Valued commenter and member of the Balloon Juice community Schlemazel was taken off life support today and has passed. I have been chatting with his niece, Laura, for the past few days (and she is a delightful person so that bloodline has some good genes- I hope she realizes she has big shoes to fill here), and she stated that the plan was for him to be surrounded by loved ones. She broke the news earlier:
I only have a few moments for an update to all of you most wonderful people. I am sorry to break the news that his all to brief life is over. I thank each and everyone of you for the kind, funny, snarky beautiful comments. I have to believe that he heard Roger Stone was arrested but ducked out before he heard his orangeness for a final time. And OzarkHillbilly – do you have any idea how long that amount of fucks takes to read??? I think the poem I will save for his memorial. I will update more later, but know he is at peace and he went out knowing you all loved him dearly.
Take care, man, and don’t forget to feed Tunch.
Big R
May his memory be for a blessing.
Just One More Canuck
RIP Schlemazel. We’ll miss you
Tenar Arha
@Big R: Ditto ?
(I’m at a bar so I’m also raising a toast).
smedley the uncertain
RIP man. You will be sorely missed.
:( Goodbye, Schlemazel. I’m glad I got to know you in this community.
We’re losing people. This has to stop!
RIP Schlemazel. Your frequently profane, always incisive commentary will be very much missed.
Sincere condolences to Laura, Schlamiel and Hasenpfeffer. And to all of Schlamazel’s loved ones
Thanks for letting us know the news, Laura. Condolences to you.
RIP Schlemazel.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
RIP Shlemazel. We’ll all miss you
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Well, shit. And here this was looking like it was going to go down as a good day.
A Ghost To Most
Good bye.
Davis X. Machina
RIP Schlemazel, you were good at this.
O. Felix Culpa
RIP, dear jackal. You are sorely missed (weeps).
So glad to have gotten to share this space with you, Schlemazel. I’m holding your family in the light…
This saddens me to an unexpected degree. Don’t anyone ever tell me that virtual friendships don’t rank as high as IRL ones.
John, your line about feeding Tunch made me sob, and laugh, and snort all at once! What a perfect image for this place.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Also, it was an honor to share this comments section with you. Standing on the shoulders of giants.
Felanius Kootea
Rest in peace, Schlemazel.
Schlemazel: you will not be forgotten, and you will be missed and mourned. I’m sorry you did not get longer on this planet, but you sure touched a lot of lives while you were here.
Too soon gone, but I am glad you are past your pain.
RIP. We miss you, Schlemazel. You fought the good fight.
Here’s an On The Road thread from May where his photos of dragonflies where featured.
Thanks for letting us see them through your eyes.
May his memory be a blessing. He will be missed.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
RIP Schlemazel. You’ll be missed.
Laura, please tell the family how much he was appreciated here.
Laura, I wish you and your family all the best. Schlemazel will be missed.
Mary G
Still furious with his doctors, with special condemnation for the Mayo clinic for sending him away. Glad he didn’t linger too long. So appreciate Laura. Hope she will let us know if a charity is named.
So very sad. Your words will be greatly missed, Schlemazel.
RIP. Condolences to his family and his friends (and I count us among the latter).
I want to repeat what Ohio Mom wrote in the earlier thread because I can’t think of anything more perfect than her beautiful words:
And with that I am sobbing again.
So long, Schlemazel. I always enjoyed your comments. Thanks for being here.
Well just this sucks. RIP Schlemazel
Goodbye and rest well, Schlemazel.
Eric NNY
RIP fellow Jackal.
zhena gogolia
I have been thinking about Schlemazel every day since we heard the news. He was valiant in the face of prolonged suffering. I’ll always remember him. Thank you, Laura Too.
Mike J
Steve in the ATL
@Yarrow: I had forgotten about the dragonflies!
We miss you, Sclemazel, and I will try to let go of some of my bitterness about the 1991 World Series—I assume that you weren’t involved in the Twins’ cheating!
A loss to this community as well as to his family and in-person friends. Go in peace.
Schlemazel, a great jackal, you will be missed greatly. I know you’ve had a hard road for some time here, and I hope you are no longer suffering.
Much love and best wishes to Laura Too and the whole family. Hugs.
@Yarrow: Thank you for this link.
This one’s hitting me hard, it all happened too fast – that’s what’s so painful. Not enough time. It’s not fair.
Dear Schlemazel, rest in peace. Will raise a toast to you this evening. And sending peace and comfort to Laura and the rest of the family.
@Yarrow: Thank you for that link because it was such a nice memory. He will be missed.
@CaseyL: I know.
Sloane Ranger
Condolences to Laura and the rest of the family. He will be missed.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Well said, Goku. Thank you.
It was always a pleasure reading your comments. Give Tunch a skritch, and enjoy the exploring out there.
Fare well, Schlemazel. I am grateful that you shared a little bit of yourself with all of us.
