Congratulations to the GOP for uniting two centuries of bigotry in one tweet.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) March 17, 2019
they're racist about brown people 364 days of the year but go full Bill the Butcher on St Patrick's Day.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) March 17, 2019
By the end of 2019, the FEC will be asking O’Rourke to declare GOP gotchas like this as free in-kind support…
I've got to say, I thought it would be another year before you all turned on the Irish, but you're moving faster to the end than I thought.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) March 17, 2019
So I guess all those jackasses who complain about prejudice against the Irish now have a contemporary example to point to.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) March 17, 2019
So when does the GOP organize an Orange march through Southie?
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) March 17, 2019
Looking forward to posting all the Trump Admin mugshots on the 4th of July
— John Jewell (@JohnJewell1019) March 17, 2019
Just thinking about Mulvaney. Maybe he’d better watch his back!
zhena gogolia
I think they’re being too clever by half. The (Repub) joke is, he pretends to be Latino, but he’s really Irish! Har har har
hells littlest angel
Couldn’t wait half an hour, eh?
So is it bigfooting when you’re doing it to the blogfather?
That aside: as Cole would say: these fucking guys.
I don’t know if Tom Perez has some attack-dog-like person in the DNC, someone he could unleash to go after the Party of Racist Traitors when stuff like this occurs, but if he doesn’t, he should consider it. Someone who could combine dramatic irony, metaphor, pathos, puns, parody, litotes and… satire. But be a real gentleperson about it.
@hells littlest angel: It was in the queue.
@hells littlest angel: Please tell me you’re not complaining about threads too close together? After this weekend of sparse posting???? :-)
Doc Sardonic
Téigh Dtí Diabhail, a thóin mór is more what your going for Ronna I think.
@hells littlest angel
Blame it on corned beef overdose.
AL/JC: Can you please combine your posts? I don’t want to see any diary sparring on my favorite blog! Thank you.
“It’s a measure of how much has changed in a year that, last month the UK, parliament published an official report that called Facebook “digital gangsters” and said that Britain’s electoral laws no longer worked. It was a report that drew on hours of testimony from Cambridge Analytica directors, Facebook executives and dozens of expert witnesses: 73 in total, of whom MPs had asked 4,350 questions. And its conclusion? That Silicon Valley’s tech platforms were out of control, none more so than Facebook, which it said had treated parliament with “contempt”.”
““I was asked by a journalist to sum up the story in a minute,” he says, “and I was like: ‘No’. It goes from Trump to Brexit to Russian espionage to military operations in Afghanistan to hacking the president of Nigeria. Where do you even begin?”
He’s referring to the fact that Cambridge Analytica was part of a much bigger company, SCL, which had worked as a defence contractor for governments and militaries around the world, then branched into elections in developing countries, and, only in its final iteration, entered western politics. That’s one of the things, he says, that “frustrates me about how dominant the Facebook angle of the story was, when there’s so much fucked-up shit that Cambridge Analytica were doing in different parts of the world. But if you go to a developing country and do grossly unethical things, that’s not ‘newsworthy’.”
As I said downstairs. Are they stupid? Do they think alienating the Irish is a sound political strategy? Really? Do they know how many people in the US identify as Irish? WTF?
Kraux Pas
On St. Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish.
@zhena gogolia:
Yep. As with Trump’s insipid mockery of Elizabeth Warren, the GOP likes to present itself as the party of white racial purity.
@Litlebritdifrnt: We are dealing with people who are living in their own alternate universe and do not think about all of the Irish that they just offended. These are people who are not capable of thinking outside the bubble that they live in.
Can’t wait for the Pollack jokes.
@Doc Sardonic:
I like it.
Mrs. SFAW, a lass of extremely Irish heritage, was always partial to: póg mo thóin
She said she was taught that by her grandmother, of all people.
J R in WV
@Kraux Pas:
Well, I actually do have Irish ancestors, way back. But they were originally Scottish, exported to Ireland by the British overlords. So, Orange, not Green.
I’m not particularly proud of the Orange Irish, which in Northern Ireland were terrorists who brutalized the minority Catholic Irish who were trapped in the British colony of Northern Ireland.
On the other hand, I do like Irish folk music, in properly sized doses, as well as Irish whiskey, of which I will have a nip of later on.
Given the idiocy of the government’s handling of BREXIT and other issues, I would suggest that parliament deserves to be treated with contempt.
