Let the infighting begin. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it in its entirety, gonna do that now.
I’m going to try and get a photo of Baby and give you guys an update later.
by TaMara| 121 Comments
This post is in: Election 2020, Open Threads
Let the infighting begin. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it in its entirety, gonna do that now.
I’m going to try and get a photo of Baby and give you guys an update later.
Comments are closed.
Harris is toast. She’s talking far too much, or maybe too little, about her Indian ancestry. Also, in all the wrong ways. I don’t see how she can possibly win an election against Trump now.
Pope Ratzy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaB64RHSfXQ (Parliament Cover)
If Trump thinks he can beat her, he’s going to be SARI.
Much more seriously, a good interview and good responses. And yeah, a few dumb ass questions.
@smintheus: They haven’t even started on her hair yet.
@smintheus: OMG OMG She is so DOOMED this far out. Please spare us.
ETA: Speaking as an Indo-American, tell us what she should have said.
ETTA I am not an Indo-American. Are you?
Oh, jeez. Chris Hayes just said that Trump is having a rally in El Paso tonight. For some reason I thought he went there today and the idiocy was already over.
Off to check @ddale8.
Harris on “Identity Politics”
@gbbalto: That was some solid snark up there at #1.
Mary G
@Steeplejack: Beto’s having a counter rally. Bet the two crowds won’t have much in common and that the MSM covers the MAGAts and not the locals.
Inorite. Plus her answer to “Why are you black?” was a disaster!
Sorry, too tired. If that WAS snark, smintheus, I do apologize. Maybe I depend too much on the snark //
Please adjust your snark meter.
You didn’t instead mean “toasted” did you? :=)
Oops the link failed to embed. It’s from a story on her at Politico if you want to look it up.
@Steeplejack: Done
@Steeplejack: I don’t remember how she answered the “Why are you black?” question, but it’s just not good enough. She needs to put an end to Republican attacks on that issue or she’s really going to be toast.
Harris is my front-runner right now, although I know it’s really early.
And my ex has not answered whether he’s going to fight custody in court (it’s been 5 days) I know he’s being silent to drive me crazy, and, unfortunately it works. It’s going to be one of those nights that takes a lot of anti-anxiety medication. grr.
@gbbalto: I thought it was funny.
@cmorenc: No, it’s my cat that’s getting toasted sitting on the hearth in front of our wood stove.
That was very good. Race as a national security issue.
Matt McIrvin
@smintheus: I’m pretty sure she is publicly eating food the wrong way. Unless it’s TOO MUCH THE RIGHT WAY.
@Mary G:
Chris Hayes just ran an almost-live clip of an NBC reporter “embedded” with Beto.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Open thread so…has NotMax reported in today from Hawaii? Seems they are having some serious weather out there…
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Good ??
Dorothy A. Winsor
Honestly, he’s so obvious it’s not even worth decoding.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@rikyrah: My reaction exactly. I think people are fed up.
I didn’t actually hear her answer—the TV was on mute—but the optics were not good, that I can tell you!
zhena gogolia
I like the way she talks, but then I like “professorial.” i.e. smart
@zhena gogolia: Me too.
zhena gogolia
OT, I’m loving Nelson Eddy in a coonskin cap.
” Bacon is a spice”???
I just want to say that if Seth Moulton and Bill de Blasio are cultivating presidential runs, then maybe it is time to close the door
Like, yesterday
Mike in NC
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Trump is such a blatant crook I don’t know why he doesn’t charge admission for people to get into his hate rallies.
@Jeffro: As a New Yorker, I can say de Blasio has a strong record to run on, with many accomplishments like…uh… no, wait, something will come to me, give me a few minutes…
I really like her. A lot. But as I said a few threads down, I’m taking my time to make a call. Will send a few dollars to each of my top few — enough to get on their email lists — and try to narrow things down after the first two or three debates.
