There were lots of objections to bed making the other day. So I just made the bed around them. Gabe is settling in. We are having litter box issues, but I’m working on that. He’s very sensitive to redirection (understandable because he was surrendered because of litterbox issues), but he’s staying in either the temp box or the puppy pads, so we can be patient with him.
I would have told you a few days ago, I didn’t think he was happy here.
He does all the normal stuff – snuggles in my lap, sleeps on me, plays with Zander, ignores Emma’s bitchiness, adores the dogs – but there was just something that felt off, like we were not the family he was expecting. He was distant even in his snuggles. I don’t know. But this weekend something shifted and he seems content. I’ll take it. I just don’t want him to be unhappy here.
Open thread
Poor little guy probably was worried about another disappointment. Experienced the same with a few cats in the past. Know exactly what you mean by something shifting. They just start giving off a different vibe.
It just takes awhile, just takes awhile. . .
Aww, there’s my favorite furry boy…? Love all your critters, but Gabe’s got my heart for some reason. I’m glad he seems to have turned an emotional corner.
What beautiful sensitive creatures they are.
Bed making, or making beds?
Gabe has the best face.
Deepfake mashup of Steve Buscemi and Jennifer Lawrence.
They have to get used to you as much as you have to get used to them, maybe more.
Major Major Major Major
Nature’s perfect killing machine seems happy to be home.
TaMara (HFG)
@Major Major Major Major: I am so glad you are all together again!
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: Nature’s
perfectperfectly cuddly killing machine seems happy to be home.Fixed it for you.
You make the bed? I just throw things in the general direction because some time during the day Bert will pull it apart to make a nest which he might share with Steve. I make the bed just before I get into it.
Here’s Bert at the beach on Sunday.
@Major Major Major Major: Yay, Samwise! Cutie…
cat under blankets! Either we heat our house too well, for other reasons, ours hate hate hate being under any bit of blanket.
Beautiful cat. I hope he stays with you forever.
zhena gogolia
I always find that they settle in if you give them enough time to figure out their own rhythms. Gabe is so-o-o-o-o adorable! I love his eyelids.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
Major Major Major Major
@chris: aww what a sweetie.
Major Major Major Major
Oh, and I’m very happy the rehoming is finally sticking for Gabe!
Mary G
@Major Major Major Major: Samwise looks very blissed out there.
Oh, they’re adorable.
Thank you for the pics.
I have an update on B in Georgia, and it’s not good. She didn’t do well overnight. Now we’re in the hard part of a traumatic brain injury and it’s probably not recoverable. Thank you for all of the good thoughts, and please, in her memory: wear helmets, encourage others to wear helmets, and never oppose a motor safety-helmet-seat belt law. Because the ones who suffer are the young ones who think they’re immortal. She’s still living, officially, but definitely in the place between the worlds.
I am flying to Savannah on Friday morning. That’s the soonest I can get there. Direct flight, so as long as as Denver & Savannah continue to have decent weather, I should get there fine. Still thinking dire thoughts at the g*n n*t, gold-bug, Beck fan XBIL who is the prime mover of this tragedy.
Truer words I’ve not seen.
So sorry it’s not going well.
@CZanne: I’m so sorry. My deepest condolences.
Since this is a positive, non-politics and cats thread, here is the boy.
@CZanne: So sorry to hear the news. Thinking of all of you. Take care of yourself as you are there for your family.
Aziz, light!
Portland right now is 52 and sunny. Thank you, global waming.
So sorry to hear this. Give her Mom a hug for me. Losing a child is so devastating. I speak from experience.
hedgehog mobile
@CZanne: I am so sorry. No words. Love to you all.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@CZanne: I’m sorry.
Not a recent shot, but here’s a girl and her dog. Happy to report both are doing well.
Hey, any maxed-out Flickr users with recommendations for free photo hosting? Google Photo doesn’t give a jpeg link option, which is limiting.
TaMara (HFG)
@CZanne: This is so tragic and I’m so sorry for everyone. I have no other words, except I’m thinking of you all.
