I was going to write something about Devin’s stupid lawsuit against Twitter, but this pretty much encapsulates my view of his hurt fee fees over some mean tweets:
When Republicans started screaming about "anti-conservative bias" on FB in early 2016, FB immediately caved to every demand, meeting with a bunch of far-right commentators and making a bunch of changes to the site, turning it into a hellscape where "Pope endorses Trump" trended
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) March 19, 2019
Twitter has 2 options here:
1. Cave to whatever demands Nunes and conservatives have (artificially boosting right-wing voices in the Twitter algorithm), knowing that they'll just be back 6 months from now demanding more.
2. Put out a statement knowing this is all in bad faith.
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) March 19, 2019
Also, what a snowflake/WATB.
Hmm, I wonder which of Molloy’s Options Twitter will take.
Is a puzzlement.
Amir Khalid
I have no understanding of civil litigation in America. Does Nunes stand any chance of actually getting this case to trial?
I want that mofo perp walked
I just read DailyKos’s version of this. This is too funny! Now if only the good people of Fresno/Visalia will figure out they are electing a moron and feel ashamed enough to vote for someone better……Na. Who am I kidding?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Poor little guy. It’s mean to make a sensitive fellow like that sad. It’s mean, and it ought to be against the law!
His Washington D.C. office number is (202) 225-2523. Call, and leave a message for his mom.
@Amir Khalid: The handful of lawyers I follow on Law Twitter say this is dead on arrival. In fact, they can’t find evidence he actually filed a lawsuit with a court system, though it’s possible it just hasn’t been logged into a widely accessible online judicial system yet. So far though, we only know about this because of the report on Fox News.
On the other hand, Nunes’ complaint provides a comprehensive list of the insults that really, really bother him– so it’s not completely useless.
He’s filing in the Court of Public Opinion.
Gin & Tonic
@MattF: It has sure led to a proliferation of new or renamed Twitter accounts of the “Devin Nunes’ Mom’s Cow’s Dog” form.
Gary K
Had to scratch my head a bit about WATB, wondering what voice range was replacing the Sopranos.
@Amir Khalid: I haven’t read the complaint, and I’m still 100% certain that this case won’t survive a Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim. IOW, Twitter will file a motion saying that, even if everything in the complaint is assumed to be true, Nunes has failed to allege a legally valid claim. So this will be over fairly quickly.
@sharl: OK, here’s a TechCrunch piece that provides a scribd.com link to the Nunes complaint. Still doesn’t prove it actually has been filed, though the document indicates the intent is to file in Virginia, “IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HENRICO.” So…whatev.
They elect him because that puts him 3000 miles away most of the time. He has almost no power or ability to hurt them in DC, so at least they don’t have to run into him if he isn’t there.
I have a hard time deciding who is more stupid, Nunes or Louie Gohmert. And then a lot more republican contenders come to mind.
Doesn’t seem to be working out for him.
Christopher Fisher
IANAL, but it seems like this would be the sort of thing that a judge would take a look at and say, “Really?” before dismissing the claim and awarding legal fees to the Defendant.
@Gary K:
Castrati, maybe?
randy khan
i’m looking forward to reading all of the tweets in one convenient document.
In a race to the bottom, there are many winners in republican world.
Nunes and Gomert may not be the bottom of the barrel.
Isn’t that a wonderful thought for the day?
The answer, obviously, is “YES.”
Anonymous At Work
IANAPL (P = Practicing), but what’s Virginia law like for sanctioning attorneys who make frivolous claims? Does Twitter have a “clap-back” against such a horribly conceived lawsuit?
Off topic: SC ruling (case description is below)
From Ballotpedia
It will when twitter rolls over for him.
Amir Khalid
So all he’s done is provide his tormentors with a crib sheet? That’s genius.
I like the way you think!
Nothing would make me happier at this point for Twitter to finally admit that it has no profit making strategy and to fold. I only use Twitter to follow speeches through trusted interlocutors like Daniel Dale. Otherwise it’s just a place for the wasted effort of throwing both good and bad snarky comments into the same boneyard.
Option #3 is that Twitter could roll over, die, and thus stop pouring ebola encrusted anthrax all over our public discourse.
@Ruckus: I don’t care how deep they are as long as their turn in it comes soon.
Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) Tweeted:
New hires for Bernie Sanders’ comms shop: The Intercept’s Briahna Joy Gray joins as national press secretary, David Sirota comes on board as senior comms adviser and speechwriter. https://twitter.com/aseitzwald/status/1108014590019948544?s=17
@Amir Khalid: Absolutely not and not just because there is zero evidence but also because Twitter is a privately owned social media so he has no legal standing.
@bemused: The wonderful thing about the human brain is that it can hold two diametrically unopposed ideas at the same time.
In other words, they both equally stupid. And, for clarity, the level of stupid is REALLY REALLY STUPID.
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: wasn’t Sirota the guy who wrote that “Beto is so not a True Progressive!11!” article for the Guardian that started the anti-Beto backlash? Why yes, yes I believe he was. And now we know why.
I’m writing a Suessian story about this: Oh All The Cowfucking That Discovery Will Expose.
J R in WV
Parker, the twit-er quoted in the original post, seems to assume that Twitter, the corporation, has any interest in appearing to be even-handed or moderate. Why would Parker Molloy even dream this in his dreams?
It appears to me that these new “social media” tool companies all would prefer to be also tools of the fascist minority, and so will use this lawsuit as a method for conforming to their leader’s wishes.
Trump seems to be their most popular user, in some peculiar fashion, so where do they go from here?
In looking Parker up I see that she thinks Joe Manchin is a flaming trash pile, so she can’t be all bad.
@Miss Bianca: The question that remains is… was Sirota writing the article so he could get Wilmer’s attention so he could get the gig, or was Sirota already on board with Wilmer and that was a condition of his hiring, or does Sirota just not have any integrity.
Please check all that apply.
@Miss Bianca:
That’s who he is.
Relentless heat and air pollution can have mal effects on locals. OTOH li’l Devin figured out his escape and on their (and Vlads?) dime, so maybe him dumb like fox.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: At least two out of three. I leave it to yourself to determine which.//
It’s a more frenzied race to the bottom by the day but the really horrifying thing is that there doesn’t seem to be a bottom.
They have created an incomprehensible level of really, really stupid.
Teddy Roosevelt successfully sued Mark Twain for $150 million when he published "The Hunting of the Cow", so Devin Nunes is just following tradition.
I love this Jonathan Chait paragraph: “I have spent innumerable hours excavating the loopy theories emanating from Nunes. And yet none of that prepared me for the full barking-mad preposterousness of his lawsuit”.
I have no doubt Nunes can go even more loopy.
We’re being driven into a fascist, post-truth information shitscape by these efforts. Is there no defense?
Don’t forget that Liz Mair is also a target of this suit. The point is to threaten ruinous legal fees for anyone critical of RWNJs. A page out of the Trump/Thiel notebook.
No doubt Nunes’ lawyer fees are being paid by some super-rich RWNJ. This is part of a long-termstrategy and it has to be fought hard.
Hitlary would be worse?
TPM has also noted the Thiel parallel
Lips pursed.
Wisconsin focus group suggests Trump’s dishonesty is a problem
03/19/19 10:06 AM
By Steve Benen
Democrats suffered a series of bitter disappointments in the last presidential election cycle, but Donald Trump’s narrow victory in Wisconsin was among the most severe. The Badger State had supported the Democratic ticket in each of the last seven presidential elections – Barack Obama carried Wisconsin with relative ease in both of his national races – but the state nevertheless backed Trump by about 0.7% of the statewide vote.
It’s against this backdrop that Axios reported yesterday on a focus group conducted in Appleton, Wis., featuring a group of swing voters, most of whom voted for Obama in 2012, before switching to Trump in 2016. There were a variety of interesting takeaways, but one of the things that stood out for me was a common thread among some of the voters who backed the Republican, but who aren’t sure about voting for him again.
What the PHUCK is he getting done? Just name 3 things that if you aren’t rich, he’s ‘gotten done’.
Phuck outta here with that idiocy.
Brickley Paiste
Well, I think Devin Nunes is going to make me join twitter: Look for me @DevinNunesLeftTesticle
Investigations multiply as Trump scandals spiral wider
Rachel Maddow looks at how investigations into Donald Trump business practices and ties to Russia have spun out new investigations of people and organizations that seem more peripheral to Trump.
@SFAW: That’s works as a defense mechanism, and denial is a powerful drug. But I think we need a bit better plan.
Ben Cisco
@WaterGirl: ¿Por que no los tres?
@bemused: Goldfish are appalled by the stupidity level.
About AOC and that poll that has recently been released showing her underwater in her own district.
I was reading the Twitters, and someone reminded me that this is post the fallout of Amazon deciding against putting its center in her district, due to the lobbying of the purity ponies.
