BREAKING: The House of Representatives just passed #HR8 to require a background check on every gun sale. Together, we voted, we demanded action, and the House delivered the first gun safety legislation in over a decade. Read @GabbyGiffords’s statement:
— Giffords (@GiffordsCourage) February 27, 2019
From the party that can walk *and* chew gum!
As congressional Democrats re-introduced a bill that seeks to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Rep. John Lewis remembered the civil rights era, warning that “there are forces in America today trying to take us back to another time.”
— ABC News (@ABC) February 27, 2019
Today, I was proud to once again introduce a resolution with @SenThomTillis to establish the John S. McCain III Human Rights Commission, which will examine human rights violations through regular hearings and briefings and promote human rights.
— Senator Chris Coons (@ChrisCoons) February 27, 2019
While Michael Cohen is testifying and President Trump is in Vietnam, those border wall prototypes in San Diego are being torn down by @CBPSanDiego.
— Danny Freeman (@DannyEFreeman) February 27, 2019
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Blech.
@rikyrah: good morning.
Johnny Manziel released by Montreal Alouettes and barred from CFL
Another day ending in “Y”.
Steeplejack (phone)
Good morning! ??
Heckuva Infrastructure Week, eh wot?
Found on Amazon Prime, Origins, a French police series. Interesting enough to stick around for the short season of six episodes, although the string of coincidences within each episode reaches so long as to challenge credulity. Premise revolves around a hotshot police homicide detective who is teamed with a professional genealogist/anthropologist/historian.
Not as engaging (nor as in your face gritty and grisly) as was the French police series Spiral, but not chopped goose liver either.
TS (the original)
Didn’t think I see the day when the US needed a Human Rights Commission.
@TS (the original)
If it must have a recently deceased Congressional attribution, John Dingell would be a MUCH better choice.
@TS (the original): Didn’t think I see the day when the US needed a Human Rights Commission again. FTFY.
John McCain had a strong record on Human Rights, Chaired often and left behind a Human Rights Foundation. It’s a good “nym” to choose, if only to ratfuck and left foot the ReThugs.
Spotty record. Let us not forget he voted against creating an MLK Jr. holiday, consistently opposed Dreamers legislation as well as the instigation of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and other LGBTQ matters.
Yeah, well he wasn’t all that concerned with Human Rights in ‘Merika,
His focus was a broad.
@Jay: I sympathize. I have been rather focused on broads from time to time too.
– Richard Wolffe
Among the B-est of 1930s B movies running in the background (anything from Chesterfield Studios falls into that category). Scene is the meeting place of the lodge of the order of Whales. The password to gain entry?
The Laffer curve of logic.
“The less sense we make the stronger our case.”
@NotMax: I am almost sympathetic to their plight but then I remember, they picked trump in the full knowledge of who and what he is. The arc of history may be long but the arc of karma appears to be short and brutal.
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: you wake up way too early. Blech.
Perhaps only because it is such a fun word to say, maybe we ought to refer to it as the hippopede of karma.
Betty Cracker
House Dems also issued a metric fuck-ton of subpoenas yesterday to get to the bottom of the family separations atrocity.
Meanwhile, the local newspaper in my little town posts weekly online polls about various topics. The current one asks people to weigh in on the greatest threat to the U.S. Choices include Russia, China, North Korea, US-based hate groups, Middle Eastern terrorists, and “illegal immigrants” from Central and South America. The latter is winning by a mile.
Friends, I live among the very stupid.
@NotMax: Hippopede… I like it. Brings to my mind an image of a thousand legged hippopotamus.
@Betty Cracker
Putting the duh in Floriduh?
@OzarkHillbilly: Johnny Manziel is a human tragedy in the vein of self-destruction. He had enough talent, IMO, to be a good NFL QB, in the vien of Russell Wilson. But his own vices and demons just won’t let him properly exploit his talent.
My only hope he doesn’t end up doing 10-20 in a State Pen. somewhere..
@Betty Cracker: At least I ain’t the only one.
@Betty Cracker:
By choice!
Alien Radio
@NotMax: that’s the basis of the Chewbacca defence.
