had different doctors telling him totally different things for months at a time. Poor guy. ?
Goddamn it.
Ohio Mom
I’m gobsmacked. Do I remember correctly that he’d been going for all sorts of medical tests and evaluations, how is something like this missed? Botched indeed.
I am so so sorry. I hope he has some good days left and that he finds peace. I’ll miss his voice here.
Thanks Niece Laura for letting us know. Take care of yourself.
Salute and blessings for comfort to him.
Well, damn. A good guy who always added to this place. Peace and strength to Schlemazel and his family.
Goddam, I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope that there is some slim chance that he will beat it. Hell the doctor was wrong about one diagnosis, perhaps he’s wrong on this as well.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Oh my god. I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ll keep you in my thoughts, Schemazel. Screw cancer. I really hope you’ll pull out of this.
lurker dean
oh man, that really sucks. sending all the good thoughts i can.
I hope you are finally getting some relief for your pain but I hate the diagnosis.
Everything that Mary G says.
Holding Schlemazel and family in the light, as MB is wont to say.
I lurk more than comment, but best of all wishes and hopes for the best. Cancer, of course, sucks.
I cannot express how these stories destroy what keeps me from folding.
Godspeed, Schlemazel
This is the most Balloon Juice thing ever. I can’t imagine a more empathic, tight-knit community than this lot of snarky jackals, but there you are.
hedgehog mobile
Dammit. Peace and strength to Schemazel and family. Fuck cancer.
Can’t say much more than everybody else has, but damn, this hurts. But the responses are one of the reasons I love this place. There is a real family here (some trolls excepted). The name for group of jackals is pack, but we should change it to a balloon juice of jackals.
ETA, SD may have said it better than I did, but then that is almost always the case.
@Mary G: I suppose we can hope for yet another misdiagnosis. Getting his electrolytes in order should help with the confusion, and then he can help with the treatment decisions. It’s harder on the family when the patient is not part of the decisions.
Thoughtful David
So, sorry, Schlemazel.
Pshaw. Get out of here.
This is horrible and just really sucks after all he has been through. I hope for the best and that he is being made comfortable.
@SiubhanDuinne: Not getting rid of me that easy.
So sorry to hear this. All positive thoughts to Schlemazel and family.
Cancer sucks..
Please tell Laura to hug him for me.
Shit. Thank you Laura for telling John. I’m sending love and healing energy to you, Schmazel and your family. Schemazel and I had a sort of real life connection 50+ years ago. We were about the same age and I lived in Minnesota while attending high school. My dad was on local radio and Schemazel said he wanted to be on radio and looked up to my dad, whom he got to meet. He told me in a comment my dad was very kind to him. Both of us were involved in DFL politics back in the day but I never did meet him. Shit.
Oh man, this is terrible news. Fuck cancer! Sending good, fighting thoughts. Damn.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G:
I know. Do love that description, and it fits. I think niece Laura is a jackal in waiting.
I wonder if it’s crueler to get this diagnosis so late, or to have been denied living with the hope of getting past it, as Schlemazel had been. I kind of think hope is always good. Sometimes it is all you have.
Anyway, fuck cancer, and gonna go pour out a glass of wine and toast dear misanthrope.
Heidi Mom
Such horrible news. Wishing peace and comfort for him and his loved ones.
@Kathleen: Oh, shit! Shit shit.
I’m so sorry, Jackals who knew him best, and Family.
A loss of one Jackal is a loss for all Jackals. All my best thoughts going out to Schlamazelland
Damn! That is terrible news. Fuck cancer!
It’s just so sad. Hugs
Sending healing vibes his way!
SO very very sorry to hear this – delurking to say that I will be sending my most heartfelt vibes to Schlemazal and family. The jackaltariat is an amazing group, and Schlemazal is a huge reason for the amazingness.
Terrible news. Fuck cancer.
Fair Economist
So sorry to hear this. You will be missed, Shlemazel!
And thank you so much for letting us know, Laura.
Ben Cisco
Damn! Just walked in from work and fired up the blog – this is awful.
