I have absolutely zero intention of watching the State of the the Union, and will instead continue my Game of Thrones marathon or read (I’m finally feeling well enough that it doesn’t hurt my eyes to read). My throat feels much better, but I am still exhausted and I just have this crushing fatigue- I can make it about two hours without having to drag myself to bed and then I sleep for three hours- rinse and repeat.
Still no appetite, either.
I will watch Ms. Abrams give her response, but I will watch that online so I don’t actually catch any of Cheeto Benito. Maybe he’ll do too much adderall and just stroke out on live tv. Whatever. Fuck him.
I wonder if RBG will show up. It would be a big fuck you to the monsters who want her to retire or die.
The Midnight Lurker
I will watch for all!!!
I mean, what can he possibly say that hasn’t already made me throw up in my mouth.
I got the popcorn and the mouthwash ready.
Bring it, you fat, orange (FILL IN THE BLANK)
Hope all is well soon, John. Being sick sucks.
I finally finished the dog in my rug! Now on to the endless background. I’m very pleased with it so far.
Excellent work!
Noble marine general less noble than Bannon. Who would have thunk?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Will never forget that disgusting meme about RBG claiming Abraham Lincoln molested her in 1862. Utterly monstrous.
@donnah: You has talent. I am in awe.
@debbie: she made a public appearance last night so my guess is she will pass, besides, I would be afraid one of his crazed supporters would try and take her out to give him another appointment to SCOTUS
She won’t be there. Saw a report that only four (or maybe five) Supremes were coming.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Was he talking about white parents and children? Or is he just trying to redeem himself? Not possible. You’re tarred for life when you work for Trump’s admin
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Too many rightwingers seem to require a heavy dose of rude, crude and lewd to make them chortle.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: He was talking about what was happening at the southern border.
@geg6: Any word if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will be showing their faces?
I seriously doubt your plan to take a break from GoT after you finish season 3. I was in that same spot 2 years ago and I couldn’t stop watching.
So who is enjoying a better quality of life these days?
Hilllary or Trump.
And I don’t think Don Jr., Cohen, Manafort……. are having a very good time either.
So we have that.
hedgehog mobile
We will be watching Leah Remini’s show on Scientology on A&E, then Drunk History. Early bedtime tonight; recvering from a cold. John, hope you feel better soon. Also, fuck the Orange One.
I’m only going to tune in to Stacy Abrams. I hear the warm-up act sucks.
@Eljai: and others
From Democracy For America:
Want to know when Stacey Abram’s speech starts? Text SOTU to 33250 and we’ll let you know when to start watching
“The Union is okay. But the Confederacy is better. Thank you, and good night.” //
The Midnight Lurker
And I’m watching to see if I can catch a glimpse of Putin’s hand up his… jacket.
You can text SOTU to Resistbot (50409) and they will let you know when it’s safe to turn your Tv on to watch Ms Abrams. Will laugh so hard if her ratings beat President* Skidmark just like Pelosi did last time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I was dealing with a nasty cold, still lingering, when Cole posted that he had strep, so as a hypochondriac internet junkie I of course turned to Dr Google (yeah, I know). When I got to that symptom, I knew it wasn’t strep.
hear, hear. an hour of trump airing grievances on live tv, no thanks. you know he’s gonna bitch and moan and then at the end demand ‘bipartisanship’.
@geg6: Roberts, Kagan, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. Roberts and Kagan have always attended and I read that the change in schedule might have interfered.with the others travel plans. As we know RBG doesn’t go to trump’s SOTU anyways.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Yet he still wouldn’t utter a negative word about Trump and was still going to create a pro-Trump group to support him. He apparently can’t make that leap.
No, I wont be watching the oaf snuffle and whine his way thru his grievances tonight.
I’ll let you all fill me in tomorrow.
More enjoyable ☺️
Actual Headline Right Now @ FTFNYT:
Gee, ya think?
What I’m wondering is, did NYT hire a Brit to write their headlines? Because that headline is like a classic example of British understatement.
Damn, you’re good. Patient, too, with your work. It shows.
zhena gogolia
I was going to watch the Soul Train show on BET, but I thought it was a one-shot special that was going to cover the whole history in one evening. It turns out it’s just the first episode of a series, and it’s going to follow the stories of young people who go on the show to dance. I don’t think I feel like committing to that. Maybe I’ll just watch actual Soul Train episodes on YouTube.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I saw that. She is a really good tweeter, read her every day.