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: I am just so upset that he was living with so much pain and no one, not even at the vaunted Mayo Clinic, for all love, seemed able to figure out what was wrong, and then BAM comes the notice that it is cancer and then just like that, our friend is gone. I know nothng in life is fair but damn…this just feels so wrong. : (
Damn. Been off line for a couple of days. Just seeing this. Condolences to Laura, his family, and friends. This makes me so very sad.
Peace to a great human being and to his family.
A toast to his life!
RIP schlemazel, you old schmendrick.
Alert for NotMax! You got him to change his nym. In this thread from 2014 his nym is: “Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!].” That gave me a chuckle.
@Miss Bianca:
I agree, it does feel very wrong. A few minutes ago, I posted this to my FB page, just because I needed to howl:
@Miss Bianca: I know. I am wondering if that was a terrible gift to Schlemazel, not knowing until the very end that his days were so limited. Maybe it was a small mercy not to know ALTHOUGH would have been luck to have caught the bladder cancer when it was treatable. I had not known that bladder cancer is one of those that puts out very few symptoms, and can be mistaken for other diseases/conditions.
I wonder if the quick demise was also the complete lack of hope on top of the disease.
Anyway Schlemazel was brave. He was so good about looking forward to the surgery and having his health improved.
I remember when Schlemazel changed his nym. That was when I first learned about all his struggles with his health, and that has to have been 7 or 8 or 9 years ago. That was when he couldn’t taste, and there were so many things he couldn’t eat at all.
I think I tried to talk him out of changing his nym to Schlemazel because it seemed to be a signal that he was giving up. But he wasn’t giving up; I think he was just giving a name to all his struggles, and I came to understand that it was more a matter of accepting that the struggles were part of his life.
I think I remember the first time Schlemazel got to eat meat again; that was a really good day!
I’m sorry you are gone, doubly sorry for the mess that was made of your diagnosis, and most of all I’m sorry that you had to walk into a hospital thinking you had a UTI and found out that you were dying. I don’t know how you even wrap your head around that.
I hope it was a blessing for you — it was certainly a blessing for us — that you were alert when Laura read many of our comments to you, and that you laughed and cried and knew for certain that you were loved.
Rest in peace, Schlemaze, you certainly earned it.
and now i’m thinking about stuck, and gnG. fuck.
Cheryl from Maryland
No regrets for a life well lived. Blessings to Schlemazel and his family.
It just..was so wrong. I’m just pissed …all the things that went wrong, but shouldn’t have.
Pissed and heartbroken??????
RIP, Dear Man.
Poem – I have only just a minute. by Dr. Benjamin E. Mays
I have only just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me, can’t refuse it.
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.
But it’s up to me
to use it.
I must suffer if I lose it.
Give account if I abuse it.
Just a tiny little minute,
but eternity is in it.
West of the Rockies
If there is a cosmic journey after this life, then may yours be bright and beautiful. We miss you already.
We are going to miss you, dear friend.
Delurking to say I enjoyed his comments and photos. I’ve raised a toast to him. Condolences to Laura and other family members. I’m sorry he suffered in pain.
@chopper: I wonder how Stuck’s mutt Charlie is. We are family and will continue to be so but it really sucks to lose folks who add so much to the community.
Thank you, Laura. I hope Schlemazel left knowing how much he was valued.
Schlemazel, you’ll be missed. Say hi to General Stuck.
Trying to explain to my husband (yet again) why I’m crying over the loss of someone I’ve never met. So difficult to put into words how much Schlemazel, and all jackals, mean to me. Holding Schlemazel, niece Laura, family & friends in my heart.
TS (the original)
travel easy Schlemazel, blessing to you & family & friends
Rileys Enabler
Go in peace and love, Schlemazel. I’m so sorry to read of your passing. Condolences to your family and ring of friends, real and intarweb alike. You were here, and we heard you.
I think about Charlie now and then. I believe he ended up going to a sister or niece? Anyhow, I hope he’s happy and healthy and pampered. He was an insanely cute little guy.
(P.S. Not to derail the thread, but when is your grand baby due?)
Dorothy A. Winsor
Peace to you, Schlemazel. Unless you’d rather have a good argument, in which case, I hope you find companions.
Gelfling 545
His name was one of the first I came to recognize as a must read commentor when I first came around these parts. He will be missed. May he be at peace.
just damn.
he was a good jackal.
Were this a wake in meatspace, I’d be the morose one standing against the wall, alone. I was never good at these sorts of things. I’m not one to share.
I’m grateful to Schlemazel for sharing himself with us. He was a misanthrope I would have liked to have known more.
Rest in peace, Friend.
What was Schlemazel’s nym before Schlemazel? I know I would be able to pick the right one in a multiple choice test, but I cannot remember what it was. Does anyone recall?
@ljt: I think that we learn how to be better from comments by folks like Schlemazel, or Green not green and that’s what I take away. That’s why I’m here and of course for the animals also.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You’re welcome. He was a long-time regular and I remember reading his comments all the way back in 2012. It’s hard to believe I’ll never see his nym here again.