I also think that they should be looking closer to home with respect to corruption and Cambridge Analytica rather than pointing a finger at Facebook and Silicon Valley.
This photo is worrisome. After Beto lost those two votes in the fall after they posted the photo of him in the metal band, I’m not sure we can afford to lose another two from this one. :-)
Mike in NC
Mick Mulvaney whines that Fat Bastard isn’t a white supremacist, all evidence to the contrary. Of course, Mulvaney was elected to Congress running as a Tea Party scumbag in South Carolina. So really no difference between the two of them.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Baud: who would joke about Kevin Pollack. He’s a good character actor and runs a compelling podcast
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Republicans. They’re that bad.
I guess Boston has changed since I lived there. Dorchester is where the Orange march would have been ripped to shreds. Nevertheless, wherever it happens, I’d pay just to watch the wicked carnage!
They think that the Irish are stupid, and will be too busy hating blacks and Hispanics to worry about being insulted.
Lots of different peoples are in fact that stupid.
You know…it’s better when they stop pretending. It makes us lefties look less hyperbolic.
OT: I’m home.
Welcome Home!
Wow. Talk about trying too hard.
Hey GOP! We know you’re a racist shitpile. We’ve known it for 40 years. You can give it a rest.
(Though we know you really can’t.)
The whole article is well worth reading.
The British Parliament is ignoring the Brexit rigging, Russian influence, Cambridge Analetica, SCL, Facebook, because quite simply, they don’t have a clue on how to deal with it.
““The thing is that there was such a huge weight of evidence which has now all been proven,” says Wylie. “Vote Leave broke the law. I can say that out loud now. Vote Leave broke the law. But nothing happened. It’s insane to me that people get more upset by doping in the Olympics, when the consequence of this is an irreversible change to the constitutional settlement of the country.”
Perhaps what the scandal has really revealed is a situation that is too embarrassing, too disastrous to acknowledge. We know that Facebook has been used to undermine elections all across the world, including our own. But we’re in this strange historical moment where we’ve realised it, but we don’t have the power, currently, to do anything about it.”
“He points out that every previous transition on this scale has been followed by war and upheaval. “And I do worry about increasing polarisation that we can see happening everywhere.” He’s talking about the stories we see reported every day: gilets jaunes in France, neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, Tommy Robinson’s antics in the UK. But they’re rarely understood to be connected by the same deep technological undertow. Just days after I file this story, a mass shooter opens fire in a New Zealand mosque and live-streams the massacre on Facebook. A killing designed as a viral video. Which immediately goes viral. At times like these, it’s almost impossible to keep the despair at bay.
In the meantime, while Robert Mueller in the US painstakingly sets out the evidence of how Russia subverted Facebook during the presidential election, we know almost nothing about what happened in Britain. Collins’s parliamentary committee – citing Arron Banks’s covert meetings with Russian embassy staff that were first revealed in the Observer, and the role of Russian paid-for propaganda – has called for an independent investigation into foreign interference, but it’s a call both the government and the leader of the opposition have utterly ignored.”
GOP is on a roll today, bigotry and fear mongering…in other words a day ending in “y”…
Link to the flyer
Meanwhile, a 2020 candidate who a few months ago we would have considered “major” officially threw her hat in the ring today, and nobody gives two hoots.
Happy happy joy joy! That’s great news!
You must be right about that, because I have no idea to whom you refer. Depending on who she is, I might give one, two, or even three hoots.
@SiubhanDuinne: Gillibrand.
Catherine D.
I love this. My racist, Trumpist, Irish-American family will still not believe that they will go under the bus. My father was bitching about immigrants and I pointed out that three of his four grandparents were immigrants who never became citizens. Sputter, sputter.
@B.B.A.: I figured she was already running, not just “exploring”. She’s been giving speeches and doing campaign events.
Also, she doesn’t have dangly bits between her legs so the media is more focused on the will he or won’t he white guys.
The GOP hacks were very concerned that we not blame a man for his ‘youthful indiscretions’–the ‘good man’ Bret Kav knows this well–but the GOP hacks now have strong views on youthful indiscretions and the way that no one ever can overcome them, no matter how much someone acknowledges the mistake and atones for it.
Thx. I thought she declared weeks ago.
@Baud: Connie Britton endorsed her today. They were roommates.
Villago Delenda Est
@Litlebritdifrnt: Exqueeze me, but wasn’t St. Ronnie of the Morning in America of Irish descent?