Major Major Major Major
@CZanne: so terrible; I’m so sorry.
My deepest condolences.
Amir Khalid
Damn. Liverpool have an off-day. We only manage a 1-1 home draw to Leicester City. As it is, we gain one point on Man City and lead the Premier League by five points. But for a goal from a carelessly conceded free kick, it could have been a three-point gain and a lead of seven points. Ah well. It could have been worse.
Mary G
@CZanne: Cannot even imagine what you and your family are going through. Peace and strength to you all.
@Major Major Major Major: That looks like one happy cat.
Amir Khalid
Sorry about the bad turn of events. We’re all thinking of you.
Sorry for the loss. I hope you and her parents can recover in time
TaMara (HFG)
@trollhattan: That made me happy.
@CZanne: Holding you and B in the light. It must be agonizing. I am so so sorry.
TaMara (HFG)
@trollhattan: Ask Jeffreyw when you see him next.
Ranveer Singh is killing it in the upcoming, Gully Boy, an upcoming movie by Zoya Akhtar about the underground rap scene in Mumbai.
Apna Time aayega
(our time will come)
@Major Major Major Major: He’s pleased that you think so. Samwise looks like he’s settled right in. He must be very laid back, most of my cats have been the type to hide under something in a new place for a few days.
Here’s Steve leading me safely out of the woods the other day.
@CZanne: i am so very sorry.
We have five cats, one of whom was rehomed to us this summer. We could not live without puppy pads. The two with territory issues each have their own spot for the puppy pads, and that’s what gets used. The other three go in boxes like they are supposed two.
Maybe werebear is right that three is optimum number of cats.
@CZanne: I’m so sorry!
@Major Major Major Major:
Cute! Glad he’s back where he belongs. But, c’mon, crossing the back feet?! That just seems . . . affected.
I am so dreadfully sorry. May all of our love and light make her transition an easy one and bring comfort to everyone who loves her.
“Throw the damn ball!”
@CZanne: I’m sorry to hear this. Stay strong and please keep checking in when you can.
@CZanne: I am so sorry. Praying for her and you and her family.
Gabe is a lovely kitteh! Just the sweetest face. I’m glad the shift happened. He’s home now, and he knows it.
Oof. Sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I hope you saw in the earlier threads that there are several jackals in Savannah who are ready to stand with you.
@TaMara (HFG):
Good idea, I will.
Almost cute overload: Greenland Arctic fox befriends photographer.
@chris: Your cat goes into the woods? He’s a pretty cat, a brave boy, showing you the way to safety like that.
The little woods by us has bears, and coyotes living at the edges so our kitties are not invited on walks.
@CZanne: I’m so sorry. Please offer our condolences and let the rest of the family know how her story has had a wider impact.
@Josie: I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. @TaMara (HFG): @SiubhanDuinne: @WaterGirl: @Barbara: @Major Major Major Major: @Mary G (And anyone I didn’t manage to tag) : Thank you. Wish I had better words, but truly, thank you for caring about a little girl you’ve never met. It actually does matter.
I adopted a rescue Yorkie four years ago, and it was only this past spring that she turned a corner. I don’t know many details of her previous life, but she was surrendered from a puppy mill at age 8, so I assume she didn’t spend much time with humans, lived in a crate, and was bred several times. With me, at first she tolerated being petted, but finally she has begun *coming to me* for petting (and not just for treats). It’s hard to describe the difference in her behavior, but even though it took more than three years, it’s wonderful!
Gabe’s cutie. He looks so wise.
@Steeplejack: I saw @Tybee. I didn’t see others (sorry. That’s the hard part with this interface. And time right now)
I’m giving blanket permission: @TaMara has my contact information. I’m giving permission to share, and I’ll email that permission to her.
Thank you all so much.
(And I’m causing the moderation filter to kick in. SORRY, adults!)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I am pet-less at the moment, so I offer you….
@SiubhanDuinne: Is Gabe the grey or the orange? I admit to not keeping up, on the important stuff.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: he takes after his parents.