Finishing a short I started at PodCon and rerecording it. Maybe some Warcraft or job huntin’. No Cheeto Amin h/t to whoever said it here first, because it is perfect.
@donnah: That is all sorts of amazing.
@debbie: Thinking of RBG and hoping she gets the night off. She’s been through enough lately.
So have we all.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: You misunderstood the point I was making, that terrible as Bannon is, even he recognizes that snatching children from their parents is wrong.
@donnah: That’s incredible. Your work belongs in a museum.
TaMara (HFG)
@donnah: Oh my gosh, that’s beautiful. Your rug work is so stunning. Is there a story behind this one?
I have discovered the BBC’s Gardner’s World on Amazon Prime, and I’m in too happy a place right now. Highly recommended!
M. Bouffant
I’ll have no trouble not-watching; my DVR is 95% full.
Or I can flip between Clipper & Laker games.
I am chained to my desk — not a bad thing. Have lots of work to finish, so I will be doing that until I absolutely can’t do it anymore.
Then, thanks to whichever Jackal recommended it, I will be watching the next episode of Kingdom on Netflix when I get in bed. I find zombies soothing given the current state of affairs.
What do folks make of the fact that Fairfax’s alleged accuser is lawyering up? That doesn’t seem like good news.
To be honest, I will take the over on Northam staying in office at this point. There is so much other BS being driven by Trump when it comes to politics that the Northam thing is going to be left in the dust like so many other things. I might be wrong, but who knows. Politics is incredibly fucked up at this point, in no part driven by a media that has hyper ADHD nowadays.
Thanks, all. It is tedious work, pulling tiny strips of dyed wool through a linen backing, but it’s what I do. This project is exceptionally challenging because these strips are the smallest you can cut, and they tend to fall apart as you pull on them. I will go back to slightly wider strips for future projects.
Looking forward to a new section of the rug, but knowing the background will take a long time.
Thanks for all the kind words!
Ella in New Mexico
I hate hate hate hearing Trump talk, much less stumble through reading off a teleprompter.
But I have vowed to someday tell my grandchildren that I was a witness to a history that they’ll never, ever have to deal with in their lifetimes.
Not because history can’t repeat itself or the future will be perfect but because in all likelihood Trump will finally be dead.
@mrmoshpotato: Thank you!!!
@TaMara (HFG):
Thanks, TaMara! I often make hooked rugs that have a statement to make. I’ve hooked rugs about the extermination of elephants in Africa, about Alzheimer’s disease, the women of the Congo…and this image spoke to me about the bond between these soldiers and their bomb-search dogs. As a matter of fact, just last night there was a news story about a veteran who after six years finally got to adopt his dog. He suffers from PTSD and said he’s already able to sleep better having her with him.
So I want my rugs to show emotion and also express my thoughts.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@donnah: That is stunning.
I’m watching CNN but will turn it off before the SOTU starts. I happened to catch an interview with AOC and her guest, the woman who confronted Jeff Flake in the elevator. Apparently many of the women representatives are wearing white.
Also I caught a short commercial for a series coming up on CNN, “Tricky Dick.” Starts in March.
TaMara (HFG)
@donnah: It really shows!
hedgehog mobile
@donnah: Gorgeous!
Dropping jacy’s fundraising info into this thread. Don’t think of the orange asshole! Think of sending a few bucks jacy’s way.
She is $6,544 towards her $10,000 goal. Dropped the total needed a bit since etsy sales were doing well.
You know you want to donate (again).
I heard she’s totally cancer free. Trump must be grinding his teeth!
Wow. All of those gradations in color give the image such depth. Best wishes on the background. I’d love to see pictures of your other pieces or an update as this one progresses. I am so glad I clicked on the image link. It was therapeutic!
If you aren’t allergic to it, the next time you get strep throat, go to your doctor and ask for a shot of penicillin. I get strep throat about every 8 to 10 years and it really knocks me out. The last 2 times I had it, I forcefully requested the shot and to my surprise, they gave it to me. It was gone in a day and a half.