I’m sharing my peanut butter. The news wrote about it today. https://t.co/l8UClAMtVc
— Philosopher Bean (@BeanPhilosopher) January 23, 2019
With that, I can face the day.
Oh, and BTW, sounds like Colorado Sen. Gardner will vote for a clean CR.
And bonus snowy ducks. I have to resist moving them to their coop. They are capable of going there all on their own. They hate being cooped and don’t mind the snow as long as there is no wind. Supposed to snow all morning.
Open thread
McConnell must know Gardner’s in trouble for his next election.
Edit: Forgot to add, your ducks are adorable. I’m impressed they like the snow.
You know damn well that the Feds got a lot more than just Burke on those tapes..
Oh my, Chicago folks…….SHYT JUST GOT REAL.
Solis secretly recorded fellow Ald. Burke to help feds in criminal investigation
By Fran Spielman and Jon Seidel | Staff Reporters01/23/2019, 06:03am
Sorry but had to get this off my chest!
FUQ Today And FUQ Savannah Guthrie
Patricia Kayden
Nice story about folks donating to federal employees but given that Trump’s shutdown may go on into April, federal employees are still going to be hurting. I don’t understand how people are expected to live without pay. Then you have that idiot Wilbur Ross acting puzzled because some federal employees are going to food banks.
I’m actually optimistic the Senate will pass the clean CR. We’ll see. Meanwhile, I’m still enjoying Nancy Smash going all Nino Brown and telling Trump “Sit your five dollar ass down before I make change” yesterday.
`? ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: I’m seeing Collins, Gardner and Murkowski are going to vote yes on both bills, if they draw Manchin in, look for the calls for Dems to “get serious” to increase exponentially
TaMara (HFG)
@khead: I love that! I’m also optimistic.
So…hanging around the house, watching the snow and waiting on a conference call from HR and the workman’s comp insurer. Slipped on tile at work and severely sprained my ankle. When are the votes so I can turn on C-SPAN?
Oh and TaMara, the ducks are just too adorable!
@geg6: Ouch! That sounds painful. Good luck with the workman’s comp people.
I am really upset to see Federal employees having to accept gifts of peanut butter from private citizens in order to keep feeding their families. That said, that’s an excellent thing young Philosopher Bean did. Thanks for posting the video; that kid and his parents are all right. The Coventry Catholic boys and their parents could learn a thing or two from Bean and his folks. They won’t, of course, but they sure could stand to.
Nancy Pelosi weekly news conference. WaPost home page.
Takes on Wilbur Ross. “Is this “let them eat cake” or “borrow some money from your dad?”
Back in my 20s I had friends that had a pair of mallards. They let them be indoor ducks in the winter and I have to say those ducks were adorable. Much more puppy like than most birds. Messy though. I couldn’t handle that part of it.
Response to first question. What are you doing to meet with the prez: “We have met. The last time we met it was a photo op for the president to leave the room.”
Now clobbering Senate Republican leadership. On how they passed something 92-6, and won’t bring it up again.
Phuck that trick.
Pelosi’s proposal is 2 weeks for opening up govt, so talks can begin.
I don’t like kicking the can down the road. Trump is drawing ever closer to MuellerMas. He’s gonna need another distraction, and soon.
NDP speaking about 49 billion Homeland Security bill, which will have a lot of provisions.
Says she’s “optimistic about the goodness of the Republicans in the Senate.”
Says she has a simple ask for them. 12 billion in disaster assistance and 2 weeks — to Feb 8 — short period of time — to open up govt (and begin talks)
Speaks of those who want to shrink govt and “this is one way to do that”
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: There’s a debt ceiling fight coming. Wanna see the global economy really go to hell?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: may be time for some strategic leaking (speaking as a dumb guy on the internet– I’m hoping as much as, more than, offering advice into the tubes)
And she walks off. That was a short and very focused presser.
Ouch! I hope the workers’ comp system in PA works as well for you as CA’s did for me when I tore my ACL at work in late 2005. I suspect it has a whole lot to do with how cooperative your employer is. I’ve heard horror stories about uncooperative employers, but I had no trouble with mine so the whole thing went very smoothly.
TaMara: I love the ducks. And how pretty it must be, with the snow. I love Colorado.
@Matt McIrvin: I think the GOP and White House might be realizing they are up against a tough partner with a disciplined party. Gonna be interesting.
@Elizabelle: Ross has probably started a payday lender at Commerce, with even higher than usual interest and fees to apply to feds taking loans.