@chris: Sam hid a lot when we first got him, and when my friend took over for me in November; I was very surprised how he didn’t hide at all when I got him back! He knew he was home.
Was thinking he’s the orange marmalade, but could well be wrong.
Miss Bianca
@CZanne: Oh, so sad for you. I was hoping. : (
As a survivor of a TBI, who indeed only likely survived because I was wearing a helmet (and I hadn’t been the night before – sometimes I shudder to remember the fact that my helmet-wearing used to be selective pre-bike-accident), I echo your words of wisdom.
@CZanne: Damn. Words fail…
Major Major Major Major
@chris: glad at least one of you knows how to survive the forest.
zhena gogolia
I am so, so sorry.
@opiejeanne: We live in the woods and there are coyotes, foxes, bobcats and the occasional bear. I used to worry about him but he’s a feral rescue who hates the litter box so nearly impossible to keep in. He’s five now and a little portly so he doesn’t go far anymore unless he’s with me and Bert. He doesn’t have to because we live in the forest and there are lots of little rodents within 50 feet of the door.
I worry more about people. Cat Henry, who taught Bert to love cats, went missing a few years ago. we found him quite by accident after some asshole shot him and left him to die.
zhena gogolia
Gabe is the grey one.
@CZanne: I am so, so sorry. I don’t have words.
I thought there was someone besides Tybee, but I can’t find them now. I’ll let you know if I do.
I think Gabe might be the grey kitty.
So sorry. Hoping that you take comfort in one another and have safe travels. We will keep you all in our thoughts here.
I love Gabe too. There’s something mysterious about his eyes. I agree with previous comments that he might have been afraid to settle because of past disappointments. Sounds like he’s feeling more secure.
Mary G
Somebody got ground up in the mills of justice:
Surprised that a nutjob Republican governor who’s getting rid of the Medicaid extension in KY isn’t screaming about her religious FREEDUMS. Maybe a minion snuck it through.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@CZanne: I’m so sorry. I’m holding you all in the light.
@CZanne: I’m so sorry.
@CZanne: Wishing the best outcome for your niece
@Ruckus: True. I have a rescue kitty who came out of an awful breeding mill situation. She was undernourished, depressed, and scared of everything. She largely lived under the furniture for the first couple of weeks, and we worrried that she might never really feel safe or content.
Then, one night, she caught a stray field mouse that must have gotten in to the basement, carried it upstairs while cooing, and shared the spoils of her hunt by dropping the (still very much alive and active) mouse right on the pillow.
Mouse capture misadventures ensued, but from that point on, she was perfectly content to sleep on the bed, dance around everyone’s feet to ask for attention, and play with her toys.
It was like a light suddenly switched on. She just needed to do it on her schedule, when she felt ready.
@CZanne: I am so sorry. Hugs to you and the rest of the family.
Re Gabe: He’s the little grey guy with the expression of perpetual worry, with those eyes. Blessings on TaMara for being understanding and patient about the IE, and hope Gabe figures out acceptable household hygiene :)
@CZanne: I’m so very sorry. Please travel safely. We will be thinking of you both.
@zhena gogolia:
Yeah, the new addition to the family. Hence the “getting settled” issues.
@Major Major Major Major:
Probably all the good smells.
@chris: Oh my, did you find Henry in time to save him? People suck. Our Tommy was shot by someone with a pellet gun when we lived in Anaheim. If it hurt he didn’t complain but the vet noticed the injury under his thick fur and became apoplectic that we weren’t keeping him indoors, so I hear you on the not being able to control the ex-feral.
@CZanne: So sorry.
@CZanne: You and your family are in my thoughts. Please keep us posted.
Yes, helmets save lives. I went airborne when a moron woman opened her car door directly in my path.
TaMara (HFG)
@catclub: Gabe is my new grey buddy. Zander is the orange Maine Coon.
Thank you. To be quite honest (and it is partially a matter of the way photo images load on my phone), I didn’t even realise there was a grey kittehuntil many comments in. Have gone back to look at Grey Kitteh, and he is lovely, if just a tad cautious.