And, that 80 union leaders wrote to Bezos directly to ask him to reconsider the project.
This person wrote that these Union Leaders have long memories…and that is absolutely true!
@rikyrah: What is he getting done? Well he seems to be doing what he can to destroy the American agriculture industry. Stories about the Nebraska floods note how many farms are already on the precipice because of the counter tariffs from other nations. So, you know, they didn’t say the stuff he was getting done was actually good.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
What’s interesting is that Nunes filed the suit in Henrico County, Virginia while Twitter is based in San Francisco and Nunes represents California’s 22nd District and presumably owns a home there.
I believe he’s suing in Virginia because California has an anti SLAPP law while Virginia does not.
@rikyrah: Could these people be stupid enough that they can turn “sending the right signals about the right people” into “getting stuff done”?
Three possible actual things trump has done:
1. locking up the brown immigrants
2. locking children in cages
3. tax cuts, cause you know those poor people are gonna be rich one day, so that counts for them.
Slugs are grossed out.
@rikyrah: I don’t know anything in granular detail about either the proposal or the economic status of her district, but for those of us in Northern Virginia, the opponents to the Amazon proposal in Arlington struck me as completely bonkers. Arlington has depended forever on robust occupancy of commercial space in various metro hubs, and Crystal City, where Amazon would go, has suffered a lot of vacancies as federal agencies have moved to other locations, and their contractors have followed suit. Restaurants and retailers have closed. Vacant office space has no impact on the cost of housing because people still buy in order to be close to DC, but it has a big impact on commercial tax revenue. The “subsidies” are tied to improvements and are spread out over a relatively long time and will likely benefit other businesses. It’s hard for me to see how we could have turned this proposal down. I just don’t have the same understanding of what is going on in AOC’s district, but really, I believe you do have to evaluate these closely based on those kinds of details. The opponents to Amazon in Virginia did not do that and gained no traction.
Hire only the best people!
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): Huh. Well, first motion out of the gate will be for lack of personal jurisdiction. Heck, I’d represent Twitter if it let me throw dirt at Devin Nunes.
Have I mentioned my button that says:
Who’s The Snowflake, Now?
IANAL so I have no idea if this is true, but I sure hope so:
Careful what you ask for Devin…
Amir Khalid
@Brickley Paiste:
You’re flailing, Pasty. It looks pitiful.
Wouldn’t take that poll too seriously. Remember about half of Americans thought MLK was a communist and a directly paid agent of the Soviet Union; conservatives are still pushing that line today. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is outside the permitted US political discourse, has 2.1 million twitter followers*, and so the corporate propaganda machine has to try and take her down.
* average Fox News daily audience is ~2.8 million to compare
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mandalay:Ehen as a Republican these days ever resisted the temptation to stick their wedding tackle into a meat grinder?
Amir Khalid
There’s nothing like having a lawyer you can count on, right?
@rikyrah: Trump’s accomplishments, as seen by his base: Tax cuts, which make liberals unhappy. Supreme court picks, who give liberals a sad. Federal court picks, which own the libs. Muslim ban.
The real accomplishment is giving validation to them about their bigotry and emboldening them to be public about their rage.
Villago Delenda Est
Devin has never heard of the “Streisand Effect”, obvs.
@rikyrah: Oh boy, David Sirota. I guess Greenwald is priced out of the market by all that Omidyar cabbage.
@rikyrah: Well he is hurting all the right people. You know, women, children, the old, sick and poor.// This is one hellish thread, scroll up:
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
If the suit papers are correct it’s filed in state court, not a Federal court.
Trump doesn’t appoint state judges, though I’m sure he’d like to.
The Hill (@thehill) Tweeted:
Beto O’Rourke: “If you own an AR-15, keep it. Continue to use it responsibly and safely. I just don’t think that we need to sell anymore weapons of war into this public.” https://t.co/uqMA1jWOTf https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1107069284356894720?s=17
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): Well Twitter might be able to remove to federal court depending on where the other defendants are domiciled.
Gin & Tonic
@Barbara: NYC is not wanting for commercial tenants. And no disrespect to NoVa, but if the choice is Crystal City vs New York City, where do you think the modern creative companies would locate to find modern creative staff? This was just Bezos trying to shake down NYC, knowing that Andrew Cuomo is and always will be a sucker.
You know….large parts of Nebraska are now rivers…and yet, I don’t see it on my tv.