Michael Cain
@Yarrow: Gardner was already in trouble in the Front Range suburbs, and the shutdown is just killing him. The north end of the Front Range is full of various federal administrative offices, national labs of multiple sorts, and aerospace companies whose income traces back to the feds. At the south end, Colorado Springs has the highest percentage of jobs dependent on federal dollars of any city outside of the immediate DC area. He’ll vote for the clean CR because the wall polls badly in those same suburbs.
Wilbur Ross is very rich, but wants people to think he is MUCH richer than he actually is.
I read somewhere that we know of only three people who have lied to get on the Forbes 400 list of Richest Americans.
Two are Trump and Ross. He was/is also a director of a Bank in Cyprus that catered to Russian oligarchs. Dirty and flying under the chaff put out by Trump
Sloane Ranger
Not sure if anyone is interested but Alex Salmond (former First Minister of Scotland and former leader of Scot Nats) has just appeared in an Edinburgh Court charged with 14 counts including 2 of attempted rape. He has been released on bail. He has recently been keeping wolves from the proverbial door by having a show on the Russia Today channel.
Another famous man with apparent feet of clay and a love of Mother Russia.
Bear in mind, one of the main purposes of this is to make Trump submit, to anything. She’s using child rearing tricks on a spoiled brat. First, make them admit that they can’t have their way. That won’t be the end, but it will be a major first step. Proving to each other who will and won’t fold in a confrontation is a major part of this. Trump and Nancy both know this is about breaking his will.
Cheryl Rofer
Off-topic, if anyone here reads The Devils Panties webcomic, I think Jennie’s pregnant.
@Patricia Kayden: Ross just wants a cut of some of that sweet sweet usurious interest on the loans he wants all the furloughed employees to take out. Greed never rests.
So far, so good! Just got done with conference call, got claim number to call into the doctor and tomorrow I’ll get paperwork to sign off on. HR rep said that should be all I need to do.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes on the individual bills, or just yes on cloture?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Elizabelle: CNN was running the Ross quote in a chyron when I was at the gym. “Borrow the money. Don’t go to a food bank.” Cripes.
If you were counting on the professionalism of career DOJ employees to help constrain Trump … maybe not.
I loved that last part of the quote.
“This is character building FOR YOU … It’s all going to end up very well, just as long as you don’t get your paychecks.”
Thread needs moar bird pics.
Matthew Smith
That peanut butter kid is a natural TV star. His delivery of that line: “Everything kinda sucks, but… this doesn’t.” Amazing. Made my day.
Am I the only one quite disturbed that the kid eats PB&J 3 times a day, seemingly every day? Peanut butter, while not terrible and a decent source of protein, isn’t really all that healthy. Jelly is congealed sugar, period. This seems…..like a bigger story, no?
According to the Department of Labor, applications for unemployment have fallen to a 49 year low. This employment boom has happened during a trade war and a government shutdown. I’ve said for some time that, when it comes to economic data, I think Acosta, Mnuchin, Ross, and Hassett are cooking the books.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Option 3: Tax the shit out of Wilbur Ross.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Ross = Old Man Potter.
And then he’ll buy all their property at pennies on the dollah.
@Sloane Ranger: I just posted that. The Venn diagram of men who are abusers, separatist movement supporters, and Russia supporters is almost a circle.
I believe I read that his mother has somewhere explained that it isn’t all he eats. I did not follow up.
As to the mallards in the snow, here in the north along the Mississippi they will hang around as long as there is open water. And there are always ducks of some sort swimming around among the ice chunks.
Aww, ducks…I lurv Maddie and Mabel! But my fave is Gabe – would love a new pic of the furry boo.
Critters are what keep me going.
@geg6: Have you had it x-rayed? A friend of mine stumbled on an uneven bit of concrete and twisted her ankle. She thought it was just a bad sprain. After a few days it wasn’t really getting better so she went to the doctor. They x-rayed it and it turned out she had a small fracture so she ended up in a boot.
I skipped over headlines about this story because none of them mentioned the nature of the charges, and I assumed some minor political offenses. This is far worse than I imagined.
@Matthew Smith: And Bean has autism. Amazing kid.
@Face: Nope, you’re not – it’s disturbing to me too. Plus, those regular grocery store peanut butters (Jif, etc.) have a TON of sugar, so add that to the jam…
@Face: @spudgun: I also wondered what was going on there. It seems really unhealthy. Maybe the kid is a very picky eater or something.
I think that falsifying data would be tough even for this gang of Trumpian criminals.
By the way, there is also this
It is despicable that Trump plays with people’s lives over his vanity projects.
forgot to comment..
always good to see the ducks :)
@jeffreyw: Thank you!
