Not necessarily in order of importance…
Every part of this is my favorite, but my FAVORITE favorite part is that @HarperChildrens is donating some of the proceeds from our new book to a charity aiding immigrant children.
— Jill Twiss (@jilltwiss) January 16, 2019
… Writer Jill Twiss and illustrator EG Keller are collaborating on “The Someone New,” HarperCollins Children’s Books announced Wednesday. Scheduled for June 4, the book is a parable about welcoming outsiders. It tells of a forest in which a chipmunk worries that the entrance of a snail will ruin the world he knows. The publisher will donate some proceeds to a charity aiding immigrant children.
Twiss is a staff writer for John Oliver’s HBO program. She and Keller worked on “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” which spoofs a picture story by the wife and daughter of Vice President Mike Pence by making Bundo a gay rabbit…
Nancy Pelosi knows Elijah Cummings is an excellent mentor for young firebrands…
4 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ro Khanna, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib — have reportedly been named to the House Oversight Committee.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 23, 2019
Big news on the Ebola vaccine from Congo: "the evidence the WHO has been gathering in North Kivu — where nearly 64,000 doses have been administered — point to the vaccine being 'highly, highly efficacious.'" @statnews
— Atul Gawande (@Atul_Gawande) January 22, 2019
1?: Read our resource on the #TrumpShutdown:
2?: Call your Senators and tell them to reopen the government and end the shutdown without $1 more for Trump’s racist wall: 1-844-236-2373
3?: Call again and again… until the government is reopened.
— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) January 22, 2019
My first thought: “I thought the Who was back in the studio.”
The Atlantic
@Baud: Who?
eta: and yes, I googled him. The question remains.
I have a question for the morning crew. If your presidential exploratory committee comes back with a report titled “For the Love of All that is Holy, DO NOT RUN,” are you legally required to follow their recommendation?
Asking for a friend.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
I went to a multi-county Dem Party meeting last night and the candidates from rural counties think Issue One hurt them.
This is Issue One:
It was 60/40 “no”
I don’t know if it’s true that it cost them, but I hadn’t heard that before. A few conspiracy theorists among them believe it was deliberately put on the ballot by Republicans.
The effectiveness of the vaccine is enormously good news. I wonder if there are strategies in place or enough funds available to start quickly expanding the vaccination program / extending the geographic reach of the program.
From what I understand, healthcare workers were running into some big obstacles in terms of vaccinating exposed or at risk folks during outbreak containment efforts, especially in rural areas, due to (understandable) distrust of foreigners, and due to many areas being extremely difficult to access because of conflict zones and difficult terrain.
Training more local and regional residents to carry out or assist with ongoing education outreach and vaccine administration seems like the best way to ensure that the vaccine reaches the maximum number of people.
It would be a sheer delight to see Trump’s demanded wall money get allocated towards Ebola eradication efforts. Special bonus: the impotent rage of the anti-vaxer subset of Trumpsters.
Alas, a girl csn dream, right?
@Baud: It didn’t stop trump. A lot of things didn’t stop trump. His perpetuating actual illegal acts did not keep him from the Presidency. So I guess not.
@Baud: Doubt it, but we could set up a committee to look into it. To explore if you will. :)
@rikyrah: Good morning!
The #1 issue in the Congo is the world’s need for their minerals (mostly for electronics and especially cell phones) which feeds the vast civil war still killing many of thousands every year (over the last fifteen years, easily 10 million have died thanks to these wars.) The vaccine is great news but distribution is extremely dangerous in many areas due to the active fighting. Those that do this work are brave to say an understatement.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Looks like an Ebola monitoring snd education program was started in North Kivu last fall, focusing on teachers and school administrators reaching out to their local communities. School staff took training in how to monitor their students for signs of Ebola related illness, and they then also began community education outreach.
Wonder if this program could be paired with or used as a backbone for local vaccination efforts?
My first thought was “Is North Kivo the actual name of Whoville?”
And, Good Morning All.
Yesterday I was reminded how crappy it is driving around when the snow and ice have reduced the number of lanes on roads (imagine for those in non-nordic places what it’s like without turn lanes or when four lane roads become two.)