I can’t believe it’s been almost 7 years since I stumbled upon this blog. Brings back memories of “Obots” vs firebaggers, UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH/Brinks Trucks, etc. Relatively simple times compared to now.
zhena gogolia
I don’t, I wish someone would say.
@SiubhanDuinne: Next week. I fear I’m going to be one of those obnoxious grandparents.
also you’ll like the name baby boy Carter
I had a quick look back at some of Schlemazel’s writing and found some useful tips from him:
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
RIP Schlemazel. You were a charming presence here, and you will be missed and mourned. You touched more of us than you likely knew, and I regret not being more explicit about my affection.
My condolences to your family and friends, and I hope the transition was as comfortable as it can be made. Thank you Laura for your kindness in keeping us updated.
Miss Bianca
Raising a cup of Dogfish Head’s finest to you, Schlemazel. Till we meet on the ledge!
Miss Bianca
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: What she said.
As a mostly-lurker, I never had the pleasure of exchanging a comment with Schlemazel, but I loved reading his, and I will miss him. Shedding a tear and raising a glass. I do hope he gets to give Tunch a scritch.
@Aleta: I hope Laura sees those comments. So sweet.
So sorry. Holding all the family, and the jackals, deep in my heart. If there is anything more to do, please say so. Love to all, two and four footed.
Schlemazel, may the light shine on your journey onward. I wish I had been here long enough to know you better.
Laura and the rest of Schemazel’s family — “I will not say ‘Do not weep,’ for not all tears are an evil.”
@WaterGirl: I posted it above. It was Schlemizel. He thanked NotMax for getting the spelling right.
GREAT NAME! yes, I love it!
Will be in touch soon after. I want to take you to a celebratory lunch.
Adam L Silverman
My sincerest condolences. We’re keeping Schlemazel’s family in our thoughts.
Will raise a glass later tonight in Schlemazel’s honor. Much love and strength to his family and those of you who knew him better.
zhena gogolia
But my impression was that he had an entirely different nym before that, not just a different spelling of the same word.
Schlemazel will be missed, and I’ll raise a glass of yet-to-be-determined good alcohol in his memory tonight. Best wishes to his family and particularly to Laura, who has kept us in the loop.
Hey man – while you’re giving Tunch a scratch I’d love it of you could give my old kitty Anya a pet, and say hi to GreenNotGreen for us.
Jane Helms
@zhena gogolia: Could be but Schlemizel goes pretty far back in google searches.
I am so sorry to hear this, and yes, it happened so fast my head is still spinning. But my heart is breaking. RIP, Schlemazel.
Mike in DC
Sad. RIP and blessings to his family and loved ones during this difficult time.
This is so awful. Godspeed Schlemazel.
My condolences.
I am ? love to his wife, his children, Laura and the rest of his family. Know he will be missed by so many here at balloon juice, from all over the world.
With much love, Debbie (x)
R.I.P. Shlemazel, and condolences to all those with whom he shared love and life.
Mary G
I like to think that in 50 years most of us will be at the regular Great Meetups in the Sky with all our pets, and down here on earth long-time commenters Goku, Major Major and PsyFighter37 continue Balloon Juice.
RIP, Schlemazel.
Laura, Thank you for keeping us informed and hugs to you and your family.
@Yarrow: No, the one before that! You just corrected the spelling. :-)
edit: this would have been 7-10 years ago.
Omnes Omnibus
Good-bye, you little ray of darkness. You will be missed.
@Mary G: I love the sentiment but can we trust the young ones to steer the ship in the right direction?
RIP Schlemazel. You will be missed by all your fellow jackals. It’s just so sad. I know he struggled in life but I always thought of him as a sweet man. Just awful that he went through all those misdiagnoses and then leaves this earth so quickly when he finally is diagnosed correctly. I just feel that this needn’t have happened and that it’s so unfair. Hopefully, my dear Otis will greet him with his goofy golden retriever love and that Tunch is there to guard him like the lion he was.
Hungry Joe
So many good Juicers, and he was one of the best. ***SIGH***
@MomSense: Were you able to contact your friend?
I hope he floated above the pain and the mess and the sorrow. Wish that for him and all. Warm love to Laura and his friends & family. I’m a very minor character here, but feel lucky to have read his comments and feel connected.
@chopper: I like to think they’re having a BJ meetup – complete with green balloons♥️
@Yarrow: I missed his dragonfly’s as I was on vacation so thank you for mentioning this.
I have been trying find the right words but like Watergirl I can’t stop crying. So glad you are not in pain any more.
My sympathy to the Schlemazel family. Sorry to hear of your loss.
RIP Schlemazel. I will miss reading his comments here. My condolences to his family.
Oh Schlemazel, I am so sorry. I’m also so glad to have read your comments and snark here. Holding you in the light.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Laughing. Schlemazel would love that.
@WaterGirl: Found it! It was Alwhite. In this thread he has his name as “schlemizel – was Alwhite.”