Schlemazel, as others have said, is a key player in this place. Healing thoughts to, his family, and all of us.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Oh no! So devastated to hear this. Thoughts going out to Schlemazel and family.
Awful news. Much love to Schlemazel and his family.
Sending comforting thoughts.
Yeah, fuck cancer. ☹️
I pretty much always lurk, although I did tell you all when my wonderful nephew died at 35 of cancer and when I was diagnosed myself. So far I am still around and I very much hope that Schlemazel will continue to be also. We really can’t spare the good ones. Too many of the other kind yet flourish.
Peace to Schlemazel, the brilliant and woke misanthrope–I hope you listen to the music you love, see the fam you love, the places you love, recall the memories you love, and create new memories to love. So so sorry for this rough time for you and everyone in your life (you misanthrope!).
Felanius Kootea
So sorry to hear this. Wishing Schlemazel the comforting presence of loved ones at this difficult time.
Ah, shitfuck. Thank you for telling us, John. I hope those close to him can take some comfort in how this little community shares their pain.
Thanks Laura. Love to Schlemazel.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Schlemazel is a valuable — and valued — voice here. Holding him and his family in my thoughts. Cancer totally sucks and having that diagnosis sprung upon you at an advanced stage sucks worse.
Edited to fix autocorrect corrections.
We really can’t spare the good ones.
Ain’t that the fucking truth.
Such awful news!
@VeniceRiley: Indeed. Sigh.Shit.
Awww, what horrible news. Thinking of Schlemazel and his whole family. He’s been through so much. Cancer sucks.
The response to Schlemazel’s condition is what makes this place special. I mostly lurk, but I feel that this is my online home. Damn cancer. I only wish medicine was as good as it ought to be, but it’s an art as much as a science.
I love the term “brilliant misanthrope.” I lay claim to the latter.
What everyone has already said.
Peace and light to Schemazel and his family.
scott alloway
So saddened to hear this. Miracles happen. Hoping for the best.
Fuck cancer. Sorry to hear the bad news.
All the best to Schlemazel and his family.
And all the best to the rest as well.
@MazeDancer: As am I. Fight, Schlemazel
So sorry, horrible news. Fuck cancer
Hoping for the best possible outcome.
So sad. Thank you to Laura for letting us know. Sending Love and Hope to Schlemazel.
So sorry, horrible news. Fuck C
Eric NNY
Always been one of my favorite commenters. Positive energy sent your way friend.
Ah, shit.
Schlemazel may be a cantankerous misanthrope, but he was courteous and welcoming to me, a relative newcomer and only infrequent commenter here. Niece Laura — carry my hugs along with the rest, and save some for your family as well. What rotten news to add to the daily round.
Awful news. I rarely post but obsessively read, I think of myself as a mute member of this jackal pack. Schlemazel is one of those, like Cole and OH who gives me permission to be as pissed off as I am. Hang in there!
A few weeks ago he was writing about going to Mayo and then back to the University of Minnesota hospital closer to him and it sounded like things were under control.
I think he was scheduled to have his bladder removed in February. Or maybe some other procedure for his cancer.
This is such terrible news after it looked like things were turning around.
Prayers that he can beat it and a miracle occurs.
Another Scott
Thanks for relaying the news from Laura, John.
Peace to Schlemazel and his family. Fingers crossed!
Gelfling 545
So very sorry to hear this. Hoping that the proper diagnosis & treatment will improve the situation some.
I am very sorry to hear about this sad news.
My sympathies to his family.
zhena gogolia
He was always sweet to other commenters.
We need all the Schlemazels we can get in this day and age. So sad.
Damn it. So so sorry. Sending Schlemazel all good thoughts, wishing you peace.
@zhena gogolia:
Yes. Schlemazel is very much a gentleman.
I am very sorry to hear this. Strength, Schlemazel, and comfort.
Mike in DC
Well, that fucking sucks. I hope his confusion clears and he’s able to get some good palliative care and some remaining quality time with friends, family and loved ones.
I am so sorry to hear this,.
Damn, I am so sorry to hear that. Best to Schlemazel and all those who love him.