Am I being too sensitive to point out that if this was 44, we would be seeing pictures from Nebraska all the time?
But, like you, if you aren’t rich, I want you to tell me five things that this clown has done.
Nadler encouraged by document response; thousands from Bannon
Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about the results of the committee’s prodigious document request, and why the American people deserve answers to the questions about Donald Trump regardless of whether Attorney General Bill Barr withholds some of the Mueller report.
Brickley Paiste
@Amir Khalid:
What’s your problem, you fucking asshole?
Brickley Paiste
Yeah, oh my god AR-15 were used in literally DOZENS of murders last year. Dozens!!!
@Brickley Paiste: Back off you shit eating dog fucker.
Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) Tweeted:
Rather than articulate a clear vision and policy agenda, Beto O’Rourke has “asked voters to shape him into the presidential candidate they want him to be, to help him draft a vision for America,” @wpjenna writes https://t.co/EWeNoxAUGK https://twitter.com/PhilipRucker/status/1107962043456466944?s=17
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Brickley Paiste:
I’d let you keep your AR.
Though I’d limit you to 5 round magazines and treat possession of larger capacity ones the way possession of an unregistered machine gun is treated.
@Brickley Paiste:
how about instead you go fuck yourself?
I think her mistake was not opposing the sweetheart deal with Amazon, but gloating about her victory. She could and should have said that there were two sides to the issue, but overall the Amazon’s decision to walk away was the better outcome for New York. Instead she tweeted this vitriol:
While I agree with her sentiment, her tone is horrendous. This going to come back to haunt her in 2020.
But for me the real villain is Bill de Blasio. He always wanted that deal with Amazon so that he could brag about it. But the negotiations were done behind closed doors in smoke filled rooms. It stank of being a done deal, with no input allowed from those who were concerned about the downside. Worse yet, when the whole thing fell apart de Blasio threw himself a pity party and blamed Amazon instead of taking a hard look in the mirror.
@rikyrah: “Don’t sell any more weapons intended for war” is actually a pretty huge improvement over what we’ve got now, isn’t it?
Though if you’re willing to ban them, I’d think you’d be willing to confiscate.
Brickley Paiste
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Personally, I don’t care about ARs. I don’t see the point in owning centerfire semi-autos.
The fact that “ban assault weapons” is such a rallying cry in this country just demonstrates that most people who advocate “gun control” don’t do so for the purpose of lowering gun deaths – most of them are working through some kind of personal phobia about firearms.
IMO the ‘Brickley Paiste’ troll should be banned from here, if more violent means aren’t available.
I’m assuming there’s history, but may I ask why all the hostility directed at Brickley Paste (whose comment about Nunes suggests they’re on the same side of the Nunes issue as virtually everyone else who’s commented)?
Amir Khalid
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Is the full-auto mod still possible on AR-15s, and if so is it legal?
Roger Moore
@Brickley Paiste:
So we should be looking in a jar on Trump’s shelf?
Three good lines of attack that the Democrats can use to demolish Trump. Including the last (“he’s getting stuff done”) which can hit his actual lack of accomplishment. What has he done: he holds the record for the most lies by a president, and probably also the most Twitter rants.
Not cool at all. Quit that fucking shit right now.
The Bloom in IR. You know I had to try it.
Miss Bianca
@Brickley Paiste: outing yourself in your true identity, then?
Brickley Paiste
Thanks for your thoughts, Matt. May I call you, Matt? I posted a completely innocuous post making fun of Devin Nunes and idiot just turns and attacks me. I ask him what his fucking problem is and another idiot (this is a guy who is sore that there aren’t as many football threads as their used to be because he really likes to masturbate while watching young African American men inflict brain damage on one another) jumps in with an insult.
And I’m the problem.
You know there’s a pie filter, right? That you can protect your wittle snow-flake eyes from ever seeing anything I write? But now, better to pollute the thread with pointless calls for banning. Nice life on you, Matt. I mean matt.
Roger Moore
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
IIRC, Virginia has an anti-SLAPP law, but California’s is much stronger and allows a suit to be dismissed before discovery. If they’re serious about fighting, I would certainly expect Twitter’s lawyers to move to have the suit transferred to California.
You could always look at him/it from the “Big Tent theory” point of view, i.e., that even utter fucking morons are allowed to consider themselves Democrats — not that I think he/it really is. [ETA: I don’t subscribe to the “Big Tent without Limits” idea, by the way. Just throwing it out for consideration.]
