Is it shocking to anyone that the anti-vax movement’s Internet HQ is Facebook, the AOL* of the 2010’s?
The Guardian found that Facebook search results for groups and pages with information about vaccines were dominated by anti-vaccination propaganda, and that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm steers viewers from fact-based medical information toward anti-vaccine misinformation.
Facebook enables advertisers to promote content to nearly 900,000 people interested in “vaccine controversies”, the Guardian has found.
Other groups of people that advertisers can pay to reach on Facebook include those interested in “Dr Tenpenny on Vaccines”, which refers to anti-vaccine activist Sherri Tenpenny, and “informed consent”, which is language that anti-vaccine propagandists have adopted to fight vaccination laws.
For all the talk of AI and “algorithms”, the algorithm that Facebook and YouTube use is pretty simple: find out what people who care about topic X search for and watch, and give them more of it. This is a recipe for the aggregation of stupidity when there’s a lot of idiocy surrounding topic X. In the case of vaccines, only people who are looking for excuses to shore up their stupid intuitions about vaccines are searching on social media, so the social media “AI” clumps them all together and gives them a playground where their dumb shit can fester and grow. The non-stupid parents either just take their pediatrician’s word, or they use Google to find recommendations from trusted authorities like the CDC.
Zuckerberg and other tech bros say they want to do something about this, but it costs money to tune their algorithms, and it also costs money to curtail advertising. So they make noises about changing, but when I searched Google today for “facebook vaccine” the first two results that aren’t news stories are Facebook pages for anti-vax grifters (the “Vaccine Resistance Movement” and “”).
These assholes need regulation.
* This isn’t really fair – AOL was where the dummies lived, but it wasn’t a stupidity concentrator.
Facebook is the Oak Ridge of stupidity purification.
Highly recommend Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil. Dead on about this very subject.
“algorithm that Facebook and YouTube use is pretty simple: find out what people who care about topic X search for and watch, and give them more of it.”
YouTube, I’m not so sure about that. I visit nothing but Leftwing blogs, and search for mostly technical engineering-type information through YouTube. Yet, the YouTube algorithm consistently delivers recommendations for nothing BUT Rightwing nonsense–Fox News, videos of Trump’s latest speech, all of Trump’s campaign commercials, Greg Guttfeild nonsense, etc.
So not so much giving me more of what I want as trying to force-feed me Rightwing propaganda. And that’s no accident.
I just now had to rebut an anti-vax post from someone who should know better. Don’t ignore them when you see them, fight back. Most people share without thinking; some share things they don’t agree with, not realizing their contrary comment doesn’t always share with it. I stay in it because it allows me to stay in touch with friends in other countries, so while I stay there it’s important to fight the disinformation when I can.
The (relatively) good news is that Facebook is losing users. OTOH, the lower depths are very low and very profitable, as with Fox News.
Uh huh ?
Tony Schwartz (@tonyschwartz) Tweeted:
Enough w/Republican senators not standing up to Trump because they fear his wrath. 11 don’t face reelection till 2024. 22 don’t till 2022. If they don’t step up when Trump challenges the constitution & the law, it’s isn’t about reelection, it’s that they’re simply craven.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MattF: Younger users have been leaving FB for quite a while. They’re all on Instagram and Snapchat. Their moms and grannies are on FB.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Facebook owns Instagram.
@rikyrah: Yeah, they’re cowards– but I’d guess that for some of them, their fears are well-founded.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: The other day, I saw someone mention the FBization of Instagram. I think they were talking about practices rather than ownership, but I’m not sure. I’m an Instagram failure. I’ve tried to post there consistently because I write YA and that’s where my audience is, but I can’t figure out how to use it in a way I like. I just prefer words.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Never tried it myself. I’m not a big social media person.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Hey, if Baud 2020 is going to take off, you have to make selfies for twitter. I look forward to seeing them :-)
Peter Daou (@peterdaou) Tweeted:
The most dangerous threats to democracy in America are the GOP leaders who have empowered Trump. Here’s a great @AJentleson piece on #MitchMcConnell, “the man who surrendered the Senate to the president.”
