Mother may I
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 28, 2019
Positive reinforcement, as the behaviorists say. Trump performed his task (ended his pointless shutdown) on command; as a reward, he gets to stand in front of ALL THE CAMERAS and tell everyone how great & powerful he is. Win-win!
… The State of the Union is the biggest annual event for political Washington, and the logistics needed to put it together are formidable. Security for the address is extraordinary, as the president, vice president, Cabinet members, Congress, Supreme Court, military leaders and diplomatic corps gather inside the Capitol.
The event is declared a “National Special Security Event,” meaning extensive resources and thousands of personnel from the federal government — including some military troops — are brought in to help guard the area.
For the media — especially the TV networks — the address requires a huge investment in equipment and resources as well. Hundreds of reporters attend the session, with Statuary Hall turned into an “interview room” for dozens of TV cameras.
Will Trump use the occasion to attack his perceived enemies? No doubt — but remember, right now, that includes all the Wingnut Welfare Wurlitzer mouthpieces (Ann Coulter, Breitbart, the Federalist) calling him bad names becauses he ‘caved’ on The WAAAHLL. Nancy, as he calls her, has given him a public show of ‘respect’ with her letter; his favorite Fox News analysts are caught between disbelief and derision. Lord Smallgloves has a short memory and a shorter capacity for gratitude; Steve Miller may write speeches that get lauded by all the Reicht people, but Miller’s not the guy being yelled at by Sean Hannity.
Tragically negative reinforcement:
— Patrick Fenelon ? (@Patrick_Fenelon) January 28, 2019
In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2019
Hi folks long story short it's going to be record cold in the Midwest this week because it got too f***ing warm in the Arctic. This is the future. Send this to the smartass 'how about this global warming huh' boomer in your life.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) January 29, 2019
On the opposite side of our groaning globe, per Gizmodo:
Australia’s blistering heat wave began in December and has only intensified since then. So far the country has had record runs of hot days and its hottest night ever recorded. Now, catastrophic bush fires have turned the Tasmanian sky red and conditions are expected to become more calamitous later this week.
The Tasmania Fire Service has been battling dozens of blazes across the state over the weekend and into the start of the week. The largest fire is burning near Lake Echo and nearing 100,000 acres in size. Numerous other fires and challenging conditions have stretched the fire agency thin…
Those temperatures are fairly mild compared to the suffering in other parts of Australia where triple digit temperatures have been the norm. Tasmania is much milder than the rest of the country, though. Owing to its small size, its climate is heavily moderated by cooler ocean winds. But the anomalous warmth is having the same impact as it would.
Like everywhere else on the planet, climate change is altering the equation and leading to hotter conditions and increasing the odds of more destructive fires. Tasmania saw unprecedented bush fires in 2016 through the same World Heritage Area burning this time around. As temperatures rise even further, previously unburned areas could become more flammable and with that, resources will be stretched ever thinner.
Thoughts & prayers!
Steve in the ATL
Freaking morons.
My teenage niece, B in Georgia, could really use every positive thought anyone has to spare. She got T-boned yesterday, SUV vs ATV, and she wasn’t in the safer vehicle. She’s in the bad shape where you count minutes, and we just need more of them. She’s got youth, neuroplasticity, and an incredible children’s hospital on her side, but she could use more luck in just staying alive. And her mom, D, could use the good thoughts, too, because I’m Denver Metro, our other sibs and parents are further west, so D’s at the second by second stage.
So if you’ve got any positive thoughts you’re not using, please keep both of them in mind.
Anne Laurie
@Czanne: Owww. Holding your whole family, but especially B, in the light!
@Czanne: hugs
It’s 50 degrees so no snow for us. Maybe I’ll call the young man next door to walk the dogs before the cold weather moves in. It’s nice to have school canceled for a non event.
@Czanne: I assume she’s at Scottish Rite or Egleston and both are excellent care centers.
I’ll keep you in my thoughts and hope that she is okay.
@Czanne: Best wishes to B.