Pretty sure Schlemazel one of about two dozen people here who have called out my ignorance and dumbassery over the years.
Here’s a cold beer, cheers and a good old Jewish joke to send you along, Schlemazel!
“Two men are waiting for a train. The younger man asks the older man for the time, but the older man ignores him. After a while, the younger man again asks for the time and again the older man ignores him. Frustrated, the younger man finally asks, “Why won’t you answer me when I ask you for the time?”
The older man sighs and explains: “Look, if I tell you the time, we’ll start to talk. Then when the train comes, you might sit down next to me. Perhaps we’ll get to know each other, and maybe I’ll eventually invite you to my house for Shabbat dinner. Maybe then you and my daughter would really get along – why, you might even get engaged! And why would I want a son-in-law who can’t even afford a watch?”
I seem to recall your sharing when kitteh Poopyman decided to go off and explore the Rainbow Bridge.
We share what we can, and what we choose. You are a valued guest at BJ wakes.
Major Major Major Major
RIP and condolences; he will be missed. So sudden and horrible and tragic.
@geg6: What geg6 said.
I will miss you Schlemazel! Say hi to Andre the Cat and my dad if you have the chance.
Condolences to family and friends.
@Yarrow: Damn, I had just switched from StuckinRed to Raven
May peace, light, and comfort guide the brilliant misanthrope ever onward, and surround all those Schlemazel held close.
Kettering ( the Antlers)
I’m so sorry to hear the news. I’m glad our comments were some comfort to him and thank you so much for reaching out to us.
@Yarrow: So cool. Good detective work. Blogpost by Anne Laurie: Open Thread: Darth Cheney, Puppy-Kicker
Schlemazel’s comment, by schlemizel – was Alwhite:
Stands up well. He was not wrong.
Probably sheer luck that we had no idea what lay in store for us. Would have been unimaginable.
Rest easy, Schlemazel.
My very best hopes for Schlemazel’s family and loved ones. And to all of you.
Safe journeys Schlemazel, you’ll be missed.
Blessings to you Laura, and your family.
Goodbye, Schlemazel. You’re gone too soon, and I’ll miss you.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Rest well, Schlemazel. I will think of you and knock one back on occasion in your memory.
So sorry to hear this. Too soon.
Sail on, Schlemazel. All debts are paid, all struggles done.
Goodbye, and good voyage, Schlemazel.
And [YouTubeWarning]: Raising my Glass
It’s bad enough when people and pets are hurting here,
Schlemazel will be missed.
Love, hugs and hopes to all you jackels.
@Emma: I do hope he wrote at least one check that will bounce!
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: He used it as a description of himself in one of the many optimist v. pessimist discussions I had with him. It seemed apropos here.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
While I’m no longer devout, Eastern Orthodox Christianity has a phrase which is very appropriate to the passing of a loved or respected personage – “Memory Eternal”.
I find that very appropriate here – we should remember those whose words inspired, illuminated, enlightened or amused us.
Memory Eternal, Schlemazel – you were always a good egg.
No more pain my brave friend. You never wanted your ill health to define you and it didn’t, you were our sharp, witty online buddy. I’m so glad you were able to hear just how much we all loved and valued you. Not just accepted Schlemazel, but loved. You made us richer for knowing you.
And thank you, Laura Too, because you shared our messages to our friend and gave us one last chance to speak to him through you. I hope knowing how many lives Schlemazel touched is a comfort to your family. Peace.
Another Scott
Others have said it much better than I can.
For me, Schlemazel was an example of how to keep arguing and working to make things better even while battling with a body that was letting him down.
He will be greatly missed and will be remembered.
Peace to Laura, his family, and all who got to experience his company.
Best wishes,
Mai Naem mobile
RIP Schlemazel. Hope he wasn’t in pain when he passed. This is hitting me kind of hard. Just a horrible ending to the day.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
(Raising a virtual glass of wine, which will have to do till the next time I have a real one in my hand)
I went searching for Schlemazel comments and found the ones from October-December where he was struggling with bad urologists, then so hopeful about going to Mayo. So heartbreaking.
You will be missed, friend.
My condolences, Laura. He will be missed.
A Librarian
Rest in peace, Schlemazel. A lot can be said of a person who leaves behind so many that miss them for their absence and celebrate their memory; I hope that it provided a kind of comfort in the end.
Anne Laurie
Thank you, Laura, for your great courtesy to this our bunch of strangers.
There is a line about death I have always remembered from reading Gilgamesh in college: The dragonfly nymph sheds its skin and sees the full glory of the sun.
I hope dear Schlemazel, having shed his outgrown shell of pain and frustration, is flying like a gorgeous predatory dragonfly.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
My condolences to Laura and the rest of Schlemazel’s family. I hope you find comfort in good times he gave you, and you gave him
Amir Khalid
Rest easy, Schlemazel. May no one’s soup splash on you where you are.
Very sad news. I’ll miss his comments.
Ben Cisco
Raising a glass for you, Schlemazel. Fair winds and following seas.
