A formal apology from Roger Stone filed in court this evening. Stone seems to recognize how much trouble he got himself into by attacking the judge in his case on Instagram. pic.twitter.com/tWQUMSbqu2
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) February 19, 2019
Grifters gonna… cover their flabby arses:
Don't be deceived, he knew exactly what he was doing & already achieved his aim: publicly identifying her so that fanatic supporters would hassle her, if not some nut job make an attempt on her life, thereby sending a message to all members of the court.
— mt (@mt_pensum) February 19, 2019
Gave the lawyers on twitter some cheap entertainment, at least…
By the way: you also can't force a judge to recuse herself by threatening her. In case you think that's what's going on.https://t.co/QjgRUdB9aT
— EmergenHat (@Popehat) February 18, 2019
Motion to Compel the Court to Unblock me
— Adam Steinbaugh (@adamsteinbaugh) February 19, 2019
I wonder how much voltage his lawyers needed to use to get him to agree to that.
— theBecwar (@thebecwar) February 19, 2019
At this point Stone could get the death penalty on a five-year-max statute and other attorneys would tell his lawyers "there was nothing you could do, we've all been there" and buy them a drink.
— EmergenHat (@Popehat) February 18, 2019
I prosecuted a dude who thought he didn't have to pay taxes because he was a Natural Constitutional Man or some shit and who thought I was part of a black-helicopter UN conspiracy and he was, like, FAR more normal and sensible than this gang of imbeciles.
— EmergenHat (@Popehat) February 19, 2019
Did you say ‘lawyers on twitter’?…
The judge’s family was later killed but fortunately for Glenn that was a completely different insane person.
— The Bringer of Jollity (@davidabenner) February 18, 2019
Her huband and mother were killed after Hale was convicted of trying to kill her but before he was sentenced.
— The Bringer of Jollity (@davidabenner) February 18, 2019
Hale was also the client Glenn got admonished for recording opposing counsel – so he really went above and beyond for him.
— The Bringer of Jollity (@davidabenner) February 18, 2019
Because Stone might be (just barely) sane enough to know what he’s doing, but he also knows that some of his followers are genuinely dangerous, and not just to our country and the rule of law…
You mean the same Enrique Tarrio who marched alongsides Nazis in Charlottesville? How’d he get past the Secret Service? pic.twitter.com/phFi3gHBWp
— AnonymousComrade (@anonymouscommie) February 18, 2019
Not yet but that's the obvious question here. TBF they let in other various cranks to Trump rallies all the time
— Jerry Iannelli (@jerryiannelli) February 18, 2019
The “cranks”, of course, are The Base made flesh — which is why Trump’s handlers want them voguing for the cameras. At least until one of them gets caught with a deadly weapon lurking outside the workplace of his “enemies”.
well I would like to ensure that Roger gets a fair trail, and if its proven that he’s guilty, he can be placed in an ICE detention facility and deported to someplace where he could really thrive, like Honduras.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what an asshole!
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Torrio with that Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong t-shirt is like those freaks who wear the shirts referencing Pincohet tossing dissenters from helicopters. It’s absolutely horrid what these people think.
OT: Watching the Bachelor (forced to), IDKW, but it’s weird seeing people my own age on it.
Also, have you ever noticed that people tend to assume cats are female and dogs are male? Doesn’t that piss you off? I swear it annoys me when someone assumes my cat is a girl. I mean, it doesn’t make me supernova-level mad, but it still irks me.
“Don’t be deceived, he knew exactly what he was doing & already achieved his aim: publicly identifying her so that fanatic supporters would hassle her, if not some nut job make an attempt on her life, thereby sending a message to all members of the court.”
Not quite.
The message Stone meant to send is your life in danger if you do your job.
Does apologizing have any legal implications? For example, it shows he is aware what he did is a crime, or that he accepts responsibility?
randy khan
I can only imagine the conversation between Stone and his lawyers that led to that document being filed.
I won’t say it was smart for them to get it done before the judge called Stone in for a, let’s say, chat, but it definitely shows that he has competent lawyers.
Cheryl Rofer
The evening tweet stream is not looking good.
joel hanes
deported to someplace where he could really thrive, like
Clipperton Island
“I had no intention of disrespecting the Court” when I said the fix was in, really!
That’s super convincing.
@Cheryl Rofer: …What in particular?
well, stochastic terrorism is just like collusion. not really a crime, amirite?
Adam L Silverman
Tarrio is tight with Nelson Diaz, the head of the Miami GOP.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You mean the one here, or did The Beast have a bad back nine and he’s up tweeting and huffing big macs? In bed.
Gin & Tonic
@piratedan: Honduras would be great. I have a good friend who works for the US govt and has been all over, including Iraq and Afghanistan, and the one place he got out of early was Honduras.
Nice to see Stone following the Pharma-Bro playbook. Hmm, how did that turn out for Pharma-Bro again? (*checks notes) Aaaaaahhhhhhmmmmhhmm.
Btw, speaking of doddering fools, anybody heard from Rudi Giuliani lately? That man seems to have gone conspicuously silent.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Not sure about the local politics of Miami, but I’m assuming it’s solidly Dem and the Miami GOP is full of dead enders due to being out of power for so long.
Cheryl Rofer
Three on getting Maduro out of Venezuela
A few retweets i don’t fully understand and don’t want to take the time to
I think the McCabe interviews are getting to him.
@randy khan:
“Do you WANT to be a fucking martyr for Donald J. Trump?!??”
Stone has placed his lawyers in a damn tough spot.
I am sure they have given considerable thought to withdrawing as Stone’s counsel.