Very sorry to hear about this. One of my favorites here. Peace and comfort for him.
Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog
Horrible news – I’m so sorry to hear this.
One of the most insightful and steady commentors in our little community. This really sucks.
Two comments.
One thank you so much for keeping us informed.
two fkffkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfk
So sorry to hear this. Fuck cancer.
Oh no. Schlemazel is a fixture on this blog. His acerbic wit keeps us all grounded. Schlemazel, you are in our thoughts.
Jesus Fucking Christ. I don’t know what to say.
Fuck cancer.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
I hope he can be kept as comfortable as modern medicine can make him and that his family can find some solace in the fact that he has been so loved for his kindness as well as his wit and insight, here. He’s one of my absolute favorites.
My heart goes out to all of them.
Dear Schlemazel, I am sorry to hear this. All my love to you, your family, and your friends.
This is so sad. I hope his niece will keep us informed.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m so sorry to hear this.
Devastating. Thinking good thoughts for him and his, and hoping they find peace and comfort.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Betty Cracker
Damn it. Courage and strength to Schlemazel and family. And thanks to Laura and John for letting us know. Here’s to the brilliant misanthrope.
zhena gogolia
You’ve got me crying again.
@OzarkHillbilly: It reminds me of General Stuck and it leaves a hole in my heart because this is family.
zhena gogolia
I was thinking of Stuck too.
A hearty “FUCK!” is so inadequate. Best of outcomes to you, y’old bastard, whatever that may be.
And yeah. Fight!
Thank you Laura for sharing this unwelcome news. Please pass along a hug and tell him he’s as dear a man as ever there was and his moral compass is true and sometimes his words are blue.
Fuck cancer.
Oh no! Schlemazel, e are all thinking of you and your family and so very sorry. Your wit and companionship here has meant so much to us. Thank you to Laura for letting us know.
@OzarkHillbilly: Truth
@zhena gogolia: It really sucks.
mad citizen
Keeping Schlemazel in my thoughts for sure.
Citizen Scientist
Dammit! Thank you for checking in with us Laura and family. Wishing you and Schlemazel strength, comfort, and peace in the days to come.
I can’t deal with this right now.
So very sorry to hear this. Thank you, niece Laura, for letting John know.
Says it all.
When we bought our canyon house 4 years, the first neighbor I met was a retired newspaper guy. We bonded over a few Jack Daniels and water. He passed last year from bladder cancer. It really sucks. I hate shit like this. Sending the best possible vibes from SoCal.
Yep, Stuck popped into my mind immediately. Miss him to this day.
And it’s been almost two years (? — I think) since GreenNotGreen left us so intimately, generously, and elegantly.
hells littlest angel
Sad news. Best wishes to Schlemazel.
Mike J
Sorry to hear this. Sending as many positive vibes as I can to Schlemazel.
Matt McIrvin
Damn, that’s terrible. Best wishes.
Dammit to hell. Worst part of becoming part of a community like this. Sail into the West in joy, friend I never met.
Aw man, no.
I hadn’t seen that name in a bit. I did enjoy much of what he said.
Bless you Schlemazel. God bless your family and loved ones. We’re so sorry.
Chris T.
Bladder cancer is easily missed, as it has few signs and most of them look like a minor UTI. There’s usually no pain either.
So sorry to hear this news. I hope Schemazel can feel all the love around him. He has made a difference with his insight, integrity and humor.
I’m so upset that this has happened this way. He has been trying to get the right medical care for a long time and dealing with a lot of pain. Fuck fucking cancer.
Niece Laura: Thank you so much for contacting John and letting us know. I’m not a praying sort, but, I’m praying for Schlemazel and you and his family.
Just One More Canuck
I’m so sorry to hear this – my best to his family
It’s a tribute to John and all of the frontpagers that we can all come together and feel for someone and be comforted by people we’ve never met.
My best wishes to him and to his family and his friends as well. I’m sorry to hear this but sending kind thoughts.
Villago Delenda Est
1. Fuck cancer
2. Schlemazel, fight fight fight!
3. Family, hang in there!
That was going to be my reply, but you do it better.