@John, up top:
I, for one, would love it if Laura Too were to become a regular Juicer Jackal commenter. Laura, if you see this, please know that you will be lovingly welcomed — even more than you already have been over the past few days.
Delurking to say that I will deeply miss Schlemazel. He might have described himself as a misanthrope, but he always seemed to me a deeply humane person. As a fellow Minnesotan I appreciated his knowledge and insight into our local politicians. All week I have been so angry at the medical system which failed him so badly. My sincerest condolences to his family. Also, if the family is comfortable sharing the information, I would very much like to attend the memorial service.
Well, crap. I literally just told G what was going on and then opened the page to see this.
Now he has joined the ranks of the jackal immortals along with Tunch and General Stuck and greenNotGreen. Raise a glass.
Fair Economist
So glad for the exchanges I’ve had with you over the years.
So sad for the ones I’ll never get.
RIP Schlemazel.
And thanks again to Laura for letting us say goodbye. I hope we can make a hard time for you a little easier.
Laura Too
I can’t begin to express how much all of your kind words here have meant. I know the last few days would have been so much harder if not for all of you, it has been a respite to read the funny, sad, profane remarks. I am grateful for your warm embrace and for being able to give Schlemazel a send off that Kings could only hope for. For now I am exhausted but I promise not to lurk as much and in a few days I will post a proper obit. I know a few folks have mentioned that it is hard to believe that you can be attached to people not IRL but I can tell you that you all knew him better than most people he saw on a daily basis. This is a very special family here, one of choice, shared interest and brilliance. Thank you all!
What a day. We have been diminished. He was a jackal.
@Laura Too:
Oh FUCKITALL I am crying again.
Rest in peace, Schlemazel. Yours was a life well-lived, as shown by the many souls you have touched. You will be missed.
Oh, I hope you can. To represent all <10,000 of us.
@Laura Too:
I am taken aback that anyone here could be profane. //
@Amir Khalid:
Your comment made me laugh, and tear up.
I love you, satby. Your eloquence is what we all need right now. Just perfect. Thank you.
Amir Khalid
@Laura Too:
You’re now a jackal too, you know. Don’t be a stranger. Stay in touch.
Bookeater (formerly JosieJ)
Godspeed to Schlemazel and peace to his family.
@RAVEN: *snicker* Me too!
James E Powell
It’s kind of amazing that a blog run by a misanthropic curmudgeon can be a community of so many kind and loving people.
RIP Schlemazel. The fact that you were one of us made all of us better.
Mary G
@Laura Too: Glad to hear you will be posting the obit, but take care of yourself first. You have been through the wringer with this shocking development.
Lurker Dan
Delurking to raise a glass in fond memory. Farewell, Schlemazel, you are gone far too early and you will be missed.
@SiubhanDuinne: me too. Off and on all the way from Houston to home. But he’s out of pain, and I try to take some tiny comfort in that.
@Laura Too: Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for keeping us updated this week. We’ll be thinking of you and your family over the next days. RIP to your lovely uncle Schlemazel.
So sorry to hear this. My condolences, and R.I.P.
Manxome Bromide
As someone who’s spent enough time here to be hit pretty hard by “Don’t forget to feed Tunch,” I feel qualified to make the following statement:
Ave atque vale, Schlemazel. The lurkers will forever support you in email.
For Schlemazel and his family, I’m lighting a candle – may it light his way into the Great Beyond.
I didn’t know schlemazel very well but he was nothing but awesome and very kind to Leto and I in our brief knowing. I am very sorry to hear about his passing. Be well.
Oh, this is such sad news…bless Schlemazel and his loved ones, and all of us who will miss his voice.
@Laura Too:
One of the oddities of pseudonymous life, it can at times be easier to share portions of ourselves in these spaces than in day to day life. This can be both blessing, and curse because it allows us to share joys as well as sorrows, triumphs as well as challenges. And when losses come, they are felt oh so intensely.
Safe journeys Schlemazel. You have been a unique voice in this space, and one who will indeed be missed, but also one who has left his mark on all who ‘heard’ your words. Goodbye.
Mr Stagger Lee
Condolences to the family.
From Avalune and I, RIP Schlemazel. We loved his comments and they’ll be greatly missed. A true jackal to the end.
Sister Golden Bear
Goodbye Schlemazel, you were always a mensch — despite pretending to be a misanthrope — and one of the jackals I enjoyed reading. Rest in peace, you definitely earned it with everything you’d been through.
My condolences to your family and friends. Here’s raising a glass to you.
Ohio Mom
I have just gotten home from an interminable dinner event, made even more unbearable knowing I was missing this thread.
I can only say: what everyone else said. So sobering to read through the thread but there is comfort in knowing my feelings are shared.
Thanks again Laura, and condolences to you and all of Schmazel’s family.
Fare well Schlemazel, so many here will miss you! I’m so sad to hear about this. Cancer is such a fucking bitch.