Betty Cracker
@Czanne: How terrible. Keeping good thoughts for your niece and your entire family.
@JPL: Sav, not ATL.
@CZanne: Keep us updated. Although it will be difficult you should try to get some shut eye.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Sending her prayers
So this thread has been up for over an hour? And yet it would not appear on my screen until 5 mins ago? Even after refreshing a dozen or more times?
Is it just me or does anybody else have this happen?
@Czanne: keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that she improves rapidly and is out of danger soon.
Did anybody else have problems getting to this thread, I had to go though the link on Cole’s twitter feed. It wasn’t showing on the Front Page even when I refreshed.
ETA: @OzarkHillbilly: Oh good it’s not just me.
@Czanne: Many positive thoughts to the whole family.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly & @?BillinGlendaleCA: Weird. The page is working as expected for me on both Windows laptop and iPhone.
@Czanne: I’m so sorry, and sending thoughts for recovery. Please keep us updated, if you can.
Good swimming weather!
@Betty Cracker: FYWP is probably just discriminating against those of us west of the Mississippi. We’re used to it.
I don’t plan to pick a favorite Presidential candidate until the primaries, but so far, I love the way they are so diverse in background and rather consistent in message.
Our side has the best of all possible worlds in mind.
Eural Joiner
My daughter just moved from SC to Chicago for graduate school – yeah, the weather there is a bit different, apparently! (Good news – everything has been cancelled for Wednesday)
I see the new VIP Early Access feature is working as designed. Awesome.
Shantanu Saha
“What the hell is going on with Global Warming?”
It’s up at the North Pole opening a new front in the War on Christmas. Santa can’t hold out much longer. He needs all you warriors to come up to the far north to beat back the heat.
For a moment of Zen I imagined Steve Miller Band performing the SOTU address. As ever, Anne Laurie, you have a helluva way with words.
@Czanne: oh no! How very sad, please know we’re pulling for you all.
@Czanne: Everything I got on that poor kid.
@Betty Cracker: This has been an ongoing issue for me, tho usually it’s only a 5-15 minute lag. never an hour before. I use Firefox. Maybe that’s the problem?
@Czanne: Fingers crossed.
@Baud: :P.
Good explainer for Pres Ind 1 in the twitter feed.
@OzarkHillbilly: @?BillinGlendaleCA:
New features installed in blog update detect trouble makers and make them wait?
@Czanne: Oh, how sad. Thinking positive thoughts, at least I am trying.
Good morning, everyone. Which version of Trump do you think will show up for the SOTU? The “I can read a TelePrompTer and stay on script” or the “let me free-associate my darkest fantasies” version?
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve not had much problem in the past, but today I did on both Chrome and Edge on Win10.
Distinctly recall one January night when was living in St. Paul that the weather announced a wind chill of minus 84. That was the January (1977, IIRC) when at no time during the entire month did it ever get above zero, day or night.
The front page delay happens more and more often with the pre-scheduled morning threads. Nearly all the time now. All that varies is the time of the delay – sometimes five minutes, occasionally as long as an hour before showing up on front page. Yet they show up as a link on the elephant ear tabs in the previous thread right on the time they’re supposed to.
@Baud: How much does it cost? Never mind, not worth a penny more than what I’m paying now.
@Immanentize: Damn, no place to hide.
@NotMax: Didn’t see them on the tabs on the side either.
Random query. Anyone played My Time in Portia yet? Looks mostly fun and not too taxing, and boy oh boy is Steam ever pushing the heck out of it.
More bigfoot cartoony and rainbowy vibrant than is my usual inclination but that’s not necessarily a deal breaker.
@OzarkHillbilly: Invitation only.
That is worthy information. From the middle of the Pacific, no less. Thanks
I’ve noticed that, but it did NOT happen this time. I was in the previous thread refreshing, expecting to see the tab, never came up. Another thing I have noticed is that comments won’t show up thru repeated refreshings, but if I make a comment? A previously unposted dozen will suddenly appear.
It’s weird.
@Baud: ??!
@Betty Cracker: bet it’s the hosting site backups running long.