Violence? Come on.
@Mandalay: Oh come on jackhole, the guy is virtually waving guns in everyone’s faces here.
@rikyrah: Let’s piss off all sides equally is not a good look.
Brickley Paiste
@Miss Bianca:
@Roger Moore: No, transfer is not the right move here, dismissed for want of personal jurisdiction.
@Amir Khalid:
Yes and no (that is unless you have the required federal license to possess a full-automatic weapon). However the so-called “bump stocks” are not yet outlawed and they effectively make the conversion without violating the letter of the law. I never heard of them before Stephen Paddock introduced us to industrial-scale slaughter and BTW, he could not have done what he did without his military-sourced arsenal.
@SFAW: I guess I’m more on the Nazi Puncher end of the spectrum than the Nazi Debater end.
I’m wondering if Cleek could modify his filter, so that instead of pie-related stuff when creatures like BP start their trolling, we get some of your photos.
At the moment, I have never pied anyone, but with a mod like that, I might consider it.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Brickley Paiste:
They’re decent deer hunting weapons in states where you can use a rifle to hunt.
An SKS with proper ammo is a good brush rifle, if a bit heavy.
They’re also toys for those who like the ‘military look’ and/or veterans who trained with similar rifles in the service.
Though like I said earlier, no civilian needs high capacity magazines for them.
If you expect a gang to attack you, that’s what your local police SWAT team is for, not your AR.
@Brickley Paiste: Punk ass motherfucker.
On that topic I’m finding the pie set volatile; it sticks for awhile then disappears and requires reentering the nyms.
@Brickley Paiste:
You and Deadbeat Donnie, and now Devin the Traitor, the world just seems to be out to get you, and you didn’t do nuthin’. Poor baby.
Brickley Paiste
America has a violence problem, Matt. I mean matt.
Do better.
mr gravity
This has inspired me to create my first internet meme. I hope I don’t come to regret it.
I don’t think he’s a Nazi, just a run-of-the-mill troll/asshole, with delusions of intelligence.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Roger Moore:
It is weaker than California’s.
Virginia’s Anti-SLAPP Statute
“Then I must be doing something right” is, I believe, the standard rejoinder when people — usually RWMFs — do shit like that.
@matt: Whoever you are it is highly suspicious for someone to prefer violence under any circumstance.
If you can’t handle a troll without issuing moronic calls to violence you don’t belong here. Seriously, knock your violence shit off right now.
Grow the fuck up and step away from the keyboard for a while, or find another web site that will satisfy your violent urges.
@SFAW: I think some of the variations of pie in the latest version of the pie filter actually have visual representations of pie.
@SFAW: The standard brain dead response, yes, absolutely right.
@rikyrah: It just so happens that fivethirtyeight has a post up right now “What Does Beto Believe” that might answer some of your questions:
I cut some stuff out of the quote and reformatted so it wouldn’t take up the whole page! It’s more readable on 538.
@Mandalay: I think she’ll endure that statement. In fact, she’ll probably be touting it as she skates to a second term.
Shows what I know, I thought they already did. [As I said, never pied anyone.] But there’s only so much pie one can look at. Whereas your photos are always a treat.
Brickley Paiste
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Well, they can be used for that, but I think the tendency for “spray and pray” hunting really goes up when hunter’s use semi-autos centerfires.
If I were king for a day, I would outlaw semi-auto centerfire rifles for hunting use. And I think semi-auto shotguns should be limited to two rounds. I can’t remember the last time I was sitting in a duck blind and heard a single shot. It’s always 2 or 3. That’s just me, though.
Anonymous At Work
@Roger Moore: “California Congress-critter sues California company in Virginia state court” has a lot of venue issues.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Brickley Paiste:
I like the way you think, Mr. Paiste-eater. And so glad you left cream pies and lemon meringue off that list. Bleah!
Not easy to garner sympathy for BP, but you seem to be succeeding. In other words: stop digging.
@Anonymous At Work:
If Virginia doesn’t work there’s always Moscow.
The real news out of this is that Nunes isn’t running for reelection in 2020. He hasn’t officially announced it, but there’s no fucking way he think this helps him keep his seat.
mr gravity
Apparently I do not know how to create a link.
@Mandalay: Y’all weak. Enjoy your patty cake with the trolls.
Well I certainly hope so, but at the moment she is only slightly more popular than de Blasio. That is not a good place to be.