Keep fighting, Schlemazel.
ah, shit. Sending love and warmth.
So very sorry to hear this. Schlemazel is indeed a valued commentator. My thoughts are with him, and with his niece Laura and his other family members and friends.
Amir Khalid
I too am with Ozark. There is just nothing else to say.
Extremely late to the post, and very upset about this news, but still wanted to put out some strength-and-healing vibes to Schlemazel and his family. You got this, buddy, and we’re all behind you – be strong!
Goddamn. This is awful.
Sending prayers to Schlemazel and his family.
John Revolta
Mayo fucked him around, changed his appointment and didn’t tell him, then the doctor said he “didn’t have cancer but he wanted to operate anyway”.
??? I dunno what it all means but remind me to stay away from that joint.
Cheers buddy……………
According to my “random Balloon Juice notes” file, Schlemazel had his 67th birthday a couple of weeks ago.
Echoing all previous sentiments, but especially
My glass is raised to one whose comments I always valued.
@JPL: This.
Cancer took my mom 26 years ago and my dad Thursday night. I fear and hate it. I hope that Schlemazel can get home. Better to leave this life from your own bed, surrounded by those who love you.
I’m sorry for your loss.
@Meyerman: Oh, so very sorry to hear it. Hang in there.
TS (the original)
Always late to post – best thoughts to Schlemazel and family
@MomSense: He had been and had worked so hard to get the right diagnosis and treatment. This result is just so unfair. Have missed his voice of late and am so sorry to hear this news.
@Yarrow: He loved to razz me.
Ohio Mom
@Meyerman: Condolences. May your dad’s memory be a blessing and may you find peace.
And come back and comment more.
Condolences on your loss.
Tenar Arha
I’m sorry to hear this Schlemazel. I’m wishing you the best. I hope you get to see that we’re all rooting for you.
@Meyerman: I’m sorry for your losses, and can empathize all too well. I’ve lost three immediate family members to cancer. It sucks far beyond words.
@Meyerman: Oh lord. I am so sorry to hear it. My condolences.
Ohio Mom
@Steeplejack: Your “random Balloon Juice notes file”? Now I’m going to be up wondering what you have on me.
Major Major Major Major
Oh my god, how terrible! Fight on indeed. So awful to hear.
He originally changed his nym to Schlemazel because he was running into so many weird problems and unusual complications with his health. I don’t remember what his nym was before that one because it was so long ago.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending you a big hug.
Reading this again, it strikes me once more how cruel it is that cancer is usually so much clearer in hindsight. I hope they can get a handle on Schlemazel’s confusion. That was the worst thing about my brother’s cancer. I will hope for the best, whatever that may be.
@Meyerman: My condolences. Papa died in 2013 from cancer. Know how it feels. Best to you
@Frankensteinbeck: If your urine turns the color of cola and there’s pain: UTI. If there’s no pain – get your posterior to a doctor pronto… it’s definitely something that needs to be checked on – probably cancer of the renal system (bladder or kidney). I speak as one who knows.
He really tried not to complain but he did express frustration with pain and other symptoms. It must have been a long time ago when he changed his nym.
He used Schlemizel for a while. I’ve got a note from 2012 where he was talking about Civil War books.
Adam L Silverman
Keeping good thoughts here!
Keith P.
@RepubAnon: Back in college, I got a real bad cold and took too many Theraflu’s and pissed like cola for a day. It scared the hell out of me, but I didn’t do anything about. Looking back (as someone with end-stage renal disease), I can’t help wonder if that’s when my health actually started its decline, which was basically a really long, gradual elevation of blood pressure that destroyed my kidneys.
Oh, no. I always looked forward to Schlemazel’s comments. Thinking of him and his family—wishing comfort and peace to all. ❤️
The Lodger
Hoping for peace and more clarity for Schlemazel.
Also, fuck cancer.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Well, shit. This year doesn’t seem to be turning out any better than the last one, does it?
I just…the only word I have is please no. May Schlemazel get all the comfort and love at the end of his days. And may those be longer than anyone thinks.
Also too: fuck cancer.