The Midnight Lurker
I dunno… the needle on my Stupid-Shit-O-Meter has been stuck in the red for a couple of years now. I changed the battery, but…
And I just saw that Chris Wallace has been branded a ‘traitor’ by Fox viewers because he was ‘too tough’ on Lumbergh or someone, by pointing out their rank hypocracy or something.
Yeah… must be the batteries.
@Derelict: Agreed. Most of my YouTube consumption is Hindi movie music, recipes, how to tech videos but YouTube keeps recommending rancid propaganda RWNJ propaganda videos. This is after I have chosen all the do not track options on Google.
Interesting interview with one of the VC guys that advised the Zuckster early on. Of course, he saw the light(and evil) after he made his millions. At least he appears to genuinely figured out the toxicity of FB and friends.
Thank you! ??
Matt Murphy (@MattMurph24) Tweeted:
Dems lost Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania because of voter suppression, not due to any perceived lack of campaigning by HRC. It was also the first Presidential election in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. I’m tired of false narratives.
@The Midnight Lurker: It was Stephen Miller that Wallace (sounds like) was pretty tough on over Trump’s “Emergency”. For Fox, that is.
Sometimes I’ll see arguments, even from well-informed technical people, that filtering is too difficult and expensive (e.g. by relying on human judges) to be practical. They don’t seem to notice how much they sound like polluting energy companies, who would just LOVE to install mitigation devices if it weren’t for the cost. One of the challenges is that it’s much easier to measure physical pollution and estimate its costs to all of us than is the case with “social” pollution.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @Baud: yeah, FB owns Instagram, and that is where most people under 40 post. And once FB bought Instagram the ads really became pervasive. I seldom use it because I think it’s boring (seriously, I don’t care how your lunch looks), but I glance and post to it occasionally.
Dorothy, try just posting scenes reminiscent of scenes in your books and tie back to the book with a comment like “this is how I envisioned xxx”.
It’s a harder medium for verbal rather than spacial types (for me too).
@Spanky: Have you heard Judy Woodruff of the PBS Newshour ever interview Rs? She practically drools over them.
I’ve heard Youtube described as the clearinghouse for human stupidity.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
After what happened to Anthony Weiner and Jeff Bezos, no thanks.
@prufrock: Facebook is the Oak Ridge of stupidity putrefaction. FTFY Free to a first time customer.
@debbie: Its a mixed bag, like everything else. I usually steer clear of the comment section.
NATO Group Catfished Soldiers to Prove a Point About Privacy
@Spanky: Two interviews. One with Miller and one with Rush. He went where Fox employees are not suppose to go in both interviews.
@schrodingers_cat: Me too. Who cares about YouTube commenters? Just watch the videos.
True or not that made me laugh.
@Baud: I occasionally read YouTube comments. They’re sometimes useful on obscure videos about specific subjects.
Re: anti-vaxxers:
On Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me this weekend, Alonzo Bodden had a novel proposal to give the Traitor-in-Chief his wall: ship all the anti-vaxxers to the border, have them create a human “wall.” [He also noted that the cages to keep them are already there, a comment which drew a “Whoa!” (or something like it) from the audience.]
@Mathguy: McNamee has some pretty good insights (meaning I agree with them). This:
Of course, becoming a multi-billionaire in the process doesn’t hurt, either. But yeah, fuckin’ Libertarians.
@Spanky: Redundant tree branch (Limbaugh) was what I read.
Why are you telling Prufrock for Fuck The Fucking Yankees? Doesn’t seem relevant.
[Still missing Steve Gilliard, in whose honor I writed that.]
@Bess: I didn’t even know Rush were still touring. And come to think of it, I can’t recall a single song of theirs.
@Derelict: I don;t watch political videos and I rarely get RWNJs on my suggested list. generally I watch \music videos and clips from favorite old SciFi TV shows, so that’s what I see suggested.
That’s easier than you think. Social pollution has infected 27% of the American electorate.
John S.
Obligatory John Rogers quote:
@SFAW: Fuck The Fucking Yankees is always relevant.