When your client threatens a judge, every boat you have along the legal waterfront takes on water.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I wonder how that old joke/game/meme of adding “in bed” to fortune cookie phrases would work, applied to Trump’s tweets? Other than requiring oceans of brain bleach, that is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer:
and who knows what rumors of imminent indictments are that much louder being the scenes
there’s a screenshot going around twitter (hate those, you can’t copy the text, anyway…) from McCabe’s book, that trump was talking about invading Venezuela and taking the oil in the summer of ’17. Found it.
@Gin & Tonic:
I had a friend who traveled all over Eastern Europe doing research in the 1990s and the one place he hated with a passion and couldn’t wait to leave was Macedonia. He wrote long epic poems about what a shithole it was.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I haven’t lived there since 1998, but it was a strange mix. The city is itself a municipal banana republic, which is also mirrored at the county level. The politics are nuts. When I was living there, the mayoral race was being contested between two Cuban-American men who were popularly known as Mayor Loco and Crazy Joe. That mayoral election had significant amount of actual ballot fraud, especially among the absentee ballots. Several people that had been buried in the Colon (Columbus) cemetery on the corner of Kennedy and South Dale Mabry in Tampa voted in that Miami mayor’s election. The real divisions are Cuban-American/non Cuban Hispanic and/or Caribbean American among the Hispanic/Latinx population. Then there’s the division between the Hispanic/Latinx population and the white population. Depending on where you’re at in Miami, you’ve also got to factor in the Jewish community. The older generations of Cuban Americans were Republicans. That’s changed with the younger ones, but the Cuban American community in south Florida is still a solid GOP electorate. And there’s a lot of push and pull between the City of Miami, Miami-Dade County (previously known as Metro-Dade County), and then the smaller municipalities within the county that aren’t the City of Miami. Such as the City of Miami Beach among others.
As I was saying earlier, I hope that Stone is hauled off to jail and discovers that it’s really frickin’ boring and that no one is willing to listen to him drone on about his stupid shit.
Make him sit and twiddle his thumbs for a couple of weeks. Nothing more.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer:
Ya think?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
What’s so bad about Macedonia? Also, was it North Macedonia or just the general region of Macedonia?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Here you go:
Stone is ‘perfectly’ ‘innocent’, he’s being ‘accused’ of a ‘process’ ‘crime’. And no, I didn’t start out with air-quotes on every word.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: East Macedonia Gardens. It’s a bedroom community.
Gin & Tonic
@Mnemosyne: Do you mean Moldova, perhaps?
@Adam L Silverman: North Macedonia. Are you trying to start a war with the East Macedonians?
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: @Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Leave the canoli.
What were we talking about again?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Uh-oh….sensing a new Trump rally chant. Ranks right down there with “nuke their ass, take their gas”.
@Mnemosyne: I speculate that he apologized only because his lawyers threatened to quit. There are a few things that you just can’t tolerate.
@randy khan: I kind of agree with ken at #6. I don’t know if it helps but it sure undercuts the original excuse that he wasn’t fully responsible for posting the picture. Also, I’m sure the judge will be impressed by stone’s sincerity.
He’s hosed and this “apology” isn’t going to save him.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
He just disliked everything about it. The people, the food, the landscape, everything.
@Gin & Tonic:
Nope, he liked Moldova. He hated Macedonia.
His favorite was probably post-revolutionary Romania. He ended up teaching there for a few semesters.
@Barbara: nah, I’m sure his lawyers are completely amoral Larry klayman types. I’ve gotten to see a few of those types close up during the Charlottesville 8/12 trials. Totally craven. And dumb. They think the judge will actually believe this “apology” from a guy like Stone who has visciously attacked people for fifty years. They may have encouraged him to do it in some weird effort to limit their own troubles from the judge, but out of a principled threat of resignation? No way. They agreed to represent roger stone after all. Knowing he doesn’t have any real money.
Viva BrisVegas
It’s just a different way of working the refs.
If you are caught with your nuts in a wringer, you need to bend the attitude of those in possession of your nuts. It’s the Republican way.
Stone’s move is to alienate an otherwise unbiased judge. So now that judge has a public expectation of being biased against Stone.
The judge feels obliged to bend over backwards to refute that expectation by ruling sympathetically for Stone. Maybe sympathetically enough to make a difference in the case.
I’m not saying it will work, but it’s the sort of tactic you have to expect from a ratfucker like Stone.
I’m sure you’re right. I’m hoping that the judge will decide it’s too little, too late, and Stone will be in an orange jumpsuit by tomorrow morning.
And like I said, I want his jail stay to be very, very boring. I don’t want a single thing to happen to him there that would feed his martyr complex. I just want him to get a good feel for how dull his life will be when he’s cut off from all of his sycophants.
No problem. He isn’t a threat to the President(*). Now if Hilaryhad been speaking, the Secret Service would have been all over it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Biographical details may differ, but the type’s about the same.
The best thing the judge could do is have him committed for a psychiatric evaluation.
Stone could spend 30 days trying to convince someone he is not crazy.
TIP: Keep the Nixon tattoo covered up
@SRW1: think they stuffed him back in his crypt with a ton of garlic.
My guess is that Stone got an unambiguous message from the White House. Daddy doesn’t cozy up to the idea that pardoning Stone could add ‘aiding and abetting a physical threat against a Federal judge’ to articles of impeachment.
is it ok to call them fascists now? I think when violence and threats of violence against political enemies both real and perceived becomes the norm, you get to call them fascists.
I know the question is rhetorical, but since many states have laws against “making terroristic statements,” it seems clear that stochastic terrorism can be prosecutable if the inciting statements are obvious and inflammatory enough.