It seriously was like 10 years ago. I have a weird magpie memory for stuff like that sometimes.
Please get well.
For Schlemazel, he loves Rashid Khan
Aaoge Jab Tum from Jab We Met (When we met)
@SiubhanDuinne: @JPL: I also instantly thought of General Stuck. Voices are strong in their absence. ?
Hoping for a miracle (or very strong happenstance, whatever you wanna call it) for Schlemazel.
I’m so sorry about your dad. Fresh, raw pain. {{{Hugs}}} to you and to all who loved him.
Fuck cancer. Say it again: FUCK CANCER.
Rileys Enabler
Awww damn. That’s terrible news for us all. Will hold his family in the light and wish him the best of days ahead. I’m so sorry to hear this.
I hate cancer
As do we all, Raven. As do we all.
Another usually silent jackal here. I’m so sorry to hear Schlemazel’s news, and angry that he didn’t get a correct diagnosis. I know some cancers are difficult to detect, and maybe it wouldn’t have made any difference if Mayo had honored its original appointment with him, but I was (and am still) outraged by the disrespect he met with there.
Holding him in the light, and wishing him courage and peace.
Cancer fucking sucks.
I always remember the coda
but the full 13 minutes gives me solace at times like these
YMMV – I’m just an old flower child
Mike R
What can I say, this is terrible. Schlemazel wishing you the best luck possible. Don’t give up, this sucks. And yes fuck cancer it is a horrible diagnosis to hear.
@Ohio Mom:
THANK YOU for making me laugh
Mr Stagger Lee
Lost my old man less than a month ago and a good friend last week. Don’t go gently into that dark night Good Friend.
Bottoms up to you Schlemazel. May the darkness close around you gently.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
I am so sorry for your double loss.
Laura Too
@Raven: He razzed the ones he liked best. :)
That was really beautiful. I’m in tears again.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
I’m really sorry. I’ve got a big hug for you, too.
I’m like the Oprah of hugs – you get a hug and you get a hug and you get a hug
@Ohio Mom:
Your birthday is March 13, right?
And you offered this piece of wisdom in a thread about Israel and Judaism back in 2012:
It strikes me that Balloon Juice provides that, in many ways.
Yes, I have a “Balloon Juice” file. Mostly it’s a collection of interesting links with comments or my notes attached—more useful than browser bookmarks. And I do take note of birthdays and anniversaries, I think because I went through a period when I came to realize that the jackaltariat skews older—a lot older—than I thought. And it’s nice to remember people’s special days.
Full disclosure: my 67th birthday is coming up on Saturday.
As for Schlemazel, we exchanged some e-mails last summer when he was expecting to have a diverticulectomy. “They will use about 8 inches of my small intestine to build a new bladder for me.” I have an acquaintance who went through that procedure, and I offered to put them in touch so they could compare notes.
Ann Marie
I am so sorry. Sending my best to Schlemazel and family.
Fuck cancer.
Laura Too
To all, he is resting comfortably as they are keeping him medicated. I let him know the best I could that he is surrounded by love but even I had no idea how much.. Thank you all for being so kind, and the wonderful words about him. Funny, not until I had to look up the correct spelling of Schlamazel did fully get the term. “A schlemiel is somebody who often spills his soup and a schlamazel is the person it lands on.” It describes his life in a nutshell up to and including the way it will end. He valued all of you, you were such a huge part of his life.
@Kathleen: Living in the same area, I had hoped to meet him someday. My warmest thoughts to him and his family and friends.
Peace and love to our friend, Schlemazel.
Ohio Mom
@Steeplejack: That wasn’t scary at all, and yes, March 13th.
Early Happy Birthday greetings to you. Hope your new year brings health and happiness!
Drunken Hausfrau
not today, Death.
@Laura Too: Thank you for keeping us informed.
I am sorry you are losing your uncle. You described him so well with “brilliant misanthrope.” All the best to you and your family and Schlemazel.
Just got home and saw this. I have no words, just tears.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
@Ohio Mom:
@Laura Too:
Thank you so much for seeing your uncle, our friend, through this. We are sending love to you too Laura Too.