@Immanentize: I especially like it when people use the oncoming traffic lane as a left turn lane, because they know it’s around here somewhere.
Amir Khalid
When they released their last album, Roger joked that they should have titled it Who’s Left.
Good morning all!
Thinking of our Schlemazel this morning and hoping he’s not in any pain.
@Amir Khalid: Heh.
@satby: Yes.
@Baud: @OzarkHillbilly: he’s popular as mayor, but if he ran I’m sure it would be more to increase his name recognition. He seems to have been a good mayor considering the state his city is in. I haven’t lived in South Bend long enough to contrast how it was before, but it has some good things going on.
I went out shooting yesterday in the Baldwin Hills, this was new since my visit there last March. A view fit for a King.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m not sure if it did either, but I thought it was overall good policy that reactionaries were able to demagogue. I think the fentanyl hypothetical was enough to kill it for many people.
@OzarkHillbilly: They love to play Baba O’Rielly at Georgia games. For years they would have a PSA by the AD admonishing people not to drink and drive. Then they’d break into Teenage WASTED!!!!
I don’t understand their thinking, to be honest. I never heard any scary GOP ads about criminals wilding through suburbia.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
She drew Big, Big crowds at multiple events on a freezing football weekend in Iowa.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
This bodes well for our candidates.
One of the downsides to the proposed debate format where everyone gets a chance to be on stage is that lots of people will be in it for self-promotion.
Yes. It wasn’t appropriate for that thread, but I’m very angry about all those non- and misdiagnoses he received.
@satby: It’s heartbreaking.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
That was exactly the issue. There was a loophole that would have allowed fentanyl sellers to escape serious punishment.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Baldy?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I hope so. To be honest, I never placed that much stock in crowd size. It’s the same with lawn signs. Maybe I’m wrong about that.
@satby: Yes. Thinking of Schlemazel.
Happy Wednesday, pals.
Satby: how goes the trip?
It shows interest, which is a good thing.
Mexico is having a gas availability crisis. The president here shut down pipelines targeted for theft without an adequate substitute way to supply the gas stations. There was a horrible incident where a tapped gasoline pipeline exploded, killing 90 people and injuring 58 (60 people are missing and presumed dead). Long lines and rationing has had been going on since before I got here, so the planned trip to Guanajuanto is cancelled so that we can go to a closer colonial area city today.
I suppose. I guess I’m not sure if it’s a good predictor of anything.
@Elizabelle: my trip has been wonderful in spite of the crisis. It’s a beautiful country with wonderful people. I wish more Americans saw last the resorts and the sensational headlines about crime from our news media.
@satby: The explosion was international news. Can’t believe there’s no plan on how to deal with the fuel issue.
@satby: I’ve only been to the coastal resort cities myself but you make me want to visit.
@Raven: No, I still have my hair. //
Yes, snowcapped Mt. San Antonio is in the distance.
Spellcheck hell!!!
I got to spend a couple days in San Luis Potosi. Stunningly beautiful colonial era architecture.
Jeff Bryant
Sherrod Brown lookin’ good on MJ, talkin’ bout work and visiting four random states with his wife Connie Schultz
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Not to contribute too much to people’s feelings of existential dread or anything, but anecdotally, I’ve been getting the feeling of money draining from the economy, in a way not unlike the late stage Bush administration from 2006 to the end.
Based on the last several months, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of cash out there among working folks or small businesses. It appears that wages are stagnant, mobility is nil and small business profits are down – trickle down is working like it always has.
Anybody who has called needing work has no available remaining credit lines. They’re all deferring to tax season – something I haven’t seen since the runup to the global financial collapse and its aftermath.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I don’t think there’s any “appears” about it. Nothing’s improved for anyone other than the 1%.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Exactly – and that was at the direct expense of everyone else.
Galbraith, who ran for US House, said people associated it with the “far Left”. I asked him some questions to get him to tell me more but that’s all he knows. If it had just been the regular post-mortem griping I would have ignored it, but this was three candidates saying it and candidates talk to thousands of people.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
@Kay: I thought the far left was really popular there.
Speaking of, did anyone see that Winner is now practicing identity politics?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I agree, based on my sample size of “people who come in my office.” :)
It’s weird how you can feel it, isn’t it? There’s a booming economy and then there just..isn’t.