We are very fortunate to have such a deep, exciting bench! A Sanders-Gabbard ticket would give me pause, but I think I could live with almost any other pairing.
Steve in the ATL
@smintheus: she used to be a prosecutor, which I’m interpreting as she was an LAPD cop, Ramparts division, in the 1980’s. Therefore I’m team Wilmer.
Cyrus McQueen (@CyrusMMcQueen) Tweeted:
Someone took issue with me mentioning Kamala Harris’s looks, and I shut that shit down. She is strong, erudite and yes, BEAUTIFUL. For a society that doesn’t hesitate to invalidate the beauty of black women and mock them with fuckin turtlenecks, you best believe ima say dat shit!
zhena gogolia
@Steve in the ATL:
I think she was either Starsky or Hutch, can’t remember which.
zhena gogolia
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Steve in the ATL:
Your logic is impeccable, as usual. Easy to see why you’re a near-top-10,000 labor-relations attorney.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Steve in the ATL:
Just like I was a few years later!
@zhena gogolia:
David Soul.
Steve in the ATL
Well played!
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: and you clerked for Judge Ito, right?
@zhena gogolia: is that the same as Panch or John?
zhena gogolia
OT, Nelson Eddy: “People are rather gay in this quarter of town.”
@zhena gogolia
Watching Naughty Marietta, are we? Jeanette MacDonald’s singing voice sets my teeth on edge.
mad citizen
I’m normally a late technology and other stuff adopter, and I agree with many here that these election cycles are too damm long. But on the other hand, we all wanted a change yesterday–OK, wanted the popular vote winner to live in the WH. Anyway, I affixed my Kamala Harris For the People sticker (bought from her website so she gets the money) to the back of my vehicle last week. Was thinking today what an early adopter I am in my area. Aside from the, I’m sure, some Trump 2020 stickers around here, haven’t seen any other Dems yet. Saw the Blue Arrow H the other day.
Self-congratulatory over.
Beto live for anyone interested.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Good to hear, but we’ve been down this road before. Congress can agree, but will Twitler throw another temper tantrum?
Who is the Twitter person – Seth Abramson, maybe? – who said that for a multitude of reasons, if a D wants to stand out/win he/she should run against Pence and talk constantly about how he/she will just TROUNCE Pence in the 2020 general and what not.
(yes you can all guess the reasons why this would be highly entertaining and also possibly cause Twitler to stroke out, which are basically the same thing)
I like it! One doesn’t have to make it his/her whole campaign’s focus, but whew I sure would throw it out there. Warren kinda already is
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you for your question about Mary in the last thread. She is great. She is happy and healthy. Life is good.
zhena gogolia
Haha, I thought you’d get it with the coonskin cap comment.
@Jeffro:The Buzzfeed article mentions only the accomplishment that Pelosi gave him. “We got a lot of things that wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t willing to stand up and say we’re not just going to rubber-stamp the establishment,” Moulton said, referencing, among other things, the term-limit deal Pelosi agreed to. “So I think it was the right thing to do. I also think Speaker Pelosi is doing a great job right now.”
He couldn’t organize support for a power play, he disrespected an excellent leader, he tried to use other women as cover, he’s got a new baby at home. But “his Serve America PAC alone raised more than $2 million, giving him the bandwidth to back dozens of candidates” and maybe that’s enough reason for him and the people who talk to him.
@zhena gogolia:
Heh. Things like this always remind me how changes in language and usage leave random things high and dry, so to speak.
There is a 1961 novel by Billy Lee Brammer that is supposed to be a fantastic novel about politics in (a thinly disguised) Texas. It was optioned to the movies for Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason, but J.F.K.’s assassination cratered the project. I just checked on Amazon and was mildly surprised to see that it’s still in print. The title? The Gay Place.
Another example that shows up a lot in ’30s movies, and I’ve seen it in things as recent as Perry Mason from the late ’50s, is “making love” as a synonym for “wooing” or “hitting on.”