The GOP has gone this fuckin’ far?
“We’ll take the ni*CLANGS*, we’ll take the Chinese, but we WON’T take the Irish.”
Villago Delenda Est
@banditqueen: Has Matt Gaetz ever atoned for his DUIs? I thought not…
Weeks ago was her announcing she was forming an exploratory committee. As if politicking couldn’t get more tedious.
@Villago Delenda Est: no, they’ve gone full Aryan.
Villago Delenda Est
They’re far too busy sitting on their collective asses to do something, anything, about Brexit.
I wonder why this might be.
Today it’s the Irish. Other groups will get their turn.
@B.B.A.: To be fair, I had already assumed Gillibrand was campaigning and in the race.
The ‘official rollouts’ don’t really mean all that much, most of the time. Given her reception thus far in 2019, I don’t think she has a big chance here. :(
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought she declared on Colbert’s show. I watched it so I was pretty sure.
@Villago Delenda Est:
The thing is, it ain’t just Brexit. Quite simply, the internet and social media are tearing apart our democracies, our communities, out societies and the Brits arn’t even trying to do anything about it.
At least in Canada, the Government is looking into it.
Exactly which voters is this supposed to attract? The anti-Irish teetotaler set?
@Jay: The conventional wisdom is that if a second referendum were held, lots of Remainers would jump to the Leave side because what’s done is done and no use going back on it now, stiff upper lip, keep fucking that chicken, etc.
Patricia Kayden
Republicans certainly have a weird sense of humor because nothing about that Beto “drink responsibly” tweet is funny to me. They love them some stereotypes which will eventually be their downfall.
“Charges against the remaining J20 protesters with no plea deals who were awaiting trial were dropped Friday with prejudice—meaning proscecutors can’t try them again for the 2017 protest.
Hundreds of anti-Trump protesters were arrested on Jan. 20, 2017, for protesting the inauguration of President Donald Trump. The prosecution of the group—using felony charges against protesters and journalists—has been criticized by rights groups and failed miserably in court. Friday’s ruling by D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Robert Morin, which ordered the charges dropped with prejudice, shuts the door completely on the case.”
Köksal Akın @Koksalakn
– every day, the rooster rushes to his favorite girl, who comes from the school bus
@Patricia Kayden:
The article isn’t about Brexit as the main subject.
It’s about Big Tech and others destroying our democracies, societies and communities and “nobody” in the British Government wants to even look at the issue, because FaceBook and others are now more powerful than Governments.
hedgehog mobile
Wish I could say I’m shocked or even surprised by this. Sadly I’m not.
(my maternal grandparents were literally off the boat at Ellis Island from County Cork)
Quite simply, this is nonsense. The Internet is not going away.
The trick is how best to regulate it, and to prevent abuse by tech companies, foreign actors and also from those in our own governments who would love to use tech tools for their own benefit.
I note that politicians love to get big bags of money from corporations, and the problem has been that they look at the tremendous profits booked by high tech companies and think that they should be getting a bigger cut. Meanwhile, they pretend to be concerned about the evils of social media. It’s the same old racket. And some people fall for it every time.
wtf is he even talking about now?
Trump or Bernie?
@JPL: He’s losing what’s left of his mind?
Bill Arnold
Yes, very good piece. Here’s another link just because: Cambridge Analytica a year on: ‘a lesson in institutional failure’ – One year after she broke the scandal, Carole Cadwalladr talks to whistleblower Christopher Wylie about the fallout for big tech, and the fight to hold the culprits to account (17 Mar 2019, Carole Cadwalladr(?))
Another teaser quote:
FBI agents need to be learn how to be better interviewers; this is just rude. A simple “we find it fascinating but are taught not to express our emotions” (or whatever) in a bathroom break would have been helpful.
Uncle Cosmo
@sukabi: I would like to help the RNC drink responsibly. I’ll buy them all the Drano they can chug!
Uncle Cosmo
She announced she was forming an exploratory committee on Colbert. I Was surprised at how much applause she got for just that.
@Baud: Gotta be Trump, I think Bernie puncuates better than that!
@chris: Excuse my language, but he is f..king nuts. just sayin
Uncle Cosmo
@MJS: I think they think “Rum, Romanism & Rebellion” are the planks of their platform, not a rallying cry against the Untermenschen…
(Edited for clarity)
Also too, I know how to spell “punctuate” but FYWP wouldn’t let me edit!