@Kay: It’s your own fault for not being a corporate lawyer.
Dems gonna fold.
@Raven: Explain.
@Baud: well, Buttigieg hasn’t got a lot of options in a determinedly red state like Indiana. He’s got to go somewhere as a politician, but there won’t be a Senate opening or governor race for years. I don’t see much of a future for Democratic candidates in Indiana outside the cities, because it’s got a core of proud to be deplorables that have to die off because they’ll never change.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: ???
Why though? I guess he must have time and resources to waste. Oh well.
@satby: Yeah, it’s tough.
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: What a moocher. The state should demand reimbursement.
I was and am afraid of Trump in terms of my finances, so I’m ready for the Trump Crash. He’s reckless and dumb and he hires poor quality people.
I think a downturn will be good for young people as far as housing prices dropping, and they deserve a good deal- it will be the first one they got.
@Baud: It’s my hunch. The human suffering and “the whole thing is stupid” will ring the dems humanitarian bell.
I blame Obama for saving the economy 10 years ago.
@Baud: @Baud: @OzarkHillbilly: I can heartily recommend Mexico City. We’re going to Zacatecas today, not just my exchange son’s immediate family, but also his mom, his sister and at least one of her three sons. The whole extended family has really spoiled me on this trip.
Yeah, empathy is one of our weaknesses. If it we’re just about the wall, I could see the Dems caving. But it’s become about hostage taking as a strategy. I’m less worried about the Dems in Congress than I am about the rank and file, who have a history of getting frustrated with long battles, giving up, and wanting to move on to the next thing. Public support is key.
April *Impeach the MF* ?? (@lirpalomina) Tweeted:
Who knew? Trump’s top White House attorney is Covington Catholic High School graduate via @enquirer
Beautiful picture ?
We’re= were
We’ll see Trump tank if the economy falters. That;s the only thing holding him at 40. He’ll always have 25, because they all keep that. He doesn’t have any goodwill or trust accrued to bolster him in bad times. He hasn’t banked anything.
Obama needed the good will and general personal approval he had banked going into 2012, and he had it. That’s when all Obama’s outreach to moderates and low info “independents” (that drove us crazy) paid off. He kept enough of them to get re-elected. Make hay while the sun shines, Trumpsters, because nothing lasts forever.
All those mean-spirited, malicious moves that their rabid base loved so much are not going to seem to smart when the economy falters and they need some general good will, and it always falters. It goes up and then it goes down.
@rikyrah: Thanks. Here’s an IR pic taken a few feet over.
@Baud: He will be missed.
I dunno raven. Nancy Smash is out here calling federal workers-hostages- which is accurate. That, coupled with the revelation of what was REALLY in the proposal….
ABC News (@ABC) Tweeted:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We cannot have the president, every time he has an objection, to say I’ll shut down the government until you come to my way of thinking…If we hold the employees hostage now, they’re hostage forever.”
O. Felix Culpa
@debbie: Me too.
Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) Tweeted:
Right wing media is now targeting my little sister Layla. She’s the mother of 3, a published writer & poet, and is a sexual assault advocate for survivors like herself. For years she was forced to go through extra screening at the airport b/c of unconstitutional processes.. (1/2)
Steve in the ATL
@OzarkHillbilly: @Patricia Kayden: eh. CLEs are a business expense. Lawyers never pay out of pocket; it’s always covered by the employer, be it law firm or company or government agency. This is the least bad thing he’s ever done.
Jim Acosta (@Acosta) Tweeted:
Here is another way the WH hides from the public during the shutdown. As of tonight the Wednesday schedule shows all of Trump’s events are closed press. That means no questions about the shutdown unless the WH opens up these meetings to reporters. FYI he had no open events today.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Fascinating article about black characters in medieval Icelandic sagas. It’s a little down in the weeds on translation but I love the illustration.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: On the “good” side, the scale back in the DJIA last year trimmed the Shiller PE down below 30. It’s still very high (meaning valuations exceed earnings by an unusually high amount, even adjusted for the long term) so there’s some way to fall. But for a while we were edging into dot com bubble territory.
