A proposal from commentor RedDirtGirl:
There seems to be some interest in a NYC meet-up, to welcome M4 to the area, and celebrate HeleninEire’s return.
I’m thinking about possibly the last Sunday in February, the 24th, at around 3pm in Manhattan somewhere south of 34th Street.
Can we put up a post at some point in the near future to gauge the broader appeal of such an endeavor?
Bill and I would be interested, blanking on where to suggest (Waterfront at 30th & 2nd or Failte across the avenue are all I’m coming up with) but would love to be part of the welcoming crew.
Well, February 24 is an important holiday.
Hooray! Doesn’t have to be that day, but I find it’s often best to start with something to work with and then go from there!
I would be up for the following weekend. Which would be Saturday, March 2 or Sunday, March 3rd.
But go with the date that works for the most people.
I would prefer the following weekend as well (although my general preference would to also be either a Thursday/Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, as opposed to a Sunday). Not fussed regardless of whatever folks are thinking, and agnostic locationally as well (although would prefer not too downtown or uptown, and in Manhattan).
I’d be interested, even to venture into Manhattan on a weekend, especially to meet M4 and HelenInErie. February 24 is almost a holiday (the day before my birthday ?) but I’m open to another date.
The following weekend is fine for me as well, but it would have to be Sunday rather than Saturday. Keep throwing dates out. It doesn’t have to be the weekend.
Steve in the ATL
On a related note, do we have any rust belt Juicers in the vicinity of Ravenna, Ohio? I will be there sometime in the next month or so.
Am definitely up for a green-ballooned gathering ! Would prefer last weekend in February to first weekend in March, but am flexible.
eddie blake
having oral surgery next week.
totally down for the next one
unless mid-late march is the date.
sounds great, will try and come.
I’m always up for meeting up/hanging out IRL.
Nick D
I’m up for a meetup
Not sure if anyone is still checking out this thread, but have definitely gotten some interest and will strategize a bit more and ask AL to post again during prime time so we can lock this in. See you all then!
No idea if the purported guests of honor can make it, but we’ll survive without them, if need be.