@Anonymous At Work: More fundamentally, as I keep saying, personal jurisdiction should get the case bounced altogether, though without prejudice. Jurisdiction has to do with whether you can sue someone in a given location; venue has more to do with the appropriateness of the court with regard to the convenience of witnesses, location of evidence, etc.
@Anonymous At Work: I think Liz Mair lives in VA, so they at least have one thread to hang on.
In other venue shopping stories, Apple is now strategically moving their stores to avoid suits in the Eastern District of Texas.
His margin plunged in 2018: 52.7-47.3% compared to 67.6-32.4% in 2016.
I like the trend and reapportionment won’t take place until after 2020. Hopefully the Dems dump considerable resources into it.
Right. Because RWMF voters care a lot about that stuff.
I mean, I understand your reasoning, but if he won by 12 points four months ago, it seems like the only thing he could do to fuck up his chances is to get on Shitgibbon’s bad side.
ETA: OK, so I apparently looked at the wrong article, and his margin was only five percent, not 12. I still think it’s a heavy lift for a Dem, but I guess it’s not as bad as I originally thought. [Thanks to trollhattan for doing better research than I did.]
A Ghost To Most
@Brickley Paiste:
Maroon. Good luck dropping a deer with a .22 .
@Martin: There has to be personal jurisdiction as to each defendant sued, although the presence of a Virginia resident would prevent Twitter from removing to federal court based on diversity grounds.
@SFAW: @trollhattan:
These things can’t both be true.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Martin: That would be nice. Would also be nice if the Everything Trump Touches Turns To Shit principle removed McConnell from our lives in 2020, if not sooner.
A number of our most deplorable senators come up for re-election in 2020, including McConnell, Jim Inhofe, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, and Lindsey Graham. A guy can dream, can’t he?
Roger Moore
@Anonymous At Work:
He’s also suing Liz Mair, who lives and has a company in Virginia. I wouldn’t be surprised if his main reason for including her in the suit is to give him an excuse to sue somewhere other than California.
@A Ghost To Most: Shotgun. Bow.
Uncle Cosmo
@Prickley Waste: Even if Amir were a “fucking asshole,” which he is not, it would be a yooooooge step up in the anatomical rankings from “Devin Nunes’ left testicle,” which you just admitted to being, (Also an Imbecile, but most of us figured that out long ago.)
Agreed, I have corrected/modified my comment. I blame my poor literacy skills. Thanks, Obama!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You are apparently correct. This thread has caused me to reactivate the pie filter for the first time in ages, and on my last refresh I see an image of a slice of pumpkin pie.
@mr gravity: Enter the text to be used as the link in the comment box and select that text, then press the ‘link’ button, then delete the ‘http://’ string that appears in the link text box, then copy the desired address into the link text box.
Or, you can just enter the html code in the comment box.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): they’re actually bullshit brush weapons and I’ve been hunting in the brush in West Virginia and Virginia for over fifty years. A lever action marlin is much better and much safer.
In other news, Nunes’ counsel of record in the Henrico suit is a lawyer who’s license was suspended a few years ago.
Uncle Cosmo
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): Consider confiscating the AR-15 & replacing it with a shotgun & a couple of shells & a video instructing him how to work the trigger with a big toe while his mouth is wrapped around the muzzle. Then mock the fucking shit out of him until he’s despondent enough to try it.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Brickley Paiste:
There’s are differences between a Remington Model Four semi-auto and an AR/AK type rifle.
It’s solely my opinion, but I think that the military styling of AR & AK type rifles encourages the ‘spray & pray’ mentality in a lot of people.
Magazine limits for hunting depend upon each state’s laws, though there is a Federal 3 round shotgun limit when hunting migratory game birds.
Roger Moore
@A Ghost To Most:
He did specify semi-auto, so bolt or lever action rifles would still be fine. There are plenty of lever action deer rifles, and bolt action lets you get just about anything you want.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): @Uncle Cosmo: I like the idea of banning high capacity magazines. It’s almost as good as turning guns into plowshares but likely easier to implement.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
The 7.62x39mm cartridge is .30-30 class and with proper ammo (no FMJ) is fine for brush hunting.
The SKS itself, as I noted earlier, is a bit heavy to haul around in the brush and I’d prefer a Mini-30 if I wanted a semi-auto
Still, back in the day when I could get a Chinese SKS for $90, it would have made a cheap alternative to a $400+ Marlin or Winchester.