Bill Arnold
Pretty sure Jay is roughly agreeing with you.
I have extremely mixed feelings. (Some rough thoughts, need tuning.) The downside is that the internet can provide large political influence on a tiny budget if one is skilled, and regulation to neuter this means that much of this power moves back to corporate media (including stenographers and party organs like FNN) and their wealthy/corporate sponsors. Power diffusion is generally good for societies.
One possibly helpful rule would be for well-funded influence operations to be legally required to have much more transparency about funding sources. Want to avoid in particular opaque operations that could be (no evidence, just speculation as examples) purely driven by greed, such as Brexit profiteering or social media operations stoking nationalist sentiments (e.g. india/pakistan) to manipulate the stock markets (fear of nuclear war).
Amir Khalid
Isn’t that the name of an 80s band from Ireland?
@Uncle Cosmo: If we’re talking alliterative denunciations, I could go for some acid, amnesty and abortion.
“Quite simply, this is nonsense. The Internet is not going away.”
Where do you think all these Nazis, mass shooters, anti-vaxxers, Brexiteers, 80,000 votes in three States, Yellow Vests Canada, Flat Earthers, Royhinga genocide, ISIL recruitment, the lists go on and on, are coming from?
It ain’t books.
“The trick is how best to regulate it, and to prevent abuse by tech companies, foreign actors and also from those in our own governments who would love to use tech tools for their own benefit.”
Yellow Vests Canada regularly violates Facebooks TOS and Canada’s Hate Laws. Canada can’t do anything about it and Facebook prefers to ban pages that point it out.
Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others all have monetized hate, monetized hate so that the “content sellers” can make a living off it, and gamed their algorithms to push hate to the top of the searchs.
The most they have been willing to do, ( ISIL, Royhinga Genocide. Anti-vaxxers, live streamed snuff films) is close the barn door after the horse is out, when they might be legally liable for damages.
Most Governments arn’t even seriously looking at the issue. In some cases they don’t understand the issue. In some cases they feel powerless, and in some cases, they don’t have any issues with it.
SCI was a MIC company formed to allow it’s clients ( Western Governments) “throw” elections in 2nd and 3rd World Countries. CA, a subsidary of SCI was used throw elections in Britain and the US.
I suppose the Italians are next? Let me guess: a tweet about how we’re all Mafiosi and guidos a la Real Housewives? If they insult both the Irish and the Italians, will it dawn on the Trumpy assholes that they’re really anti-Catholic?
Bill Arnold
@Bill Arnold:
Off topic, but atypical economics books are your thing, A History of Wealth and Poverty – Why a Few Nations are Rich and Many Poor (Full text, John P. Powelson, a (deceased) family acquaintance, from whom I learned never to argue with a broadly educated economist and expect to win. Formerly “Centuries of Economic Endeavor: Parallel Paths in Japan and Europe and their Contrast with the Third World.”)
@Amir Khalid:
I was going to make a smartass remark re: the Pogues, then I wiki’d them, and found out the source of their name (which I had heretofore not known).
Well done, sir. I say Well Done!
ETA: Of course, they’re actually from London, but “close enough for government work.”
@Brachiator: I can’t wait to see what they come up with for Passover.
@Shana: To say nothing of Juneteenth.
@Suzanne: Uhh, yeah. (shudder)
Yah, I remember how Adolf used Fuhrer Book to start WW2.
zhena gogolia
I think the “insurance policy” was something Strzok said to Page or Page said to Strzok. And if you remember who they are, then you must be a BJ reader.
Uncle Cosmo
@B.B.A.: O’Helyeh!
Heck. if the Thugs wanna drop acid, I’m buying. Red Fuming Nitric Acid, to be precise. Perfectly legal. Minimally potable.
The problem with my misspent yoot is that it wasn’t misspent enough by half – if I’d known I’d live to be this old I’d’ve had more misadventures along the way.
Hitler used Billionaires, the Freikorp and Beerhalls, ( the chat rooms of their day) to come to power.
Mein Kamph didn’t become a “bestseller” until the Goverment made it’s ownership manditory.
Nice try.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So Trump as a penny pinching Scots is fair game now?
So we have the same double standard for Jews with the Manly Israli Jews verses the week effeminate New York Jews nonsense with now with Irish? A mean they were beat their meat over St Brenbart the Celtic warrior all the time. These guys can even screw up hate.
@Yutsano: Welcome home!
They’re fucking shit sccared of Beto: full stop.