Splitting Image
Youtube tracks you when you watch a video embedded on somebody else’s website, and their algorithm is simply too stupid to understand that bloggers often embed videos of politicians they hate and make caustic remarks about them. I used to read Slacktivist very regularly, and Youtube was constantly recommending videos about various “End of the World” conspiracies.
That died down when I started going to Fred’s blog less often. I still get recommendations about Trump, as well as other Republicans who tend to be pilloried here and on other blogs I read (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, etc.) Youtube’s algorithm simply assumes that if you watch a video about Marco Rubio doing something stupid, you must like Marco Rubio and duly supplies you with content from his adoring supporters. Ditto Trump, et al.
Incidentally, Republicans get the same thing in reverse when they hate-watch videos about Obama or Hillary Clinton, then run to Twitter to cry about the conspiracy against conservatives.
American Prospect (@theprospect) Tweeted:
Many experts predicted that the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 Janus decision would cause public-sector unions to lose 10 percent to 30 percent of their membership and revenues. Instead, unions are undergoing a historic resurgence.
Another Scott
At least 922 people have died in the Measles epidemic in Madagascar. So far.
(via Cheryl’s Twitter feed)
Vlad’s fingers are all over the anti-vax stuff as well. He’s everywhere. BBC from 2018:
I know Popehat would say it’s not the RICO, but, maybe it really is the RICO…
Steve was an inspiration to me. I still use his mac and cheese recipe.
There is a candidate who has made digital privacy and regulating the big tech firms a central plank in her Presidential bid. Given that just about every aspect of our life is digitized at this point from social media to home appliances to credit cards and bus passes, it’s probably worth taking a listen.
Maybe about as far OT as you can get, but let us pause a moment in praise of Dick’s.
David Evans
Google (facebook moon landing). The first page of results is all about whether the landings were faked, with a clear majority for “yes” Sample argument:
“They can put electric cars on the moon in the 60’s but the public can’t have them today in America. Yeah right.”
So what? This is dumb. Eliminate or regulate Facebook and idiots will just congregate somewhere else.
Some of this faux outrage used to be leveled against tv, magazines and newspapers. It’s hard to regulate stupidity. Some people are just to determined to hurt themselves.
@Spanky: Damn, that’s awesome. I can’t believe a corporation in America would actually do that. And a massive GFY to Scheels for doubling down on guns.
Mr Stagger Lee
There is an episode of the podcast, Behind the Bastards, that has Mark Zuckerberg as a subject.
This is not true, or is severely reductive. The tech world and the Internets have always been dominated by idealists, inspired more by Star Wars, Star Trek, Tolkien and other SF and fantasy authors than Ayn Rand. Also Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog.
A good chunk of these people may be techno libertarians, but this is more because they don’t want ignorant non techies in the government messing with their high tech toys.
@Brachiator: FB and Google are concentrating and weaponizing that stupidity and making billions of bucks off it. They need to be regulated as media companies, which is what they are.
Is there anything more pathetic than “leaders” with no followers? Stride boldly on, Mr. Pence. No one is behind you. It’s just you looking over at Ivanka, wondering why no one is applauding.
OT, but I am at the local ER. My John called me at work and couldn’t speak properly. He’s being checked for stroke. He’s talking better now but still sometimes searches for words. No weakness in limbs or anything. Everyone cross their fingers, please.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: The quality of YouTube comments varies wildly depending on the subject matter. Any video that gets sufficiently popular attracts people who are just pooping on the thread with racist or insulting stuff, but there’s a lot below that threshold.
@geg6: I hope that there is only good news.
Good thoughts and wishes for you.
@Kay: FWIW I always thought the Leader of the Free world business was more hype than reality.
@geg6: oh gosh…thinking of you two and crossing everything.
@rikyrah: have to agree…pounding on trumpov does no good, ’cause he doesn’t care and actually likes it. We need to hit the GOP daily, their Senators most especially, with reminders of how they are betraying the country/their constituents and just how bad the party’s chances are in 2020 with trumpov leading the ticket.
Matt McIrvin
@Brachiator: I hung out on Usenet a lot in the 1990s, when access was initially mostly limited to universities and research institutions, and people who had enough technical know-how to roll their own feed over UUCP or something. The community there at the time is what I always think of as ur-Internet-techie culture.