Good news! The article from wtop.com, linked in the body of the post, explicitly addressed those concerns:
Dorothy A. Winsor
Here’s a headline on Kos that set my heart singing: “Mueller’s grand jury conducts rare Thursday session, could be sign of Friday indictments “
@Elizabelle: Ahh, I see.
Well, he’s a good kid with a good heart – that’s a wonderful counterbalance to those horrible CovCath knuckleheads.
Nancy Smash owns him.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
it’s the tone-deafness that’s indefensible. it’s another re-wording of “let them eat cake.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They aren’t cooking the books. It’s just that wages are shit. Take comfort in the thought that a lot of shit is gonna hit the fan when a POTUS with a (max) 40% approval rating has to deal with the coming recession.
Also, fuck Wilbur Ross. I’ll go get a loan when he agrees to pay the interest.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Oh please, oh please, oh please!
Maybe they’re preparing for some arrests.
It would be impudent to speculate, but this would be the capper to a hell of a week
@Face: @spudgun: @Yarrow: The piece stated that Philosopher Bean is on the autism spectrum. He likely has some sensory issues with taste and texture; many folk on the spectrum eat limited diets because of sensory stuff.
ETA: I keep calling him Philosopher Bean because I think that’s an absolutely adorable Twitter handle.
@Brachiator: I read somewhere that the effect of the shutdown won’t be registered in labor statistics till February and that we’re still witnessing the spillover from the Xmas season right now. That may be true, but I continue to believe that the administration has been cooking the books. In spite of the almost daily news of plants closing (Carrier, GM, Boeing, Verizon, Volvo, Harley Davidson, etc.) as well as the appalling statistics on agricultural sales, job growth and economic growth have continued unabated. Ross, Mnuchin, Acosta, and Hassett all have a history of lying.
Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) Tweeted:
New–Was just told that FBI internships are being canceled due to the shutdown, which amounts to hundreds of hours of investigative support every week “just gone.” FBI declined to comment.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) January 24, 2019
that was my first thought too, but that’s because i have two kids and goddamn it is difficult to get them to eat a decent variety of foods.
@Nicole: Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t read the article but wondered if that might have something to do with it.
Autism is one of the conditions in which strong likes and dislikes of food may manifest.
Strong likes and dislikes of food are a whole world of research unto themselves. I know someone who’s a “super-taster” and, true to the profile, they can’t abide the taste of cilantro.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@chopper: I had a friend in grade school who ate Captain Crunch every morning and canned ravioli for lunch every day, for what I remember as years. I remember marveling at being allowed to dictate the shopping and menu that way. His mother was oddly proud and a bit preachy about the fact that they didn’t allow soda in the house– I wonder if recognized her tone as judgmental then or if that realization came later– so he washed the ravioli down with that greenish Hawaiian punch (Vitamin C!). He grew out of it and damn me if I wasn’t the fat one. Probably the soda my neglectful mother allowed me to drink.
@khead: Thanks for this pointer. I should dig into the numbers and see how many of the new jobs are paid hourly at or near minimum wage. And good luck to you in the weeks ahead. I know you work for the federal government and may be furloughed if the shutdown continues. Please let us jackals know if you need some support in the near future.
@Yarrow: No worries! @H.E.Wolf: is right, likes and dislikes of food is a fascinating aspect of human behavior and development. I had terrible texture issues as a child and ate a pretty limited diet myself. I had terrible fights with my mom as a kid because so many foods bothered me. I wasn’t trying to be difficult; certain foods just “felt” awful in my mouth, to the point where I’d actually throw them back up. It was no fun.
As an adult, I’ll eat anything, so go figure. The human mind and body, they are still full of mysteries.
ETA: Except green peas, come to think of it. They still produce a bit of a gag reaction. Although I like green pea soup, so it must be a texture thing. Or just bad memories. ;)
he never really was in the first place, unless you mean by his definition of “negotiate”, aka “i’m sitting here waiting for the dems to come to me and give me everything i want”.
he honesty thought that he was going to be able to convince the country that the shutdown was all on pelosi and schumer and he was going to jawbone them into getting what he wants.
@H.E.Wolf: Julia Child did not like cilantro.
That, and kill that carried interest loophole at long last.
The Midnight Lurker
LOTS of backfield in motion from Mueller’s team this a.m.
Paging Dr. Silverman… paging Ms. Rofer…
Citizen Alan
This. Shitgibbon supporters are all people who watch A Christmas Carol and view it as a nightmarish horror story in which a respectable man of business is terrorized into become a Socialist by three evil spirits.
… now, butter was a different matter.
The Midnight Lurker
@Citizen Alan: “I wear the chain I forged in life! I built it link by link!”