“I came in to find you making love to my wife!” Or: “Are you making love to me, sir?” Sort of jangles a bit to the modern ear.
Stacey Abrams on identity politics: IDENTITY POLITICS STRENGTHENS DEMOCRACY:
Was gonna wait for a true Open Thread but one doesn’t seem to be forthcoming. For any who might have thought I was exaggerating about the weather here over the past few days (WaPo link) –
2½ inches of wind-driven rain over 24 hours yesterday chez NotMax.
zhena gogolia
Yes, the “making love” thing confused me when I was younger.
He just sang, “I’m gay without pause / and sad without cause.”
It’s kind of fun to make POTUS/VPOTUS matchups in your head. We have an embarrassment of riches. (Republicans just have the embarrassment part)
@NotMax: Stay safe.
I remember not to long ago people were lamenting the size of our bench.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@NotMax: I knew it was bad, and I’m happy to see you reporting on weathering it without getting washed away.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
My head keeps coming back to Harris/Chris Murphy, though he may not want that peculiar position, and probably doesn’t need the boost to his chances for an eventual run of his own
ETA: I should say: I have an almost perfectly wrong record predicting primary outcomes, ours and theirs. Almost.
They will surely do something about it this time. I can feel it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Stay safe and dry!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I am a Rachel Maddow fan, and more than willing to become a Klobuchar fan, but the build up RM is giving AK is bordering on embarrassing
@NotMax: Snow on Hawaii, no snow here in Nova Scotia. Things are getting weird.
zhena gogolia
Raised eyebrow or sad headshake?
@zhena gogolia:
I’m going with full-on disappointed dad look. I think they’re serious this time.
@zhena gogolia
A favorite, most likely apocryphal, story related to MacDonald & Eddy films is the one about the dimwitted actress auditioning for a singing role. Hands the music to the studio pianist, introduces herself and begins earnestly belting out:
When I’m calling you-u-u
Double oh, double oh
Worst has pretty much passed but there’s talk of similar (though not as severe) weather coming right on its heels this week.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Collective GOP Senate Caucus: Mr President, we’re very disappointed in you.
trump: That’s nice, now pass the mayonnaise and pipe down, I’m watching Judge Janet
Brickley Paiste
That’s another one of the great things about Harris: she is going to add confidence to a lot of conventionally attractive minority women.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, I bailed over to HGTV. Part of it is that Maddow really is building up Klobuchar, but part of it also is that Maddow’s presentation style of belaboring everything intensifies the building-up effect.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Rachel has been an over the top Klobuchar booster for years, for reasons have never understood. Expect them to be wearing matching BFF Forever shirts when together.
Mike in NC
@Baud: Jared did it. In the library. With a
candlestickbone saw.Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think I read earlier that trump’s rally site holds about 7.500
@Baud: Seems like every article about Trump contains the word “raging” and every article about other Republicans contains the word “fuming.” And yet fisticuffs never ensue.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Harris Murphy is my dream ticket.
Steve in the ATL
@Mike in NC: Jared was in the library? I don’t think so.
Well, she no longer repetitiously drones on laying out timelines dating back to the discovery of fire.
Amir Khalid
I remember Jane Austen using it that way in Pride and Prejudice.
See also: The George Burns & Gracie Allen Show. There was one episode where Gracie hired a gigolo to “make love” to Blanche, neighbor Harry Morton’s wife. As per usual, hilarity ensued.
@Steve in the ATL
Yup. Had to be the conservatory.
Amir Khalid
@zhena gogolia:
I’m old enough to remember when “gay” just meant lighthearted.
Dan B
@NotMax: Several friends have made requests for Pele or other Hawaiian residents or goddesses to send warmth to Seattle. They had to recant.
14 inches snowpack here after about 20 inches snowfall. Airport seems to be closed (again). Snow never lasts more than three days here. Someone took an aluminum rowboat sledding!