Oliver Willis (@owillis) Tweeted:
Said this years ago but I’ll ask again: Brown and black people lost jobs when the factory closed, when the housing bubble popped. Yet how come we didn’t retreat to racism?
That’s the excuse the media and gop have for how whites have so embraced racism lately. How come not us?
@satby: A buddy of mine and his wife spent some time there and highly recommended it, and while I would truly love to visit some of the museums, and the climate is wonderful, 9 million people…
I’m so old I remember when Hillary not holding press conferences whenever the media wanted her to was a national scandal worthy of significant media attention.
@debbie: @Baud: I am angry and heartbroken on his behalf too. I want him to have more time, but not if it means more misery for him. He’s really been put through hell.
And here we thought religious privilege had to do with baking cakes and dispensing pills.
@Steve in the ATL:
Why do you think us lowly plebeians hate lawyers so much?
@OzarkHillbilly: yeah, it’s got a lot of traffic, for sure. But it’s pretty worth it. It’s a great country. Has its issues, but who are we to talk?
Different species. Would be more effective as allegory if instead of a snail it was, say, an albino squirrel.
What lie told?
Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) Tweeted:
A POC journalist friend of mine and I just agreed that some of our well intentioned, liberal colleagues would “both sides” it if Trump ever puts our people in camps.
“But are they really camps or just facilities? Is it really discriminatory? Let’s talk to Stephen Miller first.”
Some (raises hand) would greatly prefer a lifetime diet of ground glass with cyanide sauce.
“They’re not government camps, they’re enhanced time shares.”
@NotMax: wasn’t a lawyer, but definitely don’t miss the corporate life. In spite of the drop in income. Even when I used to get occasional feelers to apply somewhere I would think “nah, do not want” .
@debbie: me too.
Very upset to the flashback stage.
And bladder cancer doesn’t hide like pacreatic C does
Another great art project for human rights is “Coloring Across Borders” which is a fundraiser for Families Belong Together. A beautiful one. And fun! IIUC they give a copy to a little one when you buy a copy.
@Immanentize: I hope you get lots and lots of inner sunshine today. Your courage in keeping going is an inspiration, fwiw… I’ve got a little imp of my own as well.
@satby: I love Mexico, if you added up all the time I have spent there it would probably add up to 6 or 8 months, but most of that time has been spent in the jungle or small mountain towns/villages. I’ve made brief sojourns thru Monterrey on a couple occasions and it is insane with a frenetic energy that just puts me on edge (not to mention the rules of the road are far different down there), and it’s only a little over a million population wise. I just don’t think I can handle 9 million.
@Lyrebird: thank you and hug that Imp until s/he won’t let you anymore (which is always too soon.)
there it is. use the H-word. now do it over and over again. treat him like a two-bit bank robber tht fucked up. “donny, show us you’re serious, release the hostages”.
Uh huh ?
ReclaimingMyTime (@MonieTalks_1) Tweeted:
See, I could go in ALL DAY.
There are just some “progre$$ives” I will never trust..because their progressiveness coincided with their bank account. And it would behoove folks to realize that. Because horseshoe theory is real. These folks ain’t your allies.
Fuck that shit. I decided long before I had sons that I would hug and kiss them until the day I die, whether they like it or not.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s allies announce their first Democratic primary target, conservative Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar
Eliza Relman Jan. 11, 2019, 1:51 PM
Justice Democrats, the progressive group that helped Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win her insurgent primary bid, announced on Friday that it would recruit a 2020 primary challenger to Rep. Henry Cuellar, a conservative Democrat who represents a deep-blue South Texas district.
Progressives argue that Cuellar is the ideal Democrat to challenge — he’s one of the most conservative Democrats in the House, his South Texas district is safely blue, and he’s even allied himself with Republicans in recent years. Last year, Cuellar controversially fundraised for GOP Rep. John Carter, a fellow Texan, in his competitive race against the Democrat MJ Hegar.
Swole Porter. (@GeeDee215) Tweeted:
one of the wildest things abt white supremacy is how white people’s feelings abt racism are always the terrain being contested and always presented as The Stakes.
@Immanentize: My youngest who is now forty still expects an I love you and a hug when he leaves. He’s now expecting a baby boy of his own. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when those hugs return.