Steve in the ATL
@Immanentize: thought of you yesterday—when I got off the plane in Houston there was a giant “RICE” banner hanging in the airport. I assume the school and city are launching a marketing campaign based on the Immp’s imminent (heh) arrival.
You guys promised there wouldn’t be any math in Buddhism.
Steve in the ATL
@Jay: (nobody tell him about the Noble Eightfold Path….)
@BlueDWarrior: shrug… My reaction to most Manziel news tends toward pointing and laughing. My depth of empathy is limited and it doesn’t reach to whatever demons he is battling. I think that is partly (mostly?) due to the fact that I was married to such a person for 5 years and finally left when I got it thru my thick skull that I couldn’t save her. I even predicted she would end up in prison. It took a while, but she ended up doing 6 years at Chillicothe.
From what little my sons tell me, that 2nd kick in the head has finally got her attention. Mind you, I ain’t buying the act, but there is a very small part of me that hopes for her sake, as well as my sons who still love their mother, that she really is a better person these days.
I guess I hope the same for Manziel and most days am able to resist the urge to P&L and just pass on the sad news.
@Jay: As a creature of whim, I never promise anything. Never.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
We said Baudism.
The sovereignty of the United States is safe for now.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: There is math in Baudsim too tho. How else can he add up all those high $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ donations he’s been raking in?
I’m not so certain of that. Was there anybody besides the interpreters in the room with them? Do we have their notes?
Plus, there will be the need to add up time served.
A campaign issue is left to live on.
@Steve in the ATL:
The Noble Eightfold Path has no math in it. I’ve read it all, even in sanskrit.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?
@OzarkHillbilly: ?
@NotMax: insane. Knowing that it’s driving the TOTUS nuts sparks joy.
Baudism has no math either. Just triple book accounting.
You not gonna rat me out like that rat Cohen, are you?
Also, to be fair, his POW experience and his capacity to forgive those who imprisoned and tortured him.
@Baud: I think he just did.
You know you are in trouble when your lawyer has to apologize for things he said in your defense: Robert Richter apologises for describing George Pell’s abuse as ‘vanilla sex’
randy khan
So much winning.
Betty Cracker
@Immanentize: True, and I knew what I was getting into since my family has inhabited this swamp for generations, but it still amazes me to be confronted with hard evidence of the stupid. I can only conclude these dimwits are listening to Trump and watching Fox News because there certainly isn’t a local Central and South American immigrant crime wave in these parts, just the usual white meth heads burning down trailers and shooting at each other. It’s right there in the crime report, dummies!
It’s ok. Juicers aren’t credible. My allies in Congress will destroy him with taunts like “Liar, liar, pants on fire” and “I know you are but what am I?”
ETA: And, of course, “he who smelt it, dealt it.”
Alien Radio
@Baud: You have missed off I’m rubber and you are glue..
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: I’m shocked, I tell you.
Patricia Kayden
And of course, Trump sides with Kim on the mistreatment of an American citizen.
I wonder how his family feels about this given that they are big Trump supporters.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: The Art of the Non-Deal!!
@Alien Radio: Didn’t want to reveal all my cards.
@Patricia Kayden:
If they are big Trump supporters, I couldn’t care less how they feel.
@Betty Cracker: We won’t get a better country until we get a news media that’s better. Our little experiment with having a propaganda channel masquerading as a news channel has brought destruction on our democracy.
Betty Cracker
@Patricia Kayden: I’ve wondered that too. They allowed Trump to use them as political props when he was talking tough about Kim. I didn’t blame them for it since they were trying to get their son back. Now Trump is making excuses for their son’s murderer. I hope they call him out for it. It’s outrageous.
Not yet.
@Baud: anyone who remains a Trump supporter now is all in on either the grift or the treason. Don’t care how they feel, they need to be sidelined.
@Betty Cracker:
They won’t.
Dorothy A. Winsor
So Trump moves his press conference up by two hours into the slot where there was supposed to be a signing ceremony because apparently there’s no agreement to sign “this time” (says Huckabee Sanders). My guess is he wants to hurry home where he can tweet in real time about Cohen and his long list of enemies, all of whom are Americans.
Are you perplexed? I’m not. I just assumed everything Trump and his low quality hires told us about this summit was a lie. Maybe this is how diplomats have to talk.