@CZanne: Good luck to you and B and the fam…it’s difficult when things waver between up and down, but I have hope and sending you some in my heart.
Stay strong, we’re rooting for you—
@ruemara: Cuteness!
My last mutt, Bud, slept at my feet for his first month, next night I woke up in the middle of the night and he was sleeping next to me. Every night threre after slept snuggled up, no matter if I liked it or not.
@chris: I like your critters!
This is very saddening news. Everything’s crossed, hoping that your niece will make another turnaround.
@opiejeanne: No, Henry didn’t make it. Yes, I’m still angry.
@Mary G:
If you follow Mrs. Betty Bower, she’s posted a charming tribute video to Miss Davis.
@trollhattan: Gee, who knew that girls and dogs could fly?
@CZanne: I’ve been following along and hoping for the best. Hang in there.
caring and sensitive
I have been a reader for about 10 years but I rarely comment because by the time I get to threads it is generally too late. Having said that I still feel a connection with all of the jackals. I am unbelievably sad over this and want you to know that you have my deepest and sincerest sympathy
@spudgun: thanks! Here’s the third, Pumpkin delighted with her new leopard print blankie a foot away from the wood stove.
@Czanne, @Steeplejack:
I went back through all the threads, and it’s only Tybee. Just wanted to make that clear so you’re not expecting someone else. I hope you are able to connect with him.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
My condolences
@debbie: Do GoFundMe funds have a comments section? It would be tempting to point out that every dollar of the first $225,000 goes to gay couples.
@Czanne: Oh, what terrible news! I’m so sorry. Anything we can do to help?
Take care of yourself so you can better care for your family. And it’s no stain to feel the way you do about the g*n n*t
Miss Bianca
@chris: All these cute kittie pics are making me miss having a cat so badly. Sigh…
@chris: Aww, sweet!
I’m with Miss Bianca, looking at kitty pix makes me miss having a cat…
@Miss Bianca: @spudgun: It’s long been my opinion that they’re better than TV.
@Miss Bianca: @spudgun: It’s long been my opinion that they’re better than TV.
(First answer in moderation due to fat-fingered email address. Please delete.)
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca: @spudgun:
Me too!
@caring and sensitive: Thank you – I’m not much of a commenter either, though I read everything.
I really appreciate the care of another lurker.
And since all the tagging is what got me modded last time… Thank you so much. Helmets. Helmets. Helmets.
@CZanne: I hold you and your family in my heart. I can empathize all too strongly after having spent almost two months literally living in an intensive care unit’s waiting room after my dad had a catastrophic brain injury, and I well remember the family with a very young woman in a situation much like B’s. I’m hoping for a medical miracle for you.
@Czanne: Seconding what “caring and sensitive” said. I think there are a lot of us lurkers who are sharing your pain right now. Wishing you and your family strength and peace.
@CZanne: I’m so sorry. While there’s life, there’s hope.
J R in WV
@Major Major Major Major:
That is such a relieved and happy looking kitty! So glad he has his home with you guys again!!!
One of our cats loves to get into bed with us at bedtime. Then she worms her way under the down comforter, on top of the quilt, and sleeps til she get too warm. Then she bails for the living room couch. Purring all the while.
A mostly black tortie, 15 pounds of purr.
J R in WV
So sorry for B’s situation.
You hang in there, sometimes they do come back from terrible injury.
Best wishes and all the luck …
Kayla Rudbek
@Czanne: so sorry to hear this
Dean Thomas
My shelter cat took about 2 months to finally be Home; she was afraid to trust again. Recently (10 years later) we had a major box rebellion because of godsdamn perfume in her litter, she was just trying to communicate with a idiot.
A male with box fear probably has diet induced bladder trouble. Treatable with vitamin C. All I’ve ever needed in over 40 years of cats is to add a pinch of powdered C to daily wet food. Early indicators are a perpetual pinhead of clear liquid on the nose and/or a runny eye.
PS: Three of my cats have lived to see 20 years.