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
Whatever happened to “courting,” anyway? It’s my favorite, and it’s clearly out of style.
@RedDirtGirl: It’s running 26ft at Jaws
@Amir Khalid
Always found it a bit daring for the time that Cary Grant used gay to allude to a stereotype of the other sense of the term in Bringing Up Baby.
Glad you’re okay.
Happened to be in Hilo on a bidnez trip in December and experienced them breaking the historic annual rainfall record. I may have grown up in Seattle but I did not know rain before that trip. Not windy, so there was that.
California is up for the next ass-kicking starting tomorrow evening. There’s a lot of dang snow to melt if it’s a warm one.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
Any of those preferable to shipping.
Courting not as far back in a dusty museum case as are spooning or pitching woo.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She can slip into being very Capone’s vaultish. She should stop that.
mad citizen
Recorded in 1997, one of the very best Bob Dylan songs, “It’s Not Dark Yet”:
Well, I’ve been to London
And I’ve been to gay Paris
I’ve followed the river
And I got to the sea
I’ve been down on the bottom
Of a world full of lies
I ain’t lookin’ for nothin’
In anyone’s eyes
Sometimes my burden
Is more than I can bear
It’s not dark yet
But it’s getting there
Steve in the ATL
@zhena gogolia:
Who doesn’t love the Castro?
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@NotMax: Considering we have enough BJ’ers lamenting the fact that they can’t keep up with all of this shit, having a few times lines isn’t that bad. Also repitition helps memory retention, which considering how much goes down the drain hole, isn’t that bad.
Amir Khalid
More on “shipping”: one who “ships” their favourite TV characters is a “shipper”, and one who disapproves of this is a “NoRomo”.
Steve in the ATL
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho:
People hate lawyers.
Brickley Paiste
@Steve in the ATL:
A tip of the fedora for that one.
zhena gogolia
While wearing a marabou-trimmed dressing gown, no less.
@Amir Khalid
“I say it’s spinach, and I say the hell with it.”
h/t The New Yorker (original)
The speed of his tweets is amazing! He’s memorized everything Trump’s ever said. Trump said his rally had 20,000 to 30,000, while Beto’s has 200 or 300. ? ?
@NotMax: hope the storm’s over without much damage soon.
@zhena gogolia
Yup. Although it is in black-and-white, one just knows the trim was pink.
@Steve in the ATL:
Fun fact: here in Vienna Virginia we have major thorofares called Lawyers Road, Courthouse Road, and Gallows Road. The meme prompted a mcmansion subdivision to name itself “Barrister’s Court” and its little side streets cute things like “Evidence Lane”, “Pro Hac Vice Circle”, and “Rule 11 Drive”.
So, some developer loves us. At least we’ve got that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Steve in the ATL
@eemom: are all the houses named “Blackacre”?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
You rang? : )
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Steve in the ATL: True. I still like courting, though.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Amir Khalid:
I never heard of that last one.
Examine Your Briefs Place?
Doug R
You know, the first thing when you’re trying to get out of a hole is to stop shoveling.
Why does she have to justify herself to trolls and republicans? Just another variation on “show us your papers”.
zhena gogolia
@Doug R:
It’s snark.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@eemom: What, no Remittitur Road?
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: “Courting” is popular in evangelical circles. Remember that TV show where they had twenty kids and then the eldest son was accused of molesting his sisters? When the girls get to like 16 or 17 boys are allowed to “court” them.
Best I can understand it’s a sort of dating that’s a bit more serious as it is supposed to lead to marriage. There’s no frivolous dating in those circles. You’re either platonic or “courting” with intend to become engaged.
Gin & Tonic
@Yarrow: “Courting“?
@Steeplejack: Phrasing!
Point taken.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Nice one, Maynard G. Krebs!
Dead thread, but: Finally getting to listen to this. Kamala is very good. I’m not going to pretend this wasn’t a friendly interview, but she did very well on all these questions. Forceful, confident, and funny.