It was extremely, extremely male and white, and the political vibe was wildly disproportionately libertarian. There were a lot of liberals and traditional conservatives too, probably more than libertarians by absolute numbers, but the libertarians were more passionate about shouting people down, so they tended to dominate conversations.
In the real-world tech community I think there’s overrepresentation of what I call “vulgar libertarians”: basically that empty quarter of the two-axis political charts that rich pundits imagine is centrism. The people who basically want to be left alone and freed from politics, and describe themselves as being “socially liberal and fiscally conservative”. It’s because they’re white guys with money.
I don’t think they are media companies at all.
You want to regulate them, you need a new model.
And algorithms and data harvesting is possible simply because billions of people are on the Internet.
Also, I don’t trust the government. Threats of regulation also come with demands that these companies make techniques, data and information available to government and law enforcement.
India is using controversy over WhatsApp to come up with schemes to shut down the Internet. The EU is using bullshit concern over copyright to try to control the flow of information.
And the lame excuse is always that this is done to protect the public.
fingers crossed. and toes.
The difference being, the Internet and platforms like FB exponentially speed up the cycles of/spread of bad information, and that information has consequences beyond those determined to hurt themselves.
If the platforms won’t do something to regulate bad info (including but not limited to bad actors like hostile states) then society really must act.
Does anyone know if Facebook paid any federal taxes in 2018? Google, Amazon, and Netflix all benefited from the new tax law and had to pay $0 to the US Treasury.
Amir Khalid
I have lately begun commenting on some YouTubers’ videos. I comment mostly on guitar-related content, usually to seek additional information and to engage with others who share my interests. Although there is one guy, a self-described libertarian, whom I called out for his advocacy of violent punishment for theft, and for gratuitous racism.
@geg6: Fingers crossed for you and John. We’ll be thinking of you.
@Brachiator: What schemes? Modi’s government is the biggest beneficiary and practitioner of the weaponized disinformation. The status quo benefits them well.
Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) Tweeted:
“A senior German official..said: “No one any longer believes that Trump cares about the views or interests of the allies. It’s broken.”” -NYT
@geg6: fingers crossed, der geg6.
Ben Cisco
@geg6: Oh no! Hoping for healing quickly.
@Matt McIrvin:
I was there too, and if the scene was largely white it was because colleges and universities skewed white.
Still there were Asians, women, Hispanics and blacks who were just as nerd techie and idealistic.
And it was less that people were shouted down than they were ignored. And often still are
And yet the top guys at Microsoft, Google and other companies include Asians.
@geg6: Fingers crossed, keep us updated.
@Matt McIrvin: I was there too; you are absolutely right; and brachiator … Well let’s just say close the curtain of charity.
The NYT had a story about India wanting to impose restrictions on the Internet. Maybe it was wrongheaded and incomplete. International sites have stories about Internet crackdown in Kashmir.
dr. luba
@Matt McIrvin:
In other words, let me do whatever I want, and don’t tax me.
@Brachiator: There, more than anywhere else, Asians were considered honorary whites.
Culturally, white male. No ifs, ands or buts. Asian/Asian American cultural values were not valued.
@Brachiator: I do know that there was a suicide attack in Kashmir and that Kashmiris elsewhere in India have been targeted by RWNJs with verbal threats and worse. I hadn’t heard of the restrictions on the internet. I follow a couple of Indian journalists on Twitter.
Matt McIrvin
@Brachiator: I know a whoooole lot of techie South Asians, and when they express political opinions, on the whole they seem to be markedly more liberal-Democratic than the white guys. But the ones who really go far up the corporate ladder, they may be a different story.
Problem is, for example, that Trump defines bad info as the truth about him and other Republicans.
Suppressing “the bad” while maintaining free flow of “the good” is tougher than people think.
BTW, the deliberate flooding of Internet sites with crap from trolls, racists and others, how you gonna regulate that?
And then we get to bots.
Another Scott
@dr. luba: +1
@Brachiator: Hold FB liable for the stuff published on their platforms. There have been deaths due to rumors spread on Whatsapp in Burma, in India etc. Prosecute them. They will figure out a way to police their own content/people better.