@Brachiator: Wings Over Scotland Alex Salmond used RT because the Scottish Devolved Government has no access to media of its own. Television and Radio are not devolved (localized) so the broadcasting is run by the BBC. Add to the fact that the SNP is about to have an indyref, and the timing of this arrest is very suspicious indeed. Brexit is going to be very bad for rUK, and Scotland leaving may well be a true body blow.
@trollhattan: Who is left in the House who can craft targeted tax legislation? Capuano was the architect of Democratic tax policy in the House but he was defeated and Barney Franks, the other financial whiz, retired. The recent talk about marginal tax rates does not even begin to address how financial tycoons earn money. But, I guess, in an age of populism it gives everyone a convenient enemy to brand-mark. I wonder if AOC has considered that her ‘tax proposal’ is more likely to hurt athletes and entertainers than it is to affect hedge fund managers.
You ain’t never lied
@catclub: I remember watching an old episode where she made a tort with six sticks of butter. She said, “Now, I know this seems like a lot of butter…” and even child me was, “NO SHIT.”
I feel for you as a survivor of the severely sprained…but, do get it checked out…just to be on the safe side.
@Brachiator: Bush jr. kept an entire WAR off the books so his budgets wouldn’t look bad. Seems like a typical Republican response to unflattering numbers. Just hide the source.
From the Washington Times: A political action committee that pushes for stricter immigration controls said Thursday it is launching a campaign to draft conservative writer Ann Coulter to challenge President Trump.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: that’s been true at least since Gingrich called all the rage-monkeys to the polls and the House, the Broderist take has been “well, Republicans have to pretend to be crazy to satisfy their base, but it’s up to Democrats to figure out a way to govern anyway, so both sides…”
If there is a hell and god loves the USA that old asshole is swimming in a lake of fire
(MSNBC reporting Manchin is voting yes on both proposals, to give fuel to the above, because he is very dumb)
True enough. This douche, for example. How much simple income does he declare on a typical return? Probably a sliver of what he made.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I read the book about Theranos (highly recommended) and because I’m a smidge obsessive that led me to watching Elizabeth Holmes youube videos and NOW I have the depositions! :)
I must say I love that about the internet. That if you’re of a mind to you can become an expert on some weird thing and just pursue it to the nth degree
Jim, Foolish Literalist
trump’s approval ratings are down about 5 points in every poll I’ve seen, and this idiot thinks Dems are losing?
I think he’s talking to the same people telling Biden to dismiss the base with savvy sarcasm
Someone is nervous:
@germy: That works for me.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Somehow I was under the impression all the blue dogs got sent away to a nice farm upstate.
Except Manchin.
@Elizabelle: Is there a link to the press conference? I was on a long call until a few minutes ago, and I’m about to be on another one. Hoping I can find a link when I return!
Yes, the public will be very interested in that. The transition personnel problem. What fucking planet do these people live on that they imagine that people care about this shit?
The low quality Trump team never really moved past election day. Glory Days.
Definitely had it x-rayed. Happened at work and was walking with my boss to go to lunch. He saw the whole thing and made me call HR right away. They made me go have it x-rayed. So going through the workers comp thing, which seems to have been smooth so far.
@germy: Such a pompous little peckerweasel he is. He’ll either fold like a cheap suit, or clam up behind a 5th Amendment claim. Unless he just skips the country outright.
Among the many, many fake Tough Guys remora’d to this administration, Gorka tops my list for requiring a swift and hardy kick to the balls. With boots. Beavis and Butthead-style. What a worthless, attention-seeking prick.
Neither have I. I don’t know if I ever will.
Mandatory overtime has dried up completely here. We’re primarily auto industry so perhaps not representative but methinks Donald Trump’s troubles have just begun because without a really hot economy he’s just a shitty president surrounded by corrupt incompetents and all that accrued public ill-will is cumulative. It’s just been waiting in the wings.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I give Blue Dogs from swing districts leeway to play the both sides card, as long as they don’t take it too far.
I also recall an erstwhile media obsession with the president’s ability to lead.
Sure you have. Please. We’re like measuring the drapes for ’20. As we should be! :)
I’m dying to get another crack at these douchebags. I’m pleased we get a second chance, in fact.
@Kay: I like your pre-primary optimism.
Political media do not recognize that there is a Dem base, and if they are FORCED to recognize it they characterize it as “interest groups” or part of a “culture war”
There is the Republican base and then there are “swing voting independents” – those are the valid parts of the electorate.
@trollhattan: “That, and kill that carried interest loophole at long last.”
End all loopholes, deductions, credits etc at the top bracket. Every dollar past the top bracket taxed. Cap gains, inheritances, carried interest dividends whatever it gets taxed at the top rate.