Yeah, that’s diplospeak for “Trump is a fucking baffoon.”
@Betty Cracker:
It’s not just Faux. The rot runs deep.
It’s the rose ceremony in the Batchelor.
@Kay: I think the ROK(South Korean) government thought these negotiations would be done in a normal way. Lower levels hash out the details and when the summit happens it’s just more of a signing ceremony. I guess they haven’t read ‘The Art of the Deal’.
I am perplexed by their perplexion.
One of my sisters is making fun of Cohen’s accent. “Cohen: Mizzda Dtrumpp” :)
Steve in the ATL
@Betty Cracker: my RWNJ sister, who lives in rural Tennessee, is deeply concerned about attacks on white farmers in South Africa.
And she wonders why we only speak once a year.
He really did waste his talent ?
What is Little Imma going to do with his last summer before college??
@Baud: In other news, apparently there’s a food shortage in Tokyo in the aftermath of a young Korean-American woman’s visit to the city where she ate everything.
@rikyrah: Hookers and blow.
Daughter of Godzilla?
Just wanted to thank the fellow jackals for the great Cohen threads. As someone who has been involved with a work project that doesn’t allow us to have our phones or outside internet connection, the threads we’re a great way to catch up ???
You know you wrong for that ??
I don’t think the youngs do hookers and blow. As I understand it, they’re into hookers and avocados.
He really is out of central casting.
Sounds sinister.
NPR just said that TOTUS is already on his way home. After wasting more millions of tax $$ on a bullshit trip designed to distract the “news” media in this country from his increasing legal peril here.
@Baud: Yeah, I put “Jinsunzilla eats Tokyo, news at 11” on her one of her instagram posts about ONE of her meals. She got home and picked up a Double-Double from In-n-Out.
@Betty Cracker:
They only call out the Black President. They won’t say shyt about Dolt45 ?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: sounds like she’s having fun!
@Baud: Kinky.
@satby: She got home on Tuesday, it was basically a long weekend across the Pacific.
Chyron HR
@Patricia Kayden:
As always, TV’s greatest TV show has the answers.
Not sinister. Just security. Good kind of security. Only have a week more on the project. It’s been tough to be disconnected for such a long stretch of time everyday. Thank goodness for lunch ?
Netflix and chill
That’s Tinder and avocado toast, actually.
Or so I’ve been told.
I like his big hangdog, droopy face. I felt overall he came off as a sympathetic character. I thought his most effective parts were when he told Republicans he knows what they’re doing because he’s done it himself and where he warned the public not to do it- not to believe Trump or follow him or “you will pay”. I’ve felt exactly that since the beginning. That we, and specifically I, will pay for this.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: I’m really hoping Biden stays on the sidelines.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: Shoot. It’s better when he’s not here. Even though he was in a supposedly big deal nuclear negotiation, he didn’t dominate the air waves (thank you, Cohen) the way he does when he’s just hanging around the WH watching TV and tweeting.
@Betty Cracker: Me too, but I fear he won’t.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: but he’s not as liable to give away essential security when he’s here.
A Ghost To Most
Avocado Toast Sneakers
I’m glad I’m an old.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Exactly right. It was so striking when Cohen was describing his role as Trump’s thuggish protector and the Republicans at the hearing were acting exactly like Cohen used to act.
Also, this guy:
Jesus Christ. WaPo explains that Calamari first came to Trump’s attention by body-slamming hecklers at a tennis match. According to a book on Trump, Calamari and Trump reportedly had this conversation in a limo:
We really are living in the worst mafia movie ever.
@satby: I’m not sure there is a discernible difference.
Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) Tweeted:
We got rolled, Part 2. Kim gets an international Head-of-State event, makes DJT an apologist for mass murder, gets to retain all of his nukes & then walks away. Trump. Got. Nothing. Not even air miles. #FAIL
He told the truth. His final summation of all he lost was like a tale for the unwise.
Matt McIrvin
@OzarkHillbilly: The US never didn’t need a Human Rights Commission. Our treatment of suspects and prisoners alone reveals that. It’s just that most of the time we made anodyne noises on the world stage (which were generally regarded as hypocritical).