Thanks to John for your post and to Laura for letting us know Schmazel’s situation. Most of all gratitude, Schmezal, for your words. As MaryG said, you are part of the backbone of the Balloon Juice community.
@Laura Too: Hold him close for everyone here, and know that we are wrapping our arms around both of you. Love and strength to you and to him.
This is rotten news. My best wishes to Schlemazel for peace and comfort.
Happy early b-day, my 59th was yesterday.
Well fuck..
Just Godamn
@Laura Too: I am so sorry.
You’re in the book already! I didn’t see you yesterday to wish you happy birthday. Many happy returns!
Next up I’ve got Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ’s birthday on February 10 and Betty Cracker’s birthday on February 22.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Positive thoughts and best wishes to Schlemazel and their family & friends. Holy fuck, cancer sucks. Both my Mom and my wife’s Dad succumbed to it. My wife and our daughter had skin lesions removed last year.
Once again, cancer sucks!!
This just sucks.
Very late to the thread. So very sorry. Schlemazel, you are in my thoughts.
Oh FUCK no. This is terrible. “Fuck cancer” is not adequately conveying my anger and sadness here.
Much love and wishes for comfort to you, Schlemazel, and Laura Too. I have all of my crossable bits crossed for you that the days are longer and happier and more comfortable than expected.
Bookeater (formerly JosieJ)
I mostly lurk but I want to give my best wishes to Schlemazel and his family. Sending healing thoughts.
Mai Naem mobile
Just got on BJ and saw this. Jeezus,how awful. I can’t believe Mayo fucked up like this. Schlemazel is a fixture of BJ and 67 is way too young. Hugs and prayers to Laura and the rest of his family.
@Laura Too: Thank you for being with Schlemazel–and with us. Peace and comfort to the Schlemazel fam.
Kayla Rudbek
Very sorry to see this news. As a expat Minnesotan I enjoyed reading Schlemazel’s stories. We need more like him.
Happy belated birthday, Billin! ? ? ??
@Laura Too: Laura Too, we’re all thinking about you and Uncle Schlemazel. Wrap your arms around him and give him love from you and his BJ family.
Just found this, so desperately sad and angry and full of kindness to dear Schlemazel, bless him. My hand to him and Laura and all the family. Fucking cancer fuck off.
Fuck cancer.
Oh, so sorry. What a shame. Hoping for peace if healing can’t happen.
Just saw this post. Gods. Let us know what we can do for Schlemazel’s family.
Add my love to all the love flowing toward our Schlemazel tonight. I’m hoping that a miracle can happen for him. He’s been through so much over the last few years. All the best possible, my friend. You have touched my life for the better, and I thank you.
I mostly lurk but have been following Schlemazel’s travails with getting a diagnosis. I’m so saddened to hear this. Thank you Laura Too for letting us know about your uncle.
@Laura Too: Thank you Laura for keeping us informed. He has been such a mock-crabby but kind presence here.
@Laura Too: He wished me nothing but kindness and love when I had my accident in October. After reading this, I can only do the same. Kindness, love, and a shit ton of positive thoughts.
O. Felix Culpa
Words fail, but the heart overflows. May love surround and uphold our Schlemazel and the BJ community.
@Laura Too: What dedication in this era, going to your uncle’s online haunts, letting them know the news.
It’s the two year anniversary of my mother in law’s passing. She only lived thru 48 hours of this regime.
Sending love & good energy to Schlemazel & family & all in his community of friends ✨
@Laura Too: Thank you for keeping us informed, and for passing along our messages to Schlemazel.
Please remember to take good care of yourself, too.
Just chiming in at the end of this very long thread ( damn time zones) to say Shlemazel we all care so much. Thank you Laura. FUCK CANCER! ??
Chris T.
@RepubAnon: This can also be rhabdomyolysis, which is also very serious and requires immediate medical care.
In short, brown pee = bad.
I guess I’m glad I didn’t go far enough back through the posts.
Damn this is shitty news. Schlemazel is a great jackel and it looked like he’d gotten good health news.