I hope these buffoons, like Trump, only make the “it’s cold outside, so where is global warming?” Comments to piss off the libs. Because if Trump really thought that was true, well wouldn’t we all be in trouble!
PS. As he has tweeted this twice, expect it at the SOTU if it’s cold somewhere.
This clip didn’t make it into the ABC, NBC or CBS nightly news:
Have seen days when the On the Road post shows up and it is much as 45 minutes later that the morning post shows up – underneath it. But if one goes into the comment page for the OTR post, the navigation back to the morning post is there on the side. Blog entropy is a cruel and arbitrary taskmaster.
@Baud: Figures. That hurt my feeling and it’s the last one I have!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m so sorry. I’ll keep you, your niece, and her mom in my thoughts.
@OzarkHillbilly: Have one of mine. I’m not using it.
Also the number of comments for a post showing on the front page bearing little to no relation to the actual number on the comments page proper. As well as clicking on a front page post which is showing X number of comments and getting to the comments page with zero comments there until it us refreshed, sometimes repeatedly.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Just wanted to quickly say I’ll be trying harder from now on to not derail threads. I can imagine that can be annoying and I haven’t been very considerate. Again I apologize.
@Baud: No thanx, I had all mine surgically removed during my divorce. The quack missed one tho. I thought about suing but the lawyer said I needed to put up my soul as collateral, and that was the end of that.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
That always happens on my desktops and laptop for some reason, never the mobile site on my phone. It’s mildly annoying.
@Czanne: Sending good wishes to you and her………..
@OzarkHillbilly: You can never go wrong flushing the cache.
@Eural Joiner: My husband lived in student housing for the last “coldest day” in Chicago and he has not yet forgotten it even though it was 34 years ago.
@Czanne: Sending many positive thoughts from Virginia. Wishing your niece the best.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Dude, let it go. You could write a short story about a piece of software/malware which does that. Call if The Shimano Derailer.
I…am about to venture out in to The Chicago Polar Vortex ?
I chose to stay home yesterday but have no excuse today. Accuweather says minus 19 windchill now, so balmy.
Gods bless remote start ✨
All our thoughts are with you and your niece ?
If I have to choose my climate catastrophes, I have to say that the polar vortex visiting is easier for me to suffer through than baking heat, wildfires, and drought. Most places will close for the day and the 4-6 inches of snow is insulating the plants.
Like all climate related disasters, I worry about the people and animals that lack sufficient shelter though. I made sure the negligent cat owner across the street took his cat in and that my warning shelters for any other critters are still working. Now we hunker down for a couple of days.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I have. This was the last time I was going to bring it up. I just wanted to properly apologize and awknowledge my mistake.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: gracias
Correction: it, not if.
And for anyone who doesn’t get the reference up above, it’s a bicycling play on words.
@NotMax: 1976-1977 is the coldest winter in my living memory. I did not go to school for two weeks because rivers froze and coal barges could not get through to stock power plants, and my school had its own heating plant. That was in Pittsburgh, much further south than Minnesota.
Positive thoughts winging their way to your niece.
@WereBear: My wife would never let me near a toilet again.
I wish Pelosi had held off on her invitation. I can’t help but think this won’t work out well for Democrats. Forty-five uninterrupted minutes of hearing how everything is their fault.
@Czanne: So terrible to hear; wishing her all the best and hopefully, she improves and there is no lasting neurological effects.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I got it. : ) Maybe I will.
Hear ya loud and clear on that. Can remember walking down paths shoveled in the snow that winter, with the walls of white stuff on either side higher that the top of my head.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Czanne: That’s tragic. Keeping B and your family in my thoughs.
@NotMax: I was in Michigan for that Winter but was too young to remember clearly which winter it was or how cold it got. I remember the blizzard of ’78 because that’s the first time I remember getting snow days from school.