Schlemazel, you will be missed. Rest In Peace and say hi to General Struck and Green not green in that great blog in the sky.
@Laura Too: Laura, you have no idea (or maybe you do) how grateful we are for you emailing John so we would know why we stopped hearing from Schlemazel. Thank you. And, please let his family know he was loved, respected and loved by us all, and his input will be sorely missed. I sincerely hope you’ll (when you’re ready) join us.
I raise my glass to Schlemazel.
I admit that I really am stunned by this. I’m very sorry for your loss, Laura. He will be missed.
Cheryl Rofer
Fare forward, Schlemazel! Thank you, Laura, for letting us know.
RIP my good friend, Schlemazel. I will miss you, though I have never seen you. We traded recipes and music.
“There was never a doubt you loved the giant fur ball, it showed even when you complained. I wish there was some way I could share the pain so you didn’t have to have it all on you.”
Schlemezel to John, on Tunch.
Crying hard now.
From the
All the onions right there. All of them.
Baruch Dayan Emet Schlemazel. May your next existence be ever more peaceful and full of love.
God Speed, Schlemazel. May you enjoy looking down and laughing at us mere mortals as we deal with life.
My condolences to Laura, and the rest of Schlemazel’s family and friends. I’m glad he at least got to live long enough to see, or at least hear about, Roger Stone’s arrest.
If there is afterlife, may you rest there in peace, Schlemazel. Or, if you prefer, may you raise holy hell working, snarking, ranting, and cajoling in the behind-the-scenes of the afterlife for a better universe, as you did here in our world.
It pleases me to inagine Schlemazel and Stuck hanging out at the Heavenly Arms Tavern, pounding down Jackal IPA with Molly Ivins and Steve Giliard and listening to Aretha fronting the Coltrane/Hendrix Big Band.
Good person. A major contributor to the specialness of this joint.
Sincere best wishes and comfort to his close friends and family. And thanks to Laura for also giving comfort to many of those here by letting us know that our thoughts mattered.
And a special evening bletch in your honor Schlemazel, quickly followed by a stiff drink. Thanks for all the words.
It’s late at the banquet and we have all shared our love for our dear friend, and we hope have helped to ease his way onto the Bridge. And just across he takes the hands of greenNotGreen and the General and feeds Tunch, and greets just-arrived Happy, and all greet him and he sits and there at his feet is dear old lovely Walter, smiling his summery teeth smile, and they all preside over us as on a day of hope, still we lost our friend, because life does it that way. Schlemazel, a pleasure to know you and may your memory be a blessing. Laura Too, thank you for sharing this most precious time with us.
Aloha and godspeed, Schlemazel. Raising a glass of wine to you.
Condolences and a heartfelt thank you to you, Laura, for making your uncle’s last days as good as they could possibly be while keeping us in the loop. Please let family & friends know how sorry we all are.
My most sincere condolences to Laura, the family and friends.
May you have forever eternal rest and peace, Schlemazel.
No words to add, only feelings. RIP.
Villago Delenda Est
I haz a serious sad. All the good Donald/Stone news is eclipsed by this.
Laura, please pass on my deepest condolences to your entire family. Schlemazel, as you have discovered, was a much loved personality, and will be very much missed around these parts. Burnspbesq said it very well about the company Schlemazel is now keeping.
We spend actually such a short time on this rock. Some more, some not much at all. But if we get a chance to be here for long enough we make friends. A few or a lot, they are still friends. Being here it’s still the same. But some just make friends easier and that was Schlemazel. All his pain and all, and he was still a good person. We will miss him, we will want to call him our friend, we will want to hear from him because we want to know what’s going on because he had a huge and delightful impact here. We should all be so lucky to have soup spilled on us.
I just had to repeat this.
Have never seen or heard this before but it is one of those singular truths in life.
Original Lee
RIP. Missing your voice here already, Schlemazel.
Rest In Peace
Goodbye Schlemazel. You will be missed.
To your family I send my love and sympathy. Think of your good memories with him to help you work your way through this difficult times ahead. A wise old friend of mine once told me that no matter how long you have with someone you love, it’s never enough time. I have found this to be very true.
@Yarrow: RIP Schlemazel. Thank for pictures & comments that made us smile & chuckle. Your friends here will miss you. Condolences to Laura & all your family and friends.
RIP Schlemazel, though mostly a lurker, I always enjoyed your commentary. Arrivederci e pace.
@Yarrow: Thank you !! for finding those dragonfly pictures and the video.
Goodbye Schlemazel, and thank you for gracing these virtual pages.
Golly, look at this thread! This place really is the best blog on the intertoobs, and that’s because of the commenters like Schlemazel. And I still miss the General. Schlemazel had his dragonflies, and General Stuck had his hummingbirds.
You’re all waaaaaay ahead of me, but I still think of this place as my home. It is a family. With pets.
RIP, Schlemazel, and condolences to your family.
Am going to quote Wallace Stevens here, I hope you will find it, at least somewhat, appropriate.