Agreed. I got into it with an anti-vaxxer on Twitter, and when I replied, “You do know that the doctor who started this theory in England had his license revoked, don’t you? You do know he has confessed he started this to make money?”
Radio silence after that.
True dat.
@Spanky: That deserved a spew alert!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: Posting scenes is a good idea. I’ll have to work on it. The trouble is it all takes time. And obviously I need the time to hang out on BJ
That might get me to think of actually going into one of their stores if I ever again need any sporting goods. They bought a store I used to go into once in a while about 15-20 yrs ago and I went in once and saw the gun section. Haven’t been back since. Of course now I really don’t need anything so there are two chances of that, slim and none.
Sorry if another commenter stated this already. FB derives revenue by segmenting their users and selling targeted ads. The very first thing I thought of when I read this post is that anti-vaxxers would be a great segment to target by anyone running a grift or selling snake oil, so they’re probably a very valuable segment that FB wants to have available to sell to advertisers. Additionally, allowing the mis-information to spread is a way of them better identifying the stupids, creating a larger segment and more revenues for FB.
J R in WV
And which candidate would that be, super-looser? You do NOT support you candidate by publishing great policy ideas you candidate has, and KEEPING THE NAME A SECRET~!!!!~
What a dumb-ass, assuming everyone will know who you mean with your statement of policy advantages your prize candidate has without the name of the candidate! I would guess Sen. Warren, but just a wold guess.
@David Evans:
That’s a real good argument! I mean electric cars/trucks were invented by that weird guy with the name of something that smells that someone is supposed to apply to themselves to attract others.
I wonder if any of these geniuses know that 100 yrs ago electric and steam were competing for dominance over gasoline as the motive source for vehicles. Of course steam needed a heat source and is mostly a pain in the butt to use as a motive source, so that failed to take off, but for short trips there really wasn’t any reason not to use electric – other than the weight/size of lead/acid batteries. And that a lot of areas were not heavily electrified yet.
And so, the invention of the phrase “Hold my beer and watch this!”
Another Scott
@J R in WV: Amy the Snowwoman.
Hoping for the best for both of you.
@Another Scott: The binder flinging, raging snow woman you mean.
@J R in WV: Klobuchar.
J R in WV
Wow! So she screws with departing employees’ future employment AND wants to improve digital security Also TOO? A good point for her, shame I can’t vote for a candidate who screws with employment issues for her former employees. Unions hate that stuff!
Not just a bad boss, but trying to ruin the lives of people who tried to do a good job for her… wow.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@geg6: Everything crossed and the best energy I have sent to you and John.
@J R in WV: She makes her staff do her dishes and pick up her dirty laundry if reports are to be believed. Boss from hell.
Totally OT for Southern California people
I might try to go.
How can we do more to identify and prosecute the people who spread the rumors?
What do we do about the people eager to believe and act on rumors?
BTW, WhatsApp is trying to find ways to deal with this. Some of this involves trying to educate people, and also to try to somehow limit how often some messages can be propagated.
@J R in WV: He’s talking about Klobuchar. That’s the only thing I know about her candidacy, actually.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
it’s not just that – for example search for Ancient history and You Tube will try and force Atlantis and Ancient UFO videos on you.
I am hoping for nothing less than the best possible outcome for Your John (which is how I think of him now).
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I started with cat pictures, and now I add to the pics with a tidbit about cat care, training, trivia, affection tips, and the like. Sort of a mini blog post.
I don’t know how illustrated your books are, or what picture angles you might employ, but you can have a piece of clothing or jewelry for a heroine, explaining why she likes it, and so forth.
It’s about intriguing people, and as a writer, I know you can do that :)
@geg6: Hope he gets better real soon.
J R in WV
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I think the boulders and rock outcrops on our farm actually saw UFOs many centuries ago…
@J R in WV: Are you an asshole in real life or do you just play one in the blogosphere? I’d hate to be your employee or co-worker. You sound like the colleague from hell.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Force? Are you saying that only fake history shows up? How would you distinguish between a video debunking Atlantis and one championing it.