And in other Wednesday news, Florida. Crazy guy. Guns. Many dead. 2nd Amendment defended, again.
And guns liked him.
@Kay: You are especially full of the truth today, Kay.
@germy: I mean, sure. Let’s contrast possibly illegal security clearances and/or not enforcing penalties on Trump appointees and relatives against…. some holdover Obama people temporarily retaining clearances?
What a joke. These idiots are in their own world.
Louise B.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Kurt Schrader is one of the few members of the House whose district is truly a dead heat, according to Cook Political Reports. He can’t keep his seat without winning over lots of independents. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi knows this, and is cutting him slack to take this position.
Obama made sure the war was put back ON the books so that ending the war spending made his budgets look good.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: ” Representative Kurt Schrader, a member of the Blue Dog coalition,”
Oh damn, that arrogant fool congress critter is my arrogant fool congress critter. He’s been anti Pelosi all along claiming she’s incompetent with backing his claims up. Called his office 3 times over her reelection as Speaker, even got a bullshitty reach across the aisle letter from is office.
Away to the phone!!!!!!!!!
@trollhattan: Yeah, I would love to know how people like Jaime Dimon or hedge fund managers make their money. Seems like that’s a necessary first step for figuring out how to revise the tax code.
Yeah, Ross thinks the Federal workers should just get loans against their future income – why get food from a pantry. Given the shutdown and the billionaires laughing about the peons floating a 70% top marginal rate, I saw we nuke Davos & DC from orbit. Madam Guillotine for the ruling elites not caught in those conflagrations.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Really? What county do you live in? I live in NE Ohio as well, so you could practically be in my backyard!
@Baud: Schrader vote % 2008 54/38 2010 51/46 2012 54/42 2014 54/39 2016 54/43.
This district has a lot of very noisy right wingers in the hinterlands but it isn’t really a swing district.
Sloane Ranger
@CarolDuhart2: He was arrested by Policing Scotland and is being prosecuted under Scottish law, the senior law officers being ultimately answerable to the Scottish government which is currently run by the SNP. Mr Salmond has recently won a civil case concerning the process used by the Scottish Parliament to investigate the allegations against him.
If this is political, then it seems to be coming from the Scot Nats themselves.
Plus there are devolved/local media. If you don’t accept BBC Scotland, there’s Scottish TV, the independent station, not to mention a host of local independent radio stations.
@Sloane Ranger:
Being a rapey guy makes one very vulnerable to blackmail these days. Just sayin’.
Ha! I was just about to speculate that Bean was on the autism spectrum, because that kind of behavior around food is VERY common. My ASD nephew spent about 2 years of his life refusing to eat anything but cheese. It was all cottage cheese, grilled cheese, and quesadillas, washed down with milk. He’s fine and his parents were eventually able to coax him to expand his horizons.
This is much harder to accomplish than you suggest. And the Trump team is typically at best semi-competent. I remember the Treasury Secretary waving around a nearly blank piece of paper that was supposed to show how magical Trump’s tax cuts would be, while all real data, even government reports, refuted their lies.
Still, it would be interesting if someone looked into this. If it were true, it would have a devastating impact on the economy.
In 2015, Argentina tried a number of gimmicks to try to hide a bad economy.
But they were found out and the repercussions were very unpleasant.
With the stuff that’s been coming out about the guy’s long history of mental illness (particularly major depression), I suspect that this was a failed suicide by cop, with a failsafe of suicide by death penalty.
That’s a good question. The Democrats will need some good people and staff to undo the damage of Trump’s tax cuts and to craft good alternative legislation.
Oddly enough, the new tax law is much better for owners of sports franchises than for wealthy athletes. But this is consistent with Trump’s real disdain for anyone who is not in the corporate class.
Orchid Moon
Just listened to Michael Bennet (D-CO) go off on Ted Cruz (R-TX) on C-Span about the wall, and his crocodile tears over the first responders. Wow! It’s on Raw Story if you want to listen. It’s great, and he goes on for almost 10 minutes covering quite a bit of ground. Glad he is one of my senators.
@Face: At .78, I am guessing that brand of PB is loaded with “sweeteners”. Yes, fake PB, fake jelly, & white bread doesn’t seem like a healthy diet.
@WaterGirl: re Nancy Pelosi’s press conference
Here’s C-Span link to today’s press conference. 16:12.
Here’s transcript of last week’s press conference; this week’s is not up yet. Pelosi, January 17.
@The Midnight Lurker: My holiday celebrations always includes at least one film version of A Christmas Carol. It is so compact and focused compared to the rest of Dickens’ work.