“They shall know well the heavenly fellowship
Of men that perish and of summer morn—
And whence they came and whither they shall go,
The dew upon their feet shall manifest.”
So long Schlemazel.
I hate having all these feelings for people I’ve never meant. The news has made me sad since I heard he was in hospital. May his memory be a blessing. You’re missed on this plane, Schlemazel.
@Anne Laurie:
Oh Anne, that was beautiful, devastating, but beautiful.
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Vaya con Dios, Amigo.
Goodbye, and may love and light fill your afterlife.
Seconded. I would love to know where it came from.
@Yarrow: I was wrong; I would not have been able to pick that as the correct answer in a multiple choice test. So glad to know what it was! thank you
J Michael Neal
I’m just popping back in briefly to say a few things about Schlemazel.
I knew him not just here and another online message board, but through hockey. We were both season ticket holders for University of Minnesota women’s hockey, so I saw him most weekends during the winter. He and his wife were fans of the team long before I’d switched my main loyalty from the men’s team to the women’s. He was one of the many reasons why that switch was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
When I completed the 210,000 word second draft of Becoming Phoebe, I asked him if he’d read it and provide feedback. He later told me that he was reluctant to say yes, because what was he going to do if it sucked? (This, by the way, is a very valid concern; always worry about it if a friend asks you to read the draft of their novel.) But he did it, and the feedback was invaluable, but the value of knowing that someone else would read it was even more so. He never did tell me that my writing sucked.
He was one of the most persistently pessimistic people I’ve ever known. You could always count on him to puncture a balloon that needed puncturing, and more than a few that didn’t. It was a treat for someone who long ago was nicknamed Eeyore to find someone that was even gloomier than I was. I’m going to miss him so very much.
@Mnemosyne: Well said, but you forgot Walter. Walter!
I am very sorry to hear of his passing. May his memory be a blessing.
Laura Too
Random thoughts to start the day. My Uncle grew up in a time men weren’t allowed to have feelings or cry and he spent much of his life overcoming that. He was a loving husband, father and man who championed strong women. He always tried to punch up. I believe one of the reasons this planet is as fucked up as it is is because we are not allowed to show grief. It will come out one way or another-through tears or violence. The violence may be self directed and not visible but it is there. One of the many endearing things about this place is the ability to come together. You have all held me and each other up and it has made it much easier for me and I hope for each other. It is okay to cry, it is what makes us humane to each other. One of the most wicked acts I’ve ever observed was a mother telling her daughter she could not have any sort of service or funeral for her when she died. No telling funny stories, no sharing food, no crying, no community. One last act of cruelty in a very abusive life. After waiting a respectable time the daughter had a planting ceremony for a tree and invited all of her friends and relatives. It just so happened the mother’s ashes were planted under the tree. I am lucky to be surrounded by the subversives.
Walter will never be forgotten! We both kicked in for his care & transport and were thrilled he got to spend his last wonderful days as a Minnesotan. Sometime soon it would be nice to have a MN BJ meet up so we can toast all things good.
J Michael, he spoke so highly of you and they took such delight in taking you most everywhere hockey related. The pictures were so funny! He was honored to have read your wonderful book.
As I said-random. I don’t really know how this works-if I reply to a comment does it let you know? So many people have said such wonderful things I would love to respond as able but am not sure you will each get the message. If anyone wants my personal email is laurabbey @ gmail
The plan now is a memorial sometime in spring at Lake Maria State Park as it was one of his favorites and close to the cities. Again, I thank you for the kindness shown me, my Uncle, and especially each other.
Ohio Mom
@J Michael Neal: So good to see you again! I remember you well. Please consider taking up hanging around here again.
zhena gogolia
@Laura Too:
Dear Laura Too, Thank you so much! As many have said, if there is any charity that the family would like to have donations in his memory, please let us know. We are very grateful to you for letting us have this opportunity to honor Schlemazel’s life.
zhena gogolia
@Laura Too:
p.s. No, you don’t get a notification when a comment is answered, you just have to keep checking. I’ll mention your comment on the newest thread.
@Laura Too: Thank, you Laura, for everything you wrote.
Here’s how you reply to a particular comment: look for the word “Reply” that shows up on at the bottom of each comment, at the right margin of the comment. Just click on “Reply” and it will automatically put in “@name of the commenter you are replying to” in the comment that you write.
Ohio Mom
@Laura Too: You ask, How will any of us know that you replied to our comment?
It is up to all of us to follow threads to see if anyone has responded to us (some blogs have an option to let the original commentator receive an email alert if someone responds to them but thankfully this one doesn’t).
In this case, I am certain that everyone is checking in on a regular basis. We all want to linger with our memories of Schlemazel.
@J Michael Neal: Great to see you here again! I hope you’ll stay. Or maybe you’ve been lurking, in which case I hope you will continue commenting.
Laura Too replied to you in her comment at #220, but she didn’t use the reply button and I didn’t want you to miss it.
J Michael Neal
@Laura Too: I think we need to find the right photo so that we can make Flat Clarence and take him to games.
