When historians evaluate this episode, I really hope that Paul Ryan’s culpability is considered in all its glory. 1/ https://t.co/0flr4blYo7
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) January 24, 2019
Everything Trump Touches Dies — including the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver’s totally undeserved reputation as a Bold Thinker with Leadership Credentials:
I sort of feel like more people should be blaming congressional Republicans here. They’re the ones who could stop this. https://t.co/PPOxUdX1AR
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) January 24, 2019
At this point, Trump intercedes and asks Ryan for the House GOP to reject the bill. Ryan eventually agrees. 3/
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) January 24, 2019
Imagine the counterfactual of Ryan, in his last days in power, deciding instead to resist Trump’s entreaties to support a hardline immigration plan that Ryan himself did not really support. 4/
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) January 24, 2019
All of this is to point out that Ryan could have ended his tenure a different way, but instead acted the way he’d acted for the previous two years — as a supplicant for Donald Trump. https://t.co/cxxSvH33Pt
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) January 24, 2019
I wonder if Paul Ryan is watching Pelosi and feeling very, very, very professionally jealous.
— Andrew Gatto (@AndrewGatto) January 23, 2019
As to that very last Tweet, I suspect no. Paul likes lamp.
professionally jealous is an interesting way to spell, “emasculated”.
Mr We are all family here will end up with a fatal allergic reaction to hemp when this is all said and done.
@ruemara: Or “whipped”.
@Suzanne: Ooohhh, nice!
This could be Trump’s theme song: Destroy Everything You Touch by Ladytron.
Someone should get Ladytron (if they are still working) to write Trump-specific lyrics…
Villago Delenda Est
I don’t think the pathetic dunsel that is Paul Ryan has the self-respect or self-awareness (or any sense of professionalism) to be professionally jealous of Nancy Pelosi.
Keith P.
Trump’s Katrina….was Puerto Rico, but since Trump somehow got a pass for a horrific lack of compassion for his own citizens, it will have to be the shutdown. The moment where his power and remaining political capital evaporated.
Villago Delenda Est
@meander: My alternative take on a Donald theme song.
Kacie Hunt had Ryan Costello on her show in his last day or two in Congress and touted him as a true moderate. I wanted to scream since he voted for Ryan’s bill with wall funding in an act of either cowardice or extremism. Curbelo voted no; Lehtinen voted no. Couldn’t Costello have mustered the courage?
@tobie: That would be”no”.
The Dangerman
It would be sung to him; the Robert Palmer tune, slightly abbreviated:
“Might as well face it, you’re addic…”
That might not work well in text. Try singing it
Jay C
Drezner brings up a point i’ve been wondering about since the shutdown started: the almost complete lack of media attention to Pathetic Hack Speaker Ryan’s role in precipitating the whole crisis with his final turd-on-the-carpet budget resolution. So we now learn this was actually Trump’s idea? Figures…..
Amir Khalid
A propos absolutely nothing: If you play the ancient pop song Cerisiers Roses et Pommiers Blancs on a Strat through a very loud amp with heavy distortion, it sounds quite charming.
Amir Khalid
Oh, by the way: you can’t really expose Paul Ryan as a phony. He’s never been anything else. The only people who haven’t noticed it are those who don’t want to.
Villago Delenda Est
@Amir Khalid: In other words, the vermin of the Village.
Ryan came to Congress with one goal. He failed to acheive it, but not for a lack of trying. Strip away the safety net. Sow fear in the heart’s of his fellow Americans so that they can know and understand what it us to be old, or sick or helpless and then have no where and no one to turn to.
And then to die in penury.