@Matt McIrvin: Going back to the earliest days, before we were a country at all, all the way to the present day, we have repeatedly shown ourselves to be incapable of the slightest bit of self reflection much less policing ourselves.
Tenar Arha
@Betty Cracker: Keeps on reminding me of an anecdote I vaguely remember from the book tour for Nixonland about the election of 1966. (may not be accurately quoting bc I cannot find it via google) The people expressing the most fear of some kind of “black crime wave” reaching their towns were people with no experience of black people at all, esconced as they were in their sundown towns and rural enclaves. It’s why today, people who are far away from the southern border are ignorant & ignoring everything that everyone from there tells them, including that every congressional representative, Republican or Democratic, doesn’t want a wall.
(And there is sociological evidence: there’s those commuter rail studies based on the suburbs of Boston that used Spanish speakers to prime certain regular trains & then surveyed those passengers. Basically anyone on a line which ended in a lily white burb was more primed to report with negative attitudes towards immigrants simply by hearing people sp@Betty Cracker: Keeps on reminding me of an anecdote I vaguely remember from the book tour for Nixonland about the election of 1966. (may not be accurately quoting bc I cannot find it via google) The people most afraid of some kind of “black crime wave” reaching their towns were people with no experience of it, esconsced as they were in their sundown towns and rural enclaves.
The relatively recent Boston commuter rail studies that interviewed community sensitivity to immigration by simply priming passengers by hearing two people having a conversation in Spanish to each other were sad, but instructive.
@Betty Cracker: Amazing, and not in a good way. Steep price to pay for your awesome view, but what a view!
You will most certainly need to build a tiki bar in your new place as soon as it is warm enough to do so. Unless it actually came with a tiki bar???
Tenar Arha
: @Betty Cracker: ?♀️sorry I was too late to fix my copy paste errors. Blame it on my phone being all thumbs today.
@WaterGirl: You will most certainly need to build a tiki bar in your new place as soon as it is warm enough to do so.
She’s in Florida. When is it NOT warm enough to build?
@rikyrah: I just saw on Lawfare that they have a new “no bull” podcast up. It’s an hour and it includes Cohen’s testimony but edits out all the bullshit. I watched the whole thing yesterday and I’m still planning to listen to this. I found it really difficult to listen to all the Republicans bloviating and acting like the traitors to their country that they actually are.
@Betty Cracker:
People always think they will be great witnesses, but they rarely are, because most people aren’t accustomed to speaking publicly and they have difficulty coming across. The best most people can do is speak in order- “this happened and then this happened” – that can be tutored. What can’t be invented is their personality- their general way of being- I thought he might be good because he’s theatrical- that’s his personality- and he was.
@rikyrah: I bet Trump was completely distracted by the Cohen thing. Probably wanted to bail on the summit to go watch Cohen on TV. The summit was doomed anyway, but Cohen’s testimony probably prevented Trump from making concessions like last time.
exactly. kim gets more international standing and recognition by telling the great almighty US to get packing than he does making a deal, and the US aint putting anything else on the table.
@OzarkHillbilly: You are so right. I am an idiot. Build, baby, build.
Trump believes his international (fake) deal making is beneficial as far as marketing, and Trump knows his base better than anyone.
Cohen’s right. It’s all about marketing the brand. It’s kind of depressing really. No grand plan, no big goals- just pure greed, self-interest and pettiness. These aren’t big villains. They’re small. Cohen is a two bit crook and so is his boss. Entertaining, but average. There are thousands of Cohens. The fact that they have all this power is a real indictment of voters.
Think about all the trouble Trump went to to fix that stupid portrait auction. The big “dealmaker” spends endless amounts of time and energy on this petty bullshit. That was Job One. The whole team was on it. They’re small.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Now *that* I would listen to – thanks for the tip! I was working on grant applications yesterday and just trying to keep up with the action via BJ comments. So sickened by GOP crap that I couldn’t bear to listen to history in the making. Tho’ I do like the image of Cohen going all memento mori on their asses – “As I was then, you are now. As I am now, so you shall be.” Too bad most of them are either so fucking stupid or so fucking compromised – or, hey, los dos – that they likely won’t take heed till way too late.
@Miss Bianca: They did the same thing with Barr’s testimony in the Senate. It’s a great idea, I think.