@Laura Too:
Such beautiful thoughts. You know, your uncle was lucky to have you, too.
J Michael Neal
@Ohio Mom: @WaterGirl:
I left because, for my own mental health, I needed to step away from a place that is as relentlessly angry as Balloon Juice. That’s not a criticism of the place, as there is more than enough going on to be angry about. It just wasn’t good for me. And I’m constitutionally incapable of just lurking anywhere, so it is a complete absence. Maybe I’ll be back at some point, but that time isn’t yet.
Miss Bianca
@Laura Too: I am all weepy now as I prepare for our auditions, and then I think, “wait – it’s for “Dearly Departed”. A comedy about – wait for it – what happens after a curmudgeonly patriarch dies and his family has to pull together for the funeral. Schlemazel would have laughed about *that* little irony. ” Our little ray of darkness, indeed. Thanks and welcome, Laura Too – sorry that it took your uncle’s passing to bring you to the jackal pack, but very, very glad you were so kind as to join us.
Laura Too
@J Michael Neal: There certainly are enough of them in Gopher gear, that won’t be difficult.
Laura Too
@Miss Bianca: Yes, he would see the humor in that.
I know that Schlemazel struggled with his health, but this is still so shocking. Condolences to Laura and the rest of the family. I hope you can hold his memory in the light and carry forward the things that mattered to Sclemazel and to you.
Laura Too
@Ohio Mom: Thank you!
@J Michael Neal: Good to see you again and thank you for your post. I always enjoyed your back and forths with Schlemazel about hockey. The enthusiasm you both had for it was fun to see. Adding to what other said that it would be good to see you commenting again when you feel ready. Take care of yourself.
@Laura Too: Thank you so much for your comments. We appreciate you keeping us updated. How wonderful that you also remember Walter and how he ended up in Minnesota for the very best part of his life.
Ohio Mom
@J Michael Neal: You aren’t the only person I’ve seen make this comment, or to step away. Sometimes the step-awayers come back, sometimes they don’t.
Sometimes I worry for myself that it gets to be too much of an echo chamber — though certainly not as bad as some other corners of blogtopia.
I don’t know what my point here is, maybe it’s that I hear you and understand.
Having you show up makes this even more like a “real” wake, don’t most memorial services have a surprise reunion or two?
@burnspbesq: Ah, thanks for mentioning the late, great Steve Gilliard. I wish he could have lived long enough to see Obama elected.
@J Michael Neal: Understood. I look forward to the day when we don’t have quite so much to be angry about, and your return will be a bonus.
I’ve missed a lot of what’s happened here at B-J recently, so I missed the news of Schlemazel’s dire health condition. I’m deeply saddened to hear that he has died. My condolences to all his loved ones. He was one of the good ones.
As a former Minnesotan transplanted across the Mississippi, I have visited many state parks in MN. I don’t believe I’ve been in Lake Maria. I just looked it up and I think I will try to get to it one day to take a look at a nice stand of the Big Woods.
RIP, and condolences to his family.
@SiubhanDuinne: l burst out in tears, combined with laughter, as well. Such a great image to see a reunion of departed Jackals! Give Tunch a scritch from all of us! Peace!
This is a propos of nothing but I was stunned when Schlemazel said he wasn’t Jewish in one post or another, which I had always assumed given his BJ nym. Hooray for Yiddish that it belongs to no one and everyone and thank you, Schlemazel, for teaching me this, among other things. LauraToo: you are a gem and I imagine you filled your uncle with joy and pride. Thank you for being here and letting us know what happened and giving us occasion to mourn. Peace to you.
Cheryl from Maryland
Farewell, virtual friend. Your presence was the truth.
Laura Too
A wonderful picture and bio.
@Laura Too:
The comments are lovely.
@debbie: I don’t do Facebook, so I can only see the short blurb, but not the comments. Happy to hear they are lovely.
Rest In Peace, Schlemazel, you were one of a kind, an essential and welcome member of th BJ family. You will be sorely missed.
@Laura Too: Thanks for that link. Like WaterGirl I’m not on FB, but I could see the photo. For some reason – I’ll leave it to behavioral scientists to explain (if it is known) – it’s nice to be able to put a face to a name/pseudonym.
You and Mark’s other family & friends take care.
zhena gogolia
@Laura Too:
He looks as nice as he came across here on BJ.
@Laura Too: My deepest condolences to you and your family, Laura. Good to know he was surrounded by so much love from his family and friends. I will miss his spirit and his voice in this community. Blessings and love to you all.
@Laura Too: That’s a great tribute. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. I already miss Schlemazel’s voice in our threads.
Ohio Mom
@Laura Too: Thanks for the link. Similarly to what @sharl: said, for reasons I can’t explain, seeing Schlemazel’s face somehow makes his death easier to accept, even as I rail against it.
Farewell, Schlemazel. A speedy journey to the Western Lands.
Deepest condolences to Laura and the family. He will be missed.