Have known people who fought cancer for years and lost. It seems so strange to hear about someone who gets to endstage and doesn’t even know they have cancer at all, especially with all he’s been through. It’s not easy hearing that word when they are actively looking for it, must be absolutely stunning thing when they aren’t and find it.
All the best to him and his family.
And as I haven’t said it in a while, Fuck Fucking Cancer.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
Ugh, so sorry. Words are so inadequate.
@Laura Too:
Thank you for all this information about Schlemazel.
I never looked up the word but now have even more kinship with him.
Spilled soup catcher. Yeah, sounds about right. Never caught soup but did get a very large salad spilled in my lap when I was 16-17 yrs old. Blue cheese dressing no less. The waitress tried to help clean it up which made my buddies watching into even bigger, well asses. That wasn’t start of the rest of my life, only a continuation. It only rains spilled soup or salad in Schlemazel and Ruckus world.
Sorry for everything.
Deeply sorry! Terrible news and lost for BJ and all his fellow Jackals!
Sister Golden Bear
@Laura Too: Very late to the thread, but I wanted to thank you for the update, and let both of you know how sorry I am. He’d been through so much during the past year, I just hope he can be comfortable in his final days.
biff murphy
Schlemazel, so sorry for the bad news for you and yours. Fight the fight bud, best biff.
Miss Bianca
Aaaaagh. Poor Schlemazel, going thru all that agony of misdiagnosis and then this. Din’t even know if I can hope that it’s yet another one. : (
Thanks to Laura for letting us know. Tell him all the jackals are thinking of him.
Very sorry to hear this. He is a mensch. Hats off to him and best wishes to all his loved ones.
@Laura Too: Thank you so much for your update. Please take good care of yourself while you are taking such good care of him.
@Laura Too How horrible. May Schlemazel, your family and friends, and you find peace, comfort, and healing, and when the time comes, may you be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem and Zion. And FUCK CANCER.
@Laura Too: Genuine and sincere thoughts, comfort and well wishes to your family. Thank you for keeping us posted and love to Schlemazel.
Sorry wrong thread!
@JPL: I missed this post yesterday, somehow.
I wasn’t here long enough to know General Stuck before he left us, but I saw everyone’s reactions and the grief. Schlemazel I do know and I’m devastated. I lost a friend a couple of years ago who I had only known online but had known for 15 years, and the loss is still felt. Like we experienced with her and we with another jackal about the same time, Green not green, we are in mourning before the event, imagining ourselves beside him and trying to find words to comfort him and ourselves. Those words are hard to come by now as they were then.
@Steeplejack: Mine’s the day before Mrs. D Ranged, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned my birthday here.
Laura Too
Thanks to you all for the kindness shown to all of my family. I have printed out all of your responses and am going to the hospital. I will read them to him as I sit. I know he will hear all the love you have shared. I will update when completed. Again, thank you!
@Laura Too: Thank you so much for doing that, and for telling us about it. Schlemazel is lucky to have a niece like you.
Laura Too
I just got home. I was lucky to have gotten there before they gave him the next shot of morphine so even though he couldn’t open his eyes and he is on a breathing tube he was very aware of what I was reading. I read him almost all of the comments and names. He clearly understood and recognized everyone. He laughed at some until he choked, he was saddened by some but was very clearly moved by all of the love. He has struggled with acceptance all of his life, I hope for the the first time in his life that he realizes just how much he is loved. I can’t express what all of you mean to me. Thank you!
zhena gogolia
@Laura Too:
Oh, thank you, that is beautiful. We are all thinking of him.
@Laura Too: Thank you for sharing us with him. I hope he has peace♥️
@Laura Too: Thank you for your latest update. What a loving thing for you to do. He is so lucky to have a niece like you. Thank you for letting us know. Wishing him and you peace.
@Laura Too: Thank you Laura Too! Remind him from us we’re holding him in our hearts.
One of us, one of us. He is one of us.
GrandmaBear (fka glaukopis)
@Laura Too: thank you for the update, and for connecting him with his BJ family. Very late to the thread – I’m about 2 days behind at this point, but so sorry to hear about Schlemazel. He has brought us smiles when we dearly needed them.