’93-’94 was the coldest winter I can distinctly remember. It was cold all winter long. I was working at an outdoor outfitter/ski shop. Spent my free time XC skiing as it never got anywhere near warm enough for any snow to melt. Several of us from the shop decided to try out winter camping – just an overnight. Got down to 22 below. Jeebus was that cold. We all skied into a camping spot near Sleeping Bear Dunes and all had our water in plastic Nalgene water bottles. Everyone’s water froze solid and you can’t warm up a plastic bottle at a bonfire. Luckily a couple people brought camp stoves and cook pots so we could melt snow. So many stars that night.
@Czanne: Best wishes and hugs to B.
Ironically, Amazon photos just reminded me that I was in Thailand teaching English five years ago today, and when I came back from that trip there was about a foot of snow on the ground and a polar vortex that lasted around a week. I seem to remember that the surface of Lake Michigan froze over completely that year (I think).
Not at all. Rather, based on the message first delivered about not scheduling the SOTU she has now shown herself to be an honorable person who keeps to her word.
Unlike someone at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue I need not name.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: the day I learned to x-country ski it was -25 real temp, not wind chill, and it was around 1976-7. And it was such exercise we were shedding the top layers of coats because we got hot. For a few minutes anyway.
@NotMax: agree. Plus everyone, even his fanbois, know Drumpf is a lie machine.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Czanne: I hope today goes well for B. How awful.
@debbie: That’s how I felt initially, but then I remembered Nancy knows what she’s doing.
joel hanes
That was the January
Yes. This is just the return of what, back in 1964 or so, we in northern Iowa regarded as a normal late January/early February. I carried a paper route, and I remember a February week in which it never got above 20 below, still-air temp. Ice on the lake over four feet thick, and you could hear the booming and zinging of the pressure cracking half a mile away on a still night.
I’ve read all the comments so far, and it looks like I have to be that guy. “Negative reinforcement” means that you remove an aversive condition in response to positive action toward the desired behavior by the subject. For instance, in a plea agreement the ‘desired behavior’ is info re; the crime(s) and/or guilty plea to a lesser charge; the ‘aversive condition’ removed is a certain span of years in prison, etc. You probably meant “positive punishment.”
Told the story before, but what the heck.
It was that same winter. Necessary to wake up at intervals to bundle up and trot down to the car in order to start it up and let it rung for a while, otherwise the battery would be deader than dead come the morning.
Anyway, grabbed the crescent wrench which was kept inside the car, because the clamps on the battery terminals always also needed to be tightened in that weather and popped the hood. Flashlight in one hand. Don’t recall why but needed the other hand for something and without thinking about it stuck the wrench in my mouth in order to to free up that hand.
Think the flagpole scene from A Christmas Story.
I sure hope you’re right.
Betty Cracker
It’s 34 F right now, which is damned cold for this part of Florida.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Ack! When my son was in kindergarten, he stuck his tongue to a pole at recess because he’s seen it on TV and wanted to know what it was like. Never did that again, so I guess he’s capable of learning.
@debbie: In Nancy we trust.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: It’s -3 in Chicagoland, which is 7 degrees warmer than tomorrow’s predicted high. My writer group actually cancelled it’s meeting because we were afraid of dying.
Maybe in the Democratic primaries but I can confidently assure her that if she gets to debates with Trump she just needs to figure out to how to parry a barrage of bellowed, rambling lies. She’ll probably also have to bring up health care and taxes herself. There won’t be any moderator questions on them.
It’s difficult to parry a barrage of bellowed rambling lies, we know that now, but let’s not pretend the issue is one of preparation or intellect. She’ll have to figure out how insert issues into debates consisting entirely of Trump yammering lies and insults. That’s a different skill altogether. Nancy Pelosi is the only person who has cracked that code so far.
Any substantive debate will be conducted entirely within the Democratic primary. Then the garbage part starts. She’ll need two strategies, one issues based and the other bullshit based.
Japanese movie (Key of Life) running in the background. Does have its share of funny moments but dang, it is the slowest moving comedy have ever seen.
If anything, she should avoid being over-prepared.
Thoughtful David
Got it.
I have an ancient Motobecane Mirage with a Shimano on it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Balmy (hah) 56 here, windy and raining to beat the band.