A Ghost To Most
@BobS: Maybe in the east. It wouldn’t fly out here. I don’t hunt, but vilifying hunters doesn’t help on advancing useful gun control. Anyone who would hunt with an assault weapon is cosplaying, and not to be trusted.
Purely pedantic: shotguns are center fire.
The Thin Black Duke
Uh, folks?
I pied BP a long time ago and I never regretted it.
Life’s too short, y’know?
Brickley Paiste
@A Ghost To Most:
You don’t read too good
Roger Moore
I agree that large magazines are a huge part of the problem. I would also distinguish between removable and integral magazines. Integral magazines generally have a fairly limited capacity, are relatively slow to reload, and are much harder to replace with a higher capacity magazine. I’m not sure that I would ban guns with removable magazines, but they should at least be much more heavily restricted than ones with integral magazines, as should high capacity magazines.
Brickley Paiste
@Uncle Cosmo:
Look another sad concussion ball fan shows up
A Ghost To Most
This is a good idea, if the penalties were stiff. Lots of gomers are making them in garages.
A Ghost To Most
This is my assessment as well. Preferably an older Marlin.
A Ghost To Most
@Roger Moore:
Lots of fine semi-auto hunting rifles that aren’t people killers. His brush is too broad. Like that is not normal.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@A Ghost To Most:
Heh…back in the day I couldn’t find reliable aftermarket high-capacity magazines for my 10/22 or my Mini-14.
That was when Ruger wouldn’t sell 20 round Mini-14 magazines to civilians and never made anything beyond 10 for the 10/22, so my options were limited.
I’m sure anyone who’s competent working with sheet metal could come up with a serviceable mag body and use the follower out of a legal magazine, but getting a spring to work right might be another story.
Of course an effective high cap ban would also include banning the selling of parts to non-LEO’s or the military, so some dude making a 30 rounder in his garage just couldn’t mail order a spring from Wolff.
Miss Bianca
@Uncle Cosmo: Numb-Left-Nut has apparently failed to notice that there’s a difference between American football and European football, which is what Amir actually follows. I guess spending all that time in Nunes’s panties would tend to diminish one’s cranial capacity by a significant degree.
@A Ghost To Most: I understand there’d be plenty of push back (as there would be here in Michigan), but it’s certainly possible (albeit more difficult), as there are plenty of people hunting with bows (as well as shotguns) in the mountainous west.
A semi-automatic isn’t necessary for hunting. I don’t use it for hunting, but my Remington 700 bolt-action would bring down a deer (or larger game) anywhere.
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost To Most:
Brickley Paiste
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
There’s no question you can get center fire semi autos which can be used for hunting. I had a Remington 30-06, forget the model, when I was a kid
I just see and hear semi-autos firing waaaay to much when I’m out hunting
There is also a serious anti-parallel. They are suing the WAPO, which is owned by an incredibly rich person. If he wants to defend the WAPO,
money will be actually no object. VERY different from the Gawker case.
Brickley Paiste
@Miss Bianca:
I wasn’t referring to him.
But you keep on being condescending. That plus stupid is a great look for you!!!
glory b
@AThornton: On the other hand, about 80% of the African American and Hispanic populations there wanted the Amazon facility, while she celebrated them withdrawing.
My understanding was that the opposition to it was mostly white and upper middle class.
Brickley Paiste
@A Ghost To Most:
Oh look the guy who thinks banning centerfire semi-autos means everybody would have to use .22s is here to tell us about nuance
Like with Trump, it’s always projection, projection, projection with you.
@A Ghost To Most: he said semi auto. If you can’t kill a deer with a bolt action .270 or a 7mm-08 you got no business hunting.
@Brickley Paiste:
Very generous of you to offer to share that.
A Ghost To Most
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
I know guys who make them, just because. But then, I know a guy with a working Gatling gun (original), and one with a Civil War mortar that fires cement-filled paint cans 500 yards. Too many crazy ass MoFos out there.
@Barbara: the long arm statute will probably get Twitter. No doubt they have a business presence here.
Miss Bianca
@different-church-lady: It’s always projection with these assholes, ain’t it?
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@glory b:
Considering that the facility in question was Amazon’s HQ2, which would mostly employ college-educated, upper class people, a citation is needed.
@Brickley Paiste:
I guess you’ll just have to settle with being an asshole for every day.
A Ghost To Most
I agree, but lots of fine hunting rifles are semi-auto.
A good lever action is almost as fast, and bolt action is hard on old hands.