@Laura Too:
Thank you so much for connecting us to Schlemazel. I hope he’s comfortable and I’m glad he knows he’s loved. We are nothing if not loving people!
Hey Schlemazel and Laura: good morning.
Schlemazel: I hope you are comfortable but having a good and lucid day and enjoying your family around you. You are in my thoughts! And quite unforgettable.
There is a lovely, heavy pour of rain today in Richmond VA. You would enjoy listening to it.
All the best, and will check in with you later. Cheers.
@Laura Too:
We are so glad you are checking in with us, and ferrying our messages to Schlemazel.
Laura Too, several more messages to your uncle are in the Thursday morning thread starting here at #46.
We appreciate so much you letting him know how we are all thinking of him and miss him.
Hi Laura Too and Schlemazel: satby (from Mexico this week!) beat me to it. Copying some of the Jackals’ morning greetings into this thread, for your convenience.
I will put more up as I find them. Strength to Schlemazel and Laura!
laura from California, in the thread about organizing Saturday and Sunday meetups in Seattle:
So, people will be drinking in your honor. That’s good.
Schlemazel, your sense of humor and lively opinions always put a smile on my face. I know you’ll be welcomed wherever you go.
But I’ll miss you.
Hey Schlemazel. I have looked forward to reading your sweet, curmudgeonly posts for years. I hope you can take pleasure in knowing that you’ve amassed a battalion of loving virtual friends. Hands across the water, Schlemazel.
Dear Schlemazel, you haven’t been out of my thoughts since your wonderful niece Laura shared your devastating news with us. Lots of love and light to you as you prepare for the next adventure. May your transition be gentle.
Hey Brah, I loved the way you yanked my chain about just about anything. I wish I could have met you and gone to see the gun from the Ward. Can you love someone you’ve never met? I think so.
Miss Bianca
Hey Schlemazel – hope your niece is still reading these to you. Been thinking about you lots the past few days. I am not going to add “praying”, because that’s perilously close to “thoughts and prayers”, and we all know how we jackals think of those! So I’ll say, “sending snark and good vibes” to you as you go forward. We will miss you terribly. : (
Love, MB
Fucking crap. Fuck Cancer. My best thoughts and love go out to Schlemazel.
OMG, what is with all the dust in here all of a sudden?
Dear Schlemazel, wishing you comfort and hoping this eases your transition.
I send it with love
Tom Levenson
Didn’t see this on the day. So sorry—wretched news. All best thoughts to Schlemazel and loved ones.
zhena gogolia
Schlemazel, I have been thinking of you and praying for you ever since we got this news. We miss you very much.
zhena gogolia
He capitalized it and put a period at the end.
Hey Schlemazel, good evening, still sending those prayers, man. Hoping for a miracle, but if not, when you traverse to the next plane, give em hell.
Ohio Mom
In a moment of nostaglia, I googled “Schlemazel Balloon Juice” and randomly read through a few old threads that were full of your comments Schlemazel (don’t we all comment in spurts?).
I was reminded of what great stories you shared with us — dinner with the Romanians and tipsy Halloweens were a couple of them. What a life you lived!
@Laura Too: This must be so hard for all of you.
I wanted to let you know that there will be a new thread for Schlemazel on Friday morning. I believe Adam has it scheduled for 8:30 am. Good thoughts and love to you and Schlemazel and the entire family.
Goddammit, raven.
My love to you Schlemazel and your wife and kids.
Goddam. Best wishes to Schlemazel, and for those who love him.
Thank you for the updates and running the B-J messaging service to and from Schlemazel, Laura Too.
I want to wish Schlemazel a peaceful night and also say thanks to Laura Too.
We’ll play a tune. We’ll sing a song.
Maybe we’ll get a dance.
For you.
@Laura Too: Laura, thank you for continuing to give us updates. I don’t know if you’ve seen it but in case not, Adam Silverman has created a new post for Schlemazel where we’re all posting new thoughts for him. You can click through to it here. https://balloon-juice.com/2019/01/25/good-thoughts-for-schlemazel-an-ongoing-series-of-posts/.