@Kay: She’s doomed, DOOOOOOMED I tell you!
I just saw that the tweet is from the NYT. I thought it read like garbage.
@Czanne: All blessings I have accumulated I willingly give to little B. May her recovery be fast and painless.
low-tech cyclist
@Czanne: Sending prayers, thoughts, and positive vibes.
The garbage of record?
@NotMax: A record of garbage.
@Barbara: that’s what I recall too. I’m from New Martinsville, about 40 miles south of Wheeling. It was the first time the river had frozen over since the thirties. The thought was EPA had cleaned enough chemicals out of the water to allow it to freeze.
low-tech cyclist
I disagree. Hillary Clinton did an excellent job of it, and had improved her position in the polls substantially over the course of the three debates.
She would be President now if James Comey and the FBI, with abundant assistance of our compliant ‘liberal’ media, hadn’t turned the last eleven days before the election into a special Butter Emails Fest.
@NotMax: It was 51 when I woke and its now 46. No snow for us. The temperature is going to go down to a low of 21. Definitely warmer though than my northern neighbors. Thursday NYC is suppose to be a high of 19. I imagine my niece will not be a happy camper.
@Baud: Because it is garbage.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: A “fourth wall”-style response to the big fat whoppers Trump utters during a debate might be an effective way to handle a barrage of lies. Pretty much everyone knows Trump is a liar and that it’s pointless to argue with someone so detached from reality. So, for example, if Trump repeats the bizarre and creepy lies about an epidemic of duct-taped women kidnapped by coyotes (human or canine — who can say?) and spirited across the border in super cars, Harris or whomever is the nominee could look into the camera and say, “We all know that bizarre fantasy isn’t true, but here’s what’s actually happening at the border and some ideas to fix it…” Maybe the key is to engage Trump as little as possible and stubbornly insist on addressing real issues. It won’t be easy.
Anyone seen hide or hair of TenguPhule?
Sending all the positive thoughts and prayers to B. I’m so sorry this happened to your family.
They had like 37 candidates on the GOP side in the last primary – literally their best and brightest- and all they talked about was Trump insulting Jeb Bush. Then we moved on to Trump insulting Ted Cruz and then Marco Rubio. The general was Trump insulting Hillary Clinton.
I do think Democrats are getting better at it, adjusting to the collapse of norms. They had a midterm election that focused on health care and Pelosi kept the shutdown fight fact-based.
Trump benefited from the continued (false) belief that norms of behavior still applied and he would reach some limit of horribleness beyond which he would not go. They know him now. That’s over. No one even looks for Republicans to rein him in anymore- we all assumed they would go along with the shutdown, and they did. The one and only question was what would the Democrats do.
Helen Queensback is not to blame.
No Republican senators have signed onto a bill to give federal contractors backpay after the shutdown
Feature, not a bug.
Ben Cisco
@Czanne: That’s awful! Have you all in my thoughts and hoping for the best.
@BruceFromOhio: Sheriff says is your name stevie “guitar” miller in a very deep voice
And i said yes sir brother sheriff, and that’s your wife on the back of my horse."
Another Scott
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: “Do, or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda.
@Betty Cracker:
I like the fourth wall idea. It isn’t easy. I sympathize with media on it and I’m impatient with the people who think it’s easy and insist that if they just kept saying “liar!” it would be fixed.
Early in my career I got in trouble at a hearing because I touched the lying witness with a piece of paper I was showing her, which she was denying. Denying that the words on the page said what they said. You’re not supposed to get so close to them and obviously you can’t be jamming things into their face close enough to brush their cheek- very bad, I had to apologize and I was genuinely sorry for losing my temper. It’s fucking crazy-making. I still don’t have any consistent effective method to handle it. Luckily it’s rare. Most people won’t lie blatantly like that. Trump’s the bottom 10%.
CBS This morning just interviewed Schultz, and from the little I saw there was a lot of push back about his delusional plans to run for president as an independent. I did not hear the entire interview, because life is so short.