Jason Elias (@Zebop) Tweeted:
The racist kids from Covington Catholic Students are being invited to the White House
But Nathan Phillips, an Indian elder and Vietnam Vet
That’s all you need to know about Donald Trump’s lack of character and lack of a soul.
??? Kaylara the Dual Wielder ?️? (@KaylaraOwl) Tweeted:
It’s not lost on me how many of these dudebros who became “super lefties” within the past few years are former libertarians and republicans who supported the war in Iraq. Nor how they still attack the same people they did back then, with the same rhetoric. Just sayin’.
And some not-news news from the WaPo:
Mmmm. Two week old leftover Big Macs and fries.
More seriously, yet more evidence that Dolt 45 is the scummiest of scum.
Little Imma is still growing. Something will happen while away at school (that he may or may not tell you about), but, it will cause the hugs to return.
Which is the point ??
Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) Tweeted:
New: The wheels of justice are grinding to a halt. FBI agents say the shutdown is costing them irreplaceable sources, postponing indictments, & slow-rolling investigations. The fed judiciary and US Attorneys’ offices are running out of money. It’s day 33.
The misdiagnoses Schlemazel received. Yes. That haunts me too.
And he worked hard, and had medical insurance all that time.
Gelfling 545
@OzarkHillbilly: My daughter who is 3L put a bumper sticker on her car signsling her law school. Since she’s not the sticker type I asked what’s up. She said she felt she had to warn people that there was an insufferable know it all in the vehicle.
@rikyrah: Just in case we didn’t already know how low those kids are.
@Elizabelle: It just sucks.
@Gelfling 545: Heh. I like her already.
@Gelfling 545: Sweet!
@satby: I love Zacatecas. If you have time, be sure to visit the mask museum. It’s fantastic. The cable car is totally worth riding as well. Have a wonderful time.
Very cool. Takes a familiar landscape and puts it on its head. Or something.
I hope those kids visit the WH. It will erase any doubt about who they really are and we can stop pretending the situation was “complicated.”
The how does unemployment come down a lot and median wage incomes start to rise? Admittedly not as good as the 1%, but not nothing.
@rp: And THOSE kids will get a cooked, substantial meal. Guaranteed.
Monsters. Read a quote this morning. The greatest threat to humans are humans. These people are the worst of humanity.
Kayla Rudbek
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: and there are a lot more open storefronts in my suburban neighborhood than one would think. Restaurant, grocery store, retail all have openings. And then I am convinced that there’s something really weird going on with the office rental space around work. Walking distance to at least one metro stop in Northern Virginia and there’s been the same office spaces and restaurant spaces that have been for rent for at least EIGHT years now. How can any landlord afford to keep the space empty that long?
Did we hear anything about how Savannah Guthrie’s
ritual white cleansinginterview with Resting Smirk Face went Today?rikyrah
I can’t let go of any of this. Heartbreaking and terrifying.
I mean, he may be the next Abe Lincoln Churchill Gandhi for all we know, but…young mayor of a lame midsize flyover country city full of Notre Dame students and fans?
Man, the fact that Hair Furor and a Kenyan Usurper could win the office has given a lot of people delusions of grandeur. At least fuckin Avenatti isn’t running.
As to Pete Buttigeig — I know a bunch of millennials who have been following his career for a while, and who will be delighted to know that he’s doing this, even if the main purpose this time around is to get people more familiar with him. He’s a vet and a Rhodes scholar, very smart and articulate, a married gay man who’s been successful as a politician in *Indiana* of all places. It’s early days yet — so what if a lot of people are testing the waters. It’s long past time we started hearing more about younger Democrats. The ones I’d like to snark about are the old straight white men who won’t fucking go away. I’m about to turn 69 and I am delighted that we’re not having another go-round with no one younger than my generation.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Great photo, great comment! With your talent for composition and perspective, the image tells a story. “I’ve been to the mountaintop.”
My partner does the ‘story for all ages’ at his UU congregation sometimes. Earlier this month he read Marlon Bundo aloud, with the illustrations of course, to the assembled kids and adults in the weekly service. A story all can relate to!
Glad to know another good book is coming from that team.