@A Ghost To Most: Was it just yesterday that people were complaining that he answered too specifically to the question about the equal rights amendment, saying he should have given a more simplistic answer so as not to upset the voters? And today people are complaining that he answered the gun question with too broad a brush?
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): It could have been the 80% of the Hispanic and African-American population that felt like they weren’t paying enough for rent yet.
Anonymous At Work
@Martin: Thanks. I was missing that detail.
@Barbara: I’m not sure because I don’t know the Virginia rules for civil procedure when it comes to jurisdiction but I tend to think that “lack of jurisdiction” for any nationwide company should fail, with extra laughter from the judge. Twitter is a Delaware corporation, HQ’d in California, with its shares overseen by New York (trade on NYSE) with a literal world-wide reach.
So, I think “venue” is the way to go here, without any due diligence on my part, IF Liz Mair wasn’t included. I think a court should rule that she isn’t a sufficient anchor to bring in Twitter when California is a better venue and because she wouldn’t know who Nunes’ “mom” or “cow” were.
Then again, feel free to dismiss my ramblings, as I tend to think “judicial economy” and a lot of the “kick the poors out of court” rules are silly at best and corrupt at median.
@BobS: It is completely possible for one to have good politics and yet still be an irredeemably insufferable asshole at the same time.
@Miss Bianca: Like with Trump, according to something I read today.
@different-church-lady: Yeah, I know that- my wife points that out to me almost every day- it just seemed like people came out of the gate directing hostility at BP, BP became defensive, etc.
Long history of his assholishness. He used to have another nom/nym, maybe two or three — can’t recall what, not worth wracking my (alleged) brain — and he was an asshole then, too.
ETA: His immediate jump from Amir’s relatively mild remonstrance to “you’re a fucking asshole, Amir” kind of gives you a clue that he appears to have “issues.”
@SFAW: I understand, and thanks for replying. Again, it just seemed like a couple of people saw that assholishness, and raised.
@Anonymous At Work: You could be right. “Minimum contacts” is a low bar to clear. However, Twitter doesn’t have much of a physical presence anywhere. I wonder where Liz Mair lives in Virginia, because Henrico would not be my first guess given her other business activities, but maybe she does live in Richmond these days.
I think part of that “raise” was a response to the example I cited in my ETA.
Miss Bianca
@different-church-lady: Ah ha ha, yes, indeed.
@BobS: Brickley is “not really in this for the hunting.”
Miss Bianca
@SFAW: I seem to recall some troll or other – might have been one of Bricky’s previous incarnations – actually said something offensive enough about Amir to get ban-hammered. The reason I think it was Bricky was that his reaction seems like a bit of a tell about what one of his particular issues might be.
A Ghost To Most
@Brickley Paiste:
Your imprecision shows your ignorance. As usual.
@SFAW: If I particularly cared, I’d try to figure out how a person reconciles a view that guns are wonderful with a view that football is abhorrent. But I don’t particularly care.
@Miss Bianca:
I had only considered the idea that it was substance-related, but I’m a-guessing you’re suggesting a different type of issue. Interesting.
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca:
I have yet to be convinced that BP is not BillInPortland/BorisInPutinland.
The 2nd Amendment does not provide for the right to play football (nor futbol)?
@FlipYrWhig: For a troll, the less an argument makes sense, the more effective it is.
If anyone’s interested, I just put a used Doc Pomus tribute CD I just picked up in the player, and 5 songs in (Los Lobos, Bob Dylan, Shawn Colvin, John Hiatt, Lou Reed) it might be the best tribute album I’ve ever heard (the Arthur Alexander one is great, too). And now B.B. King….damn, this is really good.
A Ghost To Most
*Not valid in Alabama
Bobby Thomson
At this point I have to assume @jack is himself a white supremacist.
Thanks for the tip!
@SFAW: I’d like to amend pet pictures to this filter.
“You’ve been Badgered or Rosied or Samwised or…”
Brickley Paiste
@A Ghost To Most:
You’ve already stepped in it once in this thread, care to keep digging with specifics?
Brickley Paiste
A Ghost on Avocado Toast doesn’t really know what any of these terms mean. But like to argue anyway!
@Brickley Paiste: It’s rather hard to avoid stepping in it, considering how much of it you’ve spread all through the joint.
@BobS: bolt action center fire
A Ghost To Most
@Brickley Paiste:Dipshit. I was on a competitive rifle team for 10 years. I’ve forgotten more about guns than you will ever know.
Buzz off, BorisInPutinland.