Another Scott
@Czanne: :-(
Best wishes to all three of you, and your family. Fingers crossed.
@JPL: There’s plenty of push back. There’s also no reason he should care.
@Czanne: Wishing B a full recovery. How frightening for her family and friends.
Good morning, jackals.
Here’s something cool: from the Richmond Times Dispatch: list compiled by Micah Mertes of the Omaha World-Herald:
The 100 best TV shows on Amazon Prime right now
They’re there in alphabetical order. From 21 Jump Street (Johnny Depp) to “Ab Fab” to Wolf Hall.
Holy trinity is The Sopranos, Deadwood and The Wire, I guess, with Oz as the origin.
Got The Twilight Zone (140 episodes) and Ken Burns Vietnam doc series in there too.
@germy: Thanx for that.
“What can we really do to help solve inequality beyond taxes?”
Here’s an idea: Kill the rich.
@OzarkHillbilly: I just get tired of all the “feel good” stories on the evening news about charity (either from the wealthy or from regular folks having a bake sale) rather than systemic inequality. We’ve become gofundme nation. It shouldn’t be necessary.
A couple of years ago I bought the long puffy coat that so many women wear in Chicago that it’s like a uniform – I had resisted because it’s kind of dramatic- longer than a standard dress coat, you’re sort of sweeping around in it- but they are the best. You’re actually warm and they’re very light! Also, royal :)
zhena gogolia
I think your bot went haywire. WTF are you talking about?
zhena gogolia
I believe Adam said he was giving him a timeout.
@germy: Yep. They give $25 mil to a college and have “RichyRich Memorial Hall” built while the students who attend that school mortgage off their lives just to get an education.
@Thoughtful David: good thing your Motobecane had Shimano instead of the garbage French components other bikes cane with. At the bike shop I worked at (a Mel Pinto import shop) we had an old steel crank with a slot cut in it – we used it for straightening teeth on the horrid French cranksets the bikes came with.
Somewhere Down the Crazy River Robbie Robertson
@OzarkHillbilly: I would actually prefer Take Back Our Money.
@Immanentize: one of my favorite albums.
@Shantanu Saha:
meanwhile australia is like 1000 degrees.
growing up outside of chicago, i remember one really nasty winter as a kid where the wind chill got down to something like 60 or 65 below. the next summer it was 110 with the heat index. so a 175 degree swing in the ‘feels like’ temp over 6 or 7 months.
good times.
Praying for a speedy recovery for B
What I like best about it is that she stresses the fact that it’s still an INVITATION and can therefore be withdrawn again at any time. She’s still in charge of the SOTU in that respect.
This is intended as a reply to NotMax at #71. Among other FYWP issues, when I’m reading a long thread, the site refreshes all by itself, taking me back to the top of the comments and I lose not only my place but the reply function and any comment I may have been writing.
I remember that January, because that was the year I was living south of you in Balmy Iowa City. The antifreeze in the radiator turned into a lime slushy for, like, three weeks, and I had to hoof it to and from campus along the Iowa River.
I remember thinking then that there was nothing stopping the wind between me and the Canadian North, and how I was glad that at least I wasn’t in Minnesota.
I hope the Democrats just sit silently and don’t move at all for Trump’s SOTU. That would be something.
Mary G
@Czanne: Sending light and prayers to B and your whole family.
The Moar You Know
@NotMax: He was last here December 12. A few comments he’d made before that seemed to indicate that being here was stressing him out. Hope the dude’s OK.
@BretH: cottered cranks suck
@Elizabelle: Enlightened is one of the best shows ever
@Czanne: what part of georgia?
ETA: just saw the SAV.
I’m in Savannah, is there anything i can do other than hope for good things?
@Czanne: Love and light and warm heart beams to her and you and family.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?:
Probably much better as a memory!
@Czanne: I’m so sorry to hear that. My daughter called sobbing after lunch today that her friend B was hit in Savannah. B has been at our house before for sleepovers, so it really hit home.
@zhena gogolia:
In the text of the post.